Star Wars: Return of the Force

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Kuryi Gabriel Saros
Approaching the Smugglers Moon

The Art of Battle dropped out of hyperspace near Nar Shaddaa having suffered no interruptions in its trip from the Arami yards. Kuryi quickly ordered the helm crew to bring her into a standard holding orbit and had the Capone readied for departure from its hanger. He also order the comms and sensor crew to sync with the satellite network that Kuryi owned around the planet and download its recent data and see if they could find any trace of a ship that might belong to their person of interest based on the information Kuryi had already. They were also to keep a link open with the network in case Kuryi found himself needing to use the networks capabilities while he was on the surface. His orders given one of the sensor crew spoke up about an unusually number of well armed Hutt Cartel vessels forming into a military formation. Kuryi asked for the image to be relayed to the holo monitor and saw the sight himself for a few moments before the group jumped to hyperspace themselves. What was it the Hutts were up to he wondered.

Leaving the bridge Kuryi summoned his officers to assemble at the Capone in twenty minutes. Ahmbra, Cazador and Eahn each had skills that could be useful no matter which way the situation turned, Miria had her force derived talents and Iella was to have been the original leader of this task before Kuryi had received more information. Adia he was unsure about, originally she was his most able ground commander and he himself had not been planning to go. Now, he was present and had considerably more experience, particularly on the smugglers moon where he and Te-ru had fought as underlings to their former Hutt boss before he was brought down and they struck out on their own. Worst case scenario she could lead the commandos and operatives he was bringing down when separated from himself, after all he didn't plan on taking them inside the clinic they were headed to, he could leave Adia with them outside.

He wondered briefly as he headed for the Capone if he should have brought Te-ru along as well, but dismissed the thought, she had other duties now. Besides Ahmbra had been with them on Nar Shaddaa in the early days, he knew the lay of the land as well.

At the twenty minute mark they were all assembled as per his orders as well as a squad of his Elite Operatives and a unit of Crimson Commandos. The final member of the team was the furry lizard thing that he had picked up on Coruscant, insurance against the target, though it also limited Miria while she was in proximity, a shame but unavoidable. They quickly hurried aboard the Capone and Ahmbra took the pilots station to guide the vessel down to the region where Kuryi's information had told him he needed to go, or as close as they could get at least.

Ahmbra guides the ship down, dodging the ever-flowing traffic to and from the Smugglers Moon. Finding a suitable landing pad in the district with the black market clinic Kuryi had been informed about, the ones closest to the destination were already occupied. After some flying he found one, seeing a freighter heading there as well he gunned the engines and cut off the path of the opposing freighter and landed the ship. A brief, angry transmission came from the freighter as its pilot sought for another spot to land, Ahmbra probably didn't care as he and the others waited for Kuryi what their plan of approach was.

The team assembled in the Capones main hold for Kuryi to tell them what they were about, up until this point he had kept it on a need to know basis and so far only Iella had the full story. "We are here because I have received intel that 'Lord Darkhen' will be buying some highly illegal black market medical equipment from the clinic run by Dr Cox, an unorthodox surgeon that pays Gardukka for protection from the other Hutts and other parties that might seek to infringe upon his independent work." Kuryi said as his opener. "This 'Lord Darkhen' would appear to be the sith lord that Lady Andrea has asked me to locate, I'm not sure I entirely trust the woman, even after Anaxes, so I'm going to see this Traiserus myself, have a bit of a chat if possible."

"Thats why you brought the lizard then." Miria spoke up as she glanced sideways at the ysalamari and suppressed a shudder, she really did not like the creature.

"Precisely, I've seen Lady Andrea fight first hand, if Traiserus is even half as competent id prefer to have some protection." Kuryi replied before he started giving assignments. "Eahn, you are to carry the lizard and accompany me along with Iella and Cazador into the clinic. The rest of you will remain outside, we don't want to give the wrong impression here but just the same it is an unstable and unpredictable situation, I want you on hand should things turn ugly." He said before pausing for questions. None came so he gave the order to move out leaving 4 of the operatives with the Capone for security and taking the other six and the five commandos with the team. As they started to leave the landing pad Kuryi turned to Adia and Ahmbra. "Adia, you will be nominally in charge of the backup team, keep Ahmbra close and take his counsel, he knows Nar Shaddaa well and you have little experience here." The two of them nodded and let Kuryi take the lead while the 'backup team' hung back a little to let the other four move ahead on their way to the clinic.

It did not take long for Kuryi and those with him to reach the clinic, out the front was a clearly jury-rigged neon sign stating the clinic provided various kinda of medical services in aurabesh, the clinic itself looked a little run down with piles of garbage building up to the side of the building. Kuryi was about to check in with the backup group when Adia contacted him.

"We've been held up a little, some fallen walkovers that we've had to go around and we were told in no uncertain terms to turn back at one point for trespassing, we had the numbers to go through them but Ahmbra advised otherwise." She said over the comms.

Kuryi smiled and shook his head slightly. "We will be heading in, I trust you will be here soon if things fall apart, I doubt they will do so immediately, but all the same try not to be tardy if I call for you. Have Miria keep her senses open as well, lest she sense something is amiss is I haven't called, use your discretion if that becomes the case."

The first thing Kuryi noticed as he opened the door, is that the inside looked a lot cleaner than the outside, or at least it looked like some effort was made to make the inside of this clinic at least the appearance of a sterile environment. On either side of the door on the inside stood a security droid, their heads moving and glowing photo-receptors taking in the arrivals in the clinic. They took note of the weapons but seeing they were holstered made no other action, one made a odd static sound.

A little further up was a front desk lined up with behind it a feminine looking protocol droid with some rust patches. She turned to the new arrivals and gestured, "Welcome to Randy's Aba-" She froze, lights dimming in her photo-receptors and then came back to full after less of a second. "Apologies, Doc Cox's Stitches and Needles, please step forwards and state the nature of the medical emergency."

There was some rustling sound at her voice and in the 'waiting room' two figures who had the air of bodyguards, dressed in a combination of concrete gray and black who both had ignored the seats lined at the wall stood up a little straighter taking in the two Echani, a Twi'lek with a weird lizard on a backpack and the human male.

One of them glancing at a door at the back, where two more security droids stood before his eyes got a neutral guarded look and he resumed observing the new arrivals along with his partner, taking note of the holstered weapons.

Kuryi chose to ignore the droid and waved his people to take their ease while he approached the two men, keeping his hands clearly visible and away from the heavy blaster on his thigh, of the two holdout pistols he carried out of habbit one was tucked into the cuff of right boot and the other in a holster under his clothing near the small of his back, neither were easily accessible without also being noticeable, they were only intended as backups after all. "The two of you work for Lord Darkhen, would I be correct in that assumption?" Kuryi asked the two men in a casual tone that still managed to carry an air of authority with it.

At the mention of that name the two men stiffen even more and put hands on holsters, the flaps already loosened so all they had to do was draw their weapons as they made sure to look at the man stepping forwards to them and his three companions.

Before anything else happened the droid receptionist spoke up again however. "Excuse me, sir. Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

"Thank you gentlemen." Kuryi said with a slight nod to the two men. Kuryi then turned to the row of seats and took the one near the centre of the row, leaning back slightly and putting his arms over the backs of the two adjacent chairs. "You two look tense, you should relax more, I simply wish to speak with his lordship, we have, shall we say a mutual acquaintance." he then said, still ignoring the droid.

A look of confusion appears on the two men, sharing a single glance, one focussing on the Echani male sitting down while the other keeps his sights on the three companions.

The droid receptionist meanwhile moves around the desk, holding a medkit and strides towards Kuryi. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency. If you cannot speak or think coherently please gesture to any injuries you may have sustained." It stated as it approached and reached out as if to lift Kuryi's coat to possibly check for injuries.

Kuryi raised an eyebrow and glanced oddly at the droid for a moment. "Persistent one aren't you. There is no medical issue here, I am simply waiting to speak with Lord Darkhen." Kuryi finally answered the droid. "This is a waiting room is it not?"

The droids freezes, its hand almost touching his coat as it considered the new data and then spoke up. "Lord Darkhen, appointment 17:00 local time, currently unavailable in meeting with Doctor Cox, please wait." It then turned around and strode back to her desk, pausing taking in the other three. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

"What do you want." Came a new voice, the door at the end open now, two male voices talking, arguing in the back, cut off when the door closed and a woman dressed in dark blue with a hood hiding the upper part of her face strode in and the faltered, shaking her head and frowning for a second before she locked her hidden eyes with the Echani male.

Kuryi smiled amicably at the woman and otherwise showed no signs of getting up from the chair he had made himself comfortable in. "To speak with your... Master." he said with a little more emphasis on the last word. He could admit to himself he was not entirely familiar with the way the sith ordered themselves, he only had the Lady Andrea to go on as an example after all, but he suspected other sith would likely follow a similar hierarchy and he had paid attention around Andrea and her people. "As I told the muscle, we share something of a mutual acquaintance, He and I"

Kuryi's people meanwhile assured the droid they were just waiting for their boss to conduct his business and that they did not require medical aide.

The woman seemed to study apparent leader of this band that had walked in, the frown still on her lips as she looked around and studied the three others before looking back at the echani male. "I ask again, for the last time, what do you want." Kuryi may have thought he spoke with authority before but the way this woman talked was eerily similar to how a noble would seem to speak to someone beneath her status.

Meanwhile the receptionist droid moved behind her desk, perhaps seeming a tad dejected nobody required her services.

"Let me put it this way little girl," Kuryi replied, deliberately making light of the woman's passive aggressive attitude. "I am aware of 'Lord Darkhen's' actions in the Tapani sector. Evidently I knew he was going to be here today as well. I know who and more importantly what he and you my dear are." Kuryi folded his arms across his knees and leaned forward a bit. "I'm not certain I entirely trust the one Darkhen and I are acquainted with so I seek to open a dialogue and learn certain truths for myself. Is that clear enough of an answer for you?"

She remained impassive for a moment and then spoke up again. "Loose the weapons, coat and those armour plated gloves of yours, then we'll see what happens next."

Kuryi tilted his head slightly as he studied the girl. He stayed like this for a moment before standing up and planting his foot with the holdout pistol in the cuff on the small table surface sitting in front of the chairs. "I'll agree to those terms, with one condition. That you remove that hood of yours, I find it especially difficult to trust people who hide their faces."

She crossed her arms lazily, "My face is not for you to see... Echani." She said with a snort. "And I don't trust people who claim to know a lot, including where lord Darkhen would be at this day and hour. Loose the coat, gloves and any weaponry you have, including concealed ones if you have them." She then looked at the other three present at the desk. "Those three and you the only ones?"

"We four are the only ones at the clinic, despite appearances I am not a complete fool." Kuryi Answered as he removed the holdout pistol from his boot and tossed it to Iella. He then shrugged out of the coat revealing the flexible light armour he wore under the bulky fabric and continued speaking, "I could have given the information about this meeting to another, I imagine their course of action would have been far less... pleasant." he said as he reached around smoothly to draw the pistol on his back before tossing that to Iella as well. The gloves and heavy blaster at his hip he left alone for the moment. "A small show of faith my dear. The hood."

"My show of faith is not shooting you right now, want to continue to dance until your card is full and you are shown the door or will you actually comply with what is asked of you?" She said snarling, shaking her head again.

"You realise my dear that even without seeing your face you are as easy to read as an open book. Subtle shifts of weight, habitual ticks, open displays of emotion, even the untrained can read the later. Your face would be a formality among my people at this point." Kuryi said sensing that was part of her resistance to his request. Never taking his eyes from the girl he pulled the blaster from his hip deliberately and as with the holdout blasters, tossed it to Iella. "Eahn, Give your blaster to Cazador." He said as he stripped off the crushgaunts and placed them gently on the chair behind him rather than throwing them to Iella. "As you requested." Kuryi said with a small nod as he turned his hand palm up and extended them out from his sides.

She froze and glanced at the Twi'lek and then back at the Echani male. "Just you, nobody else is coming.... and what's that... thing, on his back." She uttered, ignoring everything else he had said right now.

"My insurance. You wish me to be disarmed, so too will you and his lordship be similarly disarmed." Kuryi answered as he beckoned Eahn to come to him. "I told you I am no fool, I have come to talk, I will give up my weapons as fighting is not my intention. I will not however leave myself vulnerable and exposed." Kuryi said in a tone that made it clear in this he was not budging. "In short my dear, Eahn and the cargo he carries comes too."

She said nothing as she stepped forwards, patting Kuryi down, making sure to avert her face so he still wouldn't get a good look at her face, seemingly satisfied she stood back and walked to the Twi'lek, shaking her head again, studying the lizard before patting him down too. "Both of you seem clear." She said, perhaps a bit begrudgingly and then gestured. "Come along then." She said taking the lead to the door opening it again once the Echani male and his pet Twi'lek followed her. "Be sure to show the proper respect." She said as she opened the door and walked in, the two 'guests' following after her.

The room looked like most other operating rooms, thought there was some equipment that looked out of place here and there but neither Kuryi or Eahn could place it, though, eyes glancing over two security droids on opposite ends of the room to the sides and at the far end two figures who stopped talking to turn and watch the new arrivals.

One was clearly Doctor Cox, seeing the medical scrubs he seemed to be wearing, although it looked ragged and not cleaned in months. A elderly human male who was frowning, glancing at his droids and then at Kuryi.

The other was man with a unblemished face that must have been cultivated over generations of noble breeding, in fact, to Kuryi it seemed as if the man looking at him was the exact same person he had seen in the holovid of at least 15 years ago. Nothing like the burned and mortally wounded appearance Andrea had informed him about.

Lord Traiserus Darkhen opened his mouth to speak but as Eahn took another last step he faltered, reaching for his head and then within the blink of a eye his appearance changed his head of full hair was now charred and over half burned away. Half his face looked like someone had punched into a half molten candle and started to sag right away, blood pouring out from his face and other similar wet spots forming on his clothes as he fell forwards.

The hooded womans reaction did not falter as she saw this, turning and pulling a blaster as she did, squeezing the trigger at point blank range. Kuryi however could read what she was doing and was just in time to activate his shield belt before she opened fire, the shield soaking up the shots.

"I see why you need the equipment here." Kuryi said with a surprised look that even his schooled clam did not hide. "Eahn, step back towards the door. Keep me in range but let his lordship alone." Kuryi added quickly as he made a conclusion as to what was happening. He had gotten the shield up before any harm was done to he or his. So rather than react to the blaster pointed at him, potentially about to fire again. He spoke to Traiserus instead. "My apologies Lord Darkhen, I was unaware your… condition... was so advanced. Nor that my protection would have such an adverse effect. I truly have not come here to seek hostilities with you."

The woman seemed determined to fire again but froze at the words spoken behind her. "Sylvanna, cease." Lord Traiserus Darkhen coughed and got to his feet, a hand that was a moment earlier blackened and marked with burn wounds smooth once more as he brought it to his face which was also once more whole. He then looked at his suit and clacked his tongue in dismay at seeing the blood stains.

Meanwhile doctor Cox was looking alarmed, his two security droid had raised blasters. "W-w-what is going on!? Who are yo-"

"Doctor, please remain calm and tell your droids to lower those blasters, start packing the equipment I requested and our deal will continue as agreed upon." Came Traiserus's smooth reply.

"I... your woman started shooting and then... who the hell are these people!?" Doctor Cox exclaimed.

With a sigh Traiserus looked at the doctor. "You were saying one did not need special training to use your equipment?" The doctor blinked for a moment and then nodded. "Thank you doctor." Traiserus made a gesture and with a loud snap Doctor Cox's head turned a 180 degrees. The droids did not move at all, blasters still raised. "Do not worry about those he needed to confirm their commands by voice, he is unable to do so." Traiserus said distractedly before turning to Kuryi, "You will tell me what just happened and how you did it." His tone of voice commanding and authoritative, booking no argument from the look in his eyes.

"I can not say I know exactly what happened," Kuryi replied. "While I have some experience with those that wield the force, I know little of the details behind it. But to guess I would say you were keeping yourself alive with it until you can use these machines to repair the damage a rival did to you." Kuryi was however somewhat wary now. A wounded animal was a dangerous animal and in his experience sith tended to be highly irrational when wounded and angry as well. He had just killed the doctor after confirming what he needed from him. What would be to stop him killing Kuryi and Eahn upon learning about the lizard. "To put it simply, you were momentarily cut off from the Force."

Traiserus seemed to think about it when the woman spoke up. "He asked the Twi'lek to step back."

At that Traiserus turned to the Twi'lek in question and then glanced at the backpack with the lizard. "Sylvanna, step closer to me, away from that Twi'lek." She did and then stopped and he nodded. "You had lost it but now you feel it at the back of your mind. Stay at my side and holster that would you, there is no need for hostility clearly." She still had her blaster out and grudgingly obeyed Traiserus, turning around to face the Echani and Twi'lek.

Traiserus meanwhile addressed the stranger once more. "So it is something with that Twi'lek, or the curious contraption and animal on his back. I will look forward discussing that in a moment, for now. You know who I am but who are you."

"He mentioned a mutual acquittance." The woman, Sylvanna, said, speaking up again before lapsing back into silence.

Traiserus frowned and tilted his head. "You know about the force and have experience with those that wield it..." He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, clacking his tongue. "I can take a fair guess of who might it be but please, since you disturbed my meeting, in which I had hoped not to kill anybody I might add, you owe me an explanation, in addition to your name."

"Kuryi Gabriel Saros, of the Saros Outfit." Kluryi replied with a slight bow. "I have been looking for you for about six months now actually." Kuryi said before looking at Sylvanna. "I believe you have even killed several of my agents in the Tapani sector." he added before looking back to Traiserus. "I was asked by our mutual acquaintance to find you with my contacts as I have reach they do not. Their intention is to kill you I believe, I do not entirely trust them however and I make it a point not to get involved in others conflicts without first learning the circumstances. You are not for the record an easy man to find."

The sith lord allowed himself a chuckle. "As you said, your... our, mutual acquaintance seems to want me dead. So I indeed made a great deal of effort to not be found, especially with the state I am in currently. So who is this fellow acquaintance anyway and perhaps I might divulge some of the circumstances." He asked cordially as he took a few steps forwards, reaching out with a hand, a look of pain on his face as at one point his hand withered and looked burned once more, returning to a unblemished appearance as he pulls his hand back, nodding to himself. "Fascinating."

"You sent a fleet under your son to attack her, Besides that I do not really know what other connection you might have with her. I do not believe she actually trust me either, she refused to tell me even her name when we met, calls herself Tsis instead." Kuryi replied as as he studied Traiserus. Covered by and illusion wrought from the force he was not even sure if what he could see was accurate.

For a moment Traiseurs looked confused and then a look of comprehension appeared on his face. "Ah... I was mistaken. I was under the impression someone else send you. No you are talking about the one in control of a planet I have a interest in, although it is more the interest of a scholar. That pursuit failed so I felt the need to pursue other matters and interests, like the one that brought me here. Self-preservation is a wonderful motivator to get things done. Hearing that she wants to kill me is curious but not entirely unexpected, our kind are not the type to let grudges linger. I myself have a similar weakness truth to be told, but that woman is of no concern to me, no the one she has either a alliance or other partnership interests me, mainly because that one is interfering with my plans in the Tapani Sector." He chuckled again, "I would shake your hand, Kuryi Gabriel Saros but your fascinating lizard will prevent me from doing so." He raised a hand, "But I am not asking you to leave your protection, it is understandable. But yes, I am Traiserus Darkhen, of the Darkhen noble line of the Tapani Sector, and I am here to purchase some medical equipment to save my life. Well I was, the good doctor was rather unreasonable there as you saw and I admit I lashed out a bit too... permanently after I was able to stabilise myself after undergoing the effects of whatever neutralised my abilities to keep myself breathing and walking."

"You seem to have saved yourself some credits at least." Kuryi said with a passive tone, "Not a small amount either if I understand even half of what that equipment is capable of." A thought entered Kuryi's mind as he watched Traiserus, one he was not entirely sure about, but it may resolve several issues at the same time. "How adverse would you say you are to losing an arm?" Kuryi asked without making any moves that might be interpreted as aggressive.

Traiserus's response was raising a eyebrow and quickly making a gesture to the woman named Sylvanna who was already reaching for a blaster once more but stopped, seeing the gesture. "Excuse me?" Lord Traiserus calmly asked. "I am sorry but this a rather odd question coming from someone whose motives are as of yet unclear to me. Then again it is a rather bizarre question in general."

"As I understand it you have at least two people that wish to see you dead. Both of which are apparently in alliance with one another. You said yourself one holds no interest to you, And to be blunt I cannot say I care at all about the other as I do not know them. Tsis knows I have been looking for you at her request, were I to bring her 'proof' of your demise she would likely stop hunting you." Kuryi replied before pausing to let that information sink in a moment. "With this equipment I have little doubt you could graft yourself a new arm along with the other repairs you need to make to that body anyway. And in your favour if Tsis were to share your 'death' with her ally perhaps they will grow bold in tapani and make a mistake you can use to rid yourself of them."

Lord Traiserus got a odd smile on his face as Kuryi stated the equipment would be able to graft him a new arm. "Hmm, not exactly the case that this machine can graft me anything, but I have a pair of suitable donors." He mentioned, mostly to himself. "A interesting offer for me thus far, you have yet to reveal what you... wish to get out of this."

"Trying to find you has lead me to investigate the Tapani sector rather thoroughly, one thing I noticed was an exceptionally low Syndicate presence in the sector. Outside of the free worlds region it is almost non-existant. As you may have guessed from my introduction I am a relatively low ranking boss within the Syndicate, those who can open up new markets however tend to rise quickly." Kuryi replied. "Consider it something of a business proposal."

"Ah, now we come to the heart of the matter." Traiserus said, walking to the former doctors desk and sat down, placing his hands together two of his fingers pointing above his hands, their tips touching as he leaned the magainst his chin in thought. "Yes I know of the Syndicate I also know we, I and some other parties, have done their best to keep them out, mostly because most of the Tapani hierarchy are... shall we say too refined to deal with the likes the Syndicate represents, no offense meant." His eyes glanced to those of Kuryi, taking him in for a moment before he continued. "There is also the fact you seem rather at ease selling out this other business associate of yours, or acquaintance, whatever you use to describe her. And you wish to literally have me 'cost a arm or a leg' as part of this business proposal." He grinned before becoming thoughtful once more. "No I can deal with both of them on my own just fine, you can however make me more curious of this proposal... if you give me that fascinating creature of yours and tell me exactly where it came from, how you obtained it and if there are more."

"I would assume there are more, I find it unlikely that it is the last of its kind." Kuryi replied casually. "That one came from a company of particularly well trained soldiers with a penchant for black over a year ago now. They had been trained to kill force wielders apparently and one of their squads carried this to assist in that. My people killed the squad, left the creature alive and then I took it for myself when I saw the potential asset it could be." Kuryi then added as he stood a little straighter. "Considering its value I'm sure you understand that I will not be just giving it to you. Besides, its presently quite lethal to you remember."

He shrugged, "It is but I can still use it. Give it to me and I will arrange for your outfit to get a opening, a foothold into Tapani Space. I am even willing to pay you 2 million credits, along with my arm and a signet ring, my associate, who, as a measure of trust I will reveal this, my daughter here, is carrying for me to hand over to your acquaintance to inform her of my untimely demise. Perhaps we can also see if we can have more interaction or even business in the near future."

"You realise of course for this ploy with your arm to work you will need to drop off the radar entirely, perhaps even to so as far as to have your family announce your death in a public fashion." Kuryi said. "Having some evidence is all well and good but my associate will need more than one source of information if she is to believe it."

Traiserus kept smiling and shrugged nonchalantly. "With this equipment and you giving me your fascinating beast a new announcement will come within a matter of weeks, maybe even days of how the current scion of house Darkhen tragically met his end in a unfortunate accident, they will even find genetic material of me at the scene of the accident to verify it was me."

Kuryi watched Traiserus for a time as he considered the offer, it certainly had its advantages, A foothold to open up the underworld market in the Tapani sector outside the free worlds region had the potential to increase his influence in the Syndicate ten fold if he could secure its exclusivity. Handing over the lizard was a potential risk, he had not short sold its value but on the other hand Gris had studied the creature and the backpack it was contained in. The little Ugnaught was certain he could replicate the process should they be able to find more of the creatures themselves. Not that his contacts had made any progress in that regard, but then they were not under strict orders to find them, only to keep an ear to the ground for more information, maybe it was time to change those orders.

The biggest issue he had was the betrayal of Andrea's interests. The woman had given him no explicit reason to mistrust her, his doubt stemmed from simple healthy paranoia towards a woman that was known to have many secrets. The said he did not owe her anything at this point, their relationship was a professional one based around business. Business he had already stepped in in this case by not telling Andrea about this meeting beforehand, something the woman might consider a betrayal in itself no matter the outcome, short of presenting her Traiserus as a live prisoner.

Perhaps there was a way to play both sides however.

"You said yourself you bare my associate no grudge, that your only interest in attacking her was in the location she had set herself up in, correct?" Kuryi asked of Traiserus.

He leaned back in the chair he was sitting and nodded slowly. "I do not, I suppose in a way she probably only bears me a grudge since I assaulted that place. Though if she does want to pursue me, as evidenced by you meeting me, with you stating this associate of yours asked you to help her find me, well I might reconsider her status in my plans. But right now, she is rather insignificant in the greater scheme of things."

"If this deception with the arm any your own 'disappearing act' works, she will have no further reason to hunt you, it is after all difficult to kill a dead man." Kuryi replied. "I will agree to your terms and give you the lizard with one added cravat, That you cease any and all actions against my associate and her assets from here on out. Whoever her ally is I care not for, but my associate you leave alone, you did after all start this conflict with her."

Lord Traiserus raised his eyebrows in surprise and then let out a chuckle. "Very well, I accept... but you will only get a million for the lizard then. For the simple reason that I indeed will not try anything with your associate... but I hardly doubt she will do the same, I might be 'dead' but my assets and empire would still stand and if she does, working together with this other pest. I will end her. Because I will not lie down to be butchered Kuryi Gabriel Saros." He stood up, "Shall we shake hands on it like civilised folk?" Traiserus asked, extending his hand.

"Has anyone ever told you that you sound like a bureaucrat, an honest one admittedly but still a bureaucrat." Kuryi replied as he took a step forward to the edge of the Ysalamari's field and extended his own hand outside its effect towards Traiserus.

Traiserus took it with a smile and shook it, "We have a deal then. So do you prefer cash, cheque or direct wire transfer?"

"Under the circumstances I believe this should be a transaction without record, don't you." Kuryi answered as he looked at the droids still around the room. "Just as I'm sure neither of us wants any evidence of this conversation to survive electronically." He added.

Traiserus was smiling as he went to a briefcase, opening it he started counting out several piles of credit chits and gestured at the pile, taking a few steps back. "One million credits, if you could hand the delightful creature to my daughter then I think that transaction is satisfied, as for the droids, let me worry about those, you can make your leave." It seemed the Tapani noble had gone back to his usual manner and dismissed Kuryi seeing no further words needing to be exchanged.

Sylvanna glanced at the Twi'lek and the creature on the backpack and had a visible shudder hearing what her father asked of her.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Kuryi said without moving towards the credits.

Traiserus clacked his tongue, "Ah of course." He seemed to think for a moment and then nodded, reaching into his robes, bringing out a lightsaber hilt, igniting it to show a red blade. He studied it for a moment and nodded, deactivating the blade and extended it to Kuryi, "If you would like to have the 'honour'?" He chuckled. "You may also take it, for further proof or personal trophy."

"Perhaps I will even learn to wield it, though I understand for those without the force it is a difficult and dangerous task." Kuryi replied as he took the ignited hilt, tested the weight and adjusted to the gyroscopic effect of the blades field. "On the bright side you have easy access to painkillers here." Kuryi said with a cold smile as he struck at the arm just below the shoulder. The smell of burnt flesh was once again noticeable as the arm dropped and lost the illusion Traiserus had placed on it. The arm became a charred, necrotic husk with two fingers, including the ring finger missing from it. Spying a roll of surgical plastic wrap Kuryi deactivated the lightsabre and proceeded to wrap the arm up in the plastic. "Eahn, give the girl the lizard." The Twilek seemed uncertain about the deal but complied without comment.

Traiserus flinched barely, gritting his teeth, the blade cauterised the wound at once. "Oh believe me, I have been in pain for a while, this is nothing." He said through clenched teeth.

Sylvanna handed the Twi'lek a ring and then accepted the backpack with a small shudder.

Traiserus meanwhile touched his shoulder where his right arm was once connected and chuckled, "Such a odd feeling, it feels like it is still a part of me and yet... ah no matter, our business is concluded I believe. For now.... I am sure we will contact each other again. Perhaps if your associate decides to still interfere with my business, no worries I will keep to my deal and not go after her... but as I said, if she is foolishly determined to keep going after me, well, I must respond in some way or another."

"Had you truly died today that may still have been the case, but you will not make the first move." Kuryi replied as he scoped up the pile of credit chits. The sabre now hanging from his belt and Traiserus' arm in hand, Kuryi simply gave a nod to the sith lord and turned away, heading for the door they had entered through as he motioned Eahn to fall in with him. "Until next time Lord Darkhen." He called over his shoulder.

As the two of them returned to the waiting room Iella raised an eyebrow. "The lizard..."
"Has found a new home."
Kuryi finished for her. "I have worked out an arrangement with Lord Darkhen." Kuryi then began retriving the gear he had left with Iella.
"As you say sir." Iella replied without questioning it, there was little she could do and she did not know the whole story after all.
"Lets find the others and return to the Capone." Kuryi said as he started for the door, "Darkhen is taking care of things here."
"And your other meeting ?"
Iella asked.
"You will accompany me to that one after we have returned to the Capone." Kuryi replied simply. As they left the clinic the sound of blaster fire and electronic squeals could be heard as Darkhens people put down the droids.

A Short Time Later on Nar Shaddaa

Kuryi entered the lobby of the Gundark Pit hotel with Iella a step behind and approached the desk.
"I'm here to speak with a Lady L." Kuryi said to the receptionist at the desk.
"Certainly sir, room 1138, go right on up." The receptionist replied with a smile and a gesture to the lifts. Kuryi nodded his thanks and proceeded to the lift with Iella on his heels. A short time later the pair stood outside the indicated door and Kuryi tapped the buzzer

She opened the door after looking through the peephole, inclining her head in greeting as she studied them with light gray eyes. "Kuryi Gabriel Saros and Iella Akura. Thank you for accepting my invitation, please. Enter and make yourself at home." She said stepping aside so they could enter and headed to the rooms living room, sitting down in a chair opposite one she indicated Kuryi to sit down in. "Thank you for seeing me, despite the rather, shall I say, cryptic method of contacting you to gain your interest."

"I was attending to other business on the smugglers moon as it happens, this meeting seemed like a potentially interesting diversion." Kuryi replied with a slight bow before he moved to the offered seat and sat down. Iella took up a position against the wall behind him and remained silent, every inch the bodyguard she gave the impression of being.

"I hope that other business ended satisfaction for you then." She replied in a courteous manner, "Since I am hosting this rather impromptu meeting I would be remiss if I didn't act like a host, so. Drinks?" She asked.

"I do not drink while on business." Kuryi replied, dismissing the offer. "An introduction would not go amiss, You of course appear to know who I am. All I have to go by in an initial." Kuryi followed up with as he leaned back in the seat and appeared to relax.

She looked back at Kuryi for a moment and then stood up, reaching for the wrap that covered the lower half of her face and pulled it back, raising a eyebrow at Kuryi, "You are Echani, are you not? You and your associate in fact, 'read' me as your kind seem to have a knack for doing and you tell me how much you know of me. Or does that only work if you spar with someone?"

"My people are taught that personal combat is the purest expression of the self. As for 'reading' people, Echani are simply taught to be more observant. Are you aware for instance that Twi'leks can have entire silent conversations with each other through subtle movements of their lekku?" Kuryi replied.

She shook her head, "I was not aware, but yes, what is your current observation of me then?"

"Fearless, in the sense that you believe no harm can come to you. Highly confident, bordering on arrogant, likely a contributing or feeding factor for the fearlessness. Quite determined about your objective and motives, yet despite all this you seem to be hanging on for every word I speak. Curious to say the least." Kuryi replied after a moments study.

She cocked her head to the side and then nodded slowly, "Hmm I had not expected you to acquire that much from a simple visual observation. Quite impressive." She sat back down. "Well then, as for why I arranged this meeting. You and I... share a... business partner of sorts and I am starting to have... concerns about her and would like to know if you perhaps have similar ones. She calls herself Andrea and has some controlling interest in the Kessel spice mines.... I would prefer to remain somewhat anonymous, for now, I will do a proper introduction if I feel I am confident you are perhaps feeling similar, otherwise all you have is a alias she would not know who to contribute it to."

Kuryi watched the woman for a moment, he had wondered who Andrea's other allies were, maybe this was not one of those and more of an associate like himself. Still this was a curious development that he had not expected. "Andrea is nawar'aven, she spins secrets and anyone dealing with her would be wise to be wary of her intentions." Kuryi replied slipping in a phrase from Ryl into the sentence.

She seemed to consider those words for a moment and then slowly nodded in agreement before voicing it. "Yes, a feeling that she'll want to use you as long as you are of use to her and then discard you if you become useless or something far more worthwhile can be gained from it, do you agree?"

"I've had that impression from time to time." Kuryi answered. "She was attacked around 6 months ago, I offered my assistance. As I'm sure you are aware since you appear to know quite a bit about me, the fleet at my disposal is not inconsiderable. She rejected my offer out of hand. We have stood side by side in combat prior, yet she displays a lack of trust where any of her secrets are concerned. No matter how small."

Again she considered the words for a moment before moving, reaching for the bottle she had already on the table when she asked if he would like a drink, grabbing three glasses she poured them, sliding two in his direction as a open invitation to take them if he reconsidered his initial response while pouring a glass of her own and rose it to him in a small salute or toast. "Lady Lena, of the Phindar Black Sigil Syndicate, primarily arms and droid trafficking." She then said as a introduction, but nothing further.

"So you're the one that kicked the Syndicat rats off Phindar around a year ago." Kuryi replied with a jovial grin. "I have heard of the Black Sigil, my own operations do not extend to that region so I cannot say I have encountered any of its members before, but I have heard of you."

She stiffened for a moment and then simply nodded again, "Thank you, I admit to prefer a more background role. Circumstances however are forcing me to take a more active and representing role, such as this case." She took a drink from her own glass before setting it down on the table, her eyes closing for a moment. "We were discussing our mutual partner, or associate, Andrea. I assume you are aware of her rather unique status and capabilities?"

"You mean Sith and a wielder of the Force? I'm aware." Kuryi replied.

"That she is indeed... please take no offense, but, you have no interest in claiming the reward on her head for her being what she is? Or as we stated it seems she rather has a minimum degree of respect and consideration for her associates?"

"Interesting phrasing you have." Kuryi replied with a raised eyebrow. "But no I have no interest in a 400 year old bounty, there are much easier and less directly risky ways of making money."

She shrugged, "Well I was wondering, as I said I acquired a great deal of knowledge about you, as a sign of trust I'd reveal the source but my broker wishes to keep his informants secret, I hope you can understand. Among the information I actually acquired a great deal of rumours, among them that you have a lizard creature, a Ysalamiri that can apparently negate a force users power in proximity. A set of Mandalorian gloves that are rather rare, so called 'crush-gaunts' which are made of that particular iron of the Mandalorians that resists a lightsaber strike." She glanced at his gloves. "I also heard of another creature you had, though that rumour is the least considered to be truthful since there are hardly any sightings of it, some kind of creature that can apparently become invisible and also has a resistance to lightsabers?" Kuryi might note that especially when she mentioned the two creatures she seemed more keen and interesting in hearing confirmation about those than the gauntlets.

Kuryi raised a hand and turned it a few times. "Their utility goes beyond resisting a lightsabre really, and few people even know about crush-gaunts enough to recognise them for what they are." He replied before lowering his hand again. "I actually acquired all three on a job with Andea, she seemed particularly unnerved by the creatures. She also declined to spar with me after the job so that I might test the gauntlets, a shame that."

She opened her mouth to reply, then froze, staring at the door to the hotel room and stood up, shouting to Kuryi and his associate. "Arm yourselves!"

On cue the door blew open thanks to a small explosive attached to it and through the wreckage came striding two Trandoshans and a Quarren, armed to the teeth, the lead Trandoshan fixing eyes on Kuryi and with a feral smile began to raise his blaster.

Lena didn't liked to be interrupted and after a moment's hesitation she had decided to tell Kuryi anyway what she was so she gathered what power she had in this form and extended her hand, intending to loose a lance of destructive force energies at the three intruders.

Channelling her powers in this limited form was somewhat odd for Lena to do so all she did was disintegrate some of the panelling in the ceiling, the bounty hunters did not seem to notice as they raised their blasters and fired at Kuryi and Iella.

The two echani shared a quick glance as blasters were raised, the two of them had already activated their personal shields at Lena's warning and as the blasters discharged they were already moving into close quarters to retaliate in a far less random fashion, their shields taking the hits as they moved. Iella struck out at the Quarren, aiming to disarm and disable while Kuryi took a more direct approach and activated the more lethal features of his crushgaunts and struck at both Trandosians.

The quarren spluttered in confusion as suddenly his blaster pistol was kicked out of his grip, lunging with the knife in his other hand it was blocked by Iella who disarmed him of that weapon too before delivering a spinning kick to his head that dropped him to the ground, dazed and confused.

Kuryi meanwhile was moving faster than either Trandoshan could track, his hands enveloping the lead Trandoshans head with both gauntlets and with a sickening crack he crushed the poor bounty hunters skull, killing him instantly. The other Trandoshan let out a shrill scream seeing it's hatch brother die this way, the Echani boutny was too fast however, spinning around and moved into reach grabbing the second Trandoshan by throat and squeezed, crushing the Trandoshans windpipe before simply breaking his neck with a light twist.

She calmed down, taking a breath and surveyed the scene, "Well... I guess the word of a bounty on your head are correct?" She asked slowly. Before he could ask or wonder she shrugged, "I am a force user. Another of these sith, very different from Andrea however."

"I did note the lack of lightening from your fingertips." Kuryi said as he turned from the corpses. Iella had taken some cord from a pouch on her belt and was binding the Quarren, it was possible it might have information that could be of use later. "I have made enemies in the Syndicate unfortunately. One particular not so bright spark thinks he should have been given Annamar when the previous administrator moved up, it seems he holds a grudge."

"So I see, as for my lack of lightening, not all of my kind use or favour lightning. That is all I can say about it." She shrugged, "Should we perhaps continue this meeting somewhere else? In case more are coming?"

"That would seem the logical thing to do, at the very least someone may be coming to investigate the explosion." Kuryi agreed as Iella hoisted the Quarren to its feet.

She gestured ahead, "Lead the way, I assume you would trust your own instincts and any safe places you have on this world over anything I would suggest."

"The only place I would truly call safe on this rock is Capone, and that's only because she's mine." Kuryi replied before gesturing to Iella to head out with the Quarren in hand.

Nodding she followed, "Understandable and I assure you I, nor my presence, will impact it's security. I had hoped this meeting would have transpired without any interruption at all."

Kuryi lead the way back to the Capone to find that the team he had left outside the clinic as his possible backup were back aboard already and awaiting his return along with Cujo, his Nighthunter 'pet', its whip-like tail shifting back and forth rapidly when it saw Kuryi, then it promptly vanished from sight upon spotting Lena.

"Relax, Cujo." Kuryi said to the Nighthunter before raising his voice a little and addressing all those assembled in the main hold. "She is not an enemy." The troops in the hold went back to cleaning their weapons or armour and Iella entered the vessel with the prisoner in tow.
"I'll stick this guy in the back, Miria and I will interrogate him before we leave." She said as she pushed the Quarren past a few of the troops. Kuryi nodded and gave Ambrah some quick instructions to stay in the cockpit and watch fro trouble before he turned back to Lena again.
"If you would care to follow me to my office we can converse in private." He said before leading the way to his quarters aboard the Capone.

Lena looked oddly at where she had seen a animal of some kind before, then it had vanished, that must have been the Maalraas or 'Nighthunter' she had heard about. She was casting her gaze around, taking note of the vessel's interior, nodding to herself when she saw some of the faces and put names to them from what she recalled of reading the information packet she had received. She was snapped out of that when he spoke to her and she followed in his wake.

When they reached the area she looked around, nodding slowly, visibly impressed. "You found a means to combine a place of business and your sleeping arrangements on a ship this size into one room without making it look small or cluttered." She said as she invited herself to take a empty seat and sat down, studying Kuryi once more.

"I am sorry the interruption of those bounty hunters has made me a bit at a loss, I believe I was asking and wondering about you not feeling any ill feelings towards force users... well I suppose if you had you would have me stunned the moment I set foot within your ship." She offered a soft smile, "My apologies if that seems paranoid but we all must be cautious in these times."

"Now then, I think I can safely say that... you and I both share a concern that Andrea will happily see us dead if it means her own agenda is set ahead of anything else... so the main reason revealed that I wished to arrange this meeting, I wish your help to 'remove' her. At least that is, if she indeed intends to betray either of us... that would be undeniable proof that she cannot be trusted as a partner, killing a business associate just to further ones own agenda, agreed?"

Kuryi moved around to the larger chair behind the desk and sat as he listened to Lena. He noticed the slight depression on the wall indented bed and gave a short sharp whistle after lena has stopped speaking. Cujo promptly became visible again laying as it was on the bed with its long neck drooped over the side and his head focused intently on Lena.

"Killing ones associates typically is seen as a bad business decision, specifically by other associates that will begin to wonder if they are next." Kuryi answered. "It is a tactic the Hutts are fond of however and they seem to get along well enough, of course few people trust Hutts completely as a result. Personally I find it a distasteful practice and a waste of potential." he then added.

She inclined her head, keeping 'Cujo' in the corner of her eyes, "Exactly my thought, to the Hutts it might be... traditions, culture or just a form of entertainment they apparently like to indulge themselves in but it is a waste to me. So I actually wish to propose two deals. One, things stay as they are, we will just go their separate ways and if Andrea decides to double cross one of us, we will attempt to contact or if at the very least warn the other so they know what they can might expect or we could work together to bring her down."

She paused, letting that sink in before she laid out the details of her more ambitious plan. "The other offer I have is... I do not know how much you know of the sith but we generally have a view of... might makes right I suppose, to lay it out in a manner so you may understand what I mean. If say I serve Andrea but I see how her actions and decisions bring the whole collective down, it would only be natural to assume command over her, either by removing her completely or, if she is willing to see reason be put into a position of lesser power and perhaps serve me instead. I would like you to help me if that happens... not with ships, troops or anything... merely by not interfering at all if she were to think to ask you for help if that were to happen. I can assume you are a man of business so I would offer some of my services."

"Namely that I can perhaps find out the whereabouts of who put that bounty on your head, this rival of yours who would like to see you dead. I don't know if you asked her to look into it to help you or if she perhaps offered but from the look of things if she does, she has not given any reliable intelligence. I however have probably better contacts than she has... as evidenced with the amount of information I gathered on you, information Andrea herself lacks."

"So basically you want me to tell you if she acts suspicious and stay out of your way of you decide to make a move on her then." Kuryi replied summing up what he had gotten from Lena's proposal.

She nods, "That is what I am saying, yes. My apologies if it seems long-winded." She smiled, "I actually don't talk as much, it is rather... refreshing. I admit I might not sound too trustworthy by showing some designs of working against her and usurp her position but I have no intention of killing her, unless she gives me no other choice."

"I imagine Andrea would see it somewhat differently... even without killing her." Kuryi replied a little hesitantly. "Your proposal does have some merit however, as you surmised Andrea has been of little assistance in locating my rival. I know his name, that he is devaronian and that he holds a similar position to myself within the black sun though, enough to believe he should have been made administrator of Annamar. Since the failed attack on Annamar he has retreated to the shadows and has been of little hindrance to my operations lately, I do not expect that to hold for long before he makes another grand push however, those hunters may have been simply the tip of the asteroid." Kuryi explained. "All of this I have obtained through my own sources, Andrea has only been able to confirm he is a Devaronian."

She blinked and chuckles, amused. "I see, yes I know she has been distracted of late, perhaps that is the reason, or she is not putting as much effort into it. I am willing to let my people look into matters however, at least if you agree to one of my propositions, or perhaps both of them."

She mulled something over, not sure if she should mention it but then she shrugged to herself, seeing not too much harm to her current position. "I have to confess... once you made planetfall and my agents knew you were here I had you tailed, just in case for my own protection. I was surprised to hear you were actually going somewhere else on this moon. Since I actually thought this place, while a good meeting point would already be dangerous for you due to the bounty on your head. But to hear you were meeting someone else... and going there with your Ysalamiri and coming out without it... may I ask why? Since you did admit to not trusting Andrea and you also said those creatures, that one in particular, distresses her greatly and yet you have... left it behind? Or perhaps even traded it in for something."

"Followed me? I suppose I should have expected that since you appear to know so much already." Kuryi replied with a raised eyebrow. "Interesting suppositions you have there. Other options may be that I loaned the lizard to another associate, or used that meeting as a pretext to transfer it to a hidden location, im sure if we were to sit her long enough we could come up with hundreds of possible reasons I did not return with the lizard from that meeting."

She shook her head and gestured to Kuryi. "That animal is arguably the most worthwhile means at your disposal if Andrea intended to kill you. From what I have learned about you, you are definitely not a fool or by no means unintelligent. If a associate needed some means to deal with a force user you would probably have loaned out your crushgaunts or perhaps even Cujo here but not that lizard, moving it makes no sense either since it has a radius around itself so moving it to a hidden location away where it can protect you is... difficult to believe. Especially considering it is your only one and its homeworld is a place of mystery, trust me I have put considerable effort in finding that world so I know."

She shrugged, "If you do not wish to tell me, I cannot force it out of you, which some of my kind have that kind of power, which would also be nullified by that creature. But yes I suppose there can be a myriad of reasons, it is just rather strange to me."

"If Andrea truly wished to kill me I doubt she would try it in person, she would expect the lizard after all since she is aware I acquired one, It was not for her sake that I had kept it around so far." Kuryi replied before moving on to the later portion of what Lena had said. " Since you are aware of what they can do and their potential uses have you tried harvesting them yet, assuming your efforts proved fruitful."

She rose a brow, "Excuse me? I said I put a lot of effort and resources but I do not have the specific coordinates of the world. No matter, I suppose if I am curious I will investigate it further on my own, unless you prefer not to." She let that hanging for him to reply. "Otherwise I am still waiting for a answer to my proposition."

"I would prefer my private business stay my own, yes." Kuryi replied in a no-nonsense tone before continuing in a more even tone as they had been conversing in already. "My apologies if I was mistaken, but you have still not actually denied knowing where to find ysalamari, whether you have or not however if you should wish to harvest them for your own use, I know how to do so safely while avoiding complications." Kuryi added as a hypothetical proposal of his own. "As to your proposal I do have a question." he then added. "Should I agree to it, and Andrea learns of the arrangement, if she then decides that it is a betrayal and moves to act against me, what actions would you take?"

She tilted her head, amused. "She would not learn it from me or my agents... because none beside myself know this meeting is happening, or what is being discussed. So if she does you are on your own... unless you contact me openly of course then I am forced to take action and if she also moves against me at the same time."

"You are aware you openly walked aboard my ship on the smugglers moon of course. Unless you are claiming that you are one hundred percent certain Andrea has no agents on Nar Shaddaa that my have potentially witnessed that, as far fetched as it might be, you cannot claim with complete certainty that no leak may come from you. Neither of us got to where we are by being overconfident in our capabilities I'm sure." Kuryi replied before leaning back and being silent a moment.

He did not let that moment stretch for long however before he spoke again. "As it stands however assuming you can provide a secure method of contacting you should the need arise I see little reason not to agree to this. After all if Andrea does not act against either of us then the agreement simple becomes an ultimately unnecessary precaution, should she act against either of us then it instead becomes a prudent precaution. A win-win situation if you would."

She just smiled again, "Andrea does not pay the attention she should in this region space, besides Kessel it seems... that and she herself has trouble recalling my face. We have a agreement, or rather a precaution in place." She reached into her clothes and came out with a datapad. "The frequency and dates of a secure line and when I listen in on those, if you provide me with something similar then I think we can conclude this meeting."

She just smiled again, "Andrea does not pay the attention she should in this region space, besides Kessel it seems... that and she herself has trouble recalling my face. We have a agreement, or rather a precaution in place." She reached into her clothes and came out with a datapad. "The frequency and dates of a secure line and when I listen in on those, if you provide me with something similar then I think we can conclude this meeting."

