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Star Wars The Old Republic: The Way of the Sith (Characters)


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Sith Character Sheet

[Appearance/Background Info]
Age: [18-30]
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Brief History:

Lightsaber Info


Standard Training Lightsaber​
(Lightsabers are dangerous weapons, so children training in the Force practice with underpowered training sabers. A direct hit from such a blade might cause a bruise or burn, but won't chop off a limb.

Standard Lightsaber

Shoto Lightsaber

Curved Hilt Lightsaber

Double Bladed Lightsaber

Great (Greatsword) Lightsaber

Light Whip


Lightsaber Forms

Form I: Shii Cho

Form I, also called "The Way of the Sarlacc," is the most basic form of lightsaber combat and the most ancient. For this reason, it is the first form of lightsaber combat that most Jedi learn. It was developed as the Jedi transitioned from using traditional swords to using lightsabers. The moves of Form I focus on disarming an opponent without hurting him. Its wide, sweeping motions are useful when facing multiple enemies but do not work well against lightsaber-wielding opponents.

Form II: Makashi

The Second Form of Lightsaber Combat is Makashi. In Canon, it is referred to as the Contention Form, or the Way of the Ysalamiri. This is an appropriate name, as the Ysalamiri in the Star Wars Universe have the ability to nullify the Force. After Lightsabers became the norm in a Force-User's life, it was only a matter of time before they decided to turn the weapon on each other. This came around the same time as the arrival of Dark Jedi. Makashi was the answer. It uses precision cuts, thrusts, parries and feints, and it relied on a linear (back and forth) mode of footwork. Where Shii Cho was double handed, broad, blatant and relied on the whole arm and forward motion, Makashi is one handed, precise, subtle, and relied on wrist control and body movement which bordered on dancing.

Form III: Soresu

The Third Form of Lightsaber Combat is Soresu. In Canon, it is referred to as The Resilience Form and the way of the Mynock, a bat-like creature that can survive in the dark vacuum of space. Soresu is a stark contrast of the previous two Forms. Where Shii Cho and Makashi relied on broad blade use and linear footwork, Soresu relied on keeping the blade close to the body and using broad footwork to move around the playing field. Any sweeping motions were kept short and never left the main core of the body, still protecting it as a shield. A Soresu user only attacks when it is necessary, and only when the opponent provides an opening.

Form IV: Ataru

The Fourth Form of Lightsaber Combat is Ataru. In Canon, it is referred to as The Aggression Form and the Way of the Hawk-Bat. The Hawk-Bat is a raptavian (reptile and bird hybrid) creature that is commonly found in urban areas and is notoriously aggressive as it was graceful, as such is Ataru.

Ataru is marked as the second most kinetically active form, aside from Form VII. It relied on speed, acrobatics and power. It is also the form that most heavily relied on the Force to augment these attributes. This use of the Force allowed an even playing field for Force Sensitives with potential disadvantages in combat, such as size, lack of mobility and age. Its attacks are wide and fast from all angles while flowing into one another, creating continuity. It was the offensive version of its sister form: Soresu. Both relied on Speed, The Force, a nonlinear move set as well as mindset in its applications.

Form V: Shien/Djem So

The Fifth Form of Lightsaber Combat is in fact Two Forms. Shien and Djem So. Both are considered part of the Perseverance Form, or the Way of The Krayt Dragon. The Krayt Dragon was a fierce and powerful reptile that was native to the Desert Planet of Tatooine.

Shien was the first of the two to be developed and was created during the same time as Ataru. Form V was in direct response to Soresu as some Jedi felt that the Absolute Defense mentality of Soresu prolonged battle. Instead of deflecting blaster rounds with the blade for simple protection, Shien focused on redirecting the blaster round back to the attacker or attackers. Instead of waiting for an opening, Form V created the opening. Shien was a combination of Form II and Form III, also making it adept in melee combat. It's counterpart, Djem So, was developed later on. It focuses primarily on Saber Dueling. Like its twin, it focuses on redirecting and countering the opponents attack, but focuses more on brute strength and overpowering the opponent with broad, wide power strokes.

