The Castle Club

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"He's the one to go to." Flint mused. One floor to go. "The best in all of the gritty streets there are. Never caught, never asked, always has that tip off you need. Great guy."

They finally reached it: investigations and evidence evaluation. The scenery changed from that of a post-war office to a clean, white near-medical facility. Inside were figures bent over bullet fragments, blood samples, and all the other needed evidence to solve any sort of crime New Angeles would face. Three doors, each with some form of cleaning device built-in, awaited the pair as they passed through the checkpoints. The security of this room was held above all others, and that is why they were asked to wait in a nestled corner of the lab meant just for this purpose.

"I hate visiting here..." Flint muttered.
Spencer looked at the ground as Flint talked but was still listening to what he was saying. She nodded and looked at him. "That's why you ask him to let you know if he hears anything about a dead clone." She looked back at the steps and when they reached the investigation and evidence evaluation she went back behind Flint. Once again Spencer looked at the ground or at Flint as she walked. She only glanced at the people and what they were doing a couple times. As they went through the doors Spencer stayed close to Flint. She looked up at him as he muttered and nodded, agreeing with him. She drank the rest of her coffee and quickly threw it in a trash can.
Within fifteen minutes - an all time high for evidence claims - the man came forth with the videos, processed and downloaded to a far easier-to-manage datachip than the outdated, clunky one they had used to bring it here. From there, it was to the archives stowed away near the bottom floor, which was technically public access. The normal information, anyways. From there, it was another long, dull, and particularly un-scenic drop down via the normal elevators. Nodding curtly to the man, Flint stood and turned to Spencer.

"Come on then, haven't got all day." He muttered with a wry grin.
In those 15 minutes it took for them to get the evidence Spencer mostly stayed behind or near Flint. She still payed attention to what the man was doing. As Flint talked Spencer looked at him and nodded, walking to the elevator. "Okay, okay. I'm coming." She said as she got into the elevator and chuckled. "Impatient aren't we?" She said, looking up at him, smiled, and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh, of course." Flint grumbled in reply, beginning to head towards the stairs once more. From there, it was up to the office and back to the elevator. From there, a cleared security card sent them down to the Archives level at floor five. The doors glided open to reveal a dimly lit room lined with data servers, e-Readers, and PAD stations intended for use within the reaches of the room. The closest thing to a library the room held was the clerk's desk near the official entrance on the other side of the vast data farm that was the N.A.P.D. archive.

"Greetings." The bioroid clerk chirped, turning to face the pair. "May I be of service?"

Flint shook his head and the bioroid turned back down to the PAD before it, which contained a security monitor of the entire floor. It could watch the whole level real-time from the series of cameras that ran the entire length of the room. In addition to that, the thing also sported a .45 caliber pistol in its left shoulder, concealed as a maintenance slot should a threat actually enter the archives.

The official slot for N.A.P.D. agents was towards the back of the room, through another security checkpoint and into a small, cramped room with only three chairs and two PAD stations. It wasn't the most comfortable area, but it wasn't meant to be. It was meant to be a way to get in and get out. Unluckily for them, it was a long video.
Spencer laughed a small laugh at Flint and set her hands in her back pockets, following him as he headed to the stairs. Spencer walled behind Flint as they went through the Archive, humming to herself once again. As they entered she looked around, at the bioroid, then at Flint, or his back, sense she was behind him, as they walked through another security point to the back room. She frowned as she saw how small it was and sighed. "Great. At least they put swivel chairs in here." She mumbled. For her it wasn't that nice that she was in a small room with Flint, as he was taller and bigger then she was. Spencer was shorter then average and she didn't look that strong but that was because she always wore baggy shirts or sweat shirts. Spencer is quite muscular but no one can see it cause of her baggy shirts.
The file began to load, painfully slow. After it had taken its time, the window popped open and the footage began to play at a speed that turned thirteen hours into thirteen minutes of footage. Every now and then Flint would pause and move the film to scribble down a few notes on a data PAD program the station had before hitting play once more. All that was evident of the murder was a large figure swinging to the clone's back and sticking what was presumably the drill into the base of the skull before extracting and running off.

