That Feeling When...

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D: What the fuck. Who the fuck does that? >_<
My club mentors apparently. I tried to have a talk about it with the adviser and her but it ended up being a "these are the changes have them done in less than five hours"
That feeling when you've been meaning to catch up on a series that you've fallen a bit behind in, and then you finally set aside time to do it, and you get really excited to catch up -- but then, a Very Sad ThingTM​ happens, and you just feel like you need to spend some time in silence before continuing on to the next episode. ;_;
That feeling when it's still too hot inside the house even when you open all the windows and have an electric fan turned on and facing you.
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That feeling when it's still too hot inside the house even when you open all the windows and have an electric fan turned on and facing you.
tfw I 100% do not regret leaving Hawaii at all and am actually a bit happy I left. =]
Tfw you are watching a cute anime and suddenly it gets super real and punches you in the gut with feels.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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That feeling when you feel like a stalker.
Mainly because you are one, and acceptance is a step in the right direction.
TFW when you're just there o.o' *pokes self* Yup.
tfw you are a needy, restless turd and it's making you anxious :C
TFW Bryan Adams is on the radio <3
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TFW you're seriously considering buying xenForo but every addon under the sun also costs money.
TFW when your dreams are crushed and you have to find new ones again.
That feeling when you would have gotten 100% on a chemistry quiz but you got one wrong because you did too many sigfigs and got a 90% instead.
TFW your only choices are a rock or a hard place.
That feeling when what you learned from creative writing class starts to show off in your writing.
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That feeling when you eat too many chocolate chip cookies and there's no water in sight...
TFW you realize you keep moving the goalposts for when it'll "actually be OK" to be upset, simply because you're insecure over displaying negative emotions.
That feeling when... I miss him, but at the same time I'm happy to finally be single and to be alone. But I miss having some one to really connect to and be intimate with
That feeling wake up and realize you still have more time to sleep so you get comfortable and snooze for like another hour.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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That feeling when you finally have a flannel after years of wanting one and all you want to do is hug yourself while wearing it.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Kagayours
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