TESTING Sunflowers

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
He Hits Like Ecstasy


➟The AU in which Samuel is a stripper and Roman is a drug addict

➟Samuel, 22, grew up in Melbourne and was much more comfortable with his sexuality. Rather than being abused he was kicked out at 17. He became a stripper to be able to support himself through University.

➟Roman, 24, still has haemophilia, after moving out he started to abuse painkillers in an attempt to soothe his pain. He has since spiralled into taking a myriad of different drugs. Lives off benefits.

➟Both boys sleep around in exchange of money, though in Roman's case it's often to repay for drugs.​


➟ Sammy gives Roman a lap dance
➟ Roman pays Samuel to come home with him
➟ They run into each other at a cafe
➟ At some point Roman cuddles Sunny, because that'd be adorable
➟ At some point Roman does heroin, drama ensues​

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non sem libero. Praesent ex ligula, condimentum quis aliquam suscipit, vestibulum quis odio. Nulla facilisi. Sed enim dui, dignissim in molestie eget, lobortis eleifend lacus. Ut tincidunt et orci eget imperdiet. Mauris rhoncus sagittis dolor ut dictum. Integer nec consectetur neque. Proin sed suscipit nulla. Pellentesque ornare turpis tortor, non viverra dui scelerisque a. Nam sapien ex, pellentesque nec nisl quis, tincidunt venenatis felis. Nulla sit amet lectus luctus, efficitur neque vehicula, ullamcorper odio. Duis eget augue in sem imperdiet tristique. Ut non molestie dui.

    Sed eu pharetra dui. Curabitur nunc eros, pretium eu odio vitae, posuere tempus sapien. Vivamus dapibus varius justo id eleifend. Quisque ut sodales tellus. Phasellus eget euismod eros. Nullam in ante metus. Sed lacinia pharetra lacus sollicitudin congue. Pellentesque rutrum dui et metus fringilla varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque elementum, libero eu ornare facilisis, libero erat sodales erat, non laoreet augue justo in massa. Curabitur egestas eleifend odio, in luctus arcu ullamcorper nec. Duis non faucibus odio. Vestibulum mauris enim, cursus imperdiet dictum vitae, auctor ac neque. Nullam feugiat diam ac enim cursus molestie. Etiam blandit lacus aliquam lacus posuere imperdiet. Phasellus sodales felis et velit dictum, id lobortis nulla ullamcorper.

    In vitae porta urna. Vivamus felis velit, aliquam ut nulla at, pretium facilisis turpis. Sed tempus sed odio et mattis. Suspendisse ultrices, arcu vel maximus suscipit, nisi justo sagittis ex, nec tempus nulla tortor in sapien. Etiam ullamcorper enim justo, nec auctor ante efficitur vel. Maecenas velit turpis, malesuada sit amet metus vestibulum, tristique mattis augue. Vestibulum vestibulum finibus turpis, sit amet dapibus ipsum porta a.

  • waddup dorks

  • slurpidurp


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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade

  • This is tab 1
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed ullamcorper ligula. Cras blandit pellentesque nisi, ut euismod neque pretium a. Sed venenatis justo a lorem dapibus, sit amet sodales erat sollicitudin. Vestibulum vel volutpat ex. Ut quis viverra arcu, vitae sollicitudin nisl. Sed eleifend gravida purus, id faucibus tellus egestas sed. Pellentesque hendrerit tincidunt magna, ornare interdum velit gravida vitae. Sed ultricies quis nisl a placerat. Quisque mi tortor, malesuada id fringilla tincidunt, commodo sagittis purus. Ut auctor arcu nec rutrum pulvinar. Suspendisse ullamcorper consectetur massa eget consequat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel consectetur nunc. Vestibulum consequat ipsum rutrum rutrum bibendum. Mauris libero sapien, fermentum lacinia vulputate sed, feugiat quis metus.​

    Etiam enim elit, varius quis blandit at, interdum nec enim. Mauris facilisis massa eget gravida cursus. Nullam venenatis ut ex nec bibendum. Ut turpis purus, facilisis sed varius nec, sollicitudin ac metus. Nam pharetra consequat lorem. Suspendisse nec urna turpis. Nullam auctor est et nulla viverra malesuada eget at eros. In quis libero pellentesque, tempus nulla sed, volutpat odio. Donec sit amet pellentesque sem. Morbi accumsan lectus sollicitudin metus lobortis, nec fringilla lectus aliquam. Sed id posuere metus, a vestibulum orci. Aenean molestie est quis porta luctus.​

    Praesent ultricies pharetra turpis vulputate dictum. Vivamus eleifend ipsum luctus lacus aliquet, sit amet placerat arcu accumsan. Aenean ut vulputate augue, a lacinia sem. Maecenas luctus erat at ante dictum, id venenatis metus tempor. Sed non felis neque. Nullam sed magna molestie, semper mi in, fermentum felis. Ut malesuada fermentum mauris, at porttitor nisl aliquam sed. Donec blandit lectus sit amet condimentum mollis. Phasellus blandit est ac rutrum accumsan. Nam sit amet arcu et dolor facilisis faucibus ac sit amet ante. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus non pellentesque diam, eget vulputate ligula. Integer eget ante sapien.​

  • This is tab 4
    Curabitur condimentum neque eget dolor tincidunt vulputate. Etiam tristique ex nibh, eget finibus ipsum mollis nec. Nunc quis massa eu nibh pharetra faucibus. Etiam magna lectus, ornare at ornare quis, condimentum eget tellus. In iaculis ante eu justo sagittis, in scelerisque augue tempor. Donec rhoncus, neque et tempor lobortis, est massa pellentesque est, at accumsan ligula ligula vitae lacus. Nam a blandit est, nec venenatis ex. Maecenas faucibus ante vitae nisl faucibus consequat. Morbi cursus, urna non aliquet facilisis, dui orci commodo ex, a efficitur dolor felis sit amet erat. Vivamus finibus turpis dapibus placerat sollicitudin. Fusce at quam ut neque porttitor dignissim nec et tellus. Vivamus et quam nulla. Maecenas lobortis enim magna, vel pretium enim finibus et.​

    Suspendisse volutpat tellus nec congue scelerisque. Sed odio urna, tincidunt eu metus et, elementum vehicula massa. Nullam imperdiet ornare lorem, a dapibus risus accumsan euismod. Ut placerat ut tortor sed vulputate. Donec varius leo at orci interdum, vel aliquet arcu rhoncus. Phasellus lacinia, diam at finibus convallis, libero neque ornare velit, sed pulvinar tellus lorem vel ligula. Donec luctus lorem vestibulum quam tincidunt, ac ullamcorper erat faucibus. Nam sit amet laoreet purus. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum lacinia venenatis rutrum. Curabitur eleifend neque sit amet diam aliquet, non pellentesque massa bibendum. Duis interdum, lectus sed scelerisque egestas, diam sem eleifend libero, sit amet auctor turpis elit cursus odio. Suspendisse ac nisi arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at purus et lacus rutrum euismod eu non augue.​

    Suspendisse id scelerisque neque. Integer egestas dolor id enim faucibus efficitur nec in nisi. Donec fringilla tellus odio, quis cursus ante efficitur sit amet. Integer elementum neque mi, sed mattis nunc eleifend in. Ut at eros justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas fermentum bibendum fermentum. Maecenas mattis ex ante, vel convallis leo tempus nec. Nam ut leo eleifend lacus ultrices fermentum. Donec euismod neque sed quam fermentum, sit amet efficitur felis sollicitudin. Nulla posuere enim non nulla congue, quis ultricies mauris fermentum. Donec malesuada velit at blandit faucibus. Curabitur ut lectus at nulla ullamcorper fermentum. In lacinia tellus eu ipsum cursus feugiat. Integer scelerisque sit amet eros non vestibulum.​

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  • This is tab 3
    Vivamus eget nisi vehicula, scelerisque mauris vel, vehicula leo. Quisque quis placerat ex, vehicula tempor felis. Duis egestas tempus suscipit. Donec non porta ex. Praesent vehicula, neque ac sagittis mattis, libero nunc vestibulum magna, vitae auctor urna ipsum in risus. Maecenas efficitur pretium eros. In ultrices porttitor mollis. Pellentesque eget leo vel tellus dictum sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac blandit odio, sed lacinia elit. Curabitur id dolor a urna tristique sagittis eget et orci. Sed in nisl at magna porta laoreet. Fusce id elit enim.​

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent tincidunt lacus ac commodo ornare. Donec commodo metus sit amet condimentum elementum. Vestibulum nec mi leo. Donec ac neque viverra, consectetur massa eu, auctor diam. Proin tincidunt at leo in vestibulum. Vivamus gravida mauris magna, sed mattis purus elementum eu. Sed feugiat ipsum id massa ultrices mattis. Etiam ullamcorper arcu quis risus hendrerit consequat quis ut tortor. Donec vestibulum, libero non varius tincidunt, est metus rutrum quam, at sodales tortor libero in mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis nulla ac lorem ultrices ultrices. Sed semper mattis felis faucibus placerat.​

    Nunc egestas a diam viverra condimentum. Donec justo risus, vehicula sit amet tortor ut, egestas volutpat nunc. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In a aliquam mi, eget cursus mauris. Fusce quis ipsum condimentum, condimentum nisl ut, viverra elit. Sed ut fermentum urna. Sed ultricies neque imperdiet, scelerisque lacus vel, congue diam. Suspendisse potenti. In at volutpat ligula, eget laoreet magna. Nullam ut justo vitae massa dignissim pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sed dignissim tellus. In quam massa, lobortis et est eu, eleifend dictum felis. Aenean sagittis maximus malesuada.​

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  • This is tab 2
    Sed augue nibh, pharetra sit amet lorem a, varius dignissim mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus in lorem posuere, mattis mauris non, imperdiet quam. Aenean id auctor ipsum. Nullam magna purus, congue ut sapien sed, tincidunt feugiat nisl. Phasellus sed libero odio. Vivamus bibendum, enim eu viverra interdum, est leo tempor velit, ut convallis massa elit vel nisi. Morbi sit amet neque dui. In elit risus, cursus id rhoncus sed, varius sed metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse consequat aliquet ipsum, sed tristique nibh. Sed pellentesque nisl tincidunt tortor venenatis pretium.​

    Curabitur pretium ultrices purus, eget finibus quam dictum tincidunt. In turpis lorem, sagittis maximus semper consequat, semper nec urna. Sed sed aliquam odio. Aliquam malesuada euismod luctus. Suspendisse gravida tellus et lorem venenatis porttitor. Vivamus ligula elit, venenatis posuere accumsan vel, convallis ac ante. Cras ornare neque lorem, nec laoreet odio egestas nec. In ut sem sapien. Aliquam molestie vel ipsum nec gravida. Morbi sit amet euismod magna. Donec iaculis tellus eu congue luctus. Donec at lectus gravida, porta est in, euismod risus. Etiam lacinia arcu quis ligula scelerisque dapibus. Pellentesque in arcu et ex laoreet feugiat ut at sapien.​

    Nunc vel pharetra leo. Sed lacus quam, porttitor in nisl a, pharetra semper sapien. Nam dignissim ex ut ex scelerisque, id blandit ipsum pulvinar. Aliquam sodales ipsum at lorem volutpat commodo. Nulla facilisi. Nunc egestas interdum sem, fermentum volutpat libero. Phasellus pretium, justo nec ultrices cursus, leo urna semper eros, quis luctus odio massa vitae metus. Fusce at rhoncus nulla, eu aliquam lacus. Fusce id auctor enim. Mauris ullamcorper, justo eget placerat suscipit, lacus arcu tincidunt mauris, sed rhoncus nulla arcu lobortis lacus. Pellentesque hendrerit sollicitudin metus in blandit. Nam nec nibh euismod odio faucibus ornare. Pellentesque cursus pulvinar ex vel rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies, ligula gravida consequat facilisis, nisi sapien congue ipsum, a pharetra justo justo quis nisl. Nunc tincidunt sem orci, ac suscipit ex faucibus in. Suspendisse potenti.​

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  • This is tab 1
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed ullamcorper ligula. Cras blandit pellentesque nisi, ut euismod neque pretium a. Sed venenatis justo a lorem dapibus, sit amet sodales erat sollicitudin. Vestibulum vel volutpat ex. Ut quis viverra arcu, vitae sollicitudin nisl. Sed eleifend gravida purus, id faucibus tellus egestas sed. Pellentesque hendrerit tincidunt magna, ornare interdum velit gravida vitae. Sed ultricies quis nisl a placerat. Quisque mi tortor, malesuada id fringilla tincidunt, commodo sagittis purus. Ut auctor arcu nec rutrum pulvinar. Suspendisse ullamcorper consectetur massa eget consequat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel consectetur nunc. Vestibulum consequat ipsum rutrum rutrum bibendum. Mauris libero sapien, fermentum lacinia vulputate sed, feugiat quis metus.​

    Etiam enim elit, varius quis blandit at, interdum nec enim. Mauris facilisis massa eget gravida cursus. Nullam venenatis ut ex nec bibendum. Ut turpis purus, facilisis sed varius nec, sollicitudin ac metus. Nam pharetra consequat lorem. Suspendisse nec urna turpis. Nullam auctor est et nulla viverra malesuada eget at eros. In quis libero pellentesque, tempus nulla sed, volutpat odio. Donec sit amet pellentesque sem. Morbi accumsan lectus sollicitudin metus lobortis, nec fringilla lectus aliquam. Sed id posuere metus, a vestibulum orci. Aenean molestie est quis porta luctus.​

    Praesent ultricies pharetra turpis vulputate dictum. Vivamus eleifend ipsum luctus lacus aliquet, sit amet placerat arcu accumsan. Aenean ut vulputate augue, a lacinia sem. Maecenas luctus erat at ante dictum, id venenatis metus tempor. Sed non felis neque. Nullam sed magna molestie, semper mi in, fermentum felis. Ut malesuada fermentum mauris, at porttitor nisl aliquam sed. Donec blandit lectus sit amet condimentum mollis. Phasellus blandit est ac rutrum accumsan. Nam sit amet arcu et dolor facilisis faucibus ac sit amet ante. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus non pellentesque diam, eget vulputate ligula. Integer eget ante sapien.​



  • This is tab 1
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed ullamcorper ligula. Cras blandit pellentesque nisi, ut euismod neque pretium a. Sed venenatis justo a lorem dapibus, sit amet sodales erat sollicitudin. Vestibulum vel volutpat ex. Ut quis viverra arcu, vitae sollicitudin nisl. Sed eleifend gravida purus, id faucibus tellus egestas sed. Pellentesque hendrerit tincidunt magna, ornare interdum velit gravida vitae. Sed ultricies quis nisl a placerat. Quisque mi tortor, malesuada id fringilla tincidunt, commodo sagittis purus. Ut auctor arcu nec rutrum pulvinar. Suspendisse ullamcorper consectetur massa eget consequat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel consectetur nunc. Vestibulum consequat ipsum rutrum rutrum bibendum. Mauris libero sapien, fermentum lacinia vulputate sed, feugiat quis metus.​