Form VI: Niman

The Sixth Form of Lightsaber Combat is Niman. It is known as the Moderation Form, The Diplomat's Form, or the Way of The Rancor. The Rancor was a predatory creature that was massive in size, with skin tough enough to resist blaster bolts, but with small limbs, making it a creature of balance. Its status as sentient and intelligent seems to be based on the specific breed, and sometimes one an individual basis.

Niman's main distinction is that it tries to combine the tactics and sword work of the older Forms. It blended these Forms down into a uniform style, like melting down base metals and making an alloy. As Niman covered all bases, it relied strongly on the preferences, intuition, improvisational skills and use of the Force from the wielder rather than rote and rhetoric of the other forms. While all five forms in Niman, Soresu's defensive nature is considered its base form.

Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad

Like Form V, Form VII is split into two parts, Juyo and Vaapad. They are known as the Ferocity Form and the Way of The Vornskr. The Vornskr was a vicious, predatory animal that was able to detect and hunt Force-Sensitive creatures. Their favorite prey was the Ysalamir, the animal Symbolizing Form II. This viciousness and focus on Force-Users is key in understanding Form VII.

Form VII is, in many ways, similar to Niman as both required the practitioner to have mastered several of the other Forms. This took time, at least ten years if one is studying it the same way one did Niman. That meant that a Juyo/Vapaad User had to not only use these form, but understand them at their core, to know and acknowledge what each meant. They then had to learn the principle of Juyo, to give in to their emotions and impulses and to never give up the offensive. While Form VI focused on commitment to defense, Form VII relies on full commitment to the attack.​
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@AceSorcerer @Cush Almighty @MelodicInferno @Red Thunder @Starlighter

I've got the bones of what I'm going for character sheet and mechanics wise here. This should give you all something to tinker and work on while I keep improving stuff so you guys aren't just waiting on me and a more simplified system shouldn't bog down the actually RP which is why we are here to begin with.

Feel free to ask questions in regards to what is above. If you notice any blatant flaws, have worries or have some ideas please share them with me.
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Riises L'wryn
the Miralukan Seer


Just over average height, Riises L'wryn is a mountain of natural muscle. His head is topped by short brown locks. A bandage of brown, decorated by charms of Sith alchemical nature, obscure his eyes, and his mouth is framed by continuous stubble. Dark tattoos, still relatively fresh, trace his arms and chest, identifying him as a slave to a particular Sith Lord.

Riises L'wyrn


23 Standard Years

•Eye color / Hair color:
Not applicable / Brown

•Height / Build:
6 ft / Muscular

Riises is a prototypical gentle giant. A veritable wall of muscle not entirely gained through effort of exercise, he is a cheerful individual, only too happy to share with others positive experiences while at the same moment making every effort to keep others from having to experience negative ones. In particular, Riises abhors loneliness and the weight of depression it tends to bring, feeling a separation similar to that of Jedi padawans taken from their families. As a result, he will go out of his way to make others feel valued and important. And he is more or less successful in this. It is a point of pride for him, and he is quick to mention that he is capable. His pride has yet to develop into true arrogance, but time will tell whether it does so in the face of his otherwise charitable tendencies.

Riises L'wryn was raised among his people the Miraluka on Alpheridies. Thanks to an abnormally strong Force connection via a clearer than typical Far Sight, he was recruited by the Luka Sene to be trained to aid the Sene Seekers in their work. Though unpredictable and often vague, his Far Sight nevertheless was key in many operations to save Miraluka from the temptation of the Dark Side.

One such individual the Seekers sought to dissuade or at the least capture was an older Miraluka called Wyst. Reports came in that Wyst had given himself nearly to the Dark Side, disappearing for long stretches before returning to his home that much more disturbed. When he was consulted about whether he'd received vision of the individual, Riises stated that he'd only seen shadows, but that one shadow had recovered another. Feeling that he was meant to redeem or at least capture Wyst, and feeling somewhat too sure of himself in his training, Riises asked to accompany the Seekers. Permission was granted.

