The Changing Eight

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The immortal kings red eyes stayed locked upon the child as a traveller asked his question. "This child have chosen immortal life, the mother refuses to let me take him. Do you not know who I am?" The king eyes now lied on the traveller, it was a man. "I am Elrick Firestone, king of the Letic kingdom."
"Oh my, where are my manners, you can Call me Jenny. Mortals Call me a goddess, my kin Call me much else." Jenny moved slightly across the roof top, a large group was gathered around a young child and Elrick. "Do you truly know the power you have? Please, follow me and you're true abilities will be revealed."
Elliot stopped quickly in his walk, a strong sent of blood and ash covered the air, a large black smoke arose from the small settlement of Lictiner. Elliot had a strong sent of small, one of the very demons chasing Elliot was the one who gave him this gift. "Girl, we must hurry. If we do not meet the goddess before the demon fnds us we will die, I can not defeat her." Eliot pointed to a small path leading deeper into the forest "We must follow that path to meet them, then from there we will tell you anything you wish to know."
The demons call was unnoticed by caemises, with anger rising, the demons true form began to show. Large claws formed from her nails, 4 inches long. Fangs sat upon the top row of her teeth. She was no normal demon, she was one of the seven sins. Her father was the prince of demons, and she was one of the first seven demons made to walk Eve. Her name was warth, a demon made of pure anger. Her father had created her in order to start a downfall for the humans, and with the aid of pride and greed the humans fell 30,0000 Years earlier then expected. A large black flame overcame ceamises, with dust remaining, he was gone. The few citizens of the town stood in horror as warths appearance changed. "Haha, yes, this is the true me." Warths eyes darted between the five people standing outside, they all hald a touch of magic in their blood, "It's time for you all to die!"
"I am Benjamin my lady, I am....rather unfamiliar with the world at the monument. where am I?" Benjamin stood as he saw the small shop, the shop hald many small trinkets. The man behind the counter tinkered with the small clock, while much of it's insides speared upon the wooden surface. The shop However smelt of something else, Benjamin pushed past sagira gently, giving her a smile before walking in front of the counter. Benjamin smelt a rather unusual sent, blood and ash, and the small was coming from the man. "What are you?" Benjamin took a step back, in hopes of defending the young maiden.
A blue flame arose behind the vampire smoking a cigarette, arising was a male demon. His appearance was comman in the city, a tight black shirt and white pants. The smaller settlements on Eve lacked other fabrics beside cotton. The demon eyes where a light blue, his skin However lied a very pale white. His hair fell just over his eyes, and the back rested in a pony tail, His hair was a light brown. "Hello there sweetheart, would you mind telling me why you summoned me?"
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The ruby haired woman had just begun to follow the man when she saw him abruptly stop in his walk. She looked at him first, then to the source of black smoke that arose from the settlement. Icy blue eyes widened at the sight, in disbelief of what was going on and so quickly. Her head turned from the sight to the other man who she was supposed to follow.

"Girl, we must hurry. If we do not meet the goddess before the demon finds us we will die, I can not defeat her." Eliot pointed to a small path leading deeper into the forest, "We must follow that path to meet them, then from there we will tell you anything you wish to know."

Kussara could no longer help it. She looked at the one winged man and nodded her head, "Lead the way.."

At this point now, she had to trust him and believe whatever he said. He appeared to know more about what was happening than she did, so whether friend or foe, she was at his command.
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A young 9 year old girl walked alone towards the demon and vampire, unwear of what dangers lied ahead. However this young girl was only a skin for what truly lied inside, she was pride one of the seven sins, her true form was a shadow, the shadow of the demon prince. However like her sister greed, and her sister warth, they still lied loyal to their father. The little girl was a odd site, She had long white hair that fell to the middle of her back, while her skin lied tan. she wore a white long shelves shirt, made of cotton. Her pants where long, also white and cotton. Pride was just behind the demon known as lust, pride stood still behind lust as he spoke, Then reveling a deep and fighting voice, pride began to speak. "No, I am the one who Summoned you, didn't think you would come though." Pride giggled, leaving a lingering chill in the air.
"Oooh, King, fancy title that. Personally, I prefer Emperor. Much nicer ring to it," Malachi said rolling his eyes slightly. He'd never cared for titles, or power. He stood up from his slouch. "How about we let the woman go though, hm?" He asked in a tone that was far from a question. He'd already killed that night. A few more deaths wouldn't be too much of a difference. A king, even a powerful one, didn't concern him. Death was something that he would greet when it was his time. You might be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the reaper. The words flitted through his mind, much to his amusement. No truer statement existed.

