The Crimson Echo (uninterred)

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Hellinka Ambryline Darknau saw the order in chaos, method in madness where most could not fathom either logic to negative circumstances. She felt tranquility begin to bloom in her, conjured by the sound of steady trickling. Most would find the same in hearing the pattering of rain against rooftops and windows, but she was unfazed by what others considered normalcy. Upon obtaining entry to this particular room, she saw that one of the walls was awash in blood, the carcass slumped awkwardly against it. It was evident that a flintlock had been used, someone would find upon examination that however primitive a gun one may be, it still produced an effective result. This man had a rendezvous with death caused not by her hand, but his own.

She eyed him warily, her lips birthing a grimace not because of the nature of the scene, but those whom resigned themselves from the world were no longer fodder for those whom had a penchant for murder. She felt it was purposeless of them to do so, since she aspired to be the main cause of the eradication of the peoples in London, and thus took a grievous offense to them robbing her of such an opportunity of ending their lives for them. The church spoke of suicide as a damnable trespass, so she felt a strange solace in knowing that they would face steep consequences of their actions. She then retired to the room which she paid to occupy for the night, but rest would never find her. Hellinka paced the floorboards for the duration of a few hours, her mind brewing with thoughts of Jorge Anthony D, and those he associated with.

Who was this man, really? He seemed to possess a great prowess in the art of deduction, his sleuthing techniques unrivaled by that of his fellow cops. Perhaps it was because he knew the inner workings of a murderous mind on a more intimate level than most, their modus operandi. Perhaps he was just quite learned in such topics, or maybe it was because he wrestled with demons of his own, which would supply him with a bounty of knowledge at the price of tainting his conscience. If the truth was the latter choice of her two theories, he seemed to govern enough control over his will that they were forced into a dormant state. She was an unscrupulous woman, so she suffered naught a perdition of a guilt riddled mind.

The four walls of the poorly furnished room seemed to be closing in on her, she needed to make a break for the outside world. Inactivity didn't sit well with her, idle hands wouldn't further the fruition of her goals. Hellinka's oceanic gaze fluttered toward the room she intruded upon earlier that evening, she realized that if one were to find evidence of her presence there, that it would attach her to the crime. She lived in an age of underdeveloped brainpower, elementary technologies, and a crude understanding of Forensics worked as things in her favor, rather than being hindersome. She was grateful of London's such inadequacies, it made her work with ease. The only troublesome factor in it all was the involvement of Jorge. She had no qualms of placing her trust into this man, but there were obvious risks of doing so. The call of his duty could be something detrimental to what she wished to achieve, his mission counteractive to her own. Her darker thoughts finally subdued, they became a series of abstract, nonsensical notions.

Fragments of an anecdote told of a drunken woman, the story lost to the follies of slurred sentence structure, and obnoxious guffaws. It seemed to pertain to her burgandy lace tea hat blowing away in the breeze. Perhaps if she were to spy it on one of her outings, Hellinka would have a valid excuse to visit this woman with the intent to return it to her dead body. For now, she simply looked to her robust figure with repugnance before stepping out of the tavern. "He fancies the trollops, doesn't he?" Blatantly spoken of a run down harridan to her companion, whom seemed in need of consolation. "Aye, haven't seen 'im for a fortnight now, says he was going North on business." The more brazen of the two added a 'hurrumph' to the tail end of the conversation, and they headed into the tavern as to lighten the situation with spirits. Hellinka soon stumbled into the congregation of several more harried housewives, this time communicating their views of a more grave subject.

"What sort of deviltries have plagued our fair city? There are many speculations to the real identity of the Whitechapel Butcher, whom coined himself Jack the Ripper. His letter was published just a few weeks ago, and the public was made privy to this information just this morning. I suppose they figured that ignorance would somehow allay fear, but it only intensifies it. If we continue to dabble in the unfamiliar, unenlightened to the danger that stalks the streets, lives will continue to be lost to this horrible man!" Hellinka uttered a growl under her breath. They stood unknowingly in the midst of one which in her short career had disposed of more souls than this 'Ripper,' and in varying ways as opposed to his tired, albeit signature method. This mysterious individual was gaining notoriety whereas she seemed to slip further into obscurity. Perhaps it was because the populace wished to close their eyes to the possibility that other homicidal maniacs roamed London, and none had entertained the thought that at least one of them could be of the female persuasion. Especially not one as comely as Hellinka. She was an equal opportunist in the ways of murder, whereas the others seemed focused on gender or some particular trait of their victims. She took the lives of men and women, young and old.

Those whom remained unscathed were children, because they were the future. The reaping of lives was much like that of agricultural stock. If the crops were to be harvested before given time to mature and propagate, it would ensure the the loss of said crops in generations to come. The main woman continued to preach to her comrades, drawing the attention of passersby as well. Hellinka fidgeted as the crowd grew in number, and she became boxed in by bodies. She wriggled her departure from the group of women, only to collide with something unyielding upon her first two steps of freedom. Her gaze darting to the source of the obstruction in her path seemed to provoke the woman's rant."Aye! You be the one....YOU be the one!" She took a step away, her back connecting with an unrelenting wall of people, which turned about to better observe the commotion. "You seem to be quite mistaken...." Hellinka replied in monotone, wishing to divert from the group once and for all. "Nay, YOU be the one! Caught the eye of my husband, with your flaunting and wiles!" The accused shook her head. "I assure you that I am not the culprit in this matter, but surely part of the blame should instead fall upon yourself. I am quite vexed with the incessant droll I hear from women about their men straying. I have my priorities, and cavorting with men is not one of them." At this, she tore away from the angry individual, traveling the direction from whence she came.

It was then that she was apprehended by a man whom emerged from the shadows too swiftly for her to notice, she attempted to peel away from his grasp on her arm, even if the appendage would become harmed in the process. It wasn't until his voice struck her ear that she forfeited the struggle, relaxing some. "The priest? What of him, admiring my handiwork?" She tried her hand at being flirtatious, batting her eyes coquettishly as she tossed a glance back to him. Her efforts seemed wasted as her face met the unforgiving wall. "What's the matter, was there a disagreement between you and Tanner? Or did you not sleep well? You know that if I didn't fancy you, that I could cause a whole lot of trouble for you, Jorge." She shrugged, her arm straining against his vice like grip. "I could become quite loose-lipped to your superiors that you seem to get your thrills from roughing up women."

Perhaps spoken too brashly, the words seemed to linger upon the echoes of the alley as to taunt her. She imagined his retort, that enough proof had been gathered to pin several murders on her, then she would become a resident of Scotland Yard until release upon her execution. So what was he after? Simply to tease her, to assure her that he was ever vigilant to her deeds? Did he wish to blackmail her, extorting monetary compensation, or other favors to ensure his silence? Perhaps that was just the nature of the game. "So, what do you require to make this little issue simply disappear?"
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(( there is.. no way i can match that post tonight >.< I owe you one lengthy, awesome post))

"My past speaks for itself. they know I'm dangerous. so shut up before i break your spine, woman." he hissed, her retort tempered his worst froged hates and aaggressions. " You couldn't cause my life trouble if you hanged yourself off the edge of my roof, Hellinka." he growled.

He adjusted his grip on her. harsher, her elbow locked uncomfortably. unable to move it. He was an expert at anatomy, and in another instant, he jerked his hand, dislocateign her shoulder painlessly... though effectively.

"I have a proposition for you... we both wantt he sae thing, especially after this RIPPER bullocks, eh?... You ready to hear me out, Darknau?"

Jorge chuckled like the devil himself, and leaned hevily against her, licking her neck justnd her ear, tasteing her. Tasteing the skin of a demon. she was strangely human in her boquot. too bad he knew what lay beneath that porcelain goddess. "If you do.. I'll tell you a secret."
She arched her back as to brace herself for the moment of intense pain should occur, but suspense fell flat as she felt nothing, which was unusual because she should have been pitched into the throes of agony that would normally accompany an injury of that extent. Hellinka gritted her teeth, focusing all her concentration upon attempts to bid motion to her useless extremity, her arm sitting limply in his grasp. Her disability was unforseen, and could cause for her quite a disadvantage in both occupation and favored leisure activity. If Jorge knew how to break her, she surmised that he had the knowledge of how to repair the damage he wrought upon her body. "I'm always ready and willing to hear your thoughts, Jorge." She breathed, maintaining her composure. She despised the man called the the 'Ripper,' but her reasons did not align to those of others.

The Devil was owed her dues, and one day she would visit herself upon the man as to collect them. Hellinka attempted to wrap her head around the enigma Jorge spoke of mere moments ago,poised almost too eagerly upon his lips. Would he divulge that he knew this 'Jack' personally? Or, was the truth something far more sinister than she could even fathom? Would it pertain to the connection between Hellinka and Jorge, that they possessed a familial bond? She thought back to her stay at his abode, that something seemed very familiar about the atmosphere, and also the area he lived. If indeed they were siblings, it would explain how Crimson Echo tormented them both, for such a telepathic ability did often appear in twins.

Her imagination took this fanciful notion and ran rampant with it, myriads of thoughts raining down upon her all at once. Hellinka's torso turned in such a way that she could view him without him relinquishing his hold on her, her arm straining with the movement. Curiosity seemed to distract her from any signal of discomfort en route to her synapses, a dumbstruck look plastered to her face. She hoped that he would escort her back to his place before the clouds, heavily pregnant with rain, wept unto London. They could sit by the fire with Scotch in hand, conversing in an amicable fashion. Would he dare break bread with her a second time?

Meanwhile the Ripper stalked the streets of Seven Dials, which sat in West London, under the camouflage of darkness that conquered the twilight sky. The homicides of Catherine Eddowes and more recently Mary Jane Kelly would bring his reign of terror to a close, at least according to the story concocted to assuage the escalating worries of a fearful public. The city suffered itself suffered the financial woes of a failing economy, what appeared a perpetual shroud of gloom descended upon the heart of England, darkness spreading swiftly across the lands. The people felt the physical and mental tolls that seemingly endless toiling took upon them, their well -being sacrificed for naught but a meager amount of coin which wasn't enough to ply them with the nesessities of life. Poverty begot the hunger, disease, and greed. It did not seem to discriminate one's station, for even those borne or blessed with fortune found that there was a bottom to their purses. But the shackles of bankruptcy that bound the city did not seem to discourage the covetous pawns of the King, for the royal coffers overrunneth with the blood, sweat and tears of society.

The miserly retained their riches through apathy, and the practice of one's inhumanity toward man. Well-fed exteriors, attire stitched of the finest fabrics, and the obtaining of luxury items seemed to segregate the superior and inferior of the populace. London became synanomous with paucity, the stench of collective chamberpots birthing various poxes unto the community. Words like Cholera and Bubonic were became frighteningly commonplace in vocabulary, the farmers cursing the blighted soil and heat of the midday sun. Human and animal harbingers of death preyed upon the masses, those which succumbed to fever from a condition in the grab bag of maladies festered in the stagnant, sweltering environment until they could be properly disposed. The carrion voraciously feasted upon rotting vittles, their gluttonous eating habits resulting in changes to their avian anatomy, they became too heavy and sluggish to fly. As they were grounded, they became vulnerable to attack by a more famished of foe, or subject to extermination by folks wishing to bring about the genocide of the plague ridden pests.

"Did you ever see so many bloody birds? There's more of them than us!" Martin Mayweather looked to the other members of his traveling trio, his nose buried in a monogrammed handkerchief. He suffered hay fever, his symptoms exacerbated by the urban decay of their surroundings, caused for a watery rheum to flow profusely from his eyes and nostrils. "I care not to tarry any longer than we are obligated, I am all too eager to leave the fetor of this city behind us. A vastitude of squalor, as far as the eye can see." Spoke Gordomm Mayweather, his elder by three years. Proceeding a disapproving shake of his head, his murky brown gaze settling on the clock tower which stood forebodingly in the distance. "Aye, and the decrepitude of the locals." Piped the youth of the brothers, Denton. He looked to Martin, blatant envy stamped upon his face of the linen treasure which obstructed the man's lower facial features between exhalations. If only he and Gordomm thought to pack such provisions, perhaps they wouldn't now be debating cutting their noses off to spite their faces. "I fear what sort of swill we shall find at the pub. Probably the excretus of rats, if I were to stake a shilling on it." They all shared a chuckle per Gordomm's jest.

The inn seemed to fit their low expectations, Denton's muddy irises never strayed from the direction of the door. The three brothers purchased a shortened lifespan in the form of highly questionable food and drink, Gordomm engaged in dialogue with the burly Bartender whilst the others spoke amongst themselves. "We are chronicling London and its many...attributes." His brow furrowed upon the pausation of his utterance, and a mere moment later his lips adopted a satisfactory grin upon the utilization of the tactful turn of phrase. "We would like to interview the people of this...civic treasure trove, this paragon of wealth and power." His stomach churning at the choice of lies in the spewing of his rhetoric, and partly due to the ingesting of a greasy tidbit, that was plucked from atop the mound of unidentifiable morsels on his plate.