    Etiam enim elit, varius quis blandit at, interdum nec enim. Mauris facilisis massa eget gravida cursus. Nullam venenatis ut ex nec bibendum. Ut turpis purus, facilisis sed varius nec, sollicitudin ac metus. Nam pharetra consequat lorem. Suspendisse nec urna turpis. Nullam auctor est et nulla viverra malesuada eget at eros. In quis libero pellentesque, tempus nulla sed, volutpat odio. Donec sit amet pellentesque sem. Morbi accumsan lectus sollicitudin metus lobortis, nec fringilla lectus aliquam. Sed id posuere metus, a vestibulum orci. Aenean molestie est quis porta luctus.​

    Praesent ultricies pharetra turpis vulputate dictum. Vivamus eleifend ipsum luctus lacus aliquet, sit amet placerat arcu accumsan. Aenean ut vulputate augue, a lacinia sem. Maecenas luctus erat at ante dictum, id venenatis metus tempor. Sed non felis neque. Nullam sed magna molestie, semper mi in, fermentum felis. Ut malesuada fermentum mauris, at porttitor nisl aliquam sed. Donec blandit lectus sit amet condimentum mollis. Phasellus blandit est ac rutrum accumsan. Nam sit amet arcu et dolor facilisis faucibus ac sit amet ante. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus non pellentesque diam, eget vulputate ligula. Integer eget ante sapien.​

  • This is tab 4
    Curabitur condimentum neque eget dolor tincidunt vulputate. Etiam tristique ex nibh, eget finibus ipsum mollis nec. Nunc quis massa eu nibh pharetra faucibus. Etiam magna lectus, ornare at ornare quis, condimentum eget tellus. In iaculis ante eu justo sagittis, in scelerisque augue tempor. Donec rhoncus, neque et tempor lobortis, est massa pellentesque est, at accumsan ligula ligula vitae lacus. Nam a blandit est, nec venenatis ex. Maecenas faucibus ante vitae nisl faucibus consequat. Morbi cursus, urna non aliquet facilisis, dui orci commodo ex, a efficitur dolor felis sit amet erat. Vivamus finibus turpis dapibus placerat sollicitudin. Fusce at quam ut neque porttitor dignissim nec et tellus. Vivamus et quam nulla. Maecenas lobortis enim magna, vel pretium enim finibus et.​

    Suspendisse volutpat tellus nec congue scelerisque. Sed odio urna, tincidunt eu metus et, elementum vehicula massa. Nullam imperdiet ornare lorem, a dapibus risus accumsan euismod. Ut placerat ut tortor sed vulputate. Donec varius leo at orci interdum, vel aliquet arcu rhoncus. Phasellus lacinia, diam at finibus convallis, libero neque ornare velit, sed pulvinar tellus lorem vel ligula. Donec luctus lorem vestibulum quam tincidunt, ac ullamcorper erat faucibus. Nam sit amet laoreet purus. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum lacinia venenatis rutrum. Curabitur eleifend neque sit amet diam aliquet, non pellentesque massa bibendum. Duis interdum, lectus sed scelerisque egestas, diam sem eleifend libero, sit amet auctor turpis elit cursus odio. Suspendisse ac nisi arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at purus et lacus rutrum euismod eu non augue.​

    Suspendisse id scelerisque neque. Integer egestas dolor id enim faucibus efficitur nec in nisi. Donec fringilla tellus odio, quis cursus ante efficitur sit amet. Integer elementum neque mi, sed mattis nunc eleifend in. Ut at eros justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas fermentum bibendum fermentum. Maecenas mattis ex ante, vel convallis leo tempus nec. Nam ut leo eleifend lacus ultrices fermentum. Donec euismod neque sed quam fermentum, sit amet efficitur felis sollicitudin. Nulla posuere enim non nulla congue, quis ultricies mauris fermentum. Donec malesuada velit at blandit faucibus. Curabitur ut lectus at nulla ullamcorper fermentum. In lacinia tellus eu ipsum cursus feugiat. Integer scelerisque sit amet eros non vestibulum.​

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  • This is tab 3
    Vivamus eget nisi vehicula, scelerisque mauris vel, vehicula leo. Quisque quis placerat ex, vehicula tempor felis. Duis egestas tempus suscipit. Donec non porta ex. Praesent vehicula, neque ac sagittis mattis, libero nunc vestibulum magna, vitae auctor urna ipsum in risus. Maecenas efficitur pretium eros. In ultrices porttitor mollis. Pellentesque eget leo vel tellus dictum sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac blandit odio, sed lacinia elit. Curabitur id dolor a urna tristique sagittis eget et orci. Sed in nisl at magna porta laoreet. Fusce id elit enim.​

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent tincidunt lacus ac commodo ornare. Donec commodo metus sit amet condimentum elementum. Vestibulum nec mi leo. Donec ac neque viverra, consectetur massa eu, auctor diam. Proin tincidunt at leo in vestibulum. Vivamus gravida mauris magna, sed mattis purus elementum eu. Sed feugiat ipsum id massa ultrices mattis. Etiam ullamcorper arcu quis risus hendrerit consequat quis ut tortor. Donec vestibulum, libero non varius tincidunt, est metus rutrum quam, at sodales tortor libero in mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis nulla ac lorem ultrices ultrices. Sed semper mattis felis faucibus placerat.​

    Nunc egestas a diam viverra condimentum. Donec justo risus, vehicula sit amet tortor ut, egestas volutpat nunc. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In a aliquam mi, eget cursus mauris. Fusce quis ipsum condimentum, condimentum nisl ut, viverra elit. Sed ut fermentum urna. Sed ultricies neque imperdiet, scelerisque lacus vel, congue diam. Suspendisse potenti. In at volutpat ligula, eget laoreet magna. Nullam ut justo vitae massa dignissim pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sed dignissim tellus. In quam massa, lobortis et est eu, eleifend dictum felis. Aenean sagittis maximus malesuada.​

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  • This is tab 2
    Sed augue nibh, pharetra sit amet lorem a, varius dignissim mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus in lorem posuere, mattis mauris non, imperdiet quam. Aenean id auctor ipsum. Nullam magna purus, congue ut sapien sed, tincidunt feugiat nisl. Phasellus sed libero odio. Vivamus bibendum, enim eu viverra interdum, est leo tempor velit, ut convallis massa elit vel nisi. Morbi sit amet neque dui. In elit risus, cursus id rhoncus sed, varius sed metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse consequat aliquet ipsum, sed tristique nibh. Sed pellentesque nisl tincidunt tortor venenatis pretium.​

    Curabitur pretium ultrices purus, eget finibus quam dictum tincidunt. In turpis lorem, sagittis maximus semper consequat, semper nec urna. Sed sed aliquam odio. Aliquam malesuada euismod luctus. Suspendisse gravida tellus et lorem venenatis porttitor. Vivamus ligula elit, venenatis posuere accumsan vel, convallis ac ante. Cras ornare neque lorem, nec laoreet odio egestas nec. In ut sem sapien. Aliquam molestie vel ipsum nec gravida. Morbi sit amet euismod magna. Donec iaculis tellus eu congue luctus. Donec at lectus gravida, porta est in, euismod risus. Etiam lacinia arcu quis ligula scelerisque dapibus. Pellentesque in arcu et ex laoreet feugiat ut at sapien.​

    Nunc vel pharetra leo. Sed lacus quam, porttitor in nisl a, pharetra semper sapien. Nam dignissim ex ut ex scelerisque, id blandit ipsum pulvinar. Aliquam sodales ipsum at lorem volutpat commodo. Nulla facilisi. Nunc egestas interdum sem, fermentum volutpat libero. Phasellus pretium, justo nec ultrices cursus, leo urna semper eros, quis luctus odio massa vitae metus. Fusce at rhoncus nulla, eu aliquam lacus. Fusce id auctor enim. Mauris ullamcorper, justo eget placerat suscipit, lacus arcu tincidunt mauris, sed rhoncus nulla arcu lobortis lacus. Pellentesque hendrerit sollicitudin metus in blandit. Nam nec nibh euismod odio faucibus ornare. Pellentesque cursus pulvinar ex vel rutrum. Suspendisse ultricies, ligula gravida consequat facilisis, nisi sapien congue ipsum, a pharetra justo justo quis nisl. Nunc tincidunt sem orci, ac suscipit ex faucibus in. Suspendisse potenti.​

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  • This is tab 1
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed ullamcorper ligula. Cras blandit pellentesque nisi, ut euismod neque pretium a. Sed venenatis justo a lorem dapibus, sit amet sodales erat sollicitudin. Vestibulum vel volutpat ex. Ut quis viverra arcu, vitae sollicitudin nisl. Sed eleifend gravida purus, id faucibus tellus egestas sed. Pellentesque hendrerit tincidunt magna, ornare interdum velit gravida vitae. Sed ultricies quis nisl a placerat. Quisque mi tortor, malesuada id fringilla tincidunt, commodo sagittis purus. Ut auctor arcu nec rutrum pulvinar. Suspendisse ullamcorper consectetur massa eget consequat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel consectetur nunc. Vestibulum consequat ipsum rutrum rutrum bibendum. Mauris libero sapien, fermentum lacinia vulputate sed, feugiat quis metus.​

    Etiam enim elit, varius quis blandit at, interdum nec enim. Mauris facilisis massa eget gravida cursus. Nullam venenatis ut ex nec bibendum. Ut turpis purus, facilisis sed varius nec, sollicitudin ac metus. Nam pharetra consequat lorem. Suspendisse nec urna turpis. Nullam auctor est et nulla viverra malesuada eget at eros. In quis libero pellentesque, tempus nulla sed, volutpat odio. Donec sit amet pellentesque sem. Morbi accumsan lectus sollicitudin metus lobortis, nec fringilla lectus aliquam. Sed id posuere metus, a vestibulum orci. Aenean molestie est quis porta luctus.​

    Praesent ultricies pharetra turpis vulputate dictum. Vivamus eleifend ipsum luctus lacus aliquet, sit amet placerat arcu accumsan. Aenean ut vulputate augue, a lacinia sem. Maecenas luctus erat at ante dictum, id venenatis metus tempor. Sed non felis neque. Nullam sed magna molestie, semper mi in, fermentum felis. Ut malesuada fermentum mauris, at porttitor nisl aliquam sed. Donec blandit lectus sit amet condimentum mollis. Phasellus blandit est ac rutrum accumsan. Nam sit amet arcu et dolor facilisis faucibus ac sit amet ante. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus non pellentesque diam, eget vulputate ligula. Integer eget ante sapien.​

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  • Chicago, Illinois


    Floor plan


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  • Jamie2016
    James Cole Gardner



    Music director/Radio host

    Date of birth
    Oct 5 1988


    Place of birth
    Chicago, Illinos, USA


    Whether you want to call it a perfect disaster or just the most horrific case of a birds nest one thing is clear, it's a mess. It is dark brown in colour, longer than it should be about sixty percent of the time and it can't quite seem to make up its mind if it's curly or straight, it seems to maintain a little more curls when it's on the shorter side but in general it somehow seems to be a mix of the two. At least it does a pretty good job hiding the fact that its starting to thin in the back, a consequence of not getting good hair genes and getting older.​
    While his eyes can look a little different in different lights they lie somewhere between a greyish blue and green, leaning more towards the blue.​
    Pale and freckles. Especially in the summer. He is covered in them, to the point where when you look at his face you might wonder if there might be more space covered with freckles on his skin than without.​
    178 cm (5'10 feet)​
    80 kg (176lbs)​
    James has struggled with his weight quite a bit since young adulthood. When he drank, that made him gain weight, when he stopped drinking, sugar and sweets did, so he tends to fluctuate quite a bit depending on how much willpower he has to resist his sweet tooth. He is currently at a weight he's kind of comfortable with. A little pudgy still, sure but not too much more so than what can be considered healthy, it does take effort and he has to watch his sugar intake though.​
    He has the odd scar here and there, knuckles, elbows, knees, the normal, some from growing up, some he has no idea how he got.​
    The past couple of years James' motivation to dress up has kind of plummeted, he has no real reason for it. But in his heyday, he found fashion quite fun and ever so often you will see his old passion for clothes peak through, if only because he hasn't gone through his wardrobe in a long time. His favorites are definitely button-ups and downs with fun patterns, especially floral. he likes denim jackets, but will sometimes wear a more fun suit jacket with a t-shirt with a print of whatever. He is rarely caught without a pair of black jeans, especially in recent years it has become a staple. In general, he likes to wear darker colours, an ensemble of dark jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black hoodie is what you'll see him in most days.​
    Past alcohol abuse​
    Past drug abuse​


    James might not be the best person you'll ever meet, but he'd never really claim to be either. He's a hot head, easily irritated, and little arrogant and can be quite cold. He's not mean and never really actively go out of his way to hurt people but he tends to act a little self centered before he actually sits down and think things through.​
    When he does think things through he can be a pretty empathic person, he doesn't want to burden people with his own issues because he doesn't want to stress them out. At this point in his life, he'd go as far as he possibly could to make sure the people he loves are happy, at the expense of his own happiness if so needed. Which shows that at the end of the day he's not as selfish as he may come across, even if he might have been in his past.​
    He doesn't like being controlled by external things, and likes to have a sense of freedom, nothing that ties him down. He never thought he'd have a dog, seeing as a dog is just that, but having something to look after and make sure he's sober for has helped a lot since he got his fluffy friend, though that is about as far he will go with things he has to care about. He knows himself well enough not to trust himself to take care of anything else.​
    James doesn't deal all that well with too high levels of stress, the fact that his quick to anger plays into it, but also past addictions and problems, when he is stressed or feels out of control he gets the urges to do self-destructive things and over the years this has caused him to just keep more to himself and even just kind of favour being alone and not do much aside from work, even if he does feel a little lonely at times.​
    Music, dogs, alcohol, sweets, hot chocolate, popcorn (the homemade and moderately healthy kind), lemons, rain and storms, home cooked meals, shitty TV (in an ironic unironic way), rock, small bands, order and structure, poetry, writing​
    Being pitied, heat, alcohol, kids, losing control, mass-produced pop, criticism, being babied, messes, cleaning, birds​
    Making music, if laying on the couch casually watching reality TV on the learning channel or random home renovation shows counts, then that's probably his main hobby at this point.​
    Talks with his hands​
    Falling back into old habits​
    Birds (mildly)​
    Most things music. Mainly singing, the guitar (electric and acoustic), keyboard and bass guitar. Writing song lyrics.​
    Let's just say past addictions and behavior isn't the first thing he wants to talk about. Also on occasion, his weight.​
    Mental ailments
    Alcohol use disorder, aka he's a recovering alcoholic.​


    Dawn Gardner – 57 – Mother – Hotel Manager​
    Mark Gardner – 58 – Father – Accountant​
    Jacklynn Park – 26 – Sister – High school teacher​
    Andrew Park – 28 – Brother-In-Law – Policeman​
    Aidan 'Danny' Crawford – 30 – Former bandmate – Music producer​
    Zack Chien – 32 – Former bandmate – Solo muisician, singer/songwriter​
    Stella – 3 – Labradore Retriver pupper – very cute​
    Not really anyone serious, but there has been plenty of one night stands and longer lasting flings, none ever that crossed the line of dating since high school though. Currently, he doesn't really have enough of a social life to meet people, and is uninterested in meeting strangers out of fear of becoming who he used to be.​
    The high ups in his past record label, but mainly:​
    Sarah Stewart - 28 - Former pseudo band manager - Label manager​


    The best way to describe Jame's past is sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Or well sex, drugs and mildly obscure britpop slash indie rock slash alternative rock, but that just doesn't sound as catchy.​
    Jame grew up in a middle-class family as the oldest kid to two slightly strict but very loving parents. Growing up James was always interested in music, taking classes in guitar and piano at a young age and adding on instruments as he got older. His parents, though otherwise supportive, tried to discourage his dreams of making it in the music industry due to the slim chances of making it, but they also didn't stop him from pursuing it completely. And as the years went by and he graduated high school he was actually making it. December Thoughts, the band James and his two friends had started, was picked up by a label and after their first single in 2008 and first album released 2009 they were set to take the world of indie-rock with storm.​
    As they gained fame, released their second album, got to front their own tours, fame started to get a little to Jame's head, or rather, he started to take the life he had worked so hard for, for granted. With so many people adoring him it was easy to forget that with a reputation for getting drunk, fighting with bandmates and producers and taking advantage of his position to sleep with practically whoever he wants, you can only go so far. After enough getting drunk or even high before performances, and arguing, both fans and bandmates were fed up. The band split up in 2014, and later that year James was forced into rehab by both family and his bandmates after it was revealed that he wasn't just abusing alcohols but drugs as well.​
    Now he has, been both clean and sober for a couple of years and thanks to his past fame he has landed himself a job on the radio as a music director. He also hosts the Friday show where past, and new fans, can tune in to hear him go through the current top lists and comment on the songs.​

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  • NAME
    Elizabeth Angelica Wolf

    Eliza | Betsey | Angie

    31. female. Heterosexual. August 2nd.