"Hold on. Hold on..." He held up a hand and ran it to the screen, zooming in on the man's jumpsuit. A1. The brand logo for the A+ Fitness Club, the closest thing to a home-owned chain in New Angeles. "You know it?" He asked, slacking in the chair.
Spencer sat in a chair and stretched her legs out as Flint put the file in. When she saw how slow it was loading Spencer hung her head over the head of the chair and slowly spun around. She stopped when she got to dizzy but when the dizziness past she did it again. She did this until the file was done loading. When she saw it was done Spencer sat up and scooted next to Flint. As she watched the video she set her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her palms. When Flint would stop the video and take notes Spencer would glance over at him but was mostly watching the tape. When she saw the logo for A+ Fitness Club she sat up a little bit, thinking she's seen it before.
"I think so. I looks familiar. Maybe I looked into it when I was trying to find gyms to go to." She said, starring. "Maybe I heard Marry talking about it." She muttered. "Do you know it?" She ask looking at him.
"Vaguely. Might have a few connections to the owner..." He slid a hand to shut off the PAD, grunting. This was going to be a pain to deal with if no one he knew had a vague notion of how to get anyone to talk. "You sure? You get around to more of these places than I do."

It was a long shot at best. If she didn't know, he'd have to abuse the PI status and that never made them talk. Once you forced them into spilling the beans, they always withheld something from you and he didn't want to risk that. Not when it wasn't only his neck out on the line.
Spencer leaned back in her chair and stared at the fitness logo. She didn't know why she was having trouble remembering. After a second sat up. "Wait." She looked at Flint. "I think that gym is near the richer areas of the city. I was looking for a gym with higher ratings and I found that gym. I've gone there a few times and it's not that bad." She looked back at the screen, leaning back in the chair. "I remember where it is. You know the owner?"
"Might, might not. It's been a damned long time." Flint mused, and it had. The last time he had bothered to attend a mandated physical was nearly three years back. Since then, he had noticed a sharp decline in his stamina and aim but did nothing of it. It wasn't best to dwell on such matters, he believed, and so he didn't. From there it was another elevator ride, much quicker this time, and back to the car. Shutting the door behind him, Flint turned to Spencer while starting the ignition. "Well. Lead the way."
Spencer followed Flint out of the building and to the car. Before buckling her seat belt, Spencer moved around to get comfortable and leaned back in the seat. She turned to Flint and thought for a moment. "It's at Brook Main St in the richer and ,I guess you could say, nicer areas of the city. You can't really miss it." Spencer looked out the window and sighed. If Spencer didn't go to go to her aunt Marry's house instead.
Within a few moments, the car's AI had responded and the two were off through a miserable amount of traffic once more. That is, until Flint began to ring the sirens to clear the way. After that, it took all of fifteen minutes to reach their destination: the brand-new A+ Fitness Club, state of the art, cheap, and with four locations already. None of them were anywhere near the center of New Angeles, so it was a safe bet this was the right one. Unlocking the car, Flint turned to Spencer.

"If this is a crime nest, be ready to run. Odds are any criminals in here are professional, I don't deal well with professional." He tried to grin, failing. Tossing the moment aside, he got out of the car and began to walk towards the front doors.
As the car began to move, Spencer set her elbow on the window sill and rested her chin in her palm. She sighed as she saw the traffic and closed her eyes. But a smile came to to her lips as Flint turned on the sirens. At first she found the sound of the siren annoying but at times like this she loved it. When they reached the A+ Fitness Club she open her eyes and looked at the building then looked at Flint. She chuckled at him and got out of the car, following Flint into the A+ Fitness Club building.
The front doors slid open to their arrival and Flint casually walked in. He had left his hat and coat inside of the car, leaving only a sports jacket and slacks underneath. He looked more casual-businessman than detective, and that was sometimes all it needed. Patiently, he waited at the front desk for the owner of the club to come to his pressing the "Call desk" button on the counter. It took five minutes before a bioroid came forward, causing Flint to sigh. They were never easy to get information out of, and it looked like he'd have to do a bit of 'off the records' hacking to get this one to talk. Turning to Spencer, he grimaced.

