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The Adventure of Trainer and Champion

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"I am crystal champion of the region " smiles shaking his hand gently as she smiles. Her zoroark nodded happily smirking gently
Shane nodded and put his hands in his pockets. Hearing her title, he realized where he'd heard her name"Well, I'm heading off to the Pokemon Center to have my Pokemon healed up. Thanks for the battle, miss Champion. Man, no wonder I got beat so bad!" he chuckled and waved as he walked off a bit. "I know this is gonna sound a little stupid, but if you need help with finding these gym leaders, you can always ask me. Doubt you'd need it though, since you can whoop my butt so easily." He laughed and turned away to head to the Pokemon Center. "I'll be in town until the leader comes back!"
She just nodded and went off to the beachy area close by and sat there for a while and smiles gently as her Lucario came over and looked at her. she then went back finding Sane "if you want to come then lets get going" she said as she got her pokemon in their pokeballs but she only had five on her hip
The Pokémon Center Nurse Joy was just giving Shane back his Pokémon when Crystal walked in and told him to come along. "Wait, you mean you actually want my help? Won't I get in the way?" he asked, a little nervous. "I mean, I am all for helping but you seriously kicked my butt out there. I didn't think you'd take my offer seriously."
The champion looekd at him slightly "there are more powerful pokemon out there and use each other weakness and streanth" said smiling gently looking around gently. The Lucario giggled gently its strong red eyes unmoved and tough
Shane sighed but nodded. "All right, I did offer my assistance so it'd be bad to back out now." He put his Poke Balls away and looked at Lucario. "Will he be giving me that scary look the whole time too? Because that's starting to really freak me out, you know." He stood a couple feet away, trying not to get too close to the Pokemon in question. "I mean, I'm all for being helpful but your Lucario looks like he's gonna eat me up for dinner, you know?"
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