Wyst was no casual purveyor of the Dark Side, however. He was Sith, and he aspired to return to Korriban with an acolyte to be trained later as an apprentice. Riises' presence continually attracted him back to the Miraluka planet, and he sought for his own use the young man's ability. He slaughtered the Seekers easily, finding little resistance in a group that specialized in negotiations, and captured Riises. He marked Riises with tattoos meant to identify his new slave to himself, spent several months grooming him to prepare him, and enrolled him in the Sith Academy after conditioning him to assassinate a particular Sith Pureblood who would be there as well. Wyst promised power and freedom, presenting the reward as a means to aid others. It was readily agreed to. But the training was difficult, physically and morally, and Riises relied regularly on his training within the Luka Sene, seeking escape from the older man's torments. He came to the Academy mostly intact, save for bloated pride his marginal success in retaining his own sense of self. But what the Sith themselves would bring out in the young man was yet to be seen...

Riises has a particular talent for the Force skill of Far Sight. The Force will occasionally grant spontaneous visions of events far removed in either space or time. If he concentrates, he can focus the connection to more specific points than are otherwise granted. But this is difficult and rarely yields success.

•Lightsaber / form:
No lightsaber as yet.
Riises has been trained exclusively in Djem So due to its proficiency in lightsaber dueling and focus on overpowering an opponent through size and strength, though it is limited training; even a few months of concentrated training does not a master make.
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[fieldbox=Darth Primus, red, solid, 8, book antiqua]

Species: Unknown
Age: 25
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Height: 6' 2"
Brief History:

No one knows much about Darth Primus, only that he is the sole survivor of the destruction of the planet Palawa. No one living knows what hides behind the mask and robes. He carries a broken lightsaber in addition to his own, seemingly as if a reminder of some kind. He seems as if nonexistant in the Force, but those who strain themselves or are skilled enough can sense only what seems to be an echo of what once was. He seems to speak little, but each word seems to have a heavy meaning behind it.

Primus is an active seeker of Sith knowledge and a student of Sith alchemy in addition to being a noted Force user.

Preferred Lightsaber Forms:
Makashi (II) and Niman (VI)
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Name: Djak Mikos

Species: Zeltron

Age: 24

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blue-black

Height: 5'10

Brief History: Many Sith have tragic or angsty pasts. Djak does not. He was born on Zeltros, raised in relative luxury, and left home at the age of sixteen due to nothing more dramatic than teenage rebellion. Poking about in the galaxy, he soon found that the easiest way for him to earn credits was by entertaining lonely women. Yes, he was a stripper. And he was very good at it.

He used the Force instinctively, barely noticing what he was doing as he fed off of the lust and jealousy he inspired in those around him and channeled back out. Nothing remarkable came of this lifestyle till one particularly powerful performance, when he was sensed by a nearby Sith Lord. Recognizing that the young man was a Force Incubus of some power, the Sith immidiately had him captured and sent to Korriban to learn the rest of the Dark Side.

Posessions: Djak arrived with nothing more than the clothes on his back.

Other: While initially quite frightened and outraged by this new turn of events, Djak is not a stupid man. If his only path to freedom lies ahead, then he will forge his way boldly into the Dark Side. He desires power for its own sake, caring little for the Empire's goals.

Former training: Djak has no prior combat experience. What he does have, though, is a decade and more of formal dance education in various styles. He has excellent posture, stance, and form, and possesses a high degree of control over his body. Furthermore, he has spent last six years training in high-gravity. He has little interest in free weights, preferring to practice dance under the crushing weight of multiple gravities. Compounding this, when he left Zeltros, he lived on a space station in an apartment that had been designed for a being from a much higher gravity world. He's lived and trained under increasingly heavy gravity for six years, and consequently he is much stronger and heavier than he appears, despite being able to move like a Twi'lek dancing girl. His muscle and bone has become much denser owing to this, compounded by his species's high metabolism. In hand-to-hand combat, he may have no formal training, but he can take a great deal more punishment than other humanoids.
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Resoh Sherhess
21 years old
Pale grey eyes

Brief History: The insurrection of Darth Vich ended when a group of his own acolytes turned against him and sided with the Empire. For years they learned under their new masters. Some failed and were killed. Others perished because of their own stupidity in power-grabbing moves. Resoh's parents were two of the remaining five, though they merely tolerated one another on the best of days. Her mother did not want to stay and risk the safety of her unborn child and fled the Empire and her master.