    Chicago Illinois

    Co-producer/Actress (wannabe playwright)

    ❥ the most dangerous lover is one who greets pain with a smile ♡



    Eliza's hair is dark brown, almost black in some lightings, and kept shoulder length. It is tyhick and naturally straight, and easy to grow out. She has to trim it often if she wants to keep it short. Most times it is an unkempt nest.

    Doe eyes. She has doe eyes. They are large, brown, soft and expressive. It is a very attractive trait but also gives off an innocence.

    She has a slender hourglass figure, having broad shoulders and slightly wide hips.

    Fair and mostly flawless except for a few scars.

    Eliza is a fairly tall women standing at 5' 7¾ feet (170.18) with long legs.

    She maintains a healthy weight of 130 lbs (59 kg).

    Eliza has a few scars, most of them faded over time and are barely noticeable.

    Eliza is a very casual dresser, sporting jeans and t-shirts with no problem. Still, she is a bit of a fashionista, mainly enjoying to dress up when she can, which is rare. As a mom who runs around a lot, she'd rather be clothed comfortable rather than fancy and uncomfortable. Besides, she always wears some sort of funny t-shirt.





    Regardless of being a woman in her early thirties with two kids, Eliza is known to be quite lively and even childish to a degree. People often wonder about how she raises her children with her excited and quirky nature. Because of this playful nature of hers, she radiates a sort of innocence, especially to strangers. In reality, they couldn't be further from the truth. She is a very mischevious person, enjoying the thrill of creating mischief and teasing others often. She is extraordinarily witty and her comments often sarcastic. To add to it, she is as clever as she is intelligent and won't take being treated as less than she is. Not everyone can keep up with her pace, but she usually acts like a laid-back adult when with those who cannot.

    While she can be rude and mean, she still has a warm heart and is absolutely lovely to those she cares about. She is typically friendly and fair. Most of all honest, she hates lying, but in its stead will avoid the truth until telling it when the moment has presented itself.

    Then there is the fact that she is very stubborn and tenacious, but still exercising patience. Eliza is smarter than to just rush ahead without calculating first. However, her biggest flaw is her independence as it may be her best quality too. She is almost always rejecting help from others even when she needs it most. She considers it embarrassing and weakening. Then there is her temper, it takes a while to come out, but once it is about ... there is no wrath like Eliza Wolf's.

    dancing; teasing others; banter; singing; theatre; music; dogs; cats; holidays; baked goods; children; wine; chocolate; challenges; snow; sunglasses; 80's aesthetic; writing;

    being belittled; drunks/being drunk; cigarettes; mice; being left behind; reality tv; canned meals

    Rolling her eyes. Talking to herself, and most time inanimate objects (mostly complaining and grumbling and blaming them.) Also, cracking jokes at people when at parties.

    Playing with her kids; dancing; baking; writing

    Baking; writing; dancing; singing; rapping (surprisingly)

    Her limited college education along with being a single mom.


    Never accomplishing her goals and dreams
    Being alone and leftbehind



    Cecelia Wolf - Mother - 54 - Alive - Retired Event Planner
    Gilbert Wolf - Father - 57 - Alive - Campaign Manager
    David Wolf - Brother - 29 - Alive - Reporter
    Theresa Wolf - Sister - 18 - Alive - Self-proclaimed Party Queen
    Christopher Wolf - Brother - 17 - Alive - Surving Highschooler

    Felix August Ash - Son - 14 - Highschooler
    Anastasia "Annie" Bambi Ash - Daughter - 7 - Grade Schooler

    Jordyn Black - 30 - Best Friend - Animal Shelter Manager
    Phillipa "Pippa" Cadwell - 31 - Best Friend - Chocolatier
    Thomas Hollington - 31 - Media Strategist Assistant
    Lucas Black - 29 - Actor

    None in particular.

    She has a few but only two matter.
    Damon Ash - 31 - R&D manager
    Jeffrey Fall - 33 - Wine Specialist



    Eliza was, without a doubt, a theatre kid. However, she was far from the typical, stereotyped theatre teenagers who walked the schools halls. She was beautiful, magnetic, intelligent, cunning and a troublemaker. To be honest, that much hasn't changed about her. Eliza had even been this way from a young age. To put it in one simple word, she was popular. She was invited to every party and went to every party, went on dates with anyone who attracted her but was careful on who her boyfriends were. While her friends weren't all too popular, they were hers and no one dared to anger Eliza wolf. Not to mention, she was talented with a clear future ahead of her. Though her dreams were big and grandeur, not a single soul doubted she'd accomplish them. After all, she had already caught the eyes and attention of many who worked in the line of field she was interested in.

    This all changed some time after meeting Damon Ash. She was immediately smitten with the boy as half the girls and even some men in their school had been. They became fast friends, falling deeper for the other which each passing day until they decided to stop playing around and just go out with each other. He wasn't just loved by her but her family too. That may have changed slightly when she got knocked up. The tides changed for her immensely. Damon stayed with her through it all, and her family helped the best they all could.

    Instead of going off to her dream college, she stayed in Illinois to be in her child's life and only went to school part time as well as work part time. She could only go to school for so long until she graduated with a bachelor's and moved in with Damon who was still going to school. Then came along little Annie. After she was born, things shifted for the worst between her and her boyfriend and they broke it off, resulting in Eliza moving back in with her parents for a year or two before standing on her feet by herself.


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Christopher Hill


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Aaah since I'm finally on a break from uni and have all my school work done I have time to look for some new rps! So yah, I'm rabbit, contrary to my name I love cats a lot, I also like drawing and going on mid-night snack runs to the store. Here are some more roleplay related facts:

- I've been role playing on and off for 11-ish years.

- I'm not a native English speaker. I'm fluent, but I do slip up from time from time.

- Reply speed varies, sometimes I'll do multiple a day, sometimes once a week. It depends in part on your reply speed, and also level of motivation I suppose.

- I write between two and six to eight paragraphs, depending on what's going on in the rp.

- I like coding and detailed sheets. Coding isn't a must and I can do lighter sheets, but I need something to go off.

- I enjoy chatting OCC if you do, mainly in pms on here because I don't always handle other chats super well. And somewhat related, I prefer rping in threads but I'm not a stickler to that one :P


- No one liners.

- M/m, f/f or any variations with nb characters is the way to go!!

- Realistic faceclaims (exceptions can be made in some fantasy setting but most likely not).

- No anime tropes or archetypes (/don't go out of your way to follow them or w/e. I don't find them realistic, sorry. )

- Implied by previous but I want to put emphasis on no yaoi tropes. If you model m/m relationships purely based on that kind of stuff I don't want to rp with you. Sorry but not really.

- You don't have to reply daily, but once a week would be nice!

- Plotting and planning future events in the rp is super important to me! Especially in stories with a lot plot, if you wanna be spontaneous about things happening sometimes that's alright, but I prefer discussing anything major so that it'll make sense in relation to everything going on.

- Plot > smut. Smut is a-okay though, but as a part of the plot or for characterization/char development, not as the reason for the story!

- Third person (limited preferred), past tense.


This is the stuff that's a little more developed and that I have a character idea for already! My preferred character is green.

Genre: crime drama
Pairing: Any/nb, Vigilante x civilian
Setting: City, the US? Possibly present day but that one is flexible

Character A has been taking it upon themselves to spend their nights fighting the crimes they don't feel like the police is doing enough about for several years now. They know what they are doing and they're good at it. The police is letting it slip under the radar as long as it's helping them. For now at least. And the public is starting to kind of be aware of the masked hero saving their city by night.
Character B is A's longtime friend but knows nothing about A's life fighting crime. They work as the assistant for one of the high ups for a big local corporation. The very same company that A is starting to suspect have strong ties to the drug ring they've been investigating for a while now. Suddenly they realize they might need B's help, but at the same time they do not want to get them involved or put them in danger by having them know their identity.


Genre: Horror, high school
Pairing: m/m, social outcast x jock
Setting: Small town, possibly 2005-ish

Character A, a total outcast seen as a bit of a weirdo by most everyone. Over the years he has started to recent the popular kids, and not without reason as the group of golden kids definitely haven't ever spared him much kindness. Character B is the star player of the baseball team, good looking, popular with the girls and seen as a pretty nice guy. A absolutely hates the guy seeing him as the main offender among the popular kids. After coming across an old spell book A decides to curse him, not that he thinks something will happen, he just enjoys the idea of B suffering. But after the curse has been cast B's life suddenly starts to fall apart thanks to nightmares and visions. Everyone seems to think he's having some weird emotional breakdown but A knows better, and soon enough he's feeling the consequences of the curse as well. With no other option for either of them they have to work together to try to banish the evil A has summoned.

(We'll have to discuss what it is he actually summoned but either way I'd love a lot of spoopy and some bloody stuff for this one)


Genre: YA fantasy
Pairing: f/f, the chosen one x random homebase npc
Setting: Present day. Either in the city with the supernatural world living alongside humans in secret. Or a fantasy world in another universe connected to ours. I'm open to either!

Character A is as average as can be, there's nothing special about her and there never has been. She just recently got into her college/university of choice and life's pretty okay despite a possibly slightly tragic backstory. But one day when walking home from her best friend (who she for some reason haven't realized has the most obvious crush on her), she is, seemingly at random, dragged into a supernatural fight. Demanding to know what's going on the attractive and mysterious man who saved her gives her an explanation and after a while it's clear that she has a key role in saving the magical community. Suddenly her life isn't as plain and ordinary as it used to be, not with the faith of the world on her shoulders and two guys trying to win her heart. But it's not really time for boy drama when evil forces are threatening to take over and honestly, Character B who doesn't seem to be caught up in any drama at all is much cuter anyways.

(Aka a slight parody on a typical YA fantasy. This one might need a bit of world building and us playing multiple characters, we'll see :P!)


These are some ideas and plots i haven't thought that much about that we can build off. If you have any other plot ideas you think I might like feel free to tell me about it!

Here's some stuff I might be interested in: Witchcraft, modern fantasy, whimsical fantasy, horror, gore, supernatural, vampires, 60's-80's, early 2000's, Harry Potter, post-apocalyptic, plot heavy, character driven, internal conflicts, LGBT+ characters

- A bored university student befriends the weird exchange student after a group project. Apparently they are from a planet in the Andromeda galaxy *cough* I mean… Lithuania? Yes. Lithuania. But since when don't Lithuanians know what oranges are and why do they talk to cats as if expecting a reply?

- A police investigation about a series of murders caused by demonic possession. (Either following the investigators or the culprit, or both)

- Turn of the century Europeans meet on their travels as they are immigrating to the States, where they hope to lead a better life.

- Sixties housewives finally gets fed up with their businessmen husbands cheating while they're home with the kids and decides to cheat on them, with each other.

- The lead in the most recent popular drama about supernatural high schoolers just came under fire for some homophobic tweets they made years ago. Their manager's solution is to find the first person of the same gender for them to pretend to date for a while, but it seems the only one the actor deems worthy is that one set worker who always remembers their coffee order.

- Anything with witches, I just can't think of a plot for some reason!

- Something Hogwarts set with an adventurous plot

So yah, drop a PM if ya wanna start something!​

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Diana Reed


Diana Helen Reed

Deedee – What she was called by her parents growing up. If anyone other than a family member tries to call her this knowing she hates it, it's a guaranteed way to get on her bad side.
Dee – The shorter version of the same nickname she is more okay with. There's still only a select few people who she allows using it though, mainly her husband and a friend or two.




Caucasian American, roots in England

Zodiac Sign

April 11th, 1932



Diana keeps her brown slightly wavy hair a little longer than what might be considered in fashion for her time and style. She has never been too fond of short hair and while. It reaches down her chest if she lets it fall how it does naturally, however you will seldom see a night when she sleeps without her hair rolled up to achieve the perfectly sculpted and sprayed down curls that lays around her shoulders. She rarely wears it up, possibly pinned back a little, but she always prefers it to frame her face.

Diana's eyes are a deep, dark brown, in a dimly lit room they might even look black, giving them a look of coldness despite the technically warm tone. She isn't a stranger to taking advantage of her stern gaze. In the sun however, you will see the brighter warm browns that can give her quite a kind expression—given that that is what she wants.

Body Type
Diana is tall and slender woman, but she's got a bit of curves in all the right places, her chest is of average size or maybe slightly smaller, but it suits the rest of her body, her thighs and bottom fill out nicely, so she's not slim enough for it to look like she isn't leading the comforting life she is, she simply just makes sure to watch her figure.

Face Type
Her face has always been a insecurity to Diana. She's a gorgeous woman—and she knows it, but when she looks in the mirror she often can't help wondering if her square face and strong jaw are too manly. To most other people though it quite suits her cheekbones and naturally pouty lips and few would ever really say she looks remotely manly, or ugly for the matter.

Dresses, pastels and pearls would be a good three words to describe Diana's sense of style. A little skeptic to some of the more modern type of more shapeless clothing she sticks to her wide A-line dresses with voluminous petticoats. She likes any excuse to dress up but will also wear skirts and blouses on days that doesn't call for it. She might wear something more form fitting if it suits her style but mainly, she sticks to what she likes and what is popular with many of the other housewives. She favours light colours over bright and a majority of her dresses are in shades of baby pink or blue, some are floral patterned and many of her nicer dresses she likes decorated with lace. She also loves jewelry and wears on the regular, which often gives her quite the impression of having dressed up.

