The Curse of Ellismire (Closed Signups)

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jeez, surrounded by mean people today....
I fixed it, happy?
So should I take this as confirmation that you do not understand what resizing is?
Because that's what I'm getting here. Well, that, and that you are absurdly thin-skinned.
Seriously, if you consider that "mean" I'd hate to see you react to a genuine insult.
Okay then. Goodnight, guy.
Call it a hunch, but I don't think wildpelt got the alert he's needed in the IC. The alert system is... odd.

I didn't get it. Apparently, It shows the last reply then it doesn't give me alerts after it. L:ike, it me, then bitter, then you replied, it'll just say that bitter replied, not you. Sorry...
Ok all, I am going to be flying out to my sisters High school graduation tomorrow, I will be back on Saturday. I will be here today though XD
It does that with WarriorHearts posts for me. Which is quite annoying

Nevermind. Look, Wildpelt, you still need to hurry up. The major plot arc is waiting on you.
I hate this alert system.
I'm here, I'm still in school!
Working on the IC post. May take a bit, trying to fit Anya in there and everything else we had planned.
Guys, the address was to a POST OFFICE. :P hence the P.O Box? She's not silly enough to use her home address :P @Xenonia
People would still crowd the fuck around it tho
I mean, imagine a booming voice in the sky tells you to go to an address

You're gonna go there.
Didn't Zelena magic herself into being the state governor at the start? People would recognize her face in that case, and her address would be in the yellow pages, I'd imagine.
no, she just sent a message out trying to get Demiel to come to her. She was still practicing the long incantation then. She needed time to adjust to the new world too :P
@DaCageFighter ???? Anya, Demiel and Zelena are in a magically sealed room, they're in demiels chambers, which Zelena had previously magically closed and locked the doors, to anyone without her fingerprints.....thereby it wouldn't be possible for Anya to leave....
Anya escaped through the air vent. I wrote this in there.
Yeah, but she didn't escape through the door. She used the ventilation system.
Ahhh I misread my bad. :/ but that makes my statement to her invalid! Plus, it messes up the entire message to her father, it was supposed to show both of them....Ahhh well. She'll send a new person to catch the girl, possibly a human o.O I'll work on it.
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