"He displays unwavering courage in the face of adversity, that one." Martin boasted of his sibling, before adverting his gaze in disgust. "I ponder what other tortures he is willing to endure to get the scoop." Denton whispered, his mask of calm starting to unravel at the seams as his hands flew to his lips in an attempt to conceal a snigger. It was evident that a conflict was waging in Gordomm's gut, but he grinned and bared it at this time. After receiving enough information from the those whom seemed sober enough to share a valid statement, they took to the streets. "What makes for a more appropriate appellation to this compendium?" Pausing for effect, he then conjured a mental image of a thick, black leather book with gold imprint on the cover. "London's Rise and Fall, London: The Crumbling Empire, London: The Devastation of the Decadent Denizens." Denton and Martin voted for the last option, with an enthused unison nodding of their heads. "It is settled then. Let us away in search of more appealing atmosphere."
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Jorge cleared his throat gently with a heavy sigh. the sweat and burn of chilly air in his lungs from searching out Hellinka stuck in his esophagus dry and thick causeing him just enough discomfort to give a lascivious growl to his every word.

"As you well know, London is burning. Even before you and me and the godamned ripper, London is burning. Society is crumbleign into a maggot-filled fetid and sour scattering of what could have been a glorious kingdom. Gone are king arthur and the round. Gone is the glory and honor that england was built on. our monarchy is a shameful excuse of royalty and teh streets are filled with those who DESERVE to die. I can't pretend that my law-abiding ways will ever make a difference....but you and me and a knife in teh gut of socieies rabble can make teh sacrifices of those who are WORTHY of the dream london once was worth a damn." spit welled up itn eh back of his throat congealing into a nasty mess that he guttered out onto the paved alleyway.

"SO what i want YOU to do... is get your Arse off the street... and you and I are goign to rip our way through the Ripper. fuck exposeing him... FUCK justice. let's just KILL the bastard!" he grumbled, and then a wicked chuckle entered his throat as hi other hand drifted up her thigh gently. she was VERY beautiful indeed. rather obnoxious really. for someone to be so beautiful ont eh outside, but a Demon unlike anything ever was beneath the surface.


See Jorge knew somethgin More about the Echoes Than Hellinka Did. Hell mayeb more than Hellinka ever would. There was a way of controlling the vision. WHen death stole the spark of life from a body it sent out ripples intot he pools of eternity. Those ripples plummeted outwards forever against teh ocean of souls that went before them. Death. Because the echoes let one see the world of the damned that hides beneatht eh surface, because it gives those who see throught eh crimson veil into the gloriously gruesome noise behind it all...behind the surface of death is The Sound of Eternal truth. Jorge could help Hellinka find the ripper. and when they took his life, the power of every soul he'd sent out echoeing into the void woudl scream in their Ears. That sound Woudl reverberate across the world from Hellinka nd Jorge... And With every murder, ones eyes saw and felt more control over the Crimson Echo.

That is what Jorge Wanted. He wanted to OWN the curse. TO master it and mold it into somethgin altogether different. And for that end, He had sent nine hundred souls into the pools of time to echo around him like the sonar of a bat. It wasn't yet enough. With Hellinka, he supposed it someday SOON might be.


"well, Hellinka?..." he said, without realizing it, his hand was poised upon her rump up beneath her dress, gripping her bottom firmly. "Will you be.. my partner?" he whispered in her ear like a lovers cooeing call.
The lexicons were published shortly thereafter, however grim a description it told of London and its peoples, the collaboration of articles contained not an ounce of libel or embellishment for its perspective painted for the reader London's horrible history all on its own without the need for improvisations. 'London: The Devastation of the Decadent Denizens' became widely acclaimed for its carefully culled facts, the names of the three brothers were upon the lips of a praising public. It was declared a must-read of those whom dwell in the cities which didn't suffer greatly from the ludracris levies posed upon them, well-received of those that could spare a few coin for the purchase of the book. As they continued to ascend each rung of the ladder of fame, their audiences and prosperity grew, until they were welcomed unto the presence of dignitaries.

"Well, the dark side of man appears quite a culpable partner in the downfall of the once well-heeled province. The populace seems wholly gripped by terror, as London further plunges into chaos. Warfare waged of poverty and plague, but also of humans striking one another down. It seems the once fair city has spawned a new breed of terror in the form of a homicidal lot. The Whitechapel Butcher no longer seems a lone menace to society, there are other which march in tow to his bloody brigade. Jack the Ripper's methodology pertains to the purification of the undesirables, albeit his signature techniques quite overkill. We've heard rumor of another whom seems rather erratic and macabre in the behavior of his handiwork, whom we cannot classify into any specific theme except a lunatic whom entertains the notions of his whacked out whimsy. He displays no predisposition to a certain type of victim, or vicinity. The only conclusions we can draw at this time are the preference of his murder weapon, and how bloody of a mess he fancies to leave in his wake."Gordomm spoke of the slain Priest in as much detail as he could muster before his queasy stomach allowed for his string of trivia to come to a cease.

"We are currently comparing him to The Blood Countess, Elizabeth Bathory, for the sheer amount of the precious, sanguineous fluid which is spilled of each victim." He further explained the invention of the phrase, that until there is an establishment of selfhood of this most inconspicuous individual, that he shall live in the shadow of a woman of a bygone era. "I shall add a lengthy thesis of 'The Bathory Murders' to my next masterpiece. " Gordomm proclaimed, nodding to his partners. It did not once occur to them that they seemed to be trailing a ghost as a result of erred observations about the killer's gender. "Once the blade marries his firm grasp, he seems possessed by an almost feral urge to loosen a crimson cascade unto the streets. However, he is so practiced in the art of demise that such viscous ooze hasn't yet captured a shoeprint, or other personal effects. We realize that the truth seems far from the reach of our grasp, but it -is- attainable, and we shall not rest until a noose cinches about his neck. On a side note..." Deferring from the current topic, lightly patting his trunk he would mimic the look of one overcome with nausea. "I will conclude from personal experience that the edibles at the pub appear to be crafted of suspicious meats, the slovenly cooks and kitchens don't help the matter either."With that, the wordsmith team left the grand palace where Gordomm held the undivided attention of a captivated King.

"Divide and conquer.." Gordomm ordered of his brothers, supplying each with the task of investigating the locale the body of a victim was found. Martin headed in the direction of the tavern, Denton made a swift approach toward the alley behind a house of ill-repute, and the leader of the operation journeyed toward the church. Their objectives were simplistic enough; interrogate any source whom may possess knowledge of any information which could prove beneficial to their cause, utilize amateur detective skills in scoping out the crime scenes, taking notes all the while. They were to mingle at the clock tower to disclose their findings. "Let us away to the tavern, to raise a tankard in celebration and partake of the detestable delicacies."They would continue conspiring at the same pub they had earlier visited upon their tour of London.


Hellinka's gaze momentarily shifted downward toward the splatter of phlegm upon the path, her left foot in a dangerously close proximity to where the rather dense wad of mucus had descended. She then blinked the sickly image away, cerulean orbs traveling up the length of Jorge's form as to settle upon his lips. She listened intently to his expletive-laced spiel, that those of any other audience would dismiss as pompous pontifications, bidding movement of her head in a gesture of agreeing. Hellinka was fully amenable to the aspect of forging a partnership with the likes of this particular detective, her mind beginning to hash out the details of a very shifty scheme.

"What do you know of the Ripper thus far?" Hellinka inquired with genuine interest, as she was ignorant to the ways of the Whitechapel Butcher, her concentration previously set to her own preoccupation with murder. Seeking his expert opinions of the man, at first she would seem oblivious to the hand which breached the boundries of her personal space as to explore her silken flesh. The web of deceit she was weaving all the while gradually dissolved away, much like a cobweb would against the swift strokes of a feather duster. She felt her body softly quiver to his touch, as Hellinka was naive to the ways of carnal urges.

She felt a sudden warmth upon her skin, adverting her gaze from him as the rosy tinct to her cheeks deepened in color. The mingling of strange sensations threatening to overwhelm her, she struggled to keep her poise in the situation. What thoughts now resided within the bastille of Jorge's conscious? She sensed that some of his thoughts seemed not to pertain to his lustful cravings for bits and pieces traveled the crimson wavelength, projecting imagery through the lurid red haze of her mind as fragmented cinema. Hellinka closed her eyes, momentarily shutting out the world in an attempt to gain comprehension of the mental pictures, to no avail. "I ...w-will help you in your endeavors." She stammered slightly, her voice but a whisper.


Meanwhile, none but the glazed-over eyes of a corpse would witness the Ripper's retreat from the alleyway at the rear of one of the City's most notorious abbeys, into the brume that seemed to claim the streets of London as darkness transitioned to daylight. From his coat pocket he extracted the parchment book he used in writing notes of which to taunt the police, turning to the page he sketched the likeness of the one which had narrowly escaped his vengeance. "Hellinka.." He whispered her name into the miasma of stale alcohol vapor that permeated the air of his path. The imprints left of the force of his quill still legible upon the body of paper, he mused of his last scrawlings. It was in reference to Catherine Eddowes, and one of the various titles he earned in his trade.

"Dear Boss,

I keep hearing the police have caught me but they won't fix me just yet. I have laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the right track. That joke about 'Leather Apron' gave me real fits. I am down on whores and shan't quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal. Hope they can catch me now. I love my work and wish it not to end. You will soon hear of me with my funny little games. I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick like glue and I can't use it. Red ink is fit enough I hope ha ha. The next job I do I shall clip the ladys ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight. My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good Luck. Yours truly,
Jack the Ripper
Don't mind me giving the trade name.
PS Wasn't good enough to post this before I got all the red ink off my hands curse it No luck yet. They say I'm a doctor now. ha ha."

The man stared at the elaborate illustration of the woman for several moments, his eyes awash not with sadness but pride and admiration of his artistic ability. His gaze lingered almost adoringly upon each individual line which in part would make the bulk of the sketch, Jack waxed nostalgic of the letter a few moments longer, as it used to serve as not only a visual aid in his nightly emissions, but the key to opening the portal to his most private world. There, his word was law. Those pardoned by society would thus by him be pardoned, those which were deemed a stigma to the populace would fall to his judgment. There, he would entertain his warped views of his self worth, and of the women of London. He compared himself as an equal to the one whom sat upon the holiest of thrones, the towering Godhead which resided in a paradisal parcel somewhere beyond the veil which separated the heavens and earth.

Now, the letter seemed to lose its luster, it didn't hold the same meaning to him as it once had. He found something else which stimulated him, another tool in which to utilize for his self gratifications. Soon, it wouldn't be enough to satisfy him either, and he would have to resort to other means to fulfill his yearning. "Filthy slatterns, earning no rightful place upon the streets. Wretched dollymops, dirty dog-faced women lightening the pockets of men." Vehement words assailing the quietude of his surroundings, a deluge of spittle smearing the ink of his artwork. This caused for a rather childish tantrum to erupt from him, the now useless page crumpled into a ball and thrown to the cobbled path. As his hostility gradually ebbed away, his fantasies had begun to take shape.

Jack recalled the night of their chance encounter, his ominous greeting. "I see that you are quite alone upon these streets, Ma'am. Women shouldn't be walking about at night, unfettered by a man's company. Don't you know a murderer is on the loose?"He observed the effect his words had on her, but it seemed to pale in comparison to whatever else was causing this woman distress. She was wild-eyed, the features of her immaculately sculpted face contorted as to reflect unto the world a mental anguish she was suffering. It startled him, as her mind continued to unravel to the power of her psychosis, ultimately foiling his plot. He uttered his death threat anyway, to gauge her response. "I suppose that could be remedied, my dear, for you shall be in the companionship of angels or devils very soon." She seemed wholly unfazed, whereas all the others would quake in their boots as if on cue. "You shan't escape my wrath this time, Hellinka." He wouldn't treat this as an idle threat, but instead a binding contract, a promise.

