Superhero Iwakuverse

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My Iwakuverse ability would be to slap idiots through computer screens.
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Soul mutilation. For..reasons.
Feral, combative, rage-based anti-hero with loner issues and a red-head obsession.

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[BCOLOR=transparent]A man. A single man, who on a rooftop towers over a city deep underground in a cavern. Dressed in a common bowler hat, an old, black opera cloak, and soundless silk slippers, one would find difficulty finding him in a crowd. Or the dark. So he wanders the dark alleyways, ambushing thieves or groups beating on innocents.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But he isn't really a person you'd lend your house for a night. Of course he has a solution for that. The blink of an eye, and his rather shadowy attire is completely changed. In its place is a mysterious red mask, a respectful suit, and classy looking equestrian boots. Just like that, his persuasion has been raised through the roof. Just about anyone bends to his dictations or wishes. And as quickly as he came, his cloak is back on and he's off into the shadows.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I am the Intrusive Pen, and the Desperate Sword! Two opposing forces in constant struggle, both looking to the greater causes! Two parts, of one unit! Two faces of one head! Fit for the surroundings. No oppressor is safe. I don't need physical strength to take you down. Society and Information are powerful weapons, when used right."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]...or just a guy that wields memes.[/BCOLOR]
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Ever played Brutal Legend? I'm basically a more pissed off Eddie Riggs.
Ancient Goddess reborn in to the mortal world as a magical girl. I got owls and cats and glitter. >:[
I'd be a villainous take on the Hulk, but instead of a rage trigger turning me into a big green dude I'd be able to change at will into a fucking huge bear that mauls puny would-be heroes to death.

Or at least that's my origin story. In the current canon I've been chained by a mysterious purple energy that has turned me into an enforcer for the shadowy cabal that rules the city in the name of goodness and peace and justice.
Something something Biblical apocrypha bullshit something something.
Power absorption/mimicry and flying. Just like an old RP character.... Except I wouldn't have to touch you to absorb/mimic your power.
Power absorption/mimicry and flying. Just like an old RP character.... Except I wouldn't have to touch you to absorb/mimic your power.
I think you're forgetting being immune to decapitation. :P
The ability to create full illusions: sight, sound, smell, touch, the whole shebang.
oh the beautiful chaos.
Invisibility. That malfunctions more often than not.

I'd be the annoying piece of shit that just fucks around and never actually saves anyone or anything and just spends time being on other people's way. Though I'd also be ridiculously weak and spend most of my time being half-dead in some ditch so you more respectable heroes/whatever probably wouldn't have to kill me yourselves to get rid of me.
My power would be to find or track down anything, but then lose motivation and leave other heroes high and dry at the most inconvenient times. Also puns.
Time manipulation that I can abuse when I'm studying

And no more getting late to class yay
If you were to stop time, you wouldn't be able to see anything. Light exists as a moving particle, and it would be affected just the same. You'd effectively make yourself blind. Reversing time would be helpful if it didn't affect your position in the physical world, but any notes or study questions you'd written down would be gone.

Unsurprisingly, I want the manipulation and creation of light. Cause light is amazing.

Or maybe something colour based. Be able to make magical materials out of different wavelengths of light and use them how I see fit. I had a character like that once. Was fun~
Omnipotence JK JK

But seriously if I had a superpower that would be space in space around you not outer space LOL

Trolling people into thinking they are very close to point A in which they are actually 500km away XDDDD
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