It worked for five long years, the two bouncing from planet to planet with little time to rest in between. The apprentice that managed to find them died confronting her mother by himself. His master finished the job but sensed a strong enough connection to the Force in Resoh to spare her. He took her with him to Dromund Kaas where she was left in the care of an Imperial Agent and her partner, both relatively friendly acquaintances that owed the Sith favors.

The Imperial Agent, Sabisa Sherhess, taught the little Rattataki many things: how to walk lightly, how to use the shadows to her advantage, and how to spin lies and truths to make others believe what she wanted. Iliani, her partner, made sure she knew how to defend herself while also spoiling her. She was the one to take Resoh for her piercings and tattoos; she was also the one to arrange visits to other planets. One such visit ended in the scars she carries today, though both are tight-lipped about what happened.

Resoh grew older. The Sith who had taken her started to come around again, teaching her meditation so she could begin to have control over the Force. After two years he decided she was worth the time of the Overseers on Korriban and she left without a glance back.

Other: Not known to her and others yet is the fact that she has a tentative grasp on Force persuasion that aids her in tricking others. For now it is seen as a result of her training under Sabisa. She is left handed.


  • Standard Training Lightsaber
Lightsaber Forms
  • None yet
  • Basic hand-to-hand self defense
  • Meditation
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Name: Gaius Titus
Species: Human
Age: 30
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black with spots of gray
Height: 5'8"

While not the tallest. Gaius doesn't need to be the biggest to hunt and kill his opponents. He has had decades of experience in war as a trooper in the imperial army. And he wears his scars proudly. He bears many military tattoos from his various campaigns, and different unit assignments.

Gaius isn't in the trade of dealing with bullshit, he is a cold blooded killer who enjoys his job. He is gruff, abrasive, and doesn't know the deffinition of the word "subtlety" he much prefers to be on a battlefield than a room full of people, unless he gets to kill that room full of people.

Brief History:
Gaius is a veteran of the Great War. he is thrice decorated for valor and mercilessness. He became known for his aggressive hunting of fleeing enemy forces, leaving none alive. He soon earned the nickname "The Black Hound of Korriban" for repeatedly and tenaciously pursuing the routed republic troopers.
When he is in battle he wore the standard black battle plate and was armed with a disruptor rifle. An exceptional marksman in his own right he was known for his utter refusal to retreat. Or to let retreating enemy forces to escape.
During the Battle of Ord Radama a particularly vicious skirmish involving Gaius and his squad, he fought alongside Sith Warriors who were deployed. The situation became dire as the republic were pushing him and his men back. Gaius' rage built as his men repeatedly tried to retreat, and republic forces continued to advance. Ashamed of such humiliation under the watchful eyes of these upper level Sith, something snapped in Gaius. He accessed the force for the first time in his life, force pushing his entire retreating squad into the advancing republic troops. Causing their advance to stumble and stall as black armor clad bodies collided against them in a wall of bodies. Gaius advanced. Executing and massacring the republic forces he faced with extreme efficiency and prejudice.
On of Darth Malgus' Sith warriors, a sith twi'lek named Arup'mudus, watched and after the battle she took him to korriban to be trained in the ways of the force and the Sith.

If nothing is going on, one can always assume Gaius is cleaning his assortment of arms. A clean blaster is a working blaster.

Standard Trooper armor and disruptor rifle, a Mandalorian disruptor pistol

Lightsaber Forms
None yet
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|Sith Pureblood| |19| |Orange Eyes| |Black Hair| |5'8''|
[fieldbox="Appearance, #c11d07, outset, 6, papyrus"]

Zaxa is thoroughly consumed with selfish ambition; she is motivated exclusively by personal gain and achievement, and has yet to experience a scenario where she would not perform an action that would provide her with advancement. She is straightforward in her desires, and ferocious in her pursuit of them. Her actions occur in the moment, leaving patience and forethought somewhat lacking. She is confidant, arrogant, self absorbed, and often controlled by her emotions. Her temper is quick to rise, burns hot and long, and is not easily sated.