Kuryi turned to the workstation on his desk and started inputting codes and data to assign a frequency in his network for Lena to use before setting up a DNA locked dropbox for messages to be left in should he not be monitoring the frequency at the specified times. After a few minutes the work was done and he transferred the details to the datapad after copying Lena's directions to a similarly encrypted file on his workstation. "Here you are." He said, handing the datapad back. "Remember what I said about the Ysalamari too. Should you become aware of their location I would be willing to share my knowledge, in exchange for access to more of the creatures for my own use."

She took the datapad with a smile before putting the cloth back in front of her face and stand up. "If I learn of anything in regards of that I will consider it." She paused, "So I shall take my leave, unless there was anything else? You have a bounty hunter to interrogate. Speaking of that, you did not reply to my offer of finding out more about this rival of yours, this Devaronian... well you agreed to my initial proposal so I have a new offer in regards of that, how much is that information worth, credits wise, if I happen to stumble across more about this rival? Depending on what I uncover of course."

"That would depend on the quality of the information stumbled upon of course. The more use it is in eliminating them as a threat to my operations, the more it is worth to me, simple." Kuryi replied.

She nods, "I agree, well then, perhaps we meet again, or perhaps this will be our only meeting. I wish you well." With that she inclined her head and saw herself out.

Kuryi leaned back as Lena left his quarters and signalled his people to let her proceed without interruption. Time would tell if the deals he had made today would be profitable or costly, one never rose in business without taking a chance or two however.
In the Wider Galaxy.

"In Coruscant News Today, the aide of Senator Ask Aak was arrested for treason on suspicion of providing vital Republic military secrets to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, prior to interrogation the spy committed suicide rather than unveil her masters and potentially expose any CIS plots against the republic. In the face of this news the Republic Internal Security Service is stepping up measures intended to discover intelligence leaks and traitors in our ranks. Additionally, all vessels entering Coruscant space are to pass a rigorous history check before being permitted to land on the capital world." The newscaster said before moving onto other news to do with the war for nearly an hour before finishing on a more curious note.

"In the bizarre news of the day, our Bothan Reporter, Mila Doros and his all-Bothan camera crew have been found all dead around a pipe where a little Rodian girl was stuck. The cause of their deaths are unknown at this time, but a Gungan was seen in the area prior to it, the security footage shows and increasingly improbably series of accidents that have the investigators trying to determine if it was a false security video."


As the month came to a close Lena could only be delighted as her people managed to independently secure a pair of Small Shipyards, a Large Shipyard and a Construction bay during the time and now the facilities had been relocated to her and were ready to be put into production. She was last seen in her private chambers with steepled fingers going "Excellent..."


Jacoiba found herself dealing with the typical paperwork that she always pretends she doesn't have to do but does anyway when nobody is watching, making sure her employees remained paid up. Unpaid employees were unhappy employees. She came across the dataslate containing the signed details on a transfer of a Large Shipyard into her personal holdings.


Whilst busy worrying about her children one of her less intelligent advisors decided that the news he brought would be more cathartic than strangling him to death with the Force, as such he brought word that he'd managed to secure (no he didn't, but he IS trying to claim credit for it) a small and a large shipyard for his eternally beautiful mistress.

Azazel, in a fouler mood than usual, while cheered, did consider strangling him with the force more cathartic.

Adelai Niska

Niska meanwhile was simply going through the paperwork and noticed that he'd procured a new small shipyard and a large shipyard thanks to some of his litigators who leveraged some useful debts owed to him to bring the new holdings into his empire with a smile. A few weeks later those who owed him such debts would find that they'd had accidents.


Cyphors people had worked hard for him during the month managing to secure two small and a large shipyard to add to his enterprises allowing him to expand his business and even fleet as need be. Though he had to visit personally the representatives of the companies selling them to sign the paperwork and mingle for a while. But though he had drunk a leetle too much, he still came well ahead on negotiations.


Sephora managed to secure herself a pair of small shipyards and a large through a combination of heavy petting... I mean betting... on the pod-races as well as some clever underhanded dealing with the less than legally entitled, but still at the end of the day she finds herself richer for it. Passing it off flippantly as luck she simply moved on with her business as if she'd always been entitled to those yards services.


Baal awoke in a pile of paperwork with a snort and a screaming headache from the near weeks bender she'd been on with some unsavoury types who liked to gamble, remembering that she'd gotten flat fall down drunk and had wagered far far too heavily on Sabacc she rifled through the dataslates quickly trying to find out how much she'd lost in the gambling only to find she'd come out ahead by two small shipyards and one large.

The rest of her people found that Baal was unapproachable for the rest of the day gloating to anyone who stopped long enough to listen.

Ter Korani

Korani was busy on the morning when he signed the final paperwork that secured a small and a large shipyard into his services and they were moved into place over his headquarters. In going over the final accounting for the month he smiled as his available resources were increased by a fair amount by securing those yards. Indeed. He prepared to lay down the orders to put into production, immediately, several new ships.


Neia meanwhile was gloating over the defeated man who she'd had her pirates steal her new Large Shipyard from, the small efficacious man was practically sobbing over the loss of his livelihood, but what's a man who can't defend his holdings? Nothing. Nothing at all. But still she had better things to do. Like pretty much anything except deal with this weasel of a man.

Lena: Gets 2 Small Shipyards, 1 Large Shipyard, 1 Construction Bay (Orbital)
Jacoiba: Gets 1 Large Shipyard
Azazel: Gets 1 Large Shipyard, 1 Small Shipyard.
Niska: Gets 1 Large Shipyard, 1 Small Shipyard.
Cyphor: Gets 2 Small Shipyards, 1 Large Shipyard
Sephora: Gets 2 Small Shipyards, 1 Large Shipyard
Baal: Gets 2 Small Shipyards, 1 Large Shipyard
Korani: Gets 1 Small Shipyard, 1 Large Shipyard
Neia: Gets 1 Large Shipyard.
Shadow's Regret.
Heading towards the planet Athiss.

"Why are we going to this planet?" The question broke the silence that reigned over the small gathering, they all turned, looking at each other. None answering because either they were not sure what to say or they genuinely did not have a answer to give. Eventually Azai just asked again, "I said, why are we going to this planet?"

"Because Darth Lena wishes to go there." The soft-spoken reply coming from Hannah, the Miraluka calmly regarding Azai as if she was offering a simply explanation why water flows from a river into a lake.

The Dathomiri let out a soft snarl, "Why is it every time you talk to me it sounds like you are belittling me as if I were some oafish child?" She raised to her full height, placing her hands at her sides and narrowed eyes at the other force user. "I am a warrior born from my world, treat me with respect, if you want me do the same to you blind one."

The others exchanged glances, the two Noghri, Grom and Kwilnae retreated back further into the shadows they had already been occupying, watching with expressionless, glittering eyes. The other two did no such thing, Thoorn seemed thoughtful and Idoht sprang to his feet and snarled, seeming both eager and irritated at the same time. "She has a point, why are we heading there? Just because Darth Lena wants us to? Are we not Sith? Do we not have minds and desires of our own? So why, with the power each of us possesses, do we still follow the whims of one person?"

Hannah now turned to Idoht, frowning. "Because she has a vision greater than any of us can comprehend and she selfishly gives us a chance to become a part of it and reap the benefits, the glory and even the power of it that comes along with her vision." She glanced back at Azai, "I am blind and yet I can apparently see clearer than you or Idoht can."

At those words Azai growled like a predatory animal, hand reaching for the coiled lightwhips at her side, never far out of reach for her. "You dare insult me blind bitch?" Idoht too was reaching for his weapons, his facial tendrils seemed shaking in eager anticipation. Hannah's reaction was to get slightly through her knees, seemingly ready to leap or roll out of the way while her hands were kept low and spread out.

Before anything happened that might escalate things a voice broke through, calm but authoritative, with just a hint of disappointment upon what she beheld in front of her. "I had hoped that infighting and squabbles were not something that happened between my followers." Lena stepped into view, appearing as if out of nowhere right between her two Noghri disciples who both acted startled, neither of them seemingly having sensed her before she just announced herself, Thoorn bowed while the three who seemed to have nearly come to blows pulled their hands away from their weapons and made neutral gestures of greeting, eyeing each other, and Lena, warily.

Lena looked at the three who had been arguing, stepping to Hannah first, gently caressing over her cheek. "Your loyalty is welcome, but blind obedience is not what I desire, feel free to doubt and wish for something you want to be your own in life." She murmured softly to the Miraluka, who looked down in response to those words as Lena began stepping away to walk towards the Quarren who seemed to reach for the hilt of a saber by reflex before stopping himself.

"As for you, my little hothead." She smiled, genuinely amused by something. "You wish for something that is your own, have I not given you command of several detachments of troops and not interfered in the slightest with how you lead them? Something that you wished for several years." Idoht said nothing but looked no longer eager to fight.
Lena then turned lastly to Azai approaching her, still smiling. "And you, by far the youngest among this little group, filled with so much energy, desire and eagerness to prove yourself and use your abilities and power for something, anything that will stretch you to your limits to see if you even have limits." She paused and then looked at each of the force users, these Sith, that were gathered before her. "Why are going to the world of Athiss because I have been told of a sith tomb there, it may turn out to be a worthless effort, wasting our time only to find nothing at our destination.

However, since our kind, at least those that came before, for some reason like to bury their treasures, knowledge and other nick-knacks with them upon their death, we might find something of value that we could use." Lena then shrugged. "Or as I said we end up going to this world for nothing and all we did was waste time. But at least we took a chance and see where it might lead us. And I am asking you all to join me, it is not required any of you may decide to simply stay here on the ship or even go elsewhere, back to Phindar or perhaps go even somewhere else entirely. I do not own any of you, you all help me with my grand vision of your own free will and with a desire to be part of it. I will not force anyone unwilling to be at my side."

She fell silent and waited, when none of them spoke up she continued smiling. "I thank you all for choosing to remain at my side, please attend to your duties, I will ask each of you to join me when we ultimately arrive at our destination." With that she left, stopping only to look at Thoorn questioningly but the Kel-Dor force user seemed to show no indication why she would be singling him out before she simply continued on her way.

Some Time Later,
Lena's Private Quarters

Lena shuddered, she was sitting on her knees, her hands in her lap with her eyes closed but behind her lids her eyes moved frantically back and forth, her breathing short and shallow as if she was under duress but that lasted only for a moment and then she seemed to relax. She had been in this pose for hours now and her breathing resumed at a much more relaxed state.

Time meant nothing to her and when she opened her eyes, blinking rapidly and looking oddly around her surroundings, seeing the surroundings of her own private quarters was not what she expected, imagining herself to be surrounded by the dark and grime of the smugglers moon of Nar Shaddaa, she closed her eyes once more, taking a deep breath to center herself and then remembered. She had been in a meditative trance, connecting herself with one of her 'clones', witnessing what that clone was doing and seeing but now that the business on Nar Shaddaa was concluded she could return to her own flesh and blood. She took another deep breath and got on her feet, only wincing slightly as she felt her muscles aches for being in the same pose for so long.

As she stood she pondered, staring aimlessly at a bulkhead wall. "Kuryi Gabriel Saros.... we shall see what the future brings." She murmured to herself as she went to her communications terminal, booting it up with the briefest of touches and put in the contact details her clone had received on Nar Shaddaa for the Echani crime lord and then selected her contact in the boutny hunters guild. She only had to wait for a brief moment before the hologram of the droid 2T-DS appeared. "2T-DS, delighted to see you."

The droid inclined his head, "Lady Lena." Was all the being said.

She smiled softly, "I have a new request of you. I wanted to find out about Kuryi Gabriel Saros, I learned enough about the man but I would like to know about this individual who placed the bounty on his head, if you are willing to help me out naturally. I will not ask to have the bounty removed or anything naturally, merely-"

The droid cut her off, "Elvarston, Devaronian, former Corellian native. Current whereabouts on Rorak 4, specifically on the Dreadnought Gold Coin Run, modified into a space-faring flying casino." It paused, "Would you like me to send you the entire file we have on him?"

Blinking rapidly Lena had to admit she was utterly surprised by this turn of events and then nodded slowly. "That would be... yes I would like that, what is it going to cost me?"

The droid tapped some controls and Lena noticed a file was being uploaded to her, with quite a amount of information it seemed. It then regarded her, "Elvarston refused full payment on two prior bounties he placed, bad for business. A lesson is in order. Either you go after bounty yourself, if he refuses to pay you, you will make him pay. Or you will use this information to perhaps sell to Kuryi Gabriel Saros on which you wanted information about, either way, the League gains everything and loses nothing."

She smiled softly, "You have my thanks 2T-DS, I will leave you to your accounts and hunting, until we talk or meet again." With that she terminated the link and went over the information, smiling as she saw that the file on this enemy of Kuryi was quite extensive. "Well he was willing to pay he said..." She murmured to herself as she went to the contact details and was about to compose a message for Kuryi when she noticed a flashing icon indicating a message. Putting contacting Kuryi to the back of her mind she went to read this new message which came from some of her contacts she had out searching for certain candidates that fit a profile she was looking to recruit.

Jahzeera Natallis, former member of the organization you labelled 'Black Watch'. After Anaxes affair left along with many others, turned to mercenary and bounty hunting work. Currently on business or resting on station the Wheel.

The rest of the message was some snapshots of this Jahzeera and some more minor intelligence gathered about her but it was enough to pique her interest. Lena considered matters for a moment and then went back to compose a message for Kuryi, leaving it for him to read it when he went to see for any news or messages. Informing him she had in fact acquired some intelligence he would be interested in and after a moment of thinking mentioned a meeting point that she herself or one of her 'gray' people would be around a droid repair and salvage shop on the Wheel that was owned by a jawa to discuss it if he was interested, him sending a emissary on his behalf was more than fine.

Some time later her door opened and Ko'Chul entered with a smile she approached her oldest friend and placed her hands on the female Noghri operative's shoulders and touched their foreheads together while the Noghri sniffed her as per her little greeting ritual/custom before they went to take a seat. "I have a new mission for you my friend, it should not be one that requires violence thankfully." The Noghri merely nodded, intrigued, Ko'Chul never spoke that often, like most of her kind. Lena smiled and gestured to her left where her last remaining clone stepped out of the shadows, inclining her head to the Noghri. Ko'Chul sniffed and let out a amused snort before turning her gaze back to the seated Lena. "I need you to escort 'me' to the Wheel and keep her safe while she, the two of you, seek out one Jahzeera Natallis and try to recruit her to my ranks, she has skills and a background that could be of worth to my plans. You are allowed to take a number of Noghri with you as you see fit."

Lena paused for a moment to see if Ko'Chul had any question but only noticed the amused glint in her reptilian eyes as she looked between the two Lenas. "In addition, I need her, you or perhaps one of the Noghri you will take with you to stay at the shop owned by that Jawa, assuming he is actually still in business, we originally went to see about that shipment of CIS droids I once acquired, we never gained his services but he led us to finding and recruiting Iryz, but that is besides the point. I have, assuming he gets the information in time, have arranged a meeting with a Echani named Kuryi Gabriel Saros, I have some information for him that he might be willing to pay for." Again she waited and Ko'Chul merely frowned but then nodded. "That is all, I can provide more information on the way there." With that she gestured to her clone.

Ko'Chul let out a amused guffaw and bowed, "Your will be done." She said, looking at the clone Lena amused who smiled in response and gestured for the Noghri Operative to lead the way to the hangar where the Night Owl was waiting for them to depart to the Wheel.

A intermission of sorts.

Second clone Lena departs for the wheel with operative Ko'Chul for a mission.

In addition a meeting is arranged to which Kuryi Gabriel Saros can respond in person or send a emissary to discuss details on possibly purchasing some information Lena has acquired.
Darth Andrea, Dark Rebirth
Corporate Sector

Drumming her fingertips on the desk in front of her she stared blankly at the controls and then decided to give it a go, she had a plan in mind but first needed to see if she could get any interest, trying to hail Vokkla the Hutt first, her oldest contact earned the respect and right to hear first of the offer she had in mind so she punched in the controls and put in the frequency details to contact her hutt contact and then waited for a response.

There was a long pause as Andrea waited... and waited... Eventually however the connection was established and a holographic image of Vokkla reclined on his throne appeared before Andrea.

"Hi chuba da naga?" Vokkla said after a moment.

Smiling she inclined her head, "Esteemed Vokkla the Hutt, it has been too long. I have a business opportunity for you if you are interested."

"That would depend entirely on what you are offering, I am rather busy." Vokkla replied simply

"I have the details, locations and all relevant data of a series of refugee and relief camps in the Cazador system of the Corporate sector which are just asking to be raided for their supplies to be sold on the black market and its people be enslaved and sold into servitude. There is one camp I will have to deal with myself but the rest would be fair game for you to get a profit from."

"And what is it that you get out of this?" Vokkla asked, his curiosity piqued

She smiled, "Lets just say these camps are good publicity for the CIS, and the base I am taking care of my own will leave a good sized crater."

"These camps are run by the Sepratists then... that could paint something of a target on me if it becomes known my people conducted what you are proposing."

She chuckled, "That is why you contact some groups and they pay you a finders fee or percentage, leaving your own people out of it, or at least that is what I assumed you would do when I contacted you, I would never considered asking this of you if it would harm your own dealings." She shrugged again. "And if everyone gets taken or all remaining witnesses are dealt with, what leaves any hint of your involvement."

"You make a valid point," Vokkla conceded, he briefly waved to someone outside the holoprojectors scope before continuing. "And what is your 'finders fee' for this information, Andrea?"

She smiled, "What percentage you deem fair, but I'd say 20% of the total profits. Though I am willing to go down to 15%."

"If I'm going to pass this along yet again, 15% is going to cut deep into my profits from the transaction." Vokkla replied. "I'll give you 5%"

She smirked and shook her head. "Fifteen percent my old friend, and that's minimum what I am asking, I could ask more for the fact I have even all the data about their locations and such, but I am not because I merely wished to give you some profits."

"Barely enough profits to cover the cost of hiring someone else to do the job," Vokkla replied "I might be convinced to give you 7%, we are as you say, friends."

"And for such a valued friend you would at least give a 12% finders fee for giving you this opportunity on a platter."

"On a platter is it, do you have the corpsec patrol routes and times, details on the local forces and their response times?" Vokkla asked, sceptically.

She smirked, "There aren't any, not any of note, the only security forces I detected are located at the camp im dealing with... and as I said, I will be dealing with it. So if your contacts bring along jamming equipment they will have no outside help coming to their aid, and if necessary I will have my people jump in with some forces to help defend while slaves and resources are being plundered."

"If you are willing to safeguard the raids then I will agree to Boboba percent of the profits." Vokkla replied using the huttese word for twelve.

She blinked and then smirked. "I will agree to twelve percent as well." Making sure to say it in basic and look at Vokkla with narrowed eyes. "As agreed by galactic standard basic mathematics."

"Keepuna." Vokkla exclaimed relatively quietly. "What timeframe are you looking at for these raids?" he then asked as he regained what composure he had.

"How soon can you arrange things?" She merely asked in response.

"I can have a suitable group ready in two days. Though you understand they would need to be paid more for expediency of course, that cuts into profits again." Vokkla answered

She smirked still, "10 percent then, final offer."

"It is settled then." Vokkla stated. "You will transmit the information on these camps and I will contact you again when the teams are in position. I would assume you prefer your own attack to take place at the same time to avoid an increased security presence in the system."

She uploaded the information and send a packet of information to Vokkla. "I will await their arrival eagerly, and yes at the same time or perhaps after, I imagine my mission will create some chaos which we could use to get what we came for."

"Mee jewz ku, Andrea." Vokkla replied before promptly terminating the link.

She stared off in the distance for a moment, planning her next move and then stood up to continue on her day, when she paused suddenly, frowning. She turned to look at the door to her quarters, sensing... something was wrong. With a flick of her wrist her lightsaber flew from a stand on a nearby table to her hand as she moved cautiously towards the door, regarding it for a moment before waving at it with her hand to open it with the force.

She stared out into the empty corridor beyond and that unnerved her greatly, especially when as if in slow-motion the two Dathomiri guards that were supposed to be standing on guard slumped into view from their positions beside the door to the ground. Widening her eyes as she sensed it she reached for the activation stud of her saber and held up a hand as the figure appeared in the door way in silence and held out her gloved hands towards Andrea, a blast of the force hurling the sith of her feet and crash into the wall. Andrea groaned and slumped down, dazed, trying her best to clear her mind and concentrate to counter-attack when she saw a shadow fall over her and looked up, blinking rapidly as the face of her assailant came into focus.

Female, Togruta... Rhak-Skuri, her face a mask of hatred and triumph looked down upon her and her lips moved, her voice a distant echo but yet clear to Andrea. "Its time at last... but first, some pain." Her assailant's hand looked like a claw as it shot forward grabbing Andrea's head and she screamed as searing hot pain entered her and the world went black around her.

The Road of Horror, down Memory Lane


Andrea opened her eyes, dazed, confused as she looked around, taking in her surroundings. She was... on the bridge, of the Remembrance of Shadow. But things looked wrong... out of place as she stared at some of the faces belonging to crew manning stations. "Andrea!" The snarling commanding voice send a shiver down her spine, she knew that voice but it couldn't be here, it just couldn't. She turned around slowly and wide-eyed stared at the figure of her father approaching her with a drawn saber, everywhere around them the crew pausing and looking up with blank, neutral faces. One face was not neutral, but filled with delight, over her father's shoulder she saw Rhak-Skuri, a much younger version, smirking wickedly with glittering eyes at the scene before her.

The voice of her father snapped her attention back at him however, "I just got a message from Darth Soldis, he just caught his apprentice trying to kill him on the surface... before that welp Gra'tua died her told Soldis who had made him do this... and who else they were planning to kill." As soon as those words left his mouth she reached for her saber, thinking wildly. That blasted oaf, she should never have trusted another siths apprentice as she reached for her saber but froze, gagging as she suddenly was lifted off the floor, a unseen force grabbing her by the throat and crushing the life out of her.

Her father marched forwards, till his cold, dark side corrupted eyes were looking right into hers and he snarled. "To think that a weakling like you could even dare to conceive the notion that you could betray and kill me!? You are worthless, when your mother gave me an 'heir' I was overjoyed but then look at the utter disappointment you became... couldn't even assassinate me properly, pathetic."

He growled as she clutched her throat in a panic, unable to do anything, it was as if she was powerless. His next words biting deep into her soul. "You are a utter waste... and will never be able to be a true sith." With that he flicked his wrist and she felt her neck break and twist at a unnatural angle, hearing the laughter of her father haunting her as her life fled her.

The Road of Horror, down Memory Lane
Relations that sink...

She woke with a start, clutching at her neck but felt nothing wrong, breathing hard she looked around wide-eyed, panic creeping in that she barely could keep at bay as she looked around. Then she felt the hand on her arm, sliding it's way up and the smell that she recognized all too well came to her and she relaxed, feeling relieved somehow. She smiled as she saw Azazel's face appeared in her vision, the other sith looking down upon her with some concern. "Andrea? What is wrong?" Azazel's fingertips gently caressed over her cheek.

She sighed, nuzzling against her lovers hand. "A nightmare... I think, it seemed so real." She smiled softly, "It doesn't matter, it has passed now and all is well."

Azazel was smiling still as she leaned down and kissed Andrea softly, "You are awake now... no need to worry about a dream." She playfully bit Andreas lower lip who let out a soft noise of pleasure, closing her eyes as her body was seemingly already anticipating where this was going when she let out a gasp and shudder. She coughed, blood trickling down from the corner of her mouth as she opened her eyes, looking up at the still smiling face of Azazel but now there was something cruel about it, she weakly looked down, to see the knife, held by Azazel, stabbed deep into her chest and in her heart.

Her eyes sought out Azazels and she just asked one simply question. "Why...?"

Azazel laughed, mockingly, purring as she twisted the dagger and answered Andrea. "because I never loved you.... I merely used you..." And darkness once again came over her.

The Road of Horror, down Memory Lane
The end of a triumph...


She opened her eyes again, she was on her knees, bloodied, weak and beaten. Her surroundings were of her throne room, but pieces of debris lay everywhere, in the distance she heard the sound of combat, wild blaster fire and the clashing of lightsabers. She could also smell the smoke and fire, several fires, burning all around her.

Weakly she got to her feet, noticing all sorts of wounds on her body, blaster impacts and she looked on in horror as where her left arm was supposed to be was only a stump, the wound cauterized indicating that it was most likely inflicted by a lightsaber. She again looked around, now noticing the bodies among the debris and rubble. Faces of her most loyal disciples, Talon, Khanna, Karis, Trizz were among those present, all staring blankly with dead eyes at the ceiling. This had supposed to be a moment of triumph, all her goals had been realised, they had won... gotten everything they... she... wanted and then... the ambush came, her own troops opened fire on her and her people. Explosions everywhere around her and in the distance as masked assailants stormed in wielding lightsabers and began adding to the slaughter.

She saw one such masked assailant, dead, and approached her, dropping down with a wince and uncovered the face, looking on in shock as the face Jade looked back at her, one of her own disciples!

She reached out, touching the face and feeling it was real and not some kind of illusion. The face of Jade remained where it was, staring back at her. She looked up as the overall quiet of the throne room was disturbed by the sound of two hands slowly clapping together.

Rhak-Skuri, in ornate robes and armour stood in the entrance towards the throne room, surveying the scene. "How does it feel? To have achieved everything you ever wanted and then at the height of it have it all taken away?"

She stood up stiffly, clutching her stump, staring back at the Togruta sith. "You did this." She didn't ask, merely stated the obvious fact, "You swayed some of my people to your side and even convinced some like Jade.... to betray me, to kill me." Her voice sounding weak and tired, realizing that she probably lost a lot of blood and was likely about to go into shock. What was more, what unnerved her the most... she sounded scared, terrified even and even noticed she had taken a unconscious step back from Rhak-Skuri.

"ANSWER ME!" Andrea's head snapped back to Rhak-Skuri who looked furious but delighted at the same time as she looked at Andrea, "How does it feel!? To have everything you hoped to achieve be crushed from right under you!" With a hiss she lashed out with the force, grabbing hold of Andrea and flung her against the side of her toppled throne and slumped against it, her ribs feeling broken.

She looked up, seeing Rhak-Skuri hovering over her, seeing the smile on the Togruta's lips before lightning stormed forth from her fingertips down upon Andrea who screamed and wailed as she felt her flesh blister and burn where the sith lightning coursed through and over her exposed skin. Gasping weakly as she smelt burned meat, her own flesh.

She looked up, breathing heavily, with difficulty as she wheezed and coughed. Her voice just above a whisper as she did herb est to squeeze out the words. "Just.... finish it.... and be done... with it..."

The response she got was laughter, cruel and sadistic as Rhak-Skuri shook her head. "Oh no, that would be too easy... I suffered for years under you after what you did to me, killing you right now would be a mercy and I have no interest in that." Again she let loose torrents of lightning, letting out more laughter as Andrea screamed in pain as her broken body thrashed on the floor. "That day... that cursed day... that you killed my master, our master... he told me I'd be his heir! I would inherit it all because I was the best! But then you... you killed him! With that mandalorian oaf! And I was forced to serve a inferior! A waste of space who had no talent whatsoever!" Rhak-Skuri raged on while lightning kept coming forth as she screamed her frustration and rage out.

When the lightning finally stopped Andrea felt like she was on the verge of dying, her flesh had blackened and split open, blood, puss and other life-fluids flowing down her broken body like small rivers. She looked up, seeing the face of Rhak-Skuri whose mask of hatred and rage seemed to be replaced by joy and glee as she looked down upon what she had done to Andrea. Andrea began to cough and wheeze and the smile on the Togruta's face grew wider... before it slowly turned into a frown when it was clear that in her broken state Andrea was actually laughing. She calmed down and focussed back on Rhak-Skuri who slowly seemed to go back to rage and snickered, coughing again. "So... that is why... that explains a lot... so my father was planning to have you usurp me... or just kill me... no wonder you opposed me in almost everything."

Rhak-Skuri gritted her teeth, "Shut up... this is my moment of victory, I have beaten you and killed you, now I will take what is mine and you cannot do anything to stop me with that broken husk of a body of yours."

She felt her skin crack and split open even more on her face as her lips formed a smile. "You have not killed me.... we are not even really here..." She felt a great delight when she saw the face of her traitorous disciple get a look of unbelief and horror as Andrea got to her feet, looking down at her right arm and seeing the burn marks vanish, evaporate, leaving unblemished, red skin. Her stump also grew and extended, her left arm regrowing in a matter of seconds.

Her burned, tattered clothes also repaired themselves. Stretching and flexing Andrea once more felt whole and locked eyes with Rhak-Skuri. "No... NO! You cannot do this!" She raised her hands.

Without a sound and a neutral look on her face Andrea raised her own hand and unleashed a storm of lightning that blasted the Togruta of her feet, the stream of lightning not stopped as Rhak-Skuri landed and Andrea slowly walked towards the prone, writhing form of her murderer-to-be. "This is some kind of illusion you forced upon me... making my greatest fears manifest, hoping to break me before you kill me... and that is where you made your mistake, you should have stabbed a lightsaber into my chest the moment you had the chance."

Rhak-Skuri was moaning and wailing on the ground as Andrea stopped blasting lightning into her, she looked around the still ruined throne room, closed her eyes.

And then opened them...
The here and now...
To see Rhak-Skuri hovering over her, one of her hands clasped on Andrea's forehead, her face a mask of concentration and worry but she slowly seemed to snap out of it, her eyes fluttering open, confused and dazed and then looked to see Andrea's eyes staring back at her. Eyes filled with rage and the promise of retribution. This time the lightning that hit Rhak-Skuri was not in their minds, Andrea letting loose the full force of her fury at this betrayal and the rage of what she had been put through, she recalled only three scenarios but she vaguely realized that Rhak-Skuri had been torturing her with numerous scenarios of horror and her greatest fears. "You should have killed me when you had the chance..." She muttered as she gritted her teeth and continued blasting lightning at the Togruta.

Rhak-Skuri would realize the error of her ways... right till the end...

"Mistress!?" Andrea's head snapped around, some time had passed and she had poured herself some wine, taking a sip as Khanna and Talon rushed in, their eyes taking in the scene. Andrea's quarters looked like a small warzone.

Andrea shrugged, "I am fine." She then gestured to the crumpled body against one of the walls.

Talon exchanged a glance with Khanna and then approached the body, turning it over and let out a curse. "Rhak-Skuri... she is still breathing." She looked confused at her mistress.

Andrea nodded, draining her glass and poured herself another. "Take her to the medical bay and then when the doctors are done with her, take her to my lab, lock her up securely and I want a constant guard on her, if she makes one wrong move she is to be blasted so full of stun blasts that it would kill most smaller animals." She said, not making any eye contact with her disciples. "I will see in time if something can be salvaged or if she is to be terminated, you have your orders, now leave me. I have a lot to think about... oh and post some new guards outside my door, she made the two others catatonic."

Again the two disciples shared glances but did not question Andrea as they dragged Rhak-Skuri away, leaving their mistress with her thoughts.​
In the lives of the Friends of a Jedi

The ship was being tended after the events of Kiffex and Thrall stared off into the distance and then just shook his head to clear it with a frown and went to go over the contact details he had updated after a certain mission on the prison-world of Kessel and decided to contact Londred... not really knowing why he was acting so stiffly and yet eager to contact the female smuggler.

He blinked and stared at the controls, face-palming as he realized he had been staring off into space again instead of actually contacting her and went to work, sending out a hail and then waited.

It took a little while but eventually the link was established and The Artists companion, Piper appeared on the screen of the comm unit. "Oh hey its the snake," She said with a slight grin. "Need to make another prison break?"

Thrall was looking over some schematics while he waited and blinked, looking up with a smile and then frown as he saw it was the companion, Piper and not Londred... frowning he pinched himself, what was the matter with him. Getting over that he responded with a chuckle, shaking his head. "Not exactly, I was hoping to talk to Londred, the Artist I mean. About possible employment... ah and before i forget, Marack had a word for you that he is eager to win those 500 credits back with Sabacc if he runs into you again."

"I'm sure he is, Big guy will have to learn to play better if he wants to win though." Piper replied while rolling her eyes. "I'll be happy to take more of his credits though." Piper looked off screen for a moment and her expression became a little concerned, she made some gestures that thrall could vaguely see and a few moments later removed herself from the comm units screen.

Only to be replaced with the visage of Londred a few moments later. "More work is it?" She asked Thrall, "Do I get to be man-handled by strange men again?"

"Only if I count as a stranger." He said wit ha chuckle then blinked rapidly as he palyed back i nhis head what he just said and widened his eyes. "I... ah..." He closed his eyes, opening them and continued as if nothing was wrong. "Am I calling at a bad time...? Your companion there seemed somewhat concerned there for a moment."

"Concern?... oh, no she was just letting me know I had something on my face is all, she's quite consientious about appearences you know." Londred replied quickly before composing herself again, which in her case meant grinning slyly at thrall as she continued speaking. "So your place or mine?"

"Heh, whichever is more comfortable to you... I mean whichever is more to your liking." One of his hands was trembling and looked sideways at it oddly before turning his attention back to Londred. "As I recall you, and your companion, enjoyed our accomedations just fine."

"You put us in the state rooms if I recall, whats not to like... some of the meat we found in the mess was quite nice too." She replied.

Thrall just chuckled, "You can have the same state rooms you had before, hell you are even welcome to take my quarters, the bed is the most comfortable on this entire ship." He said without thinking.

Piper suddenly poked her head withing range of the screen. "Is that becuase of your daily shedding?" Londred gave Piper a long look and the younger woman moved away from the screen again.

"So where do we Rendezvous and find out what this job you're offering is then?" Londred asked Thrall

Thrall looked flustered at the interuption of Piper and managed to gain soem semblance of confidence once more, or at least he hoped so. "We are actually on our way to the Bestine System, the 'corporate headquarters', if you could meet us there?"

"We're at a nearby off grid hangout actually, can be there within the day." Londred replied. "Anything you want me to bring along?" She then asked with the same sly grin as earlier.

Thrall seemed to stammer for a moment, opening and closing his mouth before he coughed. "Ahem, did you have something in mind?"

"Your mess hall seemed to be out of a few things last we were aboard, I could see if i can pick some things up on the way if you're still short." Londred replied inocently.

He harumphed. "Amazing skills at infiltrating and escaping prisons without a trace and now you bring food too? You are too good to be true." He finished saying with a amused laugh.

"That doesn't actually answer the question though." she replied.

He coughed, "Your company will be wonderful enough.... but if you can find some ginger spice nerf cheddar that wouldn't be overlooked."

"I'll see what I can find." Londred answered with a slight shake of her head. "I'll see you at bestine then."

With a smile Thrall logged off... feeling rather pelased at the prospect of seeing Londred again.

Bestine Minor,
Safe Refuge Later that day.

"What did I came upon?" Thrall asked, surprised at the sight before him. Witnessing several of the younglings being in the process of wrestling or being slobbered over by Akk Dog cubs, who were of almost equal size to the younglings.

"A bonding session between our new Akk Dog cub and the younglings, now that the bond to their mothers is secure enough that they wont try to bite any of the younglings hands off we decided to have them interact with the students." Came Meilyan's voice as she approached Thrall would a smile and enveloped him in a hug. "Welcome back, it has been quite a while since you graced us with your presence, what is the occasion?"

"To prepare what is needed to get Tohkran back." Thrall said bluntly and pulled back seeing the look of shock and surprise on the Mon Calamari's face be replaced by one of determination and hope. "Cyphor came through for us with some reliable intelligence on the CIS status in the Antar system and I also arranged for some mercenary assistance which should coem along a long way. All we need is to gather the players for this merry little dance and discuss how to go on about it. One part of that, I have arranged a meeting with the smuggler i once told you about, I am planning to have her go to Antar IV, assuming she takes the job of course, to contact Tohkran and tell him his vacation is about to be over and he has to get off his ass and actually do something." He smiled wryly at that.

Meilyan just nodded slowly, "I will get together with Goddor and work on bringing this news to the younglings, because we both will be joining in the effort to get him back, we will not be left behind."

Thrall opened his mouth to protest, saw the determination in the jedi knights face and just sighed and nodded, "Very well, I leave you to it then... also is that Huyang getting piled on by a bunch of the cubs and younglings?" Thrall laughed as Meilyan turned around and quickly hurried to the beleaguered droid.


It was nearing nighttime, Thrall slithering back and forth while Marack looked on amused, this behavior had come after the Herglic had pointed out that Thrall kept looking at the time, finally someone contacted Thrall that the smugglers vessel was seen, rather close to Bestine Minor as if her approach had been undetected before and that she was given landing pad coordinates for the facilities on the ground. Thrall smiled, relieved it seems and went forwards, looking up at the sky to catch a glimpse of the approaching craft.

The Intimidators engines made a slow pulsing sound as the ship came into land almost like they were trying to shut down of their own accord. The antiquated looking vessel came to land with a loud thump though without and visible damage. The hatch in the side of the hull opened and the boarding ladder extended, a few moments later Londred appeared in the doorway with a black leather longcoat on and Piper on her heels.

Thrall slithered forwards, Marack following behind as the ship landed and its occupants came into view. Thrall inclined his head in greeting, looking up at Londred with a smile and gestured to their surroundings. "Welcome to Bestine Minor, our humble home among the stars Safe Refuge." After saying that he held out his hand as if to help Londred off the boarding ladder more easily if she seemed inclined to take the assistance. Behind him he did not notice Marack twisting his lips in a amused smile and shake his head.

Londred saw the look on Maracks face and smiled herself before addressing Thrall. "Catch." She said simply before puling a bottle from behind her back and tossing it to the Sluissi... who promptly found himself all thumbs and fumbled the catch badly enough that the bottle smashed against the landing pad quite thoroughly.

Thrall looked down, a bit surprised and shocked and then looked back up, "You know... I'm not much of a catcher person im usually being thrown." He pointed over his shoulder at Marack behind him who let out a booming series of sounds that became evident as laughter.

"Well, that's unfortunate." Londred said as she walked forwards down the ladder without assistance, long since practiced at it so as not to keep herfooting." Crème D'Infame is rather difficult to obtain usually you know." she added as she came to stand before Thrall.

Thrall clacked his tongue, a mite embarrassed as he looked at the remains of the bottle. "One might imagine they put it in a sturdier bottle." He muttered a little, eliciting another amused grunt out of Marack. He looked back at Londred and shrugged his shoulder, looking apologetically. "My apologies I suppose for this unfortunate casualty of today, I do hope I can make up for it?"

Meanwhile Marack had stepped forwards, his voice a little thundering but clearly still amused. "Any more escaped scientific experiments in your galley?"

"Not that I've noticed." Londred replied to Marack. "I don't actualy make a habit of putting such things in there." she added before turning back to Thrall. "So the wine is off the schedule, why don't we discuss the job you called me here for instead?"

Thrall gestured behind him, "If you would follow me, I am sure that beard face would not mind us liberating some of his bottles while we discuss this?" He said as he began to lead the while. Marack however stepped to block Piper's way, looking down at her and hold up a pack of cards, looking meaningfully at her.

Londred nodded and followed Thrall while Piper looked up at Marack and smiled. "Come to give me more credits huh big guy?"

Marack snorted and smiled, "We'll see, this way to the mess. I am going to get those credits back."

Later at Tohkran's office space Thrall rummaged through the liquor cabinet and looked at some of the bottles, "Rydonnian Spicewine? Well we can give it a go." He said as he uncorked the bottle and served it in two glasses to let it breathe as he set one down next to a seated Londred before taking his own seat. "To your health." He raised the glass in toast and took a sip, licking a forked tongue over hips lips and nodded. "I surprisingly like it, now then business, speaking of which how have you been actually since you got the reward from our last get-together?"

"Oh piper and I have been bouncing from one place to the next, always more things to see and do in the galaxy after all." Londred replied before taking a sip of the wine.

Thrall bit the inside of his cheek and took another sip before replying. "Hmmn... well I have a job for you but..." He coughed and looked a little flushed and not from the wine, "I was actually hoping that perhaps my initial offer from before might appeal to you now? A more permanent position around these parts and work for us, with us. You would still be travelling all over the galaxy but you would be guaranteed a steady income to fund your explorations?"

Londred mused for a moment over the proposition. "The idea has merit, I'll give it that." She replied thoughtfully.

"We also have a very good dental plan." Thrall added jokingly after a moment, giving her some time to think it over. "I also hope the company you would be working it add to that merit."

"Problem is I'm not one to tie myself down to anywhere. Sticking in one place too long inevitably leads to problems. its just easier to keep moving." Londred replied.

Thrall looked curiously at Londred, "What do you mean by, 'staying too long in one place leads inevitably to problems?' That sounds rather vague." He shrugged, "I do not mean to pry but I admit to being curious to you... I mean your life." He coughed and frowned taking another sip from the wine.

"Oh its my life you're interested in, really?" Londred replied with a soft laugh, "I would never have guessed between all the tongue slips and meaningful glances."

He took another sip, sighed and frowned. Maybe it was inspired by the spicedwine but he just shrugged. "Fine, I admit I am acting weird but I may have some attraction to you... quite odd really..." He then looked back at her. "So yes I am interested in your life, but that is not the sole reason I offer this chance to work with us more permanently, I honestly believe your talents and skills will be beneficial to us all."

"I'm flattered, but why don't we stick to the business at hand for now. I can bring your proposal up with Tohkran next time I see him, how does that sound?" Londred replied, clearly Thrall wasn't going to be diverted by simply turning the conversation on him.

Thrall nodded slowly, took a breath and nodded, "Ah yes, I suppose that'd be for the best... on that note, the job I was going to offer will facilitate such a meeting, we need someone able to sneak past a, weakened, CIS blockade around Antar IV, meet up with Tohkran and tell him he's about to get his beardy face ass liberated whether he likes it or not."

"So that's where he's been hiding himself lately." Londred mused. " So get past the blockade, find Tohkran, and take him in the arse despite objections. I'm pretty sure Tohkran desn't swing that way unless he's changed alot since I last saw him." Londred Replied, returning to her usual humour routine.

Thrall laughed and smirked, "If he does, please make pictures. I need more humorous blackmail material on him." He got a bit more serious, "But no, seriously... we are about to launch a operation to liberate that entire system, he's been working with the local resistance this past year. It would be beneficial if he were to be informed when reinforcements arrive in space, he hates surprise parties."

"In that case I suppose im going to need to know when its happening so that I can tell him then." Londred replied. "I assume you want to give him details of the attack so he can organize something to coincide on his end as well?"
"That would be correct." Thrall rummaged over some items on the desk and came out with a datapad, holding it out to Londred. "That there has all the information on it he needs, if you can give it to him then that would be wonderful."

"Easy as cake, so when is this grand liberation?" Londred asked.

Thrall looked at her funny, "Interested in participating?"

"Not especially, but you never know about these things." Londred replied. "Knowing however would tell me when I need to be there, it wouldn't be much good to show up and deliver this information to Tohkran after the operation would it."

"If you could do it within seven days then that would suffice. Also..." He smirked grabbed a rather large pile of official looking documents and deliberately dumped them on the desk. "If you could also give him these, they need his signature." He sounded half serious and half joking.

He added a second package, that was all wrapped up. "This is from Marack, he made Tohkran some lunch he would wish to be delivered... he assured me it would not spoil so I take his word on it."

"Oh I'm sure he'll love that." Londred replied with a grin. "You may want to make sure you have copies of those documents assuming they are actually important, alot can get lost on a battlefield."

"Eh they aren't important, it's more to make him realize he can't keep running from his responsibilities forever. I am sure that his main reason for fighting for that resistance was purely to dump all this bureaucratic business nonsense on me." Thrall said with a grin.

"Maybe he should hire an accountant or a lawyer for it." Londred replied with another grin.

"I kept telling him that but he wouldn't listen." Thrall let out a snort. "Stubborn beard face that he is... but yes I mostly hope it brings a smile on his face, haven't heard from him in a while actually, so yes. Any word from him would be helpful for morale around here."

"As I am sure he would be glad to know you have held things together in is absence." Londred replied as she stood and picked up the parcels. "I'll put these in the Intimidator and then we can see which of the other two is now broke."

Thrall nodded and took her empty glass, putting them away before leading her out to seek out the two gamblers.
The two of them were as it turned out not in the mess where Marack had originally lead them. Instead they were aboard the Intimidator and Marack was exploring the fridge and uncontrollable by commlink, another odd quirk of the otherwise impossible refrigeration unit. Piper was still at the doorway to the unit and when asked about the game her only reply was to sulk and refuse to talk about it.

Marack walked out with a banana of all things and nodded. "Banana's are good." He rumbled and then blinked at Londred and Thrall, "Ah you two are back... why is there a pool back there?" He gestured behind him at the fridge.
Londred just shrugged as she replied. "Because it wants to be there? I gave up trying to figure this unit out years ago."

Marack thought about it, shrugged and went to eat his banana, giving a wink at Piper as he jangled a small pile of credit chits in his big hand. Thrall however looked oddly at the 'fridge' and then the entire ship. "How big was this vessel again?"

"Its bigger on the inside." Piper said with a sigh as though it was something that was repeated to every new person to come board the vessel.

"No kidding..." Thrall muttered, he turned back to Londred. "Well then, I suppose we will see you after you have successfully met up with beard face?"

"That would be the logical assumption to make." Londred answered.

Thrall smiled faintly, "Have safe travels... or exciting ones, whichever you prefer, he slithered back, inwardly already groaning, he managed to pull himself up on the ladder and now he was going down it.

Marack hummed in a deep low tune as he walked out, pausing briefly to turn back toward Piper, "Means you have a chance to win back those credits." He picked up something, a length of cloth in all kinds of colours, a shawl of some kind and wrapped it a few times around his neck. "This i'll keep though. It's comfy." And with that he walked out.
The both of them soot to the side as the ship lifted up from the ground and headed out to orbit, for a moment it seems some kind of blue light seem to shine on top of the vessel and then it was just... gone...
Tra Kyrbej be te Darjetii - Rain Over Mandalore
A Story of Azazel and Valar
Mandalore System, Mandalore

He marched into the observation bay, seeing Azazel standing there, hardly seeming to leave this place after what happened and after Andrea had gone. He approached her slowly, addressing her back as she did not turn to face him. "Azazel... Riduur." He paused for a moment. "We will get them back, but wallowing in self-pity here is not the answer." He crossed his arms, and briefly trigger a sheen of a force bubble of protection around himself, just in case.

She turns and throws her fist at him, angry at his calm veneer in the face of thing, that he would dare suggest she was just wallowing. Her hand halts just a fraction from his body and hisses and shimmers with invisible heat, he would feel its intense heat baking against his body as she glowers up at him before raising her chin to look up at him and huffing, "I do not wallow, Gra'tua... I am reflecting... Someone has them, and it could be a number of culprits and, yet, I have been on bedrest, yet, so I could not afford to scour the galaxy for them. As soon as I am well, I promise you, not even the Sith gods will stop me." The heat slowly dies down as she drops her hand and kisses him lightly upon the lips.

In the background a momentary alarm indicated approach to hyperspace terminus. Mandalore would loom certainly, and soon, enough.

He kissed her back, smiling softly. "Good." He murmured, "Do not take my words seriously, merely seeing how you were doing and that rage of yours is what I wanted to see." He looked her over, seeing a confident woman, who was eager for revenge. "I received a distress call from Mandalore, it seems the basilisk factories of Jendri are under assault, my troops and ships are already moving into position to assist. Care to join me? I Suspect there will be plenty of foolish individuals who would no doubt love to see your beautiful features... before you burn them alive." He smirked upon saying that.

She scoffs, "Assuming the medical staff are willing to clear me for battle. It is not like I ever leave anywhere that is safe without armour. See, I met this Mandalorian, and.." she trails off with a smirk and shakes her head, beginning to walk off to where she would be able to find her suit of armour... a suit of armour, given she had put on baby weight since she last wore it.

"Seeing as you nearly killed Magog when he gave you your last checkup results, I am fairly certain you are more than fit for combat." He said both seriously and teasingly as he watched as two of ships flew by the observation window, obeying the commands of Kashiir to get into formation. He followed after Azazel, "You are welcome on my ship, unless you wish to command from your own seat of power."

Azazel arches a brow, "I suppose I ought be there. My followers, while they know their way about a ship better, they do not know people better than I." She places a hand at her hip and cocks it slightly, "Unless you think you will be lost without me?"

He laughed softly and looked at her with a gleam in his eyes. "I think I will manage for a brief time without you." He said before putting Revan's mask on and clasping the seals of it shut. "Now then, battle awaits I am sure, Kashiir reported several ships seemingly engaging in space so that will be our first hurdle." He gently traced and cupped her cheek before marching quickly off to get aboard his ship, adrenaline already pumping, he needed to vent and to let go of some of his anger over the recent events and this would be the perfect opportunity for it he hoped...