He could die, or the King could die. They could both die that night, or neither of them might. It didn't matter to the Gambler. That did not mean of course that the Wraith desired death, as he had spent most of his life avoiding such a fate, but he knew that in a situation such as this, he could either back down, or risk being killed. He knew that backing down would leave a bad taste in his mouth. "After that, maybe we can talk about this boy, hm?"
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Elliot lead kussara down the long dirt path, tress lined the short 6x6 walk way. "Did you have family there?" Elliot walked the never ending road, he stood in front, leading the girl.
Elrick smiled while the traveller spoke, however the mans words lead only to the kings smile to fade. "I was once called that, but with time, things Change." King Elrick wore Black bulked shoes and a faded pair of blue jeans, along side a tight red shirt. His skin was pale as well, giving his short messc auburn hair a odd look compared to the golden crown that sat upon it. Elricks blood red eyes gave almost a trance as he spoke. "We both know what will happen if I do, the mother will try to reclaim her child, leading to her death or you stepping in."
Sagira was about to answer the man when he suddenly pushed her back, frowning she looks up at him to see him staring straight at the shop keeper, asking an odd question of what he was. What was with this guy? She was a little irked that he thought her so frail but also flattered they he was willing to protect her, a stranger he just met, he was either very brave or very stupid...Maybe both. Lightly tapping his shoulder from behind him with her finger she peaks out from behind him at the shop keeper. "Umm...We're in a Trinket shop in the city of Lavatin...What are you doing? He's a human....Right?" her voice was a bit confused but still soft, getting a little unsure at the end of the keepers identity.
The shop keepers face grew a grin, a rather large uneasy grin. The shop keeper looked old in age, his short gray hair sat upon the tip of his forehead. His skin was pale, but a tint of red sat upon it when exposed to sunlight. "You can smell me? Haha, you must be kin to the Werewolf Goddess, or what is it that you're kind calls her? Ah, the Alpa female." The shop keeper moved around the counter, coming out a doorway few meters next to it. "You think humans still lie on Eve? You're more foolish then I thought alchemist." The shop keeper took another step towards the two, only to be greated with a aggressive attack by Benjamin.
Benjamin Stood still as the girl spoke, I'm in lavatin? Where the hell is that? Questions filled his mind, only to be broken by the shop keepers voice. "You can smell me? Haha, you must be kin to the Werewolf Goddess, or what is it that you're kind calls her? Ah, the Alpa female." Benjamin threw him self in a aggressive prostitution as the shop keeper spoke again, However this time the shop keeper took another step towards the two, leading to a spell to be casted. Benjamin rose his hand as the "shop keeper" took it's step."Fire ball!" Fire flew from Benjamins hand in a small ball, hitting the shop keepers chest, and throwing him to the floor.
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"Did you have family there?" The one winged man asked as he led her forward.

Kussara's icy blue eyes went from the forest around them to the man in front of her, "Yes, and I do not doubt they are in the midst of the chaos.." She told him.