~Brief History~

Born somewhere in the slums of Coruscant, the identities of Zaxa's biological parents remain unknown to her. She seemed to be hardly more than a few days old when she was found in a garbage compactor by a human mechanic sent to repair it. Her rescuer erred to keep her rather than giving her up for adoption and raised her as his eldest daughter. A pacifist with a strong belief that all races and cultures were important and worthy of respect, her adoptive father did his best to raise her knowing her heritage and the pitfalls associated with it. She had little patience for such ideals however and rebelled against the peaceful morals that her parents tried so desperately to instill in her character.

At last, the struggle between the upbringing forced upon her and Zaxa's ancestral tendencies came to a head approximately one standard year ago when she killed her adoptive parents and siblings in a fit of rage. Satisfied to be free of their weakness, she absconded with the family's sole blaster and the entirety of their credits and made her way off world. Determined to follow the path of her ancestors and become a Sith, she dedicated her time to scraping together every bit of Force knowledge that she could and making a bit of noise to gain the attention of the Sith.

It took time, but at long last, a Trueborn Sith Lord took notice of her. Seeing her as someone he could manipulate to his own ends once she had acquired proper training and grown in power of her own, the Sith Lord saw fit to make arrangements for her to attend the Academy, planning to return to call in the debt owed to him at a later time.


  • -Vibroknuckler*
    -Right handed glove
    -The clothes on her back.

    *Disguised as ornamentation on her glove, see Random
  • -TBA
  • She intentionally contracted a contagious skin disease on her right hand, prompting the necessity of a glove to keep it from spreading further or transferring to others.

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Ashkaroth Dizna

A stocky, well-built member of her race, Ashka moves with lethal grace. Wide-shouldered and well-muscled, she has the form of an acrobat, lithe without lacking strength. Her skin and hair are the red of her Sith ancestors, though there is enough human blood in her background that she doesn't sport the typical facial tentacles or bone spurs a more "pure" Sith would have, which is a bit of a contentious issue. Besides her skin and eyes, she has few other distinguishing features.

Species: Sith Pureblood

Age: 22

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Red

Height: 5'2"

Brief History: Born on Korriban, Ashkaroth was raised by her mother, a single Sith Pureblood. While not exactly in the slums, Ashka felt restless with the somewhat droll life her mother led, finding something about sedentary success almost appalling. As she grew older, it became evident she was Force-adept as she committed acrobatic feats no child would manage without help or prior experience, and her mother grew afraid, as Force users in the Sith tradition often turned to darker paths. Whether due to a stifled upbringing, or a dark seed she was born with, Ashkaroth bucked under her mother's grasp, and the young pureblood soon became more and more enamored with becoming something... powerful.

Ashka ran away from home at the age of 17, fed up with the constant badgering and mediocrity that seemed to mark her former life. After several stints as a street performer, she caught the eye of a certain Lord Kradex, coming under his tutelage. However, she found Kradex to be just as, if not more, stifling than her mother -- and leagues more dangerous. At the age of 20, she lost her master on an excursion, though whether or not she was to blame for his misfortune is not known. Whatever the case, she enrolled in the Academy to better hone her skills and finish the training she began under Kradex.

Other: A hedonist through and through, Ashkaroth loves the rush. She is enamored by anything which brings forth strong passions, be that food, danger, or sex. There are no limits to her appetite, except those which allow her to continue to glut herself on sensation. That said, she is mindful enough to be aware that a careless heathen is a dead heathen.

Ashkaroth's Force-related abilities extend to mostly physical augmentation, though she employs very simple mental manipulation well-enough.

Lightsaber Info:

None, as she lost hers on Tatooine during a particularly nasty encounter with the wildlife.

While under Kradex's wing, she learned some Ataru (Form IV), as it fit her penchant for flighty, quick, acrobat moves in non-linear fashions against Kradex's more conservative Soresu and Makashi.
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Lord Kradex
the Sith Zealot


Coming just short of six feet tall, Wyst is built of gnarled and honed muscle. Lips curled downward in perpetual frown, hands balled into eternal fists, Wyst carries himself with a military air belaying decades of focused training and study. He keeps himself covered in few if thick layers of cloth, preferring the flexibility and anonymity the vagabond like suits provide. From his belt hang various skin containers of alchemical components, as well as the hilt of a lightsaber.