➛ 5'7



Through confidence and drive Diana has the little neighbourhood she and her family lives in practically wrapped around her fingers. There is no question about the fact that she is a strong woman, despite her status as a house wife. She truly feels like it is a hard job in its own right and she would like anyone who argues try to raise two young children practically by themselves. She stands firm in the things she believes in and with her chin held high no matter what there isn't a soul who would think that on recent years her apparent perfection no longer is fueled by wanting to be on top, but instead the fear losing everything. She has convinced herself that that isn't the case, she's just at good at convincing herself things as she is convincing others. But more often than she'd like to admit she will allow herself to imagine herself having the things she doesn't, a bigger house, nicer jewelry, a husband who is actually home and who loves her and doesn't give her the cold shoulder despite all her best efforts to make him happy.

Ambitious – If there is one word Diana would describe herself with its most likely this one. If she wants something she's going to make sure she gets it, one way or another.

Confident – Diana has always been a confident person. She has spent her life standing up for herself and others and without this trait she would most likely not be where she is today. Sin most situations she is not afraid to put a foot down, and

Kind – Though many with Diana's level of ambition most likely would let kindness step aside for them to succeed Diana is not a malicious or mean person in the slightest. She is in fact, very nice. If someone is down on their luck she'll gladly help and she does her best to treat others as she would like to be treated herself The only people who she isn't kind to are the people who aren't nice themselves and those she would consider competition. And she would never consider someone who can't take her letting her kindness go in front of them true competition.

Shallow – Diana cares a lot about appearances. At least her own. The image she presents to others is very important to her and the image she wants to present is not short of perfection. She always wants to look her best and she wants her family to be perceived as the happy family of her dreams.

Materialistic - It might go hand in hand with shallow, but Diana loves things. Nice things. And she sees no reason as to why she shouldn't allow herself nice things when she has worked hard for them. And if it's a gift, well, it's a gift and it would be terribly rude to say no to that.

Insecure – though it might juxtapose her confidence there is no denying the fact that a lot of the things she does, she does because she is afraid people will judge her and think she is someone she feels she isn't. Afraid that is she doesn't adhere to the level of perfection that has become standard to herself.

Cooking – Not only does she love it, but she's fantastic at it. She is always in charge of the holiday dinners with the goal of making something that will leave her family, and specially her sister-in-law, speechless. She makes the softest perfect cookies and nothing beats her home made pies. This might be the reason her little Joey is growing up to be quite a tubby little boy, or big boned, as she likes to call it.

Picnics – Nothing beats the feeling of sun hitting your skin while the kids are playing on the field of grass you've placed a nice little blanket, filled with the packed lunch and snacks you slaved over all morning, either with a good book in hand or gossiping with some friend. At least not according to Diana.

Sewing – Though she loves buying expensive dresses she does love making clothing by herself. More often than not it's to her little babies, but occasionally she also likes to add details to the cheaper things she buys and has made a garment or two for herself over the years. She also quite enjoy other similar activities such as embroidery and knitting.

Judgmental people – It might come off as hypocritical as she can be quite judgmental herself, but it's more the way a lot of her friends in the neighborhood tends to pass judgement onto each other than more in general. She will most likely judge someone for acting completely out of line or not following norms completely. But if a person has done nothing wrong she would rather give them a chance than to write them of as something they are not.

Not getting her way – Diana will probably always be a bit of a brat at heart. If something is planned on a date she didn't prefer or someone suggested some weird desert for thanksgiving dinner and everyone decides it's a good idea instead of what she had planned she will be unbelievably annoyed. Her way tends to be the best way, things can turn out good anyways, but she will still walk around feeling that they could have been better if she got to decide.

Her sister-in-law – She doesn't really dislike her, truly, how could she not love family. But really, if she truly spoke her mind during dinners with the whole family gathered there would be a lot of jaws hanging agape and gasps. Even Diana would call her shallow and the woman's constant attempts to put her down and prove herself as the better of the Reed brothers' wives drives her crazy.

Failure – Diana has a much higher marginal for what others usually might consider failure, and to feel like she failed something tends to throw her confidence out the window in favour of self-doubt.

Not being good enough – This is what she is afraid of in failing. No matter her confidence she can't stop herself from fussing with her hair in the mirror to make sure it frames her face right, and to make sure to not eat one more cookie even if she'd like to, and see to it that the meal she has made can't be complained about by anyone. She has built up an image of perfection around herself, and despite what people might think she works hard to keep it up.

Losing the life she has made for herself – This is a fear that is most definitely tied to her other two, it is also one that has become a lot more prominent recently. Though her life might not be as perfect as she likes to pretend it is she wouldn't know what to do if she lost it. Her entire personality is built on what she has and without the nice house and the successful husband she would barely know who she is anymore.


Dianna was born into a typical all-American middle-class family, to two parents who loved her dearly. Due to being an only child with very doting parents she became quite spoiled from a young age. Her parents' funds had a limit, but they were always comfortable enough to give her most of the things she pointed at. Her mother was a housewife and even from a young age the person she looked up to the most. The moment she became old enough she would do her best to help her with shores and cooking, though she was most likely more in the way than anything. At night before bed when her dad was home he'd read her stories of princesses being saved by princes, and she'd lay fantasizing about those stories until she fell asleep.

As she grew older she became quite the popular girl, at school she had both plenty of friends and good grades. Her teachers liked her and so did her peers. She would always try not to let it go to her head but she would have been lying if she said she didn't love it. And the popularity she gained was not only due to looks, she was and is a friendly and social person and enjoyed making friends with the other girls her age. She still fantasized as she had as a child, but now rather of more realistic things. She wanted to be like her mother, a wife, with a child of her own and a husband who could read them bedtimes stories. But she also wanted a husband who could provide a life of luxury, after all, if there was one thing she had always had it was ambition.

Unlike many other girls with the same dreams as her though, she was not about to sit around and wait for someone to come whisk her away. After school she got a job, eventually finding herself as a receptionist in an office building which was where she met Thomas Reed, a man quickly climbing the ladder in the business world. He might not have been upper-class man of her dreams when they met, but he was above a level of comfort and either way she fell in love. And she truly felt they were perfect to each other, he had ambitions to match hers, only he was a man with goals in business. He was

After finally acquiring her prince charming Diana didn't spend all that much time fussing about before retiring to become the perfect housewife of her dreams, cleaning the house, making perfect meals and always being there as her husband came home, tired after a long day of work that quickly was assuring them of a potential future in one of the nicer suburbs. She had her first child who she had to admit she did most of the work with. Thomas didn't come home to read stories, Joseph was to little to even understand in his eyes and Diana pretended she wasn't disappointed. They had their second child two years later and with that decided to move into a bigger house and an even nicer neighbourhood. By now Thomas was doing better than ever at work, having claimed one of the top positions in the company, but he was also much much busier. While Diana was busy climbing the social ladder in the little community, quickly becoming one of the most respected wives there, Thomas nights became longer and business trips more frequent.

Diana, not being stupid at all, knew what that could mean. She had heard plenty of stories of what rich men did on their so-called business trips. But she refuses to believe it. She knows her Thomas and he is far too smart to waste his perfect life on something like an affair, and he would only want the best, which she has always considered him having with her. Still, as of recently she has started to doubt the perfect life she thought she had. While she works hard not to let anyone see there's a bitterness growing inside of her that is making life behind closed doors colder for each passing day, which in turn seemingly is turning Thomas into someone she does not know while she slowly is becoming less sure of herself, wondering how long it will take until everything she has worked so hard on falls apart.

Thomas Richard Reed (husband, married for seven years. thirty-seven)
Joey Robert Reed (son, five years old)
Julie Rose Reed (daughter. Three years old)
John Robert Swan (father, fifty-eight years old)
Rose Susan Swan (Mother Fifty-seven years old)

Tobias Reed (Husband's brother, thirty-nine)
Christine Reed (Tobias's wife, thirty-five)

[div=margin: auto; width: 90%; height: 700px; background-color: #5b6472;][div=width:100%; height: 35%; background:url(https://i.imgur.com/XUjI3RX.png);
background-size: 860px; background-position: 0px -17px;][div=height: 83%;][/div][div=width:100%; top: 5px; height: 15%; background-color: #f9f7f7; opacity: 0.7; text-align: right; padding: 5px 20px 7px 7px; overflow: hidden; color: #282120; font-family:Handlee; font-size: 23px;] Diana Reed [/div][/div][div=width:100%; height: 1%; background-color: #b27062 ; opacity: ;][/div][div=margin: auto; width:100%; height: 65%; background-color: #f9f7f7;  color: #282120; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; text-align:center;] [div=width:100%; height: 40px; background-color: #262322; color: #d9d9e0;padding: 7px; font-size: 20px;font-family:handlee; ]General[/div] [div=font-family: Josefin sans;][div=text-align: left; padding: 20px 20px 20px 40px;]
[div= margin: auto; width: 70%;][IMG]https://media.giphy.com/media/I05XrRHlyrbVu/giphy.gif[/IMG][/div]
Diana Helen Reed

Deedee – What she was called by her parents growing up. If anyone other than a family member tries to call her this knowing she hates it, it's a guaranteed way to get on her bad side.
Dee – The shorter version of the same nickname she is more okay with. There's still only a select few people who she allows using it though, mainly her husband and a friend or two.




Caucasian American, roots in England

[B][U][SIZE=15px]Zodiac Sign[/SIZE][/U][/B]

April  11th, 1932


[div=width:100%; height: 40px; background-color: #262322; color: #d9d9e0;padding: 7px; font-size: 20px;font-family:handlee; ]Appearance[/div] [div= text-align: left;padding: 20px 20px 20px 40px;]
[div= margin: auto; width: 50%;][IMG]https://i.gifer.com/Fsut.gif[/IMG][/div]

Diana keeps her brown slightly wavy hair a little longer than what might be considered in fashion for her time and style. She has never been too fond of short hair and while. It reaches down her chest if she lets it fall how it does naturally, however you will seldom see a night when she sleeps without her hair rolled up to achieve the perfectly sculpted and sprayed down curls that lays around her shoulders.  She rarely wears it up, possibly pinned back a little, but she always prefers it to frame her face.

Diana's eyes are a deep, dark brown, in a dimly lit room they might even look black, giving them a look of coldness despite the technically warm tone. She isn't a stranger to taking advantage of her stern gaze. In the sun however, you will see the brighter warm browns that can give her quite a kind expression—given that that is what she wants.

[U][SIZE=15px]Body Type[/SIZE][/U]
Diana is tall and slender woman, but she's got a bit of curves in all the right places, her chest is of average size or maybe slightly smaller, but it suits the rest of her body, her thighs and bottom fill out nicely, so she's not slim enough for it to look like she isn't leading the comforting life she is, she simply just makes sure to watch her figure.

[U][SIZE=15px]Face Type[/SIZE][/U]
Her face has always been a insecurity to Diana. She's a gorgeous woman—and she knows it, but when she looks in the mirror she often can't help wondering if her square face and strong jaw are too manly. To most other people though it quite suits her cheekbones and naturally pouty lips and few would ever really say she looks remotely manly, or ugly for the matter.

Dresses, pastels and pearls would be a good three words to describe Diana's sense of style. A little skeptic to some of the more modern type of more shapeless clothing she sticks to her wide A-line dresses with voluminous petticoats. She likes any excuse to dress up but will also wear skirts and blouses on days that doesn't call for it. She might wear something more form fitting if it suits her style but mainly, she sticks to what she likes and what is popular with many of the other housewives. She favours light colours over bright and a majority of her dresses are in shades of baby pink or blue, some are floral patterned and many of her nicer dresses she likes decorated with lace. She also loves jewelry and wears on the regular, which often gives her quite the impression of having dressed up.

➛ 5'7

[/div] [div=width:100%; height: 40px; background-color: #262322; color: #d9d9e0;padding: 7px; font-size: 20px;font-family:handlee; ]Personality[/div] [div= text-align: left;padding: 20px 20px 20px 40px;]
[div= margin: auto; width: 66%;][IMG]https://66.media.tumblr.com/3ee586d36d0a5f699a0bc61d48565d18/tumblr_ms1xlbQKbQ1rjk93go1_500.gif[/IMG][/div]
Through confidence and drive Diana has the little neighbourhood she and her family lives in practically wrapped around her fingers. There is no question about the fact that she is a strong woman, despite her status as a house wife. She truly feels like it is a hard job in its own right and she would like anyone who argues try to raise two young children practically by themselves. She stands firm in the things she believes in and with her chin held high no matter what there isn't a soul who would think that on recent years her apparent perfection no longer is fueled by wanting to be on top, but instead the fear losing everything. She has convinced herself that that isn't the case, she's just at good at convincing herself things as she is convincing others. But more often than she'd like to admit she will allow herself to imagine herself having the things she doesn't, a bigger house, nicer jewelry, a husband who is actually home and who loves her and doesn't give her the cold shoulder despite all her best efforts to make him happy.

Ambitious – If there is one word Diana would describe herself with its most likely this one. If she wants something she's going to make sure she gets it, one way or another.

Confident – Diana has always been a confident person. She has spent her life standing up for herself and others and without this trait she would most likely not be where she is today. Sin most situations she is not afraid to put a foot down, and

Kind – Though many with Diana's level of ambition most likely would let kindness step aside for them to succeed Diana is not a malicious or mean person in the slightest. She is in fact, very nice. If someone is down on their luck she'll gladly help and she does her best to treat others as she would like to be treated herself The only people who she isn't kind to are the people who aren't nice themselves and those she would consider competition. And she would never consider someone who can't take her letting her kindness go in front of them true competition.

Shallow – Diana cares a lot about appearances. At least her own. The image she presents to others is very important to her and the image she wants to present is not short of perfection. She always wants to look her best and she wants her family to be perceived as the happy family of her dreams.

Materialistic - It might go hand in hand with shallow, but Diana loves things. Nice things. And she sees no reason as to why she shouldn't allow herself nice things when she has worked hard for them. And if it's a gift, well, it's a gift and it would be terribly rude to say no to that.

Insecure – though it might juxtapose her confidence there is no denying the fact that a lot of the things she does, she does because she is afraid people will judge her and think she is someone she feels she isn't. Afraid that is she doesn't adhere to the level of perfection that has become standard to herself.

Cooking – Not only does she love it, but she's fantastic at it. She is always in charge of the holiday dinners with the goal of making something that will leave her family, and specially her sister-in-law, speechless. She makes the softest perfect cookies and nothing beats her home made pies. This might be the reason her little Joey is growing up to be quite a tubby little boy, or big boned, as she likes to call it.

Picnics – Nothing beats the feeling of sun hitting your skin while the kids are playing on the field of grass you've placed a nice little blanket, filled with the packed lunch and snacks you slaved over all morning, either with a good book in hand or gossiping with some friend. At least not according to Diana.

Sewing – Though she loves buying expensive dresses she does love making clothing by herself. More often than not it's to her little babies, but occasionally she also likes to add details to the cheaper things she buys and has made a garment or two for herself over the years. She also quite enjoy other similar activities such as embroidery and knitting.

