The Calamity

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IC thread is up. If you have any questions let me know. Otherwise post away.
Looking good so far! I hope you don't mind, but Ronnie wouldn't take a car in this day and age, she'd probably be walking. Still, I'll write a post up now.

Also, I wonder how people are going to react to the whole "You're working with a cannibal!" idea. I can see that not really bothering Jacob or Adonna, due to their mutations, but everyone else is officially on "snack" level right now.
Looking good so far! I hope you don't mind, but Ronnie wouldn't take a car in this day and age, she'd probably be walking. Still, I'll write a post up now.

Also, I wonder how people are going to react to the whole "You're working with a cannibal!" idea. I can see that not really bothering Jacob or Adonna, due to their mutations, but everyone else is officially on "snack" level right now.

I teeheed at this owo~ This interaction is gonna be fun :D
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What's the posting order for this? Usually I wait 2 posts before replying.
I don't do posting orders. If you feel like you need to post, or someone is expecting a post from you, then post. Otherwise go by instinct.
Forgive the delay, the finals grind just got real.

Gimme till Thursday at the latest!
No worries. I just got hit with finals as well.
Is this roleplay still open? I'm really interested in playing this, maybe as an eccentric scientist type.
Yup, still open.
Name: Friedrich Ebner

Actual Age: 37

Apparent Age: Late 50's/Early 60's

Friedrich seems to be an old man, late in his life. However, appearances can easily decieve. He has clear blue eyes and grey facial hair, with his head having been cleared out of hair a while ago. He wears a grey coat over a simple black cloth vest. Simple travel boots and fatigues adorn his legs.

Where you from?: East

Any... Abnormalities? Powers?:

Think Fast!: Friedrich's mind works at a ludicrously rapid pace. He can think circles around any problem he encounters and can break down new knowledge inhumanly quickly. However, this brings a drawback. A mind this quick and stimulated leads to problems. He is prone to developing odd eccentricities and habits. It has also lead him to develop a skewered sense of morality, seeing knowledge as more important than anything because it stimulates his overactive mind.

A Little Too Fast...: Friedrich ages at an advanced rate, having aged rather quickly in the months that he has acquired his mutation (at least that's what he calls it) he fears he only has a few months, maybe even a few weeks, left to live. He has put his powerful mind to work on this and while he has made progress, he feels he needs to work faster.

Occupation (What does your character do for a living?):

Friedrich was a chemical engineer before The Calamity. Since then, he has become a traveling scientist with his main goal being curing his fatal debilitation. He has decided to join The Fallen Army, perhaps to make use of their greater resources in his research.

Skills (Either involved with their job or a hobby that they picked up):

All the King's Horses: Freidrich is very well versed in biology and chemistry, mostly from his old job, but he's learned a lot thanks to his new mind and he is capable of learning more quickly. He has a natural knack for these things, making him a great scientist. However, he is better at opening things up than stitching them back to together.

So That's How it Works: Freidrich has taken the time to learn about technology and he has learned a lot very quickly. He is very knowledgable when it comes to technology. No more blue screens for him. Mostly.

Making McGyver Proud: Even before his change, Freidrich was good at thinking on his feet. Now he thinks at the speed of a Nobel Prize winning horse. He can come up with plans quickly and put something together as he goes. However, a quick thinker does not mean he can see the future. Not all ideas end up being good ideas.

Let me know what you think and if I need to change anything. Really looking forward to roleplaying here!​
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Looks good Sir Prinkleton. Post away. I'll add your character to the cast list in a moment.
@Sir Pinkleton Brownie points for the factoids. I didn't expect anyone to look those up.
Roleplaying is best done with Google open in the ext tab. A well-informed roleplayer is a happy roleplayer.
I finally got mah intro post out! o________o
I'm afraid I'll have to drop out of this, I can't keep track of it. Have fun guys!
'^' Aww!

But totally understandable o.o

I hope it wasn't my last post that broke the camel's back, so to speak x.x
Name: Matt Lohan
Age: 24
Appearance: Blue and grey mix eyes, dark black messy hair, clean shaven face (when possible), 6'0", Medium build, and pale.
Clothing: Plain t-shirt normally grey, black combats, black combat boots, and a long coat.
Where you from?: West
Any... Abnormalities? Powers?:
Metal Work: If Matt touches metal with both hands he can make it into simple things, like weapons barriers armor, but the bigger something is the longer time it takes.

Electrify: While touching something he made out of metal with his Metal Work Abnormality while this is active it paralyses any one else touching it for 30 minutes, but it can only be active for 2 minutes then takes a day to recharge.

Occupation: Metal work/ smiting
Skills (Either involved with their job or a hobby that they picked up):
1. Builder: Is good at making and fixing stuff

2. Melee madness: From normally using melee weapons he has good strength and can move at a decent speed even with a heavy tool, but it's too good with a gun but that's not to say he wouldn't use them.

3. Speed is key: His speed is better than normal from the running he had to do to survive until this point.
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