Never would he realize that her angelic guise was but a mere aesthetically appealing illusion, a smokescreen. Even the likes of him couldn't possibly contend with the monster which stirred beneath the facade of her innocence.
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There was a rattleing in jorge's breathe from the cold snapping through his lungs. The effort of finding Hellinka Was betrayed on the copper-toned taste filling his mouth and dangling wetly on his tastebuds. As the sensation Fed the Fire in his belly the Detective of scottland yard Pondered If this scheme of his would really work at all, or if it was just a desperate ploy. Desperate… Now THAT was something for him to laugh about, and internally he did just as much. There was a note of clarity to be had from eh confusion this situation had wrought him. Early this morning he had a rather entertaining notion fluttering dryly in his over-worked brain. Taxed as he was by the Constant struggle with the Visions, he Had realized Hellinka's lack of restraint was a rather useful thing. By pusheing her int eh right direction he could assure the Ripper's presence. And then He'd make DAMN well sure that the whole thing faded from existence.
"Good. I sense that he's about to take rather large detour from his usual butchery. You don't care who your knife delivers to the pearly gates." He said, his hand still traceing the curvature of her side. His grasp tightened on her wrist, moving his thumb and forefingers back and forth, popping her wrist out of it's place and jutting it back in harmlessly. A wholly unsettling sensation but completely harmless to her. While she knew how best to take a man to deaths door, Jorge knew how to put him at it's cusp.. and LEAVE him there.
"However. This ripper has a purpose. He has CHOSEN his victims, one by one as if on a pre-doctrine list of some sort. He has a reason. I think we can put YOU in the same situation as these women." He whispered into her ear, smelling her body where her hairline behind her ear met flesh. A soft chuckle escaped his throat.

"Alone… allureing… Helpless" He said, his hand ventureing down her thigh. "But we both know you're not helpless, now don't we?"

Hellinka smiled softly, nodding at Jorge's compliments. The blush still dappled her cheeks, the warmth lingering upon her flesh despite the chill of the breeze. She felt a light tingle dance across her thigh where his fingertips met skin which longed for a man's touch,her lip parting as to usher forth a slight moan. She couldn't relinquish herself to these wonderful sensations, couldn't allow herself to become but a castaway upon the tides of passion. A mere moment before she was to lose herself completely, her lips adopted a smirk. "I must prepare for my performance. It is to be quite a show stopper, I'm sure." They would speak more of the Ripper's encounters upon what seemed a predetermined lot of victims, instead of those whom seemed to be part of an unlucky lottery. Bowing her head some, she awaited Jorge's dismissal.

The alley was heavily scented of spoor. It was as equally as intoxicating as it was sickening, for the Ripper knew what had caused for the aroma which perfumed the stale air. A momentary marrying of flesh under the watch of the moon, under the cover of the nocturnal blanket unfurled across the heavens. At the end of the path, he saw her. As his shadow crept up upon hers, the blot -like saturation of blackness nearing her as if to snuff out the life force of her contrasted image, the stain of darkness she cast upon the wall..he felt suddenly awkward. He only saw Hellinka's countenance in the stead of others, for his obsession with her became too great. None of these others mattered anymore..a chord of panic strummed inside of him, its sound resonating throughout his entire body. A tiny pebble which impeded his next step proved to be more than just a fleeting nuisance, as it caused for him to stumble, and he instantly reacted as to brace himself on his ambulatory no avail. It wobbled to and fro under his clutch, and sent him tumbling down.


Hellinka visited a simple inn, and rented a room for the duration of the day. As much as she wished for the company of Jorge, and the luxuries offered of his impressive abode, she decided a more reclusive approach, purchasing a quaint, solitary confinement where she could reflect on her life. She felt the weight of fatigue take its toll on her body. Even her garb felt cumbersome, restrictive. Her heavy boots plodding the length of the room toward the bed. She had to sleep for a while, that perhaps her dreams would guide her next course of action.

The portly man sat in the corner booth of the rather congested pub, his gaze falling studiously to the evidence scattered upon the tabletop. His notebook seated to the far end of the oaken wood, his Scotch positioned nearest to his grasp. Amongst the array of clutter before him, was the newest article released by the editorial press, its headline but a boldly enunciated truth. 'Bathory Murder rocks London in Ripper's Wake.' The glaring statement drawing the eye away from the otherwise sweet sentiments contained within its folds.

She saw herself enter, the stems of three calla lillies secured snugly in a black ribbon which adorned her head, the stark white hue of the bell-shaped flora seemed almost blinding as the patrons eyes were well -adjusted to the dim illumination of the interior. Her cerulean eyes shifted to her reflection which was captured upon the large window, a strange smile broadening upon her face. How could 'the bells of purity' as her father lovingly called the flowers in her youth, crown a head that was filled with immoralities, of all things sinister? It seemed like something conjured from a mind that reveled in twisted humor. Her laughter was quite obvious, melodic cackles tumbling down her tongue, dancing across ruby tinted lips. She then beheld the one she knew in her heart of hearts to be Oliver Tanner.

He was a rather unappealing man, the wrinkles he wore upon his face seemed as if the Gods practiced upon him a blatant cartography of a hard life, one filled with sorrow, regrets and drinking. He glimpsed her, his gaze momentarily diverting from his work, and was quite taken by her beauty. A miscalculated aim for his Scotch would prove hazardous to the ink painted paper, the strong smelling liquid spilling over onto much of the tabletop. She observed him lip sync profanities, his hands wild as he searched for something he could use to mop the emptied contents of the shot glass. His notes were unsalvagable, as was the article, now smeared ink upon soggy paper. Hellinka's eyes widened as she saw not what he did, but a sizeable pool of blood spreading across the wood. It seeped toward the edge, trickling to the floor. The decent of each drop was very audible to her, landing upon the floorboards with a wet plop. Trickeries conjured of a demented mind, of which she was very used to by now.

He made his way toward her, as her body occupied a seat at the bar, his sodden clothing clinging to an unshapely figure. From her warped perspective, a bloodstain bloomed upon his lapel like the Devil's rose, a gruesome trophy thriving upon a battlefield of carnage. She imagined that he would also wear this in death, his own vital juices shaping the apparition into something tangible. He would sit beside her, no words were exchanged between them, only leering glances her way. The barmaid supplied him with a dishrag and he patted various wet spots upon his attire until he finally resigned from the task, thinking that the fabric would air dry soon enough. He purchased a round of Scotch for everyone, in an attempt to impress Hellinka with the way he could frivilously throw about coin he couldn't exactly afford to spare, and another, and and other.

Soon they retired to the most pricey room of the inn, which was then pitched into a state of disarray, clothing and bedsheets scattered upon the floor carelessly. The Crimson Echo infiltrated her dreams, everything from the walls to the floor was bathed in a sanguine colored tide of viscous goo. She felt her body, ladden with intoxicants, surrender to him, his hands roaming her nudity with a feral hunger. She felt sickened by his touch, his pawing at her but was unable to react swiftly enough to discourage any further advances upon her. The sounds of passion were shaken loose from an unwilling participant, her voice betraying her with each orgasmic cry.

They awoke the next morning, after noisily sleeping off their drunken state, to the glorious red-orange glow of sunlight permeating the room. Hellinka would use the symptoms of his hangover to her advantage, as he threw her balled up dress at her and then went to collect his own apparel. "I prefer to keep our little...interaction under wraps, I won't have my reputation sullied by the likes of some dollymop. Here's a few pences to ensure your silence." Coin showered the end of the bed, and she leapt upon him, her blade penetrating his organs in alphabetical order. Geysers of blood erupted from the many wounds his body suffered, it clad her naked form almost like a ritualistic bath as to absolve her of the sins of non-mutual coitus, to cleanse her of the filthiness of their sexual encounter.

Hellinka straddled the lifeless husk of Oliver Tanner, the dagger driven into him to the hilt repetitively, the edge drug across the flesh of his bloated face to the point that his identity was barely distinguishable, the eyes plucked from their sockets in haste. She toyed with the notion of fashioning some sort of horrible jewelery of the dessicated occular units, which she would don upon her earlobes.

Her eyelids fluttered before finally opening, her groggy gaze falling upon the noisy environment, the traffic of London making their way past her. It took a moment for her sleep muddled brain to focus, for her to realize that she made a bed of a frequently strode upon alleyway. Coin littered the cobbled stone around her, her flesh and clothing was scented of booze and blood. It was quite evident that the city received rainfall, soppy blonde tresses were form fitting upon the contours of her face in a most uncomfortable manner. The majority of her locks draped her back damply, she looked about rather confused, her demeanor mimicking that of one which partook of Opium. She retrieved her Paupers earnings, which was tossed about by those whom had presumed her to be a derelict. Hellinka could deduce that the people probably pitied her wrongly perceived destitution because she was too youthful, too ravishing to haunt the streets in the way of an indigent.

Her gaze travelled the length of the mirrored image upon the tavern window, everything seemed accounted for except her right glove. What clad her hand in place of it shocked her so that her mouth fell agape, that she stumbled backward with her opposite hand raised in an attempt to ward off the unsightly vision. Her palm felt sticky, her fingers melded together stiffly in a coat of hardened blood.

What had transpired in the waking world as she traversed the realm of slumber? Did she really sleep at all...what demons roamed freely during the lapses of her consciousness, the moments she couldn't recall?
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The plan was simple. Jorge knew that and yet still he milled about the idea of it all inside his head as he drank his tea. Surrounded by the cacophanous din of clattering keys as the typewriters struck out slops of ink on paper. The Yard was alight with the madness of everyday crime, investigative conversations and renewed vigor against the 'ripper'. THe head investigator was rather disappointing, turning up one false lead after another and beign involved in several brawl durign his search. that left Jorge, a contract investigator without a desk at the Yard, without any credentials save his expert handleign of every case he'd ever covered. He was in the shadows of the Yard, towered over like a hangmans gallows by the authority of the place.

Oh how he wanted to watch it burn....

Infront of him was an Empty Desk. Tanner's Desk.

"S'cue me love, Has Tanner been in yet this morning?" Jorge asked a yougn secretary with a papercart going from one place to another.

"No Mr. D. He Hasn't been. He Left early yesterday as'well. Didn't tell anybody why but he seemed lik e a man possesed, Rambleign about some Lead in the Case."

Jorge nodded her away and grumbled in his throat, desperately wanting to strangle OLiver For hsi Tardiness.. And THIS of all days!

"Fat fecking Bastard." he cursed, spittign into the coppers trashcan, filled with crumpled up papers and pencil shaveing. It was just then that somethign caught his eye.It was an old piece of parchment. Dusty and with crumpled corners. Half the words where unintelligable gobbly guck.. but the end of it was clear...

