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This is something I always laugh so hard whenever I see it. The Texas guys tasting Surströmming, a raw fish with enough salt on it to prevent the rotting. I never understood this food, but I know a lot of people eat it here. So, have a laugh. Btw, the can must be opened under the water, to prevent the spray...

This is something I always laugh so hard whenever I see it. The Texas guys tasting Surströmming, a raw fish with enough salt on it to prevent the rotting. I never understood this food, but I know a lot of people eat it here. So, have a laugh. Btw, the can must be opened under the water, to prevent the spray...

Nothing like food that spits at you before you can even eat it.....
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Nothing like food that spits at you before you can even eat it.....
LOL! Right! Worst thing is that some guys are doing practical jokes with this food. They open the can a bit, making a small hole and leave it under your bed, car seats, and so on. And you go crazy wondering from where the hell that terrible smell is coming from. Not that I ever did that! :p
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LOL! Right! Worst thing is that some guys are doing practical jokes with this food. They open the can a bit, making a small hole and leave it under your bed, car seats, and so on. And you go crazy wondering from where the hell that terrible smell is coming from. Not that I ever did that! :p
Sure you didn't. That's like my husband trying to convince me he doesn't fart me out of bed so I will cook him chilli.
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No it's not. It's gross! I have to hold my breath half the damn night. Plus every time he farts he scares the dog awake and he starts barking like someone's breaking in.
No it's not. It's gross! I have to hold my breath half the damn night. Plus every time he farts he scares the dog awake and he starts barking like someone's breaking in.
But he get's Chili. :3
And chilli is all that he gets on those nights.
But is it good Chili? :3
He says it is. o.O I don't eat chilli that often.
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Then it's genius. :3
You would forego sex for chilli? o.O Men are so weird.
But, it's chili... :3
You gotta have chili.
I'd take sex over food that makes me fart all night and gives me heartburn any day.