" ~Whistle~ this place has seen much better days..." said a figure that started to make it over the rise that lead to a ill-fated city. The sun high in the sky and dust comming up from the the figure's footfalls, the young but worn looking man started towards the ruined streets. His body armored lightly with a right shoulder guard, arm plates that stopped at the bend of his elbow, a three bladed claw on his right arm that was armoured at the wrist was all that was visiable outside of a cowl that went about the broad of his left side. The cowl also covered his mouth and nose, keeping dust from gathing in his lungs. On his lower body, he wore comfortably fitted pants that allowed for a wide range of movement, with metal shin guards and kneed guards. He was thankful for such a choice as the dust, soot, and debris in the air would make it hard to breath, bits of light metal and trash bouncing off his metal plates. The claws retracted and his pace slow but cautious, he looked about, seeing what might have caused such devestation and whether there were any alive. If any were able to see the his features, he had medium length white hair, serious looking yellow eyes, a very athletic build and brown almost copper skin. As he looked about he could hear the sounds of gun fire, a sound most unwelcome but nothing he was not prepared for. He quickly released the trigger for his claws on his right arm and went to see where the gun fire might be coming from.