- Sincerely
~~~From Hell

Jorge had barely half a minute to cope with what he saw. his mouth agape and he reached intot eh trashcan, pulling out the letter the parchemtn had been put in. He grabbed the closest passing person he could.

"Get chief inspector Reilly here.. NOW!" he Yelled, wide eyed and almost TERRIFIED.

not a second later, a young man dashed intot he office, bowlign over two or three pasersby

"JORGE!!! JORGE ANTHONY!!!!!!" Came the pipsqueek of a sound from the young mans throat. A new officer at the yard, barely out of britches.

"Mr.. hah.. .hah... Mr. Jorge.. Y-you gotta come with me, It's Tanner!" He said, tears of pain streaming down his face from the Running.

"No... couldn't be..." Jorge said in Barely a Whisper. The RIpper had gotten the upper hand First. Or so he thought.


.When he arrived at the scene(and not nearly fast enough) Jorge half expected to see reporters and people amassed everywhere. No such luck. he could've slipped away whenever he wantd under those surcumstances. But as he walked witht eh young junior officer into the place, it was emmediately obvious he was the first responder.

"godamnit, OLiver... Makeing me rush like that for your dead Carcass." he swore, when he saw the mans corpse in the upstairs bedroom. He sat ont eh edge of the bed and hung his head in his hands. He had given the letter to the chief inspector, who emmediately gave it back and told Jorge to decipher it. Oliver Tanner was theri resident code-breaker. a low-key job to be sure, but inside that dumb bastards brain was a treasure trove of decrypting machinery. And now he was Dead. Fillet mignon a la Tanner on the floor.

"leave the room. all of you. I need a moment to figure this one out..." he said in but a hushed whisper. it was enough. they left the room and closed the door.

"Hellinka." he said, looking up from his hands. he wasn't sad. he secretly hated Tanner. "too soon, love... far too soon to kill the rook." he sighed and stood up.

There was only one solution... The echo. He stood over Tanners dead corpse and pulled a knife from the inside of his coat. An old knife. A very USED knife. It seemed the perfect ensemble of madness and genius. With that knife he had ended droves of lives in his younger days. instead of leavign the evidence somewhere it could be found, He kept the blood-soaked leather handle and silvery shining blade on his person at all times. He put his coat on teh bed and leaned forwarrd, knife in hand.

"Now Oliver... It's Tiem ou taught me some of that encrytion bullocks you used to brag about when you where drunk." He grinned, hsi vision fadeing into Hue's of scarlet, crimson and ghostly pale alabaster. bones and blood and torn flesh and grafted skin. THe Crimson Echo pulled at his soul and Tugged at his guts when he forced his command upon it instead of the otherway around... but today, It woudl be Worth it.
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Jack flailed about on the ground like a fish out of water. He desperately tried to rectify the situation to erect his form, and the woman found this to be much like the humorous antics of a drunkard. "Sot." He felt the pain of her ridicule, her laughter falling upon him like a scourge. "Horse-faced harlot.." He scowled, laying askew upon the path. It took him a while to rise, aches and pains announcing protest, but when he did eventually correct his posture upon the cane, he was too frustrated to exact discipline upon the woman which found amusement in his folly. He looked back to the spot he had experienced being vertically challenged, a stroke of placidity subduing the anger upon his face, and he continued on his way. "Turning tricks with absent guile, reeling in your crooked smile. Trollops, harlots, whores...I shall rip them in scores!" His voice increasing in decibel the further he moved from the woman.

Black Street. It seemed to compliment its name in such a manner that it took the mind on a rather bleak journey,personifying desolation at its most unabridged form. Long ago it became sterile, the empty alley invoking a sense of longing. The ghostly essence of memories past spilling onto the surface of stone. The Mayweather three occupied the spot where each end stood approximately equal distance from one another, turning attention to the meat market. The collection of various structures didn't retain their youth, however newly constructed the district was compared to most others of London. Directly across from it was the Bakery, worse for wear than those they had already chronicled. The locals spoke of it fondly, olfactory senses recalling the aroma of freshly made Tuppeny loaves.

Nestled in the corner down that row, was Mrs. Matterby's shoppe of curious things, where she worked as a dollmaker. She offered a wholly unique, albeit peculiar perspective to the design of children's toys, although one rarely ventured inside. The only business she received came from those passing through from more exotic lands, those whom thought her rather creepy souvenirs were definitive of the culture. The items were crafted of the finest materials available to one of her wealth, but the locals didn't seem to appreciate the beauty of the sullen semblances, the art in insanity. The store front lay in shambles, a few menacing shards of glass clinging to the window pane like a fanged maw. Tiny fragments glinted in the crevasses of the street like diamonds. Then, their eyes fell upon what remained of the object of collision, a broken carriage wheel and some scattered planks of wood. Mrs. Matterby could recall the instance with vivid detail, her eidetic recognizance a curse in that aspect. "The drunken fool lost control of his carriage, having ridden his horses so hard that a wheel shimmied loose of the axle! Summoned me from sleep, it did, the clamor tore me from the covers I was snug within! Oh, he painted the air blue with the slew of obscenities, and dare he say that my porcelain poppets were wretched! So much blood, so much ruination. Had to put the dolls out to the rubbish, I did. " She stated with a sad sigh that was also noted by Gordomm. "I couldn't very well glue them back together and create Frankensteins of my beauties! Or...could I? Perhaps this is a new direction, a new business venture." The long-winded woman became lost in thought, and Denton looked at his pocket watch. "Well, that's all we have time for. We are very grateful to have accompanied your stroll down memory lane." Mae Matterby seemed completely oblivious to their departure, mumbling about doll parts and various ways of reattaching them.

Martin glanced to the funereal skies, the grossly distended thunder clouds cast the world below into premature darkness. "Hell is empty and all the devils are here." The youth of the group shook his head, watching the sickly self medicate with tea and the depressed or anxious, the same with liquor. "Opium use is quite popularized amongst the peoples of London." Martin flipped to the corresponding page of his notes, which also contained an outline of the caricature of Mae Matterby. She was depicted as a creature whose width was largely disproportionate to her height, swooning melodramatically at the sight of her broken dolls. "Do you think any of the killers have experimented with illicit substances?" His partners shrugged their shoulders at the exact same time as one another, the occurrence seemingly coincidental. Suddenly an alluring blonde made her intrusive entry upon the scene, disrupting the general rhythm of the pub. She appeared quite disturbed, pitching hysterics and wild gesticulations to all whom were sober enough to witness. "Women...weeping blood...unto the streets of London! Bodices damp and stained...with the color of crimson!" Her movements and speech patterns erratic, she continued to rant to the patrons. "Yet another pox descends... upon our city! What sinister force ...bewitches London, keeps us... in its thrall?"
Stray thoughts slithered about in a head that was host to a throbbing mass of serpents. She stirred within the district which seemed long forsaken by the deities, her footfalls rapping loudly upon the cobbled path. Black Street, where Hellinka once called home. Absent of human life, only rats scurried about, scavenger birds made their dwellings inside the crumbling buildings. It was hollow and cold, a playground for demons, for the sinister and seedy. On seldom occasions Black Street received visitors, but they didn't linger. Mostly those whom ventured this way were those ignorant to the plight of London, tourists that strayed from their flocks. She began to feel nostalgic as the area filled her senses, Hellinka could recall her first killings here. The exhilaration that coursed within her as she felt one's life fading, planting the seeds of bloodlust in her heart. The act was rushed, and she yet too naive to appreciate one's homage to her in their martyrdom, her reflection in their empty eyes.Hellinka nurtured her talents with practice, her mind and body becoming like a well-oiled machine. She found harmony in the disorder of her Crimson Echoes. Soon, the blood of another shall forever stain the street, for he would step free of the safety of his shadowy shroud.

Hellinka felt soiled. Her chastity taken by an uncouth man, one whom seemed to favor the aid of drinks which would induce inebriation, to manipulate one's better judgement to suit his dark purposes. She roamed with no set destination in mind, the crisp air jostling her awake. Hellinka heard the jingle of appropriated coin in her purse, the once flaccid bag now hefty and bulging. Some pences shone through streaks of dried blood, but it didn't really matter to her, for it would all spend the same. The part of her anatomy responsible for hearing was attuned to the sounds of a commotion which was taking place in the alley parallel to the one she occupied. Hellinka would eavesdrop upon the conversation, laced with hostility, for a moment. She was unsure of how to insert herself in the matter, but she perceived the voices of two men she assumed to to up to no good. A woman's cries rang out, her voice quivering with fear. It sounded as though she was engaged in a physical struggle, gasps wrenched from her as if she had not the strength to prevail over her attackers. "We'll be 'avin' your coin, and we'll be 'avin' you. Cooperate with us, and not much 'arm you will be 'avin'." A grand opportunity had presented itself to the Baneful Blonde of Black Street, and she stepped into view, her rather dainty form somehow overwhelming the entrance of the lane. As she neared the assembly, the men turned their efforts toward her, releasing their fixation upon the one called Opalia.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Someone new stumbling into our midst, with a purse full of coin to share." His partner grinned. "Must be our lucky day, I suppose. Fortune favors those whom grab the bull by the bollocks."Laughter shook Hellinka to her core, her fingertips hovering before hilt of her dagger, which was sheathed in her boot. "Fortune is but a fable of the weak minded. Wealth and prosperity is but an illusion, yet ensnares us all. Riches are only fleeting, only fodder as to attract the more covetous of man. Influences the wrongs of society. Do you wish to behold my sleight of hand?" She brandished her blade, this time not ignoring her usually empty hand. It contained a flensing knife, a weapon that wasn't as intimidating as her chosen dagger but working in unison, it would too sow and reap the benefits of death. Opalia stood rigidly in place, as if paralytic toxins coursed through her body. Her dark eyes wide with fright. Hellinka made swift work of the men, bidding blood and bowel to flow through manufactured orifices. "You saved me!" The ebony haired female exclaimed, her hands lifting to her cheek as if in a lovestruck pose. The heaven hued gaze of the murderess settled upon her, her eyes narrowing to slits. This provoked a nervous chuckle of Opalia.

Since the instant of her strange awakening, something seemed quite odd about her visual perception of the world this day, even though she had struggled with the Crimson Echoes for as long as she could remember. Her mind reeling with deluded interpretations of the mundane, she saw the Crier holding aloft a blood soaked paper, his boyish tone pulsing in her brain like a heart beat. "....Woe continues to betide London! The Devils breed abominations upon us? What of salvation? Will the Gods deliver our city from the depths of despair? Or, is our end soon at hand?" He continued his prophetic message, although in reality his words were quelled. "A most disturbing presage to our fate, women weep. But, normal tears do not fall from their eyes. They shed tears of blood!" Hellinka gasped loudly, raising her hands as to shield her ears from the remainder of his unsettling revelation. She started for the tavern, wishing not to dawdle for a moment longer. When confronted with a face of the fairer sex, Hellinka noticed the residue of sanguineous rheum upon their cheeks. "Tears of blood!"She cried, the women regarding her with bewilderment. Some began to whisper amongst one another. Her gaze shifted towards imaginary handkerchiefs, spotted with red, then to bosoms speckled in the same manner. Suddenly her breath caught in her throat, as if something unseen was throttling her. Hellinka, horror stricken, fled past them, with nary a glance back.
After Hellinka ventured away from the tavern, she was unaware of the stowaway upon the great ark of shadows which sailed on an oily black sea of cobblestone, Denton Mayweather. With her as his guide, he received an intimate look into the pages of her past. As she stood amidst the tatters of Black Street, he saw a tapastry of her life woven before him, which quicky became frayed and unravelling. It told quite the tale to a most astute and receptive individual. "Miss? Please, let me interview you. I am most intrigued. Why do you say that women weep blood unto the streets of London?"

She turned about slowly to face him, baring her teeth at his query. A moment later the mask of anger she wore would break, mirroring instead the indifference she felt. Through him, she knew that her name would be glorified, the notoriety of her misdeeds would spawn killers of more modern ages. These people would deify her. They would behold her as an idol, a graven image of death. She would become like the Reaper, a terrible, scythe-wielding being of fables. Her very name poised as a hallowed cant caressed by praising tongues. "A long time ago, I dreamt of London as a great Necropolis, built upon the ossuaries of society. Where once the city thrived with the hustle and bustle of the living, there was only the everlasting quietus of death. Even now, the people of London are dead. They just don't know it yet." He was both appalled and oddly fascinated by her response, taking a moment to arrange his notes appropriately. As quoted by Hell- As his blood splattered the paper, a terrible boom erupted in Hellinka's cavernous hall of a skull. Denton succumbed to death and his brothers were none the wiser.
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There was a scuffleing noise from he corner of the dreary tavern-room. rats scrambled back into their holes in the dank walls on second floor, swirls of smoke blackened mist hung in the air. the twinkle of dust particles sifting through the oxygen depriving air. Jorg leaning over the desecrated corpse of Oliver Tanner eyes drooling tears, irritated from the smoke, teeth bare and lips pursed wide in a visage not unlike straining to lift a great weight from ones shoulders. The blood on the ground that had congealed, but not dried wobbled. lifeless carrion jelly mocking the life it once gave to Tanner. Reflections played across the pools of blood as some unseen force re-hydrated them. Jorg could feel his veins pulseing. like his blood had reversed directions. It had done that a LONG time ago actually. he was almost certain he bled black as a pusswound on satans Arse. SOmething about the crimson echoes robbed man of his link to teh divine. Where once faith stood a threshold aqgainst darkness only willpower and hatred, Conviction and rage and a slew of other negative emotions could hope to bullwark against the flood of miserable endless Blackness.
