SUBSPACE - A Tale of Aimless Twenty-Something's and Ninja Powers

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Well, a couple folks who signed on appear to have up and vanished, so we may need to fill the band roles they've left open.

Aside from that, if you guys wanna keep this going, then hells yeah, let's fucking do this thing.
I guess I could mess w/ my char sheet and help you bring this thing back. :)
I think Kyra's really the only one not around right now.

So it looks like most of your players are still in this with ya, Grumpy. Yaaayy~

Name: Joshua Grunt
Gender: Dude bra
Age: 23... I think
Role in the Band: Pianist/keyboard, no ones actually sure when he started, they just turned around one day to see a shirtless tattooed guy playing a keyboard he presumably brought with him.
Actual Job: Microwave guy at 7/11

So what do you look like?
(Post character's appearance; images preferred, as ever the use of anime will result in death by firing squad)

Awesome. And what sort of a person are you?
Chillax man, theres no need to be stressed while waiting for the beep of the 'crowave. I mean its like, take a breath and chill to the beat in your head, you get it Bra?

Sweet. Now what can you do, exactly?
Pretend everyone knows who he is.
Man a mean grill.
Mix a mean drink.
Read magazines.
Pretend he knows how to use a microwave.
Ride a motorcycle.
Write elevator music.
Play anything with white and blank keys.
Call everyone "Bra." regardless of gender.
oh and "Chillax"

Okay, but what can you REALLY do?
Make other people tire/relaxed/paralyzed with the Phrase "Chillax Bra."
When he sits down at his keyboard strange things can start happening. Things can fly towards him and his keyboard and stick to them and once there move by themselves until hes surrounded by a seemingly alive spider made out of random junk with neo-classical keyboard music coming from deep within the thorax.

Nice. Tell me a little about your life.

Highschool drop out from the coast he decided once to turned 19 to travel around a bit, eventually ending up passed from job to job sometimes lasting a year and sometimes lasting a week. Hes been in most fields except law in medicine even it it was just as a janitor in a research lab counting for biochemistry but is happiest just kicking back in his underwear.

Gender: You fucking think I'm a giiiirl? Do I look like one? Fuck you I'll show you I'm no fucking girl *sound of a zip followed by a loud thud*
Occupation/Job/Reason For Existing:Bass Guitarist for "Street of Rage" he also supplies the psychotic screaming in the background of most tracks.

So what do they look like?

Very menacing. And what sort of a person are they?
High strung and quick to anger he'll take insult at almost everything though hes also just a quick to calm back down. He finds it very hard to resist a dare.

What are they capable of?

Alright, what are they REALLY capable of?

And what's their reason for being so goddamn evil?

I'll finish up later
May be redundant, given my post to your profile, but for sake of clarity... I'm still here. :)
So we'll need a new guitarist if Kyra's no longer kicking about.

Any takers?