Supernatural Hideaway (Yonsisac + KayLove)

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Kennedy looked around once she heard the footsteps. She stayed put once Mark left to see who or what it it.
He came back and said it was just outside, so she trusted him and believed it was nothing.
They both sit togheather as they watch TV,he hold her close as they do and gave a small little yawn aswell there,He watch TV as this...This just made him slightly scared,he would hear a Loud snarl and a foots steps as Mark would amidiatly stand up as somthing was in here,it was dark as the sun was going down,he look around and sudently the power went out everything going pitch black,he would reach and Grab his little sisters hand and say "Power is out...stay close"he said holding her hand as he needed to get candles,holding her hand he begines to walk slowli hoping not to bump agains anything as sothing was here
Kennedy sat on the couch besides Mark as they watched TV. Soon the sun was going down and it was getting a bit darker.
Out of no where the power goes out and Kennedy feels her brother grab her hand.
As they started to walk, she made sure not to bump into anything and to stay close to Mark.
As he walks he would see a Very dim light,coming from one of the rooms upstairs,holding her hand he walks up and would see purple shimering light coming from under the door,he look at it curiusly as he would let go of his sisters hand and would place his hand on the door,he slowly turns the Knob and what he sees inside

Inside the room canot be seen but it was Pitch black but small purple glowing particles flote around,mark looks confuse.
Kennedy followed close behind Mark. Once he opened the door Kennedy saw the little purple things.
She reached out, wanting to touch one of them.
As you touch them,they flote away and Bouce around "wha?...what is this?"he said as he would place a Foot inside the room but....there was no floor to stand on,he Soon loose his balance as he was not aware there was no ground to stand,as he sudently from action he grabs his little sister attempting to hold on to somting,he was aming for the door frame but grabs his sister and Pulls her with him both start to fall,Mark would start to yell as they are free falling,he Hug tightly his sister as they fall incrising speed
As she got grabbed and began to fall, Kennedy let out a small yelp.
They were falling fast and Kennedy thought for sure they would end up dead once they hit the bottom.
She grabbed onto her brother tightly and shut her eyes, afraid of what would happen next.
As they fall sudentky all would go dark and both Blackout like..if they were made to Faint,what happend?

Mark open his eyes slowli and amiditaly start breathing heavily and quickly,he looks around as they were ina Forrest as it seems,They were dead,he laid agains a tree Huging his little sister close to his chest,he gulp and look around...the Forrest trees were all Gloomy and there leves had this odd ligt blue glow,he look around rapidly scared,as he would look at the small Figure he hugs tightly and would chake her sofly and say " awake? ok?
Kennedy's eyes fluttered open after having been shaken awake.
She looked around and automatically thought she was dreaming. She turned around and noticed her brother holding on to her.
After seeing his face she suddenly remembered everything that happened and jerked up.
"Where are we? What happened?"
he look around as he was not willing to let go of his little sister now as No....Not here,he would look at her and say "I...I...I dont know....whatever this...Place creepy"he sais as he would slowli stand up but Holding Ken in his arms as the reson for do you know what is here?...and if somthing happend he needed to be fast so holding ken up in his arms would be easy to run with insted of Pulling her along "we...we gota finde a way back"
Kennedy stood up along with Mark.
"Um..climb?" Kennedy answered, but really knowing how to get back.

(In mobile, not sure if this will be enough)
He look around as there seem no way up...or anything...there was a dark sky with starts and a Moon,as the trees saround them,seems they were outside...But were?"I...I dont think we can clime..."he said as he would look around as were the hell were they?!

(Gota go seeya ^^)
"What is this place anyway?" Kennedy asked as she looked around.
At the moment she couldn't see anything that could put them in danger, but the place was a bit creepy.
"I...I dont know....come one...we gota finde a way out"he said as he would gently take her hand as bad to get seperated,he starte to slowli walk with causion,looking every angle as he walks,seeing only trees with dark bark,and Light Blue glowing leafs in the night,he dint hear anything only the wind and there steps,as what was this place?
Kennedy walked closely with her older brother. She wrapped her arm around his as her other hand was holding onto his.
She looked around at the mysterious place. She almost thought of it as beautiful place... a creepy beautiful place.
As he walk he would see on the corner of his eye a figure,he quickly turns his head and sees that behinde the tree there was nothing,he gulp and continue as then clear whimpers can be heard,he stops as he hears them and would say kinda scared "H-...Hello...anybody there"he call out as the whimpering did not stop and continue
Kennedy looked around and saw nobody. She was confused as to why Mark was calling out.
She let go of his hand and turned around to look and see if anybody was nearby.
After a goof five minutes she saw a figure, but then it vanished. She walked slowly towards where she saw it.
Mark would be Looking around serching for the voice,as wen he feels her sister let go of her hand,she gasp sofly and would Grab her hand again and say "No you stay here are not going anywere"he said as he started to walk holding her hand as was dangerus here,he look around and would hear that crying again and this time Both him and her sister could hear it "Hello?...."he said as the crying stop....he Gulp as he look around for the source.
As Kennedy was about to walk off, Mark grabbed her hand once again. She turned back around and looked behind them as she walked with Mark.
After some time she started to hear crying. Kennedy looked around, trying to find out who it was.
he continued walking holding her hand,looking around for the noice,as he walk they would come to a clearing...there were no trees infront of them but...some kinde,he look at the town that was not far,he look back as the forrest was there,looking at his little sis and back at the look like a Normal town just it was night and the lights were orange,look kinda Gloomy and he could see people walking around,well they look like people.

".....I...I think its better we head there...maybe...we could figure out were are we"he said as he would look at her and wait for a responce....was odd this place but seem like people live here....or were they people.
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