Jorg leaned there, his eyes affixed with the face of the corpse as flesh fluttered and blood shifted.

Moments later the door creaked on it's aeign hinges, and coughing like lungs full of holes came Jorg out of the bedroom, holding his throat and wheezing for breathe.

'I killed him..' He thought, eyes stareing forward like saucers over the wooden slates of the banister that kept the top floor from the bottom. he leaned against it's ledge, legs weak from teh effort.

Assumedly, the others there just figured Jorg, haveign known Tanner for so long, just couldn't stomach What he had seen in the five minutes of investigation he had done of the scene.

He felt hot bile riseing inhis throat, whisps of smoke still coiled around Tanners Dead sack of flesh, the entire room hazy with the smell of suplphur. Perhaps some concoction of Jorg's to find prints?

The spew that issued forth from Jorg's lips sickened him, forceign another bought of vomit from his stomach as he collapsed, hodlign his moutha dn reaching deperately for his kerchief. He held it oth, eyes shut so as not to alert the others.

THe final, most painful gift Tanner gave Jorg was knowledge. He had seen now how Tanner DIed. How Hellinka's face twisted and changed when she butchered. how Easily death escaped her hands and fell upon her victims like teh beautiful flow of her Hair.

"J-jorg... are you alright, Sir?" One of the attendants Dared to speak.

"Shut your mouth." he grumbled, standing up fast. Hatred boiling in his legs, willign him to stand. And he grabbed the man who spoke by the shirt and twisted his hand, forceign him against the wall as he let go.

"The RIpper Hasn't left us yet.. He's just advanced to teh next stage of lunacy. This is not just butchery anymore.. It's ARTWORK for him." he said, Lyig out his teeth. a very BELIEVEABLE Liemind you, but a Lie None the less.

"Leak whatever you want to the media. Copycats and scoundrels looking to make good on a trajedy. But thsi bastard has taken one of our own now." he announced to them. hopeing THAT one woudl get through their dumb heads.

"More than ever before.. THIS... is WAR." he announced, leaving the scene. A crooked smile irked his face as he climbed into a carriage.

"WHich one of us is the devil hmm? Hellinka.. RIpper.. JOrg... which one of us will face down the throat of satan and say WE where the victors of this bloodbath in london." he chuckled loudly, then a guffaw.. a full blown crazy laugh escapeing the carriage as the london fog set in oncemore over the scene. Night woudl come soon enough. And Jorg hoped Hellinka would find herself infront of him again.. He knew how to take Down the RIpper now.. Tanner told him so.
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Martin took one last swig of his Scotch and wrested his coat free from where it hung over the back of the empty seat. "...Jorge Anthony D. is his name. I've acquired a residency address for him, but my powers of deduction are folly to the discovery of his surname. It seems that none are savvy to that elusive tidbit, although he is a rather famous figure upon these streets." He said to Gordomm, his brow flexing curiously. "Strange. " Martin's dialogue was met with similar perplexity which resided in his brother's words, and likewise surfaced upon his face. "Why do you think that is? Could it be that he wishes to deny his origins, his familial ties? Or, does he keep this deliberately concealed for another reason? Is he running from the mistakes of his past? Has owed debts accrued of dealings with the seedy? Does he wish to fool the world with his vague identity, or just one individual in particular?" If left unanswered for too long, the questions would fester like infected lesions upon one's brain. "I aim to prove or abandon these theories. I think it is time I paid this Jorge a visit and draw some conclusions to such thought provoking themes." He left the public house, and Gordomm behind. "And perhaps one day soon, Jorge will repair the broken integrity of his monicker."

Gordomm surrendered to his thoughts, tasting the last bitter smooch of Scotch upon his lips. At this time he was without the contributions of the distinct personalities of his kin, he contemplated cynically of the city and its inhabitants. "London is a pregnant whore, and it will split open as to loosen all of its abominations unto the world." He shook his head, his choice of phrase causing the women nearby to stare at him with contempt, however true his words may be. "...And when this blighted burg dies, I will deliver its eulogy." He looked to his newest illustrations of madness, his parodied portrayals of psychopathy. Mrs. Matterby with cones of steam detailed at each ear when she was told that her dolls were wretched, and Hellinka's dramatics upon her knees with hands thrust to the heavens. For this particular sketch, he included the women nearest her, their cheeks rouged of crimson streaks. Where was Denton? They assumed he had momentarily excused himself to as to relieve his bladder of the by-products of consumption, but an hour had passed without return. "Did he perchance get himself offed?" He asked himself in jest, not realizing the truth of the comment. As he left in search of Denton, his mind seemed far away, his thoughts suspended over the city like gathering thunderclouds.

What had incited the woman's raging rhapsody? Based on his research of Opium, its effects on the human conscious did not seem to mimic those expressed by Hellinka. It normally caused a sense of euphoria and relaxation to the point of emotional detachment in its participants, but this woman was stark raving mad. She appeared haunted by her inner demons, cast perilously into the depths of her delirium. Upon the turbulent waters of the Crimson Echoes, her conscience was but flotsam which was lost to the maelstroms of her mania. Gordomm could not even fathom the extent of it, however he knew that London seemed to be the bedlam of the modern world he lived in, filled to capacity with kooks, quacks, and all other sorts of undesirables. Something was different about this one though, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. His mind was a verdant meadow, abloom with speculation.

The world as she knew it fell away, and Hellinka fell to her knees, clutching the bloodied blade to her bosom as if it were a suckling babe. At first she saw an endless vastitude of blackness, into which she was falling, causing for her to become dizzied and nauseous. There was an ungodly ringing in her ears, a white hot noise in contrast to the insufferable silence of the unformed universe around her...
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The fadeign vastness of sound came static and interupted. a familiar voice.


"HELLINKA" Jorge yelled, and Gripped her shoulde,r tugging at her. Next she woudl know she was laying in a clawfoot bathtub in only half her clothes, with jorge shakeing her violently to-

"SNAP OUT OF IT, WOMAN!" he hissed in a valiant effort to both whisper and yell.

"THere is a man at my door looking like some nasty bloke from the papers.. and YOU look lik e aheadline!" he said, madness in his eyes.

"so Wake the bloody fucking hell UP!" he said, holding her cold cheeks. SOmethign about him useing that ability on Tanner might've triggered it.

He wasn't sure how he'd found here. where. just that he had found her, and gotten her home just as that man rang the doorbell. His butler was makeing haste with teh lockbolt, complainign abou the rusty thing to Martin at teh door.

"So, so Sorry, sir. Old house, nasty rust on these bolts, Please Bear with me half a moment.. LONGER." he said the last word as a hint to Jorge, who after makeing sure Hellinka was SOMEWHAT coherent.. made haste to teh front door, a dash of cologne, and a glass of Brandy in his hand.

"No, the other way, flip teh latch opposite.. then shove in.. okay THEN lift." he said, all a ruse against the door, that opened rather abruptly for Martin.

"Hello good sir. to what do i owe the pleasure?" Jorge said with a cheshire grin.
"I know who I am." She spoke to her reflection in Jorge's washroom, although the floating visage before her looked rather uncertain about the matter. "I'm Hellinka. Ambryilline. Darknau." Each individual segment of her name beat against the tympanic membranes, causing for it alter the substance of the words and become but distorted melody which struck chords of pain in her head. She knew not how she'd arrived upon the scene, her body lain to rest awkwardly in the tub, or what dangers were thwarted in the midst of her defenseless state. Then, the events of the prior hours began to slowly ebb back into her thoughts, and she watched in horror as another face replaced her own in the mirror. It belonged to the man whom she presumed slain by her own hand, although she knew not that two others bore his likeness. "The dead.. arise...and walk amongst the living..." She said, committed to the belief that the cobbled streets of London somehow possessed properties of which to imbue soul back to the departed. Reality once again collided with falsehood, which existed under the guise of her warped senses. The line betwixt truth and fiction was ever-fraying, and soon would sever completely, leaving not a manner to discern the two.
Her perception of the world was obscured by the grip of her hallucinations, and likewise bade her sight to fail, but it hadn't conquered the motor skills necessery for ambulatory function. She rose unsteadily, blindly venturing further into the seclusion of shadows, borrowing from instinct as to guide her through London's poorer districts. She suffered but one moment of clarity, however fleeting it was, where her sight corrected enough to spy Gordomm walking toward her. He muttered something unintelligible, which was directed more toward himself than an audience, but it fell upon ears that seemed muffed with cotton. He clasped a slip of paper in his right hand, his left fingers upon the brim of his hat as to anchor it upon its perch against the stiff gusts of wind. Her heaven hued eyes peeled open with fright, and she felt staggered as her manic mind conjured forth its explanation. "The dead arise...and walk amongst the living!"

Hellinka then broke into a run, although her footfalls rapped against the streets in a more speedy tempo, her movements suffered just as she once again became lost within the darkness of her inner self. Her thoughts, however irrational they were, were cast to the inky black depths of despair, perhaps never again to be retrieved. She had to find Jorge. He was her solace, he was the voice of reason in a realm which was alive with the chorus of madness. "Jorge..." She uttered his name like a plea, as if somehow the urgency and desperation of her tone would like a prayer to bring him near.

Gordomm watched the blonde turn about sharply on heel, become a blur and disappear. "Was it something I said?" He asked aloud, a bewildered look upon his face. Perhaps she was also unlucky to stumble upon Denton's deathbed in the alleyway, a hollowed spot which contained his heart in life. Surely such a sight would make any woman fearful, his form in Death's rapture was one that would haunt one's memory forevermore. He looked to the pitch colored firmament, the milky moon concealed by a haze that closely resembled a cataract upon an eye that was pristine in its youth.

"Found you at last, Hellinka!" Jack sounded all too excited, giddy even. He brandished his blade in haste, licking his lips in anticipation that it would delve into her innards. Observing his prize moving about in a disoriented manner suddenly stole the wind from his sails. She seemed impaired in both mind and body, and somehow the idea of taking her life as she was hindered didn't merit much a thrill for him. When he rehearsed the event in the privacy of his bedchamber, her pleas to spare her life and her painted-up face contorting into a mask of fear were the two greatest elements of foreplay, building to the climax of her death. A true test of predator and prey, of strength and wits. Now, it seemed to compare to the infirmed awaiting euthanasia, or an already enfeebled field mouse awaiting its fate in the form of the talons of a hawk.

A blatant frown upon his face, Jack contemplated his next course of action. Hellinka was right there for the taking, and would prove to be an effortless kill. She would be oblivious to her outside surroundings, and most likely perish in the imprisonment of her mind. It was all so simple. He crept closer to her, the metallic implement poised in a hand all too eager to bid the blood to flow from her body. Jack readied the blow, reaching for the lengthy mass of mane that draped her back like a filthied cape. It was then that a series of sounds that he briefly couldn't quite place intruded upon his concentration, an angry procession of stamping across his mind. Footsteps! His plot was to be foiled again! Suddenly, he turned his head in the direction of the cadence of movement, watching as the shadows slowly unveiled the silhouette of a man. The blade fumbled in his hand, and gravity bested him as it began its descent to the street. He managed to retrieve it, suffering a few superficial lacerations to his fingers.

As he tried to withdraw his grasp from her hair, he found that his buried phalanges became all but lost within its matted curls. He was trapped! Was the lack luster locks of a woman to be his downfall? How absurd! But, somehow the more he struggled for release of the champagne colored entanglement, the further it devoured the appendage.

Gordomm found a seat beside an unnaturally thin man whom seemed to be swimming in his rather wind-worn, drab coat. He spied the face of the individual,its gaunt features. Little more than almost translucent skin pulled taut over his skull. He wore a black, pencil line mustache which somehow resembled a gorge before the canyon of a toothless maw. The man finished his noisy yawn, eying the author warily. One member of the wordsmith team unaccounted for, and the other having met his maker, Gordomm sat with Scotch in trembling hand, greedily slurping in the strong beverage in short intervals as if each time he would intake it would bring him closer to dispelling the images that preyed upon his mind. He could feel the spell of the intoxicant slowly taking effect, as he attempted to make sense of the scrap of paper which rested on the tabletop before him.

"A long time ago, I dreamt of London as a great Necropolis, built upon the ossuaries of society. Where once the city thrived with the hustle and bustle of the living, there was only the everlasting quietus of death. Even now, the people of London are dead. They just don't know it yet." As quoted by Hell- He read the words as if they were a stanza of a morbid poem, trying to place himself in Denton's shoes at the moment they would strike his ear. "Sounds ominous, and daunting, that does.." The nameless man which occupied the position parallel to him offered his unwarranted, and ignorant response, which he perceived as an enchantment of the artistic mind of one of Gordomm's profession. "Aye, I would have to agree. Such a verse was ushered forth from the mouth of a killer, afterall." He mistakenly pinned his blame on Jack the Ripper, whom seemed to take quite a newfound fancy in closing his letters 'From Hell-'