"It's always robots..." He muttered, pulling a e-pick from his pocket and readying it in his left hand.
Spencer had contemplated on whether or mot to leave her katana in the car but had decided to keep it on. She made sure the strap that connected the handle to the scabbard was on tight. She followed behind Spencer and put her hands in her sweat shirt pockets. When they entered the building Spencer looked around at the varies equipment they had and how many people were there, which was a decent amount. Spencer stood next to Flint as they patiently waited for someone to come to the front desk. When the bioroid came to the front desk Spencer looked up at it then at Flint. She smiled and chuckled at him, lightly patting his arms, almost like saying she felt sorry for him sense she knew he never liked talking to bioroids.
"I'm looking for the owner of this club, I've been meaning to ask for some deals on a membership here." Flint said when the bioroid was within earshot, his hand tightening on the e-pick.

"Sir, I can easily-" The machine began.

"I'd prefer the human touch." Flint cut him off without second thought.

Unable to respond negatively, the bioroid curtly nodded and turned to walk back towards an office behind the front desk. From behind the blinds stood the outline of a figure sitting with its legs propped against the desk. The door opened, the bioroid walked in, and the outline promptly stood up and began to walk towards the desk. A bulging man in a crisp suit and slacks strode out, offering a hand to Flint with a grin.

"Bioroids aren't your speed I see." He said cheerily, his gaze shifting from Flint to the badge he now held in his left hand. He grimaced and turned back to the office door. "And here I thought I'd be having an easy sale..."
Spencer glanced at Flint's hand, at him then back to the bioroid. She shifted her weight to the other foot and set her hands in her back pockets as the bioroid went into the office to get the owner. Spencer tapped her foot and slightly swayed back and forth as they waited for the bioroid and owner. When they walked out of the office Spencer stopped and looked at them, also glancing at Flint again as the owner spoke. When the owner turned to his office door, thinking that they would be going in, Spencer turned her head to Flint, waiting for him to walk so she could follow.
"Keep close to the...sword." He muttered, pocketing the e-pick and following the man into the cramped, dimly lit office.

"You must forgive the lack of space, we're just starting up..." The man explained, taking down a PAD with several cred chips prepaid for memberships.

"I have a question about a particular member." Flint began, turning to meet the man's gaze.

The man froze, turning slowly from the cred chips to Flint as he uncomfortably cleared his throat. Taking a seat opposite the pair, he began to process the cred chips on the rig placed precariously on a pile of order forms. He had already given himself away, something Flint prided himself on taking advantage of.

"I see you're familiar with this man, then..." He let the statement hang in the air as the man's eyes darted for the door and back to Flint.

"I'm afraid I don-"

"Don't give me that shit, I've heard it enough." Flint snapped.

Without bothering to respond, the man placed a hand underneath the desk and produced a flechette pistol from a filing cabinet, aiming it at Flint, every so often turning it to Spencer.

"And I've heard this shit from detectives before...." He growled in response, clicking the safety off.

Flint casually rose his hands in the air, turning to Spencer and nodding for her to do the same. He had to admit, it would have been easier to hack the bioroid...
Spencer quietly nodded to Flint when he muttered to her and followed Flint into the office. As they walked into the mans office Spencer looked around then at the man and set her hands on her hips. Spencer couldn't help but smile a little as he froze and cleared his throat, figuring that's the reaction Flint wanted. Spencer's hand almost went for her sword, a reflexe she had developed, as he went for the gun but she stopped herself, knowing it wouldn't be a good idea. She slowly put her arms up as Flint nodded at her. She had a feeling something was going to happen although she wasn't looking foward to it, especially getting gun aimed at her. She glanced at Flint with a 'I hate you right now look.' then looked back at the man.
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