The Birth of Heroes

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Well. All righty, then.

And, d'aaw shiet son. I didn't even read your name, I just saw the scandal picture and knew what's up.

Say, is there a character limit, where are we required to post the characters (PM you, Blog just as you did, in the thread)
Let's see there was something else I wanted to ask... Oh right. I'm kind of stuck on what type of power I want to play out this time.
As of late I've been leaning towards nullifying powers in one way or another (Lord Wraith knows of this due to the other thread) but I'm not sure if that's relevant (enough) here where they form a group of protectors together.
Post it in the thread. I put mine in a blog not to clutter up the OOC, I'll move mine when we get some replies in the thread.

As for powers, I'm not a fan of power-nullfying powers, nor mimicking others. So you should try something else. However, your power should be something you can envision growing and developing. Make sure that whatever character you submit is something you could see yourself play in a year, while they'll grow during the course of the RP.
There's multiple powers I've played in the past, so I'm bound to find something again that I'll like and lean towards again :D
I'm going down a different path in terms of powers but just to be clear, when you say mimicry, do you mean just power mimicry, or both power and movement mimicry. (Muscle memory basically.)
I'm most likely going for something else entirely, but I'm just checking which ones definitely are off the list and which are a maybe unless I'm not interested in playing them myself.
Both, I've only seen either of them been executed well once, hence why I don't like either of them.
Good, 'cause I had just settled on something else and would have bummed that I'd have to go over and reevaluate everything a second time XD
I certainly have one idea that I could take from "street" level all the way to the Justice League. It's a bit out there, so I may see what I can come up with. Which won't be too hard, I have easy ways to randomly roll for fun things.
Hilly, could I do something like Celestial manipulation (Kylie)?
Question: how large is the group (roughly) going to be?

Edit: I probably could just as well have posted this in the other thread I suppose
@Lord Wraith:
I'm working a bit on a character (well, really just a concept for powers right now), and one idea I have is electrokinesis. I figured I'd bring it up and ask about it as you're running a guy with magnetism powers, so there might be a bit of overlap (indirectly, if we want to involve real science), and definitely some potential for fun teamwork (again, if we want to involve real science). The idea of setting up a magnetic field to get lightning around a corner amuses me, at least.
@Lord Wraith:
I'm working a bit on a character (well, really just a concept for powers right now), and one idea I have is electrokinesis. I figured I'd bring it up and ask about it as you're running a guy with magnetism powers, so there might be a bit of overlap (indirectly, if we want to involve real science), and definitely some potential for fun teamwork (again, if we want to involve real science). The idea of setting up a magnetic field to get lightning around a corner amuses me, at least.

I doubt we'll have too much of an overlap in powers but I can see the potential for team work. My sheet is in the OOC if you want to look at it.
It mostly comes up from the way eletrodynamics works, but it's honestly pretty unlikely to come up as a major issue. Glad to know it won't likely be a problem.
It mostly comes up from the way eletrodynamics works, but it's honestly pretty unlikely to come up as a major issue. Glad to know it won't likely be a problem.

Considering they won't be much if any science behind my writing lol, it won't be an issue.
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