39 Standard Years

•Eye color / Hair color:
Not applicable / Bald

•Height / Build:
5.9 ft / Muscular

Wyst is a stickler for the Sith code and for the law. He judges everything through that lens and seeks to ensure all abide by it, by force if necessary. It is perhaps not the traditional philosophy for a Sith Lord to have, being less self serving and more charitable in nature. But he still finds confidence in the knowledge that the Sith are unshakably right, and he will do anything in his power to ensure that others adopt that belief. He maintains a composed demeanor and is rarely rattled, finding that keeping his emotions bottled better helps him channel his passion.

Failure has been the theme of Wyst's long and storied life. Last of his surviving Academy class, he has continuously struggled against unintentional self sabotage. Luck seems to have continually worked against him, exacerbated by a strict adherence to the Sith Code and the belief in its utter rightness. It was the same belief that regularly prevented his promotion to Darth, the philosophical focus of his goal making him more often the unwitting tool of other, more subtle Sith.

In the latter years of his thirtieth decade, Wyst, now Lord Kradex, took an an acolyte named Ashkaroth, seeking to train the young female in the ways of the Sith in preparation for a career in the Sith Academy on Korriban, that she might aid him in his goals. But that too ended poorly, and during an expedition she tried for his life, nearly successfully.

But luck was on his side for once, and the Force spared him. He returned to his people, seeking another of the Miraluka strong in the Force. He captured a young male named Riises, and finding him more pliable than his previous trainee, Wyst groomed him for months before finally enrolling him in the Academy. Riises was to be his tool of adherence: first his failed trainee would be hunted and killed, then they would purge the Order one by one, clearing out the self serving and the self destructive until all were brought under the Emperor's rule.

•Lightsaber / Form

•Red bladed standard lightsaber•
Wyst relies mostly upon Makashi, finding the form preferable for subduing opponents. He is also competent in Soresu and Djem So.

For all his lack of true subtly in his machinations, Wyst does retain allies of sorts among the upper echelons of the Empire and and Sith ranks, and even one or two Dark Council members are privy to his intentions. He is little more than a tool in their hands, a fact he has accepted in the short term until he grows powerful enough in the Dark Side to challenge those who would mock his fundamentalism.
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Sith Character Sheet

Name: Khu Korig

Species: Human (Mandalorian)

Age: 20

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Height: 5'7


Khu is a crude smart ass with a temper. Her pretty petite looks are offset by her masculine tendencies. She has an ego and hates being belittled or humiliated. She is somewhat petty and loves the pleasure revenge brings her. She enjoys subjugating arrogant people and knocking them off their high horse if even for a moment but will respect someone who fought valiantly. One thing Khu hates the most is sadistic and murderous people who revel in someone's agony for pleasure. She also finds it hard to leave someone behind, to abandon a comrade is no better than running from a fight. For her hard outer shell, she's a nice guy who values the ones she considers friends. It's nice to have a shoulder to lean on.

Brief History:

She was taken from her family at a young age 9, as she showed force abilities even before she could walk. Taken along with her was her twin brother, Nilo, and together they would be trained by the Jedi order. She and her brother were always equal in skill and command of the force. They meditated together, sparred together, ate together and even slept together(Get your head out the gutter nasty). Some mentors believed the two siblings depended on each other too much and separated them. Once separated. Khu realized she had depended on her brother too much and she also realized she was holding him back.

As she continued to train to one day in hopes of becoming a Padawan she noticed her Nilo fly passed her and way already mentoring under a Master. She hated to admit it as she knew such emotional attachment were bad for a Jedi but she was jealous, envious of her brother. She also started to forget her teaching and gave more into her emotions. Not only was she jealous of Nilo, she was mad at the Order for separating them in the first place. Her only family, the only person she loved was ripped away from her. She didn't know where to direct all these emotions so decided to bottle them and repress them, only releasing them in combat training.

Combat training was the only thing that kept Khu from going mad. Combat was the only time she could vent, either if it was hand to hand or with practice sabers. Her instructors could see, feel the aggression in her fighting. Khu strikes fast and doesn't relent till her opponent submits or falls before her. They realized she wasn't fit to walk the path of a Jedi and never would. They found it best to send her to service corps to give her purpose which was the last straw for Khu. She would no longer allow the Order to restrain her, hold her back. She never asked for them to take her away from Mandalor for this mundane life, Or take away her brother for him to soar and her to sink, she didn't ask for anything from these damn Jedi.

