That Feeling When...

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tfw someone at your work wants you to make three contests based on the topic 'collaboration'

??? da fuq
TFW when you're on a strict diet and someone offers you yummy food TT_TT WHY
That feeling when everything is quiet and peaceful and you start to smile only to remember there are 3 toddlers in the house and the quiet is suddenly VERY suspicious.
  • Nice Execution!
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That feeling whenever you are far to lazy to turn off the television so you simply wait for it to do it on it's own.
That feeling when you want sweet tea, but you don't have any.
That feeling when everything just feels wrong all of a sudden and you can't seem to pin down why.
tfw your anxiety has gotten so bad that even seeing just the word 'death' sends you spiraling off into a panic

I mean... okay, sure...
TFW everything feels right, and that makes you feel wrong.
TFW you're tempted to expand on an idea, but shy away from doing so because
1x1 partners tend to randomly disappear without a single word
That feeling when you get when you get a news alert on your phone now.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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TFW you come home, and all you want to do is write
TFW you just kinda wanna cry, and quit everything you're doing forever but that morally isn't an option you want to consider.
That feeling when you want to get up and dance, but will probably start coughing if you do so.
That feeling when your fever is gone but everything still hurts...Guh.
That feeling when you stare at a calculus problem for a good chunk of time, at your notes multiple times, then back at the problem even more, and you still don't know what the FUCK is going on.
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