Taking down the undead

He grabbed the shirt and tore it into thick, wide, strips.. "Hold up your foot please." He murmured, dropping down to his knee's so the girl wouldn't have to kiss her own thigh for him to wrap her foot. He hoped he'd do it right, only able to work with what he'd remembered from his soccer coach treating injuries. Gently and firmly he wrapper the girls foot, a little disturbed by the older mans reaction to her. It seemed so odd.
"Bright and shining, huh?" Daniel looked down at his hand for a moment, remembering the ring he had found earlier. As nice of a ring as it was, he was already over it. Now that he thought of it, the thing was a little tight. Once their hands parted, he slid the ring off of his and examined it a moment longer. "Maybe this'll help you fit the part a little better", he said as he slipped the ring into her palm.

With her last sentence, his own grin almost matched the one drawn onto his mask. He stretched his neck 'til a pop could be heard, then entwined his fingers together and pushed his palms forward, 'causing his fingers to make similar noises. Daniel slid his bat out from under his arm and gave it a firm grip, resting it on his shoulder. "Smashing a few heads sounds like a damned fine warm up. Lead the way, Pheebs!"

This ought to beat the hell out of, for lack of a better term, beating the hell out of the occasional looter. You could only beat up on so many random punks before you got to aching for a swarm of undead. Those rotting sacks of meat were never hesitant, didn't show any kind of fear. Didn't have anything left, save the hunger and rage. That's the sort of thing that made for a good fight. An opponent who doesn't back down, doesn't give a damn if the odds are stacked against them, just keeps charging full-steam ahead.

Besides, it was just so damned satisfying to watch their weak little skulls smash open like piñatas.
"I'm not much for jewellry but . . . if you insist." she chuckled, pulling on her trenchcoat. She pulled on the chain of her dogtag that lay dangling on her chest. She unscrewed it, stringing the ring into the steel chain and let the circular jewellry slide right beside her tag and tucked the necklace under her tank top and covered herself with her trenchcoat. In a sense, it made her feel better about herself and thr thought of it made her . . . happy.

Not so bad.

"It's just a straight walk ahead."

She turned her heels and walked ahead slowly, her eyes spotted a dead corpse lying on the road. Undead. They must be near or nearing, he had never seen the corpse before, not even when it was alive. Wherever the undead was --- it was heading for camp, which was bad in many ways. "I think we have to hurry." she said before picking up her pace, pulling out her guns as she ran.

As she neared camp, she sighted a group of undead of about 10-15 with their backs to them, motioning towards camp for as much as thei decayed bodies can carry. She just needs to get in range...
With her leg raised up gently, her face unchanging throughout the process of wrapping her limb up, Juno's eyes stayed on the man who claimed now to be her father. No, this surely was the first moment for her viewing this particular face. How did he know her name, she wasn't exactly sure on that. Having a tight, harsh expression twisting her face slightly, the girl looked incredibly confused, lost in thought. Her memory-loss was not helping out too much right now.. Glancing away to avoid the gaze of either man, her muscles twitched softly after the bandage was complete, the knee bending, trying to test out her physical limit. Barely coming back towards her half the full range a healthy leg should, Juno sighed, allowing it to straight out. Shifting on her strong leg, raising up to reach her actual height, lips curled gently to smile at the blonde-haired individual, before laying her eyes back over to the bear-sized opposite.

"Thank you both.. Uhm. I'm very sorry for being a burden and stopping you like this."
Raising a hand, her fingers pawed at the back of her neck gently, ears attentively listening to their surroundings to make sure they were safe talking out in the open like this.
"I.. don't know who you are. But,..yes, my name is Juno. I was just heading towards the city..er, what is left of it. You know, along the road?.."
Pointing in the direction each abandoned car was facing, the smaller index finger curved lightly against the middle knuckle, shivering in the air with another feel of wind. Tilting her head back to take in the sky, Juno immedietely noticed a few clouds blocking out the sun, darker than the usual fluff of white. Concerned about rain for a quick second, she remembered the state of the world. Rain would be the most harmless among the things her eyes had witnessed. Staring off to where her hand was a moment before, now back to her side, Juno bit on her lower lip.
"I don't want to waste more time on this path. Where, if I may ask, are you both headed?"
"Nonsense! How can you not recall me... you were 7 years old... maybe you forgoten, our last meet was a a traumatizing event... Don't you recall me at all?"
Markus at this moment is only concerned with his daughter nothing else seems to exist.
Analyzing the hurt in the man's face, his voice cracking over the sadness of knowing someone who did not seem to know him back, Juno could tell that..maybe he was telling the truth. If he was related to her, then he would know of her past, things she had forgotten and could not trace back in her own mind this day. If he was lying, then he would be a dillusional older man, one of many she had come upon since waking up, before they, of course, would turn into horrid looking abominations. Offering, once again, the smile of a young girl, which could quite possiby be one of the brightest objects left on this planet, her sympathy was shown through facial expressions, and her tone.
"It has been six years since then.. I don't remember much of anything at all anymore. I.. Oh!"