Opalia's dark eyes fell upon the room in a glare. Someone told a bawdy joke which caused the interior of the pub to resonate with boisterous laughter, and it distracted from her eavesdropping of Gordomm's portion of the conversation. Bits and pieces of it strewn throughout the product of the other patrons' drunken mirth, she resigned with a scowl and leaned back in her seat with arms folded about her bosom, pushing the limits of the chair's balance upon its two back legs. Whilst the others sipped themselves ever-closer to varying ailments resulted of intaking of the Devil's brew, she stared into the murky liquid yielded of twice steeped coffee dregs. "Will she grace me with her companionship, if I were to ply for a visit?" Her voice was soft, hopeful.


Martin Mayweather's gaze searched the darkness, muddy brown orbs flitting to the signs that identified various establishments, that were affronted by the gale. They swayed wildly upon wrought iron framework, metallic screeches were the ear splitting ode of a swiftly approaching storm. He ventured into unfamiliar territory, making his way through the dense for that shrouded London. "Carfax and Witburry..."

Aluande Aresperie was stricken with the sudden revelation that her sole friend and confidante in this life may have suffered illness or accident, because her jewel like eyes hadn't yet been distracted from her own countenance by the added reflection captured upon her small, oval hand mirror. "I 'pose she could 'ave a touch of the fever,the night 'as a bone-numbing chill to it.." She lamented Opalia's absence in the form of a long, sad sigh. "I 'pose I should buy her a meat pie, wouldn't want her to wither away in bed." The red headed female's gaze strayed from the brilliant sapphire ones she was usually fixated upon, to settle upon the door in expecting Opalia Fickle's entry. "Oh, but she probably looks a fright! Cheeks aflame upon a face pallid with sickness..ebony locks limp and lifeless, matted down by perspiration! T'would be a scandal to receive visitors in 'er current condition!" She felt her stomach tighten at the vision of her infirmed friend, which was brought to life by Aluande's fretting. "I 'ave coin enough coin to spare, but I'm not thrilled to see 'er not up par. " A brief silence came and went, then she made her way to the door. "Oh, but I 'ave grown quite accustomed to her duplicate upon the mirror, drawing my attention away from mine."

Martin decided upon a detour which took him a few blocks to the left of his destination, to the very spot where Belvern Mandie was struck down by her wares cart. This location seemed to exude all that was unfortunate, becoming a nexus for ill-tidings. The old woman's memory was immortalized upon the street in blood, and perhaps her soul was restless, but would she forfeit her afterlife for revenge? The wind gave voice to the victimized, those whom perished and no longer had voice of their own. Its tone was full of anguish, it was the very personification of mourning. It rapped hollowly upon any solid surface that impeded its dirge song, its wraith-like wailing. Pieces of the cart testified as a ghastly memorial, as it fell to destruction caused of pilfering from the lowlife masses. "I shall bid your unearthly presence its freedom, by denying your killer theirs." He spoke to the ruddy residue which bore the uncanny resemblance of a human form laying prone. "You will yet have justice!" The wind continued to blow, untamed by his vow.

"They say t'is haunted, that the bones of beggars are ground up and pave the way of Black Street." The auburn haired boy spoke to his sister, whom dismissed such a ridiculous notion with mocking laughter. "I think you've gone daft! This coming from a lad afraid to approach his own bed, in fear of awakening the giant spider which made its den beneath it!"His footsteps faultered, allowing for quite a headway in the girl's stride. "T'is true, there is a spider living beneath my bed, I've seen it!" He yelled toward her, his bottom lip quivering. "When Mummy tucks me in like a cocoon, and scares away the flame with her breath, it reveals itself and pokes fun at me! 'Snug like a bug in a rug, there's no hope for my prey to elude me now!' it says with a nasty cackle!" There were dark rings about his eyes, as if his overactive imagination plagued him with several sleepless nights. "It mocks me, it does. It told me that none would believe such a far-fetched tale, and t'is true, I tell you!" His feminine counterpart seemed to lack sympathy for the handling of this delicate situation, opting instead to disregard it with more derision.

Jaroke Townsley began to bawl loudly, loathing Jaqueline's smug face. He thought up a plot of childish revenge. "I'll run away and make Mummy punish you!" He announced through sobs, wiping the fat teardrops that clung to his dirty face with the backs of his hands. A grave silence fell upon Jaqueline's lips, her mouth drooping open with an apology in queue. By the time sound granted the gift of life to her words, he was gone. "Now, where could 'e 'ave gone?" Her voice inflecting in query, she thought of her brother's tall tale of Black Street. "T'is about a good place as any to start." She said with a shrug, loneliness creeping in as she regretted her reaction to Jaroke's fabrications.

Martin Mayweather snooped about the alley behind Jorge's residence, taking note of anything he deemed out of the place, attempting to gather evidence as to add plausibility to his claims. He was interrupted by the sounds of someone stirring behind him, and he pivoted on heel to meet the individual's face. Only, there was none to be met at eye-level. His brow furrowed. He could -feel- a presence standing before him. "Curious..." He whispered, chocking it up to a mind running rampant with paranoia. "Why are you skulking about in the dark, Mister?" Piped a small boy, and Martin's gaze shifted downward as to settle upon Jaroke's sooty face. "Bloody hell, you gave me a start!" He adopted the commonly used expletive by London's inhabitants, which blighted his speech. "Sorry, Mister!" The boy's tone grew in decibel, and his voice warbled, but his sentiments were genuine.

His gaze cast upon his notes, a smile formed upon Martin's face. "How would you like to earn some coin? Add a bit o' bulk to that flaccid purse o' yours? Jaroke's head bobbed enthusiastically. "Here's what you do. I need you to play courier for me." He looked to the boy, then back to his notes. "Can you read?" The child shook his head. "This job doesn't require aptitude in that field, however you must rectify that one day in the future. Take this to Scotland Yard, make certain it finds Reilly's hands." He passed the list to Jaroke, tucked a sixpence into his pocket, and sent him off toward Scotland Yard. He was satisfied with his tactical approach. "The event of my death will silence my voice, but the proclamation of such principles penned shall enlighten all!" He boasted of his findings, and exited the alley, making his way up the steps to Jorge's front door.

Martin detected the unlatching of the bolt, and the door swung open to permit an unobstructed communication between the two, as the butler retreated further inside the house. "Hello, good sir. Am I correct in presuming you to be Jorge Anthony D?" Observing the man's facial expression and mannerisims, Jorge seemed to be clad in suspicion.

Hellinka heard voices downstairs. One she identified as belonging to Jorge, but the other seemed only distinguishable as male. She approached cautiously, her feet descending each step with much hesitation. "My name is Martin Mayweather, you may have perused a book or two I have aided into publication. " He said, briefly looking past the human obstacle toward the interior of his domicle. A blonde woman was stood upon the bottom step, muttering to herself. He began concocting scenarios of whom she might be, and then her striking beauty seemed beseiged by a strange metamorphosis, her eyes wild with fury. "Are you not but a mortal man?" She bellowed, raising her arm, its forefinger in a rigid point toward him. "Mortals all, are fated to perish! You were slain by my hand, yet you forfeit the ghostly realm! You have relinquished your life, yet you continue to walk amongst us! How is your vessel intact? How were you unscathed by my blade?" Hellinka shrieked, her movements feral.

Hellinka Darknau ran at Martin, her ruddied dagger drawn upward in an arc. Martin turned toward her, deadpan. Instead of landing a blow upon him, she sent Martin bowling over into Jorge, with a violent shove on her way out the door. She took to the streets like an untamed animal. "Well, that looks rather suspicious, wouldn't you agree?"
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"last time i answer the alleyway door TO A STREET RAT!" He yelled, shoving martin off as fast as he he'd been shoved onto Jorge. He ran a few paces out the door ans saw her run. towards black street he assumed by her direction, in little more than a blanket it seemed.

"Shit." he hissed to the breeze, tossing his brandy glass down the street at her.

Jorge walked back up the stairs and slammed the door, pointing out of the room at his butler. WHo left in a hurry towards the kitchenette.

" spontaneous moments of philanthropy are now suspicious in these dastardly times, Mr. Mayweather?" he said, not offering him a hand up. he seemed a bit infuriated. "She better not have stolen anything but that blanket." he huffed, hands on his hips, he looked to the grandfather clock in the corner. He'd have to go searching for her.. AGAIN. The voice of Tanner slithered in his head, trying to talk some sense into Jorge.... it wasn't working.

Jorge in his rage ushered His unwanted guest towards his study. for more than one reason. for one he was irritated and his books calmed him. For two, he had a gat stowed in a hidden compartment within his favored chair. for three, he had fresh scotch and chilled glasses in the desk. for four, If things turned ugly with him and this writer, he had two hallways, and a shut oaken door that only swung inwards before he tasted freedom. Jorge coudl kill and silence him before he made it out... if it came to that. though he doubted this man woudl have enough evidence to convince the Yard he was involved in murder. Tanner was his only friend, not just in the coppers, but ANYWHERE. ANd it was a known fact. Convicting Jorge ANthony D. of murder after seeing him fall apart over the death of Tanner? not likely.

"SO now that it's only you and me, Mr. Mayweather... What Did you come here to say to me?"
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Upon the shelves of his mind fragments of memories were displayed like the curious treasures one would house in an odditorium, each item bid from its resting place per his recollections. He thought of the paper that bore the lengthy musings of his executioner whilst studying the expressionless face of his brother, Denton. Rigor mortis would alter the attitude that was observed of his formerly placid features, his lips stretching into a fiendish grin as the body had initiated its process of decomposition. The man's eyes conveyed a place of perdition, an eternal void of which the souls of the damned were ensnared. He knew none would come for the deceased, that a proper burial lay solely a burden of his survivors, upon Gordomm, lest his mutilated frame remain a permanent fixture in the alley. Far worse notions preyed on his mind, as if in an attempt to consume the sanity he still maintained a feeble grasp upon.

The boy known as Jaroke Townsley ogled the plaque which had designated Reilly's office. It was not ornate in neither word nor design, however the mingling of consonants and vowels formed a cryptic pattern of which to one whom had not possessed a proper education stood no chance of deciphering. His shoulders undulated as if in a subtle shrug, his gaze drooping to find the inky lettering upon the paper. The responsibility was thrust upon the child in such haste that neither a seal adorned it, nor an envelope clad its nakedness, thus in the matter of opening its folds, it left its contents vulnerable to the inquisitive eyes of all which were to fall upon it.

Hellinka's mind reverted back to nothingness. In an instant the world was once again stricken from existence, replaced by the silence, solitude, and purity of the all-encompassing blackness of the cosmos. "I know who I am!" She wailed into the night, but the words meant naught to her. It seemed to be the final plea of a woman too far gone, thus assimilating to the ravaging depths of her brain. She no longer possessed awareness of self, her body attempting to compensate for the loss of multiple senses, attempting to create makeshift renditions of faultered faculties. Her crisis of identity but fuel to usher forth the beginning of a great cataclysmic event that she would suffer not only inwardly, but also show upon the surface of her exterior.

As Jaqueline's brother traversed Scotland Yard in confusion in order to deliver a letter, she too held one in a grasp so firm, that the paper bent and tore under her profusely perspiring palm.

"My Dearest Jaqueline,

For seventeen years I have denied your true origins. The man I have claimed your father to be is but an apparition of my mind's fancy, nothing more than delusion concocted of dreams. I'm certain by now that you know the truth of my profession, even though I've spent my life filling yours with ambiguities. I've fallen prey to the temptations of this world, I've allowed for material things to govern me. I was a beacon of faith, a bulwark of virtue, but I have suffered moments of weakness. My morality, my soul, were but fugitives along for the ride as I've succumbed to sins of the flesh. I do not ask of you for forgiveness, I simply wish for my words to grant you the gift of peace, to sever the chains of unrest that encumbers you. To rectify the inconsistencies of your past.

Your father is alive and resides somewhere in London. He is not a good man, and I pray you never seek him out. You see, I forsook my conscience for his coin and companionship, and as a consequence he and I bred madness into the world. I am telling you this not in hopes of obtaining salvation for my stained and weary soul, although I am not long for this world. By the time this letter finds you, I will have paid the Devil his dues in full. Please, do not allow for my confession to harden your heart to Jaroke. Even though the bloodline may be more diluted between you two than you had been raised in believing, it is still exists.

My words and life are drawing to a close. I am standing upon the bridge which overlooks the river Thames, my likeness upon its moonlit surface regarding me as if in query, as if all understanding eludes her. I think she realizes what events are to follow with the conclusion of my thoughts. I want you to know that idle hands are the Devil's workshop. With quill and quietude, I have become but a medium, an instrument for his dark energies to flourish, a host for his malevolent being.

I am plagued with the anguish which comes with the wisdom of having learned what kind of monster your father truly is, but it is my curse to bear alone. Fear has cloistered me so, that even such truth wishes to burst free of my lips to the police, the press, the secret remains interred within me. I shall reveal nothing more to you than the guise he uses to fool the world. His name is Jack.

Goodbye, My Dearest Jaqueline."

Her fingers curled about the letter more securely, as if in such a manner to simultaneously hold fast and shut away its contents, and felt the sting of its protest as it sliced through her flesh. Jaqueline's piercing blue eyes fell upon a cantankerous crowd of drunkards bumbling en route to their respective domiciles, she had presumed. Her hands fluttering to her ears in an attempt to shield them from their incessant quarreling. "Bloody boozers." She announced with disgust, and started toward a more peaceful path. Black Street beckoned her.