Judgmental people – It might come off as hypocritical as she can be quite judgmental herself, but it's more the way a lot of her friends in the neighborhood tends to pass judgement onto each other than more in general. She will most likely judge someone for acting completely out of line or not following norms completely. But if a person has done nothing wrong she would rather give them a chance than to write them of as something they are not.

Not getting her way – Diana will probably always be a bit of a brat at heart. If something is planned on a date she didn't prefer or someone suggested some weird desert for thanksgiving dinner and everyone decides it's a good idea instead of what she had planned she will be unbelievably annoyed. Her way tends to be the best way, things can turn out good anyways, but she will still walk around feeling that they could have been better if she got to decide.

Her sister-in-law – She doesn't really dislike her, truly, how could she not love family. But really, if she truly spoke her mind during dinners with the whole family gathered there would be a lot of jaws hanging agape and gasps. Even Diana would call her shallow and the woman's constant attempts to put her down and prove herself as the better of the Reed brothers' wives drives her crazy.

Failure – Diana has a much higher marginal for what others usually might consider failure, and to feel like she failed something tends to throw her confidence out the window in favour of self-doubt.

Not being good enough – This is what she is afraid of in failing. No matter her confidence she can't stop herself from fussing with her hair in the mirror to make sure it frames her face right, and to make sure to not eat one more cookie even if she'd like to, and see to it that the meal she has made can't be complained about by anyone. She has built up an image of perfection around herself, and despite what people might think she works hard to keep it up.

Losing the life she has made for herself – This is a fear that is most definitely tied to her other two, it is also one that has become a lot more prominent recently. Though her life might not be as perfect as she likes to pretend it is she wouldn't know what to do if she lost it. Her entire personality is built on what she has and without the nice house and the successful husband she would barely know who she is anymore.

[/div] [div=width:100%; height: 40px; background-color: #262322; color: #d9d9e0;padding: 7px; font-size: 20px;font-family:handlee; ]Background[/div][div= text-align: left;padding: 20px 20px 20px 40px;] [div= margin: auto; width: 66%; ][IMG]https://media.giphy.com/media/54ZNEXRnwzhn1JaJer/giphy.gif[/IMG][/div]
Dianna was born into a typical all-American middle-class family, to two parents who loved her dearly. Due to being an only child with very doting parents she became quite spoiled from a young age. Her parents' funds had a limit, but they were always comfortable enough to give her most of the things she pointed at. Her mother was a housewife and even from a young age the person she looked up to the most. The moment she became old enough she would do her best to help her with shores and cooking, though she was most likely more in the way than anything. At night before bed when her dad was home he'd read her stories of princesses being saved by princes, and she'd lay fantasizing about those stories until she fell asleep.

As she grew older she became quite the popular girl, at school she had both plenty of friends and good grades. Her teachers liked her and so did her peers. She would always try not to let it go to her head but she would have been lying if she said she didn't love it. And the popularity she gained was not only due to looks, she was and is a friendly and social person and enjoyed making friends with the other girls her age. She still fantasized as she had as a child, but now rather of more realistic things. She wanted to be like her mother, a wife, with a child of her own and a husband who could read them bedtimes stories. But she also wanted a husband who could provide a life of luxury, after all, if there was one thing she had always had it was ambition.

Unlike many other girls with the same dreams as her though, she was not about to sit around and wait for someone to come whisk her away. After school she got a job, eventually finding herself as a receptionist in an office building which was where she met Thomas Reed, a man quickly climbing the ladder in the business world. He might not have been upper-class man of her dreams when they met, but he was above a level of comfort and either way she fell in love. And she truly felt they were perfect to each other, he had ambitions to match hers, only he was a man with goals in business. He was

After finally acquiring her prince charming Diana didn't spend all that much time fussing about before retiring to become the perfect housewife of her dreams, cleaning the house, making perfect meals and always being there as her husband came home, tired after a long day of work that quickly was assuring them of a potential future in one of the nicer suburbs.  She had her first child who she had to admit she did most of the work with. Thomas didn't come home to read stories, Joseph was to little to even understand in his eyes and Diana pretended she wasn't disappointed. They had their second child two years later and with that decided to move into a bigger house and an even nicer neighbourhood. By now Thomas was doing better than ever at work, having claimed one of the top positions in the company, but he was also much much busier. While Diana was busy climbing the social ladder in the little community, quickly becoming one of the most respected wives there, Thomas nights became longer and business trips more frequent.

Diana, not being stupid at all, knew what that could mean. She had heard plenty of stories of what rich men did on their so-called business trips. But she refuses to believe it. She knows her Thomas and he is far too smart to waste his perfect life on something like an affair, and he would only want the best, which she has always considered him having with her. Still, as of recently she has started to doubt the perfect life she thought she had.  While she works hard not to let anyone see there's a bitterness growing inside of her that is making life behind closed doors colder for each passing day, which in turn seemingly is turning Thomas into someone she does not know while she slowly is becoming less sure of herself, wondering how long it will take until everything she has worked so hard on falls apart.

[URL='https://media.giphy.com/media/N5YDeoUMGIi1W/giphy.gif'][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]Thomas Richard Reed [/COLOR][/URL](husband, married for seven years. thirty-seven)
Joey Robert Reed (son, five years old)
[URL='https://78.media.tumblr.com/cc82a8576f1c2b91f8660c63a6513cf1/tumblr_inline_p7gffsMzgB1s5d698_250.gif'][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]Julie Rose Reed[/COLOR][/URL] (daughter. Three years old)
[URL='https://media.giphy.com/media/114vIQlk3NuwCc/giphy.gif'][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]John Robert Swan [/COLOR][/URL](father, fifty-eight years old)
[URL='https://media.giphy.com/media/bqyckISWIqKDxKvAjT/giphy.gif'][COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]Rose Susan Swan [/COLOR][/URL](Mother Fifty-seven years old)

Tobias Reed (Husband's brother, thirty-nine)
Christine Reed (Tobias's wife, thirty-five)

[/div][/div] [div=margin:auto; width: 90%; height: 5px; background-color:#b27062;][/div][Div=margin: auto; width:90%; height: 200px; background-color: #b27062; display: flex; justify-content: space-between;][div=width: 33%; height: 100%; background-color: #ffffff; background:url(https://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/811f2d15d5777d767f004b8aa4349764); background-size: 315px; background-position: -30px -150px;][div=width:100%; height: 100%; background-color:#5b4d46; opacity: 0.4;mix-blend-mode: color;][/div][/div] [div=width: 33%; height: 100%; background-color: #ffffff; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/da/6d/07/da6d0750a16abdf522d36934ba3a5058--lovely-dresses-vintage-dresses.jpg); background-size:300px ;background-position: 0px -20px;][div=width:100%; height: 100%; background-color:#e5dcd7; opacity: 0.3;mix-blend-mode: soft light;][/div][/div][div=width: 33%; height: 100%; background-color: #ffffff; background:url(https://okinawaassault.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/picnic-mi.png); background-size: 515px;background-position: -80px -20px;][div=width:100%; height: 100%; background-color:#5b4d46; opacity: 0.3;mix-blend-mode: color;][/div][/div] [/div] [div=margin:auto; width: 90%; height: 5px; background-color:#b27062;][/div]
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Lex Townend


Alex Riley Townend

Lex – This is what they go by when not at work


March 23

Detroit, Michigan, The United States

General american

Agender (afab, mainly uses they/them, but isn't too fussy about pronouns)

Caucasian American

Personal assistant




Lex has kept their hair short for the entirety of their adult life and that's the way they prefer it. They might experiment a little with different styles and lengths but they feel off when it gets to long. So short it is. Its brown in colour, and mostly straight, quite thick, and very often it's covered in beanies.

Lex's quite round eyes are a nice mid brown colour, nothing too out of the ordinary.

Lex's skin isn't too pale and in the summers and when the sun is out they can get quite a nice tan, though, they usually just end up with silly t-shirt patterns I they do.

Lex's face is on the broader side, round rather than oval but also quite square and angular with prominent cheek bones and jaw. It quite suite their androgynous appearance so despite some maybe not agreeing they quite like it. The bulb of their nose is on the plumper side, though it's proportional to her face and her nose overall doesn't really look large. Their lips are slightly smaller, but well-shaped. When they smile, they get very prominent dimples and if their happy enough they'll scrunch up their nose, emotion showing in their entire face.

Lex is small but robust. They'v got a slightly broader set of shoulders and hips to match, giving them a bit of an hourglass figure and curves. Thanks to having picked up running the past couple of years they've got a pretty strong set of legs. They've got a pretty average sized chest but they generally bind it as they feel much better when it's on the flatter side.

5'4, 152 cm

Lex dresses pretty casually, they often favour comfort, but that doesn't mean they don't have style too. Most often you will see them wearing vaguely eighties inspired outfits. They'll frequently wear high waisted jeans with their favourite jean jacket. A total fashion sin to some, but they like the way it looks. This is more often than not paired with a baggy hoodie, sweatshirt or a loose-fitting T-shirt they end up tucking into their pants more often than not. To this they'll wear sneakers, combats or sometimes just plain old jogging shoes. They are rarely seen leaving the house without their trusty dark grey beanie.

At work, however, they dress more fitting for business, though leaning towards the casual end of the spectrum. Generally they'll wear a pair of chinos or something similar paired with a button up or something that looks a little more smart, like a turtleneck or polo.



None worth noting




Lex's personality is a little all over the place. Asking different people you might get quite different descriptions of who they are. To someone they are very hard working, but to someone else they're fun loving. To someone they're the calmest most mature person you'll meet and to someone else they're a hothead. In truth they are both just kind of good at behaving a certain way a certain time and all those things probably describes them in different settings. The mature hard-working individual is who they are at work, or at the dinner people and everyone is fighting. The fun-loving emotional person is who they are when hanging out with friends. The traits never really cancel out each other, at work they'll still get stressed out quite easily, and in a relaxed setting they're able to quickly switch over to being a little more serious when needed, so nothing is really more them than something else.

At heart, Lex is a very loyal person, to a fault sometimes. They are forgiving and nice. They are thanks to these traits, very naïve, and willing to trust people people and things without that much thought. That doesn't mean they are stupid though, in fact, they are pretty smart. Or maybe rather, they are well organized and good at logic and reasoning.

They aren't really level headed though, and when they get emotional it shows. Whether It's smiles they can't wipe of their face no matter what, or angry spurts of frustration. The latter examples also tend to be common with a lot of other emotions. Lex isn't really an angry person, in fact, they can never hold a grudge for especially long, but if they feel pressured or upset it often translates into anger and it's not uncommon for people who do not know them to misinterpret and think they have anger issues seeing as their tolerance for stress isn't the highest..

Coffee, knitting and crocheting, bingeing Netflix, podcasts, spinach, listening to the radio, music, journaling and planning, having fun, Cheetos, Coca Cola, scented candles, foods with garlic, 80's music (mainly new wave), jogging

Excessive violence, bigotry, being taken advantage off, a lack of structure, death growl in music and metal in general, disrespectful people, yoghurt,

Knitting, crocheting and bullet journaling

Fidgets with sleeves when nervous, doodles when bored

Being unhappy – Lex's goal in life is really just to be happy. It's not like they freak out if they have a couple of unhappy days but the idea of things turning for the worse with no turning back terrifies her.

Letting people down – Not only do Lex want to be happy but they want the people they care about to be happy too. Whether it's something small or something big they'll be dedicated to a task and very disappointed in themselves if they don't manage to do it, knowing another person was relying on them.

Negative confrontation – Being scolded or yelled at will have Lex freaking out within minutes. Their response to it is often expressed in yelling or anger too, which rarely helps, though if you know them it's not that hard to see that they are upset and distressed, not actually mad.
Beetles (and plenty of other bugs) – They are nasty. End of discussion.

Multi-tasking: though it is a fact that no one does things as well as they could when multi-tasking, Lex likes to see themselves as pretty good at it, at least when it comes to listening while doing (when it comes to actually doing multiple tasks at once they instead get pretty overwhelmed and stressed). If there's anyone who can absorb what's going on in a show while also being completely immersed in knitting, it's them. They're an excellent note taker, and very good at texting under the dinner table.

Mainly their chest and their hair.

Mild dysphoria



Linda Townend, 51 – mother
John Townend, 55 – father
Nathan "Nate" Townsend, 15 – brother

Lex has plenty of friends they hang out with from time to time, people they met at various points in time. Grey is the one that has stuck around the longest though and is definitely Lex's most valued friend.

Lex has dated a couple of people over the years, but not really anyone recently. While they wouldn't say no to it they are honestly just kind of to busy to seek it out.

None, they can't really hold a grudge for long enough to acquire them.

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Diana Reed
gossiping with the girls | curious | ready to make an impression

This is a test that has nothing to do with iwaku, lmao I just like the preview function on here better than the other site

An Interview with


- abandon the labels, use animated font? (depending on background used)
- shorten favourites window and add youtube player with design video
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus rhoncus augue sed dolor fringilla, et sollicitudin orci porta. Morbi a nisi facilisis, tincidunt ipsum quis, volutpat ipsum. Nam eu tellus gravida, ornare nibh nec, varius eros. Aliquam aliquet neque diam. Etiam venenatis viverra augue, ac placerat velit dictum sit amet. Nullam vel elit vestibulum, luctus nisi vel, ullamcorper eros. Mauris ac risus eu diam interdum auctor. Donec euismod eleifend nibh, vel dapibus risus mollis nec. Duis quis pharetra erat. In dolor urna, tristique sed ligula in, mollis feugiat dui. Nunc sit amet nibh egestas, aliquam tortor vitae, commodo odio. Sed a consectetur arcu. Phasellus quis ligula maximus, eleifend dolor vel, auctor quam. Nunc faucibus tempus bibendum.

Nullam egestas tristique elit et pulvinar. In non leo vestibulum, interdum sem at, luctus metus. In sed lacus nunc. Donec nec lorem purus. Mauris eleifend odio semper magna blandit, nec luctus enim dictum. Cras auctor et nulla in malesuada. Morbi tincidunt vehicula velit nec dignissim. Ut viverra neque et lacus feugiat, id pharetra ligula rutrum. Vestibulum arcu elit, ultrices eu mi et, pulvinar ornare neque.

Nulla ac tellus mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam porta gravida suscipit. Maecenas tortor orci, blandit vitae urna id, interdum efficitur diam. Sed pharetra tellus eget felis ullamcorper efficitur. Aenean imperdiet suscipit libero, nec ultrices enim. Nullam ullamcorper, leo ac ornare molestie, justo diam sodales purus, eget sodales ligula ipsum vitae nunc. Morbi sit amet malesuada arcu. Nulla a sodales risus. Phasellus nunc dui, cursus interdum ligula et, pretium ornare neque. Etiam varius augue pretium ornare sollicitudin. Mauris posuere nibh vitae faucibus mattis. Etiam laoreet interdum dolor, eu euismod mauris volutpat id.

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Cooper Dustin Chance


July 7th



Cooper has hair is dark blond, short, with a bit of a wave to it. He doesn't do much to it aside from making sure it stays out of his face. His deep-set eyes are blue, shifting a little towards green in the light. Above them, he sports a pair of thicker unruly eyebrows. His skin is pale but he tans easily in the sun.