The fleet leapt from hyperspace and Gra'tua could see Mandalore, though the ships were too far away to see visually the sensors operators were suddenly active. "Clan Jendri has five Crusader Corvettes on the field and two Keldabe Class Battleships.... the other force... it's clan Ordo... three Crusaders, a Keldabe and..." The young man cursed colourfully in Mandalorian. "Ordo have decided to make allies to press their claim, that's a goddamned Lucrehulk Battleships... second enemy fleet, six troop transport ships, two Keldabes and... another Lucrehulk. The," more insulting curses ensued, " Ordo have allied with the CIS!"

Gra'tua frowned behind his mask but remained silent, Kashiir however, sitting in the command chair clacked his tongue. "Ensign, calm yourself and man your station, you will be relieved otherwise." The Chiss officer replied curtly as he looked over the data himself before turning to his lord. "By your leave?" Gra'tua nodded and Kashiir turned to regard the bridge crew. "All ships launch fighter squadrons, set a course for the second fleet, we will attempt to intercept those transports before they can set any troops on the planet surface." He turned to a holographic display of lady Azazel and inclined his head respectfully. "Milady Azazel, your vessel and its weaponry would be of great assistance if you join us in this, but I will not be as foolish to issue orders to you if you have other plans."

Azazel shakes her head, "I am not so foolish as to think my knowledge in all of this is superior to yours, Kashiir. I will be here to offer morale to my men and to make sure that nothing goes awry first hand but I am more than willing to follow your lead in matters, as well as Gra'tua's as he is more versed in Mandalorian customs, though from the looks of things they are burning all their bridges."

"Their heads will roll as I strip them of their armour, those dishonourable hu'tuuns.: Came Valar's snarling voice.

Kashiir glanced at his lord before returning his gaze to Azazel. "This vessel and yours will be concentrating fire on the lucrehulk accompanying the troop transports then, that ship is the greatest threat at the moment until it is destroyed or otherwise neutralized. Your main weapon will be invaluable to that purpose."

Azazel nods, "Very well, Kashiir. I entrust that your tactics are sound." Part of her mind was certain that it was unlikely to result in half her ship with an enormous hole in it like before. If it did... It would mean remodeling, which had been far more of a delight than she initially envisioned it would be. Still, at the moment, she had her hands low, working on her nails into a sleek buff in preparation for her battlefield debut after ages in maternal rest, where she would be able to rise in all her terrifying glory once more... And it was elating her just a bit and perking her up.

As Kashiir, Gra'tua and Azazel watched their fleet moving towards the enemy reinforcements the first two groups engaged in a furious firefight, one that seemed to be even for now, but the Lucrehulk and Keldabe of the enemy were inflicting furious punishment on one of the Keldabe belonging to Jendri as the CIS vessel launched hundreds upon hundreds of strike craft, though the Kandosii Naast and Dagda could see that numerous CIS landing craft were descending to the planet below shielded by the attacking fleet.

Kashiir frowned, Azazels posture seemed odd, she was looking down a lot but took no further heed of it and concentrated on the battle, hissing softly. "Inform those allied crusader corvettes to aid the larger battle, we will head for maximum thrust towards the second fleet, I want to open fire as soon as we are in range." He turned back to Azazel's hologram. "I think you will have the privilige of the first kill or first blood with the range of your main weapon lady Azazel."

She looks to Kashiir and nods, only to get pinched by Hakkri and hissed at for moving her head as he works on her hair just out of view, "Delightful news, my only hope is that one of these are perhaps the Lucrehulk I tussled with in the past and perhaps we might pay back an old debt of pain." She tries to hold back a look of delight at the delightful treatment of her feet. It really was like being treated like a queen at this moment. No wonder Andrea liked being so pampered. Perhaps she could grow used to this every once in awhile.

The fleet began to close on the enemy vessels and the Lucrehulk and Keldabe Battleships peeled off from their escort moving to head back to stop the new arrivals from effecting their landings, the Lucrehulk launched its C-9979 Landing craft towards the planet giving Gra'tua's fleet an opportunity to act before it started flooding the stars with Vultures.

Kashiir raised a brow, "So they did notice us, well then. Lady Azazel, if you be so kind to have your weapons crews target the large hangar bays at the lucrehulks arms, the CIS have a tendency for big ships but the Trade Federation were idiots to make those Hangar Bays so obvious to target."

Azazel waves Hakkri away before directing to the weapons crew, "Aim weapons at the hangar bays, boys. It's the big target, you can't miss. If you do, there's going to be severe consequences... And promotion opportunities."

The Dadga's shot raced across the voids to impact the Lucrehulk lighting up its' shields as it continued inexorably towards the fleet with the two Keldabes in support, meanwhile in the other battle the first Keldabe perished under the full punishing weight from the enemy Keldabe and Lucrehulk as one of their Crusader corvettes were traded for another.

Kashiir ordered several squadrons to follow the Crusader Corvettes heading to the other battle to support the fight there. "Once we are in range with our spinal lasers and mass drivers I want to open fire with all we have, focus fire on the lucrehulk first." He calmly stated as he took note of the Dagda's shot.
Azazel purses her lips at the less than stellar nature of that shot (smiles to herself at the nature of that wordplay), "Very well, when the big one is online once more, fire at their weak points-- Why am I giving orders on this. Ibeth, Kashiir, ship commanders communicate. You know these things. You do the ship battles, because apparently I just blow them up. I stab the things." She rolls her eyes. A Noghri warrior roars out in approval and raises his arm in salute nearby and Azaze nods his way.

The fleets opened up with their heaviest guns lead by the Dagda it's spinal turbolasers punching through the shields long enough for the Mass Drivers to hammer into the port Hangar bay trashing it and the hundreds of vultures preparing for launch. It's own fire hammered against the Kandosii Naast but enough of it was inaccurate enough to trouble the ships commander much. The Naast's own fire capitalised further on the weakness created by the Dagda his own Spinals and Mass Drivers punching through the same quarter drilling further through that section of hull leaving it burning as firefighting droids tried to keep the flames and destruction from important stockpiles. The Lucrehulks defenses were however restored enough to absorb the attacks by the Fist and Protector, though barely, with their Heavy Ion weapons playing havoc with the Shields.

The rest of the fleet did little that could be called contributing as the Keldabe's added their own firepower to the selection. One of the Keldabes firepower severely strained the shields of the Fist and Protector as the Kandosii Naast shrugged off its Mass Drivers, the other Keldabe however proved by far the better opponent, it's fire evenly divided its power against the Naast drained the shields marginally, the Fist and Protector meanwhile were not so well protected and already challenged by the other Keldabe's salvo. The shields of the Protector failed first as fire raked its armour and the Proton Torpedo launchers were smashed by the salvo, the armour of the Protector, ironically, being all that prevented the torpedo magazines from going up with it, the Fist was more fortunate though also damaged it only lost a shield generator to the salvo.

"Ibeth, my compliments to your gunnery crews." Kashiir stated calmly to the other ship commander who had now replaced Azazel's holographic image. The Chiss narrowing his eyes as he received the damage reports from the corvettes and ordered their captains to pull back while moving the Drasuum Akaan forwards. "Ibeth if your ship could come alongside ours, we will be taking the brunt of the damage now, resume firing on the lucrehulk, lets see if we can entirely prevent it from launching any craft." He watched the flow of battle with a frown. "Have PDF stations on standby and inform the gladiators they can hunt soon."

The Keldabe moved ahead of the Lucrehulk as it attempted to protect it's wounded side, a moment of perfect timing as well as one of the Keldabes crossed the Dagda's firing line and was struck amidships by the Hypervelocity gun of the Dadga it's shields collapsing and it's reactor going up like a small sun annihilating the Mandalorian fighters it had been launching. The other Keldabe and the majority of Gra'tua's fleet exchanged weapons fire that did little more than look pretty from a distance whittling each other down slightly... before the Lucrehulks full firepower joined the fight except for it's damaged section. It's undamaged hangar spitting out three wings of Vulture Droids on an intercept trajectory before it's fire raked the Kandosii Naast with fusillade and fusillade of fire draining its shields by a full third. The Fist's fire meanwhile, being the only truly accurate fire, being insufficient to bring down the rapidly recharging Lucrehulk's shields. The surviving Keldabe spitting out it's complement of 36 fighters.

As the Lucrehulk moves into the shadow of the Keldabe they fire an average salvo, the Naast notices her shields drain another third, but the return fire from the fleet was devastating. Shielded... mostly... by the Keldabe, the Lucrehulk was spared the worst and launched another three wings of fighters. The Keldabe is not nearly as fortunate. Much of the firepower that would have struck the Lucrehulk instead struck it, ion fire disabling systems, turbolasers blasting off chunks of armour and weapons, salvos of fire punchign deeper and deeper crippling the Keldabe, but it wasn't dead yet and Kashiir could recognize the flare of light that could be seen almost as an aura for a second. The captain of the Keldabe was either firing his engines to flee.... or to ram... and he was headed straight for the Naast. But not all the fire struck the Keldabe, the Lucrehulks straining shields took fire as well, enough to penetrate the shields and challenge open up holes in its port side, though now with it's hangars protected it seemed to absorb the hits well.

Of the larger battle, the Naast and Dagda's sensors men saw more ships fall on both sides, and the last Jendri Keldabe present crippled by combined fire, it wouldn't last long and the Crusaders might not arrive in time at all. And the Ordo Transports were almost on site.

The Kandosii Naast's fire rippled out and ripped apart what was left of the Keldabe in time for the Dagda to get a firing solution with it's weapons, the Hypervelocity gun ripping the heart from the crippled Lucrehulk before it could launch more, the rest of its firepower tearing apart the ship seemingly inch by inch as explosions wracked it from within.

Unfortunately, the casualties were not singular, the Protector found itself swarmed by three Wings of Vulture Droids that had noticed it's vulnerabilities and pounced like vultures upon a dying child, laser fire and discord missiles wracked the vessel and buzz droids proceeded to tear the ship apart inch by inch as the Tracyn tried to protect it it's own laser fire killing nearly two squadrons of vultures. But of the Protector there was little more than a handful of escape pods and a ruined, holed hulk that looked nothing like the vessel it once was.

The Mandalorian fighters leading the other wing were torn apart as Gra'tua's strike craft buried themselves in the formations cutting them down and moving onto the Vultures, though their fire taxed the Darasuum's shields, the timely intercept prevented it from being challenged to the death of a thousand cuts like the Protector was.

A thousand cuts might have been inflicted upon the Protector but a thousand laser and flak cannon rounds were returned as the combined firepower of the remaining vessels of Darths Gra'tua and Azazel tore apart the remaining droid and enemy Mandalorian craft. As the last enemy targets were vaporized the sith fleet would notice the corvettes they were tracking were descending down and would likely make planetfall before they could intercept them, the Lucrehulk and enemy Keldabe Cruiser however moved into position above the surface, blockading any efforts of reinforcing the ground unless those two ships were dealt with.

Ibeth calls out over the bridge, "Local enemies terminated. Enemies in sight. The Lucrehulk is in range, however no fighters seem to be launched." Azazel rubs over her chin, "Your advise?" The Nikto rolls his shoulders, "I don't trust the things since our last run in either. I'd sit back and rain down hell from afar." Azazel nods, "Well, you've command of the ship. What are you waiting for?" The Nikto huffs before raising his voice to call out the commands to halt the engines and turn the ship about to shoot the lucrehulk with the hypervelocity gun at a range.

He watched at the wreckage of one of his ships, seeing it spin and burn in the void of space he turned away just as Kashiir ordered the fleet back into formation to head towards the remaining enemy vessels. "Comms, get a message through to the allied crusaders, tell them to stay put and out of range of the enemy's guns, they are no match for the enemy." The Chiss studied what the Dagda was doing and nodded, "Smart move, form the fleet up next to the Dagda, let her fire at them with her main weapon to soften them up."

The sith fleet moved up, with the Dagda seeming to take the lead, firing its hypervelocity weapon at the Lucrehulk, its aim was a bit off however but it still did a glancing blow on the battleships shields. If they meant to provoke a response however from the vessel it was in vain as both ships stayed in their positions.

Azazel snorts and roars out over the deck, "Di'kutla utreekov! WHOEVER TAUGHT YOU TO FIRE A GUN SHOULD BE SHOT JUST SO THEY CAN FIGURE OUT HOW!"

Ibeth clears his throat and raises his fist, signalling that his orders still stood. It seemed they had the support of Kashiir and Gra'tua in this so method so they would move ahead in this plan... Assuming they could hit the broad side of a lucrehulk.

It seems the words of their dark mistress spurred them to action and once the hypervelocity weapons was charged for another shot it impacted fully on the lucrehulk's shields, blowing up several shield generators but the ship remained in one piece and all it and the other vessel did was remain in place.

Ibeth pointed out the bay window towards the lucrehulk, "See that? DID YOU SEE THAT?"

One of the ensigns looks at him in pointed confusion, "Did I see what, Captain?"

Ibeth cups his cheeks with his scaly hands and leers at him, "THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL. DO IT AGAIN."

Kashiir had no time to admire the weapon feats of the Dagda's gunenry crews as he looked at the enemy ships with a frown on his face. "Something is wrong.... of course." He clacked his tongue, annoyed with himself for not seeing it sooner. "They are stalling us, the longer we fight up here the longer they have to accomplish their goal. Dagda, Ibeth, I am moving the fleet in so we can engage as well, we need to finish this quick. Kandosii Naast will be at the front, our shields can take anything." He said with confidence as the fleet moved forwards into weapons range, but this would also put them in the range of the enemy weapons.

And the moment they did both vessels opened fire with deadly accuracy, however putting the flagship ahead of the main fleet proved to be a smart thing to do as its hypershield took the brunt, in fact all of the fire but was instantly depletedby the torrent of fire hurled its way.

Azazel watches the salvo of weaponry ignite space and for a moment concern floods through her for Gra'tua. She smothers it down, though and turns back as Ibeth calls out, "You heard the man, move in for the kill, boys. When we move into range, radio in to Starbuck and tell him to get those fighters launched. We're gonna tear them apart with everything we've got."

The enemy lucrehulk had only just finished its punishing barrage upon the Kandosii Naast when the Dagda moved alongside and opened fire once more, the Hypervelocity gun tearing through its armour, hull, through it entirely, gutting the vessel and allowing the Mass Driver, Spinal Turbo lasers and other heavy weaponry to finish the job and turn the lucrehulk into chunks of space debris. Leaving only the Keldabe Cruiser who now had a response, it turned to filly face the sith fleet and a host of pods, appearing to be escape pods were being launched towards the surface coming from the enemy Mandalorian vessel.

"Well... that took a lot out of the Hypershield...." Kashiir Muttered.

"Sir... the hypershield is down." A shield technician reported.

"Ah, correction, that took out the hypershield... well then, since we are in range, open fire all batteries on the remaining enemy vessel, quickly now."

Targetting systems might have been overloaded by the sensor flash from the enemy weapons depleting the hypershield moments before, that or the gunnery crews of Darth Gra'tua weren't just as top notch as he liked to claim as most of the weapons fire only glanced off at the enemy Keldabe's shields with only a few direct hits here and there. Shields were at minimal strength but still present. Some of the flak batteries of the Kandosii Naast did manage to get some shot in and destroy some of the escape pods as well.

The Keldabe returned fire and once more it appeared to be fairly accurate, burning off rather severe shield strength from the Kandosii Naast, but no direct hits upon its hull, yet.

Meanwhile upon the Dagda, Ibeth was roaring out commands as they were actively engaged in battle. His eyes divert to the Kandosii Naast temporarily in his booming and prays to his gods it would hold as he calls for adjustments as they wait for the hypervelocity gun to charge. They would take out the ship, there was no time to waste by diverting troops to it. All the while, Xen worked at the electronic warfare suite busying himself to disrupt the enemy's sensors and targetting systems in order to give their fighters and the Kandosii Naast a space to breathe.

All the while, Starbuck Ace goes through checks on his wing, having launched he relays instructions out to the other fighters, "Men, our mission, should you accept it is to shoot down every one of those blasted pods. Show me some flare or I'll have your wings when this is through." A roar rips through the comm, driven on by the Starscreamer Elites squadron as they support their Wing Commander as he leads them into the charge.

With the Keldabe shields barely powered the barrage of the Dagda cut through what shield strength was left like it was tissue paper, scoring deep gauges in its armour and hull and destroying several weapon batteries but not completely killing it. She still had some fight left in her.

Meanwhile Azazel's fighters closed in, but the majority were missing, mostly due to the so-called 'Starscreamer Elites' swooping in and stealing the kills before the other pilots could, or at least that's what the regular rank and file among the other squadrons would claim in the debriefing.

Kashiir looked on as the battle progressed, "Time to finish this, all batteries fire at will, turn that vessel into slag!" He shouted, his voice broadcasted across every vessel in the fleet.

The order was followed to the letter it seemed, although again the gunnery crews weren't as precise as those of the Dagda, but they carried out their order and as the weapons impacted upon the Keldabe it was cut into pieces by several accurate bursts of spinal weaponry and missiles.

And with the space above the Jendri facility was clear of threats.

The sith fleet moved into position in orbit above the facility, scanners doing their best to get a image of what was going on below on the surface. It seemed the facility's theatre shield was up and running, no doubt that has protected it from a orbital bombardment. But a rather large force, indicated by the landing ships that slipped through before and during the arrival of the Sith, was amassing on the edge to move in since the shield would not halt a ground force from intruding. The active shield also messing up targetting systems to prevent a orbital bombardment from simply eliminating the enemy force. [/hr]
Cyphor Fey'lar
Technically Cha'alla without Cyphor, going ruin hunting.
Raek – On course for the moons of Yavin

The journey to Yavin was largely uneventful, the only encounters on the way being some passenger and cargo freighters, including some ships the Raek's captain, Granna Val, swore were smugglers she would have searched at the mere sight if she were still in service to the Republic. Perhaps she had been hoping for something however as currently she was listening to a chittering speech of a certain chadra-fan who seemed rather excited by the maiden voyage and that yes all systems were running at highest operational settings as he predicted and that it all was rather exciting to see his design actually on its maiden voyage. So perhaps the announcement of a sensor operator came as a welcome reprieve as it made the little Chadra-fan stop talking.

"Sir, there is a... large foreign object directly ahead on our current course, we need to drop out of hyperspace and make some new jump calculations if we wish to move around it, or do you wish us to investigate it, it is not registered on any charts."

Another operator piped up with his input. "Might be a rogue comet, sir."

Cha'alla took notice when the operator gave their report and chimed in as well. "Cyphor had a similar occurrence happen to him last year, turned out to be the Republic placing mines along lesser used hyperspace routes." She said to Granna.

"If that were the case here we'd be dust already I imagine," Granna replied. "Either way we need to drop out of hyperspace for it so we may as well see what it is." She added with a bit of a shrug before turning back to address the bridge crew. "Helm drop us back into normal space. Tactical, raise shields and get gun crews to their stations. Navigation, start plotting a new course to clear the mass as soon as we have a new coordinates fix. Sensors, keep your eyes open, find out what the mass is but don't focus on it exclusively, pirates have been known to move asteroids into hyperspace lanes in order to ambush traders and I wouldn't put it past the Republic or CIS to do the same these days."

As the sensor crew got to work, reports came quickly back in. "No sign of ships in the near vicinity... there are some objects that seem to be... wreckage or debris of some kind, at the far edge of our range, well beyond the object. As for the mass itself.." The operator frowned and then turned back to his commanding officer. "It looks like a asteroid of roughly 800 meters in length... but also not? It's largely smooth pockmarked by craters in some areas as if it was hit by asteroids... and I am not certain, but it seems to have slightly altered its heading and is now on a direct path towards us? There are no stellar winds here or occurances that might make that happen according to the sensors, maybe a glitch in the system, that is the only explanation I have sir since I detect no engines of any kind or any other sign its a ship."

"Well thats damned peculiar." Granna said with a frown. "How long till impact?"

"At our current speed... and apparently its accelerating somehow, we would be in maximum weapons range in less than a minute, sir." The sensor operator seemed unnerved now looking at his consoles and looking at soem of his fellow crew who had the same reading he had, which seemed unlikely it was a glitch unless it was a system wide one.

"Are you jedi getting anything with that force of yours?" Granna asked over her shoulder to the three force users that were now gathered at one of the monitors watching the feed of the 'asteroid'.

"Thats no asteroid..." Hal said gravely before shaking his head sharply for a moment. "I've heard stories of giant space dwelling slugs, called Exogorth, most don't grow more than 10 meters in length but I've heard smugglers tales of ones reaching near a kilometre." He added. "It likely wants to eat us."

As if on cue the sensor operator spoke up again. "Uhm sir..." He brought a enhanced image on the nearest screen to where captain Granna and the jedi were conversing, showing the asteroid suddenly having a new crater that stretched open wide with teeth as it approached still.

"Well I think that confirms your theory, Hal." Granna replied "Helm, get us out of its way, we put some oversized engines on this boat compared to the Arquitens frigates, lets open them up and see what they can do." She said with a deadpan expression. Too, who had been uncharacteristically quiet since the situation had started grinned at the comment and sort of ... giggled... It sounded strange coming from a chadra-fan.

The engines flared bright as the Raek moves swiftly away from the asteroid enclosed creature. Once they were well clear of the asteroids mass Granna ordered the vessel to resume course for Yavin and jump back into hyperspace.

* * *

Cyphor Fey'lar
Aboard the Nightclouds Reward
Approaching Coruscant
The Nightclouds Reward streaked through hyperspace towards Coruscant with her three passengers, none of which were the ships owner. Cyphor had even gone so far as to neglect to tell Hayle that he was borrowing her ship, he has also neglected to tell Kalmi about not telling Hayle. He suspected the mirialian smuggler would have some very cross words for him when they returned, especially if the ship was damaged in anyway.

Kalmi had actually spent much of the journey with Kathlyn in the cargo hold practising sabre techniques, Cyphor had heard more than once over the first day the complaints the young padawan had about what Kalmi was teaching her when she thought she couldn't be heard. On the morning of the second day Cyphor was waiting in the cargo hold when the two of them walked in and proceeded to attack Kalmi without warning. He knew his former student would be able to hold him off, but the display quieted Kathlyns complains about being taught predominantly defensive techniques for the rest of the day. Now they were just a few minutes out from Coruscant space and Cyphor prepared to bring the vessel out of hyperspace.

On emerging from Hyperspace Cyphor could see that the usual Coruscant busy traffic was still so busy, however it appeared to be moving slow as Customs ships and other Republic warships selected ships at random for intensive scans. But slotting themselves into the traffic without any difficulty they didn't appear to have made the lottery being given only a passing low intensity scan.
"This is Customs Ship AA-201 to Dawn Treader, your scans are clean, proceed into traffic lane 15 and contact Traffic Control Centre DG-015 for landing vectors for intended co-ordinates." The voice came through before moving on to the next ship in the pattern.

"So far so good." Cyphor murmured as Kalmi and Kathlyn entered the cockpit behind him. "Take a seat and get comfortable, peak hour traffic can be a long wait at the capital." He told the two of them as he piloted the vessel to the assigned lane and opened a channel to traffic control. "This is Moss Ruk of the Dawn Treader, requesting vectors to land in section 34072 of the lower levels."

"This is DG-015, we have your request, transmitting approach vectors for passage through the shield layers now. Expected time for approach, one hour." The voice came back, tired, weary and ready to fall asleep at their post. "Try not to delay though, I'd hate to be the one to have to explain why some imbecile in a Corellian trashcan is holding people up."
"Say what you will about these trash cans, they are at least easy to maintain and customise, CEC nailed a whole market with that approach."
Cyphor replied with a chuckle. "Id be more worried about Nubian models, I hear they have a habit of breaking down when hit with a stiff solar wind or exploding unexpectedly."
The line was cut with Cyphor hearing for just a moment an unflattering comparison between himself and something that might grow on the backside of a Hutt.

"How rude." Kathlyn said.
Cyphor laughed at the padawans comment before setting the ships course and turning slightly to address Kathlyn. "Be what people expect you to be. That is the key to maintaining a low footprint in people minds."
"Even now you teach."
Kalmi commented with a smile. "Yet since knighting those of us you once called padawans you have not taken a new student of your own."
Cyphor shrugged as he adjusted the vessels course slightly to avoid a fast courier ship that was cutting through the flow of traffic. "I've been busy with the business ventures I've acquired recently." he replied.
Kalmi ignored the excuse and continued. "You know Lanthe is ready to step up her training, there is little more she can learn in the creche."
"The Corellian girl?"
Cyphor asked, "The one that has tried to construct a sabre three times now by taking training sabres apart?" He continued.
"I know you don't consider Nikan and Nayanna suitable for Padawans yet since both are only a few years older than the more advanced younglings, and Hal seems to relate more to that snake of his than the younglings. You also don't want Cha'alla or myself taking more than one Padawan. So that just leaves you to take up a new student that is ready to advance from the creche."
"She would finally get to make her own sabre, and stop taking the training models apart."
Cyphor commented in a non-commital tone.
"She doesn't have the meditative levitation down yet, so in the class you came to fetch me from she was using one of the potted plants in the corner to lift herself off the decking." Kalmi said. "She's pushing her boundaries as it is, you know as well as I she should have a guide for that."
"Alright then, I'll test her myself when we get back... You've been discussing 'strategy' with Cha'alla again haven't you."

Kalmi's response was a simple sly smirk and silence. While Cyphor kept his eyes on the ships instruments and guided the ship in through the traffic.

The deeper they went the less well kept the area became, but fortunately it didn't appear to be some deep slums but neither was it particularly well kept. As they finally approached their landing site Cyphor and Kalmi had noticed that Republic patrols had vanished several levels above. Not even the local cops seemed to want to go far from their patrol craft.

"Keep a sharp eye, we are liable to attract some attention if only as curiosity. If the republic don't want to come down here we may need to defend ourselves should someone decide we are worth robbing, or force forbid they figure out what we are." Cyphor said to the other two, mostly for Kathlyns benefit as Kalmi knew well the dangerous nature of places like this.
"We will follow your lead." Kalmi said as she tucked her sabre out of sight and gestured for Kathlyn to do the same. Cyphor nodded and tucked his sabre under his arm, looking like an officers baton it might raise some eyebrows but would not identify him as a jedi. Together the group headed for the boarding ramp and disembarked, Cyphor setting the Rewards defence systems before closing the ramp and joining the other two at the entrance to the pad.

"We need to make our way to a bar, the 'Won Ied Wookiee'. I'm not entirely sure what to expect, the contact says he is one of us and asked for me specifically, be mindful." Cyphor said before leading the way out off the landing pad.
They found themselves walking around in circles more than once before after nearly five hours they found themselves facing a bar buried in a seedier part of the area, a lit up sign showed a wookiee with a single eye in the middle of it's head. Cyphor and Kalmi could see through the filthy windows a poorly lit bar and a Wookiee behind it serving drinks in glasses so dirty that they could have sworn they should have been labelled as biohazards. A number of people sat around in the bar heads down in their cups.

Cyphor simply nodded to the other two and lead the way inside, heading for a side booth with a view of the door to seat themselves at. With little information on the contact they would have to rely on them finding the trio instead.

For a little over two and a half hours they sat without much event, the drinks were cheap and plentiful, but nobody imbibed a compromising amount, but finally, at the bottom of one of the drinks served by the One eyed Wookiee that ran the Won Ied Wookiee was a simple note. "Leave the bar. Proceed twenty paces north down the alley, sixty-four paces west at the junction and enter via the red door. Look like you know where you're going."
Cyphor read the note curiously before passing it to Kalmi who read it in turn. "It could still be a trap." she said as she handed the note back to Cyphor.
"If it is then they have been rather patient in all this, it would be rude to keep them waiting any longer." He replied with a smile as he rose from the table. "Besides my instincts tell me it is not. Be mindful, both of you, and stick with me." he added before leading them out of the bar.

Cyphor lead the way down the alley and took the turn at the junction as instructed, when they reached the red door he didn't hesitate before opening it and stepping inside.
Predictably the room was dark. But Cyphor could feel a dozen or more presences in the room including one that he could sense was likely a force user, the Jedi perhaps? "You came as requested. You show a remarkable amount of trust for someone amongst the galaxies most despised.." The fellow said sounding tired.
"A hazard of the job unfortunately." Cyphor replied. "You are the one who requested this meeting?" he then asked.
"I cannot remain on Coruscant, cannot entrust what I am to others and need someone who can be trusted to get me off. I'm being pursued by some... well let's just say I'm not welcome here." The voice said as lights came on. A bunch of men and women in mixed armour with weapons stood on the gantries of what looked like a warehouse. The only occupant on the ground floor was a Mon Calamari with a pair of lightsabers on his belt, and a belt of grenades over one shoulder. He wore a pitch-black breastplate with two neat holes through where the heart would have been on a human.

"Are they with you?" Cyphor said refering to the men and women in the gantries.
"No no, I just happened to choose the same warehouse as a bunch of armed thugs." The Mon Calamari remarked. "It's a trap." At this the guys in the gantries began laughing before a look from the Mon Calamari bled off the laughter into a series of coughing and barely concealed chuckles. "So that'd actually be a yes."
"Then this becomes a question of tactics, will they be accompanying you off-world or not, getting one person off Coruscant is typically easier than getting sixteen off."
Cyphor replied as he glanced around at the gantries.
"I can't leave my people behind anymore than you could. Those who want me would do their utmost to catch them and hold them as a proverbial sword over my head. I will not leave them to such a fate." The Mon Calamari said. "I'm not one of... them" He lead enough emphasis on the last word. "The Red Sabers cannot be trusted."
"I understand."
Cyphor replied, suddenly glad he hadn't informed Hayle that he was using her ship, she would have pitched a fit if she had known about this. "I've know good men who may have left them behind in your place. Not everyone can hold to their ideals." Cyphor said as he continued. "You seem to have me at a disadvantage however, you requested me specifically, yet I do not know who you are."

The Mon Calamari smiled, well Cyphor thinks it was a smile, it was hard to tell for a species without lips. "Carassius Auratus, force-wielder and leader of this small group of problem-solvers."
"Well then, pleasure to meet you, My ship is on this level but I get the impression getting there is not going to be easy, am I right?"
"You're probably all too correct. Even money is on them watching the LZ's around here."
Carassius said with a smile.
"And who are 'Them', you didn't say before but it would be useful to know what we'll be up against." Cyphor asked.
"Would you believe I have no idea, I'm not even sure there was only one group, some I'm sure belong to some sort of crime syndicate, but the..." He paused his expression darkening... in as much as a Mon Cal expression could, "My private group used to be about a hundred people, the other group wore black armour like this, top of the line weapons and far too skilled, that's why we're as diminished as we are."
"I've heard accounts of troops that would fit that description, If they are the same group then they actively hunt force weilders and are quite adept at it."
Cyphor replied. "One of my officers previous employers, another force wielder, was killed by them. If they are still hunting you and yours we may have a hell of a time getting out of here."
"Yes, I know all about their aptitude, it cost me my daughter..."
He sighed aloud. "So what sort of ship you plan on breaking us out on?" Carassius asked.
"Well..." Cyphor replied with a smile. "Coruscant traffic control referred to it as 'a Corellian trashcan'."
"I admit a temptation to just stay here then,"
Carassius joked, "C'mon ladies and gents, let's see if this gentleman here can get us out of here, alive."

"We're going to be pretty obvious moving as a group." Cyphor said as he hefted his disguised sabre hilt a moment. "How likely is it your pursuers will strike in the open? The three of us are not going to add a lot of protection as it stands."
Carassius shrugged. "I have no idea in all honesty, they don't know where we are now but... it's entirely possible that they're willing to hit the landing pads, but were I them, I'd simply take not of what ship we were leaving on and try and hit us in space."
"That would likely be difficult for them once we leave orbit, they would have to catch us first."
Cyphor replied as he gestured for Kalmi to exit the warehouse and do a quick check of the street outside. Kalmi simply nodded, held a hand up for Kathlyn to stay and then slipped out the door.
Kalmi doesn't notice anyone of any especial note, there appeared to be the usual dregs of society, death-stick users slumped in the streets, oppressed groups moving in twos or threes to avoid being too vulnerable a target, a mugging gone wrong in mid-stab and some swoops passing overhead.
She signalled Cyphor that all was clear that she could see and waited for he and the others to join her. Cyphor and Kathlyn came out, the Cathar padawan moving to Kalmi's side while Cyphor turned to wait for the rest of the group to trickle out.

As they began heading out a shot rang out from the darkness, and another of Carassius' people dropped to the ground face-down, the hole in her back smoking and the stench of burned meat filling the air. "Ambush!" Carassius called. "Help us get out of here Cyphor and you can sign me on." He said igniting his Sabres.
"Kalmi, take the lead." Cyphor said as he ignited the orange blade of his own sabre, Kalmi and Kathlyn followed suit a moment later as the two of them started moving out with Carassius' people following them. Cyphor waited until most were past as he watched for more blaster shots and took up a rear guard position.

Curiously, no further shot comes out of the dark as the group moves on, Kathlyn turns to Kalmi, "Why does it feel like we're being herded?" She observes, feeling it that it was true nonetheless.
"We keep on for the ship. We're not getting out of here without it." Kalmi replied as she continued to lead the way back through the streets to the ships landing pad.
The group makes it four more streets towards the ship before a shot rings out from the dark ahead of them, the only exit from the street to their left, though the more experienced folk would recognise a thin poor quality patch on the wall to the right that might be able to be broken through, fortunately this shooter wasn't as precise and failed to kill anyone, the shot grazing the shoulderpad of a man in armour who grunted and fired a concussion rifle shot in the same direction he thought the shooter was.

"Seems they'd prefer we not go this way." Kalmi said as she tried to mentally backtrace where the shot had come from. "Keep moving, we're not a pack of nerfs to be directed by someone else's goading." She then added loud enough for the members of Carassius's group to hear.
The output of fire increased as more shooters joined in against the group seeing that they weren't following the leader like they should be. At least a half dozen blasters were firing now, though the salvoes seemed to be inaccurate the man who'd only been grazed was unfortunate enough for the sniper to have adjusted and dropped to the ground with his guts smoking.

"They'd really prefer we not go that way." Cyphor said from the rear as he the patched wall that Kalmi had chosen to move past. He focused on the force and sent a blast of force at the patched wall in order to clear the hole. The wall imploded under the force hurling an unfortunate rodian on the other side off of a balcony and down four stories to the ground below. There was plenty of room for people to get through. "This way!" Cyphor ordered as he moved to the hole and glanced through at the warehouse on the other side. "Kalmi, form a rear guard." He added before stepping through the hole himself and surveying the other side properly.

As Cyphor and party made their way onto the catwalks pursuit began revealing that that it was not a simple affair, a pair of hovering droids with blaster rifles built in chased out after them.
"Frell guts" Kalmi muttered as she 'stabbed' her sabre towards one of the droids, using the blade as a focusing point to make a concentrated strike of force energy at the target. Kathlyn took up a defensive stance near the hole in the wall while the rest of the group moved through. Cyphor meanwhile started leading the group to the ground floor of the warehouse planning to start moving back towards the spaceport at the first opportunity.

The droid ceased to exist and the other moved fast backwards to avoid further attack. But it was enough to buy the time needed to vanish through the hold and make their way out of sight. The droid failed to mount a pursuit, a limitation for the controller perhaps. For now the pursuit was gone.
"Sabres off" Cyphor murmured loud enough for his people and Carassius to hear as he switched his own off, 20 odd armed men moving through the warehouse would likely draw plenty of attention without adding sabres to the spectacle. "What do you think about commandeering that truck?" Cyphor asked Carassius.

"My driver's somewhat... dead. But I don't have any problems with it." Carassius replied.
"It might make us a target," Cyphor said as he considered their options as they kept moving for the ground floor. "Or we could use it as a diversion. Do you think your perusers will leave your people alone if you seperate from them?"
Carassius shook his head. "No, I tried that before. They started using them as bait."
"So much for that thought. Taking the truck would get us off the streets, these people likely have combat speeders I would think, so we certainly would be a target."
Cyphor said as much to himself as anyone else. "Lets stick to ground level for now, easier to take cover even if its not as fast." He added as he started moving towards one of the regular exits from the warehouse, as close to the direction of the landing pads as possible.

Leaving through the door Cyphor found himself and the group on the streets, dimly lit and moving out in many directions, there was just normal foot traffic, it didn't take much to estimate that it'd take ten minutes on foot to reach the landing pad.
"Move quickly, if we're fast enough we may slip past our pursuers before they can set up to block our route again." Cyhpors said as he started moving off towards the landing pads again. He along with Kalmi and Kathlyn kept their senses open, they knew roughly what to watch for now and were certainly expecting another attack.

They moved quickly, and had to double-back twice because of it due to taking wrong turns, but still the expected pursuit had failed to show up. But Cyphor couldn't help shake the feeling they were being watched or followed. And the look on Carassius' face said he felt similarly. But regardless, they finally reached the landing pad eighteen minutes after setting out from the warehouse.

"They're letting us go..." Cyphor said as they reached the ship. "Is there anything you have not told me Carassius?" Cyphor asked, Kalmi and Kathlyn cam to stand beside Cyphor, Kathlyn wondering why they were not boarding the ship as quickly as possible.
Carassius frowned. "No... this is... wrong. Something very wrong."
"Kalmi, Check the entry hatch, my comm didn't get an alert but see if the security has been breached."
Cyphor said as he watched the buildings around the landing pad and opened himself up to the living force, trying as he might to feel any disturbances that may give him a clue as to what was going on.
Kalmi doesn't notice any tampering at all, and other than ill feeling, there is no evidence of the enemy presence. "The feeling is elusive... I cant pin it down." Cyphor said as he considered what to do.
"I can not see any evidence of tampering." Kalmi reported from the boarding hatch.
Cyphor rubbed the bridge of his nose for a moment before turning to the ship, "Take defensive positions. I'll prep the ship and give the signal to get aboard when its ready to lift off." he said as he moved to open the hatch and board the Nightclouds Reward. Nothing happened in the time as Cyphor had the ship readied however. "All aboard." He said over the comms to Kalmi who relayed it to the rest of the group. Nothing appeared to happen as everyone got aboard and Cyphor fired the engines.

"Any of you familiar with Zero-G gunwells? We've got a twin cannon turret up top that could use a good gunner." Cyphor said over the comms to their assembled passengers. He then activated the airflow analyser to search for any irregularities in the hull that would indicate a homing beacon.

The airflow analyser didn't pick up anything, but it did have a few blindspots and wasn't perfect, but it was close enough. Carassius nodded. "As familiar as any I guess."
With things as prepared as they could be Cyphor switched the transponder of the vessel to the second alternate code that Hayle had set up, just for good measure, the ship now registered as the Splendor Hyaline. Cyphor's hands danced over the controls as he gunned the engines and headed for orbit at a rapid pace.

As he began the climb for orbit four fighters tore out of their hiding places followed by a YT-1000, it didn't take Cyphor long to realise the fighters were all R-41 Starchasers. And they were definitely in pursuit.

"Seems you were right about catching us in space, Carassius." Cyhpor said over the comms. "Four fighters and a freighter that we better hope is stock or it might be able to keep up with us if the pilot is anygood." Cyphor added as he began evasive manoeuvres.

Cyphors evasive manoeuvres were only just good enough to avoid the incoming fire from the R-41's, ion fire stabbing out at the Nightcloud only very narrowly missing as Cyphor used every inch of skill to twist and roll the ship through the stabbing fire. The ship even rocked for a moment as a tractor beam skittered across the hull during an evasive manoeuvre. It seemed the YT wasn't a stock model, but then, they never were for long.

"Tractor beam on that freighter, Ion cannons on the fighters." Cyphor said as the indicator on his panel showed Carassius was now in the turret gun. "Kalmi, give me a hand up here." he called from the cockpit, the young knight was soon in the co-pilots seat as Cyphor made for another round of evasive actions. "Watch the sensors and see if you can find us an opportunity we can exploit to make life difficult for our pursuers." He told her as she took the seat.
Kalmi failed to find anything as Carassius opened fire, the jedi's fire managing to shoot down a repulsor-bus belonging to a school somewhere on that level "Oh shit..." fortunately Cyphor's evasive action managed to keep them clear of the Starchasers fire easily, but the YT's tractor beam once more slid across the hull, this time almost getting a firm grip on the Nightclouds, whoever was flying it was good. Very good.

"Anytime now Kalmi." Cyphor said as he threw the ship into sharp left turn, doing his best to continue dodging the incoming fire. Kalmi finally managed to find a series of tunnels that just might enable them to escape as Cyphor slipped the Nightcloud past the R-41 Starchasers ion cannon fire, but suddenly the engines were screaming almost to the brink of overload. The tractor beam had latched on and the YT-1000 was working to force the nightcloud to slow. Carassius's attempts to disable and destroy the YT-1000 speared out from the turret... right into a crowded cafe.

"Carassius, I know this might sound daft, but use the Targeting Computer, you know the device designed to assist in hitting precision targets. More specifically hitting the correct targets." Cyphor said over the comms as he started shunting more power to the engines. The Reward had been overhauled by Hayle and the engines were one facet she had paid particular attention to, he was willing to bet they could take the strain long enough to reach the tunnels Kalmi had found, particularly if Carassius could draw a bead on the YT-1000 and distract them.

"I trust in the Force." Carassius's replied as he fired again. Laser fire stabbed out and into an ambulance speeder and Carassius cursed... "Uh, maybe someone else should take the turret..." and Cyphor gunning the engines had the unexpected result of literally ripping the tractor beam from the YT's hull before it smashed into a half-disassembled Corellian Corvette on a pirate pad, as the Reward powered into the tunnels the R-41's pulled back, their leader destroyed. The pursuit was over.

Cyphor continued along the tunnels or a little longer, making sure the R-41's weren't going to just circle around to catch them on an exit. Confident that they were now safe Cyphor took the ship back up into orbit and powered for the edge of the gravity well, the nav-computer already calculating a series of jumps to return to the Coomera Moon. They left orbit without trouble and Cyphor spent much of the return trip conversing with Carassius about his situation, his goals and ideals.

Cha'alla and co find a giant space slug, they call him George (not really)

Cyphor meanwhile heads to Coruscant to locate a jedi in hiding and pull him out of the fire... so to speak.
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Niskas Skyplex.

A busy day, Niska reflected as he worked on the innumerable paperwork that kept his burgeoning empire going, though he avoided keeping any paperwork regarding Crow and his activities, that little black budget was nothing to sneer at. They were key to his plans and operations. He sat back and checked on the status of orders to the shipyards, the Gimp Class Carrier, Flagellant, Rapacious and Storm class prototypes were all underway, the construction bays were churning out the prototypes for the Stormfire and Chunky Salsa drop pods as well as Demon and Bloodletter prototypes.

Production was well underway there and would test the limits of his new industry nicely, meanwhile one of the droid foundries was working on the new NS-5 Model A units and the Arms factory was equipping Slaughterhouse, Torture and Mook squads as he read the reports.

Satisfied he moved onto the construction reports.

The Tank Factory and Arms Factory were underway and the Asteroid Base intended to serve as Crow's base of operations was also well underway, though the latter wasn't officially on the books.

He turned to the man who was chained to the deck in front of him as he studied the reports on his desk. "So sorry. One must keep on top of the paperwork, I cannot simply abide tardiness." Niska walked around the desk as two of his Magnaguard wrenched the prisoner up. "You called in seven sick days this month, and security observations showed you had not only forged your medical certificates, but that you were in fact spending time on the Kingpin slots in The Thirsty Bantha down at Outpost Hel?"

The sweat began instantly as he poor bastard realised that his boss was psychotic enough to have him chained to the office floor for chucking a few sickies.

"Reputation is important. I think you know my reputation." Niska said. The chained man flinched as Niska withdrew a Tehk'la blade from within his jacket. With a swift movement the blade opened up the man's back and he screamed.

Niska smiled. He'd done the paperwork. Now was time for some R&R
Tra Kyrbej be te Darjetii - Rain Over Mandalore
A Story of Azazel and Valar
Mandalore System, Mandalore

As the data came in from the Dagda, whose sensors had more luck piercing the interference on the surface Kashiir rose a eyebrow while Valar Gra'tua let out a string of curses. "By the stars.... this is definitely not a mere skirmish..." He gnashed his teeth in anger. "And those hu'tuun have allied themselves with the CIS!? Those lucrehulks were on thing but are those... battle droid legions on the surface?" He slammed his fist on the edge of the holographic table showing the data. "Azazel I want to try and contact the Jendri on the surface, see if they can give us any update of what they are facing and where we can help the most." Nodding to Kashiir to get it done as the Chiss officer gave the order to boos the communications array and see if any Jendri transmitters received them.

There was some rather extensive jamming going on down on the surface it seems that and combined with interference from the shield the Kandosii Naast was all but useless. The Dagda however had Xen who decided to pitch in and lead the crew of the electronics warfare suite to negate some of the jamming occuring and was able to relay the request for communication which was answered, it was not the greatest of signals but it was more than the crew of Gra'tua was capable off.

A holographic image appeared of a mandalorian warrior with his helmet removed, alor Jendri himself was replying the message it seems but his image faded in and out several times before it seemed to settle. "Who... o. Gra-" There was various ammount of static and then it seemed to clear up for a moment. "Gra'tua! It is you.. and alor Dha'dala. You are a sight for sore eyes, these cowardly clan Ordo are-"Again the signal cut off and the holographic image faded out for several seconds before it returned. "-king signal, repeat, they've taken the outlying settlements and are advancing, the CIS have massive numbers as well, we need reinforcements, now! Get your troops down, qui-" The message cut out again and vanished entirely, but not before a short data packet was send, detailing what the jendri defenses were facing.

A small force had managed to slip in the inner perimeter before the shield had gone active, taking and holding the settlement of Pitz within the confines of the shield with forces moving up the road towards the twin settlement of Rask with its bridge which thankfully was well in control of clan Jendri, for now.

Outside the shield the two settlements of Orbuta and Harjan had been taken by clan Ordo and large numbers of troops were already reported advancing on the road while at three locations, two near the captured settlements outside the shield and one location in the Grey Hills large numbers of CIS forces were disembarking and preparing to head within the shield perimeter and advance upon Jendar, the clan Jendri capital on Mandalore.

Kashiir clacked his tongue as the more narrowed data was unfolded, seeing his lordship was about to utter more curses he opened his mouth, addressing both lord Gra'tua and lady Azazel. "My lord, my lady. I am... reasonably confident I can organize the fleet and bombard some of the enemy positions before they can march under the shield, if you give the order."

Gra'tua turned to Kashiir, reached for Revans mask at his belt and put it in place, "Do it." The sith lord turned to the image of Azazel on the holographic communication. "I am loading every transport and assault pod I have and set them down several kilometers west of Harjan."

With that Gra'tua stormed off the bridge, with Kashiir watching him leave as the doors of the turbolift that would take him to the hangars the Chiss turned to the holograms of lady Azazel and Ibeth, inclining his head. "If you would excuse me, I will prepare the ships that are capable of it to bombard the surface."

Azazel looks at the reports and gnashes her teeth, "Xen, you love your droids, don't you? You know these things better than anyone else. I'm putting you on clean-up duty. You're in charge of your own party. Cut a path, see if you can't capture any assets along the way to aide us." He nods and checks his blaster as Azazel directs to Ibeth, "We'll touch down with Valar's forces. I'm sure Kashiir will handle the bombardments well enough. I want you on the ground with me. Make sure all the starfighters and bombers are ready to go."

As troop transports were being boarded by hurrying Mandalorians aboard the Kandosii Naast and Valar's other vessels Kashiir directed the fleet to rain down fire on the surface below at the enemy.

It seemed the gunnery crews of clan Gra'tua felt they needed to prove something to themselves for their rather abysmal earlier performance in space. As death rained from above to the surface below at surprising pinpoint accuracy, huge craters were formed at the coordinates of enemy positions and large portions of the droid army were destroyed. The Kandosii Naast completely wiping out the targets at the bombardment zone while half of the targets of the other bombardment area were vaporized.

In response or simply already executing what they had planned the enemy troops began to move to quickly use the Jendri shield to protect them from the bombardment.

Kashiir nodded, satisfied with the results. "Well done... new targets..." He looked at the data with a frown. "The Naast will target the large concentrations of the droids up on the north-eastern road of Orbuta, the other vessels, bombard those dropship locations there on the surface." He said quickly as the crews went to work.

It seems their earlier success made them bold but without consequence as again the planetary bombardment was spot on. The Kandosii Naast destroying large swathes of the droid forces massing on the road and setting several sections on the forest on fire even. A fire that would catch up to the rear echelons of the droid force and inflicts some damages as a result. The other ships were also spot on as a makeshift landing field of clan Ordo and the CIS was turned into a ravaged wasteland, destroying the parked vessels.

