The beauty of good CGI and voice acting

Really. I am just sad B:Infinite wasn't a puzzle game ala portal. And more concisely written. I really liked it the first time trough. But it breaks down upon inspection.

This is now the wallpaper on my cellphone.
Let's see a show of hands. Who would have sex with KARA? I mean she even DECLARES herself suitable for sexual interaction!
Also, art is the most subjective thing. Philosophers and fools have argued what is and isn't art since the dawn of time I'm sure. Krug and Lur in the cave drawing buffalo might have argued that one's interpretation of the four legged circle on the wall with horns was better.
People have looked at the Mona Lisa and gone "That's not art. It's a painting of a woman." And walked away without another word.

I would. Definitely. Electric stimulus would make it better for me, and the fact that androids don't have nerves (do they? Do androids, however realistic, feel physical pain?) means that there are so many sexual acts that could be performed that would normally be very, very uncomfortable for the woman.
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I think Kara is amazing! I mean, I don't know too much about this stuff because I'm a student, but this is the stuff I aspire to be able to do, and truth be told, I'm obsessed with it. God, in such a short clip alone, even without the little side plot that's absolutely heartbreaking, it makes you want to cry (not because of beautiful CGI exclusively). The VOICES, the emotion written into them, the emotion written onto her face, the fluidity, the timing of the story and the progression it takes-

I'mma shush. Total fangasm right there.
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