Standing at about 6'1 Cooper isn't short but also isn't all that tall. His build is lean but muscular, shoulders and arms a little broader, though his good physique is easily overlooked if you don't already know about it.

Cooper doesn't care that much about clothes and fashion. More of his clothes than he would like to admit was bought by his mother. He usually tucks in a t-shirt in a pair of jeans and wears his varsity jacket and a pair of sneakers with that. Though his sense of fashion is fairly plain he does at least make sure everything fits him well which results in him looking pretty good anyways.


Cheerful – social – anxious – hothead​

The way Cooper sees it, as does most other people who have met him, he is just your average teenage guy. He is social, happy and active. He has plenty of friends all of whom seem to like him. He isn't really one to actively make enemies and tries to keep a positive outlook on things. He always tries to be nice to people. Part of why he has gained the popularity he has is simply because he acts decently towards people on top of having good looks and being one of the school's star athletes. Even the people who don't really like the popular crowd tend to see him as fairly decent. Of course, that doesn't mean he is without blame when his friends act up and pick on people. He doesn't really participate in the worst stuff, but he doesn't really step in either. His niceness doesn't always extend to the people his group of friends has deemed weird, in part to preserve his own image in part because he also finds them kind of weird.

Underneath all of that Cooper is a very easily stressed out person. He's prone to anxiety even if he doesn't even realize that himself. He worries a lot—about his future, how people view him and so on. He's good at hiding it though, keeping episodes of crying and freak-outs to nights behind the closed doors of his room. It will occasionally come out in a snappy attitude and bursts of anger when he's around people— he'd rather get mad than show people his feelings. A lot of his behavior stems from a constant worry of not being good enough which is why he feels it's so important that people like him. That is also why he doesn't like being questioned much, and people know not to piss him off, he'll gladly hold a grudge and use his popularity against people he doesn't like.

Baseball – summer – sports – music – pop – new wave – popcorn – nice weather – running

Waking up late – the dark – stress – school work – blood – horror movies – the cold

The dark – no one really knows because he's fine as long as there's another person there but leave him alone in a dark room and he'll be terrified.



Cooper is the older out of the two kids in the Chance family. His younger brother was born a couple of years after him which was around the same time they moved with their parents to Widow's rise. Growing up Cooper was always a bit unruly, him throwing temper tantrums over random things weren't all that uncommon. Despite that, he had no trouble making friends and was the kind of kid who would play with anyone really.

His parents, who are fairly well off has always not only wanted the best for their children, but also wanted their children to be the best. Cooper started training baseball when he was young as per his father's request and as he grew a little older and it became apparent that he was good at the sport all his father cares about seem to be games and practice and being the best.

His mother, though not very involved with the sports has always been equally concerned with appearances, and since he started high school she has made sure he knew that even if he was talented enough to get a scholarship for the baseball eventually he still needed the charm and charisma to make a good impression on any recruiters.

Since the end of the summer, Cooper has been stressed. He spends plenty of nights lying awake worrying about the future and college. He is painfully aware of the fact that it's more important than ever for him to be on top, with grades, the baseball, and even his social life. On top of it all, there are the always underlying thoughts about guys he really shouldn't be having and has had for years but only quite recently been forced to accept. Though it is something he very much intends to ignore. He just can't have anything messing something up and is more concerned of keeping up his image as ever, even at the price of putting others down.

[div=width:100%;height:650px; overflow:hidden;][div= width: 80%; height:650px; background-color:#756861; margin: auto; opacity: 0.3; z-index: 2;pointer-events: none;mix-blend-mode: color;][/div][div=z-index: 1;border: 2px solid #edebea;margin: auto; width:80%; height: 650px; top:-650px ; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c8/45/cb/c845cbf9ce8901236d1257d3ce90c650.jpg); display: flex; background-size: 600px;  background-position: 200px -400px;][div=width:30%; height: 100%; background-color: white; display: flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content:space-between; border-right: 2px solid #edebea;][div= width:100%; height: 220px; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fa/4d/be/fa4dbec6657f8ffb7f80fafa25322456.jpg);background-size: 400px; background-position: -40px -50px;][/div][div= width:100%; height: 220px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/22/60/03/22600328fca1c907f5baf562d4c45abe.jpg); background-size:300px; border-top: 2px solid #edebea; border-bottom: 2px solid #edebea; ][/div][div= width:100%; height: 220px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/86/e8/5f/86e85fcc8a4e73304a07ca9e469db027.jpg);][/div][/div] [div= margin: auto; width:68%; height: 600px; background-color: ;][div=box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgb(31, 31, 33, 0.2);

Transform: rotate(2deg); top: -5px; margin: auto; width: 190px; height: 190px; background-color:#edebea; ][div=box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px rgb(31, 31, 33, 0.4) inset;  top: 7px; margin: auto; width: 177px; height: 160px; background:url(http://pm1.narvii.com/6361/68283c1a379aa8b18da987c3e7d80a22c7c0bbc4_00.jpg); background-size: 235px; background-position: -30px 0px;][/div] [/div][div= margin: auto; top: 15px; width:90%; height:400px; background-color: #edebea; overflow-y: scroll; opacity: 0.8; color:#4b5260; font-family:arial;][div= width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #4b5260; color: #edebea; font-family:shadows into light; text-align:center; font-size: 25px; padding: 5px;] GENERAL[/div] [Div= padding: 15px;]NAME
Cooper Dustin Chance


July 7th


[div= width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #4b5260; color: #edebea; font-family:shadows into light; text-align:center; font-size: 25px; padding: 5px;]APPEARENCE[/div][Div= padding: 15px;]FEATURES
Cooper has hair is dark blond, short, with a bit of a wave to it. He doesn't do much to it aside from making sure it stays out of his face. His deep-set eyes are blue, shifting a little towards green in the light. Above them, he sports a pair of thicker unruly eyebrows. His skin is pale but he tans easily in the sun.

Standing at about 6'1 Cooper isn't short but also isn't all that tall. His build is lean but muscular, shoulders and arms a little broader, though his good physique is easily overlooked if you don't already know about it.

Cooper doesn't care that much about clothes and fashion. More of his clothes than he would like to admit was bought by his mother. He usually tucks in a t-shirt in a pair of jeans and wears his varsity jacket and a pair of sneakers with that. Though his sense of fashion is fairly plain he does at least make sure everything fits him well which results in him looking pretty good anyways.[/div]
[div= width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #4b5260; color: #edebea; font-family:shadows into light; text-align:center; font-size: 25px; padding: 5px;]PERSONALITY[/div][div=padding:15px;]
[CENTER]Cheerful – social – anxious – hothead[/CENTER]

The way Cooper sees it, as does most other people who have met him, he is just your average teenage guy. He is social, happy and active. He has plenty of friends all of whom seem to like him. He isn't really one to actively make enemies and tries to keep a positive outlook on things. He always tries to be nice to people. Part of why he has gained the popularity he has is simply because he acts decently towards people on top of having good looks and being one of the school's star athletes. Even the people who don't really like the popular crowd tend to see him as fairly decent. Of course, that doesn't mean he is without blame when his friends act up and pick on people. He doesn't really participate in the worst stuff, but he doesn't really step in either. His niceness doesn't always extend to the people his group of friends has deemed weird, in part to preserve his own image in part because he also finds them kind of weird.

Underneath all of that Cooper is a very easily stressed out person. He's prone to anxiety even if he doesn't even realize that himself. He worries a lot—about his future, how people view him and so on. He's good at hiding it though, keeping episodes of crying and freak-outs to nights behind the closed doors of his room. It will occasionally come out in a snappy attitude and bursts of anger when he's around people— he'd rather get mad than show people his feelings. A lot of his behavior stems from a constant worry of not being good enough which is why he feels it's so important that people like him. That is also why he doesn't like being questioned much, and people know not to piss him off, he'll gladly hold a grudge and use his popularity against people he doesn't like.

Baseball – summer – sports – music – pop – new wave – popcorn – nice weather – running

Waking up late – the dark – stress – school work – blood – horror movies – the cold

The dark – no one really knows because he's fine as long as there's another person there but leave him alone in a dark room and he'll be terrified.

[div= width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #4b5260; color: #edebea; font-family:shadows into light; text-align:center; font-size: 25px; padding: 5px;]BACKGROUND[/div][Div= padding: 15px;]
Cooper is the older out of the two kids in the Chance family. His younger brother was born a couple of years after him which was around the same time they moved with their parents to Widow's rise. Growing up Cooper was always a bit unruly, him throwing temper tantrums over random things weren't all that uncommon. Despite that, he had no trouble making friends and was the kind of kid who would play with anyone really.

His parents, who are fairly well off has always not only wanted the best for their children, but also wanted their children to be the best. Cooper started training baseball when he was young as per his father's request and as he grew a little older and it became apparent that he was good at the sport all his father cares about seem to be games and practice and being the best.

His mother, though not very involved with the sports has always been equally concerned with appearances, and since he started high school she has made sure he knew that even if he was talented enough to get a scholarship for the baseball eventually he still needed the charm and charisma to make a good impression on any recruiters.

Since the end of the summer, Cooper has been stressed. He spends plenty of nights lying awake worrying about the future and college. He is painfully aware of the fact that it's more important than ever for him to be on top, with grades, the baseball, and even his social life. On top of it all, there are the always underlying thoughts about guys he really shouldn't be having and has had for years but only quite recently been forced to accept. Though it is something he very much intends to ignore. He just can't have anything messing something up and is more concerned of keeping up his image as ever, even at the price of putting others down.
Trying to figure out the new accordions wohoo!


Excuse me, why is there a bunch of space on the right???? WHat is that black line between everything pls go away :'(((((((


Cooper Dustin Chance


July 7th



Cooper has hair is dark blond, short, with a bit of a wave to it. He doesn't do much to it aside from making sure it stays out of his face. His deep-set eyes are blue, shifting a little towards green in the light. Above them, he sports a pair of thicker unruly eyebrows. His skin is pale but he tans easily in the sun.

Standing at about 6'1 Cooper isn't short but also isn't all that tall. His build is lean but muscular, shoulders and arms a little broader, though his good physique is easily overlooked if you don't already know about it.

Cooper doesn't care that much about clothes and fashion. More of his clothes than he would like to admit was bought by his mother. He usually tucks in a t-shirt in a pair of jeans and wears his varsity jacket and a pair of sneakers with that. Though his sense of fashion is fairly plain he does at least make sure everything fits him well which results in him looking pretty good anyways.


Cheerful – social – anxious – hothead​

The way Cooper sees it, as does most other people who have met him, he is just your average teenage guy. He is social, happy and active. He has plenty of friends all of whom seem to like him. He isn't really one to actively make enemies and tries to keep a positive outlook on things. He always tries to be nice to people. Part of why he has gained the popularity he has is simply because he acts decently towards people on top of having good looks and being one of the school's star athletes. Even the people who don't really like the popular crowd tend to see him as fairly decent. Of course, that doesn't mean he is without blame when his friends act up and pick on people. He doesn't really participate in the worst stuff, but he doesn't really step in either. His niceness doesn't always extend to the people his group of friends has deemed weird, in part to preserve his own image in part because he also finds them kind of weird.

Underneath all of that Cooper is a very easily stressed out person. He's prone to anxiety even if he doesn't even realize that himself. He worries a lot—about his future, how people view him and so on. He's good at hiding it though, keeping episodes of crying and freak-outs to nights behind the closed doors of his room. It will occasionally come out in a snappy attitude and bursts of anger when he's around people— he'd rather get mad than show people his feelings. A lot of his behavior stems from a constant worry of not being good enough which is why he feels it's so important that people like him. That is also why he doesn't like being questioned much, and people know not to piss him off, he'll gladly hold a grudge and use his popularity against people he doesn't like.

Baseball – summer – sports – music – pop – new wave – popcorn – nice weather – running

Waking up late – the dark – stress – school work – blood – horror movies – the cold

The dark – no one really knows because he's fine as long as there's another person there but leave him alone in a dark room and he'll be terrified.



Cooper is the older out of the two kids in the Chance family. His younger brother was born a couple of years after him which was around the same time they moved with their parents to Widow's rise. Growing up Cooper was always a bit unruly, him throwing temper tantrums over random things weren't all that uncommon. Despite that, he had no trouble making friends and was the kind of kid who would play with anyone really.

His parents, who are fairly well off has always not only wanted the best for their children, but also wanted their children to be the best. Cooper started training baseball when he was young as per his father's request and as he grew a little older and it became apparent that he was good at the sport all his father cares about seem to be games and practice and being the best.

His mother, though not very involved with the sports has always been equally concerned with appearances, and since he started high school she has made sure he knew that even if he was talented enough to get a scholarship for the baseball eventually he still needed the charm and charisma to make a good impression on any recruiters.

Since the end of the summer, Cooper has been stressed. He spends plenty of nights lying awake worrying about the future and college. He is painfully aware of the fact that it's more important than ever for him to be on top, with grades, the baseball, and even his social life. On top of it all, there are the always underlying thoughts about guys he really shouldn't be having and has had for years but only quite recently been forced to accept. Though it is something he very much intends to ignore. He just can't have anything messing something up and is more concerned of keeping up his image as ever, even at the price of putting others down.


Why doesn't it open... more?????? I don't want to scroll *knife emoji*

hejsan svejsan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet eleifend magna. Cras porta urna sed faucibus porttitor. Ut et facilisis eros. Vestibulum non augue facilisis mi placerat consequat. Proin molestie arcu eu metus luctus varius. Nulla ut venenatis nisi, vitae cursus augue. In non orci sem. Nam iaculis ex vitae magna lobortis, in pulvinar velit mollis. Morbi posuere mauris leo, quis ultrices neque pulvinar sed.

Nullam dapibus pellentesque justo at dignissim. Phasellus luctus arcu nisi, et vestibulum orci cursus ac. Morbi eu turpis velit. Duis ut enim elit. Curabitur faucibus placerat nisi. Nunc elementum metus at mollis tristique. Nulla aliquam pharetra neque, ut suscipit risus rutrum quis. Quisque consectetur elit id erat efficitur consectetur. Maecenas cursus tristique lacinia. Cras quis cursus eros. Etiam et dapibus orci, quis finibus sem. In pulvinar dignissim luctus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Nullam accumsan libero sed finibus placerat. Nullam sed laoreet ligula. Nam fermentum, nibh ac dictum accumsan, eros magna eleifend libero, in mattis libero risus vitae arcu. Ut sagittis pulvinar luctus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse volutpat nulla neque, nec vulputate sem malesuada eget. Pellentesque vitae scelerisque arcu. Maecenas a nulla nisl. Sed facilisis mi at sollicitudin egestas. Nullam gravida est id massa laoreet mattis. Morbi tincidunt congue enim, et ultricies sapien vulputate eu. Maecenas justo nunc, feugiat pulvinar posuere id, auctor at est. Phasellus eget condimentum quam. Phasellus ut risus consequat, elementum lectus vitae, volutpat arcu. Aliquam id nisi vel lorem pellentesque cursus.

Nunc non arcu libero. Aenean varius nibh sit amet facilisis semper. Ut elementum mauris quis leo eleifend, vitae lacinia diam tincidunt. Nam interdum elit lacus, posuere viverra ipsum pulvinar vel. In condimentum odio accumsan augue congue congue. Donec vitae tellus at magna vestibulum posuere. Maecenas cursus mattis pulvinar. Quisque libero tellus, euismod vitae faucibus eget, volutpat vitae ligula.