"Philanthropy, you say?" Martin eyed the placement of the man's hands for a moment, as if he were posed with unclear motive. "Of course not, if that indeed what was going on here. But, in fact, it is nothing more than a paltry excuse, is it not?" He arose shakily without Jorge's aid, and was rather impolitely directed toward the study. The room itself was petite and arranged in the usual manner of one's personal library, but the shelves contained an impressive number of books. Martin spied "London: The Devastation of the Decadent Denizens" sitting atop the left side of Jorge's desk, and "The Bathory Murders" upon the right. Wear from multiple readings seemed evident of both.

"It would seem you are a man embroiled in mystery." His obtrusive words were bid across the study clamorously, and he lowered his voice so to not provoke an antagonistic answer of Jorge. Martin accepted a glass of Scotch, and upon his first sip of it, his posture relaxed some. "One exists through his name, Mister D." His brow rose quizzically, then furrowed as he searched Jorge's face for subtle or grandiose changes in expression. "Your identity defines you." He continued on, boldly stating the obvious. "So, why do you go to such lengths to disguise your patronymic title? To reduce it to its first initial?" Perhaps he would be told he was being too analytical of it, but he decided to test the waters with these inquiries before aiming for the heart of his allegations.
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JOrge let a chuckle escape his lips. Barely reserved at all as he took a drag from his scotch glass. he let loose a small sigh at the extinguishment of the burn down his throat. It was a small batch scotch he had received as a gift. The bottle had a loose caligraphied label saying BUSHMILLS FAMILY upon it.

"SImply stated, sir, I hate my last name. HOpefully old age and scotch will wax it off my memory entirely someday. Though i am in no haste to booze myself to death for its miserable sake. Are you familiar with the distaste and disease that is Hatred, Mr. Mayweather? Most would sooner mic their own piss with their morning coffee than awaken to the disconcerning discomfort granted by deep seated, and seething HATRED..." he paused. the devils tongue hissing at the last part of his word...hatred.

"My past does not define me. neither does my family. I shroud that past so that it does not mild me, THat i may mold a NEW name for MYSELF, Mr Mayweather. WITHOUT the proposterous amount of pomposity and ill-placed overly imaginative chuffle of squaking hens we call high society beaming at me as ravens to the carrion."

Jorges hand gripped the couch and in his lecture the whole time seemed ready to burst to his feet and walk a hole int he floor as he went on. Obviously he had put a fair share of stock against his name. But Erasing it entirely? While his argument might've seemed valid, his over-use of the terms surrounding hatred where exaggerated. Truth when spoken with passion is often mistaken for the opposite.

" SO you see, Mr. Mayweather... Every act of kindness and justice i serve Is a SPIT int eh face of a past undeserving of me. It is not that i do not deserve the name behind the initial 'D'.... It is that the Name, DOes not deserve to be associated with ME!" His finger, white knuckled on his glass as he motioned it about in gestures came to his chest, his index finger poking out of the mess of knuckles to point at himself. 'me.'....

The clopping of hooves crept to a gradual stop as the peach house came into view. Jack departed from the carriage, the bottom of his cane beat noisily against the cobblestone. He clutched his souvenir of Hellinka's curly tresses which had been impulsively cropped from her scalp as a manner to release its hold of him, metacarpals clenched about the knot of fibrous filaments as though the act would channel his odium into inflicting harm upon its owner. His gaze was transfixed upon the front door, as if driven by the power of his disgruntlement could peer past the wooden portal and align upon the very object of opposition. Each calculated step summoned him nearer, and London's fog seemed his closest ally as he began articulating his opinions upon the indomitable ingress of Jorge's residence.

"You thought yourself very clever I reckon when you informed the police. But you made a mistake if you thought I dident see you. Now I known you know me and I see your little game, and I mean to finish you and send your ears to your wife if you show this to the police or help them if you do I will finish you. Its no use your trying to get out of my way. Because I have you when you dont expect it and I keep my word as you soon see and rip you up. Yours truly Jack the Ripper.

PS You see I know your address"

He had spent all what was contained inside of the bottle of ginger beer, the rehydrated sanguine syrup extracted of Catherine Eddowes. Satisfied with the hatred embodied of the message, his presence faded as the carriage resumed transport.
The phantasmagoria evolved, transcending the capacity, the wholeness of Hellinka's entity and began to ripple in time to the inflow of her quickened breaths. Her scorched synapses erupted in an enfilade of pain, her corrupted hearing recognizing it like the sounds of gunfire.

Aluande took to the streets knowing that only the rare Bakery would remain open at this hour, one which served meat pies the locals reputed as consisting of 'bow wow mutton.' Even though the prospect of such had left her sickened to the point of a few days fasting, she thought it would suffice one of Opalia's station. She would have to tread a district she had never once visited prior as to obtain it. Black Street would claim yet another unfortunate soul.

Martin lent a critical eye to Jorge's behavior whilst recording his sentiments precisely as was verbalized to him. Offering no such words as to conjure elaborating replies of the Inspector involving the subject of his name, he decided instead to steer the conversation forward. "Nasty bit of business regarding Oliver Tanner..." The statement seemed to haunt the room like a specter for several moment, its meaning delving far beyond superficial consolations as it suggested his insights to not only a professional relationship between the two, but a personal one as well.

The soles of his boots applauded the avenue unrelentingly as Gordomm made his way toward Black Street, something he couldn't quite understand urged each maddened movement of extremities that mutinied his will for control. He noticed some sparsely assembled people in passing, a look of contempt blatantly stamped across his face. Life in London seemed naught but a farce, enacted by the oafish ordinates of society. "Aye, these be desperate times we live in." He over heard a woman say as if it would somehow merit the decay of morality.

Jaqueline allowed for the parchment to tumble from her grasp, its midsection cinched by the indentures of her fist. It was an offering, decorated with the essences of her angst, anguish and anger. She watched it drift further away from her, until the blighted thing was gone, swallowed by shadows.

Aluande Aresperie emerged from the dimly lit interior of the shoppe, swift steps slackening as she felt suddenly stricken by a shuddersome sense slithering up her spine. Fiery strands animated by the airflow, her appearance awakening awe in her as she spied herself upon a blackened windowpane.

The tenebrosity continued to gather around her, overlapping and folding in upon itself. The venom of Black Street bedeviled her, starving the youth's eyes and stifling what remained of her sensibility. Snapping what was left of her stability. She was infected by its injurious influence, and thus invigorated her inner demons. Jaqueline Townsley succumbed to its siren-like song, her brilliant blue eyes slowly shutting as she surrendered to slumber. "So long 'ave I lived stolen away in shadow. So long 'ave I longed for my time to surface. So long 'ave I cried out from the depths, for salvation. One exists through 'er name, and I now know who I am." Spoke a voice likened to her own, however its words were cold, cruel. Slender, soft fingers delving into the hidden pocket of her bustle coat, she withdrew the object that had always evaded the former Jaqueline's detection. A spiteful smile slid across her lips, as the straight razor was extended.

Aluande's sapphire stare never strayed from her captivating countenance, and her assailant was far too clever a combatant, catching the woman before danger could be perceived. Her reflexes reacted at leisure, proving invalid against the onslaught upon her right cheek. She was then pitched forward, her petite form shattering the delicate barrier of glass, where she fell into a heap of limbs and skirts. Her scream belated to the situation, she knelt amid the shards that cloaked the floorboards, a hand pressed gingerly to her bloodied visage.
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"Jorge.. Jorge, at the door. Something at the door. Scrawling, dripping, writing. Oozing.." The cacophony of words mingled with Jorge's senses as something other than himself noticed a disturbance upon the façade of his home. The rough concerning idea of an enemy nearby through the blunt rambleings of the Echoes.

"Again, I hear your voice prattle about meaningless things. IF you where An Honest man, Which somehow I think you think you are, but are not…. Well, You would just ask what you came to ask and Risk whatever consequences should bumble their way through your mediocre mind. Martin, was it? Well Martin-" Jorge made to stand up, and did, a cold-0cocked gun resting flat in his hand. Index finger off the trigger and the rest holding it with an oddly comfortable lack of knuckles around it's barrel.

"Here is my most prized possession." He said, holding it out to The word-smith, barrel pointed… at himself. An offering.

"This Revolver was gifted to me by theLAte MR. Oliver Jameson Tanner. The ONLY man MAN enough to look me in the eyes without shivering. TO address me plainly without a warble of reluctancy in his voice. I doubt A man like me can rally have friends, Martin Mayweather. But I daresay a man like you will NEVER know the HONOR it was… to have known him." He said. Now his knuckles where white. Gripping the barrel like a vulture on the last bone of a decayed carcass. This conversation was the carcass.

"Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop go… feck." Sighed a stringy-looking beanpole of a man with weathered regal vestments of the decaying high-class of London. He watched as a group of three businessmen stopped every nine or ten paces, before setting off again. Like they where beign watched and didn't like it or something comparably stupid. Chester Was a tall man. But not freakishly so, And with a fair bit of schooling behind him, it was a great wonder why the man with his clean-shaven face and well-to-do handsome demeanor was leaning against a crumbleing old skeleton of a wall on that most unsightly of places. Black street. Watching the wordly proud people of London lay down and die on a daily basis.

Chester put down his pipe. Tobacco laced with the slightest hints of opium. Clicking the ashed and spent contents of the pipe upon his boot, he placed the pipe in a marred, oil-stained velvet pouch and into his coat-pocket. "OYE, You Done yet, Miriam?" He bantered intot he alleyway behind him. The slicking of skin against skin and a dull grunt of an ageing man was his only reply.

"Fecking new-girl… can't get em their money's wirth, wirth a damned." He said, crossing his arms and tapping upon the hilt of the blade he had hidden up his sleeve. A sharp, silvery shank of a thing that had a handle on it gripped tight with leather. He could grab it with the opposite hand, and with eh thin blade jutting out between his middle and ring fingers, a deathly pierce of the heart or lungs was easy. Quick jab.. slow death. He'd used that blade to end seven lifes since the first snow of winter. One for mercy. One of his girls drowning in her own blood from consumption. Three from men damageign his goods. The eighteen girls he whored on blackstreet. The rest because he damn well felt like it.
Opalia's abode was arranged as if to adequately accommodate her anticipated recipient, her person extravagantly enrobed, raven-colored tresses embellished in a mother of pearl encrusted aigrette. The elegant ensemble had bled her petty prosperity dry, but for Hellinka's affections she would forgo profiting of the plenitude which would betide of wealth. She stood by the window nearest the foyer, ebony eyes upcast toward the lunar luminescence that night coveted. Looking to the twinkling votive stars with a pensive sigh, as though she thought the very heavens possessed power to bid true her wishes. The baritone bellowing of the clock severed the silence of her surroundings, her gaze became engaged with the pendulum sway. Something stirred within her, the tumultuous tides of madness had begun to overwhelm the sparse sands of sanity.

Black Street had bestowed upon her its virulent, villainous vision. It breathed a breath as to banish the blessed spirit of illumination from the room, the flickering flame disappearing in a wisp of smoke. The waifish woman then became a medium to maleficence, a canvas of corruption. Of her marrying the manifestations of her darkest desires, she beheld the dawning of her dystopia. Exquisitely embroidered lace gloves gravitated away from one another in a graceful gesture, knees bending and head inclining daintily as her body performed the motions of a curtsy. Opalia felt airy fingers clasping those of her right hand, then the ghostly visitant conjured of the shadowy shroud embraced her asthenic form, and begun to rhythmically guide her across the floor. Her soul arose to new heights in her elation, she felt as if she were in flight, her body weightless. Twirling and whirling in her wistful waltz, the air became dense with floating feathers, which had detached from her shawl and headpiece.
The ginger headed child presented a trembling hand to the door. Turmoil plagued his dirty, freckled features. "Tis a parcel for Chief Inspector Reilly?" Jaroke heard of a gruff,gravelly voice, his words punctuated with a rasping breath. His body slowly pivoted to meet the old man, fatty bags of flesh sagging beneath his stern eyes. An amicable signal did not surface upon his scruffy face, only his wrinkled hand pushed forth as if to beckon the letter forward. "Y-yes." The boy stammered, feeling himself buckle to the weight of the man's steely stare. "A-are you, he?" He thought he discerned a nod of the individual, which resulted in the reciprocation of the item. Jaroke started for the exit, seemingly mystified by something unknown. Bewilderment radiated from his small form.

Her grip tightened about the handle of the straight razor, christened with fresh blood. Each crimson drop that fell upon Black Street sustained an appetite which would never truly be satiated, hydrated a thirst which would never truly be quenched. She felt a foreign energy coursing through her, her veins throbbing, her vital juices burning like acid as it flowed through them. Jaqueline's eyes curtained by heavy lids, she turned about slowly, swaying to the song of the whispering wind. Snowflakes kissed her ample cheeks, it speckled her attire. She seemed somewhere far away, oblivious to the benumbing weather.

A grayish, gelatinous ooze seeped into the cracks and crevasses of Black Street, beneath the flimsy white box which had once contained the meat pie. Its sickly aroma pervaded the air. A murder of crows attempting to peck past the obstacle, and one another, as to reach bits of floury crust, and the meager hunks of grisly treasure that would appeal only to the most undiscriminating of palates. Jaroke seemed equally fascinated and revolted by the cannibalistic nature of the birds as the small area of cobblestone transfigured to a colosseum, rife with danger and black feathered gladiators. Having been borne of the same flock meant naught to them as they mercilessly tore at their avian comrades with beaks and talons. Victory came rather easily to the more prodigious of predator, for it was equipped with lengthier assets. The child moved into the thick of conquered fowl, as he heard the lamentation of a woman whom seemed nestled in the very heart of darkness.

