That Awkward Moment When...

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That awkward moment when your dog starts humping the air furiously in his sleep, then covers the carpet in jizz.
The awkward moment when the cat wakes you up and the bag of cat food is sitting side it, but you know you put it in the pantry.
That awkward moment when, the one time you forgot to flush, a guest shows up and has to use your bathroom, so you run in before him to flush using some excuse like "I have to go more urgently than you!"
That awkward moment when you actually did flush and just made a fool out of yourself about it.
That awkward moment when I prefer not to read Tetsuri's posts because I have to make an effort to read through her font color.
That awkward moment when you forget what you are posting about.
That awkward moment when you're asking your friend on the phone where your phone is.
the awkward moment when your friend forgets their phone at your house and you text them to tell them....
That awkward moment when you pick up a random phone to call and find out where your phone is and realize that it's your phone.
That awkward moment when someone prank calls you and you have a caller ID.
That awkward moment you find out that it's your mom prank calling you.
Yhe awkwrad moment when you run into your health teacher when your in the supermarket buying nothign but junk
That awkward moment when you buy condoms at a supermarket and there is a hot guy as a cashier giving you that....smirk.
That awkward moment when you find out that all of the people in charge of you are in the same strip club as you....
That awkward moment when you trip, then drop to the floor and do pushups....pretending you were about to do it anyway.
The awkward moment when your press-ups look more like you slamming the floor with your pelvis.
That awkward moment when you're on the ground, screaming in pain, and someone asks you, "Are you alright?"
That awkward moment when your the one on the floor screaming so you can't reply.
That awkward moment when you walk into a room and see someone laying on the ground, screaming in pain.
That awkward moment when your cat jumps on your computer desk, blocks your view, farts in your face and gives you a face as if to blame you for the smell before jumping away.