Mauris iaculis rutrum augue in mollis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas in metus eget massa ornare egestas sit amet quis odio. Sed nunc odio, eleifend ut urna non, dictum tincidunt diam. Nulla in justo sed eros convallis molestie. Pellentesque tellus massa, suscipit ac massa non, rhoncus dignissim lorem. Aenean blandit felis vitae aliquet aliquet. Integer nec nisl nec ipsum consequat suscipit eget vel lacus. Duis eget placerat orci. Sed maximus quis leo a tempor. Donec lectus nibh, dictum nec ultrices a, dignissim sit amet massa. Suspendisse potenti. In vitae lacus vitae magna facilisis pellentesque quis vel nisi.

.... maybe we're just... doomed to scroll :'(((((((((((((
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis ex nec risus dictum luctus eu non neque. Donec consectetur nec mi ac convallis. Vestibulum viverra enim massa, et venenatis libero cursus at. Donec sagittis felis id augue tempor fermentum. Integer eget erat nec dolor sagittis efficitur ac porta leo. Nunc cursus purus vel nulla egestas rhoncus. Curabitur porttitor, purus id congue scelerisque, libero massa ultricies sapien, ac egestas lacus urna hendrerit purus. Sed lobortis libero quis arcu sodales placerat. Curabitur fringilla posuere nisl, sit amet tempor dui aliquet ac. Mauris ac pretium elit.

Integer interdum ac turpis eu euismod. Suspendisse sem tortor, finibus sit amet semper ultricies, tempor nec diam. Quisque sed sem accumsan, congue urna nec, semper odio. Maecenas a fringilla mauris, at rhoncus mauris. Sed nec metus vitae nibh auctor ornare. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas sit amet leo rutrum neque ornare fringilla. Cras mi metus, facilisis non condimentum in, consequat quis nunc. Fusce malesuada pretium felis. Vestibulum ex ipsum, ornare efficitur tempor eu, molestie nec dui. Curabitur ultrices erat id tortor suscipit, in accumsan eros aliquam. In consectetur risus at tortor elementum molestie. Phasellus vel purus magna.

Praesent euismod ac massa a porta. Sed congue non erat a tristique. Quisque venenatis nisi eu lacus varius condimentum. Etiam volutpat dui in nisl convallis lacinia. Curabitur tempor posuere enim vitae consequat. Nunc elit nisl, lobortis et dictum sed, congue ut nunc. Proin quam risus, fringilla quis ante eu, ullamcorper egestas metus.

Maecenas purus elit, vehicula eu facilisis nec, laoreet eget lectus. Aenean et turpis quis metus posuere volutpat. Vestibulum neque urna, venenatis eu dui a, ornare tempus magna. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla at placerat mi. Curabitur mollis, elit id consectetur laoreet, mauris ipsum molestie tortor, at facilisis arcu massa vitae leo. Morbi et turpis et sapien tempus tristique. Integer purus neque, porttitor ac ornare vitae, mattis sit amet dui. Aenean finibus placerat varius. Duis nec nisi non purus tincidunt egestas. Praesent id nisl egestas, sodales nunc volutpat, consectetur nisl.

[div= border: #dee3e5 solid 1px; margin: auto; width:500px; background-color:#4e5663; background:url(https://i.imgur.com/Eiu9u3P.png);height: 700px; background-size:600px; ][div=top: 15px; width:85%; height: 625px; margin: auto;][div=width:100%; height: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: courier new; font- size: 20px; color:#dee3e5;]A T L A S[/div][div=width:100%; border:#dee3e5 solid 1px;][div=overflow: hidden;opacity:0.9; width:100%; height:200px; background:url(https://media.giphy.com/media/YlBd4HEtTcCLPT3rrt/giphy.gif);background-size:425px;][/div][div=width:100%; height:403px; background-color: #dee3e5; opacity: 0.7; overflow-y:scroll; font-size:12px; padding: 5px; color:#1b1e23;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis ex nec risus dictum luctus eu non neque. Donec consectetur nec mi ac convallis. Vestibulum viverra enim massa, et venenatis libero cursus at. Donec sagittis felis id augue tempor fermentum. Integer eget erat nec dolor sagittis efficitur ac porta leo. Nunc cursus purus vel nulla egestas rhoncus. Curabitur porttitor, purus id congue scelerisque, libero massa ultricies sapien, ac egestas lacus urna hendrerit purus. Sed lobortis libero quis arcu sodales placerat. Curabitur fringilla posuere nisl, sit amet tempor dui aliquet ac. Mauris ac pretium elit.

Integer interdum ac turpis eu euismod. Suspendisse sem tortor, finibus sit amet semper ultricies, tempor nec diam. Quisque sed sem accumsan, congue urna nec, semper odio. Maecenas a fringilla mauris, at rhoncus mauris. Sed nec metus vitae nibh auctor ornare. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas sit amet leo rutrum neque ornare fringilla. Cras mi metus, facilisis non condimentum in, consequat quis nunc. Fusce malesuada pretium felis. Vestibulum ex ipsum, ornare efficitur tempor eu, molestie nec dui. Curabitur ultrices erat id tortor suscipit, in accumsan eros aliquam. In consectetur risus at tortor elementum molestie. Phasellus vel purus magna.

Praesent euismod ac massa a porta. Sed congue non erat a tristique. Quisque venenatis nisi eu lacus varius condimentum. Etiam volutpat dui in nisl convallis lacinia. Curabitur tempor posuere enim vitae consequat. Nunc elit nisl, lobortis et dictum sed, congue ut nunc. Proin quam risus, fringilla quis ante eu, ullamcorper egestas metus.

Maecenas purus elit, vehicula eu facilisis nec, laoreet eget lectus. Aenean et turpis quis metus posuere volutpat. Vestibulum neque urna, venenatis eu dui a, ornare tempus magna. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla at placerat mi. Curabitur mollis, elit id consectetur laoreet, mauris ipsum molestie tortor, at facilisis arcu massa vitae leo. Morbi et turpis et sapien tempus tristique. Integer purus neque, porttitor ac ornare vitae, mattis sit amet dui. Aenean finibus placerat varius. Duis nec nisi non purus tincidunt egestas. Praesent id nisl egestas, sodales nunc volutpat, consectetur nisl.
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en Alarex, son of Ortix and Sol Alarex, is third in line for the throne of the Northern Strix Kingdom. The tall and handsome prince, inherited his mother's beauty and piercing amber gaze his father's stubbornness and speckled strong wings but neither of their composure or commitment to the kingdom. As the youngest prince he was never set to rule the kingdom and grew up without the wheight of responsibility his sister and brother carried on their shoulders and showed little interest in his duties as the son of the rulers of a powerful warrior people as a consequence.
As the Alarex Princes and Princess were growing so was conflict between The Strix kingdom and the neighbouring kingdom of Elfreya. The political strife about borders was long ongoing and finally came to a standpoint when the Elfreyan leadership sent their best warriors to attack and kill the royal family of Strix with the goal of stirring enough panic and confusion for their own army to succeed in upcoming battle. Under the command of the oldest prince, the guards fought bravely to save the family but it wasn't enough and the life of Queen Sol was claimed. Luckily Prince Ren was saved, but not before sustaining life-threatening injury that would leave him with nasty scars for the rest of his life. For a while it looked like the prince would not make it, getting so close to death both the people and his family was already mourning two losses. But as if by a miracle he recovered and thanks to his close brush with death he became linked with our celestial ancestors
Following the attack, the youngest prince has not been seen leaving the castle, working in close contact with the monastery to learn to receive the messages sent to us through him. The previously unruly prince has over the years mellowed down and become a great asset to our kingdom, with his ability to foresee what is to come every future battle for the kingdom is sure to be a success.​

I mean it would have been cool if it didn't get ruined when squished but you know fuck me and my ability to code i guess.

en Alarex, son of Ortix and Sol Alarex, is third in line for the throne of the Northern Strix Kingdom. The tall and handsome prince, inherited his mother's beauty and piercing amber gaze his father's stubbornness and speckled strong wings but neither of their composure or commitment to the kingdom. As the youngest prince he was never set to rule the kingdom and grew up without the wheight of responsibility his sister and brother carried on their shoulders and showed little interest in his duties as the son of the rulers of a powerful warrior people as a consequence.
As the Alarex Princes and Princess were growing so was conflict between The Strix kingdom and the neighbouring kingdom of Elfreya. The political strife about borders was long ongoing and finally came to a standpoint when the Elfreyan leadership sent their best warriors to attack and kill the royal family of Strix with the goal of stirring enough panic and confusion for their own army to succeed in upcoming battle. Under the command of the oldest prince, the guards fought bravely to save the family but it wasn't enough and the life of Queen Sol was claimed. Luckily Prince Ren was saved, but not before sustaining life-threatening injury that would leave him with nasty scars for the rest of his life. For a while it looked like the prince would not make it, getting so close to death both the people and his family was already mourning two losses. But as if by a miracle he recovered and thanks to his close brush with death he became linked with our celestial ancestors
Following the attack, the youngest prince has not been seen leaving the castle, working in close contact with the monastery to learn to receive the messages sent to us through him. The previously unruly prince has over the years mellowed down and become a great asset to our kingdom, with his ability to foresee what is to come every future battle for the kingdom is sure to be a success.
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Hello! I'm Rabbit, I love cats, wear my Birkenstock with socks, and I am looking for some new people to RP with :>!

Here are some RP related facts about me!
> Not a native English speaker, perfectly fluent but I might make the occasional grammatical error ukno
> I love creating things for the RPs i get really into- mood boards, playlists, art etc
> Super patient!
> Fairly adaptable in terms of post length and speed! - That being said, my comfortable post average is around 3-4 paragraphs
> mainly interested in m/m rps (or m/nb)! (but might do other gender combos if you have some cool idea!)
> I don't really double unless the plot calls for it, and I don't do oc/canon pairs for fandom
> Queer characters are my jam!!!!

> One to a couple of replies a week would be fun!
> No one liners!! - tho single paragraphs are fine!
> Plotting and planning ooc, and casual occ talk if you'd like!
> Generally use of realistic face claims (with some exceptions)
> M/M that isn't modeled after yaoi
> Plot > smut, I'm all for smutty scenes as long as they are a part of the plot or for characterization/ character development. (Also it'd be cool if you don't just play bottoms (or just tops), most of my characters are verses and if they aren't or lean one way or the other I try to base it on what makes sense for the character and relationship u kno?
> Someone who is decently of drop friendly. Like just don't be mad if a disappear please, I'm just garbage at human interaction sometimes


paranormal - horror - modern fantasy - queer characters - cryptids - witches - plot heavy - coming of age

Bold is my preferred character, is something i rly wanna do right now! I'm always open for other ideas than what I have listed though so if you have something I might be interested in, just hmu!

The Lion, the Witch and the Doomed Town
Modern, fantasy, mystery
Witch x Human, Human x Human, Human x ????

Character A, B and C are all the sons of prestigious and rich parents. They are enrolled to Ainsworth boarding school for boys. A private school for the children of high ranking politicians, CEOs and other important people. The school is located in the outskirts of the small town Aberley, a place known mostly for Ainsworth and nothing else. Though in some circles also for its weird amounts of supernatural activity. A is there for that very reason-- he wants to know why Aberley is this way and he wants to find the proof the everyone else refuses to see. B and C, his loyal companions, have since befriending him gotten just as invested in his search. It has been mostly fruitless until one day they stumble across a person in the woods, unconscious in the middle of a fairy circle. D doesn't remember who they are or why exactly they are there, but they do remember two things, they are a witch and Aberley is in grave danger

Notes: V inspired by The Raven Cycle (tho I'm just on the second book no spoilers pls)! But basically, that's the vibe I'm going for. We could potentially take two characters each and have some triangle drama on the side while they're saving town (from what I do not know yet, we gotta plot haha) hence why included B and C, D could be any gender really tbh. Idk let's discuss it!

Eldritch Boyfriend
Modern, supernatural, horror
shape shifting monster/demon/eldritch abomination/cryptid x human

Character A is walking home a dark and rainy evening when he encounters... Well-- something. It's a monster-- or a demon, definitely not something human, hiding in the shadows in and around an old abandoned building, looking for prey. This is character B. A just manages to escape relatively unharmed, and afterward they can't decide if they are going crazy or if they actually encountered the monster from the local urban legend, so in an act of both stupid curiosity and slight self-destruction A goes out to investigate-- he hasn't got much to lose when it comes to his life anyways. B is confused by As return and decides not to to kill him just yet. After realizing A is more interested in finding out what B is than to stay alive, B decides they might as well have some fun with him. And so they begin to communicate, B slowly manipulating A into becoming more and more attached, until he is willing to bring B their next victims and eventually kill on his own.

Notes: Let's make this one spoopy and weird!! Body horror, some gory murder? heckk yeah!! Also, the police might start to investigate, there can be some drama with people in A's life getting involved etc

Pinewood Grove
Supernatural comedy
Another shape shifting humanoid probably x human

Pinewood Grove is a small town somewhere in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by forest and mountains. It doesn't appear on any maps and when you ask people they probably haven't heard of it, unless they've had the pleasure of driving through it once, late at night only to wonder if they ever passed through a town at all the next day. Pinewood Grove is weird. Everything is weird, the people, the animals, the buildings the roads. One day you walk in to your local subway to get your normal sandwich order the next day an empty lot has replaced it, you'll see at least one UFO at some point and the person standing next to you waiting for the bus the other day definitely had at least three eyes. Character A is there to investigate what the fuck is going on. Character B is a bit of a local celebrity seemingly with no idea that the rest of the world isn't, they also aren't entirely human, nor entirely not human, which isn't all that uncommon for the town residents. What is uncommon is outsiders, and naturally curious B takes and interest A right away. A is mostly interested in figuring out the town, but takes to opportunity to get to know B as he seems to know what's going on. It seems, however that the town is pretty hell-bent on not giving A the answers he wants when he wants them. Pinewood Grove can be a pretty dangerous place to live in, after all.

Notes: super inspired by Welcome to Night Vale, if you know what it is you know what I'm going for.

I can be your angle or yuor devil
Supernatural comedy? I guess? Romance!
Demon x angel

Character A is a demon sent to earth to raise havoc, make people both miserable and to commit evil acts that eventually will land them in the toasty pits of hell. Mostly, he's just happy to get to stretch his legs a little on earth, it has been a while since he was there but he always quite enjoyed mingling among the humans, though they are a little annoying. Character B is heaven's response to hell sending up A. They can't have a demon running around without anyone to keep track on him. Mostly they want B to figure out why hell has chosen now to send someone to the surface and what the plans they surely are coming up with, in secret are. Or if everything else fails-- Kill A. That works too.

Notes: ahahaha I watched Good Omens, okay? Also the good place haha.