Withdrawing the handkerchief from its place of hiding in her sleeve, the square piece of cloth monogrammed with her initials in gold and black stitching tenderly tended the wounds incurred of her struggle. Something unseen abruptly ambushed her, the handkerchief became the desired prize in a game of tug 'o war. Aluande felt her dainty fingertips losing their grasp, until the blood-soaked material soon levitated away from them.

His hand thrust forward, the blackness seemed empowered with magical properties as the stubby-fingered appendage disappeared before his very eyes. Realistically, it was bait for whatever monstrosities dwell in shadow, but Jaroke was too naive to perceive the potential threat of his actions. He felt something brush across his exposed flesh, possessing the texture of fine linen. The brief altercation startled him, but his fingers closed about the object, and he proceeded to reel in his catch. A broad beam of moonlight concentrated upon the fabric, as the boy unfurled it, and recoiled in horror at the ghastly sight depicted, the presence of red splotches defiling its purity.

To him, it was a tapestry of tragedy, woven of woe. He saw the unmistakable likeness of his mother, her suicidal swan dive into the the river Thames. A wretched, looming veneer bore witness to her sacrifice, the very face of evil emboldened by the mutated mass of clouds illustrated on the gruesome image. With all the force he could muster, Jaroke threw it down, the wind claiming the handkerchief.
Martin decided to approach Jorge's insults light heartedly, until a firearm intruded upon the scene. The arrival of the bullet-spitting weapon drastically changed gameplay, especially in the hands of a rage roused man like Jorge. Apprehension overwhelmed his once casual demeanor, the fountain pen seemed to inherit a life of its own in his trembling hand. It scrawled a few illegible phrases, and too much pressure was executed upon it, causing the paper to tear in spots.

He sought something, anything he could use in an attempt to distract or disengage Jorge, eyes wide upon the mouth of the barrel which was aimed at the owner himself. Such an action wouldn't negate any presumed guilt from the wordsmith's mind, it would only continue to grow. Was he likely to witness the man's imminent suicide? Or, would desperation lead Jorge to commit murder as to stifle the accusations given life by Martin's voice? "Is something wrong with your door?" His voice warbling, his mind grasping at straws. "Perhaps we should check it out..." Fear set sail to his words, as he tried to negotiate himself out of a potentially fatal situation.
Each irrevocable step produced of the Baneful Blonde's heeled soles strode her nearer her destination, for it too, was inevitable. The obsidian depths of her mind exploded into a pandemonium of pigmentation, as the corpuscles underwent a violent deterioration, detonating as if in a chain reaction. Simulating the characteristics of fireworks, the previously amorphous macrocosm was borne anew in a supernova of blood. She fell to the street, as if her fragile frame was discarded like a broken puppet.

Jaroke realized that he and his sister were vagrants now, that the Townsley name was no longer worth its weight in gold, and held no clout in London society. The death of their mother marked the end of a chapter of their lives, making them orphans. Fate seemed as fickle as the breeze changing in direction. As the child glimpsed a gluttonous crow gagging on the glutinous gravy of the mangled meat pie, he vaguely recalled a fairytale his mother had read to him before he went to sleep.

"There once lived a woman whom was gifted two birds. Each had been restricted to its own confines, but the woman favored one bird over the other. The one she preferred resided in a more spacious, decorative cage, whilst the other sat within a more decrepit one fashioned wrought iron bars. The one which had lived in luxury was aesthetically pleasing. It was perfectly plump, its feathers were all the hues of a Painter's palette, and it sang the sweetest song. Its sister merely a shadow of its glory, this one gaunt and possessed only dingy, drab plumes. It rarely chirped, but when it did, only a dreadful sound emitted from it. The woman prized its opposite so, that she spent her company with it, listening to its tweets. It never preened itself. The other one became lonely, and it preened itself all through the day, however such toiling hadn't improved its looks. When molting season came, both underwent a hideous transition. The birds shed their facade, revealing their true identities. Their names were Faith and Fortune. Faith became beautiful, and sang the sweetest song. Fortune lost its extravagant feathers, became fat, and through its laziness, had lost its voice. Faith doesn't always look or sound appealing. It is often times abandoned, for something more tempting. Fortune isn't always what it seems. It may seem like the greatest gift to obtain, but it is only fleeting, and most always betides an ill fated outcome."

The moonlight filtering through the pitch of her surroundings had betrayed Aluande. She spied herself on a shard of broken glass. Black Street preyed upon the woman's vanity, using her perception of self against her. It exacerbated her flaws, distorting the reality of the situation. She was deceived, believing that her wounds were more disfiguring than they actually were. She shied away from the fragmented image, hissing as silvery strands of light shone upon her face. "I am a monster..." Aluande whimpered, retreating further into a wall of shadow.

"A" Spoke the voice of a boy, Jaroke's eyes wide as he heard the darkness profess its nature. "D-don't e-eat me..." He stammered, his hands raised to his face as he began to back away. Aluande gasped. She was stricken with the sudden revelation that someone could have been observing her this entire time, as if she were the main attraction in a menagerie of the misshapen, an aquarium of anomalies. "I-is that why you were crying?" She heard him inquire, his voice strumming shakily, as he took a few quaking steps forward.

She felt herself no longer safe in the solitude of shade, and the first signs of Dawn painted the horizon in a bright orange glow. Aluande approached the empty window frame, each deliberate step descending upon particles of glass with a crunch. She sought to vacate the premises, before day fully overtook the night, to search for a place of perpetual gloom where she could reside.

Something soft affronted Gordomm's face. On first impression, it appeared to be simply a laundered garment which had eluded a clothesline's capture, but he soon found it to be nothing more than a handkerchief. Perhaps it was a token of a well to do woman, or an heirloom of a privileged family. He unfurled the cloth to find its monogram, which could possibly lead to identifying its owner. Instead his eyes feasted upon something so foul, that it morphed his tranquil features accordingly, as to outwardly express his revulsion. He saw Denton's graven image, the man's eyes brimming with hatred. His expression exuded accusation, as if every fiber of his being blamed Gordomm for his untimely demise.

"Hello, Brother." He was greeted by an emotionless tone, the air around him suddenly stagnating. "Could you not cope with my rise to greatness? Did the possibility of my prosperity pilfer you of your pride?" An effigy of the deceased man emerged from the alley, its forefinger extending in a point. His words rolling about as if a bitter bite of food was poised upon his palate. "Those overshadowed by someone arrogant never receive their own chance to walk in the sun..." He was a condemned soul in the eyes of Denton, however wrongfully it might have been. His attention adhered to the pillar of penumbra before him, he saw the entity dissolve into the fissures of Black Street. Gordomm fled the alley, making his way past the man coined Chester the Cheater. His eyes were wild as if he had been spooked, his psyche polluted with the schemes of his sciamachy.
Later that day, he stood at an imaginary pulpit, his left fist pumping the air as he was impassioned by an iniquitous host. The crowd looked on as if they assumed this display was one to gain publicity, that Gordomm was promoting one of his newest chronicles, which would follow in suit of those already circulating London. Instead he spoke at a panicked pace, a deluge of dialogue directed at its descendants.

"Frivolous and flippant are the flagitious fellows of felons, founding fame and fortune fashioned of folly! Forfeiting freedom to fraudulence, futures to fallacy! Fetid and fermented fruit fattens the famished frame, and felicity is feigned! Foe is the factual face of friend! Folks fazed?" He shook his head furiously, his eyes narrowing to slits. "Falsities fetching to the foolish! Fiends and fanatics flowering forth their flout! Fancifully fiddling forgeries, fatality foreseen? Fiction finds favor, and faith is forgotten! Filth fertilizes the fallow fields, fickle fate fares finality!"

Among the abundant assembly stood Thompson Harris the Tobacconist, the man's grayish beard resembling moss hanging from a bough, and Chadwick Drolle, the Candlemaker. They were equally aged men, however the years were more a vexatious visitor upon the latter. His ashen face hard with anger, he vehemently voiced a slew of slanderous statements at Harris, most of which were incoherent as he was too inebriated to enunciate. "....I say you Sir, an incompetent fellow indeed!" He then used his ambulatory aid in the way of a bludgeon, brutally beating him with it at intervals his aim was true.

"Oye!" Exclaimed Mildred Maxaby, looking cross at Chadwick a moment, but her rancor was not directed toward the man whom landed a stray smite upon her, nor his intended victim. Instead, the woman hawked a hail of harmful hollering at her own husband. "You impotent sot! Wouldn't know a woman's quim from an Oak's knothole! Is it a wonder why I had to parade paths in pursuit of pleasure?" Flushed with fury, she began to pummel him with her purse, which was packed with purloined pences. The man was more abashed by his wife's profanity than her physical display, or what was professed, each strike she landed upon him hadn't shaken the surprise from his face.

As Gordomm's destructive discourse continued to distill disagreements within his audience, three men surrounded the stout strumpet, and sullied her ears with spiteful suppositions, sparing silence to not a soul. "She's as frequented as Fenchurch Street or the Falcon Market District, as trafficked as any toper that leads to the tavern!" They fell into a line, taking turns thumping her as she was preoccupied with punishing her sterile spouse.

As petulance was at its peak, the people pushed their perverted persuasions upon one another with violence. The denizens were deluded by Gordomm's deranged dervish of the tongue, which provoked a frenzy of fists to fly, but even that hadn't satiated Black Street's bloodlust. Tools of their trades were drawn, a Barber's straight razor glinting menacingly in the sunlight as it was risen, and the Candlemaker dousing Harris with the contents of his flask, preparing to set aflame a human wick. People fought over the most trivial of things, the complaints of the crowd becoming a chorus, no individual intonations could be heard.

The posse of Policemen propelled through the maniacal masses, batons and flintlocks brandished for an ulterior purpose to pacifying riots. "Mutton Shunter! Mutton Shunter!" The people chanted, wrestling them for the rights to their weapons. Barrels blasting their battle cries, bullets whizzing in all directions.

As Martin Mayweather's own life flashed before his eyes, he thought of Gordomm and Denton. What were they doing now? Conspiring over Scotch, no doubt. Laboring on a ledger of leads, what knowledge did they conceal from him? It wasn't fair! He was the one risking life and limb to get the scoop, as to him, information stalked the streets incognito. Were his siblings really the superior sleuth hounds? Persistent and perspicacious, the duo seemed to possess the prowess to probe the most private plots and propaganda from the people whom seemed to show prejudice in the same aspect, toward Martin. It infuriated him to no end! Only he seemed to suffer for the story, only he seemed to waive warding his well-being for wisdom. Now, he was trapped in the study, subject to the whims of a madman! Not wishing to dare him into committing any unfavorable actions, his gaze slowly diverted toward the doorway. Anger raged within him, however his exterior reflected the calm before the storm.
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JOrge Smiled instantly. twisting the gun in his palm. a practiced persuasion of subterfuge. the hidden holster in his lamentably rather old coat filled with the shinign barrel of the gun.

"Than we understand eachother." he said, leaning both hands on Mayweathers Chair. "I see into you, MArtin Mayweather." he said. his voice suddenly hollow.

"The winds are changing. the Tide of mans monstrosity has become malleable to the persuasions of darkness that has infested the veins of her people. You and your fellow writers have actualy HELPED such chaos."

The world twisted and changed infront of his eyes. Suddenly he could see through the eyes of Martin. Gordom. and even poor dead Denton. The crimson echoes pierced the veil between his realities and he saw chaos, smelled gunsmoke. Sharing this vision with Martin.

"In the depths of this confusion, The Ripper will slip. within the withered weariness of London's lowlifes, the surgery of insurgence begins. I will bring to justice EVERY criminal that started this chaos. But not without well knowing that their actions where necessary!" He was all but yelling at the end of it all.


The opulance offorded by the glorious gentlemanly nature as he was pushed aside, fell from his pipe. the luscious scent of opium falling to the ground before Chester could get a good waft of it into his pipe. But none the matter that fine mid-morning. Chester let himself be tossed against the alley-way wall with a slick smile crossing his constant countenance. He looked over hsi shoulder as his girl finished her trick with the young man now unconscious in teh derilect ruins of the house behind them. He looked expectantly at her face, flush with red.

"Well?" he said, turning up his heel and clicking his pipe upon it until the contents was not but the dank sully air of the alleyway.

"EMptied his purse." she said, breathing deeply. "They don't make em like THAT often." she giggled. A whore who enjoyed her work.

"Aye, leave your fancy talk to the idjiots that pay for it." he said in his slangy, over-enunciated way. CHester turned his head thsi way and that, letting his vertebrae click back into place as he put out his right foot theatrically. letting it dangle in the air a moment before leanign into it and 'tripping' forward before breaking into a jubilant and visually pompous strut.

"I'm off." he said simply. giving the woman her share of the coin and taking the rest(including the coin-purse itself!)

Later that day from a nearby wreck of a rooftop that the opium traders and flesh-smugglers frequented, Chester stood at the edge of the rooftop, one foot ont eh stone ledge of the old abandoned building, watching as black-street erupted in sound. The Denizen displaceing din had started with Mayweather. OF course though able to hear most of that floundering chorus of word before the trouble started, CHester made no connection to the man. observant, but not godly so, Chester just shook his head as the men and women of black street wet mad. Only a few rascals, derelicts, and vandals knew of this hide-away. but those who did knew if belonged to Chester and his ilk.
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