These losses spurred the invading forces on and all of them, save for the ones holding the two cities, moved under the protection of the theater shield.

The reports flood through her commlink from the bridge as to the resounding success of the bombardments and Azazel smirks inwardly as she prepares. That ought to have evened the odds a bit more. Still, she listens to the chatter of reports flooding through as the fighters prepare to engage.

Starbuck sits in his cockpit, facemask rattling as he flips through the channels and directs the various wings of the assault back into positions. He chuckles noticing a scrappier version of one of the DAIS-MKIs with an off-coloured paintjob was flying high from the attack formation, announcing Bezol's arrival on the scene. "Nice to see you joined us, Red. We're gonna be in for one hell of a ride today. The Starscreamers have missed your spitfire attitude. Too bad your record doesn't stand anymore."

"We'll see about that come the end of today, Ace," she chortles back over the line.

While the dust settled on the world below from the devastating orbital bombardment, the Dagda began entering a lower orbit, seemingly intend to land upon the planet's surface while from the vessels of clan Gra'tua a host of troop transports of all types and sizes were being launched and headed after the Dagda and then sped past it, all the while escorted by Azazel's fighters and touched down upon the surface of Mandalore and at hurriedly troops and vehicles began disembarking, once a transport was empty the craft lifted off the ground and returned to it's mothership where more troops waited their turn to be ferried to the surface.

In the finale wave as the Dagda made planetfall clan Gra'tua also launched a number of droppods to the surface along with its Basilisk units. Azazels troops moving alongside the troops and vehicles of Valar while it seemed lady Azazel and her inner circle accepted Valar's invitation to join him aboard his own command vehicle as their army moved into formation.

The Starscreamers led by Bezol and Starbuck swooping over the gathering army with the other interceptors, awaiting the signal and order to attack.

To the north of the main army formation it seemed both Valar and Azazel had deemed it prudent to send a rather large commando force ahead to assist the embattled Jendri positions underneath the theater shield.

Meanwhile, inside the confines of the theater shield clan Jendri was defending themselves on multiple fronts, the southern checkpoint had simply been overrun as the clan Ordo troops brought all their weapons to bear and destroyed the defensive formations with ease and allowed those force to move up the road.

At West Rask the battle was still ongoing, clan Jendri fighting fiercely in a attempt to eradicate the enemy forces or prevent them from joining the force headed for Jendar.

East Rask was a warzone, attacked from two sides the defenders were having it tough but they were holding the line as best they could against both clan Ordo and a battle droid army.

It seemed however that clan Jendri either had to fight like heroes or hope help arrived soon because the numbers of the enemy seemed endless...

Valar looked out on the army massed, bot his and Azazels troops were present and he nodded, smiling despite everything that was going on and happening. It was a grand sight... he shook his head and turned back, glancing around, they were inside the Gra'tua, a mobile artillery and command station his various darths and war commanders were present. His general Andrieke was conferring with a hologram representation of Kashiir who was still in orbit, monitoring the situation on the ground from space. The only one of his inner circle not present was Bo who along with Azazels man, Xen, was leading a commando force through the northern forest. Azazel herself was off to the side surrounded by her people and her sith hounds she had insisted to bring along, as he approached her he noted that all of them turned their heads to regard him warily, giving him the strong feeling that if it seemed he was out to hurt their mistress they would not hesitate to leap up and pounce at him with their rather wicked looking teeth and claws. He glanced at them briefly before seemingly ignoring them and looked at Azazel, "It's time, Kashiir reports sight of several enemy squadrons flying in patrol formation around the city... can your squadrons clear the air-space as the army advances?"

Azazel regards Gra'tua for a moment before nodding and leaning lazily against a console, "Of course. My pilots are the best. I trust Starbuck and Bezol to wrangle them, as they have done in the past, to victory in any dogfights." She looks across at her followers and takes a deep breath, "This is not my style, you know. I much prefer my small operations. But I suppose every new experience is welcome..."

He just smirked and shrugged, "I must admit I haven't orchestrated a battle on this kind of scale... and I fully intend to lead at the forefornt if there is any combat with the troops of the enemy in time, Andrieke here is fully capable to coordinate matters of the army here." At the mention of her name she looked up, a brief look of some emotion seemed to coem over her face as she glanced at her alor and Azazel standing together but she seemed to return to a more neutral appearance, appearing to be ready for the burden of command that lay ahead of her.

Azazel purses her lips for a moment as she studies Andrieke before shrugging, "Indeed. I for one would rather be amidst my troops in the coming battles... I imagine I will be far more useful there than in here... Besides, I couldn't have them take all the glory for themselves." She offers a small smile, trying to still her own rattled nerves as she remembers the swarms of enemies that were still likely left after the bombardment.

Azazel's pilots, lead by the fearless Starbuck and the spitfire Bezol soar over the forests. Blaring over the commsystem, Starbuck is blasting a mando battle song with far too much backup guitar. He shouts over the comm system, "Enemy fighters sighted, prepare to engage. If you die, men, you die well, you die with honor, for Mandalore!"

Azazels squadrons approach boldly, confident in their abilities it seems to defeat the enemy droid fighters, Bezol and his Starscreamers were already doing their best to acquire target locks with the nearest while Starbuck paused, angling her fighter so she could get a better look at the city and then saw several moving shapes on the rooftops of nearest buildings, her gut telling her something was wrong and when she saw it she knew her gut was something to listen to as the shapes turned out to be mandalorian warriors with rocket launchers.

"Bogies on the rooftops with rockets. Spread formation and adjust flight pattern to be ready to avoid enemy weaponry," he chuckles over the comms, "Getting a bit rusty there, Red. Your eagle eyes should have spotted those a mile away. Maybe you should get out to practice more." He gets a scoff in return.

Starbuck calls over the channels, "Bezol, starscreamers, DAIS MKIs, make strafing runs along the rooftops to clear those rockets. Everyone else, engage full force." As he says that, the DABS MKI pilots arm the discord missile launchers.

The heavy weapons teams of clan Ordo setting up on the rooftops had expected to have the advantage of surprise, they were in for a surprise themselves when a number of the enemy squadrons broke off from the pursuit of the droid fighters which had been the bait to lure them in and make strafing runs over the rooftops. Mandalorian teams were vaporized in blasts but Starbuck Ace reigned supreme, spotting structural weaknesses in some buildings that had been weakened already when Ordo must have taken the city and targetted those weaknesses to simply collapse whole buildings with every clan Ordo warrior on the rooftop or inside falling to their deaths or be buried under rubble.

While the barrage was punishing it was time for a counter-attack, the surviving heavy weapons teams launching the rockets at the skies above while the droid fighters sharply turned and fired missiles and blasters and engage in narrow dogfighting in the skies of Mandalore.

Two of the droid squadrons seemed to intently target Ace and the Starscreamers, perhaps after witnessing the damage they had done. The Starscreamers easily avoiding the weapons fire, Ace was a skilled pilot but he was facing off against three of the enemy fighters on his own and while he avoided most of the damage some hits glances of his shields. A number of pilots from the other squadrons were not that lucky as several rockets found their marks and several of Azazels craft exploded.

He could see if he looked out of the window of his comamnd vehicle the bright flashes and explosions in the air that Azazel's squadrons had engaged the enemy. "Merely a suggestion but... I would like us to take the city... largely intact... so not too many explosions please." He said grimly and then followed with a comment which he was holding a hint of amusement. "Then again there is something oddly satisfying about hearing the warriors of clan Ordo being buried under piles of rubble." As a report came in of the actions of Azazel's star pilot leading the attack.

Azazel snorts, "It will be as intact as it is going to be. I make no promises."

Starbuck looses a sigh of relief after having avoided the initial counterattack. "DABS where the hell are your missiles? Take out those fighters. Engage enemy crafts. Bezol, Starscreamers, with me to take out their ground troops."

The discord missiles launched by Azazels fighters were a wasted effort as none hit their mark and the larger air battle seemed evenly matches. Ace however managed to down the droid fighters that were harassing him, he swooped down low, going into the city with the droid fighters following him close by, firing all the way while he bobbed and weaved, going through narrow gaps with buildings, forcing the droid fighters to follow and in the end human reflexes won over programmed piloting protocols as Ace managed to pull a sharp turn while the droid fighters in pursuit could not and they slammed int oa building and wrecked themselves. Meanwhile more rooftops were cleared be Bezol and the Starscreamers and it seemed several groups of the clan Ordo warriors opted to flee back inside and not become the next target of a strafing or bombing run.

At the settlement of Rusk on the eastern shore fighting was fierce, thanks to the leadership and personal involvement of the Jendri commander on the site they repelled the Ordo attackers and their CIS allies, destroying huge swathes of the approaching CIS army while keeping everyone else at bay and suffering almost no casualties in return.

At the settlement of Rask fighting was fierce and evenly matched, the forward defensive lines of Jendri were destroyed but not without casualties on the side of clan Ordo as they advanced closer to the city limits.

In the west on the road leading to Jendar the static defensive towers overheated, refusing to fire and were easily destroyed by the advancing enemy who were now one step closer to their main objective.

Meanwhile back at Harjan the fighting in the air was getting fierce, most of the Droid fighters closed in but scored no kills, a lucky few managed to down 3 DAIS-MKI and 2 DAIS-MKII interceptors. Bezol also gained a new friend in a droid Tri-Fighter which got too close to comfort and unleashed a series of rapid fire blaster bolts depleting Bezol's shield and making her a target if she did not do something fast about her tail.

He watched the battle reports from Azazels squadrons as well as what their ships above were seeing happening under the shield, and he did not like what was happening there one bit. He looked at Azazel, "I'm ordering the army to get under the shield, by the time we secure these outer settlements Jednri's forces might be wiped out. Your squadrons need to keep them under pressure so they can't interfere." It was not so much a question as a statement.

She nods, in the back of the mind having no qualms about the Jendri forces being devastated. It simply meant that they would be forced to submit to Gra'tua as the Mandalore in their weakened state as their savior as they cleared the planet of this wretched Ordo. "Yes, they will continue to be a nuisance to them. They seem to be good at that."
Meanwhile, Bezol curses under her breath before she directs to the onboard astromech, "you backblasted machine, get those shields back online." She flicks the targeting systems back to full manual. She switches her commline back to the starscreamers and Starbuck, "My shields are down, but I'm not out. These fighters are ballsy. Let's put a little fear in them."

The ace pilot chuckles back over the line, "Strike pattern. Bezol take up the tail. Protext the Dabbers, I want them to lay down a carpet."

A gasp goes over the line, "Sir?"

"You heard me. Bomb the enemies in the streets."

Bezol ordered her astromech get to work and the little fella started working alright... only it was either too eager or had not the right schematics downloaded as it switched a number of wires of the shield generator... disabling the shields instead of making them charge faster.

Ace meanwhile saw the practice fights and drills with the pilots pay off as they followed his lead and moved as one, keeping droid fighters off the backs of themselves and the bombers and laying waste to them. The bombers however had their aim slightly off, only a few Ordo positions were hit, many bombs hit civic buildings and from their height a few of Azazels pilots noticed the shapes among the falling debris that were clearly humanoid and not wearing combat armour, the local population whose city had been invaded by clan Ordo.

With her shield generator completely offline Bezol is a sitting target, or at least she would be under normal circumstances if this droid fighter knew how to aim and shoot properly as it unleashed a torrent of fire that hit everything but Bezol.

The other droid fighters werent much better, only downing 1 ISF MK VI interceptor.

Gra'tua listened and saw the reports of Azazel's bombing raid and let out a snort. "Please leave some civilians alive... we need them to venerate us as liberators. Imagine the prestige and adoration of the masses to us both if we drive clan Ordo out of their homes. That said... civilian casualties are unavoidable, but lets leave them at a minimum.... other than that... your pilots are quite impressive."

Azazel offers a sweet smile to Gra'tua. It seemed sometimes like he was not totally hopeless. Sometimes. "I will remind them of such." She switches to a private feed immediately to remind her pilots just how vital it was that the people they liberated were not all scorched corpses at the end of the day...

...Ace sucks on his teeth and chuckles at the CIS scum as he fiddles with his switches, "Come on Red, quit foolin. Get your shields up. Hang back if you need to. We got this. More glory for us, anyways." Raucous laughter filters through the channel.

Bezol spits curses and kicks her console, "Worthless hunk of scrap!" She beats her panel before switching manually to enable her shields, peeling back and away. Irate as she watches the dogfighting continue.

"Right. Azazel says we need to leave the Jendri people alive. So I suppose until they can come play heroes, we can't do much. Dabbers, sight any tanks and sow discord."

More droid fighters turned into fiery balls in the sky thanks to Ace and the MKVII squadrons, the other squadrons only exchanging fire and not doing much otherwise. The DABs tried to spot the enemy tanks but their sensors were overloaded it seems by the smoke from their last bombing run and the droid fighters exploding around them.

Bezol meanwhile managed to slip away from her unwanted new friend and land her ship near the edge of the woods to see if some repairs could be made to her shield generator.

The battle within the domed shield continued, at Rusk the fight was evenly matched, losses on both sides but the Jendri lines still holding, for now. At Rusk's twin city Rask it was not going so well for Jendri, the last of their defensive bunkers and towers were destroyed and clan ordo was no advancing straight towards the city limits.

The road towards Jendar was clogged with clan Ordo and CIS forces and they had started exchanging fire with entrenched Jendri forces.

The remaining droid fighters above Harjan only scored glancing shots or impacts that were absorbed by the shields of Azazel's fighters, the Ordo heavy weapons teams remained quiet, showing no interest in firing at the enemy fighters because it would risk revealing their position to the bombers.

Xen furrows his brow, ocular implants adjusting as he focuses up ahead and begins to take in details. He holds a hand up. "I'm sure of it now. The Mandalorians keep looking over their shoulders like any moment some gorog will come storming out after them. They are probably expecting us. The droids have not been checking for anything, though. They keep marching dead straight." He taps his his sidearm nervously before giving the signal for his men to change direction. "We go after the droids. Best start." His eyes whir and starts to head the group. He stops and turns back, "I can even tell you where best to hit them." He begins to rant on and point to different points to mimic the areas on the droid's structure.

Bo listened to Azazel's Kubaz right hand man and nodded, seeing no reason to do otherwise after hearing his observations. "Sounds like a viable plan of attack, we are with you." She made a few quick gestures to the commando squad leaders that they were not yet engaging the Ordo hu'tuun but were moving up still, following after the gray warriors in lady Azazels service. Listening to Xen's explanation where to aim at the droids for maximum damage.

At the crossroads Valar conferred briefly with Andrieke and then quickly gave the order for some of the main force to split off, two platoons of assault warriors, along with the goliath walkers and raider tank went ahead, followed by the Kedin command crawler in which Goran Silas, Canderous Gra'tua and Tihk were transferred over to help support the Jendri at Rask.

He turned to Azazel, "I think we will be fighting soon, we are advancing towards the enemy positions... I intend to go out and lead my troops in person at the front, care to join me?" He ignored the dark, sullen look from Andrieke who glared from behind him at Azazel before she turned back and monitored the screens, she had been ordered to stay behind and oversee the larger battle while everyone else of his command circle were preparing to head out the command vehicle to fight at the front.

Bezol hops out of her vessel and lifts up her helmet, tossing it to the seat. She spits on the grass and wipes sweat from her brow before hefting out the toolkit from under her seat, unrolling it on the wing of her ship as she narrows her eyes at the astromech, "I should rip you out and leave you to rust, D7." She shakes her head and grabs the tools to redo the wiring the backblasted droid messed up.

Ace whistled at the streaming clouds of wreckage crashing to the ground, "Good job. Split up. MKIs, stay on the enemy and blast them from the sky. Everyone else, The dabbers could use some eyes."

The last droid fighters were blown out of the sky and the skies belonged to Azazels people, while on the ground clan Ordo's forces remained quiet, waiting.

Bezol tries to fix her shield generator, the astromech trying to help, when it accidentally activated its blowtorch, destroyed a circuitboard that caused sparks to fly everywhere and it let out a screeching beep before letting out a short series of distressed and apologetic sounding beeps and whistles.

The charismatic and inspiring leader of the Jendri at Rusk was too close to a enemy rocket blast, wounded he was downed and dragged to safety. The Jendri forces falling into disarray as enemy heavy weapons destroyed most of their battle lines, forcing them back to the city.

At Rask fighting was fierce, heavy casualties inflicted on both sides but clan Jendri was holding the line, albeit barely.
On the road to Jendar the clan Ordo and CIS forces simply decimated the Jendri forces entrenched at the sides of the road and continued their advance.

At Harjan, clan Ordo kept hidden, not wanting to become easy targets to the threats in the skies while the troops at Orbutz seemed to march out, leaving the city and moved under the shield.

As they moved up Bo directed the troops into position, making sure to have them heed Xen's words where they could strike best. They all seemed to move with purpose and at the best of their possibilities... the only unnerving thing that Bo and some of the other clan Gra'tua commandos experienced was nearly walking right into the grinning faces of some of these gray skinned aliens in Azazels service, who somehow managed to blend in with the environment in such a way it was almost unnatural. Once they were in position she just nodded to Xen and Ibeth and issued a single command. "Fire."

Volleys of blaster fire came out of the underbrush at the CIS rear battle lines, followed by grenades thrown by gray shadows. Decimating the rear droid battle formations but not entirely wiping them out. Those few droids left, slowly turning around to face this new threat.

On the ground Valar ignited his blades, raising them up in the air for his forces to see him and then pointed them straight at the enemy lines. With that signal the ground forces began advancing, chanting Mandalorian battle hymns. Aboard the command vehicle Andrieke spoke out loud to the various tank captains listening in. "Concentrate fire upon the enemy armour formations... fire when ready." She barely finished speaking as the sound of heavy gears were heard of the Gra'tua as it brought its heavy mass driver cannons to bear and then opened fire.

The Canderous tanks and Basilisk units of clan Gra'tua were apparently range finding with their shots, their shots coming up short or going wide. The fire from the command vehicle found their marks, a unit of enemy IFV vehicles blown to smithereens. The closest units of clan Ordo turning around to face the threat when a loud whistling noise was heard, some of the soldiers looking up, widening their eyes behind their helmet visors as a enormous projectiles flew past and blew a crater in the middle of their lines, blowing apart two Ordo canderous tanks and killing several scores of unlucky warriors too close to the blast range.

Andrieke nodded, satisfied with the results of the initial volely and relishing the thought of bringing the fight to clan Ordo, receiving the reports of more enemy forces heading under the shield up the road to Rask she send the Zabrak combat engineers and the heavy weapon company in reserve to support Goran's task force.

Azazel's cape swirls about her feet as she stalks towards the battle, her tuatha padding at her feet, panting and snapping, anxious for the hunt. Her hand tightens on her sabers as she glances along to either side, Kitt on one side and Lydavis on the other. Each were ready for the coming battle and were glancing back at the numbers behind them as the rancor bellows out and thrashes beneath the nightsister, pumping up and ready to charge into the thick of things.

Meanwhile, Ace commands commands the other MKIs to go secure the dropships as the rest of them continue to scour the city for any sign of the enemy, establishing a patrol.

Bezol spits venomously an smacks the astromech with a wrench as it singed her with the torch earlier. She continues to try and get her shields back to operational.

The enemy dropships are abandoned and easily secured as it seems that indeed no enemy has remained in Orbutz. Back at Harjan the R41 starfighters spot the heat sources of the Ordo tanks, hiding in a large parking garage complex and direct the bombers towards that position. Making the tank crews aware they had been spotted but the garage complex proved to be quite sturdy as it withstood the bombing run, or so they thought from the minor explosions that were discord missiles detonating and dropping down small pockets of buzz-droid swarms that went looking for targets.

Some forces split off from the combined Ordo and CIS arm to fend off the attacks from the rear while a sizable force plunged ahead to try and get into the Jendri capital and to the Basilisk factory. Both sides evenly matched and not gaining or losing ground.

From the north came a sudden assault of two Ordo dropships that had been smuggled in before the shield went up, blasting away at some of the cities defenses in that area.

The droids that turned to face the enemy commando host advanced, several operational B2 super battle droids with rocket arm modifications firing into the underbrush besides volleys of blasterfire. Several of the Noghri and commandos were hit but the commanders managed to get out of the way of the enemy weapons fire.
Down the south road clan Ordo rallied and returned fire at the approaching army, but only the Canderous tanks managed to score some glancing hits, damaging the shields of some of the vehicles of Clan Gra'tua.

Bo shouted over the comms, "Droid poppers! Show these droids the price for soiling the earth of Mandalore!" As she ordered the Mandalorian commandos to go for the ion grenades designed to disrupt the enemy systems like Azazels Noghri had already done earlier. Bo paused briefly, blinking for a moment as she saw one of Azazel's people, the Nikto, grabbing a tree branch that was on fire to lit a stoogie of some kind, puffing out a ring of smoke as he hefted his phased pulse cannon and started firing while laughing.

Most of the weapons fire from the Commandos hit empty air or the ground, but the Owls commandos and Noghri assassins managed to snipe off several of the B2 rocket droids.

Valar cast a last glance towards Azazel before turning his full attention to the enemy ahead with a battle cry he charged forwards, followed by his people and assault warriors while the heavy weapon soldiers stopped and started bracing themselves to open fire with their heavy weaponry while over their heads the projectiles of the tanks and other heavy vehicles soared towards the enemy lines.

Once they had closed in, Valar, Latesh and Talinna stopped, drawing upon the dark side of the force as one and unleashed a torrent of chain lightning at the front ranks of the enemy.

More Ordo vehicles were blown up by projectiles from clan Gra'tua vehicles and then the infantry came into range, lightning blasting forth from the sith and his two disciples, cooking several clan Ordo warriors in their armour. A decent display of the force but by far nothing compared to the sheer ferocity displayed by the clan Gra'tua warriors. Assault warriors screaming battle cries, firing blasters or drawing blades and engaging clan Ordo warriors in melee combat, cutting them down where they stood. Crimson lightsaber flashing in one hand and a blaster pistol in the other Kyr'am was leading a squad of soldiers, shooting opponents in the head at point blank range or cutting off limbs. At the sight of Taung, the original Mando'ade several clan Ordo warriors simply froze, looking on as if seeing ghosts before they were blasted off their feet by those ghosts when they opened fire with E-Webs and rocket launchers.

Azazel looses a cry and her form wreaths in fire as she follows up after Valar and his followers with their shocking debut, releasing a torrent of fire to follow them up. Her tukata yap and howl, charging about the flames like hellhounds and chase down Ordo warriors. Hakkri leaps through the edge of the flames, lashing his hot pink lightwhip and unleashes horrors of the force at all those near, a dark visage of Azazel's training. Lydavis begins conjuring a force storm to continue the display of lightning as the Dathomiri swarming and yipping as the rancor bellows once more and charges, sweeping clawed arms through ordo midsts. Azazel's motley troops eagerly follow Gra'tua's lead into the thick of battle, guns roaring.

Kitt follows after her mistress and draws a grenade from her vest and kisses it lightly before throwing it into the midsts of the Ordo, "Have fun." She chuckles, wondering how the Ordo crowd would handle the hallucinogenic effects.

Azazels burning visage made the front ranks of those Ordo warriors closest to her make a few steps back, her fiery blasts of fire missing them by inches.

Kitt's grenades was off the mark and landed in the middle of Azazels Mandalorian commandos where it detonated, the Mandalorians noticing the threat were in time and sealed their armour shut as the gas expanded and dissasipated. The echani could feel the hard stares of some of the commandos from behind their visors as they looked at her before they attacked clan Ordo.

Janii scored several deadly shots upon a number of Ordo warriors manning heavy weapons before they could setup or fire their weapons and ducked as Lydavis's forc storm swept over her to hurl several Ordo assault warriors off their feet, bathing a number in deadly lightning. Those that survived that storm thought themselves lucky until a rancor charged right into them and with a enormous bellow swept them away with a huge claw.

Plasma bows and glaives were brought forwards as the nightsisters followed in the wake of their rancor, killing off the enemy troops that had fallen down before they could rise to their feet.

Azazels chose were not fat from their mistress as they used flame throwers with a chemical mixture that mimicked the purple colour of their mistress's flames, spreading death and chaos in their wake.

Meanwhile back at Harjan Azazels pilots could see a sudden flurry of activity as it seemed the tanks and their crews hiding in the parking garage opened fire wildly all around them, some of their scanners registering the swarms of buzz droids released earlier charging at the vehicles and then after several moments the fire dwindled down as two of the tanks exploded and the other two just stopped firing altogether.

Not knowing or caring what their rear forces were doing the Main Ordo Assault continued on, unleashing a devastating series of strikes that decimated the main Jednri defensive line and saw ordo and CIS forces advance steadily, only incurring minor loses in return from the surviving Jendri defenses.

The droids facing the sith commando force were evenly matched but scored no fatalities among their enemy but neither lost ground.

The Ordo forces facing the main sith advance were reeling from the sith attack, their lines in disarray, several squad and platoon commanders already killed in the initial strike with enemy assault teams in the middle of their warriors but they stood their ground, even if they did not seem to harm clan Gra'tua and Kurkova as they continued their advance and killed their fellow Ordo brothers and sisters in their fury.

The noghris continued to dance through the shadows of the trees as they readied for another volleys of attacks. The nikto puffed, like many of the others after avoiding the most recent slew of attacks from the droids. His heavy weapon cooled down for another flurry of shots, he levels it to unleash hell again as Xen signals with a shout, "Again, and hit the blasted things this time!"

The commando force were not all on target but the combined fire of the Gra'tua commandos and the Noghri was enough to wipe out the remaining B2 battle droids. Bo fired, her shots taking down droids.... if Xen wasn't ahead of her his shots taking them down before her blaster bolts could hit them, if she looked his way she could see him twirling his blaster around a finger looking as if he hadn't broken a sweat.

At the main battle Valar paused, letting his troops move ahead as he get on the comms. "Andrieke! Contact the Jendri, ask them if they have seen any sign of the enemy commander! If we cut off the head, the rest of the body will die..." He said with a growl before he twirled his lightsabers and charged, returning to the side of his disciples and warriors.

Andrieke heard the order, first issuing another series of orders, "Concentrate fire upon the vehicles behind the enemy infantry lines. I do not want our vehicles to blow apart our own troops, or our own leaders!" She paused, hesitating, but only briefly, before adding. "That does include lady Azazels forces." She then tried hailing any Jendri forces at Jendar. "This is al'verde Andrieke Gra'tua, my lord, alor Gra'tua requests if there has been any sighting of the enemy al'verde.... I am also sending in our Basilisk units to assist." A moment later as they got their new orders the basilisk weapon platforms flew off in the direction of the frontlines at Jendar to do just that.

Valar, Ky'ram and Talinna became quickly bogged down, forced to hunker down as enemy weapons fire scored hits near their position. Latesh however had gone ahead, leading a number of the troops in close combat with the enemy, fighting side by side with clan Gra'tua assault warriors pouring in from all sides to get at the Ordo.

The Basilisks veered off, approaching the frontlines at Jendar but that was all they did. While the remaining vehicles, the Gra'tua Terror Walker in particular fired another enormous concussion missile and opened fire with its heavy disruptors, decimating the Ordo Canderous tanks. When the dust settled only one enemy vehicle remained operational.

Azazel eyes the last tank over the crowd before calling out over her commlink, "Girls, why don't you conquer that vessel for me." She lashes out with her fire once more, to clear a path as her dathomiri swarm forth to capture the tank, climbing out over it. Lydavis crackles with lightning once more and Hakkri lashes with his whip as he fires with his Blast-and-Smash blaster. Kitt throws a series of micro grenades as she lashes out with her fists. Janii lashes out with any who come close with her vibroclawed hands as she continues to blast away. Meanwhile the rancor continues to rampage on as the mandalorians, chosen, defenders and Trissies try not to get trampled beneath in the war.

The unfortunate souls in the way of Azazel's fire blasts did not even have time to scream as they were scorched to ash. The nightsisters quickly advanced, heading straight towards the Ordo IFV, a heavy weapons team saw them approach and turned their E-web around to gun them down, just as they had done that they noticed the tremors of the ground and turned to see a rancor charging right at them. One Ordo heavy gunner managed to run while the rest of his team was trampled but he did not run far as the Rancor grabbed him and quickly shoved him in his mouth, followed by a brief scream that turned into loud crunching as the Rancor's teeth bit through the warriors armour. The nightsisters were whooping and laughing wildly as they climbed aboard the vehicle, prying open the hatch, a short fight followed with the crew but they were not prepared for the witches of Dathomir who killed them with ease.

Not far from there lightning crackled and consumed a large area, Lydavis standing at the center of the storm, the Twi'lek laughing, mad with power as she felt a rush coursing through her from the dark side energies she was unleashing around her, delivering death and destruction to all those opposing her. As the lightning died she took a deep breath, shuddeirng as she felt fatigued, the force storm apparently taking quite a toll on her, the snapping of a twig behind her was her only warning as she turned around and saw two Ordo warriors, their armour scarred and damaged from the lightning cursing and just charged ahead, vibro blades flashing wickedly. Lydavis held up her hands as if to ward them off and what came next just felt like instinct to her as the large ammounts of dark side energies came back to her with ease but instead of unleashing a force storm she bend the lightning inwards, combining it with her understanding of force protection, forming a shield of lightning around herself just in time as the first Ordo warrior leapt towards her and struck the newly formed lightning shield and let otu a horrified scream as the smell of burned human flesh became dominant and the smoking corpse fell to the ground. The other warrior had stopped, looking down at the corpse of his comrade and then back at Lydavis, taking a step back as he trembled. "Damn your sorceries bitch!" He snarled, reaching for a blaster. Lydavis just let out another laugh, noticing the lightning dancing around her lightsaber and flicked her wrist, seeing a blast of lightning seeming to make her lightsaber longer and it actually hit the remaining warrior which had been out of range of her saber before, cutting his head off. "I think I like this new power..." She murmured as the lightning danced around her form for a few moments longer and then went up into thin air.

The B1 battle droids.... were totally worthless as they shot at anything but the enemy.

At the main battle the remaining Ordo seemed desperate or enraged at the onslaught they had suffered and retaliated with as much force as they could. The sith leaders suffered heavy fire, their bubbles of force protection their only defense as it soaked up the damage that would otherwise hurt them badly. Several rockets impacted near the Rancor but missed it, the nightsisters around the IFV were not so lucky as they took the brunt of the damage, the Ordo seeming particularly mad about seeing the nightsisters drag the corpses of the vehicle crew out and defile them.

Meanwhile at Jandar the Jendri defenses managed to stall the Ordo advance and blew up the CIS tanks.

Andrieke at the command vehicle was told by one of the operators that a Jendri signal was coming through as she tapped in she could hear the sounds of explosions and blaster fire in the background along with shouted orders before a voice came through. "So those are Gra'tua Basilisks I see, well I expect more than those to show up we are neck deep in Ordo bodies and most of them are still alive!" There was a curse and a pause with muffled orders being shouted. "Bringing droids with them.... are they warriors or the worst of scum there can be. We have seen sighting of their warlord, usually followed by reports of many of my warriors dying in his wake, so yes he is here right in the middle of things. Now if that is all you wanted to know I have a capital to defend with dwindling manpower so be so kind and hurry up so I might have something more than a pile of rubble to stand in." With that the message abruptly cut off.

Seeing only B1 droids remained Bo just turned to Azazel's people. "No need to stay in the shadows, at least not for us, we will fight in the open." She said with a hint of delight in her voice as she jumped up and activated her jetpack to shoot out of cover, her Owls following her along with the other Gra'tua commandos, blasting away with everything they had. Supported by the heavy fire from Ibeth's phased pulse cannon, Xen's methodical accuracy snapping shots at droid critical areas and the Noghri calmly lining up shots and firing at their own pace.

The B1 droids were blasted to pieces by the volleys of fires from the commando task force. Destroyed by the dozens as some screamed out 'WHY!?' or 'YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!' only two dozen remained standing after that barrage, but they stood their ground, seemingly not afraid for their continued, if brief, existence.

Andrieke stared at the comms station for a moment upon recieving the message and then contacted her alor. "A Ordo al'verde, a warlord has been sighted fighting at Jendar, I am sending a basilisk unit to pick you up."

Valar actually laughed, "Excellent, you have done well Andrieke... I am placing you under the command of Azazel while im gone, you are to proceed as planned but if she has a priority target or order you are to follow her commands as if they are my own."

Andrieke widened her eyes and gritted her teeth. "Alor... I respectfully-"

"-Obey my order, as you should. She is my riduur Andrieke, be well to remember that, you are to follow her orders as if they are my own, if she decides to issue any. I will hear no complaints over this."

She was balling her fist in frustration but exhaled, "As you command, alor Gra'tua." She waited till he signed off before ordering a unit of Basilisks to return and pick up Valar and any he wished to accompany him. She then addressed the vehicles. "Cease fire with the main guns, we have a chance of hitting our own now... advance and only use anti-infantry weaponry if you have them, we advance the line." With a rumble the massive command vehicle came to live and began driving up, the other vehicles following in its wake and at its flanks.

Valar saw the Basilisks approach and turned to Talinna, Ky'ram and Magog, the three he had chosen to accompany him. "Lets go..." He muttered and then broke cover, making a run for it trying to give any opposition less time and opportunity to shoot them down.

As Valar and his people ran for the Basilisks, around them the war raged on, casualties were inflicted but nothing game changing happened except that the clan Gra'tua vehicles started moving forwards, the battle fortress command vehicle taking point.

The run for the basilisks was not without risks as a rocket sped past, Magog seeing the missile approach and quickly grabbed his alor and pushed him ahead so the both of them were clear of the blast. Talinna and Ky'ram were not so lucky as they were right at the blast zone and were hurled back the way they had came from, their force protection bubbles the only thing that saved them from schrapnel and blast damage. But they would not be able to catch up to their master as he and Magog climbed aboard the waiting Basilisks and sped off before some Ordo rocketeers started targeting their vehicles.

With a force leap Azazel jumped forward right into a gun nest of clan Ordo who looked startled at seeing the sith Dark Lady appear out of the sky, she just smiled, pressing a finger to her lips as if they had to be quiet and then spread her arms and fire burst forth from her form, immolating them all. Those that escaped the conflageration were not spared as her Chosen followed in her wake with their flamethrowers to finish the job as well as her sith hounds.

Near to Azazels position Ordo warriors screamed in horror, pulling off pieces of their armour and clawing at their flesh, screaming about maggots under their skin, near those warriors Hakkri walked, giggling to himself.

Near the captured vehicle the Nightsisters and the Rancor made sure no Ordo approached to take it back and when a few anti-vehicle heavy weapons teams approached it were Azazels commandos who flew over them with their jetpacks and unleashed their flamethrowers, burning them alive and setting off their explosives.

The surviving B1 battle droids concentrated their fire, Bo managing to dodge out of the way with her jetpack while three of the commandos with her were not so lucky as each was shot down by several blaster bolts. Ibeth failed to get into cover and was hit square in the chest... but his armour proved to be enough to absorb the damage.

At the main battle of the two sith armies the surviving Ordo warriors seemed to do a fighting retreat to gather all together and then drew swords, crying out battle cries as they charged at the combined sith army.

At Jendar Valar could witness upon his approach as clan Jendri warriors struck the invaders hard, explosives that had been hidden in the rubble were detoanted remotely as groups of enemies passed through, killing them in the blast or burrying them under tons of debris.

Bo kept flying over the B1 Battle droids, there were only two dozen of them left, she had the belief that Azazels people could handle them and made the command decision to lead her people ahead towards Jendar.

Xen watches the mandalorians depart with a nod and signals for the noghri to continue their assault. They had just been slowing down his operatives and making it harder for them to blend into the forestry, putting them in greater harm's way. They unload shot after shot as Xen calls out, "For the Dark Lady!" The noghri cry out his rally, a whisper in the woods as they ghost between shadows with each shot even as Ibeth, emboldened by his near brush with death and feeling a whiff more than mortal fearlessly unloaded shot after shot.

It was as if the B-1s sensory feed had cut out for all except the nikto, who laughed maniacally as his shots tore through their circuits in a line, a man possessed even as shots punched into the ground about him and another smacked into his shoulder. The noghri may as well have not existed save for the sudden flashes as their weapons went off and suddenly another B-1 collapsed into non-existence. Xen methodically picked off B-1 after B-1 alongside them, attempting to mimic their methods but was slower going, they were certainly masters. In the end, there was nothing but the metal carnage left behind of the droid destroyed. Xen nods to his men, it had been short work now that he did not have the mandalorians interfering. He pantomimes, giving the order for them to move out after the mandalorians. They too would join the main battle.

Valar cursed as several bugs native to Mandalore splattered against his visor, blinding him and forcing him to wipe it clean, the pilots of the Basilisk wardroids were thankfully not incompetent as they sought out a worthy battle, seeing the enemy dropships harassing Jendri on the gorund they changed their heading to engage them.

Back at the main force Andrieke calmly regarded the sensor reading of the Ordo charging at them, "Give them the warriors death they seem to crave... all vehicles continue towards Jendar, leave the mopping up of the enemy in this area to the infantry."

The Basilisks were pretty spot on, the flying weapon platforms dived in towards the unsuspecting Ordo dropships and shot them down with massive fire bursts from their various weaponry. The destruction of the first alerting the second however, giving its occupants time to escape with their jetpacks before their ship blew up around them.

At the main battle the Taung seemed to not find it worthy to attack the last remaining Ordo and pulled back, leaving it Ky'ram and the regular troops who met them head on and finished them off. There was no hesitation or flashy displays, the Ordo knew they could not win and the clan Gra'tua warriors seemed determined to grant them warriors deaths to every last warrior until the last Ordo on the field had fallen.

Azazel surveys the bloody battlefield where bodies smoked and around the edges of the road trees were on fire. She seemed satisfied with the results here. "We move. My riduur faces the enemy as we speak and we will not forsake him." She gives the signal that they were to begin forward and it is mimicked through her ranks. The nightsisters, satisfied their bounty would not be stolen from them climb off and allow the commandos to captain it. The rancor groans and stomps, bloody and dangling several grapplehooks as it starts back down the road.

Perhaps the Ordo forces had learned their forces they had left behind to delay the enemy coming up behind them were annihilated because it seemed they had just stopped making any progress to head deeper into Jendar, while the Jendri defenders themselves were feeling bolder and reclaimed districts of the city that had been taken over by the CIS droids, wiping out two companies worth of machines.

Bo and her commandos had heard the sounds of blasterfire stop behind so she assumed Azazels people had done a thorough job of destroying the remaining droids behind them so they could focus their attention entirely on the enemy ahead. Which soon came into view as the rear-guard of the main Ordo assault came into their sights. "Show them what it is to be true Mandalorians!" She shouted over the comms, whoops answered her from the clan Gra'tua commandos following her as she swooped down with blasters and her flamethrower.

Andrieke slowed down the column of vehicles so the troops could catch up to them, Andrieke shaking her head as she gathered that Bo and the commandos had already engaged the enemy. "She becomes rather reckless in battle at times..." She muttered to herself and then glanced at the runes on the sensor readings indicating Azazels people. "At least shes better in control than her and her people." She had seen how Azazel's people acted... flinging themselves into battle like zealots, fearless perhaps and a sight to behold with their weaponry, but they seemed to show no strategy or tactics if they acted on their own, the only times they seemed like a real army unit was when one of Azazels commanders was around to give them direction, without them they just became... rabid. She had no idea what her alor saw in a woman leading such rabble.

Valar meanwhile narrowed his eyes and slapped the Basilisk pilot on the shoulder, gesturing to a area at the edge of fighting where he had seen a warrior of clan Ordo who stood out from the others. "There, get me down there, now!" He ordered as he began preparing himself for a fight as his Basilisk and the one carrying Magog left the pack to head to a area near the spot he had seen the possible Ordo warlord.

Bo and her Owls swooped in allright, killing the first Ordo they encountered who had not expected a attack from that direction. Bo herself turning a few of them into human torches as she announced the presence of herself and her commandos with the screaming burning Ordo.

The basilisks... made some very nice craters and that was all they did while the two carrying Valar and Magog dropped them off at a spot near the area Valar had spotted the possible Ordo commander.

The stealth operatives with Xen were catching up with the mandalorian units. They would attack from the shadows and rain down death, the fury of their mistress soon.

Meanwhile, on foot with Azazel her forces were overjoyed with the victory on the road, the new scars to show and battle to come. From their throats a battle chant begins to come. It flows together and clashes as they cry out in various languages together, though the gist about the same and to the same rhythm.

Back at Harjan, the Starscreamers and Ace were busy doing tricks in the air and laughing while the others took on the brunt of the patrols. It seemed they were growing bored.

Fighting intensified in the ruins of the outlying districts of Jendar the Jendri were perhaps a bit too overconfident in thinking the Ordo were all but defeated, they learned the error of that when they walked right into a series of ambushes that killed the advance Jendri parties, the Ordo took losses in return but not as much as the Jendri did.

The appearance of clan Gra'tua commandos forced the Ordo to redirect troops to the rear to advance and face this new threat with shouts of alarm over their comms which Azazels people could hear aboard the captured tank that Ordo had also sighted the advance of the main army coming their way.

Bo glanced back seeing the Kubaz approach, her smirk hidden under her helmet as she gestured ahead. "Urban combat ahead, narrow streets, lots of ruins and rubble to navigate through. Can you, that Nikto and those grayskins keep up in there?" She asked as she swapped the charge pack of her blasters while her commandos sought out positions to open fire on any Ordo that would come their way and into view.

As if to answer her, he raises his arm, shoots his grapplehook and ascends to a roof top to achieve the height advantage, fading away as his cloakbelt activates for the timebeing.

Xen quickly rapelled up on the rooftop and then proceeded to trip over a piece of debris and make a faceplant, bruising his Kubaz nose, he was glad he had been out of sight of Bo or any of those other Mandalorians for them to witness this embarassing fall.

There was no more time to prepare however as the first Ordo assault warriors came pouring in through the streets, opening fire and revealing themselves to some of the Noghri who picked them off while Bo too rose up in the air and rapid fired down at the lead Ordo, blasting them off their feet with a laugh.

Andrieke watched... and frowned at what she saw, the vehicles would be of no use in this kind of battle, the ones that woudl were at Rask under Goran. "All vehicles, stop, all infantry, advance into the city and eliminate whats left of the Ordo, happy hunting." She said with a smirk.

Meanwhile Valar and Magog walked through the ruined buildings of Jendar where clan Ordo and CIS forces had wreaked havoc, bodies littered the streets of warriors of both sides, droids and even civilians. Blaster fire and explosions were always in the background, but the sound of armoured boots crunching rubble was close by and the two of them went deeper into the alleys till they came to what might once have been a grand plaza with a fountain in the middle but now there were various craters from grenades and other weaponry among the tiles and the fountain was half destroyed because a light speeder had crashed into it. But what drew the eyes of Valar and Magog was probably the figured standing in front of it, several warriors with Ordo colours but the one in the middle stood out from them, his armour seeming just that more advanced compared to the warriors beside him, as well as him sharpening a sword casually while he glanced up as if bored. "Took you long enough... I had been told you were a mindless or'dinii, who just charged into battle like a wild beast. I admit to be surprised when I was told you actually use tactics when it suits you, you and that bitch who thinks having some Mandalorians as pets and marrying you makes her one of the Mando'ade." He shook his head, "To have fallen so low to have two of you.... claim themselves be full blooded Mando'ade, it disgusts me." He stopped sharpening his blade putting away the whetstone and giving it a few practice swings. "Time for you to die Gra'tua, and with your death the stain you bring to the true Mando'ade dies with you."

He blinked... and then laughed, "I see... you are one of those, pathetic. Here I was looking forward to challenging you to a duel." He growled and ignited his sabers, gesturing one directly at the Ordo al'verde. "I was looking forward to it as one warrior to another... but if you dare to insult me... my clan... and my riduur... well then now I just challenge you to a duel because you make yourself unworthy and just need to be put down to make sure you do not spawn any future generations that will embarrass us with their stupidity." And with that he charged.

The main force of clan Gra'tua marched forwards and clan Ordo was eager to meet them, but like had happened before the moment they saw Taung ahead of the main force Clan Ordo warriors froze, unable to comprehend what they saw before they were gunned down by these relics of the past as the warriors of clan Gra'tua began to flood the streets.

Valar meanwhile was making a fool of himself as he wildly lunged and the Ordo warlord easily sidestepped the obvious strike, letting out a sigh. "And your true colours show, just a mindless, aggressive beast, pathetic."

Azazel's smile spreads wide as she unleashes her flames once more, a clear sign to her forces to go once more. Lydavis, a chance to rest in her travels readies to summon a new storm as Hakkri delightfully begins to fearmonger once more, Kitt and Janii sticking close to protect their mistress and deal damage. The rancor leads the charge in a bullrush followed by Azazel's forces.

Where the Taung cause shock where clan Gra'tua attacks. A different reaction takes place at where the forces of the Dark Lady, under the Dark Lady herself, terror. Flanked by her chosen and her Tuk'ata Azazel lets fire leap from her hands into the throngs of Ordo who get too close. Her Chosen gunning down those that were out of reach of the flames of their Dark Lady or the flamethrowers wielded by their brothers and sisters.

Lydavis seemed to become a ball of lightning, arcs of lightning leaping from her fingertips and blasted any who dared to get too close to her, some even disintegrated as several lightning blasts hit them.

Kitt followed her Dark Lady, mostly making sure to not get in the way of the purple flames and eliminating any Ordo that survived the flamer massacre. Quickly jumping aside as the Rancor punched out a wall causing a building to collapse with a number of Ordo warriors on top of it who screamed as they became buried under rubble.

Taung and terror tactics seemed to only carry a moment of shock for the Ordo as they retaliated... and retaliated hard. The Jendri Basilisks were shot down by the combined efforts of almost all surviving Jendri heavy weapon teams while Ordo commandos and assault warriors opened fire on Jendri forces to the east and at the sith armies to the west. Gunning down many of clan Gra'tua and also a number of Azazel's warriors. Azazel managed to get out of the way but one of her Tuk'ata and three of her chosen were not so fortunate. Kitt and lydavis both also took several hits but their shield and force protection soaked it up. Ibeth was once again hit but again his armour saved him... but as he looked down he saw a rather large hole in it, making him doubt that a next hit would be stopped by it.

Ky'ram was struck from behind by a Ordo warrior who snuck upon her but had not been expecting his blade to be stopped by a invisible force, leaving him quite vulnurable to her wrath. Latesh and Talinna were fighting side by side as a Ordo firing squad came out of cover and blasted at the two sith, their protection bubbles saving them from mortal injury. Bo's shield proved their worth as a E-Web blast struck Bo out of the sky, the shield soaking up the blast and her maintaining control of her jetpack the only thing saving her from crashing.

The Ordo warlord fighting Valar made a good boast but could not yet deliver as his strike was easily blocked by the sith lord, making the warlord consider for just a second that perhaps he had some skill after all, but only for a second.

Bo took a moment to check herself, seeing no holes there shouldn't be he was satisfied that she was ok, then the anger came and she took off, finding that E-Web that shot her down and kill any Ordo that were there while her commandos did the same in the surrounding districts.

She flew past and caught a glance of Azazels nikto glancing at his chest, seeming to shrugg and then raised his weapon again to blast apart some Ordo warriors.

Ibeth was having some trouble as suddenly the alarm of his weapon let itself be known that its charge was depleted and just as he went to replace it a trio of Ordo Warriors came charging towards him and did not go far as they were shot with precise shots from a nearby rooftop as Xen appeared as his cloaking device was deactivated when he opened fire.

Bo knew exactly where to find that E-Web and its crew and gunned them down without mercy in retaliation for shooting her out of the sky moments earlier, she touched down on the ground once they were dead, making sure to disable the heavy blaster weapon so Ordo couldn't retrieve it when ten Ordo warriors came charging at her from all sides, crying for her blood and revenge for their fallen brethern. Acting on instinct she activated her jetpack to float in mid-air a meter above the ground and then started to spiral around mid-air while activating her flamethrower creating a burning haze around her that engulfed the Ordo warriors, penetrating the seals of their armour to get at the flesh beneath and burned them alive. There was a inferno in the spot she was in and then she flew out of it, untouched by the flames and only leaving corpses behind.

Ky'ram glared as she formed a new bubble of protection around herself and then attacked the Ordo warrior who had tried to cowardly attack her form behind. Elsewhere Latesh and Talinna also reformed their protective shield and then unleashed chain lightning upon the Ordo Warriors while around them the warriors under their command simply charged in, engaging any Ordo they could encounter.

Valar whipped around, lashing out with both sabers, intend to take this enemy commander down and cut off his head. The Ordo had been too much of a annoyance to him this day.

Before Ky'ram could slay the warrior who had attacked her several soldiers under her command who had witnessed the attack did it for her, the force of ten blaster bolts hurling the Ordo warrior of his feet before he crumpled to the ground.