Remembering again at that moment as her hand slipped up to her neck, itching at a certain spot, Juno traced her fingers over the chain to her locket. Lifting it from underneath her blouse, her hand guided it gently to lay against a palm, showing it to the man. If he could tell what this was, then he must have been honest with her.. Maybe. It was the only idea she could come up with to prove such a claim.
"Do..you recognize this necklace?"
At first, Daniel just followed closely, but he darted off as soon as he caught sight of the group. Eager to get into the action, he charged the zombies, bat down and readied for a swing. Without looking back, he called out to Pheobe, "Come on, don't keep 'em waiting!"

So much for any chance at putting together any sort of a strategy. Stealth and tact were definitely not Daniel's strong suit, but he did have the perception and response-time needed to survive out here. As alert was raised, some of the shambling freaks turned their attention toward the young man and charged awkwardly.

Daniel dropped to his knees and slid just as he came within the first zombie's reach, smashing it's knees with his bat as it made it's pitiful lunge. The moment the swing connected, the creature was flat on it's face, groaning, and Daniel was already back on his feet. He turned back toward the zombie, laughing as it struggled to get up. One swift kick to it's backside had it kissing the ground again and completely open for an attack. The young man walked over leisurely, tapping the ground next to the zombie's head twice as it looked up at him with empty, yet somehow sorrowful eyes. He pulled back his arms for the swing, then brought the bat down against the side of the thing's head with full force.

Half the creature's face had been smashed in before the head separated from the body, sailing through the air for a very brief, but glorious moment. Daniel whistled, leaning back and watching the distance like he'd just sent it miles, although in truth it had barely flown about two or three feet before plopping down on the ground and rolling. "Judges?", he asked as he turned to face Pheobe, flexing a little for good measure.
Instead of attacking Daniel like he was the only one there, Phoebe managed to get at least half of them have their attention towards her. How? A perfect headshot of course, a nice aim of her revolver going straight into their head. As soon as the bullet reached it's forehead, the decaying body exploded into disgusting, gory bits. "Boom, I knew it was worth the mod." she grinned, indicating her gun's explosive rounds.

Of course her momentum didn't last too long.

Two of them charged at her, swinging their arms to attack her blindly. She managed to duck as quickly, startled, her guard down. "Hey." she frowned, bending a leg and then outstretched one, sliding it across the zombies legs, making it fall flat on the floor. The thing growled and hissed, it tried to get up only to get Phoebe's foot on it's chest and knocked dead with a shot to the head. "Exactly." she smirked. She turned around to deal with the remaining others along with Daniel, and as soon as they were dispatched and taken cared of, she heaved a sigh of relief "Not so much for a workout . . . But it'll do."

"As for judging, I'll give you . . . B+. You gotta work hard for an A." she said, patting his shoulder before holstering her guns and began walking over the already-dead corpses on the road "They look more appealing everyday..." she joked, fixing her trenchcoat as she kicked one of the heads like a soccer ball.
The young man blinked, looking around as Pheobe patted his shoulder. He tilted his head back toward her a little, whimpering a little. "Leave more for me next time, will ya?", he pouted as he watched her walk past, taking a moment to stare. Girl knows how to shoot, for sure. Explosive rounds were a nice touch too. Definitely not to be screwed with, not while she was armed anyway. Dangerous and cute. Hadn't shot him yet either, so that's a plus. He smirked under his mask.