Her parents did not agree with her studying witchcraft, so they cut all ties with her. It has been quite a while since she had seen their faces, but it did not matter to the ruby haired woman anymore. They did not want anything to do with their daughter anymore, it was as simple as that. This, of course, was not something she would tell the male walking in front of her since it was not his business. She continued trudging behind him as the smell of blood and ashes began to grow stronger.
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"Then I suppose, Firestone, the biggest question is, why do you want this boy?" He asked straightforwardly, moving forward just a bit, taking into account where everyone was, positioning himself. If a fight were to break out, being in an advantageous position certainly wouldn't hurt, but he had to be careful how he moved. He had to make sure it seemed casual, not to draw attention to it. "I mean certainly there are others who would be better suited for your 'gifts', hm?" He asked as he moved.
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Elliots walk was fast now, "I am sorry, I fear that they may have not survived, the demon dare nears, we must hurry." Elliot was in a run now, his large black boats pounded against the dirt beneath them.
Elricks grin grown even larger as he looked to the black smites roof top. The goddess stood on top, either recruiting or stalling the small demon. Elrick looked to the traveller, who yet again spoke. "Then I suppose, Firestone, The biggest question is, why do you want this boy?" With those words the traveller moved forward, a large crowd gartherd around watching the scene, Elrick pushed the child aside, then singled his soldiers to release his mother. The man spoke again, claiming one was better for the gift. "You're a complete idiot, or a madman to question a king."
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"I am something much much more dangerous, Elrick Firestone, failed King of Letic" Requiem said smiling, seeing the boy and his mother being released. "We are forgotten, but we are not gone. We are hunted, but we survive." His voice was turning cold, his smile darker, and his body began fading in and out of physical space. "I am Wraith, and you, Elrick Firestone, do not want to challenge me." At this point, the gambler carried a very thoroughly terrifying image. His black body was highlighted by the marks on his body, silver light flowing out of him, just before his body completely turned black and dropped into an incorporeal stance
Sagira frowns even more at the shop keepers words, what was he going on about? Not human....Why that little! Before she could react to the keeper though Benjamin summoned some form of magic, blasting him with a fire ball. Sagira blinks in surprise, so this boy could use magic? This was turning out to be a very surprising day. "Hey I may be an alchemist but im still human, therefore there are still humans, so what are you. Trinket keeper?" Her voice is surprisingly strong despite her confusion. Turning her gaze to Benjamin she focuses on him next, "Your human....Right?"
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The mysterious man had begun to walk quickly, forcing Kussara to try and keep up with him. Since she was shorter, it took more effort on her part.

"I am sorry, I fear that they may have not survived, the demon dare nears, we must hurry." The one winged man told her, then began to break into a run.

Kussara let out a sigh but broke into a run as well, falling a bit behind but still managing to keep up with the one winged man. His boots created a much harder impact than her own grey ones. Her breathing was becoming quick and labored as they ran to wherever this man was leading who, whoever he was. She was a mistress of enhanced strength, not enhanced speed.
Elricks face no longer hald a grin, but instead a small smile as the traveller spoke, "I am something much more dangerous, Elrick Firestone, Failed king of Letic." Elricks red eyes stayed locked on the man, who hald a smile. "I am No failed King, my kingdom lies one of the oldest, while it's king does not age, and does not die." Elricks voice turned bitter, while his eyes saw a different site. "We are forgotten, but we are not gone. We are hunted, but we survive."
The travelers voice turned cold, His smile dark. The man drifted in and out of physical space, "I am wraith, and you, Elrick Firestone, do not want to challenge me." The Appearance of the man have completely changed, His hair lied white while His black body stayed highlighted by marks upon His body. Slivee light flowered from him. The crowd have moved back, leaving elrick and the traveller in the middle of the large circle. "My dear child, do I look like a fool? I know what you are, I have not survived this long with stupidity."
Jenny's rage only boiled with kon'nyus silence, "You will answer!" Kon'nyus small mortal body flew from the roof, landing with a thud next to the black smiths workshop. However Jenny hald the demons true Appearance in her hand, The humanoid red skined creature struggled to break free of Jenny's she half it over the ledge. "So this is what you truly are? I do not understand how humans warship my son." Jenny's grasp only tightened, breaking the demons neck. Dropping the limp body to the ground, Jenny made her way to Elrick.
The shop keeper landed against the stone floor with a loud crack. Slowly he stood, His face holding a grin, black sparks shot from the skin upon His rib cage, While fixing the broken ones. His chest hald a small 3rd degree Burn. "Haha, you are merely a mirror of true humans. Long before Eve saw magic, humans walked earth welding powerful machines, Then magic and man met, and magic triumphant." The shop keeper took another step towards the two, unafraid. "You weld weak spells for Such ancient power."
Prides giggle was followed with her shadow stepping beside her, looking towards Salem. "You like it lust? I call it my shadow puppet. I'll show you one of it's tricks" the Shadow puppet lifted it's small arm towards Salem, making it strict towards his chest. The vampire only coughed with the shadow arm impact, the arm tear through his chest and hald his unbeating heart on the other side. Pride coughed after the shadows deed, Throwing her hands to cover her mouth, Pirde only coughed enough blood for it to leak from her tan hands. "I guess you see the limit on my power..." Pride smiled, showing her red tinted teeth.
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"Ageless King of the Ruined," Requiem began, from the other side of the fade, "All face death, through age or circumstance. Your ancestors died, and so shall you. If you do not wish to hasten its arrival, I would recommend collecting your patchwork guard of cowards and leaving immediately. If you choose to challenge me, the odds will not be in your favour." It was not an empty threat by any means. Though he had grown comfortable with his Gambler's ways, he was still a Wraith, and he was still hunted. He still knew how to kill, with and without his ability to fade.