Latesh and Talinna walked away from the ambush they had walked into leaving only lightning charred corpses in their wake, as corpses twitched and shuddered still from some of the leftover electric charges that had fried them.

The Taung heavy weapon specialists were meanwhile cutting a murderous rampage through Ordo lines with the majority of clan Gra'tua warriors following in their wake, heading straight for the center of the enemy lines.
At the duel, the warlord managed to parry the first attack without effort and the second as well, straining to catch the blow in time... directly with his gauntlet and the warlord let out a chuckle. "Beskar... strong enough to stop those energy blades of yours.... strong enough to crush your throat too when I get my hands around your neck."

Azazel flicks her wrist tiredly, releasing another plume of fire, sweat beading and thanking that a end was beginning to look in sight as she saw the rapidly thinning Ordo numbers as there were far more dead than alive. Lydavis exhaustedly wraps a new bubble of protection flickering with lightning about herself and draws her sabers, charging with leaden legs into the fight. Kitt sets her shield to recharge before leaping back to battle, fists a fluid flurry. They were eager to see victory and see this day ended.

The constant battling was indeed taking a toll but even so Azazel's people were still steadily advancing through the war-torn districts and eliminating the opposition they were facing. The Mandalorians hurling grenades into buildings that were occupied by Ordo warriors to flush them out from where Azazel and her people could take them out without having to need to fight close quarters indoors.

One of the Mandalorians flying up high noticed a plaza not far off, seeing a figure wielding dual lightsabers battling another while there were a dozen or so surrounding the two of them watching but not participating. He quickly called it in to the Dark Lady, figuring she might want to hear that he had possibly discovered the whereabouts of her riduur.

Ordo were fighting al osing battle and they seem to know it as they just pulled back, deeper and deeper into the city while enemies approached from all sides, boxing them in.

At the plaza where the duel was taking place the warlord made a two-handed lunge at Valar who diverted it away from his chest to the side with both his blades and then pushed the warlord back. "Fine... you have some skill." He grudgingly admitted.

Bo saw the fuel reservoir of her jetpack was getting low and so she quickly foudn a spot to land, hearing someone move up behind her she snapped around, raising her blasters and luckily stopped herself from squeezing the trigger as she looked at the armour with clan Gra'tua markings. Laughing as she recognized it was the armour belonging to Ky'ram. "Well if we are meeting each other it means not many Ordo hu'tuun are left?" She grinned and gestured for some of the commandos to move on ahead, noticing more clan Gra'tua warriors and even some of Azazels coming through. "How many did we lose?"

Ky'ram shook her head, "Ask that again after the battle when we can make a proper count." She raised a lightsaber and blaster, "For now there are still Ordo to slay." With that said she jumped over a pile of rubble and rejoined her warriors. Bo chuckled and whistled, the Owls coming towards her and together they joined the rest of the forces to hunt down the last of the Ordo.

To Azazel it was clear that the battle was over. Still, Mando ways were Mando ways. She taps her commlink and directs, "End this. Flush them out and smother their resistance. I must see to my riduur." Xen grunts irritably but chatters over the line, "You heard the woman." Ibeth rubs his raw chest and begins directing tactical methods to progress through the city, having gotten an idea of the layout now.

As Azazel begins to head off towards Valar, she would find herself accompanied by both Kitt and Janii. It would seem her disciples were still seeing the streets run with blood but her attendants would see no harm to her yet. It was good. She steels herself to what lays ahead. If Valar failed, it fell to her.

There was no way out, no escape for Ordo as they were assailed from all sides, all they could do was go out like warriors, which they did as they engaged worthy opponents of their choice, fighting to the last. None seemed to want to surrender as they fought to the death.

Azazel and her escorts were waylaid on their way to the plaza where Valar had been seen fighting, the Cyborg woman's reflexes proved to be faster than those of Kitt or even Azazel as she gunned down the warriors in their path so they could continue, stepping over the corpses with their still smoking blaster wounds.

At the plaza the Ordo warlord stepped back, tilting his head as if listening and then let out a curse. "Well then... it seemed our efforts have failed... and we were so close..." He drew himself to his full length, Valar could feel the hostility and building rage aimed at him. "But I suppose if I kill you... not all is lost." And with that he attacked, swinging wildly but the sith lord jumped back, out of reach of the blade.

He snarled, whirling his blades around him, he had no desire to word a reply. Leaping towards the Ordo warriors he brought both his blades down, intending to break through whatever defense the warrior might bring to bear with his word or perhaps even those gauntlets of his and stab his sabers through the chest right through his heart.

The Ordo warrior blocked one of the blades with his sword and the other with one of his gauntlets, their helmets almost touching each other as they stood frozen like that.

She arrives upon the scene with her escorts and her fists clench within her gauntlets at the scene unfolding. Were it not for Mando meatheadedness, she would interfere this instance, tearing the Ordo scum apart from Valar for the trouble he had caused them all this day and cook him in his armour. Valar would not stand for it and it would besmirge her name throughout all of Mandalore society, though. So she waits, silently. Prowling closer, hand ready to draw her weapon should any hostility arise at her presence.

Some of the warriors raised weapons but at a bark from a warrior with officers markings they lowered them, instead opting to keep the new arrivals in their sights watching for any sign she might interfere in the fight.

The ordo warlord suddenly headbutted Valar, the clang of their helmets ringing loudly in the ears of all present, sending Valar reeling backwards, momentarily stunned, a condition which the Ordo warlord took advantage off as he grabbed Valar's left arm and squeezed, crushing through the sith lords armour and breaking his arm with a sickening crunch.

Valar screamed as he felt his arm break, crushed as if it was a piece of paper. Dropping Revans saber from his useless hand, he let out a shout of rage and with his one remaining saber he started lashing wildly at his opponent.

The Ordo warlord was laughing, parrying the first wild blows but then a wild lunge of the sith lord cast his blade aside and he was unable to move fast enough to stop the next attack as the lightsaber cut through his armour at his side, wounding him.

Azazel kept a flat affect on her face as she stared on, her hand gripping her sith sword tighter. She had eyes only for the duel. Inside of her, a feeling gnawed at her that she truly only felt before for one other. Now, this worry was growing for Valar. It was becoming apparent that if it took too much of a turn south, she would be unable to keep from interfering. Stupid man, why did he put her into such a situation. This was not relieving her chaos of emotions over the twins but exasperating them. She wanted to scream... The chaos in her head is interrupted as a hand grasps hers and draws her back to what was going on. Kitt gives her a hard look and shakes her head sadly. They both knew about those gauntlets and the damage they could cause--just how bothersome they could be to force-users. To go against them head-on without any force talents would be a great difficulty.

The wound had made him off-balance and as he made to swing his blade he actually tripped over his feet and fell on his face, cursing and quickly trying to rise before Valar might take advantage of his predicament.

With a growl he approached and stabbed down with his saber, intending to stab it right through his opponents head. Feeling the temptation to call upon the force to destroy this foe he resisted that urge and tried focusing his rage into stabbing the Ordo warlord repeatedly till he stopped moving.

He rolled away to avoid getting stabbed in the head but the lightsaber stabbed through his shoulder and part of his back, making the Ordo warlord cry out.

She hesitates for a moment, staring on. Maybe he might be fine afterall.

He lashed out at the sith lords legs as he rolled away and got back to his feet, failing to connect with the legs as Valar just took a step back to evade the wild swing.

Valar let out a wry chuckle, "If we fought to first blood I would have technically won... your fancy crush gaunts may have broken my arm but my blood still flows strong in my veins hu'tuun..." And he made a leaping strike at the warrior.

The warrior jumped back and snarled, "Big talk, and thats all you seem to be able to do." He punched the sith lord, the helmet preventing any damage but then slashed at Valar's right arm, cutting through a weak link in the armour that made his hand spasm and drop his lightsaber to the ground. The Ordo warrior followed that be quickly kicking the saber away.

Thinking Valar disarmed he turned to deliver a mercy killing blow when all of a sudden he noticed the blaster in the sith lords hands which he fired at point blank range, forcing him to take a step back as the blaster bolt hit him in the chest.

Valar used the brief respite he had created to drop his blaster and quickly summon his lightsaber back to his hand and tested his grip by swinging it in front of him. "I like to talk, perhaps... but at least when I talk I am still capable of inflicting damage, you may have disarmed me a moment ago but behold I have my saber back in my hand." He felt confident all of a sudden, as if he actually might have a chance now. He tapped into the force, trying to get a sense of his opponent and then smiled as if he learned certain... weaknesses and he laughed. "My, my... the great warrior of clan Ordo, came to destroy the Basilisk production of clan Jednri... how does it feel to have failed." He laughed again as he side-stepped the charge of the warrior, he had apparently struck a nerve. "The basilisk factory is still operational... alor Jendri lives... I live, my riduur lives. You are a failure to your clan." Again he laughed as he dodged another wild attack from the Ordo warrior, Valar spun around and kicked him in the back making him stumble and fall to the ground.

"You can't even stand on your own two feet... such a sad sight, to see someone who thinks himself a great warrior bumbling around like a drunk." He smiled, hidden behind the helmet as the Ordo warrior let out a cry of rage and came at him, swinging wildly. Valar laughed and ketp laughing as he parried the blows mockingly as if it took no effort to do so at all, as if he was playing with him until finally he seemed to have had enough and as the Ordo warrior raised his sword above his head for a massive overhead swing Valar stabbed his lightsaber forward and stabbed right through the armour till the hilt bumped against the armour. "So yes... I talk big... and perhaps too much... but now you are dead." He stepped back, deactivating his saber and watched the corpse crumple to the floor. "But you are dead...." He then looked up and glanced at Azazel, her people, Magog... and then at the Ordo warriors. "Any of you interested to continue fighting?" He asked, breathing hard.

Azazel releases a breath she had not realized she had been holding. She takes a step forward. Kitt was still holding onto her. She nods for the Echani to head towards the fallen Ordo warchief. They had been searching for gauntlets like those for her before, it was fortuitous. She approaches Valar herself, to see that he was well and put a buffer between him and any of the Ordo warriors. "You have done well this day."

The Ordo warriors looked at each other and then at the one with officers stripes who stepped forwards and gave a warriors salute as he addressed the two sith. "We have no desire to fight... you fought... well you won the duel... our forces have been decimated... we surrender. We actually... our al'verde." He gestured to the corpse, "He went rogue... according to him we of Ordo did not do what must be done... so he decided to go rogue... some of us questioned him when he brought in the droids of the independent systems... but we swore to follow him, now he is dead, and you, a alor in your own right, have defeated him, we are yours to follow... if you will have us."


It was several hours later, the last pockets of Ordo resistance had been neutralized and the two sith were now standing before alor Khalandra Jendri. Azazel in some new clothes since the ones she wore during battle had been burned away for the most part with her riduur, Valar, standing beside her, his wounds bandaged and his left arm in a cast with bacta patches. The leader of clan Jendri looked over the rubble of his capitals outer districts. "My citiy lies part in ruins... as do many other settlements in the heartlands of my clan... but they are still the heartlands of my clan, no Ordo banners and sigils are flying above them, so that is something." He turned to look at the two sith, "Thanks to you two. You have my thanks for your aid and support." He then frowned, "I had heard that the survivors claim their al'verde... had gone rogue, against the wishes of his clan by this attack, is this true?"

Azazel looked to Valar and noted the slightly faraway look that must be the medications he was on. She raises her chin and addresses the Alor Jendri, "That is what we have been told."

"A convenient excuse..." He shook his head and frowned, "Bringing the CIS into a clan dispute... those hu'tuun think us for fools, they think I am a old fool." He gritted his teeth. "I can only assume this will be a prelude to a war between us clans... for now they can claim this was just a rogue al'verde who led his warriors without the approval of his alor. But I will prepare clan Jendri for war." He looked Azazel and Valar in the eyes, "Can I count on you both to stand by my side if that time comes."

Valar blinked and shook his head to clear it, smiling wryly. "You gave me the right to have my own clan... you have aided my rise in respect and prestige. I cannot speak for my riduur and her clan. But clan Gra'tua will stand beside you when you need it... the Ordo want me death anyway." He turned to Azazel, trying to give her a look that he meant it that he would not pressure her to commit to anything.

Azazel bowed her head, "I support Valar in his undertakings, and I know in matters of Mandalorians, he does what is right. If he supports Jendri, I too shall support Jendri."

He kept looking at them both and then nodded. "I will remember that... now.. there is much to rebuild, much to prepare. You will have your death and injured to see too, as do I. Until we meet again... hopefully when we bring ruin and death to the Ordo. Ret'urcye mhi." He inclined his head and made to leave, pausing briefly. "Oh and Valar... to have one of my children join your clan is a great honour and for all intents and purposes she is now clan Gra'tua.... but if she dies dishonourable due to... your other activities... no power in this galaxy can hide you from my wrath." He put his helmet back on and then walked away, leaving the two sith behind him.

Valar watched him go and then let out a groan when the alor of clan Jendri was out of earshot. "Those painkillers last not nearly as long as Magog claimed they would..." He turned to Azazel, reaching out slowly to trace over her cheek and through her hair. "Thank you for being with me this day... you were able to... vent some aggression?"

Azazel's passive expression turns to a scowl in moments, "It was a distraction for a time... But make no mistake, there is still a fire beneath the surface that consumes me. Someone took our children, Valar. There will be death for that. Not quick and painless. They will burn slowly."

He pulled his hand back and balled it into a fist, looking at it for a moment before he looked back at Azazels face. "I share those thoughts Azazel... I will do all in my power to find out who took them." He then sighed. "Admittingly... my resources are limited in that regard... I admit to being more of a blunt instrument, aim me in the direction you want me to go and I will tear apart a planet if it will reveal a clue about their whereabouts.... Andrea promised help... perhaps we should ask Lena and Jacoiba for assistance too." Azazel could hear he was reluctant to voice it, not wanting to rely on anyone for help, especially other sith.

Azazel had to resist to slap him for such stupidity. "For a moment, stop to consider... What we are. Not the warrior sides that you are so proud of that fought today... But the other side, that while we've tried to deny and play nice, we all know looking over our shoulders for each other, for others of our kind." She clenches her teeth, "I trust Andrea, but... I do not know if it could have been Lena or Jacoiba who did this to us, Valar. Foremost, I think it was that wretched Traiserus, yes, but I have my doubts, and if it was them, they would sooner send us on wild hunts." She casts her eyes down, "I feel ashamed to admit these fears, that I cannot trust those who are to be allies, but.. Am I crazy to feel this way, to think these things, truly?"

He frowned, "Yes... I know it could easily have been either of them... or Andrea for that matter." He tilted his head and couldn't help but chuckle. "If I were truly paranoid I'd also suspect you for taking them after all... for that matter you could believe I took them." He clenched his right hand into a fist. "I think Lena can be trusted... she assisted me in acquiring some matters as you well know." He recalled the jealous outburst from Azazel when he informed her he had been travelling with Lena for a common goal when she had been pregnant still only a few months ago. "As for Traiserus... you would know best how to find him... I have no sources whatsoever in that region of space... but as I said... if you do know where to find him... I will send a army with me at its head to tear the place to find our children and then drag him before you so you can exact vengeance for kidnapping our little ones."

For a moment, her heart weeps for Valar. His trust was so easily won by a few token gestures. Did Lena suffer in that duel? And what was money, it was easy enough to come by in this galaxy for those with power and they all had it to spare. A frown creases between her brow still as she tries to smooth over her face, "I will have my sources continue to hunt for him. Andrea has called in favors that we are presently waiting to hear back on. This will end soon enough... And if he has them, they will be found. If not, Valar... Do not think I will not turn to our supposed friends next, because it was at your station they were whisked away. Were they your enemies, they would bear Mandalorian signs and colours, I am sure. Who else would know of our children, your station?" She shakes her head before grimacing, "Or do you think some of your peoples have stooped so low to hire mercenaries to steal babies fresh from the womb?"

"They wouldn't do that... but then I had never expected Ordo, even a renegade, find allies among the CIS." He frowns and made a sound of disgust and raised his hand in a gesture of annoyance. "Gah! Now I see possible kidnappers in every corner!" He shook his head. He opened his mouth, closed it and punched a nearby wall. "None of that matters." He glanced at Azazel, "We will find them and whoever is responsible will suffer, that is something we can agree upon." He looked over the ruins liek Jendri had done. "For now, lets bury the dead, celebrate... yes celebrate, for the victory we have gained her today and tomorrow... we might go our seperate paths and find our children... and when one of us does... we warn the other and together we get them back, agreed?"

She glances away and nods weakly, collecting her arms about herself. She truly did not feel like celebrating. Her people were about it already, but for herself there was still that hollow rage. "Yes, we shall. But you are right, celebrations. We have done great things today." She glances back slightly, sees his broken arm. She wonders silently the toll that the path to becoming mandalore would take on him.

He saw her looking and smiled wryly, "I knew this path would not leave my body undamaged, I live still and that is what matters." He extended his undamaged arm. "Now lets go down there... and look happy for our troops, even if we seethe with rage and grief within of what has happened to us." He said softly.

She remembered this. Back in front of the nobles in the Tapani sector. She takes his hand and smothers her feelings deep down, letting a small smile slip onto her face for him, "You are right... I am sorry." She gives his hand a small measured squeeze, "Thank you, for being at my side." Azazel looks ahead. She would weather this celebration for a time and then she would retreat, instructing Xen to begin preparations at once to head to Tapani space and contact the Network. They had been dormant too long.


Goran looked around, perhaps he should be flattered that Valar had put him in charge of a force of his warriors. But right now he felt a degree of apprehension knowing he would them in actual combat, the fact that it was against the same clan that orchestrated a assault on his clan, clan Silas, made him feel determined to see them fall. He turned to the other two commanders that came with him, "I want you both to head out and lead a platoon each, we will hit the enemy fast and hard, inflict as muc hdamage as we can in the initial attack before they knew what hit them."
Canderous hefted his modified E-Web, merely nodding while the sith disciple, Tihk, grinned and replied. "By your command." Before both headed out to follow his orders and once they were in palce the Raider tanks advanced quickly, opening fire when they were i nrange with the Goliath walkers providing support on the flanks.
The reinforcements send from the main force closing in.

They had surprise on their side as the Clan Gra'tua force under Goran attacked the Ordo forces besieging Rask. Destroying the enemy vehicles in their path. Those Ordo troops closest turning just in time to see a double-bladed sith saber twirling in a arc and cutting them to pieces while a bulky warrior hefted a E-web on his own and mowed them down.

This did not demoralise them in any way as they turned to face the new threat at their backs like professional and organized soldiers, opening fire and downing clan Gra'tua assault warriors, some blaster fire even stripped away Tihk's force protection bubble, leaving him quite vulnurable.

On the other side of the river the few remaining squads of clan Jendri were forced to do a fighting retreat as the Ordo and CIS force advanced on without signs of slowing down.

Ordering the regular troops to pull back, Goran ordered the Goliath walkers to advance with their flamethrower weaponry to clear a path through the enemy assault company, focusing the raider tanks on the remaining vehicles and directing Canderous and his platoon to engage the enemy heavy weapons teams. Still hearing reports of enemy troops advancing up the road he ordered the company of heavy weapon warriors and the Zabrak combat engineers to head to that road and start setting up mines, roadblocks, defensive fortifications or mines, anything they could do to prepare and entrench themselves to await the enemy advance.

Tihk cursed in Nautolan as he formed a new bubble around himself to protect against future enemy fire.

The Raider tanks and Canderous platoon exchanged fire with the enemy but that was all that could be said of that. Tihk and his platoon, supported by the flamer walkers proved differently as Tihk, perhaps enraged at the assault upon his own person jumped right in the middle of a Ordo squad and sliced them literally apart with his blade, showing no mercy or restraint.

Meanwhile the Zabrak Combat Engineers has problems, large craters unsuited for fox holes and various wrecked vehicles were in the way and they were not sure they could get anything prepared but they reported they would do all they could.

The Ordo at Rask seemed intent on taking the city, destroying the last remaining squads of a Jendri Assault company and charged in, eager for the kill when the remaining Jendri heavy weapons teams appeared from hidden position and opened fire, gunning down the Ordo advance, keeping them at bay still.

On the bridge clan Jendri scored no more kills but were able to also retreat to Rask without incurring any more casualties, the enemy seeming to be bogged down in the battle damaged streets of Rusk.

Seeing how the battle went Goran frowned, "This is Goran Silas, a commander of clan Gra'tua to Jendri forces within Rask, do not fire upon the walkers, they are coming in to flank the enemy. Tihk, Canderous, wipe them out, I need to pull the Raiders out to prepare for the incoming enemy from the south-eastern road." He spoke quickly, as he issued the orders and ordered the command crawler to follow the Raider tanks. "I do not care about the wreckage, just get it done!" He shouted in response to the report of the Zabrak CE's reports.

It seemed shouting at the Zabrak Combat Engineers spurred them on and next time they reported that they had some defensible positions setup, and just in time as the enemy was closing in. With the goliath tanks taking care of the Ordo infantry clan Jendri's heavy wepaon teams focused on the Ordo tanks and managed to destroy them all, wiping out the Ordo forces on this side of the river.

Aboard the command crawler Goran was on the comms crackled to life as a gruff, strained but distinctly female voice came on. "Gra'tua commander, you are most... welcome. I am.." She trailed off as a coughing fitt seem to overcome the individual on the other end. "I am Sanjida Jendri, daughter of alor Jendri. I was tasked with defending these twin cities... the Ordo hu'tuun have taken Rusk, I need assistance in taking the city back." Again a coughing fit interupted her. "Can we count on you?"

"We have incoming troops down the south road... but I can send two platoons worth and several support vehicles to assist your forces in retaking the other city, however I advise on holding this city and if we manage to destroy one of the enemy forces we can concentrate on eliminating the remaining enemy." He watched the sensor screens, "I must go now, the enemy from the south is coming into range, on my honor we will fight off these invaders. Shereshoy!" He went and manned the turret gun himself, still speaking on the comms to the troops lying in wait, "This is Goran Silas.... the moment we see the clan Ordo forces up that road... we fire with everything we have, we will make the mthink the will have walked right into the sun and be blasted to pieces, for the clan, for Mandalore!"

The words had not left Goran's lips or the Ordo troops came up the road, the commander going to the controls of the twin blaster cannon of the command vehicle and open fire upon them himself while shouting orders. Concentrated fire from the Kedin Crawler's turret gun took down the leading enemy Canderous tank, inspiring the troops under his command the other Gra'tua forcers and tanks opened fire to devastating effect and decimating the remaining Canderous tanks and forward lines of Ordo infantry.

The devastating barrage of fire from Goran and the troops under his command had unnerved the Ordo troops completely, they had been supposed to reinforce their fellow clan members who had last reported to be winning but it seems something had changed greatly and the remaining soldiers out of desperation more than reason simply charged at the Gra'tua lines, shooting wildly.

Across the river the Ordo sub-commander noticed that Jendri had gotten reinforcements and were ready to defend the bridge, sending the CIS droids forwards and prepared to follow in their wake, using the Droids to lure out the fire of the enemy Jendri positions to mark their positions.

Jendri was not aware or did not care for this tactic as they just opened fire, some cheering as clan Gra'tua forces marched forwards, bolstering their morale along with the fact that their commander while wounded also resumed fighting, driving her people on and destroyed the CIS battle tanks and scores of battle droids at the front.

Goran looked on in disgust at the charging Ordo troops, "They've gone mad... put them out of their misery, all warriors fire at will!"

Arriving at their positions at the bridge Tihk stood down, he had no ranged weapon and the bridge was a nice killing zone for ranged weaponry so he simply ordered the paltoon with him to open fire, seeing Canderous standing upon a pile of rubble blasting away with his own platoon around him doing the same as the battle droids started to cross.

The Ordo 'reinforcements' were cut down, the only ones who survived being the rational ones who saw their brothers and sisters fall down beside them and just dropped their weapons and raised their arms. Knowing they couldn't outrun the enemy vehicles and even if they got outside the shield the enemy fighters they had witnessed attacking their allies at Harjan would be waiting for them. So those that raised their arms in surrender hoped that clan Gra'tua was in the taking prisoners kind of mood.

Clan Gra'tua assault warriors and the goliath walkers began laying down fields of suppresive fire at the advancing droids, taking some down but not slowing their advance. Canderous Gra'tua showed some bravery and skill however as he stood unafraid atop his pile of rubble, blasting apart swathes of droids with his modified e-web.

The droids advancing did their job as a distraction, the enemy positions revealed were pinpointed by the Ordo troops following behind as they opened fire they killed several Jendri squads and even some clan Gra'tua soldiers, Canderous was also targetted, with him standing proudly like a target but the heavy weapons warrior managed to get out of the way before his position was hit by various blaster bolts. A goliath walker was not so lucky as it was blasted apart by a trio of rockets coming from B2 super battle droids.

"Cease fire, I said cease fire!" Goran ordered as he saw the surviving enemy lay down their arms. After a quick moment of thought he ordered the company of Mandalorian Heavy weapon soldiers and the Zabrak to keep their weapons trained upon their new prisoners and at the first sign of them resuming hostilities they were to open fire at once. Goran himself tasked the Kedin Crawler and Raider tanks to head into Rask and support the troops there.

Fighting resumed at the bridge while Goran and his tanks approached, Canderous having slipped on the rubble to evade getting hit earlier was only now getting to his feet, even so without him the troops and Goliath walkers dealt with most of the advancing droids, leaving only a pitiful amount remaining.

Nearing the end of the bridge the Ordo started a quick advance, their remaining commandos activating jetpacks and getting up on the highest arches of the bridge to rain down fire from above but the returning fire from clan Jendri pinned them down to create a stalemate.

Goran did not hesitate as he surveyed the scene when his command crawler and the Raider tanks arrived at the bridge, "Goran to all forces, the tanks will advance and either shoot or push the Ordo of that bridge!" He said through gritted teeth as he resumed control of the turret weapon.

There was confusion among the ranks of clan Ordo when out of nowhere new enemy vehicles appeared and made their way across the bridge. This distraction proved most fatal to the remaining B2 super battle droids and the Ordo commandos as the Gra'tua assault troopers gunned them down while the raider tanks blew apart large numbers of the advancing Ordo heavy weapons teams... but not all of them.

Still with tanks right in front of them the Ordo troops couldn't hit them to be worth a damn, their weapons bouncing off the Raider tank shields or not able to penetrate their heavy armour.

Hearing the whoops and cheers of the Raider tank crew Goran couldn't help but allow hismelf a brief smirk before he wiped it off his face. "No time to get arrogant, these are enemy Mando'ade! Open fire, cut them down!" He urged them on as it seems these warriors did not seem to want to surrender like those he faced before.

They in fact did not want to surrender and this caused them to be gunned down by the combined might of Gorans forces and the Jendri survivors. As the last of the weapons fire died down it became clear the twin cities of Rask and Rusk were once again secured.
Search for the Ship of Randon Triangle
A Story of Neia and Ba'alkyri
Randon Triangle

Neia was leaning against the ships command throne, watching Kiyla at work at the controls. "So are we almost-" She began but stopped when the Twi'lek held up her hand to quiet her. The ship lurched, the plates under their feet having a slight tremble as they dropped out of hyperspace, with the ships captain turning to look at Neia with a amused look. "Nevermind I can see we have arrived. What about-" Again Kiyla held up her hand and gestured out of the viewport as a second ship dropped out of hyperspace. Neia looked at her old friend and frowned, "And you are not a jedi, right?" She smiled when Kyla laughed, shaking her head as she moved to the communications console and contacted the other vessel. "This is Neia on the Free Trade Gambit... well we are officially in the Randon Triangle now, now decide what we do next I suppose." She said softly and smiled as the holographic image in front of her formed into the woman she loved.

She had her legs crossed, balancing in the command chair, foliage, like that of which was scattered about much of the ship, tickling her cheek from a hanging plant overhead as the ship lurched and broke her meditation. She opens her eyes and raises her head just in time to catch Whrith, whose eyes were closed, knocking Kreeva on the hand with his sabercane for attempting to tickle his sensory organ between his eyes with a fallen leaf. She smiles lazily before casting her gaze to the holograph flickering to life before her, "This is Ba'alkyri of the Angelus Sanctimonia... I don't think we'll get anywhere by sitting here.. I think we should press on. We will have the advantage in that we'll be expecting them, I'm sure." She stands slowly and straightens out her robes, "Or do you have a different feeling?"

She thought it over, "This Randon Triangle has set me thinking for a while now, all these ships vanishing... whoever is shooting them down is very well informed when and how those ships moved through the area. Meaning either a inside source when those ships set out... but that option I discarded when most of the ships appeared to be independent smugglers and other gray... or black market traders. Who are not known to publicly post their departure and arrival schedules... which leaves either some kind of sensor network or the ship, or ships, responsible are lying in wait at certain hyperspace lane entrances or exits. So I was going to propose to drop out in such areas, scan what we can and see if we get lucky or a clue. What do you think?"

She raises her brows and nods, "It could not do any harm. The worst it does is cost us time and draws attention to us." Ba'al hesitates before looking at Neia's image, "I have it in my mind, though, that should we come across these rogues before laying bare this mystery, I should arrange a party to board their vessel and find answers there face-to-face."

She blinked and facepalmed with a groan and then hurriedly explained herself before Ba'al could draw a wrong conclusion. "What you just said, about drawing attention to us and boarding them. I fully agree with boarding them but i just realized... our ships are... well warships almost. I doubt these pirates or whoever they are would attack us if its just one ship... or that ship must be really powerful. I think I may have to send Vette ahead in her modified vessel as... for lack of a better word, bait. With us ready to drop in and come to assist her... or we might risk scaring off these pirates or force them to come at us in larger numbers than we might handle if they have the ships and resources."

She opens her mouth before closing it and simply nodding her head, "Very well. You have a fair point." She folds her arms together, placing them in her sleeves. Just in that moment, Casa Nova butts in so that Neia would see him, raising a brow, "Oh, I know you were going to say hi. You hadn't forgot about me. But really, Neia, you could do much better, though. Poor Ba'al here is barely keeping up." He turns to the Jedi and grasps her hand, "Ba'al, you'll always have your looks, love, and when she leaves you, I'll be here, with wide open arms to catch you." He turns back to Neia, "But I'm thinking you should go for someone about 1.4 meters, lush golden fur, face of a god. Know anyone like that?"

Neia looked towards the Bimm and in a deadpan and her utmost serious voice responded. "Actually, you are exactly the type of person we need, congratulations Casa Nova, if Ba'al gives her blessing then we full welcome your selfless action of volunteering to accompany Vette aboard her vessel to scout ahead... it is rather perilous and you might die if these unknown forces find the Passing Shadow before we can come in to assist but I am certain you will manage..."

If Casa Nova could blanch he would have as he draws back just a fraction, "Now, now, Neia. Let us not rush to any brash decisions we might find ourselves regretting. Would you not miss my bright smile and twinkling eyes blessing your halls?" He flashes his roguish smile.

Ba'al steps back forward and places a soothing hand on Novae's shoulder, feeling the fear flooding through him at the prospect of being on the ship, "Be at ease, Casa Nova. No harm will come to you. We will be right behind in order to assist should you need it. However, Vette does not have your talents or knowledge and could be in need of your help. I think Neia's idea is sound."

Casa Nova casts her a wary glance before his chest begins to puff out with pride and he gets a wide grin across his face. His fingers go to his mustache to play through it as he considers, "Well, when you put it that way, how could I leave this maiden Vette without my expert know-hows and masteries."

"Have to remind Vette to set her blaster on stun..." She murmured to herself before clapping her hands together. "Right then, we have a plan. I will send Vette over to dock briefly with your vessel so Casa can get aboard and we will send the two of them ahead to scout and alert us at once when they find something out of the ordinary."


Casa Nova had been walking around the ship anxiously, fretting about the travel before, finally, nerves too rattled, he did what Casa Nova does best. With a grand gesture, he sweeps to his feet before Vette and flashes a smile, "They never said I would be sharing a cabin with such a blue beauty. Strike my heart to pieces, had I known, I might have protested for I do not think I stood a chance once I laid eyes upon you."

She checked over the controls and looked at the little Bimm from the corner of her eyes. "You still might not stand a chance even after laying eyes on me now." At the back of her mind she was trying to think of the reason why Neia might want to punish her but came up empty. "Dropping out of hyperspace in five minutes, going to set the ship on passive and active scanning the moment we are in real space."

He mimes as if he has been pierced through the heart and shuffles closer upon his knees, clutching hands together as if pleading unto her, "Dearest Vette, how cruel. To withhold from me your affections after so ensnaring me." He casts his eyes up to her and gives her a determined look, "But fear not, as hopeless as it might seem, I shall not give up. Rebuff me now, but I feel once you have opened your heart, you will find me there."

Vette turned around facing Casa Nova, tilting her head and then stood up from her chair and marched towards the kneeling Bimm, grabbing him by the collar and picked him up, kissing him soundly with a smirk. "Listen little furball, I'm all up for flattery but right now, we are on a job so lets be professionals about this." She then reached down and grabbed him between the legs, cupping a feel and nodded. "Huh, had honestly expected smaller." She then let go of him, dropping him to the ground as she went back to her chair, the ship dropping out of hyperspace at that moment.

He felt a bit of heat beneath his fur at the sudden turning of the tables. He coughs and straightens his coat and tries to look as composed as can be as he moves to her side, "Big things come in small packages." He leans against her chair and looks at the scanners, "I suppose I could behave myself... Just a little... For now."

Vette smirked and gave the little Bimm a wink before she resumed the controls, "Ok nothing to see here it seems, let's head to the next point." She send a signal to the ships behind them that they were moving on as she set a course for the next hyperspace jump-point.


She was humming softly to herself as they reached the next exit to realspace, glancing at Casa Nova and chuckled. "Ok I didn't had the intention to completely shut you up, you may talk you know." She smirked.

He smirks, "Yes, I suppose I should continue too woo such a fine maiden as yourself." He winks and makes to dance his fingers friskily over parts of her before looking back up. "Is this something routine for you, working for Neia? What's it like?"

She glanced to the side, watching his fingers like a hawk as she answered his questions with a shrug while setting the ship to scan again. "She hired me a year or so back, been into all kinds of jobs and wandered before meeting her... she gave me a position in her organization and a place to call home. So I am happy to run this kind of missions for her, looking for a ghost ship or ships that harass any traveling through is new to me though... what about you, how's it like working with a Jedi?"

His face suddenly drained of any amusement and his hand went to his cheek as if to rub out any soreness, "Well... It keeps me... honest. The good fight and all that. And apologizing to men, women and a few children has not been fun. They have words amongst other things to part with you." He shrugs, "She's alright, though. Just odd."

At that point the sensors blared a warning, at the edge of their range the readings of two ships and it seems one was opening fire on the other and then the other ship just vanished from the screen, evidently destroyed. The remaining vessel changed course swiftly and was headed straight towards the Passing Shadow, its crew having detected the newcomer.

She cursed, and hurriedly spoke to Casa Nova. "Well we found them, strap yourself in and send a message back to the others while I will start already on outrunning them." She went over the controls and veerd off, wanting to be far ahead of that ship and out of its range.

Casa Nova nods and hops into his own chair, engaging the comm systems to contact both Neia and Ba'al. "Laaaadies. It seems we have ourselves a visitor. If you would be so kind to join us, it would be most appreciated, thank you," his voice was strained to cracking as he watches Vette nervously.

She diverted more power to the engines, as much as she could and sped ahead, checking the sensors nervously and letting out a brief sigh of relief when she noticed they were keeping well ahead of the unknown vessel, even though it seemed to be able to keep up.

Casa Nova looked out nervously and his eyes bugged for a moment, "Blast, they're launching fighters."

She cursed again, "How good are you on a gun?" As she set the controls to make sure he had access to the gunnery controls if it came to that, where were Neia and Ba'al!?

He opens his mouth for a moment, "Well, I know which end shoots." He smiles hopefully as he moves to take the gunnery controls, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves as he takes aim.

The unknown fighters closed in, slowly but steadily and when Casa Nova opened fire with two of the retractable laser cannons of the Passing Shadow they swerved and dodged the blasts easily, but alerting them that the vessel ahead was armed.

She muttered a prayer as she contemplated taxing the engines even more if possible, even though they were keeping ahead of the enemy fighters

Casa Nova wonders if he was doing it right for a moment as he takes aim again and tries once more. This time, he proves more successful as three fighters are blasted to bits under his most expert skills. He looses a whoop and punches the air before twirling his mustache and hunching back under the controls ready to shoot down some more.

And at that point...

Both the Free Trade Gambit and Angelus Sanctimonia dropped out of hyperspace.

Neia blinked and looked at the screens, the message they had gotten sounded like their scouts had found what they were looking for but that they also had been discovered in return. "Hail Vette, I want to know where they are and where the pirate is."

Kiyla gestured to one of the screens near the command throne. "Got them, they've got fighters in pursuit of them... and I assume the big blob." She enhanced it and they all saw the double hulled vessel from the smugglers image. "Is our pirate, there he is. Ok first order of business, launch fighter, interceptors to the Passing Shadow, everything else defensive screen and await further orders while we come about and face the pirate, charge the planetary ion cannon. Lets show them what happens if you pick on the little guys."

Ba'al took a deep breath as Zobis hissed at her side, "This one is ready to take command, sky warrior." Ba'al nods, "Do so. If Neia does not destroy the ship with the first volley, there is information to be found." She stands and nods to her her fellows, those who had trained with her but had now surpassed. They rose with her and the padawans got the gist, scrambling to their feet to follow. She sends words for those few Cathars on her ship that had remained with her to join her as well as the firedancers. Meanwhile, Zobis instructs the launch of the starfighters to assist and instructs in the firing of the spinal turbolaser.

For a moment nothing changed but then, the capital class vessel turned about and started fleeing away from the two new arrivals, the fighters in pursuit of the Passing Shadow doing the same as they broke off and went after their mothership as fast as they could.

The Free Trade Gambit opened fire at the retreating vessel, the massive ion charge glancing the after of the vessel, sapping quite a lot from its shield but it was still going.

Kiyla frowned, "Well they are running scared, in pursuit, I want bombers with interceptors in escort go after it and disable their engines, we want her in a large enough piece to board people. So let's get to it!" She grinned, "The hunt is on!"

Zobis hisses, irate when she is told their weapons were out of range and that the enemy was fleeing. "Then pursuit the ship and get in range." She grips the rail, "And tell the sky warrior's craft to hold off launch until we have caught up."

The chase began in earnest, the various squadrons getting closer but not yet in weapons range. The Free Trade Gambit seemed to have some engine trouble at first but the issue was resolved within moments as it sped up. The Angelus Sanctimonia was however in range with its heavy weaponry now as the ship ahead kept fleeing.

Plasma blasts soared through the void of space from the Angelus, forcing the unknown vessel to veer away to evade them but flying straight into the ion charge from the Gambit and with a flash on the sensors of all vessels it was clear the unknown vessel was now without shields and seemed to have lost some power in its engines.

Proton torpedoes, mass drivers were launched or fired from the squadrons in pursuit, some glancing off armour but others hitting home as two of the engines of the vessel blew up... still it limped on and then with a flash jumped to hyperspace, a small trail of debris in its wake as the seven fighters also jumped to hyperspace.

Zobis stands there, mouth agape, before she slumps back into the command chair. They were beyond their reach for now. To try and follow them would likely mean death. They had jumped, risking death where there was no hyperspace lane... Unless there was one they knew not of, but then, they wouldn't know how long to follow. She closes her eyes, "This one asks you call back the sky warrior. There is nothing to do of this matter now." She taps her claws before contacting over to Neia's ship. "This one is sure you know what just happened. This one is alarmed, but will inform the sky warrior of the passing, but wonders what your thoughts, might be of this. What you might wish to do now."

Kiyla opened and closed her mouth before shaking her head, looking at Neia who looked as stunned as she was. "I... I... ok what kind of poodoo are we dealing with!?"

Neia frowned, "I have no idea..." She muttered and looked at the image of Zobis. "I think we are all shocked right now. Those people either have nerves of steel or they know hyperspace we have no knowledge off." She clacked her tongue. "At least we confirmed the existence of that ship... and... not all maybe lost." She tapped Kiyla on the shoulder and gestured to the area the Passing Shadow had been engaged with the unknown fighters. "I want all that debris collected and brought aboard... and assuming they were not droid fighters or some such, lets find out if any pilots have survived."

Several of Neia's Vulture Assault boats went out to tractor in the various pieces of debris of the starfighters and the capital vessel and brought it back to the Free Trade Gambit, among the pieces a intact cockpit of one of the fighters with its pilot still alive according to scanners.

In the Passing Shadow, Vette had grabbed hold of Casa's collar and pulled him over the console towards her, their lips locked for several seconds now as she suddenly broke it off and let go, letting out a sigh and laughed. "Ha! We survived that! Exciting, wasn't? I can't wait till the next encounter!"

Casa Nova's normal suave appearance was ruffled and he laughs with her, "Ah, just another misadventure for this dashing debonaire, but yes, quite exciting!" He grins and tips her chin, "But let's say we make our way back. I can think of a few ways we can celebrate our triumph over death today."

She just smirked as she plotted a course to the Gambit. "So can I, but I will accept a drink or dinner for now." She winked at him and laughed again as she guided the ship to the hangar.[/hr]
Kuryi Gabriel Saros
Preparing to Depart the Smugglers Moon

Kuryi had spent the last several days on Nar Shaddaa after his meeting with the Lady Lena. Visiting old haunts locating old contacts, and finding a few of them were dead from various causes. a short recruiting drive went hand in hand with those visits and forty ex-soldiers, gangers and a few refugees from the war that knew how to handle a blaster had chosen to join up with the Saros Outfit. Adia had taken charge of them for the time being, giving them the basic crash course in Kuryi's rules before they were shipped back to Saya Mountain for a more intensive training course to integrate them fully as enforcers in the Outfit. Kuryi had also spent some time taking orders for starships and personal craft that would help expand his business, the shipyards at Arami were proving lucrative and he had put serious thought into a second operation in another location.

What Kuryi had spent the the morning organising however was of a rather more personal nature, the purchase of one of the luxury Sky Palaces that floated through Nar Shaddaa's skies, one of the deluxe models no less. The upper levels put most of the casino penthouses on Nar Shaddaa to shame, both in capacity and architectural beauty.

The middle levels contained a couple of private hangers, a barracks control systems for the palace and the defensive controls. They also contained a few office-like rooms that Cyphor planned to operate his interests on Nar Shaddaa and the local region of space from. A number of floor were mostly barren open area's that Kuryi could expand his facilities into at a later date.

The lower floors were actually the start of a more long term presence for the Saros Outfit on Nar Shaddaa, a Casino and more casual Cantina turned over some small profit and also made for a good place to hold less formal meetings or entertain clients or peers in comfort. The facilities available were only relatively basic for now but like the office floors there was room to expand.

He'd even got a real bargain of sorts on the palace. The current owner was being investigated for numerous counts of cheating the Hutts. At least that was the official statement. Kuryi had looked into the guy only to discover he had a sizable bounty on his head and the Hutts were selling off all his assets out from under him in order to flush him into the open. Kuryi guessed the guy was long gone now, probably hiding in republic space. He had used the palace as his base of operations and home before the Hutts caught onto him so the Hutts had teams of people going over everything left behind, selling what they could for credits and using any information they could to locate where he may have run too.

Kuryi had been informed they would take the better part of a month to clear the palace out, and of course there was the usual legal bureaucracy involved in officially making Kuryi the new owner It would give Kuryi the time needed to arrange his expansions and organise people to staff the the Casino and Cantina. So the wait time was not too troublesome. All up it had cost him about two and half million credits, for what it was, that was practically a steal.

Closing the file Kuryi had been working on in preparation for moving some operations into the sky palace, his confidential line indicator had just lit up and he was eager to see what he would find in the dead drop address...
… It seemed the Lady Lena had been good on her word and quick at that, she had news of his rival, something she had explained would be well worth the price. She was requesting a meeting on The Wheel to discuss the details. That was all Kuryi needed to read before he ordered the helm officers to set a course for The Wheel.

As The Art of Battle left Nar Shaddaa orbit Kuryi checked on the remainder of his correspondence. His explorers had located something very interesting that he would need to look into further later, it was going to take considerable capital to take advantage of if the reports were true. He made a note to have Bapyr look over the report and give him a more accurate assessment on the financial side. He then made a note to have Gris and Myra check out the location personally for a more first hand assessment. There was also some odd business happening on Bothwei that he also made a note for Bapyr to investigate when he was made his report on the Explorers findings.

Kuryi reviews his purchase of a Sky Palace on Nar Shaddaa before departing for The Wheel
he also checks his other correspondence and receives information from his satellite network on Bothwei and his explorers contacts.
Tales of Lenas,
The Wheel

Within the confines of the Night Owl Lena, or a force duplicate of herself, was sitting with crossed legs, her eyes closed as she meditated but aware of her surroundings, even so the only warning she got that someone was near was when a clawed hand gently touched her shoulder, hearing the voice of Ko'Chul gently announce they had arrived at the Wheel. She nodded slowly that she was awake and had heard but kept meditating, focusing on the force, the link she shared with the primary and then send a brief thought that they had arrived. Once that was done she opened her eyes and slowly rose up, straightening her robes as she headed to the exit, seeing Ko'Chul and two of the five Noghri assassins aboard waiting for her. "It will take some time for this Kuryi Gabriel Saros to hear about this meeting I wished to arrange, but there is also a person of interest I came to see, Jahzeera Natallis she is supposed to be on the station. But she need to be found first, so we will split up for the moment and do our best to locate her." With that said she and the Noghri walked off the ship and ventured deeper into the station.

Several hours passed and none of the Noghri nor Lena herself had any luck in locating this Jahzeera Natallis but on her search Lena found herself in a more downtrodden and derelict area of the Wheel and she got the distinct feeling she was no longer alone. A feeling that was vindicated when suddenly in front of her a sentient blocked her path and behind her two more blocked her escape. The one in front a human flashed a smile of broken teeth and held up a pipe. "Hey there pretty lady... don't see your kind that often in these parts, you look too... expensive... to be down here, so why don't you hand any credits you have offer and we let you go... after."

She frowned, this was a distraction she rather not be involved in but she was, she tried to form a bubble of protection around herself. "You are in no luck, I have no credits on my person and I am not interested in anything else you may want from me and in fact I advise you to back away. Or you will regret it."

The human blinked, looking over her shoulder at his two buddies and let out a rough laugh shared with the two others. "Ooooh... scary." He laughed again. "You are just a lady with a fancy cane, maybe you don't have credits but that cane sure looks like it's worth something as for the other, well if you struggle we might have to bruise you a little." He slapped the pipe in his open for emphasis.

She sighed, closing her eyes and then opened them again. "As you wish." And she reached out with the force to grab hold of the three men with the force.

Just as the three of them took a step forwards towards her they suddenly seemed to lose their balance and then started floating up. "Ferglutz!? What the fuck is going on!?"

She held her hand up, her hand forming a open claw as if grabbing something mid-air. "You should have listened to my warning, now it is too late." And with that she started to close her hand as if crushing a piece of fruit in her hand and applied force crush on the floating figures in her grasp.

At first nothing seemed to happen except the angry and frightened cursing and shouting of the three thugs but then the felt something heavy pressing in on them from all sides and they started to panic as they could no longer breathe as if a giant weight was on their stomach. Not long after that the sickening cracking and crunching began as their limbs became twisted and started to bend at unnatural angles, until their forms were just simply crushed into a pulp.

She let go of what was left of her would-be assailants, shaking her head and quickly started walking, stepping over the pile that had been the spokesperson of the robbers. She had a feeling she should continue her search elsewhere on the station.


Several more hours passed with no luck in their search, several districts of the station switching to evening and night settings now but finally Lena herself found out about the current location of Jahzeera Natallis, she was supposedly at the Quiet Womprat a cantina of some kind and found her way there, arranging a meet with her Noghri nearby.

She went to them, smiling upon seeing some familiar and friendly faces now. "Well from what I discovered she is supposed to be in here, I will go meet her, alone. Assuming that will be possible, Ko'Chul I want you and the others to go inside and... become part of the background as it were and just keep a eye, if this goes wrong I may require your assistance."

Ko'Chul smiled showing of her fangs as she bowed, "We will be your guardian shadows, as always."

Nodding she reached and squeezed the shoulder of her oldest friend and ally, gesturing her to go inside with the two others. While she waited for a moment before going in herself and go to the bar to ask any of the staff where she could find her quarry.

Asking the bartender when he had a moment got her a shrug and he gestured to a private booth to the side, "She paid good money for that private booth... didn't pay to stop anyone asking for her, so go right ahead I suppose." With that said he had better things to do as a small crowd of a Nikto freighter came asking for drinks.