> Pirate x merman
> Two characters of vastly different backgrounds meeting and traveling by foot through a fantasy world
> Alien pretending to be an exchange student x college student
> Divorced dad x widowed dad
> Police murder investigation where the culprit is a demon
> Ghost x person trying to figure out who murdered the ghost
> Trans girl x cis straight boy
> A lives remote and takes in wounded and fleeing B and nurses them back to health in secret (fantasy or dystopian could work?)
> Snooty rich horse girl x down to earth farm horse girl
> Punk/whatever type of edgy lad you want to do x sweet cottage core soft boi (I have a character for this he's trans so don't hmu about this one unless ur cool with that)

FANDOMS (I do ocxoc or canonxcanon only )
Currently up for: South Park ★★ , Harry Potter, Warriors (the cats)
Convince me: Hetalia, Homestuck, Pokemon
Last edited:
is this the right thread this time?

North Marceline Everett


October 13

Maple Grove, Minnesota




Cis female, she/her

Production Assistant

Characteristic for North is her hair, it's not technically that remarkable- Straight-ish, messy, reaches her shoulders, shorter bangs with a naturally a mousey brown color. But she has dyed it since her teens in various colors so it's a bif part of her identity. For the past couple of years the go to has been platinum blonde. It always looks a little messy due to being a little damaged but she doesn't mind it too much. Other than that North has a pair of hazel eyes and pale skin

Lean, some curves but kind of flat chest

157 cm

50 kilograms

Comfort is very important to North, that isn't to say she doesn't like to express herself through fashion, but she will always choose something with a soft fabric and comfortable fit before something scratchy and uncomfortable no matter how pretty that second garment is. She is frequently seen in either comfortable high-waisted jeans (blue or black distressed) in a stretchy material, or sweatpants. With that, she'll most likely wear a hoodie or a sweatshirt, or possibly a T-shirt or a T-shirt flannel combo. Her style is a bit tomboyish, though she's not completely opposed to wearing more girly things she often finds herself gravitating more towards the men's section when shopping. Though on occasion, you might find her in a skater skirt instead of jeans, or a dress if the weather allows it. She also often wears hats, mainly her trapper hat but also beanies and the occasional baseball cap when it gets too warm for the other two options.

In terms of makeup, she wears it when she feels like it, but she doesn't really like things with heavy coverage or that she can feel on her face or that gets messy. Often she'll just wear some winged liner and nothing more, or some lipstick if it's a very special occasion.

The planets of the solar system lined up on her left forearm

The obligatory small scars on her knees and palms from tripping and falling, and on occasion, being shoved.

If someone meets North for the first time they might walk away thinking she's a bit of a weirdo, maybe a little rude even. And she can be, she is blunt and tends to speak her mind, without really thinking about how it may affect others. It's not so much that she intends to do those things as much as it is her being a little socially dense sometimes. In general, she's not the most social person, she often sticks to herself, doing her own thing. She's pretty touch-averse and likes to keep her distance even with friends and family.

This doesn't mean she can't be warm and friendly though, the friends she does have despite being so anti-social she loves, even if she doesn't always go out of her way to speak to them, and if the conversation calls for it she can often be more insightful than she thinks of herself to be.

When she likes things, she likes them with passion and the things she is passionate about she could talk about for ages, sometimes forgetting to give other people room to speak too.

North is a creature of habit, once she has found something she likes or works for her she will seldom break from it. She has had the same subway sandwich order for years, watches many of the same shows she likes over and over, and so on. It's just something that keeps her comfortable, it's not that she can't break them, or willingly wouldn't, she has tried a different sandwich once or twice voluntarily, but if her habits get broken from outside forces she'll get either really frustrated or really freaked out as being in control is very important to her.

Photography, directing, movies, astronomy, TV-shows, making videos

Space, coffee, stars, cats, South Park, The L Word, science, physics, math, peanut butter cups, sour candies, rain, indie music, brownies, documentaries, The Sims, cute animals

Breaking routine, canned corn in warm food, shallow people, the white parts of lettuce, the stem part of tomatoes, storms, steak, capitalism, ignorance and bigotry

Mumbles to herself when thinking


North is on the autism spectrum but it is not properly diagnosed, both because it has gone undetected thanks to her being a girl and because she can be considered pretty 'high functioning'

Thunder and lightning, and fireworks. She finds loud sounds in general very overwhelming.

>Father - Thomas Everett - 51
>Mother - Rebecca Everett - 50
>Brother - Norman Everett - 16
>Doggo - Bones - 10

> Eric Field - 22 - best friend and roommate
> Womrat - 1- Eric's Guinea Pig
> Barrington - 1 - Eric's other guinea pig
> A couple of other friends back home in Minnesota

Save for the occasional bully in high school she has no real enemies, though she has been known to put people off enough to dislike her in the past.

North has never really been big on the dating scene, she realized she was gay fairly early on in her teens but small Minnesota towns aren't really known for their big gay population and she didn't really start dating until she was an adult.
One significant ex is
> Skylar Wilson - 23

North grew up in a very loving and nice household. She loves her family, they love her, there has never really been any issues there, except for the odd moment when North has felt like the odd one out just for not expressing that love as freely as her other family members.

School, however, has always been a little trickier for her, not academically, in that regard she has always done well, but she has always had trouble making friends. That doesn't mean she doesn't have any, over the years she has gained one or two that she's close with, but throughout her school years, she was always either picked on or just disregarded for being a little weird.

So she found her refuge in her hobbies, when she was younger this was space, reading about it—looking at start, as she grew older it became photography and movies. She started a youtube channel when she was sixteen, not to reach out to anyone but to have a place to put the videos she was making. They were never of her, but of friends, family, nature, and then as her love for movies grew she started to make shitty short films, starring her friends. They have grown better over the years and she has managed to grow herself a humble following of 20 000 or so people, something she is immensely proud of.

At the age of 20 after working a shitty job at the convenience store and living with her parents she decided to move to LA with her best friend Eric. Her parents have warned her over and over not to have too high hopes of making it in what she wants to become—a real movie director, but eventually found a job as an insignificant set worker which actually pay well enough

[div=width:100%;height:650px; overflow:hidden;][div= width: 70%; height:650px; background-color:#756861; margin: auto; opacity: 0.3; z-index: 2;pointer-events: none;mix-blend-mode: color;][/div][div=z-index: 1;border: 2px solid #edebea;margin: auto; width:70%; height: 650px; top:-650px ;

background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/46/2b/12/462b1256feaa227572fc72906d5adebb.jpg); display: flex; background-size: 600px;  background-position: 150px 0px;][div=width:30%; height: 100%; background-color: white; display: flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content:space-between; border-right: 2px solid #edebea;][div= width:100%; height: 220px;

background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c3/3c/0e/c33c0eb8883a7bd8e32074b036453e1b.jpg);background-size: 320px; background-position: -20px 0px;][/div][div= width:100%; height: 220px;

background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/53/5b/7b/535b7b4ea223f5fc51ca52fc1a3e94f1.jpg); background-size:300px; border-top: 2px solid #edebea; border-bottom: 2px solid #edebea; ][/div][div= width:100%; height: 220px;

background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a6/b7/3c/a6b73c842ae238711e879651d32e5ef9.jpg); background-size:300px;][/div][/div] [div= margin: auto; width:68%; height: 600px; background-color: ;][div=box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgb(31, 31, 33, 0.2);

Transform: rotate(2deg); top: -5px; margin: auto; width: 190px; height: 190px; background-color:#edebea; ][div=box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px rgb(31, 31, 33, 0.4) inset;  top: 7px; margin: auto; width: 177px; height: 160px;

background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6b/47/69/6b47698ed9d12f91715614cb7613d9a5.jpg); background-size: 235px; background-position: -30px -10px;][/div] [/div][div= margin: auto; top: 15px; width:90%; height:400px; background-color: #162739; overflow-y: scroll; opacity: 0.8; color:#abb0b3; font-family:arial;][div= width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #0f1a26; color: #edebea; font-family:shadows into light; text-align:center; font-size: 25px; padding: 5px;] GENERAL[/div] [Div= padding: 15px;]FULL NAME
North Marceline Everett


October 13

Maple Grove, Minnesota




Cis female, she/her

Production Assistant
[div= width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #0f1a26; color: #edebea; font-family:shadows into light; text-align:center; font-size: 25px; padding: 5px;]APPEARENCE[/div][Div= padding: 15px;][CENTER][IMG]https://media.giphy.com/media/1lxjMYJ5KE9j2/giphy.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
Characteristic for North is her hair, it's not technically that remarkable- Straight-ish, messy, reaches her shoulders, shorter bangs with a naturally a mousey brown color. But she has dyed it since her teens in various colors so it's a bif part of her identity. For the past couple of years the go to has been platinum blonde. It always looks a little messy due to being a little damaged but she doesn't mind it too much. Other than that North has a pair of hazel eyes and pale skin

Lean, some curves but kind of flat chest

157 cm

50 kilograms

Comfort is very important to North, that isn't to say she doesn't like to express herself through fashion, but she will always choose something with a soft fabric and comfortable fit before something scratchy and uncomfortable no matter how pretty that second garment is. She is frequently seen in either comfortable high-waisted jeans (blue or black distressed) in a stretchy material, or sweatpants. With that, she'll most likely wear a hoodie or a sweatshirt, or possibly a T-shirt or a T-shirt flannel combo. Her style is a bit tomboyish, though she's not completely opposed to wearing more girly things she often finds herself gravitating more towards the men's section when shopping. Though on occasion, you might find her in a skater skirt instead of jeans, or a dress if the weather allows it. She also often wears hats, mainly her trapper hat but also beanies and the occasional baseball cap when it gets too warm for the other two options.

In terms of makeup, she wears it when she feels like it, but she doesn't really like things with heavy coverage or that she can feel on her face or that gets messy. Often she'll just wear some winged liner and nothing more, or some lipstick if it's a very special occasion.

The planets of the solar system lined up on her left forearm

The obligatory small scars on her knees and palms from tripping and falling, and on occasion, being shoved.
[div= width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #0f1a26; color: #edebea; font-family:shadows into light; text-align:center; font-size: 25px; padding: 5px;]PERSONALITY[/div][div=padding:15px;][CENTER][IMG]https://media.giphy.com/media/gL8IJQvhiVvVNyGfnZ/giphy.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
If someone meets North for the first time they might walk away thinking she's a bit of a weirdo, maybe a little rude even. And she can be, she is blunt and tends to speak her mind, without really thinking about how it may affect others. It's not so much that she intends to do those things as much as it is her being a little socially dense sometimes. In general, she's not the most social person, she often sticks to herself, doing her own thing. She's pretty touch-averse and likes to keep her distance even with friends and family.

This doesn't mean she can't be warm and friendly though, the friends she does have despite being so anti-social she loves, even if she doesn't always go out of her way to speak to them, and if the conversation calls for it she can often be more insightful than she thinks of herself to be.

When she likes things, she likes them with passion and the things she is passionate about she could talk about for ages, sometimes forgetting to give other people room to speak too.

North is a creature of habit, once she has found something she likes or works for her she will seldom break from it. She has had the same subway sandwich order for years, watches many of the same shows she likes over and over, and so on. It's just something that keeps her comfortable, it's not that she can't break them, or willingly wouldn't, she has tried a different sandwich once or twice voluntarily, but if her habits get broken from outside forces she'll get either really frustrated or really freaked out as being in control is very important to her.

Photography, directing, movies, astronomy, TV-shows, making videos

Space, coffee, stars, cats, South Park, The L Word, science, physics, math, peanut butter cups, sour candies, rain, indie music, brownies, documentaries, The Sims, cute animals

Breaking routine, canned corn in warm food, shallow people, the white parts of lettuce, the stem part of tomatoes, storms, steak, capitalism, ignorance and bigotry

Mumbles to herself when thinking


North is on the autism spectrum but it is not properly diagnosed, both because it has gone undetected thanks to her being a girl and because she can be considered pretty 'high functioning'

Thunder and lightning, and fireworks. She finds loud sounds in general very overwhelming.
[div= width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #0f1a26; color: #edebea; font-family:shadows into light; text-align:center; font-size: 25px; padding: 5px;]BACKGROUND[/div][Div= padding: 15px;][CENTER][IMG]https://media.giphy.com/media/jU3GPfFvquuEvjxT9O/giphy.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
>Father - [URL='https://media3.giphy.com/media/vxv7h7aR2QVWM/giphy.gif'][COLOR=#ffffff]Thomas Everett[/COLOR][/URL] - 51
>Mother - [URL='https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AgedImmenseCaecilian-small.gif'][COLOR=#ffffff]Rebecca Everett[/COLOR][/URL] - 50
>Brother - [URL='https://media.tenor.com/images/51899e95a87787b4ec32a208c258dc04/tenor.gif'][COLOR=#ffffff]Norman Everett[/COLOR] [/URL]- 16
>Doggo - [URL='https://d32l83enj9u8rg.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/golden-doodle-620-403-1.jpg'][COLOR=#ffffff]Bones[/COLOR][/URL] - 10

> [URL='https://media.giphy.com/media/fSqj0JdFWb95Ej0rn0/giphy.gif'][COLOR=#ffffff]Eric Field[/COLOR][/URL] - 22 - best friend and roommate
> [URL='http://68.media.tumblr.com/eb75042cc29d7a211691e0e9a6c8d66a/tumblr_oi4af7bfGH1vjtvuio1_400.gif'][COLOR=#ffffff]Womrat[/COLOR][/URL] - 1- Eric's Guinea Pig
> [URL='http://38.media.tumblr.com/14f71ddd9dc9e1c7d3535b2cc7fdcb9d/tumblr_naj6wmrPcp1ti3y6yo1_400.gif'][COLOR=#ffffff]Barrington[/COLOR][/URL] - 1 - Eric's other guinea pig
> A couple of other friends back home in Minnesota

Save for the occasional bully in high school she has no real enemies, though she has been known to put people off enough to dislike her in the past.

North has never really been big on the dating scene, she realized she was gay fairly early on in her teens but small Minnesota towns aren't really known for their big gay population and she didn't really start dating until she was an adult.
One significant ex is
>[URL='https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ColorfulAdmiredCottonmouth-size_restricted.gif'] [COLOR=#ffffff]Skylar Wilson [/COLOR][/URL]- 23

North grew up in a very loving and nice household. She loves her family, they love her, there has never really been any issues there, except for the odd moment when North has felt like the odd one out just for not expressing that love as freely as her other family members.

School, however, has always been a little trickier for her, not academically, in that regard she has always done well, but she has always had trouble making friends. That doesn't mean she doesn't have any, over the years she has gained one or two that she's close with, but throughout her school years, she was always either picked on or just disregarded for being a little weird.

So she found her refuge in her hobbies, when she was younger this was space, reading about it—looking at start, as she grew older it became photography and movies. She started a youtube channel when she was sixteen, not to reach out to anyone but to have a place to put the videos she was making. They were never of her, but of friends, family, nature, and then as her love for movies grew she started to make shitty short films, starring her friends. They have grown better over the years and she has managed to grow herself a humble following of 20 000 or so people, something she is immensely proud of.

At the age of 20 after working a shitty job at the convenience store and living with her parents she decided to move to LA with her best friend Eric. Her parents have warned her over and over not to have too high hopes of making it in what she wants to become—a real movie director, but eventually found a job as an insignificant set worker which actually pay well enough