Before giving her enough time to think he was checking her out as she went on ahead, he stuffed his bat under his arm and went to her side. True, he was doing just that, but she didn't have to know. "Don't tell me you've got a thing for stiffs", he said as he walked, watching Pheobe instead of his path. "I'll tell you now, you're setting yourself up for heartbreak. Those guys only want one thing", he warned playfully, tapping the side of her head.
"Don't worry, there more of them than you can handle . . . luckily they don't come all at once, if they did -- we wouldn't last unless you manage to get your hands on a flamethrower, some grenades, and a getaway truck." she said, reciting her strategy like it was something she already planned in mind for years. They were nearing camp, she could see it. When she meant camp, it wasn't a place full of tents. There were tents, but it was like a shred piece of a town left. It was small but quite big for a person like her defend by herself, but that was life. People helped -- the brave ones, but the rest hid in their houses.


There were debris, cut power lines, but the overall impact was that it gave you feel -- a feel of hope. A hope that things would return the way they would and were. She tilted her head playfully, playing along with his little joke that her brains would get eaten, which was a possibiltiy if she died. But she wouldn't die just yet. She walked in front, and turned to face him "Getting a little jealous, already?" she smirked darkly at his comment about the bodies, taking her scarf off her head to reveal her short blonde hair and her overall face "Cute."

She looked around them, seeing people -- civillians who nodded at her, or gave her a simple hello as they passed by. Most people knew her, but some still don't. What they just know overall, that there was a mercenary protecting them. "Welcome to camp, socialize, entertain yourself, but keep your guard up. People are people." she warned in a tease, turning away from him. God, she had feeling that the next days will be a lot of fun. Smiling to herself, she pulled the door of the bar open and invited herself inside.

Maybe a drink won't hurt.
He holds the neck lace in his hand and a tear falls throught is face.
"This was what I bought you when your mother got custody of you when you were 2 years old, there's a pic of me holding you in my lap from when you were 1 and a half, inside, you allways had a hard time opening it..."
". . . "
If one was to hear such a thing, so suddenly in their lifetime after losing memory and wandering around with no purpose, how would they react? Most would likely just take a few minutes to understand and analyze everything that passed through one ear, out the other. Maybe other's would deny everything, and act stubborn like a toddler with a tantrum. Juno found herself responding with parted lips, her jaw hanging a tad lower than it would with a shut mouth. Staring blankly into the eyes before her, her gaze jumped from each line and crease against the face, searching for a comparison to her own features. Well, the dark tint in his eyes, and shade of his hair could be brought close enough to her own, she supposed. Was it possible? Clearly, everything was now, with the zombie folk and all dragging along the area. This was minor when placed next to all the other things she had seen to date.

Hanging her head a little bit, she sucked in her breath and held it for a good six seconds before exhaling ever so slowly. Honestly, she did not know what to say to him. These two were strangers to her a second ago, and now one was her father! It was incredibly overwhelming. Leaning back against for support, Juno closed her eyes as a drop gently fell on her shoulder, shuddering as she realized the rain was building up to begin drizzling soon enough.
"We should start walking and find somewhere to wait the storm out. I can feel it coming.. Unless, you would rather travel alone?"
Yes, he had just admitted to being her father. Socially untrained, Juno was more focused on surviving right now, over the discovery of being someone's baby girl.
Once again his hands stuffed his pockets as he walked along beside the girl. He shrugged. "A bike and a couple of long, sharp blades works just as well. Chainsaws would be better, if they weren't so damned heavy. Balance would be a bitch", he said as his eyes turned toward the camp. Not too much different than the place he'd just left behind, though maybe a little less lonesome. "Maybe a van covered with high-powered fans. That'd be pretty cool", he laughed at his un-intended pun, pulling his hands back out briefly to make air-quotes, "Pretty cool. Ha. Get it? 'Cause it's covered with fans, and.. I'll drop it."

He smirked with her next comment, stopping in his tracks when she faced him. "Well yeah, I mean, it's been a long time since I met a lady who didn't look at me as a potential meal", he said, then looked at Pheobe with false suspicion, "You're not a cannibal, right? You're cute and all, but if I catch you seasoning me I think I'm gonna have to start looking for someone else to hang out with. "

When she headed into the bar, Daniel was close enough behind to slip inside after her before the door closed. "I figure people wont screw with me much if I stick close to the bad-ass blonde with guns. They do, you'll have to excuse me if I re-arrange their faces a little. " Once they were inside, the young man took his mask off and slipped it into his pocket. He smirked a little. "Come here often?"
"Well I---" she said, only stop abruptly after seeing what she saw. She was right, underneath that mask was a fine looking man. Now it made her wonder how or why he wore it, he was better off without it. "---do." she finished, crossing her arms as she rested on a wooden barstool. The bar wasn't like what it should be, it was lonely, and quiet. Well, she can't blame them, there were only a good fifty left in this location and mostly worried about their survival, "For the past month I've been babysitting this new camp."