As Lena walked to the booth, in the far corner of the cantina where the crowd had thinned considerably since it was quite a distance from the bar, she saw the woman in question sitting in the booth alcove, facing the entrance nursing a lone drink. She was wearing full black armour, a blaster rifle propped up on the bench to her right and her helmet was placed beside her glass, noticeable was a very large crack in the visor of the helmet. When Lena approached she glanced her way briefly and then moved on, before moving back when it seemed clear Lena was moving directly towards her. As Lena stood in the entrance she rose a eyebrow questioningly, "Who are you and what do you want."

"My name is Lena, lady Lena to some. My apologies for interrupting you but i had heard you were in these parts and wished to talk to you, unless this is a bad time?" She asked, trying to not be threatening or aggressive in any way.

For a moment she scowled and then sighed, gesturing to the opposite end of the booth and then placed her hand back down beside her under the table. "Eh any time is bad these days but right now, the fact you did not try to kill me earns you some time to talk to me I suppose, sit down."

She inclined her head in thanks for the offer and sat down. "I see, well I have no interest in killing you." She paused looking at the woman, sighing deeply for a moment as she considered her next action. She seemed wary to her so perhaps the truth would be the best course of action here. She raised her cane and unscrewed her lightsaber hilt from it, placing it on the table and gently shoved it her way. "I assume you know what that is?"

Jahzeera looked at the hilt, narrowing her eyes as she reached out and picked it up, studying it before putting it back down, looking rather warily at the woman sitting opposite her. "Yes... I know what that is, question is do you? And if you do, how did you get it?"

Placing her arms on the table and intertwining her hands together she took a deep breath and opened her mouth to answer, "It is a lightsaber and it is mine. For I am a force user, to some I am called a sith."

The sound was muffled but unmistakable a blastershot, loud enough for Lena to hear but not loud enough to disrupt the cantina crowd. The ray of energy was shot from the blaster pistol in Jahzeera's hand under the table pointing at Lena but instead of hitting the woman in the stomach the blaster impacted upon the wall behind her. As the sith's form became transparent and shuddered when the blaster was supposed to impact upon her stomach. The armoured woman blinked confused, "Ok... that is new, did not look like a hologram. You better start talking or I shoot again... because you do look like it hurt somehow."

She gritted her teeth, concentrating hard, that blastershot she knew must have hurt her form. From experimenting she knew that with enough physical trauma her duplicate would cease to exist. "It is a technique of the force, I am technically not really here. A 'clone' and yet extension of the real Lena. I use this technique at times when I am needed at several places at once. I can actually exchange thoughts when I meditate with the 'original' so we can keep up to date with the original and any other clones currently in existence. So yes, I am a force user and I am aware you were once part of a organization that specialized in hunting down, capturing or killing my kind. I have a colleague who refers to your branch as 'Blackwatch', she is dramatic like that. I am also aware that whoever you served, whatever organization it was, has fallen into disarray. Those of 'Blackwatch' still alive either disbanded, becoming bounty hunters, mercenaries, simply dropped their weapons and armour and started to live normal lives or continued as they were but now on their own, finding force users and hunting them down as if still obeying whatever orders were handed down from your former organization.

As for you, I gathered you had become a mercenary of hire. I know it is a long shot, but I was hoping I might acquire your services and offer you a position in my ranks. You seem to have made some enemies with your earlier comment about people wanting you dead, I can offer you safety and protection from whoever wants you dead." She paused, looking to see what effect her words had on the woman.

"Well..." She began dryly. "When I wanted you to talk I didn't expect you to flood me with words..." She snorted, rolling her eyes, "Called us 'blackwatch'? Jeesh someone has watched too many melo-drama holosoaps." She tilted her head studying the woman opposite her. "You claim to know us? Then you should know why we hunted your kind down, why we went out and did something about what your kind represent!" Jahzeera seemed to be quite animated as she said this, her hand balled into a fist. "You offer me protection? What a laugh, it's some of your kind that want me dead, for killing or capturing their comrades or loved ones. All I did was what I thought was right, I got recruited because they believed in me, because they knew I wanted to prevent chaos, the kind of chaos force users bring with themselves wherever they are. So they trained me to take your kind down and I was good at it, one of the best... and then something happened at Annaxes... and it all went to hell. And now here I am, working odd jobs here and there... and running from force users or their allies who hold a grudge. And now I am talking to a force user! But its apparently a clone of a actual force user who might be who knows how many light years away... so I am actually somewhat amused by this, maybe that's why I haven't shot you again. That and I want to hear whatever insanity made one of your kind think that you could recruit me, since you seem to be so well informed. So you tell me why would you hire someone who worked for people that preferred your kind to be death or imprisoned for life." She gestured for Lena to provide a explanation.

Lena held up her hand and actually smiled, feeling a bit more confident that she was still in control of this form. "I hardly think myself insane, I have very good reason to be interested in hiring someone of your capabilities." She paused, "Before I answer that, you claim you hunt down my kind, to prevent chaos? I don't understand."

The sith got a sarcastic laugh in response, along with a hard look from the mercenary woman. "Know your own history, millenia past jedi and sith, fighting wars between each other for whatever reason, one time its territory, another time it wanting the sheer extermination of the other side or just old fashioned attempts at grabbing power. And who gets hit in the crossfire between your little squabbles? Average people who just want to live out their lives in peace... the wars of your kind saw entire planets destroyed. Hell entire populations and races have been exterminated, 'thanks to the power of the force'." She quoted with a snarl. "Hell look at the last 'sanctioned' public display of chaos your kind had... the suicide crashing of a capital vessel on Coruscant by the sith, to blow up a jedi temple with maybe a few dozen or so inside... while killing... hell they never got the numbers straight of how many civilians died those centuries ago. That's why I joined up when I did, because I wanted to make sure that would never happen again."

"I see, a valid reason but yet what you apparently fought to prevent, chaos, did happen without any assistance from force users." Lena replied with simply, looking with raised eyebrows at Jahzeera.

She had reached for her drink to take another sip, putting her glass back down hard upon hearing this sith woman so casually speak about apparent chaos having broken loose. "What are you in the blazes on about?"

"I assume you are aware there is a war on?" She asked casually, it was more a statement than a question as she continued without waiting for a reply. "One one side the Republic and on the other the confederacy of independent systems, a war started without force users to ignite the sparks, a war fought with people on both sides who are brutal and 'evil', willing to do anything to achieve victory. Both sides having performed genocides and the wiping out of their opposition. Force users do not cause chaos, weapons do not kill people, ideas do not transform a nation. People do that, each with their own personality and beliefs. Being a force user does not make someone evil or to create, as you put it, chaos wherever they may go. Believe it or not, but in my view you simply got used by a organization who used you for their own goals, their own agenda which required any force users still out there in the galaxy to die or be captured and under their control. You followed their orders while out here, the war, caused by the Republic and the CIS, got started and escalating on a multitude of fronts all across the galaxy, spreading chaos like wildfire, chaos you apparently wanted to fight or prevent." She went quiet again, giving her table partner a chance to respond, she dearly hoped it wasn't another blaster shot.

All Lena got was a shot of gritted teeth and the sound of her leather combat glove tightening around the grip of her blaster pistol still aimed at her under the table, but she did not fire, yet.

Well she had not been shot yet so she just continued talking, assuming Jahzera wanted to hear more of what she had to say. "I think you and I are actually alike in some aspects, I dislike chaos as well. I prefer order and stability over the current state of the known galaxy at large. And as I just said, mere ideas cannot transform a nation on their own. People do that and as I see the galaxy ripping itself apart I decided I cannot stand idly by, I will make a stand and try to bring order and stability back any way I can." She sighed, "I will not claim what I plan to do will be without trouble, or spilt blood and a great amount of tragedy but I will do whatever I can in my power to prevent chaos. But to do that I need people on my side to help me accomplish this dream, this idea that I have. People like you who can help me by fighting what I, what we possibly both, stand for and who are not afraid to speak their mind and speak up against me if it is needed. You say I and my kind are bringers of chaos, well right now, you have one of them sitting before you, offering you to join by her side and help her bring order to this wartorn galaxy and stop the fighting, perhaps forever."

She quickly held up her hand, indicating she was not done yet. "Yes you could say now that I am in fact, not really before you, that I am some kind of magic trick, a illusion. As I said, my name is Lena and I have my main base of operations in the system of Phindar, on the moon orbiting the planet Phindar in fact. I have a heavily modified victory star destroyer called the Shadow's Regret which has the primary, the real me, aboard and is on its way to a planet called Athiss, once done there the real me would head straight back to Phindar." She paused again. "In addition, if you shoot me now, this form might vanish, be destroyed and the real me would have no idea what happened to it or how it happened, including up to having no idea this conversation took place. So you could possibly kill this form of me and set a trap for me if you so desire without the 'real' Lena knowing a single thing about it."

She took a breath and tried to lock eyes with the woman in front of here. "From the moment I sat down I have been honest about who I am and what I want, yes I am a force user and I wish to recruit you, because I believe I may be in need of your services. Because for my idea to work I may be forced to fight others of my kind so I will admit at wanting to, how does the expression go, level the playing field. I told you of a associate of mine, a fellow force user who has run into your former organization before and who has currently a number of your former colleagues under her employ, indicating some of you are not averse to working for force users. If you are not interested, you can simply say no and I will not bother you any more. You can shoot me a few times and this form will vanish and again I will no longer bother you and you could even hunt me down with the information I have given you. Or you could consider my request with a levelheaded mind possibly accept my offer of employment and protection and we will see how it goes from there." She sighed and took a deep breath. "Well?"

Jahzeera seemed lost in thought for a moment then she snapped back to attention, seemingly annoyed with herself for losing focus and attention there. "So, you say I can leave and we won't see each other again. Or shoot you, this clone of yours or whatever you are and the... can't believe I am saying this because it sounds nuts, the real you won't know what happened here and if I wanted to I could indeed lay a trap for you." She closed her eyes groaned and lightly banged the back of her head against the wall behind her. "Guess you were right and with the war on the chaos I tried to prevent has happened anyway without force users being the source of the problem... and because I am running out of time and resources to keep ahead of the hunters, your proposal has merit. Just to hear you say it out loud, you wish to hire me... to possibly help you eliminate other force users that are in your way? Hmmn, is that it? You need a convenient gun who shoots your enemies when you cannot yourself?"

She sighed, shaking her head. "No, not exactly." She rubbed her hands together, "How can I make you understand. I wish you on my side for your possible expertise and experience in dealing with other force users, that is true but I don't want a hired gun, I am currently not even in a open conflict with another force user. But I want to be prepared if I ever aim to be."

The mercenary woman frowned again and sighed seeming to have gone to a conclusion. "Well at risk of betraying everything I once stood for... I will sign up with you and see where it goes from there." She raised her hand, showing the blaster and placed it down on the table. "However, there is a caveat, a condition. There are... certain people hunting me, I dearly wish to deal with, probably the main reason I am signing up with you is this, if you have the resources to help me find and deal with them... then you will help me when the time comes. Swear an oath to me on that and I will sign up with you."

Lena blinked rapidly, she was not sure what to do here but she supposed it could not hurt? "I, do tell me if I do this wrong I am not very used to making oaths. I swear to have my resources assist you with finding those specific? People who are hunting you and, in your words, help you deal with them as you see fit."

Jahzeera grinned, "We have a deal then... though I would prefer if, how did you call it, your 'primary' will swear the same oath, no offense but this force illusion, clone whatever you currently are is not that... binding but you claim to be like the primary so I will assume for now that the real you will swear and promise me the same."

"If I am given a chance to meditate I can possibly relay everything I have experienced to her, but for now, allow me to introduce you to some of my guardians, I admit to have not told you about them, for that I apologize but I hope you can understand I would have some people keeping watch over me."

"The three gray skinned aliens, right?" She just smirked, oh I knew they were there, been years since I saw a Noghri but I know what they are, right lead the way. And make no mistake... you or the real you will keep that oath to me, or you will regret it. I will make sure of that."

Lena nearly loses her Force Phantom Clone on the Wheel but manages to gain the services of Jahzeera Natallis in return of a oath/promise to help her with some problems that have been hunting her.
Ter Korani

Korani hated doing the paperwork but here he found himself signing off on the construction orders. They weren't a complex set of orders, but setting aside the construction capacity and funding were an effort in restraint, the Zweihander's construction should go smoothly enough, and if her trials were successful would form the groundwork for his wider fleet. The same applied to the Heartbleeder prototype and the Hadrian and Blade classes were already tried and true designs.

The Droid Foundries were left alone to earn money as the Arms Factory equipped new troops being trained on the Irregular Apocalypse. The Tank Factories were churning out another twenty First Impressions and four Proton Rain artillery vehicles as well as some ARTs with more Hadrian Interceptors and Nosferatu being prepared. The liberation of Duros would not be a simple affair.

The Hutt hadn't known anything useful, but the Smugglers and Bounty Hunters had returned with perhaps expected results, the CIS were apparently using the system as a staging ground and a large CIS fleet was in achor over it. The blurry sensor image was what disturbed him.

It could be the aft end of the Malevolence, a ship he'd disabled so long ago now by destroying its primary weapon. Though it had been repaired some time ago. If it was then it probably wouldn't be long before they did whatever it was they were planning on. But if it was the Malevolence.

Korani decided to make a trip to Corellia, he had some people to speak to.
In the lives of friends of a jedi,
The Thrall Chronicles, a new intern.

Thrall rubbed his temple and once again went over the data he had gotten. After giving it some thought he had decided to see if he could hire on another specialist individual, figuring that perhaps a special forces type of individual could be of use in the liberation of Antar IV and beard face. With reluctance he had included asking Hoddo to the list of sources to ask about this endavor. Hoddo's reply had him the most intrigued, a retired Republic Black Ops sounded promising, Hoddo asking a finders fee... was expected honestly but mostly he was not looking forward to this because Hoddo wanted to meet in person, meaning Thrall had to deal with the oversized slug in person.

He had half expected to go to the hutts palace and fix those bio hazard freezers again but it seems Hoddo wanted to meet in the Nahth'ri system of all places, Thrall even had to look over the star charts where that place was. And that he would know where the hutt was when he was in system.

The journey was largely uneventful, they even didn't run out of any food supplies, which he took to as a bad feeling personally but he did not voice it. The moment they dropped out of hyperspace in the designated system he told the ship crew to start scanning. "Old Hoddo said I'd knew where he was if I saw 'it' whatever he meant by that so-"

"Uhm sir, I mean Thrall the magnificent. I Think I found him?" A large bridge screen came online and a active image was shown of a series of ships, two large vessels with six smaller ones in escort positions.

Thrall whistled, "Those are Hutt battle cruisers... Hoddo what are you up to?" He muttered and seemed in thought for a moment before he realised why he was here. "Hail them." He said quickly as he slithered back to his chair and sat down.

An image of Jeyen, Hoddo's Nimban majordomo appeared on the bridge holo display with a smile. "Mr Pontax. Hoddo is expecting you, as is our guest. I have cleared a space in the starboard hanger bay for your arrival." she said in a warm if concise tone.

He actually smiled upon seeing her, "It is agreeable to see you Jeyen." He tilted his head, "I will be there shortly... what mood is the venerable Hoddo?" He said the 'venerable' part with maybe a slight hint of sarcasm.

"He has been agitated of late, tread carefully this time Mr Pontax." Jeyen replied.

"Right, less me, more 'diplomatic'. I can do that, I think. See you in a bit." He said with a small wave as he signed off. "Big guy."

Marack looked up, "Hmmn?"

"We're taking your ship lets go." He said as the two of them headed to the hangars and took the Killer Whale to Hoddo's flagship.

When the vessel set down of Hoddo's hanger deck thrall could see another vessel that did not match the hutts designs he could see throughout the hanger, an SS-54 'Light Freighter' it appeared to have been modified with a cargo pod of some kind on the back of the main cabin.

Aside from the out of place ship a hovering spherical droid seemed to await Thrall's departure from his vessel.

Thrall looked at the droid, then at Marack and wordlessly handed the big guy his blaster. "Marack... if I seem to be about to rip that thing apart with my bare hands... stop me." With that he took a deep breath and slithered forwards, "Fiddo, so lovely to see you, please, take me to your leader, I mean master."

"Of course, Mr Pontax." The droid replied simply before turning and hovering back towards the hanger enterance. it seemed the droid had had a propper memory wipe in the time since thrall had last seem it.

Thrall was pleasantly surprised and looked back at Marack, who shrugged. "Well, into the belly of the beast." He murmured as he and Marack followed after the droid.

Many twists and turns through the vessels corridors later, where thrall caught a couple of glimpses of combat troops moving in a hurry from place to place, and eventually the trio arrived at a grand audience chamber every bit as ornately decorated, if somewhat cleaner, as Hoodo's throne room back on Carnovia. the ceiling had several large display monitors and there was a command pit off to one side making the chamber double as a bridge. for the mighty Hutt vessel. many of Hoddo's usual courtiers were in attendance as well as Jeyen who was standing just in front of the Hutts sled. She nodded to thrall and gestured for him to come stand before the sled before turning to Hoddo. "Master, Mr Pontax is here to speak with you." She said to the Hutt with a slight bow of her head in deference.

Thrall slithered forwards, taking in everything he had seen on their way here but so far not commenting on it once, seeing what Hoddo had surrounded himself with made him pause at the threshold initially but he approached when Jeyen called his name.

When he and Marack got close the big guy bowed awkwardly but Thrall went the extra mile as he bowed, hiding his smirk, a neutral expression back on his face as he spread his arms as if in supplication. "All hail Hoddo Anjiliac Torre, great lord of the Hutt clans and master of all he sees before him. You were most gracious to allow me, a humble worm, a audience before your magnificent presence. Have you been working out?"

Hoddo let out a booming laugh at Thralls introduction. A laugh which continued for about 3 minutes, complete with Hoddo's many many fat rolls jiggling all the while and a number of the couriers joining in even if they did not know why, before Hoddo settled again. "When did you start taking Spice, Thrall. Your grandiose flattery is entirely unlike you." Hoddo said as he barked a few more short laughs. "Your Jedi is still playing with his freedom fighters I assume?"

Thrall allowed himself to smile, dodged being thrown to the eels this time he figured, "Eh when you work with a man like that, taking spice seems like a normal thing to do after a while. But yeah beard face is still occupied, but working on getting his ass back to work. As you must have read in the message I send... though now that I am here, what are you up to?" He gestured around. "I mean if im not rude to ask, well I am pretty sure I'm rude because its me, but this is rather unlike you. The Hutts going to battle? Has Xim the Despot been brought back to life or something?"

"That is nothing to concern you, Prates and Raiders simple need to be remind not to mess with Cartel shipping from time to time. A simple show of force to deter them." Hoddo said dismissively before he continued. "You said you were looking for a combat specialist, I told you I could arrange a meeting, Now you are here. Jeyen." He waved to the woman and she nodded and left the chamber for a time, presumably to fetch the specialist Hoddo had brought in. "Now, about my finders fee." Hoddo said to thrall with what passed for a Hutt grin.

'Pirates and Raiders my shiny, scaly ass.' Thrall thought to himself, only narrowly avoiding saying it out loud before the Hutt. He sighed when Hoddo brought up the finders fee. "How much... note that if you want me to fix your freezers, assuming they are broken.... again... then that would already be worth a hefty sum of credits.... and my personal dignity, which I consider priceless."

"150,000 credits" Hoddo replied. "Your specialist drives a high price tag."

Thrall whistled, "I'd like to meet with him first before I consider paying if that is alright. Need to know if it's worth the price and all that."

"Of course, of course." Hoddo replied, "Jeyen is just... Ah here they are." Hoddo said gesturing towards the chamber enterance. At Jeyens side stood a Kel'dor male, his light armour a little rough for wear but he looked like he could handle himself easily enough.

Thrall turned to the new arrival and took him in, so far so good he thought to himself as he turned back to Hoddo, "By your leave. I see a notice flashing on one of those screens you are out of guacamole, trust me a crew will rebel if it becomes public knowledge." He said with a mock bow as he slithered away.

Stopping before the Kel Dor he first smiled and nodded his thank to Jeyen before addressing the Kel Dor. "Greetings, I apologize if Hoddo asked for you to come here on short notice on my behalf." He held out a hand. "Thrall Pontax. Guess you can call me temporary administrator of Greybeard Industries based at Bestine Minor."

"Ket Tolc. Former Republic black ops." the Kel'dor replied. "Hoddo told me there were credits to be made and that I had the skills you needed." Ket said as he gestured for Thrall to follow him.

He lead Thrall down a couple of corridors not too far from the audience chamber and opened a door to a small room. Inside was a stately appointed bed and a curving couch set into one corner with a low table in front of it, a couple of storage units and a small refrigeration unit were on the wall opposite the couch.

Ket moved to the couch and took a seat, putt his boots on the table and leaned back. "So whats the Job and what do you specifically need my rare skills for?" he then asked of thrall.

Thrall gestured for Marack to wait outside, the Herglic making a amused snort and leaned against the bulkhead while Thrall followed in Ket Tolc. Thrall looked around, just nodding to himself before he faced the Kel Dor, "What exactly has Hoddo told you about myself or my employer?"

"Very little." Ket replied, "He told me that your boss has a penchant for sticking his nose in other peoples business, which tends to get him into trouble." he added with a shrug. "Trouble is another way of phrasing my line of work, so it hardly bothers me."

"Would it trouble you to hear he is a force user? One of dem jedi types, got himself stuck fighting a rebellion of the natives on Antar IV against the CIS occupation because the old beard face bastard cares for people." He shrugged, "I also care for people, my people, my family and this old beard face bastard might get himself into heaps of trouble, but he is my bastard and I want him back safe and sound."

"Jedi huh, heard tell they were extinct." Ket answered thoughtfully. "Still credits are credits, and if he cares as you say it means I'm unlikely to get left for dead just because the situation heats up and the politicals get clammy." he said a moment later.

"Glad to hear it, but yeah he is a jedi and he cares, it makes you both love and hate him at the same time." He clacked his tongue, "Also take it from your comment that perhaps the current political climate of the Republic has forced you into early retirement? Would like to know more about that, if I were to hire you on, which would be on a more permanent basis actually, not just a single job. With the way my beard face of a boss gets into trouble it might be good to have someone, such as yourself, on a permanent payroll. But would like to know some background, if you don't mind."

"Retirement?" Ket replied with a laugh. "Is that what Hoddo told you." he said as in between laughs. "Lad I was dishonourably discharged."

"Well that's what Hoddo told me, care to tell me your version then?"

"Republic politicals don't take too kindly to their deniable assets returning from suicide missions and beating the every loving daylights out of them to within an inch of their lives." Ket said quite seriously. "Which is a damn sight more merciful than the rest of my squad got in the internment came we were kept in for 6 months."

Thrall couldn't help it he laughed, "Ha, I like you already. Yeah... I know the type and I destest them myself. I can guarantee you with how my boss is he, wouldn't send you on a mission like that... unless swearing he'd probably come in to get you out himself. He is kinda a idiot like that, but eh it makes the people who work for him like him and even fight for him because of that. Me included, he bought my debt off with Hoddo so I wouldn't work for that hutt as a slave anymore... correction 'indentured servant' ." Thrall said with just the right amount of sarcasm. "So if I were to hire you on, would you want to stay on a more permanent basis? Knowing we'd probably be go off and about the galaxy doing 'good'. Also have to say my master is somewhat pro-republic in this war, although he did voice his dislike for some of the more, in his terms, 'vile' tendencies some agencies and people within the Republic have a liking for."

"I don't have a problem with the republic, so long as the politicals don't get involved with the military too heavily when they don't have the stomach for risk. Tarkin has proven they're not all thumb suckers in recent months." Ket answered. "As for full time, that would depend on your boss, the jobs and the pay." Ket said as he picked up a datapad from the table and started inputting figures. "For full time I would need all my upkeep costs covered, Ammo, my ship, droid and speeder, plus incidentals and a flat rate on top." he said before tossing the pad to Thrall with the estimated costs on it.

Thrall looked the padd over, frowning here and there but then nodded once he took it all in. "I think we can all cover that, we got plenty of space on our facilities on Bestine Minor to accomedate you, or on my ship if thats what you require, well technically the boss's ship on paper but eh it's mine. Guess all I need to ask is, how are you feeling saving/going to meet a Jedi and extract him safely from a CIS occupied world while at the same time a loose coalition of various private parties combine ships and troops to kick the CIS out in open combat?"

"An Advance Assault and Extraction mission." Ket said with a hint of amusment. "Just me or would I be going in with a squad?"

"Eh from the equipment I see you'd be a badass, but nah won't be sending you in alone. Last we heard the resistance still had a backdoor in the CIS weather station that allowed smuggler runs through, helped set that up with the beard face before we parted ways. So that should make it, not guaranteed, but easier to get in. And can give you along some clone commandos, maybe you have worked with their kind before. That or can give you a squad of commandos we've been training ourselves now, although this would be their first trial by fire so to speak in the field, so dunno if you'd like them to come along while the clone commandos are from more battle tested stock."

"My ship can carry a maximum of 8 including myself." Ket replied, "The details of who accompanies me can be sorted later. How much did Hoddo tell you I was charging?"

"I have to pay him 150'000 credits, which he called 30% finders fee." Thrall replied and looked at the Kel Dor to see if he had a reaction to that amount.

"Wind spirits take me." Ket exclaimed softly. "How many credits does Hoddo think your boss has? At most I was only going to charge you a third more than that."

Thrall snorts, "I am not surprised honestly. Eh my boss is rather well off, we have our shipyard concern, a Hutt trying to ripp someone off, even if they are you friend, is nothing new. I however had a idea forming about this the moment I laid eyes upon this little fleet Hoddo has, don't suppose you know anything about why Hoddo is suddenly going on the warpath?"

"Nothing really, some rumours about something going on in Randon and the surrounding systems. No details though." Ket answered with a shrug.

Thrall nods, "I see. Well then, want to see a little about my continued and ever expanding comedy act if you decide to join up and hang around with us?"

"Sure, Hoddo's idea of entertainment don't exactly float my speeder."

"Excellent, this will be fun... or I will be throw to the eels, which might also be fun to some people, but most certainly not to myself." He turned around and headed for the exit, looking towards Marack who had his eyes closed and seemed to be snoring softly. WIth a snort he poked the herglic in the ribs who blinked a few times and turned to Thrall with a bit of a sheepish expression. "Slept well?" Thrall snickered and just shook his head as he headed back to the combined throne room and bridge.

Once there he looked for Jeyen to see if Hoddo was available, although he resisted the urge to just shout. 'Hoddo, old buddy, old pal.' And part of him will always regret not shouting that, the only thing holding him back was that it might make Jeyen's life a little more troublesome and that was no way to pay back the only person he actually liked in Hoddo's retinue.

Jeyen saw Thrall with Ket as they reentered the audience chamber and called Hoddo's attention to the pair. "Thrall, your business is concluded? Then all there is to settle is my fee. 150,000 republic credits, I believe you still know the account details to place the funds yes."

Thrall smirked, well here goes nothing. "Oh I know it still you charming and most generous of hutts. But there are some issues with it and that's why I have a counter offer, you see. I think I am afraid I could only pay about 60'000 credits... however I am a generous soul myself, and for whatever reason the beard face thinks of you as a friend and I know he would be distressed to see anything happen to you. So, seeing as you seem to be going off to battle apparently, yes you said it wasn't my business and it was pirates or raiders... but let's be honest those kind of groups are normally in the pocket of the Hutts so this must be something new. So here's the thing, there's this fancy new battle cruiser I've designed and is nearly finished construction off. What say you if it perhaps joins you, might give you some better odds against whatever you are about to face. I heard the rumours of ships vanishing, so wouldn't do beard face a favour if I just let you wander in there, even with your impressive battleships and everything, without offering to help or anything."

"Would missing ships not indicate pirate activity." Hoddo answered. "Clearly there are some that are getting bold, that is why I am here with this fleet, to show those wayward pirates that they are in error." He added for emphasis. "Iwill accept our 60,000," he continued whith a glare for Ket, to which the Kel'dor simply shrugged. "But only as a favour for the silly jedi, who clearly needs to be rescued from himself."

"Clearly, still the offer stands." He looked down, "Huh almost forgot I installed the trapdoor to the eel pit here." He patted the floor before slithering off the trapdoor. "Well this ship should serve you well, helped maintain it after all, do hope whatever schmuck you got after me read my notes. But yeah I'll transfer the money right away once we're back on the Illusion of Grace. Any message I need to give to the beard face I hope we'll get him to safety soon after all, he might like to hear you missed him."

"Just tell the Jedi to stay out of cartel affairs, for his own good." Hoddo said before waving dismissal.

He bowed to Hoddo and started heading out, moving to Jeyen. "Care to guide me to the hangars? I am sure you master wouldn't want me to wander his vessel on my own, even if I know my way around as well as I do."

Jeyen inclined her head slightly and started leading the way back to the hangers. "Mr Tolc, as agreed we have resupplied the Conduct Unbecoming's fuel tanks as payment for agreeing to meet on short notice." Ket simply grunted an aknowledgement.

Once they were away from the throne room and in somewhat of a privacy with just the four of us in a corridor Thrall glanced at the Mimban woman. "So.... whats really going on? And if you can't tell me, just tell me how bad it is." Thrall said to the point.

"Im sure I don't know what you mean." Jeyen replied. "But if I did I would prompt you to follow Hoddo's advise and stay away from whatever you think is going on."

"Fair enough, fair enough. I do wish you and Hoddo well then and hope to hear of you lot not as missing like the rumour stories tell us of ships going in or near Randon." They reached the hangar and Thrall turned to their new hire. "Right then intern, welcome aboard." He handed him a padd. "Clearance codes to land on the Illusion of Grace private hangar reserved now for your ship and the Big Guy's." He gestured at the Killer Whale to which Marack was already walking to and prep it for flight.

Thrall turned back to Jeyen. "Good luck with those pirates or raiders. And see you in hopefully the same charming piece you are currently now. You are about the only face I like seeing when I have to visit the old eel baron. At least Fiddo got a proper mindwipe. Then again also means I don't have a reason to shoot him." He snickered.

Sarzum: "Didn't pay me enough to nickname me intern." Ket Tolc replied as he went aboard his ship.

"Mr Pontax. One of these days your jesting and attitude might land you into trouble with him. I cannot help you if you do. And as you said, you installed the trapdoors, you know what awaits you down there."

Thrall snickered. "Yeah I know all of that... and hey it could be worse, the trapdoor could actually lead me to maintenance with a bunch of broken freezers." He turned around and waved over his shoulder. "See you around Jeyen." As he got aboard the Killer Whale and it and Conduct Unbecoming left the hangar of the hutt battleship, heading for the Illusion of Grace.

Thrall acquires the services of a 'retired' Republic Special Operations commando for longterm employed and on the shortterm possibly infiltrate Antar IV to search and assist Tohkran.
The Adventures of Niska and Employees.

Crow sat back in the Captains chair of the Just Another Customer a dead straight face as Niska gave him the instructions for his next job, apparently some Smugglers had upset their boss and run for the Randon Triangle frightening the scales off a bunch of future doshskin purses who refused to follow them into it. And so Niska had put the job onto the top dog, him, to deal with. "Yes Sir, we'll retrieve these smugglers for you without any problem."

"Good. Good. Try not to break them too much." Niska said with a smile that made shivers run down Crow's spine.
The Holocom cut out and Crow sat back looking at Vena. "Set course for Trandosha." The navigators and helm crew rushed to obey Crow the ship leaping into hyperspace for the Kashyyyk system.

Before their last hyperspace transit to Kashyyyk the Just Another Customer waited in the middle of nowhere for three standard hours before they finished the last part of their journey, exiting hyperspace at only a few minutes of travel from the world of Trandosha, which seemed to be the more peaceful destination in the system as civilian traffic, while sparse, was still going to and from the world. With Trandoshan patrols going around and even some CIS vessels in orbit, seemingly being ressuplied by the Trandoshan. Upon approach and some scanning the bounty hunter vessel that had contacted Niska was spotted after a moment of searching on the scanners. The hunters having their ship at the edge of the dark side of one of Trandosha's moons, apparently not wanting to advertise themselves.

Crow smiled a look that made those manning the bridge with him uncomfortable. "Open a communications channel and slide ourselves on an approach trajectory without making it too obvious, a long 'slingshot' into a parking orbit shouldo the trick." Crow ordered as he waited.

"Tight channel broadcasting." One of his Murdermen declared.

"This is Crow, Mr Niska's problem solver. We're planning on sidling up close and personal. What can you tell me about these smugglers?" Crow asked.

After a moment the hail was answered, audio only with a amused hiss. "They went into bad hunting groundsss." A rather disturbing sound followed those words and Crow figured out it was the Trandoshan chuckling, mostly knowing that due to interacting with the Trandoshan in Niska's employ. "Fly an YT-1000 freighter, modified. Faster than they should be. Fled from us as they saw us approach when they were heading to Kashyyyk. Straight into Randon Triangle, we don't go there. Not anymore."

Crow bellowed out a laugh. "Of course it's a modified YT series. When was the last time you heard of one actually conforming to factory specs." He considered the situation. The Debt Collector would be the best pursuit ship. "What about armaments and defences? Anything special there?" He considered it further. "A pity there isn't the courage amongst you to be willing to risk it all for the Scorekeeper." Crow remarked less than diplomatically. He had plenty of Trandoshans on his crew to be very familiar with their Scorekeeper, some of his Murdermen had even adopted the Trandoshan deity.

He waited a few moments. "Though if there is any amongst you willing to risk all for the Scorekeeper, I do have a place on my crew for someone worthy of it."

There was silence on the other end and then a angry hiss came. "We already failed by breaking off the hunt, our points forfeit, all ofthem. We will start anew, but we won't dissapear like other hunters have when they pursue prey into that cursed space. We told you what we know, may She keep your tally well." With that it seemd the conversation was over as the communications were terminated from the Trandoshans end.

Crow decided to test whether they were listening. A gamble, but one he would find amusing if it worked. "If you don't want to talk, then you will listen." Crow said plainly keeping the tight-beam communication. "You'll have a simple choice to make. You want to be cowardly lizards not fit to make into purses then feel free. I will even help you spend every last day of your lives fleeing, because I will inform Niska of your cowardice, and I'm sure you understand as clearly as I do that he will not let one day go without bringing you back and once he has you spending the time, and it'd be weeks or more, making you mewl like Cathar Kittens as your scorekeeper watches before allowing you to literally beg for death." He paused for dramatic effect. "Or the most powerful of you will be allowed to attempt to regain points by joining my crew, joining me as a right hand. Then I will allow the rest of you to go about your business as normal, regain points with tamer prey. The choice is yours." He left the channel open.

Crow could not be certain if they had heard but after a moment the engines came online and the bounty hunter vessel sped away, away from Trandosha and strangely it headed to the galactic south, towards Randon, speeding with all haste to the hyperspace entry, still ignoring any haills Crow might send nor did they send anything back as they entered hyperspace and seemingly headed into the Randon Triangle.

Crow laughed as he turned to the Navigator. "Follow them immediately." He keyed the intercom. "Boys, mount up on the Debt Collector. We're going hunting!" He snarled with a smile.

The hyperspace transit was uneventful and when they left hyperspace, something felt wrong from the moment scanners became active. It only took a brief moment for Crow and the crew to notice why, Randon, normally a bustling place of commerce being at a major transit point of several important trade routes, was virtually empty, the number of ships seeming being on their way through the system could be counted on one hand and at first glance the Trandoshan hunter was nowhere to be found.

However a number of ships, a ragtag group of various types and sizes veered off their course and headed to the Just Another Customer, hailing at once. "This is Captain Hork from Randon, state you intentions."

"Captain Hork, I'm Officer Crow of Niska Enterprises, currently running a debt collection operation against some delinquents." Crow transmitted. "Get me scans of that bunch of ships. I want to know what they are." He turned back to the transmitter. "Have you seen these ships pass through here?" He asked transmitting the profile of the Smuggler and Trandoshan vessels.

There was a pause as the man on the other line seemed to take in the send over data. "Why are you looking for these vessels exactly. Delinquents can mean many things."

"Yes. Delinquents can mean many things. But I believe the words 'debt collection operation' leave little to the imagination." Crow responded in what he hoped was his best annoyed bureaucrats voice.

The next reply was muttered and the man on the other line must have forgotten to mute it on his end, "Great, more bounty hunters, smugglers and boutny hunters is all we get as traffic these days..." Again there was a pause with muffled conversation that was now too low for Crow or any on the bridge to hear so it seemed the bridge crew started scanning the surrounding area.

Most of the handful of traffic seemed to be indeed smaller craft favoured by sprint traders and smugglers and they seemed to be hurried in their dealings in the system, as if afraid that if they stood still for too long they would not move again. Most noticable were that that the ships who headed to the galactic east, south and west were more heavily armed than any of the crew or Crow had ntoiced travelling through the area before. One of the bridge also managed to patch into a partial conversation, seemingly between someone on the surface and a merchant vessel in orbit, demanding for the transportation of purchased foodstuffs but the crew on the merchant freighter refusing until they were paid 'hazard pay'.

It was at that point captain Hork's voice got back on. "There appears to be no official Republic, or CIS warrant on either of the two ships you are searching for, nor from any of the neutral aligned worlds. Meaning this is a private bounty hunting contract which we have no need to officially help you with." Was his blunt reply, but he kept the line open.

"Indeed. You don't need to officially help me." He injected flat tone into his voice. "You don't need to officially help me and I don't need to open a panicked distress broadcast to all those jittery merchants that want out of orbit and the Randon Triangle pronto. But one of those things is going to happen." Crow said with a smile.

"Listen... 'Officer' Crow of Niska Enterprises. I officially don't have to ask permission to attack and shoot down any potential threats to the system, if you had not noticed this system, hell the entire region, is a bit in turmoil right now, chasing ghosts and vanishing ships so I have a lot of people with itchy trigger fingers and all I am for is to make sure to direct the mto a right target, are you a right target? Hmm?" At this point Crow would notice that a number of the ragtag patrol craft had joined the broadcasting ship and while looking unimpressive they did have numbers on their side.

"Listen, feel free to send out a panicked distress, we're already facing a starvation because food imports have basically all but been terminated, there have been riots already, power outages. Hell we've even had a force user apparently causing a ruckus at the spaceport a month ago, if you believe the tales. So basically, I don't care what you do, but if you want to make things difficult for me, I can make things very difficult for you, now you can ask again, politely and maybe with something to grease the palms so to say, or you can head out of here. And yes, one of those things is definitely going to happen, so what will it be."

Crow's tone became very impolite. "Unship the Turbolasers. Set course for the loudmouth." The retractable turbolaser batteries slid out of their recesses. "You're welcome to try and make things difficult for me." He smiled as he considered the situation. He broadened the Broadcast to the other ships supporting Hork. "It turns out that I don't much like Captain Hork. Ten thousand credits for each other Captain helping him that decides he has better things to do. Twenty thousand for each other Captain who is willing to stand against Hork, and Fifty thousand for the first Captain EXCEPT for Hork who tells me what I want to know." He said without cutting the communications to Hork first, still without cutting the comms. "Lock all Turbolasers on the Good Captains ship. If he wishes to give me the information, his palms will be greased with getting to see tomorrow." Crow said plainly.

Two of the vessels halted their approach and in fact seemed to back off, the others started to approach with the tell-tale signs of weapons powering up, one among them seemed to speed up. A Tempest class gunship, stopping inbetween the corvette Hork was broadcasting from and the weapon trajectories of the Just Another Customer and a female voice came over the comms on Crow's bridge. "The YV-666 freighter headed to the galactic east, towards Chalacta, we've had four of those corellian ships go through and they all went their seperate path along the various trade routes. Now pay up and get out of our system."

Crow considered the situation for a moment. "Transmit your account details and i'll transfer the credits. Just as a gesture of gratitude I'll come back with a load of food when I pass back through here next." Crow said entirely sincerely. It'd make a killer profit even if he undercut the greedy sods already here by 50%. "Lay in the course. Transmit her the credits." He said when her details were transmitted. "Retract the main guns and make the jump."

The 'Just Another Customer' dropped from hyperspace to a system with an alpha-numeric name and a bunch of asteroids and minor settlements in it. Crow couldn't help but notice it was quiet. At the far edge of the 'Customer's sensors there was something hard to pin down at the thickest cluster of asteroids.

"I'm headed down to the Debt Collector. Keep the ship at readiness. I'm going to investigate with the boys. It could be our new Doshskin coats." Crow remarked.

The Debt Collector was shortly launched, heading to the asteroid cluster where the sensor ping had been detected by the Just Another Customer. Sensor readings were unreliable as they got closer and went into the asteroid field, sensor ghosts popping up all around them, appearing and vanishing. The blip they had been tracking vanishing for a few seconds as well before it reappeared.

Then on the way, right before entering the thickest asteroid field the sensors picked up something else and now knowing it was there as they got closer they could see a rather large asteroid which has a facility of some kind build upon it, it seemed dead in space. Mostly because of the fact there were some rather large holes in the facility and it was clear to any of the people aboard the Debt Collector who saw it that the holes and craters were weapon impact craters.

Crow sat back in his command seat. "Scan for any ships." He ordered as he brought the weapons up to full readiness. He resolved that perhaps it was time to hire himself a proper pilot with his taste in outings...

The Murdermen looking at the sensors muttered a series of curses and banged his fist on the side of the console, shaking his head. "It's a mess out here, scanner is all over the place, a second ago a sensor reading of a republic venator was on the scopes and now its replaced by just another asteroid rock!" Muttering the Murdermen resumed and tried to make it work.

Studying the facility some more Crow figured out whatever happened to the facility didn't happen recently at least, that however would not mean it'd be any safer around here.

Crow frowned. "Resume course." Crow ordered directing extra power towards the Heavy Ion Cannon and Turbolasers.

The pilot nodded and went in, following the signal as best he could into the thickest cluster of asteroids, it was a downright chaotic mess. Asteroids the size of Solid Reputation, corvettes and even some 'clouds' of miniature asteroids they had to navigate through and then, perhaps trying to show off, the pilot did a rather close maneuvre around one of the larger asteroids. And with the sensors on the fritz the smaller asteroid following in it's wake was undetected before it filled the screen and with a curse he tried to evade it but could not manage to dive down fast enough and the shields took a massive impact as they scraped against the asteroid but nearly depleted shields seemed to be all the damage. But there was still more on the way ahead...

Crow gave the pilot a look that nearly wilted him. "Next time you do that. You get a one-way trip out of the Airlock." He moved to redirect half the power from the Heavy Lasers and Laser cannons into the shields leaving only the Ion Cannon and Turbolasers charged fully. "Do continue on." Crow patted the blaster pistol on his hip.

The pilot flinches right into the next asteroid fully bringing down the shields of the Debt Collector. Crow stood up and ripped the pilot from behind the control blasting him with the stun function. "Throw him in the hold and seal it! I'm giving him to Niska as a plaything." Those other Murdermen in the cockpit blanched. "YOU." Crow pointed at one of the Trandoshan slavers. "You get to prove yourself a better pilot. Or i'll make myself a codpiece from your face."

Either cowed by Crow's outburst or just being a better pilot than the previous occupant of the pilots seat, the Trandoshan fly straight and true, no fance flying like the other murdermen had done. And he was navigating around the worst of the asteroid clusters on their path with ease.

Then briefly signatures appeared on the sensors, near where their strange blip was and then they were gone. But for the briefest of moments they had looked as if they were pings of starfighters of some kind.

Crow hit the controls ot switch the Transponder over to 'King Hit' and examined the situation. "Keep up the good work." Crow said. "Take us in, carefully. Be ready for evasive action."

It was a bit tight at palces and the Debt Colelctor would have a lot of dents to get ridd off as they traversed a cluster of miniature asteroids that pelted the hull. The course bringing them in in such a way that the sensors really went on the fritz and the Murdermen manning it just held up his hands in the air and let out a series of curses that were quite imaginative and would make his sweet old mother back on Corellia blush a deep red.

But they had arrived at the blip and now saw what it really was, the two torn halves of the Trandoshan bounty hunter vessel, a explosion at its midsection having torn the ship in half.

While looking at this sight the sensor operator let out a alarm. "Hey, sensors are back on! Weapons fire in grid 12."

"About time. Bring us around. I have a present for them!" Crow ordered as he rested his hands on the weapons controls the Turbolasers and Heavy Ion cannon at full, the Laser Cannons and Heavy Lasers also ready. He would fire on the first target to present itself with the Ion Cannon, if disabled he'd turn the guns on the next.

Navigating through the field was from here on out easier and they headed straight to the specified coordinates and the moment a ship came into view they opened fire. The ship seemed to have some advance warning but still it was not enough as the heavy ion blast took it full front and center and disabled the small fightercraft. But more came into view, five of them and they seem to be in pursuit and harassing a YT class freighter which was dodging and weaving, trying to escape its pursuers.

The disabled craft, spinning out of control crashed into a nearby asteroid, before it got destroyed Crow saw it had been a rather small starfighter, nothing more than a compact fuselage with wings that looked like they were from a bat.

Crow considered the situation and decided to guess that the YT was their quarry, the odds of a YT being present in the same field as the destroyed Bounty Hunters were too low. He began charging the heavy Ion Cannon for a full power blast but held it in reserve. "Get me firing solutions on the fighters. I want to play." Crow said with a smile.

It seemed the remaining fightercraft had detected the new interloper in their chase and three of them turned to engage it as the other two remained on the YT freighter as it tried to evade them and fired back at its pursuit. Missing them barely.

Then the fighters acted, opening fire on both their targets. The freighter, already damaged toom several serious hits to its engines as all but one engine was blown apart, making the chase muc heasier.

The fighters attacking the Debt Collector while scoring some hits did not penetrate its armour, yet.

Crow smiled. "My turn." Crow stabbed the firing controls as the pilot tried to line up one of the enemy fighters.

The intended target only had its shields brushed by the lasers but evaded most of the heavy fire as it's pilot quickly flung his ship around to evade the heavy blasts, but it had been close, very close.

Crow snarled. "Get me close enough to bracket that target. And maintain enough evasive to avoid easy hits by them."

The two fighters closed in on the freighter as if for the kill but sproadic and heavy, perhaps panicked fire from its turrets was send in their direction and they had to veer off and abord their attack run as some of the blasts impacted on their shields while the freighter kept limping.

The Debt Collector tracked the fighter taht had evaded them, which seemed almost too easy as the pilot of the craft seemed to act sluggish all of a sudden, which might have been their plan as the other two approached the vessel from behind and one of them scored a serious hit with a concussion missile that blew apart one of the engines.

Crow stabbed the firing controls firing a full salvo of fire from the Debt Collector at the suddenly lagging ship, including the Heavy Ion Cannon. "Step hard to port, kill velocity and put us on the tail of the next one." Crow snapped. "And you. Get the shields back on or you can go outside to help defend us with a PLEX launcher!"

He got a reply back from the Murdermen nominated the engineer for the trip. "I cannae do 't captn! I just cannae!"

Meanwhile Crow's salvo just obliterated the starfighter they were in pursuit off as they turned around hunting for more targets.

The two fighters attacking the freighter made another attack run, firing concussion missiles while getting blasted at by the freighter's gun turret. The missiles flying straight and true but as they hit the hull, they just boucned off, without any explosion.

The two fighters on the Debt Collector missed mostly but one managed to score some gauges into the hull plating as they made a flyby.

Crow opened fire on the nearest one with his guns staggering their firing to give a larger over-all fire rate.

At one moment there was a target before crow, the next all there were tiny pieces of debris that were getting shot into tinier pieces.
Crow opened a channel. "This is Captain Dorne, you'e in pursuit of innocent people. You are free to leave now without further action coming against you." Crow broadcast to the attackers. To the YT he broadcast. "Come with us if you want to live."

The freighter turned about, as if going towards the Debt Collector, still firing wildly and hitting nothing while the enemy fighters kept up their attacks, scoring more critical hits on the freighter, its turret blown to pieces.

The one remaining on the Debt Collector resumed firing on the vessel, scoring more hits that took out one of the minor laser cannons. According to one observer on the Debt collector the freighter would not survive many more hits.

Crow considered the situation and turned his turbolasers on the Asteroid closest to the enemy craft harassing the Freighter. "Get behind us." Crow remarked calmly.

The nearest asteroid to the freighter and the fighters attacking it blew up, pieces of asteroid scattering in all direction. Several large chunks catching one of the fighters and destroying it while the other only barely escaped the full brunt of it but received some damage and just veered off, making a run for it, the other fighter following in its wake.