She later left the order with only the clothing on her back. Her brother had got in contact with her and tried to persuade from leaving the Order. It turned heated and with Khu for the first time ever hitting her brother. She broke his nose and expecting him to retaliate, to sink to her level, but instead he just withstood the pain kept on trying to convince her to stay. She eventually told him to piss off and walked off to never see him again.

She later came across a young Sith, her senior by a few years who could sense her potential. Khu never discerned the race of this mysterious man with stark white hair, yellow eyes, pointed ears and dark tan skin. He brought her to Korriban and passed her off to an acquaintance as he referred to them where she would be trained in the ways of the Sith. To do this she would need to renounce everything the Jedi taught her, to give into her passion.​


Training Saber
Thick leather clothing
Packs of Death Sticks

[LS Forms]
Form 1

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[fieldbox=HK-51 (NPC), grey, solid, 8, stencil]

Model: Hunter-Killer Series Mark 51
Senor Color: Blue
Chasis Color: Grey
Height: 6' 2"
Brief History:

Assembled in some unknown region, HK-51 was designed to be the utmost effective assassination droid to date- regardless of whether the target was a Jedi, Sith, or otherwise. The HK-51 line is fluent in most known languages, including the almost indecipherable language of the Tusken Raiders- a feature that allows them to masquerade and function as protocol droids in order to get closer to their assassination targets and assist their masters in other affairs. This particular unit was purchased by Darth Primus some time before the destruction of Palawa.

HK-51 has special programming installed by Darth Primus to allow him to serve as the Sith's sparring partner.


Able to resist lightsaber blades, it allows an HK unit to become a viable sparring partner.

No good assassin droid can be caught without one!
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Akoye Maor
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Akoye is well known to be very manipulative and cunning when it comes to getting what she wants and how she gets it. She highly intelligent and uses this intelligence to mostly her benefit. She has a very cocky and upfront attitude and usually does not play well with others. She likes to believe that she is not controlled by her emotions, but she is all too controlled by them. She has a short fuse and has been known to explode into fits of rage, but she has gotten better at controlling it.
Brief History:
Born on the planet Iridonia, Akoye grew up in the harsh environment with her coming of age ceremony resulting in delicate tattoos on her face and rest of her body. It was shortly after her coming of age that the rages started, her parents did not understand what was happening to their daughter so they sent her away to another village who took in children and others like this. they thought she would be safe and recover. But they only seemed to get more powerful the older she got. It was when she was 20 when a sith lord took an interest in her while visiting her home planet of Iridonia. He told there that there was greatness within her, but she needed more time to develop herself and her power.
Three years later the sith lord came to collect her declaring that it was time for her to leave and begin her training at the sith academy. Akoye left with him with simply the clothing on her back and the hate within in heart. Her first group of acolytes she joined met a rather horrible fate, many claim that it was an accident, even Akoye claimed it was an accident that took her fellow acolytes, but there is something far darker behind the claims.

~Extremely force sensitive
~Fairly proficient in hand to hand combat
~High tolerance for pain due to her species

Lightsaber Info
Standard Training Lightsaber
Lightsaber Forms

She will be training in form (in the future)
Form IV: Ataru
The Fourth Form of Lightsaber Combat is Ataru. In Canon, it is referred to as The Aggression Form and the Way of the Hawk-Bat. The Hawk-Bat is a raptavian (reptile and bird hybrid) creature that is commonly found in urban areas and is notoriously aggressive as it was graceful, as such is Ataru.
Ataru is marked as the second most kinetically active form, aside from Form VII. It relied on speed, acrobatics and power. It is also the form that most heavily relied on the Force to augment these attributes. This use of the Force allowed an even playing field for Force Sensitives with potential disadvantages in combat, such as size, lack of mobility and age. Its attacks are wide and fast from all angles while flowing into one another, creating continuity. It was the offensive version of its sister form: Soresu. Both relied on Speed, The Force, a nonlinear move set as well as mindset in its applications.