She sighed for a moment "I'd sit here and listen to old men whine . . . Yes, I have a weird hobby." she smiled, shrugging lightly as she ordered a drink from the bartender, who accused her of being underage earlier. Then she smiled, remembering his compliment.

Cute, huh?

(Link to the brother can someone play him? http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/Brandon%20Stoughton%20male%20model%20Britney%20Spears%20womanizer%20music%20video%201.jpg
They are not together right now they got separated.)

"Shit." Sammy said throwing done one of the last tins of food onto the ground where there was a lot of garbage already. When the whole zombie breakout started she had locked herself in this tiny store with some food and a generator which was running low on gas. The air had a staleness to it since she had no window open and the doors were locked tight. Now she wished she had locked herself in a bigger store so she had more room to herself and more food. What she was in was a small convienance store about the size of a 711. She managed to find out where everything was in the store so she could move around at night with no lights on. Lights meant that zombies could find her and she did not want that to happen. All her family she assumed were dead and her brother as well. Little did she know that her brother was alive but somewhere she had no idea where.
Sighing she got up and started walking to the back where the generator was she knew that it would not last. She was able to make it last a bit longer without using the lights in the store and she only had one gas tank left. The food was another thing she had very little left.
When Pheobe paused, his smirk returned. He walked over to the bar, fishing out the fistful of cash he'd found before and laying it down on the bar. "Give us something nice", he said as he turned to face the girl.

Daniel leaned against the bar, tilting his head a little to one side. "It must get boring, watching after these people all day. " His eyes moved over her, from head to toe and back to meet her eyes. "I'd imagine you're hurting for something more exciting to break up your normal routine, mm?" His fingers slid through his hair as he brushed it back, then he moved a little closer, "You're not alone there. " Daniel leaned in close, mere inches away from Pheobe's face, lips still curled, "Let's take our drinks and find some place more.. Intimate.. What do you say?"
"You should be a salesman." she concluded after a moment, and then suddenly found Daniel's face nearing her. Damn, he was a fast one and an agressive one at that too. She wrapped her hand around the cold bottle of light beer that the bartender slid across the table, landing perfectly against her palm. "I don't think there's anything intimate about a dry field of undead, but..."

She smiled, sliding off his stool and pulled on his arm, dragging him along with her towards the bar's exit "I guess I'll take the offer. I like getting to know the people I'll be working with." as soon they got out of the premises, she gestured a hand out towards the road before them "Lead the way, sir."
Daniel's smirk softened a bit as he was pulled out of the bar, following along closely. He stared out at the road ahead, then looked back at Pheobe as he continued forward. "You know this place a lot better than I do, considering this is my first visit.. I'm sure you know of some place nice and quiet, away from the rest of these people", he said, offering his hand, "Take me away?"
http://www.elfpack.com/stuff/Brandon...0video%201.jpg can someone please play the brother)?

Slowly she got up and went down stairs to see the generator and play with the radio again. Seeing the generator was almost empty she sighed and opened the full can and poured some in, soon she would have to leave. Going over to the radio she flipped the switch at least she had light downstairs and no zombies could see. "This is Sammy Jensen Broadcasting from the 711 on Hill Road. Is anyone out there?" She took her finger off the talk button and waited to see if there was a response from someone out there but she doubted it.
"A pleasure, m'lady." Phoebe said, bowing as she tried hard not to laugh as she did her little act. The words 'Take me away' was something she'd hear a woman say in a chick flick of sorts, but who knew it actually is said in real life? And not in film? She lowered her eyes down his hand before placing her hand on his, holding it tightly and dragged him along with her without any hesitation.

Nice, quiet, and away from the people. That's quite the impossible place, but there must be a place, somewhere.

She got it.


It wasn't exactly the best spot, but it was a spot no one really visited at since everyone wanted to stay near the motel where everyone was -- scared for their lives. Now they have reached an empty alleyway, full of debris kept to the sides, half-done paint jobs, and most of all silence. It was almost creepy, especially the fact that it was really safe to assume that the zombies were just around. "There, I'm not much a fancy place-picker. But I hoped this suffices...."