The freighter for a moment seemed to be doomed, barely able to fly with just one engine but somehow they managed to get free before the rocks would crush through their hull and end their existence. A moment later when it was clear the fighters would not return comms became active as the freighter hailed the Debt Collector. "Space, I have no idea who you are or what took you to this particular spot but you just saved our asses. How do we call our saviours?" There was a pause as he cursed, the sound of sparks and alerts on the other side. "Assuming the ship doesn't blow up around us." It is at this point no longer in combat that Crow would see this YT freighter, was a YT-1220 series, not the reported YT-1000 the smugglers were supposed to be flying.

Crow smiled. "Call me Dorne, this is the King Hit, we detected some pretty odd things on scanners and came to investigate. We found a pretty wrecked YV triple-six and more sensor garbage. I've got a Class VI freighter outside the field, you can mate to our docking port and see about parts for service if you want?" Crow said as he powered down everything except the Heavy Ion Cannon, just in case.

"Repairs and parts would be welcome... we have been out here for a long time and those fighter you rid us off, they hunted us for weeks now. Always on our trail, I know the freighter you spoke off, they just appeared out of nowhere and fired at our hyperdrive, disabling it. We thought they were pirates... hell me and my crew were glad when our pursuit showed up and blew them up as well while we fled trying to fix the hyperdrive while we ran." He paused again, "Our employer might reward you sufficiently if you can help us out of here, with only one engine the rather.. .chaotic asteroids might spell doom for us, it would risk both our ships but if you could go ahead and try and... blast a path for us, we might get through, but also risking asteroid debris to crush either or both our vessels."

Crow nodded and powered down one of the port engines to balance his drives again. "Ok then, follow me."

With the Debt Collector leading the way, blasting a path for the slow moving freighter to follow they made steady progress but there right at the end of the thickest of asteroids disaster struck as the Debt Collector blew apart a chaotic moving asteroid into several chunks, larger than expected and one such chunk impacted upon the freighter. At once the now panicked voice of the spokesperson aboard came over. "Serious hull damage, venting atmosphere!"

"Can you make it to the escape pods? If so do so and shut the locks, but don't launch." Crow said as he changed the channel. "Colonkiller, get the 'Customer over here and bring the YT into the hangar. It should be able to hold both ships long enough." He sent on tight-beam.

He received no reply from the freighter and the Just Another Customer obeyed as fast as they could, docking with the vessel as the Debt Collector landed in it's hangar.

After some time it seemed some of the crew had managed to seal of the sections of the docked freighter and patched the hull long enough to pressurize it once more but were waiting for Crow to decide what to do next.

Crow disembarked from the collector with his people to see the absolutely battered YT series crowding his private hangar. It couldn't remain long he'd never be able to effect proper repairs. "Let's let them out, but be ready for any attempt by them to play pirate, we don't know these people, and they definitely don't know us. Let's be friendly for now." The last sentence was both a statement that they'd be peaceful for now, but the use of the word friendly was also an instruction for hallucinogen grenades to be prepared by those with launchers.

After searching for a moment, passing by a blackened burnt corpse near the ladder to where the turret once was, they found the locked escape pod and upon Crow's approach it slowly opened, coughing but looking relieved a number of crew came out. Two humans, a rodian and a nautolan came tumbling out, the lead human a male grasped Crow's hand before he knew what was happening and shook it abundantly. "Thank you, thank you. There are good people in this corner after all." He let out a laugh shared by his comrades.

Crow simply smiled. "It was the least I could do." He helped out the others working to ingratiate himself. "So who was your employer, this isn't exactly safe space at the moment?"

The man let out a chuckle, Crow noticing it mostly to calm his nerves than actual mirth. "Ah, well. Our employer actually send us out here to ivnestigate a lot of the rumours and happenings around here. I did promise a reward though, well if I know one thing, Neia Kahleesi rewards well when you return what is hers. Especially if it's saving her people."

Crow looked around the ship carefully. "Well this ship isn't going anywhere for a while, i'll have it moved to the Cargo hold, you can attempt to effect repairs with what stocks we have on board. By the way, did you happen to come across a YT-1000 before you were ambushed?" Crow asked as he considered whether it was worth deviating. "They stole something from my employer and I have been tasked with retrieving it."

"Ah no, I am afraid not... unless it was part of some of the more new debris fields we came across, and as I said the last few days, weeks really. We have been mostly on the run, trying to find a safe path back to the Kwenn system and our employer."

Crow tapped his comm unit. "Frank, take us carefully into the field, find the Trandoshan wreck. Let's see if we can access their computers."

Retrieving the former bounty hunter vessel proved to be easier knowing what to expect now and it's database were retrieved.

However it was encrypted, the Murdermen reporting this said that some of the squad might give it a crack but they were no experts. The grateful human heard snippets and coughed, trying to get Crow's attention. "Excuse me, it isn't my place and all but... uhm my employer does have some slicers on her payroll I believe who might help you with whatever you need?"

Crow considered the situation. "Please make yourself at home in the lounge. I need to place a call to my employer."

Crow made his way to his private quarters where he engaged the Holocomms device and established a connection to Niska. "Sir, we've made some possible progress," He brought Niska up to date on the events that had transpired so far. "What do you want to do, or me to?" Crow asked.

Niska sat back and considered the situation on the Skyplex. "I am bringing the Solid Reputation and the Brazen move to your position. Once there we will effect transfer of these people to the Solid Reputation and you will return to the Skyplex and repair your craft. I am not happy Crow. I wanted results. It seems that I must see about getting them myself."
The communication cut out.


Crow headed for his 'guests' location with a smile. Entirely forced. "I hope you don't mind a delay, my Employer is making his way here personally to pick you up and proceed to the Kwenn system so that I might return my own ship to his yards for repair and replacement of the damaged components."

The man thanked him to the extent that it would perhaps seem sickening to Crow. "Thank you again, you have a most kind soul sir."
Crow's smile never wavered, though he resisted every impulse to simply burst out roaring in laughter. One of the technicians going over the Debt Collector had no such composure and ran up the ramp into the combat ship to laugh heavily out of earshot.
The Tale of Clan Gra'tua...
The Blue Man

"So... what do we do?" The voice had a hint of unease and the owner flinched as a muffled crashing sound could be heard nearby.

"Well do you want to go in there? I am sure he will welcome you with open arms, after he cuts yours off." The second voice had a definite sarcastic tone to it but it seemed to be hiding her fraying nerves.

"If we wait he might calm down." The third voice sounded a tad hopeful about this possibility and a scream of rage could be heard through the bulkheads into the corridor they were standing.

"That or he might go into a full blown rage like the old days... and in those days he cut down his own men too." This was the second voice again, her sarcasm gone.

"So... get Kashiir?"

"Best plan I've heard all day, get him up here." Again a heavy crashing sound could be heard as something heavy impacted the nearby door from the other side. "And fast."


Kashiir strode through the corridor, hands behind his back and seemingly lost in thought till he reached the corridor and saw the trio standing there. Shaking his head he clacked reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he got closer. "Why wasn't I informed earlier he had relapsed?" He just stated matter-of-factly and looked at the door and back at the trio consisting of Bo, Andrieke and Kyr'am. Bo opened her mouth and he held up his hand to silence her, "No matter I am here now, I will deal with this, stay out here."

And he walked past them to the door, pressing the controls to open it and getting a locked indicator in return along with a shouted voice from within. "I WILL KILL ANY WHO DARES DISTURBS ME!"

The chiss merely raised a eyebrow, sighed and entered his personal code, unlocking the doors and stepped in calmly. Looking around a very thrashed room, no item of furniture seemed to be intact. "My lord?" He asked cautiously and then froze as the doors slammed shut and with a smell of ozone a red lightsaber appeared in the corner of his eye and swung around, stopping before his throat. "I would be rather irritated if you were to kill me, my lord." He said without a hint of emotion.

Valar let out a angry snarl from behind him, "I warned you I would kill anyone who dared to disturb me."

"Am I disturbing you then my lord? If so I could come by later, right now I do not really have a opening on my, or your schedule for my execution. If you want I can schedule something but it might take a while before we get around to it." Kashiir said again without a hint of emotion but a bead of sweat was running down his cheek.

For a moment neither moved but then with a snort the blade was deactivated and Valar walked past the chiss, stopping in the middle of the room and with a scream punched a nearby wall. Kashiir did not move, merely waited and soon the silence was once again broken. This time with whispered words, "Someone took my children Kashiir." He clenched his fists. "I wish to bathe in a sea of blood and unleash all my anger upon the one who did this. Because right now I cannot seem to calm down, I wish to fight, I wish to kill and I wish to hurt." He growled like a animal, various pieces of debris suddenly twitching and jerking around him as he seemed to lose control of the force on his surroundings.

"I see, well. This will be for the best then."

Valar turned around with a snarl, "What are you-" Whatever he was going to say was cut off as a blue beam impacted on his side and a second on his chest as he fell down, conscious fading with the last vision he had of Kashiir holding his holdout blaster standing over him.


When Valar opened his eyes he found himself staring at a sterilized white room, with him lying on a medbed and he noticed he was strapped down. Turning his head as a shadow fell over him and he saw Magog, showing off his Zeltron features as he has his helmet off. The Mandalorian medic looked down at Valar, nodded and turned his head. "He is awake."

Footsteps indicated a new arrival and Kashiir came into view next, his arms clasped behind his back. "Have you calmed down, my lord?"

Valar glared at the Chiss, took a deep breath and harrumphed. "Haven't tried to kill you when you walked into view, does that tell you enough about my mental state?" The Chiss and Zeltron shared a look and then Magog shrugged and began unfastening the bonds holding his alor down. Once he was done however he quickly took several steps back, leaving Kashiir standing beside the sith lord. He rose from the bed and stood directly opposite his admiral, "Was it really necessary to stun me... at max setting?"

Kashiir rose a eyebrow, "You threatened me with your lightsaber, at my throat."

They kept silently staring at each other and then Valar grunted. "Guess I was far gone then?"

Kashiir kept his eyebrow raised, "As I gather, the moment lady Azazel left you locked yourself into your chambers and began demolishing it, which for the record will take three weeks to repair according to the maintenance crews looking into it."

Valar turned and looked at the wall for a moment and then stiffled a laugh, "Well.. haven't been like that for a long time."

"You have not but now that you have calmed down my lord there are matters to discuss and consider, if you would follow me." Kashiir gestured for the sith lord to follow who did so with a amused expression on his face. "I have set steps into motion to create a network of spies, with our involvement with your... riduur with her pet Kubaz and his network I believe we might set up our own network and have commenced negotiations with a Kubaz clan for that purpose." He produced a pad and handed it to Valar, detailing the negotiations so far. "Furthermore I have approved the construction of several more assets and holdings for the clan."

He reached over and scrolled the pad down, gesturing at the various forms. "Two new tank factories, three arms factories, two construction bays and a repair bay to add to our assets on the surface of Concordia. In addition I have approved the construction of another small scale shipyard and three refueling depots in orbit. It will take time for all of this to be constructed and operational but I am sure it will be quite rewarding in the long run." Kashiir said as he continued walking and then stopped, looking puzzled when he turned around and noticed the sith was standing still looking at the pad. "Is there a problem, my lord?"

"Have you looked at the costs?" Was all he said.

"Yes, I know it would deplete most of our currency reserves but as I said for the long run this is a most advisable action. I also believe we would make some of our losses back with the facilities we already have."

Valar just stared, "Do you want me to be penniless?"

Sighing he rubbed his temples, "No my lord, I am actually looking out for your best interests, as always. You will not be penniless, we will in fact make back what we spend in due time. Once construction of these new holdings have finished and they are operational. Have I ever let you down my lord? Have I ever given you reason that I work against you?" He paused, "Except when I shoot you with a stun blast I suppose, but that is when you are out of control and need to be brought back from the brink, I will not claim regret for those kind of actions."

Valar looked curiously at Kashiir, 'Do you claim enjoyment for shooting me then?"

"I cannot confirm or deny that claim." Was the deadpan reply.

Valar kept up the scowl for a moment longer and then shook his head, chuckling. "Well..." He grunted, "I appreciate what you have done Kashiir, but next time. I want to be involved in this and have final approval. No more of 'it's already arranged' business, am I making myself clear?"

"Crystal clear my lord." Kashiir paused, "Also... we will find your children my lord and the one who ordered their kidnapping to make them pay. Myself and the whole clan are behind you." He watched the sith clench his fists, nod and just walk off, int the direction of soem of the training facilities, no doubt to work off soem steam. Once he was out of earshot Kashiir tapped his comms. "This is Kashiir for all personal in training quadrant 3, clear the space. Alor Gra'tua is working off some steam so make sure all that is left are droid and holographic targets unless you want to become a target yourself."

With that done he turned around and began walking, contemplating recent events. The commando force which had abducted the twins unnerved him. The way they bypassed patrols and infiltrated the station spoke volumes about the quality of their gear that no sensors had detected their presence but what worried him more is that it seemed they had moved through the station as if they knew the layout. They had gotten access to the exact level where the medical bay was and eliminated a platoons worth of warriors on guard and standby while neutralizing a security office on the same level. No he did not like that at all and would certainly look into the matter, not voicing his greatest concern to his master... that either the commandos had contact with a traitor in clan Gra'tua... or that one of the other sith 'allies' of his master was behind it...

A day in Kashiir's life.

Stunning his sith master who suffered from a uncontrollable rage episode.

Arranging the construction and purchase of several new holdings.
2 Tank Facotires
3 Arms Factories
2 Construction Bays
1 Repair Bay
1 Small Shipyard
3 Refueling Depots

Contemplating the abduction of his masters children and what it might imply...
A Journey Begins

Thanrogar stood in the centre of the Lightsabre Practice Chamber, just one of the training rooms on the training deck of the Polaris. His students worked out in pairs around him as he meditated, following their actions in the force, not watching them move, but feeling their movements.

Chalmum and Arriaddik practiced with one another their blows strong enough to tear a man's arms from their sockets.

Entrau was practicing as the antagonist against both Dewkabukk and Graorral simultaneously as Dewkabukk's father watched from the sidelines.

Sera Keto and Loomar practiced in smooth movements each movement from one flowing exactly with that of the other, though Thanrogar shook his head imperceptibly, the Alderaanian girl couldn't help but move more provocatively than the patterns they practiced required, belonging more on a dancer than a Jedi. Some of the exaggerated movements he knew were more for his benefit. Silly girl is as much a distraction as a force user. He thought to himself, though he knew full well that sometimes a welcome distraction was welcome.

But he was content. And allowed that contentment to flow from him. Hoping that the idle feeling of well-being would infect his people with a spirit of contentment. His mind once more flowed into what he hoped to achieve in this age so alien to his own. The clone wars, a world where Sith and Jedi had long fallen by the wayside, shunned by the people. He could not accept that. Could not allow it. He would return the respect of the people, rebuild the trust in the Jedi Order the Republic once possessed and do what he could against the corruption eating at its heart.

Chalmum and Loomar were the first to break off their excercises as they sensed a shifting in Thanrogar's thoughts and resolve followed by Sera who was always paying attention to her masters moods and then the others.

Thanrogar's eyes flickered open.

He stood in an easy fluid movement. With a flick of the force he keyed the comm panel.

"Bridge to the Luminary." A Droid Voice called.

"Lay in a course for Ilum." He didn't need to elaborate further to the droid. It was almost as old as he was and retained the knowledge in his databanks. But for the others ... "I need to find out more about what may have happened to the Order. There was a Temple on Ilum where the order acquired most of the Adegan Crystals used by the order. Indeed, Loomar, Sera, Dewkabukk, Graorral and Entrau, you all use crystals that came from Ilum in your sabres. Chalmum, you use a Velmorite crystal and... Arriaddik, you'll have to tell me where you got yours from one day." He chuckled. "So as you can all see, Ilum was once very important to the Order. It will take soem time to reach. But it is worthwhile making the attempt."

If there were any objections none of his acolytes cared to venture them. Thanrogar smiled. "Now go, relax. You've worked hard, and we have plenty of work to do." He marched out of his quarters into the corridor and almost sighed as Sera followed him out. The others also emerged and headed for wherever it was they cared to relax, he almost laughed out loud when Graorral went to follow Dewkabukk except for a stern loon from Wwwarggal that turned him away.


Droids and Wookiee's roamed the corridors freely as well as a percentage of other races as he headed for the bridge. "Is this Ilum a beautiful place?" Sera asked.

"It is, if you don't mind the cold." He replied with a smile. Helgrum looked over his shoulder as Thanrogar came onto the bridge. He didn't mind the bounty-hunter being there and Helgrum seemed to enjoy simply watching out of the bay window. But such salve for his damaged mind never helped for too long, Helgrum was a man who drowned his woes in the worry of the now.

Helgrum did however frown at Sera's presence. Her infatuation with Thanrogar was an itch he couldn't scratch, and a small part of him wondered if it was because it meant she wouldn't scratch his other itch. He counted himself a brave man. But not brave, or desperate, enough to gamble on trying it on with a wookiee female... "I heard we've got a new destination?" Helgrum said the question in his tone.

"Indeed. Is there a problem?" Thanrogar asked of the Bounty Hunter.

"Merely curious as to why you want to take the Polaris all that way." He said with a 'matter of fact' tone.
"If there is any presence of the Order still there. The sight of an Inexpugnable might make them feel more secure. If I were to travel there in the Salvaged Salvager or Sunrise Gambit we would look no different than any other people of this time, and if we went in the Princess Bride or Satele Shan they might not have the confidence that we can protect them." Thanrogar said as he moved and sat down in the Captains chair as the droid previously in command vacated it for him. A mixture of Wookiees and a few other races worked on the bridge, but the majority of the work was still done by the droids he'd come to rely on.

"Ah." Was all that Helgrum offered to the matter for some minutes before speaking up again. "Let's just be careful. The Polaris is a big ship, and there is a war on. I'd suggest we avoid lingering, or flat out avoid, the more contested systems."

Thanrogar frowned before nodding. "I'll accede to your wisdom. Let's not upset anyone needlessly." He turned to look at Sera. "Go and relax child, nothing interesting is going to happen here for a little while."

"I'm always relaxed in your presence master." Sera replied.

I'm sure you are... Thanrogar kept to himself. "Go, go, I'm terribly old and need my peace after all, when somewhat over three thousand years old you are you'll understand." He winked at her hoping she didn't take the amusement in his voice for flirtation.

"As you will master." She bowed far more deeply than needed giving him a sightline straight down her top before she left the bridge with a little extra wiggle in her hips.

Hopeless as that hope apparently was.

"I'm thinking she's not going to let you go that easily Than," Helgrum remarked, "A young woman with a crush is not so easily thwarted."

"Oh shut up." Thanrogar laughed rolling his eyes at Helgrum.


Tarevge stood over an open plate in the Salvaged Salvager as Tarpirr's paw rose from within. <Hydrospanner> Tarpirr said and Tarevge passed him the tool. The sounds of his mechanic working caused him to frown down at Tarpirr.

<I thought you said you'd have it fixed by now?> Tarevge called down to him.

<You can't rush it. The refresher's pumps are not something you want to fix wrong. Remember the last time, you tried to fix it yourself and hooked the pump to the sewage outflow.> Tarpirr said grumpily. Tarevge laughed out loud. In fact it had been Tarpirr who had... 'discovered' the mistake the hard way.

<Well do what you can. No telling when Thanrogar will want us to travel, and i'd rather we took this than the three-thousand year old fossils he calls Light Corvettes.> Tarvege said with a note of irritation refusing to admit that the Defenders were in fact better maintained.

Wwwarggal came up the ramp and looked down the open hatchway as his daughter sat down by the table to meditate. <Than has picked a destination for us. Ilum, he's taking Polaris itself.>

<A long trip> Tarevge said with a frown. <And not a subtle one..>

Tarpirr's head popped out of the hatchway. <Not even close to subtle. Especially if we have to pass through the Duros or Corellia systems.>

Dewkabukk turned on the Dejarik table and Wwwarggal noticing sat down across from her. Though he had grown more and more irritated by his inability to beat his daughter at the game. He wondered idly if she was using the force to predict what he'd do...

Tarevge looked down at Tarpirr. <Get that sorted quickly. Then give the Sunrise a once-over and check over those pretty Defenders.>

<Expecting trouble?> Wwwarggal said turning from the game a second.

Tarevge nodded. <Our new boss is one of the most hated people in the galaxy based on his natural abilities, thousands of years outside his own time. He can't see the pitfalls coming, hopefully we can.>

Dewkabukk listened to all of this with a sense of trepidation. There were times she forgot her master was a man out of time. He worked so well with all those he was training building each up in his or her own way. Especially the Padawans, from her own weakness with a Sabre and Graorral's shortcomings with main force abilities. Even Loomar's nervousness with people and Sera's overwhelming sexuality and attachement to him were handled equally, fairly and in a way intended to strengthen them.

She moved a piece with a smile at her father. She needed to get the other Padawans together and tell them what she was hearing. She swore to herself that she would see their master safe. And damn what her father thought. They were loyal to Thanrogar and had a depthless respect. But, Dewkabukk thought, they couldn't be subtle.
Between Loomar's sneaking, Sera's 'social skills', Graorral's piloting skills and her own Psychometry, surely no threat could sneak up on their master.
Darth Andrea, Dark Rebirth
Corporate Sector

She stood at the front of her vessels bridge, staring out across the stars through the viewports, she had recovered fully now from the failed attempt on her life, meditation had cleared her head from the images and psychic imprint that Rhak-Skuri had left behind when she had invaded her mind. She had been tempted to go down her laboratory in the ships bowels and deal with that particular problem right away but she had decided to wait, let Rhak-Skuri stew a little, perhaps the waiting in ignorance of her fate to be instilled her with some fear and humility, before the end came.

She turned around, putting the stars beyond to her back as she moved over the walkway above the various bridge crew station and looked at her flagships captain, "Any word from those associates of Vokkla? I cannot proceed before making plans with them."

Reneva turned and shook her head, "Nothing yet ma'am."

She shook her head and crossed her arms, "Then we wait."

A few minutes later the sensors registered multiple vessel emerging from hyperspace not far from the Dark Rebirth. Once they were all there, all eight of them, they moved at a casual pace towards the Dark Rebirth and the comm system indicated there was an incoming hail from the lead vessel.

Andrea turned to her captain who looked expectingly at her, when she nodded Reneva bowed and answered the hail with Andrea turning to the holographic table that would transmit her appearance to whoever was hailing them while she might see them in return. And see them she did, or at least their spokesperson as a Kel Dor appeared with one of those monkey lizards on his shoulder seeming to stare back at her with his arms crossed. She simply waited, they had hailed her after all, up to them to introduce themselves.

"This is Captain Kar Koon, Vokkla tells me you need a distraction, one that could be quite profitable for us." The Kel'dor said, the monkey lizard on him shoulder was unerringly quiet.

She nodded, "That I do. There are a series of refugee camps in the Cazador system, I want you and your ships to raid and pillage those camps, take whatever supplies you can, take whatever slaves you can. In the end those camps must be clearly show signs to have suffered a devastating pirate and slaver attack. At the same time I will be attending a particular camp myself and deal with a task there." She crossed her arms, "Can you do that?"

Kar Koon reached up and tickled the chin of the monkey lizard absently for a moment as he looked at something outside the field of the holo-imager. "Such a large scale operation is sure to bring about retribution." He answered. "Just who is it we are 'pillaging'"

"CIS sponsored refugee camps, but with no actual CIS military presence is what 'you' are pillaging, what I am after is of no concern to you, or to Vokkla... as I had agreed with him."

"Well I suppose that takes care of the retribution. The CIS don't have time to chase down a band of pirate slavers embroiled as they are in a war." Kar Koon replied. "Rounding up some aide workers and any refugees in the camps should be relatively trivial, and there is always a market for aid supplies." He then added before giving instructions for the flotilla to set course for the Cazador system. "You have the locations of these camps I assume?"

She nodded and gestured to Reneva off to the side who in turn motioned for a bridge crew member. "You are now receiving the sensor data we gathered when we scouted the system, listing all the camp locations and other relevant data. However I would like to ask you to let me go ahead to the system. I need a thirty minute headstart within the system, I have posed as a wealthy patron delivering supplies before and I doubt I can land easily at the same time with a pirate attack. I intend to land as if delivering a normal supply run and then do my business while you and your ships arrive to do yours, agreed?"

"We can work with that." Kar Koon replied. "Signal us when your deception departs and we will begin the countdown" He then closed the channel and his ships began moving to hyperspace entry points.

She smiled and turned to Reneva, "So it begins, I will gather those who I have selected to come with me, take the ship to a hyperspace entry." She received a nod in response and then headed to the turbolift to take her to the hangar level.

Moments later the Chained Despair left the Dark Rebirth with Darth Nyriss piloting the vessel and tasked with staying the ship when they arrived while in the hold Andrea, Karsk, Trizz, Darth Talon and a number of commandos readied themselves. Andrea checked the seals of her armour and traced over the chest piece which had been replaced a while back, happy to see that it was in order and tapped the comms on her gauntlet. "Inform the pirates that we are leaving so they can start their countdown, once we are in the system, just make the same approach as before and tell the same as before that we've come back with more supplies."

"As you wish mistress." Nyriss replied as she tasked the nav-computer to calculate the hyperspace trajectory and she activated the comms, sending a hail to the lead pirate vessel. "The lady Andrea wishes to inform you that we are leaving, so you may begin your countdown." Just as she finished sending that they nav-com signalled it was ready and with practised ease she leaned over and pulled down the lever and watched the starts blink out as they went into hyperspace.

Andrea had just joined Nyriss in the cockpit when they left hyperspace and the Zeltron sith disciple at once set a course for their target, making their approach as normal.When they were within hailing range she activated the comms. "Hello down there, this is Tish again, perhaps you may remember me I was here a few days past delivering supplies for the first time, I have acquired some more, are we cleared to land?"

It took a few moments for the reply to come in from the camp. "Acknowledged, Tish, We have a space cleared on the eastern landing platform. We'll have some loading droids meet you there to help with the supplies."

She went back to the cargo bay while Nyriss landed the ship, as they opened the doors the loading droids were already there and with a smile she beckoned them in. "Ah good, efficient, please come in let me guide you to the crates." She waited till they were in the vessel and gestured to the far end of the cargo bay at the crates. "There you go." She watched them walk to the designated crates and once they were there whistled, Karsk and the commandos got out of cover and opened fire at the droids, neutralizing them efficiently and quickly. "Good, let's see if this works." She said with a grin as she looked over the various droid parts now.
She walked outside of her ship again, trying to spot the nearest 'refugee worker' and waved at him to get his attention. "Hey, your droids are malfunctioning, they just stopped and are staring at the bulkheads doing nothing."

"That's odd." The worker replied as he moved to the vessels cargo ramp. "They were only serviced three days ago. Surely they haven't all developed a fault at the same time."

Once inside and out of view their guest would see eleven blaster barrels in his direction while Andrea poked the hilt of her saber at his back. "Scream and you die, I have some questions." She motioned Karsk over to frisk him for weapons. "How many people are currently outside, in this camp."

Karsk doesn't take long to find the blaster in the concealed underarm holster and relieved the worker of the weapon. "I don't know... six maybe, could be more or less checking on the freight containers, we don't have a strict roster you know." The worker answered with some hesitation and a lot of trepidation.

She nodded, eyeing the blaster, "Very well... and where exactly is the entrance to your hidden facility and what can we expect in there." Talon meanwhile stepped and stood at the entrance, making sure they wouldn't be disturbed.

"Hidden what?.. We're a refugee relief camp! All you'll find here is food, medicine and emergency housing supplies." The worker stammered.

She sighed, placing her hand on his lower back and briefly send a surge of force lightning into his back, probably making him collapse to his knees. "That is the price of lying to me, now I know this is a refuelling base, a black ops, off the records CIS facility and this refugee camp business is just a cover. Now you answer my last question or I shall be most displeased, now talk."

The worker started speaking as he felt Andrea's hands on him. "We're just helping refugeeeeeeeAAAAHHHHHHH!" His sentence cut off to a scream as the lightning hit him. He went further than his knees from the close blast of lightning, the worker completely collapsed and a puddle of yellow liquid started pooling on the deck under him, the odder was not pleasant. "Bitch." He whimpered as he lay on the deck still twitching occasionally.

She rolled her eyes, "I am not hearing what I want to hear, now start talking or I show you my really unpleasant side."

"Far north landing pad, maintenance hatch on the western side. Never been down there myself, they just gave me a blaster and told me to keep an eye out." The worker said as he stopped twitching from the residual energy. "They don't pay me enough to lie when shit like this happens."

"Thank you." She then activated her lightsaber, stabbing him through the back and heart. "I told you not to scream though, unfortunate." She deactivated her blade and let the body drop to the floor. "Right, moving on..." She put a concerned look on her face and went outside, trying to look for the closest cluster of people, if there were any and moved to them, while inside the ship Karsk, Trizz, Talon and the commandos would wait as she had ordered, only to come out if she began violence.

Seeing nobody she went back, "We head out, weapons out of sight for now. We make our way to the far north landing pad, maintenance hatch. You five." She gestured to five commandos, "Stay with Nyriss and guard the ship." She then turned to four cages and with a smile, opened their locks with the force and out came four Tuk'ata who walked up to her as she began talking to them in sith. <"Yes my lovelies, it is time to hunt at my side, stay close to me and we will have some fun."> She finished saying with a purr as she headed out with her entourage.

As the group make their way to the hidden entrance only one individual sees them, he managed to catch sight of the Tu'kuta and hid himself quickly, he was just a worker and he wanted to go home to his family after all, he didn't want to get involved with anything even remotely suspicious.

They reached the hatch and noticed it was locked with a code panel, Trizz was already preparing to use her slicing tools when Andrea stopped her. "Allow me first..." She muttered as she reached down and used psychometry on the code panel to see if she could discover anything.

The code and even the sequence it needed to be input flowed into Andrea's mind like water. The last one to input the code had also been... heavily enhanced with cybernetics she realised.

"Great, tunnel maze." Trizz muttered once they were inside.

"Quiet, don't know how well sound carries in these tunnels." Andrea muttered, gesturing for Karsk to take up point while she and her hounds were right behind, perhaps her Tuk'ata could smell any trouble that they might encounter up ahead. Trizz walked between the commandos while Talon took the rear and they began to move as soon as various shield and force protection bubbles were active.

Stopping as a closed door was in the way ahead. Spotting the access panel she reached out as before to use psychometry, ignoring Trizz's voice behind her. "Why am I paid again?"

She frowned and pulled her hand back, shaking her head. "It's... muddled her, they must have been changing the code for this on regularly. Trizz... you complained, feel free to try your luck on it."

"Gladly boss, now step aside and let a professional handle it." The Zabrak said as she got out her tools.

She was however no more successful and the door remained locked, it did not appear that any alarms had been tripped however.

AndiSyl: Andrea opened her mouth to comment as it seemed Trizz failed and got pointed at by Trizz who didn't even bother turning around. "Don't. Say. A. Word." She muttered through clenched teeth as she simply, tried again."

"Maybe we should just knock?" one of the commando's said under his breath.

"Trizz... do remind me why I am paying you again." Andrea asked in a mockery of Trizz's early words.

Just as Andrea finished saying those words the doors slit open and she looked back with a smirk and shrug. Shaking her head Andrea motioned for the group to advance. Coming to yet another door, glancing at Trizz she snorted silently and reached out to the panel with psychometry.

Andrea manages a fuzzy image of the right keys to press but doesn't get enough to know what sequence to input them, few of the keys look almost unreadable in her vision as well further compounding the issue.

She sighed, rubbing her eyes and told Trizz what she saw, maybe it'd help her. "Right do your thing, faster this time."

The Zabrak just grinned. "Maybe berate me while I do it might help?"

The door slid open and a small security office was revealed with two BX-Commando droids monitoring the consoles, it appeared the camera feeds from the entry tunnel were on the fritz explaining why the group had not been spotted already.

Fortunately while the droids were quick Trizz was faster as she brought up her blaster and fired right away.

Trizz's hurried shot went wide and took out one of the monitors behind the BX commando she fired at, the droid that crouched and returned fire a moment later.

Trizz saw her shield depleted, "Poodoo!" She cursed while Andrea charged past her, igniting her blade as she made to hack at one of the droids.

The blade struck true severing one of the droids arms, though it was not incapacitated by any stretch. Its partner seeing a target directly deside it opened fire on Andrea at point blank range.

Seeing their mistress being attacked the sith hounds growled and charged at the offending droid who had attacked their mistress.

Trizz watched as one of the hounds ripped off one of the arms, with both Andrea and her hounds in there she didn't risk shooting inside, instead she tapped Karsk. "She can use a hand in there." She said hurriedly.

The droid engaged with Andrea, having lost its blaster in the arm that was severed by the lightsabre pulled a vibroblade from its leg and struck out at the woman with the short blade.

She evaded the blow nearly and retaliated with a lightsaber strike of her own.

The strike failed to find purchase however as the second droid, beleaguered by the Tukuta, thankfully still had its blaster unlike its comrade. The usually nimble droid, while hampered still made to shoot the hounds attacking it.

The Tuk'ata yelped and snarled being the first to lunge at the droid again along with the other three.

Karsk came into view, seeing the Tuk'ata literally rip a commando droid to pieces as best they could and then saw Andrea still fighting one herself. Drawing his blade he joined at her side.

But he missed, narrowly hitting Andrea who glared at her 'reinforcements' and made another lunge at the droid.

The sabre sliced into the droids torso, damaging a number of systems but leaving it still functional enough to strike back at Andrea again.

But failed, making itself vulnerable to attack as well seeing it was off balance. The Tuk'ata, Karsk and Andrea attacked the remaining droid in quick order.

The Tukata move in swiftly for the kill and overwhelm the droid leaving it a mass of mangled parts strewn across the floor.

The rest of the small security office was pretty much as one would expect of a monitoring station though tri'zz blaster bolt earlier had taken out the feed to the high security area they could still see a barracks with a number of humanoids in military garb and a hanger with a ship docked in it and several more BX droids standing guard.

Looking over the carnage they had just wrought she nodded, "Well that happened. At least we have confirmation its a CIS base seeing these droids." She turned back to the entrance of this small security office. "Trizz, get in here please. Take a look at the Tuk'ata and then at these terminals, see if we can learn anything about this place."

Trizz looked at the Tukuta and then back at Andrea, "Damnit woman I'm a medic not a veterinarian." she said before moving to the security terminal to see what she could do. It took a little time but she managed to reconfigure the remaining monitors to show feeds from the high security area, including the generator room with a couple of technicians by the look of them working. A room filled with computer servers, a mainframe she guessed. What looked to be the main control centre as there were rows of computer terminals and a large wall mounted display, several living staff, several logistic droids and some magnaguards. The 4th showed a large office with two magnaguards and the heavily enhanced cyborg Andrea had seen in her vision at the maintenance hatch door.

"Well, seems we have plenty to clear out still. Let's head out assuming you can't do anything else with these terminals?" Andrea said.

"I can trigger a alarm from here if you want."

"... Let's not do that... you stay here, we might now know the layout of this place but if you are here you might spot their reactions to whatever we are doing. Lock the door." And with that she walked out, her sith hounds following her as they moved up the corridor.

At the door without a panel they decided to move up, the Hssiss commandos covering the corridor they had gone through while Karsk covered the locked door behind as Andrea and Talon stood at the door entrance and opened the door to see what lay beyond.

With a grin she smiled at the occupants in the room beyond, noticing none of them were droids. "Hello there..." She all but purred before tapping into the force and tried to draw forth the occupants worst and most terrifying nightmares.

While she tried that her hounds rushed forwards and attacked the nearest two occupants sitting at a table. Joined by Talon who ignited her blades and attacked savagely.

The two operatives that were attacked both failed to take defensive actions in their surprise to see intruders inside the base. And both took wounds from talon and the Tu'kuta. The surprise would not last however and the men started retaliating the first to act firing on Talon seeing her as the bigger threat.

Andrea watched the blaster bolts miss Talon and blinked, her power failed her? She frowned, concentrating once more and tried to unleash force horror manifestations on the minds of these people.

Those clustered around the table with the exception of the man standing at the end all entered a catatonic state as Andrea's force induced hallucinations took hold of their minds.

The Tuk'ata snarled, confused for a moment as their prey stopped resisting, seeing one nearby who did still move they snarled and attacked him instead.

She saw the looks of pure horror on the faces of most inside the room and knew her mistress had something to do with that, she simply and efficiently struck both closest enemies and cut their heads off, turning to face the one at the end of the table who did not seem frozen in fear.

Seeing the lightsabre wielding woman effortlessly dispatch his men the officer raised his heavy blaster and fired off two quick shots.

While she saw and avoided the first blast the second impacted square where her head was... except stopped a foot before actually hitting flesh as if it had hit a personal shield. The officer cursed and the one of his men that was not incapacitated fired on the beasts trying to savage him. The shots went wild however.

She clacked her tongue in annoyance at the sight, two had resisted her nightmare induced visions it seems. A annoyance to be sure as she stepped forwards, standing beside Darth Talon and extended her hand, amassing the power of the dark side and channelling it into a storm of lightning directed at the one who had shot Talon and the stunned enemies.

The officer and the two men closest to him writhe in pain as the lightning cascades through their bodies, one of the men seems to lose all senses even in his already catatonic state while the other however manages to use the pain to break free of the nightmares effecting his mind and retaliates against the sith woman. Between the pain of the lightning and the after effect of the nightmarish visions his aim was well and truly off.

Growling two of the Tuk'ata went to bite and lock their jaws around the legs of their current target while the other two tried to pounce and bring the man down before attempting to dig their teeth into his throat.
AndiSyl: From the scream and cursing to the side the Tuk'ata were having a good time so Talon opted to charge in at the man who had shot her with both blades.

The blades caught the officers weapon... or more specifically the hand holding it eliciting a howl of pain from the officer who promptly turned to flee.

The opportunistic strike from Talon failed to connect as the officer ran for his life however.

The operative being savaged by the Tukuta pulled a short vibroblade from his waist and stabbed at the beasts, knowing as he did that it was likely futile.

Andrea ignited her blade, "Talon I rather prefer it to not have the alarms go off just yet." She said as she made a swing with her arm forwards for a strike at the enemy operative who had awakened from his catatonic slumber.

The blade failed to hit its mark and the other operative that had been hit by lightning seemed to come out of his state upon seeing his comrade attacked. And quickly fired his blaster to assist.

As with talon the blaster bolt hit a shield of some kind and failed to actually injure Andrea. This did not however deter the operative she had attacked with her sabre who made another attempt to fire at the woman.

Andrea let out a curse as a blaster bolt hit her in the chest, sensing their mistress was hurt the Tuk'ata were incensed and attacked allout on their current target.

Obeying Andrea the Twi'lek sith disciple ran after the officer, she heard Andrea curse behind her but paid no heed to it, neither did she pay heed to the guards up ahead as she slashed at the officers back.

The officer expired messily and the droids ahead of Talon opened fire on her before the officers body had even hit the floor. This proved to be a mistake as two of the droids actually shot the officers corpse as it fell, if Talon had not killed him the droids most certainly had. One of the droids hit their mark however.

The nightmares Andrea had inflicted were starting to fade it seemed as another operative in the barracks regained control and fired on her.

She reeled back from another blaster impact, shouting. "Karsk, get yourself and the Hssiss involved!" She snarled as she let loose another force storm this time on all visible enemies right before her.

The last incapacitated operative snapped out of the nightmares as the lightning hit him and as his vision cleared he fired on the first target he saw, the Tukuta hounds.

With a yelp and whine another blaster impact was scored on the Tuk'ata and they turned charging at the one responsible for hurting one of the pack.

With a yelp and whine another blaster impact was scored on the Tuk'ata and it fell down, the remaining sith hounds turned as one and charged at the one responsible for hurting and diminishing the pack.

The viciousness of the pack was not so diminished as they tore into the operative that struck at them. His comrades however were still focused on Andrea and both fired at her, practically desperate to take down the woman flinging lightning from her hand.

Talon saw the droids approach and quickly molded a new bubble of protection against herself before running back into the barracks, just in time to see Andrea get hit twice more.

With their target retreating the droids moved up to follow, one of the three splitting off to circle around to the other barracks entrance. Inside the barracks one of the operatives saw the man next to him savaged by the dog-like creatures and opened fire on them at close range.

The commandos came in just as another Tuk'ata was shot and killed, knowing the value their mistress placed on these creatures they retaliated with a blaster volley of their own at the operatives.

Karsk followed in after them and opened fire on them with his own blaster.

Wounded but very much still standing Andrea again lashed out with her saber at the operative before her.

The strike failed to land and operative turned away from his attacker and made a break for an emergency panel on the wall a couple of meters away.

It was turning into chaos in the barracks to Talon's eyes, the others came bursting in and fired, dropping and wounding some of the CIS that were there and apparently snapped out of their catatonic state and she was just in time to witness the one engaging Andrea backing off and fleeing to what appeared to be a alarm of some kind. Reacting more than actually thinking about she send a burst of lightning in the direction of that enemy and saw the uncontrolled burst of power literally cook him alive. She stared at her hand for a moment before she realized what was coming up behind her. "Commando droids!" She shouted in warning as she turned around to engage them.

The droid Talon attacked proved nimble enough to avoid the deadly lightsabre blades however and pulled its vibroblade to retaliate at close range.

Its strike failed to find flesh however and its fellow droid opened fire with its blaster carbine, though it too failed to find its mark. The third droid headed back up the corridor still.

The last remaining operative in the barracks, now vastly outnumbered and panicking fired blindly towards the intruders.

"One of the droids is trying to flank us!" Talon shouted back at the others, the commandos acting upon those words by two of them moving back the corridor they had entered the barracks and fired upon seeing the droid there while the other three moved closer to get a line of sight to the droid who had been shooting at Talon and fired at that one.

Karsk meanwhile fired two quick shots at the remaining operative and see if he could finish him off.

The operative seemed to take cover behind the table just as Karsk fired upon him saving him a quick death it seemed as he was now somewhat pinned with the Tukata hounds baring down on him. The droid in the upper corridor managed to avoid the first from the two commandos sent to intercept it though the one engaged with talon was no so lucky as it took damage from the commandos sent to assist the twi'lek sith.

Andrea focused on a new bubble of force protection around herself, following after her commandos to the north and stepped in front of the commando.

The hounds meanwhile smelling weakness attacked the cowering operative while Darth Talon resumed her attack on the commando droid.

The droid once again avoided the lightsabre blows and struck out with the vibroblade while its comrade attempted to aide it.

While the nimble woman avoided the vibroblade the blaster first found its mark, but again was stopped by the bubble of force energy she used for protection. The droid facing andrea instead took the option to try and move around the woman instead of directly fighting her.

The commandos supporting Talon resumed what they were doing and opened fire again at the commando just ahead of her taking potshots at the sith disciple.

The two commandos drew their vibro blades and charged in at the droid now engaged with their mistress to assist her.

The two of them were rather effective as they sliced into the droids joints, attacking in a coordinated assault the prevented it from avoiding the blows. They had it dismantled in short order.

The three supporting Talon had less luck, one scored a glancing hit but the other two suffered a mechanical failure of some kind with their blasters, one appeared to have a dead power cell, a somewhat embarrassing situation to find oneself in after having only fired a half dozen shots all mission.

Karsk looked on grimmly at how the Tuk'ata were savagely mauling that one operative and shouted after Andrea. "Hey sweet-cheeks, dealt with the flanking there?"

"Shut up and find something to kill!" Came the strained and annoyed answer.

With a smirk Karsh decided to head to the Twi'lek, glaring at the commandos as he witnessed their blaster problems he stood next to them and opened fire at their target instead.

Andrea glanced at the pile of scrap, nodding to her commandos as she advanced, coming around the corner just as she witnessed her remaining sith hounds bursting into view who together with Talon attacked the remaining commando droid.

It appeared this particular droid have been given a greater than usual library of evasive manoeuvres in its data-banks as the relentless attacks were all avoided. It struck out again with its blade, following its programming to the inevitable conclusion.

Whipping out their own blades the three closest commandos charged in, hoping that with overwhelming numbers that commando droid would finally turn into scrap.
It seemed that 6-to-1 odds were too much for the droids and it was literally torn to pieces. Hearing no alarms or running footsteps of reinforcements Andrea allowed herself to relax as she turned to the door to the security office they had found and banged on it. "Trizz, get out here and tend to some wounds! And I know you aren't a veterinarian but take a look at my hounds again will ya!"

The doors slid open with a amused looking Zabrak whose face fell when she saw Andrea, or more precisely her injuries, cursing softly as she went for her medical supplies. "Really don't know how to take it careful, huh?"

After putting some bandaids on Talon and Andrea and sarcastically patting them on the shoulder while saying 'there, there'. Trizz tended to the hounds and contrary to her earlier wounds managed to stabilise the two hounds that had been downed before but they would need extended care whenever they got back to the ship. Deciding to keep them with her in the security office so she could keep a eye on their condition.

Trizz looked at the screen and turned back to Andrea, "Well that little scuffle doesn't seem to have alerted them but I'll be keeping an eye on them, the pirate raid should be going on at any moment and no idea what they might do in that case." She shrugged and with a mock salute closed the doors in front of Andrea once more.

Shaking her head she absent-mindedly rubbed over the heads of her two healthy Tuk'ata and walked back to the barracks with them and Talon in tow. She had left three of the commandos at the corridor junction where the commando droids had come from while she, the hounds, Talon, Karsk and the other two commandos would check out the unlocked door at the barracks, opening it while those with her readied weapons in case there were enmies lying in wait.

As the door opened the droid standing on the other side leaped into action, its electrostaff coming alive with a crackle of energy. "Whats going on?" could be heard faintly from the stall the magna guard was standing in front of moments before the droid attacked Andrea.

Her lightsaber was in her hand already and all she did was press the activation studd to block the incoming strikes and with a snarl she counter-attacked, together with Karsk and the commandos who joined her with their own blades.

Seeing no way for her to join in the melee, Talon instead stayed with the hounds and attempted to assist in this battle by trying and unbalance the droid with the force.

While outnumbered the manga guard seemed to be holding its own reasonably well and with its charge in the stall behind it the droid was not about to relent now.

There were enough blades to parry and deflect the attacks from the magna guard and once more they tried to bring it down with overwhelming numbers.

Even with their numbers however only one of the commandos managed to land a blow on the droid. Talon however tried again to target the droid with a force push to put it off balance and actually had some success. Enough that the droid missed an attack it would have landed otherwise.

Just moments before Andrea, Karsk and the commandos made their renewed attacks Talon reached, again trying to unbalance the droid but she did more than that, suddenly she had a hold on the droid and it froze, a easy target for the lightsaber and vibro blades that crashing into it and turned it into slagg.

Andrea kicked some of the scrap aside and looked back at Talon, nodding once, she had felt the sudden twist in the force from behind her, her blade still ignited she stepped into the bathroom and turned to the stall they had heard the voice from. "I am having a very bad day so come out or I will cut you out."

"If I come out now you're days is unlikely to get any better." The voice said from the other side of the stall door. a sentence punctuated by the sounds of rapid liquid defecation.

"I am going to count to ten and if you aren't opening this door by then... well you really don't want to know." She paused and started. "One..."

"I'm doing you a favour by not... oh god..." the same sound as before followed for several moments. "You don't want to breathe the same air I am, believe me." the voice responded


"Who are you anyway?" the voice asked. "and why cant you leave a man to void his bowels in peace?"


"Do you have any idea how your legs feel after being like this for over an hour, they go to sleep, i couldn't open the door even if I was inclined right now."


At reaching ten she ignited her blade once more and stabbed it where the latch would be that would keep it closed and locked. And then used the force to open it.

The sight that greeted andrea was a rather obese human male, balding, his pants around his ankles and crown jewels on display as he sat on the toilet and looked at andrea with an expression of eternal sufferance. "My days not been fantastic either you know." he said while making no move to cover himself.

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I really don't have time for this. Should have blown up this place like I originally intended." She muttered and then looked back at the man. "Who are you and tell me why I shouldn't start cutting your appendages off."

"Why the bloody hell /would/ you do that?" He man the man practically spluttered. "One little war and suddenly no one has any manners." he followed up, aloud by clearly talking to himself more than Andrea. "I am Whilem Kline, the third son of General Horsk Kline, Underseer of this facility and would very much prefer to stay in one piece."

"To answer your question of why I 'would' do that." She turned to the bathroom stall door and sliced through the length of it, letting the top half drop to the floor and turned back to the man on the crapper, pointing her lightsaber at his 'crown jewels'. "Because I can. You show remarkable lack of surprise or any emotion really at seeing someone like me in this base, but I suppose I'll ignore that for now. So underseer of this facility, that sounds just wonderful, care to tell me your passwords, passcodes or hand over any encryption keys or keycards you may have or do I need to bring my lightsaber closer between your legs?"

"You would injure and mutilate a defenceless man purely for sport?!" Now somewhere between outrage and shock and fussing with the chest pockets on his non regulation jacket. after a moment he removed an access card and flicked it towards Andrea. "Fine, take the bloody card. Its not like I'm in any fit condition to try and stop you now is it. I'll save us both the time and pain."