In a single clean movement he loosed the nearly invisible wire from its hiding place around his arm, using the slightest of finger movements to keep the razor circulating in the air like a sharp tornado, glints of light flashing off the wire as it moved in the air being the only things giving its location away, and only for those who were truly paying attention. It was as he prepared himself for a fight that would certainly end in his death, that he noticed another figure entering the arena. Whether she meant ill or aid, he was unaware, and thus made the assumption of ill.

He would most certainly die if there was a fight, but he would take as many down with him as he could. Firestone was the most important to die. If he attacked Requiem, he would continue his endeavour of tearing apart families, ruining lives. Abusing his power. Assuming he survived. Of course, if The King left, the Wraith would have no choice but to let him go. He was an honourable man after all, and would prefer to make his way away from the town as soon as possible before Wraith Hunters caught wind of his presence.
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Lust witnesed the vampires death, only now its corpse lie ash. "You're trick is adorable pride, but that vampire meant Nothing." Lust managed to take another step towards pride, her shadow stood still beside her. "I'll level the playing filed" Lust managed to clap His hands, causing a bright light to exonerate pride, and temporarily disabled her Shadow puppet. However, Lust began to feel a change. Human emotion flooded into him, lonelyness, kindness, pride, wraith, even love. Lusts light faded, leaving the two in the street. The street was normally busy, but not a single soul have seen the violent scene. Pride stood in the same spot, while her shadow quickly reformed. With Lust on His knees in pain, pride rose her right arm towards Him, while her puppet did the same. With a giggle the shadow stricted it's arm, however a bright light over took Lust, transporting him.
Elliot was still in a run when a man fell from the sky, the man manged to hit 3 thick tree branches, and break them as he made a fall in front of Elliot. Elliot took a swift jump over the man, landing Elliot turned to the stranger. The man was unconscious.
Kussara stayed close behind to the man running ahead of her. She kept her labored breathing as inaudible as she could possibly make it. The one winged man in front of her appeared to be doing just fine, so she didn't need him checking up on her or believing her to be nothing but dead weight. Her icy blue eyes kept forward before they noticed movement coming from the upper side. Three large branches made loud Snaps or Crack sounds as the man's body collided with each one until the limp body plummeted onto the ground. The other man made a swift jump over the body, and thanks to her reflexes, she did the same. She immediately halted and looked over to the man on the ground, studying him for any breathing movements.

He appeared to be alive. Unconscious, but alive.

The ruby haired woman's gaze redirected from the stranger to Elliot then to the stranger again. The man had fallen so suddenly, he must have been part of the chaos that had erupted within her home town.
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