She smiled and caught the card, "Thanks, not done with you yet though... get cleaned up and put those trousers back on... please." She stepped back and closed the door, hiding his lower half from the way she had cut through it but his head would still show. As turned her saber off and waited, patiently. For now.

"I hope for your sake you have a weak sense of smell then." He replied as his stomach 'gurgled'. He complied however, then stood up and pulled up his pants again.

The Tuk'ata walked in after being told to stay for so long and flared their nostrils, whining loudly as they bolted from the bathroom. Andrea watched them go, "Not as strong as my hounds, but no. I want to know how many people and security are left in this facility." She counted. "I have dealt with... 1 magna guard, 5 commando droids and about 8 humanoid security or operatives."

"14 BX model commando droids, 6 Analyst droids, 4 Magna guard droids, 5 transient operatives including their officer, 5 support personel and the Overseer." Whilem quickly listed off in almost a monotone.

Andrea raised an eyebrow, "Ok. You are remarkable helpful to a intruder in your supposedly secret base. Any other security measures I should be aware off?"

"Logistics is my job." Whilem replied. "If you have been 7 hours earlier your death toll would have been 8 lower."

"I see, well you have been somewhat helpful I suppose and with how you introduced yourself you sounded important, so will you put up a fuss if you get bound and gagged and be taken offworld? Or do you prefer the option with my lightsaber?"

"I already said I prefer to remain in one piece. This won't be the first time I've been taken prisoner for some reason either." he replied as he turned around and placed his hands behind his back.

She blinked and numbly gestured for Karsk to bind their new prisoner, ignoring the snickering he was making as he went to work. "Right... well... that happened... ah." She turned back to her prisoner just as Karsk finished binding his hands together. "The Overseer I take it is the cyborg? Tell me about him. Who is he, how is he like, everything you know."

"Jaytyr Nicsla. Something of a bore really, good at his job of course, likely due to all the hardware, personal file says he used to be some hotshot execution squad leader, maybe he messed up and got demoted or coupled with the wrong senators wife, I don't know the details."

"I see... Karsk escort our... guest... to where Trizz is, inform her that if he so much twitches she can shoot him."

Karsk smirked, "Regular or stun setting?"

She shrugged, "Up to her." She then waved him on to do as she said while she looked at the keycard and then back at Talon, the Tuk'ata and the two commandos. "With me and she moved to one of the locked doors. Positioning herself and the others before she turned to the console at the door. "Right lets see if this works and she slid the keycard in."

The door opened smoothly to reveal a combination armoury and store room, several racks had a variety of common weapons and there were a number of crates in the room, some marked with with contents some not. one crate in particular stood out at the centre of the back wall, it had a security lock on it and was clearly of sturdier design than the others, it also had 'handle with care' and 'explosive' warning labels in several languages.

Andrea looked back at the others and then at the crates, noting the one standing out from the others and carefully stepped inside to study it, but not yet touch it.

Andrea would note that the locking mechanism had three inputs available, a keypad, a datajack and a keycard slot.

She considered for a moment and shrugs, "Doesn't hurt to try." I suppose she said to herself as she reached out and concentrated on using psychometry.

She felt as if the crate could physically tell her 'fuck you' she would have learned more. She then turned to the others, "Stay here." And walked out to where Trizz was, just witnessing as Karsk was about to leave while Trizz had her blaster out but didn't seem concerned, ignoring those two she looked at their prisoner. "Odd crate in the storeroom/armoury around the corner, what's inside it?" She held up the keycard. "And will this thing open that crate as well?"

"Operational supplies. Yes." Whilem answered matter of factly.

She looked back at the keycard and again to her prisoner. "Is there anything, any door, this card doesn't open?"

"Jaytyr's office."

She nods, "Right, well thank you." She stepped out, making Karsk follow her, still at odds with herself on what to think of this rather helpful individual. She looked at the three commandos on guard at a junction and gestured for one of them to break off. "One of you stay with Trizz, keep a eye on our new guest." The commando just nodded and conferred with the other two which of them would take up that task while she and Karsk rejoined the others at the armoury and she tried the keycard on the crate to see what was exactly inside.

The crate took a moment to register the keycard before the sound of several bolts could be heard withdrawing and the top of the crate hinged upwards automatically until it was vertical. Inside were power packs.

She rose a eyebrow again, "Right." She picked one up and looked it, then offered it to Karsk. "Can you make anything out of this? At least why it might have been in a secured crate like this?"

Karsk looked it over and weighed the power pack in his hand, "Seems like a regular power pack for a blaster, something some of your commandos clearly haven't seen before judging from some of their actions in the fight earlier." He snarked and smirked before he continued. "Seems universal though, like it can be fitted into other weaponry, also feels heavier." He shrugged and handed it back.

Andrea looked at it and put it back. "I see, well we will be taking this crate with us then, maybe Kano or some of his underlings might be interested in this. For now we move on."

They moved back down to the junction with more closed off doors, two had keypads, one had not, they decided to first try the door without the need for a keycard, it turned out to be a food storage area

She looked around, recalled the smell of the underseer and closed the door. "This room is off limits." She said quietly and then looked at the door opposite to the food storage area and then at the door to her right. Deciding to go for the further door while gesturing for the Hssiss on guard to get closer and watch the opposite door.
The door opened and four commando droids turned at the sound.

Talon walked inside, in what appeared to be a hangar and activated her lightsabers, lashing out with both her blades. The Hssiss commandos joining following after her and engaging the other duo while the sith hounds rushed and charged headlong at a pair of technicians, snapping their jaws at them.

The two technicians fell like wheat to the scythe while two of the droids were damaged by the aggressors. those facing Talon reacted first and while one drew a vibroblade the other fired its blaster.

Snapping to attention the two commandos whipped out their blades and charged in, past andrea and attacked the droids their fellow commandos were already engaging.

While Talon dodged both a vibroblade and a blaster shot by stepping quickly aside.

Andrea ignited her own saber and added hers to Talons as the both of them engaged the two droids with lightsabers while Karsk who seemed to be a tad sluggish walked up and spotted a technician further down the length of the hangar and shot at him, making sure nobody would interrupt them.

Talon blinked, only her force enhanced reflexes able to pick up how Andrea suddenly jumpe into the fray from nowhere and slashed a deep cut at one of the commando droids, making her strike at the droids herself with her own blades to compare.

The Hssiss commandos continued to fight, aided now by the two Tuk'ata hounds who charged, their muzzled addorned with blood from the Technicians they had ripped the throats out off.

The hounds tore into the droid with a savagery not yet matched while the commando's beside them did manage to hit their target at least... well once...

Talon on the other hand was having less luck with the droid she was attacking being just fast enough to avoid the blows aimed at it.

The two droids under attack by the force users struck back, cornered as they were there was little else they could do.

Andrea nearly got hit by such a blow and quickly jumped aside, narrowly evading the strike. While behind her the two other commandos resumed their attack on the remaining commando droid engaged with them.
AndiSyl: Andrea let her jumped back into the fray, lightsaber in hand as Karsk charged in with his vibroblade, joined with Talon, the sith hounds and even some of the Hssiss.

Once the last of the commando droids had been turned into slag she took stock of the situation. "You two." She gestured to the Two Hssiss who had charged in, "Return to your former position." They nodded and retreated while she looked at the craft docked here. "Karsk give that thing a look and once over." She asked of the big man while she contacted Trizz. "How are things, are they still acting as if there are no intruders in their base?"

"Well, nobody seems to be inside the ship. As far as I can guess." Karsk said, tapping the hull.

Andrea held up her hand, listening to Trizz. "Seems it's business as usual for them, at least as far as I can tell, sure they seem a bit edgy with the raid currently taking place insystem but I don't see them gearing up to deal with intruders if that's what you are asking, also our prisoner is doing fine, in case you were wondering."

"Just keep your eyes on those screens." Andrea replied and then turned to Karsk, "Guess? Go inside to check."

The burly man tapped the hull again. "Boarding ramp is locked, probably remote access."

She ignored the smirk on his lips and just rolled her eyes. Glancing at the far side of the hangar. "Let's check out that door over there."

The door clearly lead to a cargo storage area, and was surprisingly unlocked. Upon opening the door however a sight greeted them that was not likely pleasant.

They all went for their weapons but Andrea paused holding up her hand. "They aren't active..." She murmured and then grinned. "Talon, time to make them look better." As she and her disciple approached the the two rows of four and ignited their lightsabers to just cut off their heads as quickly as possible while the Hssiss did the same with the two droids standing on their own.

After scrapping the droids sufficiently to her tastes and checking the room, discovering nothing of worth besides basic supplies, including some of the ones she had delivered herself when she was last in the sector on the scouting trip they headed back to where they had left the commandos on guard and looked at the closed door. "Well then, let's see what's behind door number three..." As she put in the keycard.

The door opened with a hiss and the moment she lay eyes on the room she had a terribly bad feeling about this, motioning for the others to wait she stepped in, keycard in hand.

She cautiously moved forwards, noticing the odd marking on the ceiling in the corners, making them almost look like hatches. Cursing under her breath, "Lovely... I will have a word with my prisoner for not warning me about this... Karsk, Talon, join me, lets hope having a access keycard will prevent any... unpleasantness. But if not better be prepared for something nasty to come out of the ceiling." She warned as the two other joined her, warily looking at the corners while Andrea accessed the other door, after closing the first if that was required.

The first door closed as normal and the keypad for the second door became active, registering the access card when it was swiped the second door opened with a chime.

She let out a breath she didn't she had been holding and closed the second door again to open the first door and this time reopen the door with the Hssiss and Tuk'ata following her, as before the second door opened with a chime
Cautiously the group advanced.

With a curse Andrea reached for her earpiece which had emitted a shrill beeping right into ear. "Trizz?"

"Sorry about, just making sure you'd hear me. One of the goons just looked at his console and started walking, might be due to something you have done. What have you done now?"

She cursed silently, "Opened a door and probably got myself into trouble."

"Ah, business like usual, carry on boss."

"Intruders!" Shouted the officer that had gone to see why the security antechamber door has chimed twice before anyone had stepped out."Sound the alarm." he added as he hurried to get his blaster out of its holster.

The Magnaguard at the far end of the room from Andrea and her party simply turned to the panel next to it and did as the officer had ordered. Sirens immediately started and the security room most of the party had just stepped through activated its lockdown prompting the tukuta and comando's standing in the doorway to move fast to avoid being pulverised by the rapidly closing blast door.

The Tuk'ata jumped out of the doorway as if sensing what was about to happen, one of the commandos quickly followed their lead but the other commando in the doorway was not fast enough as the blast door closed and sealed shut, not even slowing down as both sides squeezed the commando like a overripe tomato not caring what armour he was wearing as with a series of sickening sounding crunches and cracks the commando was squeezed to death, not even able to scream out in agony before he died in a most brutal way he could ever experience.

Karsk just took one look at the door and shook his head at Andrea, "Can't blow it." Without asking her permission he got on the comms. "Trizz, get out of that hole you are hiding in and try and slice open some doors, got some men trapped." As he strode out fired a few blaster shots at the nearby officer.

The commandos inside wiped away some splatters of blood from their visors belonging to their formed squadmate and noticed the turrets rapidly descending, acting mostly on instinct as one reached for a droid popper hurling it at a turret while the other got out his blaster and fired rapidly at another.

"Can't have a moment without a complication can we?" She asked nobody in particular as she headed out. "Watch him." Was all she said to the commando, gesturing vaguely at their prisoner as she rushed out.

Andrea also looked at the door, sturdy enough even to make using a lightsaber worthless, she just stepped forwards slightly past Karsk and unleashed a force storm straight ahead filling what looked like a security room ahead.

One of the turrets in the security room took damage from the commandos blaster fire, disabling one of its blasters. The grenade fell short of hitting the mark.

Between the lightning and the blaster fire in the control centre most of the CIS forces took damage bar the one magnaguard completely out of Andrea's line of sight.

Shaking off the electric shock many of them moved to act. the two operatives at the far end of the room took cover using the consoles and returned fire on andrea, while the officer moved up a little and did the same.

The mangnaguard that was around the corner from the entrance activated its electrostaff and charged around the corner at Andrea

The commando rounded the corner to be in time to see a electro staff stop mid-air as Darth Talon rushed past him and charged the magna guard with both her blades while he took aim and fired at the officer in cover.

Tthe remaining to operatives in the control centre moved out from their stations to attack. the first and closest taking cover at the wall and pulling a grenade from his belt and throwing it at the intruders, it landed at andrea's feet, bounced, went over the tukuta hounds head and came to rest near the back wall of the corridor, and sat inert. His comrade stood behind the man that had taken cover at his console and opened fire on Andrea as well, missing the mark however. The Magnaguard at the far end used the consoles and wall as cover to move up so that it could join its counterpart.

The 4 double turrets in the security room divided their fire over the two commandos caught in the room filling the air with the smell of ozone as they unleashed a torrent of blast bolts.

Karsk continued to fire at the officer while a pair of Tuk'ata charged past him at a CIS operative, beginning to claw and bite at the unfortunate individual.

While inside the security checkpoint one of the commandos staggered back from a hit and both of them opened fire at the turrets, each picking their own target. Outside Trizz arrived at the console and might see if she could get it sliced open, and if she could if it would be in time.

Andrea switched to her saber and slashed at the droid in front of her.

The officer winced in pain as the blaster bolt struck him in the shoulder though the operative that had been opposite him was not as lucky when facing the tukuta as he was torn apart by the slobbering beasts.

In the security room the two commandos were clearly disoriented by the hail of blaster fire they were busy trying desperately to avoid and failed to hit any of the turrets despite their best efforts.

The two operatives in cover opened fire on Karsk to avoid hitting the Magnaguard engaged with the two women while the officer back-pedalled and fired on the tukuta he had just seen tear into one of his men. The Magnaguard engaged with Andrea redoubled its assault on the woman.

Karsk seemed unfazed as his shield spluttered, he knew it could take a few hits as behind him the commando resumed opening fire at a available target, the nearest operative. While talon resumed her attack, feeling rage as she sees the electrostaff impact on her mistress's head.

While the commando managed to hit its mark despite the cover, the magnaguard swiftly avoided Talons strikes. The opratives who's partner had been mauled by the beasts opened fire on them in retaliation though the shoots went wide of the targets. The second Magnaguard also targeted the hounds as they were the nearest target and it would have needed to move past them anyway.

Karsk opened fire at the operatives with the vanishing of the officer from his line of sight while the commandos ducked, the newest laser barrage missing them, barely before they returned fire as Trizz tried to slice open the door.

The hounds turned to the magna guards and attacked it savagely, much like their mistress did with her oppenent but with force lightning instead of her saber.

The two commando's in the security room with adrenalin surely pumping thick and fast learned to use the sights on their weapons and hit the turrets firing on them, putting one of of comission entirely. Trizz was having less luck on the door however as the console remained stubbornly locked with the words 'Lockdown in Effect' along its display.

Karsks shots did little but ruin more expensive computer equipment while the magnagurd fighting the Tukuta avoided the beasts snapping jaws and sharp claws. Its counterpart did not fare so well against the lightning however and took some damage, before retaliating against Andrea. The officer meanwhile called out to his team to concentrate fire on his target as he fired on the Tukuta.

The Magnaguard failed to land more blows on Andrea, the coordinated fire power of the operatives and the officer however turned the two Tukuta into smoking corpses, one of which was struck in the head and brain matter splattered over the Magnaguard it had been facing.

Talon became a blurr of blades and strikes at the magnaguard while the commando resumed opening fire.

Both missed their targets.

With the beasts put down the operative that had been waiting for a better shot at them switched his target to Karsk again and fired while the now free magnaguard charged at Talon.

Neither the operative to the magnaguard found traction in their attacks

The Security turrets facing the two commando's now reduced to three with one of them damaged finally achieved a solid target lock on the two men and let lose a devastating volley of blaster fire, even the advanced armour they wore could not protect them as they were gunned down swiftly leaving blood and smoking pieces or armour strewn around the chamber. With their targets eliminated they three remaining turrest went back to scanning the room for new targets as the lockdown was still in effect.

Karsk checked his blaster for a moment before aiming and resuming fire.

Trizz heard the whittle of blaster fire dying down and cursed, abandoning her attempt, "They are dead." Was all she said as she backed off, shaking her head.

Andrea resumed with lightning.

Karsks fire found at least one target among the operatives he could see who went down with a solid thud as he hit the floor. while andrea's lightning found new fury as it slammed into the magnaguard before her.
The Officer mde a quick cross to the other side of the entrance corridor while calling for the remaining operatives to fire on Karsk as he was the most exposed target to their line of sight, one of the operatives snapped off a shot while the Magnaguard facing andrea attacked again while its chassis still crackled with the after effects of the siths lightning.

Andrea suffered another Hit as Talon counter attacked with more blaster fire added by the remaining Hssiss.

The operative that was hit by the Hssiss followed his officers orders and kept firing on Karsk though the shot missed by a bare fraction as Karsk ducked at the right moment. The magnaguard that had charged Talon tried again to strike the twi'lek woman though neither blow landed.

Karsk saw a blasterbolt pass by his face, making him swear like a madman as he aimed at the officer and fired two rapid shots. Andrea lashed out with another lightning burst while on the other side of the checkpoint Trizz retreated back.

Karsk's shots took the officer in the chest and head dropping the man unceremoniously. This had the effect of causing the operative at the far end of the room to throw caution to the wind and fire on Karsk like his life depended on putting the man down, probably because it did.

The Magnaguard facing Andrea managed to avoid the full force of the lightning as it caught the blast on the end of its electrostaff before retaliating in a fluid motion.

Being the remaining commando in this combat encounter and feeling he did had to prove himself somewhat he aimed and fired at the remaining operative at the end while Talon lashed out furiously at the Magna Guard.

The operative felt the sting of the commando's blaster fire quite acutely after his own dismal performance.
The magnaguard barely avoided destruction at Talons hands, though it did lose an arm it fought back as though this did not even imped it.

Talon jumped back from the counter attack of the magna guard just in time and witnessed Karsk rushing in with a blade of his own as he attacked the droid himself.

Cursing Andrea whipped her blade back up to strike at the droid after her failed lightning attack.

Seeing the two magnaguard droids before him become little more than scrap spurred the already panicked operative to repeat his previous frantic action at the group of enemies before him.

Talon staggered back as one of the shots hit her square in the chest, the remaining commando opening fire once more to try and take down the panicking operative.

The shot missed and Talon charged in at the operative.

With no hostiles in sight they allowed themselves to take a breather, Andrea turned and glanced at the door, without having to worry about a blaster bolt in her back she could now try this, although she doubt it works. As she tried the keycard, doubting it would override the lockdown.

She just nodded when a access denied came on the screen. "Trizz, are you back with the cameras?"

"I am, and hey thanks for asking if I am ok, all I did was try and slice open a door while hearing people dying on the other end, but yeah im fine."

Andrea ignored the tone in Trizz's voice. "What do you see."

"I see a bunch of technicians or whatever wondering what the hell the alarm is for and the cyborg and his two magna guards are still tied in their respective chamber."

"I see, well keep a eye on things while we keep checking these rooms." She walked away from the console and gestured at Karsk and the remaining commando, stay here, spot those two doors while we take the one inbetween them and see whats behind it.

Andrea rolled her eyes as a access denied came up on the screen, "Of course... Talon, with me." She ignited her blade as did her Twi'lek disciple and they stabbed it in door.

It did not take two long for the two women to slice through the door, while reinforced it was not blast shielded as the door to the security checkpoint had been. Once through the two of them would see rows of computer banks with one console facing the door with a couple of displays and multiple data ports.

"Well, Trizz as soon as we get this lockdown sorted out I have found a place for you to play in." Andrea replied dryly at seeing the computer banks arrayed in front of them. Without waiting for a reply she nodded to Talon and went to the other door, once more using they lightsabers to open it, as the blades sliced into the door on of the two technitions paniced and ran to the back of the room, trying to hide himself as best he could by curling into a ball and pretending nothing he couldn't see with is eyes closed existed.

She smiled, "Ah excellent, that means the remaining door..." She trailed off and nodded, "Right then, you two, stand up and follow me or I will be forced to do something unpleasant to you." She waited to see if they would comply.

The cowering technician was also pretending he could not hear anything and continued to cower like the coward he was. The other occupant of the room spoke out in a monotone however while keeping out of sight from anyone not in the room. "If you plan to use us as hostages it will not work, Jaytyr will just shoot us first."

"Ah that is disappointing, any suggestions of what might work then?" She asked casually as she walked into the chamber over to the cowering technician and put him out of his misery. "I actually am quite done with killing, but I also can't stand whimpering, get that enough from my experimental subjects."

"I have no way to assist you in eliminating Jaytyr, at least not without killing all of us in the process." The technician said as he followed Andrea with his eyes. "I could however give you the codes for the Mainframe if you were to promise to let me go free."

She raised a brow, "I accept, I will set you free along a planet on our way out of here, or you are free to find employment with me if you would not want to face the CIS hierarchy and explain what happened to this base. Suppose the way to end the lockdown and disable those turrets is in the overseers office?"

"The only way yes." He replied. "Jaytyrs personal terminal, which he will likely lock before engaging in any hostilities."

"Naturally..." She replied dryly and looked oddly at the technician. "Any reason why you talk like you do, I must say I encounter a whole host of odd reactions to my presence here." She clacked her tongue and shook her head.

"Panicking benefits no one, I've been watching your group on the security system since the alarm sounded." He said as he waved at the expansive computer bank behind him, 3 screens had been reconfigured to display camera feeds rather than their usual data. "You are clearly competent and not particularly tolerant of resistance. As such cooperation is the course of action within my best interests. Also," he paused for a moment to pull down the fabric of his tunic that enclosed his whole neck to reveal some truly horrific scars. "Voice modulator, sounds mostly human, just can't change its tone, courtesy of Jaytyr."

"Ah... a lovely individual from the sound of it, longshot but I suppose he doesn't have a obvious weak spot in his cyborg parts I can abuse?" She saw Talon looking oddly from her to the technician and back to Andrea with a confused look, she just shrugged in return.

"Cybernetics are not my field, if he has a weakness that I knew of I suspect I would have tried to expliot it already." the technician replied. Dispite the monotone the technicians opinion on Jaytyr was rather easy to read.

"Ah well, thank you, I will request the information on that mainframe you promised in a moment, I have a cyborg to kill." She went out, motioning Talon to follow her, murmuring. "Trizz, technician in the generator room, keep a eye on him." She said curtly before she went and studied the remaining door.

Setting a new bubble of protection around herself before she forgot that, feeling a drain on her, this would be the last time she'd have protection in that form for some time...

"Well.. same deal as before Talon, but hold the cutout in place with the force, I have a plan for it..." She said with a smile as she ignited her saber and motioned Talon to follow her lead as they commenced their work.

When they finished cutting Andrea and Talon both gritted their teeth as they held on the piece of the door, holding it in place. "Karsk... move up and be ready..." She said through clenched teeth as she focused on the door. "Trizz... is the overseer... still directly opposite the door?"

"Eh, sorta, what are you planning?" Came the confused reply.

Andrea did not answer her, glancing at Talon, "Push with all the force you can!" And together they tried and hurled the piece into room, possibly smacking into the cyborg overseer.

Inside the office, the overseer barely had time to even consider ducking as the two pieces of door came flying towards him. He had been ready to open fire with a full salvo when the intruders had finished cutting through the door, he had not expected the pieces to come flying towards him. His shield took the brunt of the damage but he was knocked prone behind his desk from the impact.

The two magnaguard droids swiftly moved to the door to block access to the room and protect their charge, striking out through the hole in the door to make the intruders think twice about trying to move through.

Karsk grabben Talon by the shoulder and pulled her back after she got hit, putting her behind him as he lashed out with his blade, as Andrea let forth a chain of lightning at the two droids.

The commando held his fire, reluctant to fire into such a scene and risking hitting the mistress or commander Karsk. Talon meanwhile was wincing in pain, holding a hand over the new blaster impact but unwilling to not get involved in the fighting as she reached with a grabbing motion as if holding on to something as she used to force to hold the Magna guards and hamper their attempts to defend or attack the others.

Karsks overzealous attack caught the magnaguard by surprise while at the same time it found its limbs seized and unable to defend itself. a moment later after the blades had cut into its torso it felt several of its joints give way and a few moments later it was in several pieces being hurled by the force in different directions. The second magnaguard, having caught the lightning attack on its staff moved to try and cover the doorway alone. The Overseer behind the desk meanwhile recovered himself, placed his rather large rotary blaster on his desk, pointed it at the doorway, and held the trigger down.

Andrea took a full blast to her chest, staggering back as some of the energy even got through her protection after dissolving it, inflicting harm. But the step she took back meant that the Magna Guard missed with his attacks.

Karsk felt for the first time in a long time that the blade in his hand was a true extension from him and attacked the remaining Magna guard with a rapid series of blows.

Andrea had lost her breath for a moment, reacting by instinct mostly as she lashed out with a blast of lightning at the magna guard, "Karsk, Hssiss, I want that overseer alive!" The Hssiss flicked his blaster to stun and aimed carefully at the overseer, hoping he would not hit his mistress or the commander.

Talon was staring at her hand, she had done something... more than she intended to do. She was partially afraid to use her power now, she felt like she had lost finer control but a more... destructive result. That said she glanced at the remaining Magna Guard and tried to use her newfound ability on it, seeing as Andrea had not mentioning taking the droid 'alive'.

The commando's shot would have struck true had Karsk not moved in the way of the shot at the last second, the blast was soaked up by his shield but it did lower its capacity, his readout told him it would only take one more hit before failing on him. the melee in the doorway continued with neither side gaining any headway however. and then the overseer fired again, his fire was more effective this time, taking two of the intruders with solid hits though one of the two in front did manage to avoid a second hit. The magnaguard renewed its assault on the intruders to keep them from closing on its commander.

Karsk cursed as his shield belt produced sparks. "Shield down!" He shouted as he renewed his attacks.

While Karsk attacked Andrea glared at the overseer and began to charge, blade ignited as she would attempt not to attack the overseer but cut his gun in half with her blade.

The commando stowed his blaster away and drew his blade charging at the Magna droid while Talon drew both her blades and charged at the magna guard as well.

Karsk renewed fury with a hint of desperation proved effective as his blade sliced into the magnaguard doing heavy damage, putting it on the backfoot as talon and the commando also attacked it with talon contributing some additional minor damage. The droid was still functional, but only because magnaguards seemed to have alot of redundant systems.

Andrea's strike however succeeded in its goal of making the gatling blaster useless for its intended purpose, Jaytyrs responce was to hurl the remainder of the weapon at the woman standing on his desk.

Not programed to retreat and with nowhere to go regardless the magnaguard continued to fight its attackers.

Andrea and Talon both withered attacked, looking rather bloodied.

Karsk attempted to finish the droid off once and for all with two strikes in quick succession of each other.

Turning the droid into a pile of scrap as it finally was enough pieces it couldn't function any more. With Andrea attempting to literally disarm the overseer with her lightsaber. "Someone stun the bastard!"

The Hssiss brought up his blaster aimed and fired trying to comply.

Talon charged in with her own blades.

Avoiding Andrea's blade the overseer took the stun blast from the commando and kept moving, though the energy of the blast did seem to have some effect on his cybernetics. he did not manage to avoid Talons blade as it sliced down the side of his arm sending pain impulses running through his nervous system before he blocked them out. "I will not go down easy!" he shouted as he started swinging his fists at his attackers, starting with Andrea.

Trizz's voice came on, "Not to alarm you or anything but that technician of yours, he's using a console in the power room."

"Karsk! See what he is up to." Andrea snarled as she tried to disarm him again, joined by talon doing the same. The commando began a careful aim.

Karsk ran back, standing in the opening and pointing a blaster at the technician. "What are you up to."

"Trying to do something about this lockdown since you people don't seem to be faring so well against Jaytyr." The technician replied as he continued to input commands into the console.

The overseer lashed out again, cornered as he was he had little other options.

Karsk was deadly serious as he aimed at the technician. "Step away from the console. Now."

Andrea widened her eyes, unable to dodge as the overseer's fist smashed into her chest, breaking a couple of her ribs and she coughed up and spat out blood. Seeing the overseer smirk at her, believing her to be a corpse after that strike no doubt. She just screamed, "I WILL NOT DIE TO THE LIKES OF YOU!" She snarled and lashed out with the force inducing images of horror and pain directly at his psyche or whatever was left of it with the cybernetics.

Jaytyr immediately grabbed his head and backed into the corner of the office behind the chair he had been using earlier, practically falling in his shiny metal ass with a very loud thunk and entering a catatonic state.

"Finally..." She turned to Talon, seeing the Twi'lek look at her with wide eyes as Andrea pointed at him. "Cut off... his arms... and legs... then find me Trizz..." She managed to utter, before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell down on the desk and slide down to fell with a thump on the floor.

In the generator room the technician looked over at Karsk and spoke. "It seems i worried for nothing, Jaytyr has been disabled." he said gesturing to a small corner of the screen he was working on that showed a camera view of the office.

Karsk walked over, widened his eyes as he saw Andrea falling down and just turned and ran, leaving the Technician to whatever he was doing.

Running in just as Talon finished off cutting off the arms and then proceeded with the legs, with the Commando having propped up andreas body and checking her over. "She is alive. Barely." Was his commentary and Karsk looked over the passed out form of Andrea and just nodded. "Good... I will see if that Technician is good on his word then." He muttered and stepped back to return to the power room.

"Oy! What is going on down there!?" Came a sudden frantic reply over the comms.

Talon answered, "We won, I think... Andrea is... she isn't dead but we need you here once the lockdown is dealt with."

There was a slight intake of breath on the other line, "Wait... if she dies I still get paid, right?"

Talon snickered once, widening her eyes at the reaction and shook her head before she just gritted her teeth as she looked at the silent form of her mistress. "Just get down here when you can."

By the time Karsk returned to the generator room the technician was approaching the door. "I assume you wish to get this lockdown ended so you can get you leader to a medical facility yes. Stand aside and let me at Jaytyrs terminal then." he said not actually bothering for Karsk to move before trying to go past the man.

Karsk wordlessly stepped aside but kept his blaster trained on the mans back as he followed him.
Stepping in just as Talon stepped back from Andrea shaking her head and muttering that she was beyond her help. Her hands flying to her sabers as the technician walked past, staying her hand when Karsk shook his head.

the Technician set to work on the console, first killing the alarms to give them some peace before setting to the more difficult task of cracking Jaytyrs personal code.

A task that had Trizz been there to observe would have shocked her at the technicians efficiency as in under 30 seconds the console accepted the mans attempts to access it and gave him full command control. A few moments later every door in the facility was unlocked and the turrets in the security antechamber disabled. "The lockdown has been disabled as have all other security measures on the base."

Talon nodded and spoke into her comms. "Trizz, the route is clear, get down here."

"Already on it." Trizz said as the doors opened and she looked at the grissly remains of the two commands which had been locked in with the turrets, stepping over them and one half of another commando which seemed to have been cut in half by the doors. As she reached the overseers office she waved everyone out of the way. "Let me through." She cursed when she saw Andrea, "Yeah, we definitely need a bacta tank for her right away. Oy Karsk, use those muscles and carry her." She then noticed the somewhat amputated cyborg. "He coming along too?" Talon just nodded, making Trizz roll her eyes. "Let me call in the reinforcements, seems we need them if we want to carry him and that crate with experimental tech out of here. No to mention drag the wounded Tuk'ata out."


It took some time and effort but they managed to get Andrea, the wounded Tuk'ata, Talon and the Hssiss commando back to the ship in the CIS base hangar after the Technician reported he had unlocked both the hangar doors and the shuttle itself. Karsk shrugging off Trizz's recommendation he'd rest too as he stayed to watch over the technician as he worked on the terminals of the base.

Downloading a impressive amount of data Andrea's cousin might be able to use, along with their prisoners and maybe the crate with strange power packs. There was even a slush fund which Trizz, reluctantly, transferred over to Andrea but she would be demanding a cut in due time, or at least a pay rise.

"Well then... if that was all, we'll inform Nyriss to lift off with the Chained Despair, ridiculious name for a ship still, ah well. And head out ourselves on the ride we'll borrow from the CIS." She turned to the Technician, "You said you can rig this place to self-destruct?"

He just nodded.

"Activate it then, give us enough time to head to orbit before this place blows sky high."

He just shrugged and pressed some controls. "I suggest we leave." And walked out without a further word, leading the way to the hangar with a scowling Karsk and amused Trizz following in his wake.


Trizz looked down at the planet, blinking as the base's self-destruct went off, making her whistle at the force of the explosion. "Well... that must have left a pretty sizable crater..." She murmured as a Hssiss piloted the craft.

Nyriss came over the comms, "The pirates have been doing well, all the refugee camps have been hit hard by them and anything that wasn't nailed down... hell everything that was nailed down too has been taken I suspect. How is Andrea?" There was a note of worry in there that Trizz found odd to hear, even Talon seemed distraught.

"She is stabilised, for now. But we need to hurry back to the Dark Rebirth, ha fitting name if Andrea pulls this recovery off." She snickered for a moment, "Ah well... yeah let's head back to the ship, this has been a mess." She said lastly, Nyriss replying a affirmative as both craft headed to a hyperspace exit that would have them rejoin with Andrea's flagship and from there head back into Republic space to hand over their cargo... and find medical aid for Andrea.

After much time and trials, Andrea succeeds her assigned mission by her cousin senator of the Republic SIS.

Obtaining two CIS prisoners, the Overseer (minus legs and arms) and Underseer (without the contents of his bowels).

200 SP from a CIS slush fund.

A CIS Old Ship Class.

A crate with experimental power packs.

Data on all CIS covert operations in the Corporate Sector.

A 10% cut from whatever the pirates she arranged a deal with obtained from the genuine refugee camps.

These were not obtained without cost,
A squad of Hssiss terminated, three dead, two send back to retrain with new squad mates.
Two Tuk'ata hounds dead and two wounded.
Andrea herself, critically injured, currently residing in a Bacta tank aboard the Dark Rebirth.
Cyphor Fey'lar
Returning Home.
Yexn we'Be Cbetabin

Upon returning to Yexn we'Be Cbetabin, Cyphor was relieved to hear that Hayle was at the Coomra Orbital facility overseeing some deals with traders for additional supplies that the operations on Coomra needed. Too was off on the mission to Yavin IV with Cha'alla checking out the report of intact force artefacts in a ruin there, However Mara was aboard the Nebulae Queen. Asking Kalmi to take care of their guests needs for the time being Cyphor took a shuttle over to the Nebulae Queen and had Mara meet him in the repair bay.

When Mara entered the repair bay Cyphor was in the office section, in the dark, with several light vessel and strike craft designs displaying from the holo projectors in the room. He had even called in several astromechs to project more design schematics when the rooms own had not been sufficient, Mara discovered.

"You're going to go blind with all these holograms in here." She said as she entered the office. "What are you doing anyway?" she then asked while starting to pay attention to what ships were on display. She recognised the schematics for the Ashlani traveller, Cyphors own MX-25, the Scurrg Bomber and the Cathar Combat Scout as well as a handful of fast courier vessels and long range strike craft made by other manufacturers in the galaxy.

"I may have gotten the Reward damaged on my latest trip, I also may have neglected to tell Hayle I was taking the Reward." Cyphor replied as he shuffled a few of the projections around and loaded others. "I'm well aware that Hayle is not going to be happy about it and so I intend to head her off by having a similar ship built for my own use." He gestured for Mara to stand by him as he brought up the design for his fighter in front of them. "I'd like to use my fighter as the starting point. It has speed and a high manoeuvrability and doesn't lack for weapons. Problem is while it has the double cockpit for a passenger its unsuited for long trips due to the only usable internal space being the cockpit and the cargo storage. Which reminds me actually I need to order the expansion of the hangers in my various installations to provide some dedicated space for the Traveller, Reward and whatever I end up calling this ship."

"So basically you want a fighter with amenities for extended travel." Mara replied. "So why call me down here, This is usually Too's thing."

"Yes." Cyphor replied as he called up a few Nubian courier designs and looked them over. "Too is presently however aboard the Raek which is headed to Yavin IV. I wanted to get a start on this design process before Hayle find out I'm back and that her ship was shot at. Then when she comes to confront me about it I can tell her I've taken steps to prevent it happening again... and hopefully blunt some of her anger."

"I see, and aside from Hayle I'm the only one with any engineering qualifications that's here." Mara replied with a raised eyebrow. Cyphor smiled and shrugged in response. Mara sighed and turned to study the designs for a few moments, then promptly moved Cyphor aside and opened a new file. "You know Too is likely to take whatever plans we make here apart anyway."

"Won't be a total loss though." Cyphor answered with a grin. "It'll give him a starting point to work from, in capabilities if not actual design."
"Alright then, lets see how we go."
Mara said with another sigh as she started inputting data into the new which she had named, 'Steps Taken' for the time being.

* * *

After a few hours of discussing the new vessel with Mara, Cyphor returned to the station and headed down to the youngling levels. He had a promise to keep to Kalmi after all. The station computer had informed him Lanthe was in her room at this time, though not alone, the computer had informed him that another youngling was with her.

Reaching the door Cyphor pressed the chime and was somewhat surprised when the door slide open without even a 'who's there' from the other side. Taking it as an invitation Cyphor entered to find Lanthe sitting cross-legged on the floor, opposite another youngling. Between the two of them was a partially assembled and very raw looking sabre hilt. Cyphor raised an eyebrow at the hilt and cleared his throat before speaking. "If you don't mind young one, I have come to speak with Lanthe privately." The other youngling, who had until now had her back to Cyphor hurriedly got to her feet and make a hasty bow to Cyphor. "Of course Master." she said before almost bolting from the room.

Lanthe stayed seated and looked up at Cyphor, waiting for him to broach the subject. Rather than start immediately Cyphor took up a seated position where the other youngling had been and raised the unfinished hilt to eye level with the force, turning it to examine the construction and materials used. "How long has it taken you to scavenge the parts for this?" he asked after a time.

Lanthe thought about her reply for a moment, clearly counting the time in her head before answering. "About 3 months. A few members of the maintenance staff slip me parts every now and then, others I pick up from the recycling rooms." she answered choosing not to hide anything from Cyphor.

Applying some delicate use of the force Cyphor dissembled the partial hilt in the air to get a better look at the how of the construction and of the source of some of the interior parts. "Its a little rough, though considering its been effectively built from scrap is still impressive." Cyphor said as he put it pack together again and let it drop to the floor.

"Would you like to see the others?" Lanthe asked with a smile. Cyphor was not entirely sure what to say to that, so he simply nodded. He knew Lanthe had been collecting parts, he had not been aware she was so far down the path of actually building a sabre however, let alone several. Lanthe stood and moved to the desk she had against the back wall and opened a drawer, she then proceeded to pull out three more hilts of differing configurations and brought them back to the floor before Cyphor.

Using the force again he lifted the three new hilts into the air to examine them. The first looked much like the one she had out when he had arrived and on closer inspection both seemed to have locking mechanisms on them, making them a pair.
The second was a dual blade sabre, but the hilt was barely longer than a standard one, a design more akin to Exar Kuns original dual blade sabre than the staffsabre hilt that Kalmi carried herself. On closer inspection he noticed that its construction was a series based circuit that would potentially fry the power cell with prolonged use. Being a complex design however he was not surprised she had failed to take that into account.
The third one was more interesting, a highly compact design that she had apparently used a blaster rifle scope as the casing for. Cyphor estimated the blade would only extend to about 30 centimetres in its current configuration making it a short sabre.

"You have made considerably more progress than I had believed." Cyphor said as he let the three hilts drop to the floor again. "You must know that without a crystal none of these will function, so why build them all?" he asked.

"Making things is natural to me, it helps me relax. You met my parents before you brought me here, my father built custom blasters for the wealthy and my mother crafted jewellery. Maybe it runs in the blood." Lanthe answered. "Knowing that part of becoming a jedi is to craft your own lightsabre, well, I figured I would need practice if I was ever going to produce something with the same quality as them."

"You would need more than scavenged parts to match your parents craftsmanship." Cyphor replied. The goal was a logical one he could admit, if not strictly keeping with the traditional jedi teachings, Of course Cyphor didn't consider himself a traditional jedi, so there was that.
"Practice doesn't need more than that." Lanthe answered with a smile.
Cyphor nodded before replying "I suppose you are correct. A fellow jedi I am acquainted with has a follower you should probably meet actually if this is your chosen path." Cyphor said as he motioned to the four unfinished hilts. "But before that you are going to need a crystal... or two." he then added and saw the smile grow on Lanthes face. Before she could speak though Cyphor held up a restraining hand. "You've shown remarkable progress in your studies, enough that there is not much more you can learn in this environment. We shall be taking a trip to Ilum, the two of us. There you will undertake the test to begin apprenticeship as my padawan."

Lanthe appeared to have mixed emotions about the news, joy that she would finally be able to make her own sabre, mixed with confusion. "Master Cyphor, I was under the impression you were not taking a padawan of your own any more. I had thought maybe Nayanna or Hal would train the next youngling to be raised." She said clearly sounding unsure of herself.

"Hal is still integrating into this group, I also do not believe he has any interest in taking a student." Cyphor answered. "Nayanna on the other hand, she is becoming a fine jedi, but she lacks the patience needed to train a padawan. Both Nayanna and Nikan are unlikely to take a padawan any time soon, both of them have been training to take on leadership roles within the group, their focus would be better served in allowing them to pursue those rolls without distractions. " he then explained. Lanthe had been forthcoming when he had asked about the sabre hilts, he saw no reason not to let her know the full situation in return.

"And since Cha'alla and Kalmi already have padawans that leaves only you" Lanthe said, finishing the explanation for him.
Cyphor smiled again. "You catch on quickly." Cyphor said as he stood. "Pack what you need for a few days, we'll be borrowing Cha'alla's ship for the trip. We leave in 3 hours." Cyphor added as he turned for the door. He then stopped and turned his head back to Lanthe. "And leave the hilts here. As you said, they were practice. The next hilt you build will be the real thing."
"Yes, Master Cyphor."
Lanthe said with a very clear smile. "I'll be ready."

Cyphor left the room and with the door closed, rested his head on the wall a moment. The Ashlani Traveller was on the Pandorum. Hayle was also on the Pandorum. His station in orbit of Coomera's moon had given him advance warning that Hayle had ordered the flagship back to Yexn we'Be Cbetabin as soon as she had heard Cyphor had returned. There was little chance he would be able to avoid the coming confrontation with Hayle. He could only hope the plans he had started with Mara would be enough to temper Hayle's fury.

Cyphor returns to Yexn We'Be Cbetabin and consults with Mara on a plan to not get himself shot by Hayle.
He then takes a trip to the youngling quarters and informs Lanthe that she will be undergoing testing on Ilum as quickly as they can reach the planet.
Kuryi Gabrial Saros
Two Deals and a Cage Match.
Guest starting the lovely Lady Lena of the Sith.

The trip to The Wheel had been rather uneventful and they made good time, now Kuryi was taking a shuttle over to the main docking ring to find a Jawa droid peddlers shop and meet with the Lady Lena. Iella and Cujo would accompany him aboard the station, the later staying hidden from most unless called to take action by Kuryi.

Kuryi wore only his DeathHammer in the way of weapons while Iella similarly sported just a blaster pistol. Neither of them expected trouble, but it never hurt to be prepared. Specially since Kuryi carried with him a substantial sum in credit chits in case the information Lena had was worth buying. Course there were always other opportunities on the wheel that one might take advantage of with some quick credits.

They made their way to the droid peddlers shop with little sight seeing along the way and, when lena or her grey skinned messenger did not appear to be there when they arrived, started browsing the stores wares.

After a while the low hum of a active repulsor unit was heard as from the backroom a old and damaged looking chassis of some kind of droid came into view, within it a brown robed small individual was holding up a remote of some kind that clearly was used to steer the chassis as it looked up and spoke some words too rapid for Kuryi or Iella. A droid behind the counter that had been there from the moment they had entered spoke up, translating. "Greetings I am T4-Y. My master wishes to know if you are buying or only gawking at the displays."

Kuryi smiled at the droids 'master' and replied directly to the diminutive Jawa. "That would depend if I find anything worth buying." he said as he began looking over the droids that appeared more or less intact rather than in pieces.

It let out a grunt of some kind and muttered, at which the droid translated and the Jawa again spoke rapidly. "Blasted window shoppers, like that grayskin that keeps, stop translating stupid droid. Apologies master." The droid replied hastily, resulting his master to hold up his hands in the air and shaking his head, speaking again, directing his words at Kuryi. "My master wishes to know what you are looking for." The jawa suddenly pointed, straight at where Cujo was, even though it was using its cloaking abilties and spoke again. "My master also wishes you to know that if your animal intends to loosen its bowels inside his shop he will charge you a cleaning fee."

Kuryi raised an eyebrow slightly at the reference to Cujo. "I assure you, he is quite house trained." Kuryi replied. "Do you have any droids suitable for... lets say carrying small but high value goods discreetly and securely?" He then asked.

The jawa looked at Kuryi for a long time, then looked down and seemed to tap some keys and stared intently at something, looking back at Kuryi with a less hostile look and more now of curiosity as he then pressed a control and the sound of the door locking and privacy screens before the window came down. The Jawa snapped his fingers as the displays with mostly droid parts and assorted junk receded back into the wall and new displays were brought in its place filled with items that were unfamiliar mostly but some seemed to be highly black market items, including a entire display with parts what looked like to be a assassin droid if it was assembled. "My master apologises for not recognising you earlier but he had not expected a esteemed business partner of Kalen Murci to pass by."

Kuryi inclined his head slightly in thanks. "Discrete courier models then?" he asked again. "It doesn't need to be advanced, simply secure, unlikely to attract attention and capable of following relatively simple commands."

The Jawa muttered some words, glaring at the droid who kept silent in response, nodding the Jawa went back to muttering and seemed to have a small computer in the chassis he was riding in as he looked over something. He said something again and waited, glaring at the droid again and repeated the words, this time the droid translated. "My master wishes to know what kind of goods and of what type. To better assist you in a possible candidate of what you require."

"Small personal weapons, data cards, anything else of small size and dubious legality and/or high value that one may wish to get past customs or security scanners undetected." Kuryi replied

The jawa tilted his head and let out a snort. "My master wishes to inform you that you can buy astromech for that, he is also surprised because usually the Syndicate comes to him for special custom droid units to build. Requesting you to also specify if you want a existing droid model customised or if he has to build one himself."

"Astromechs are regularly used for that sort of thing of course but because of it the more high security locals tend to pay more attention to them." Kuryi replied. "I would prefer something that no one would give a second thought to, a common existing model that no one would even consider checking for instance. The ability to record and play back data would be useful and while not required if it could defend itself in some fashion it would be advantageous. Be it customised existing unit or one built from scratch to resemble one does not bother me."

After a moment of thought the Jawa pressed some more keys and three display screens suddenly showed images of droids. One that looked like nothing more than a small black box on wheels, the second showed a rotund server droid with bunny ears and the third screen showed a canine form. "My master informs you he can have one of these slightly modified for your needs or build one from scratch to your specific instructions, the latter will be more costly, of course."

Kuryi looked at the three options for a moment before clicking his fingers twice rapidly. A moment later, Cujo revealed itself and sat beside Kuryi. "The third option. More his size," Kuryi said as he gestured to Cujo "Concealed blasters and a secure cargo space large enough to the afore mentioned items. Voice recognition so that it can be set to only take commands from individuals I assign." Kuryi rubbed his chin for a moment as he thought. He had just gone somewhat over the initial assumption of what he would use such a droid for, a droid he had not intended to purchase in the first place, but he had come prepared for the sort of opportunities the wheel tended to offer. "Some assassination protocols would not go astray either." Kuryi added.

Suddenly the jawa let out a whistle that made him sound like a used starship salesmen. "My master informs you that it would be very expensive in that case, but seeing as you are a business partner of Kalen Murci you should be able to pay for such a custom order." The jawa seemed to calculate some numbers and spoke again. "It will cost 300'000 republic credits."

Kuryi smiled at the Jawa again. "I could buy a legion of droidekas for that cost, what would make this one so special as to be worth that much?"

The jawa seemed taken aback and said something again, a odd tone to his voice. "Master Kalen Murci did recommend my master to you, did he not?"

"When I mentioned to Kalen that I was in the market for a less ordinary droid, he mentioned that you had a supply I would be unlikely to find elsewhere. He did not however give me specifics, Kalen prefers to keep many things close to his vest. Why don't you enlighten me as to the specifics that Kalen has skipped over." Kuryi replied.

The two glowing orbs under the jawas hood that Kuryi suspected where its eyes seemed to squint, angrily as did his voice. "My master informs you if you were not informed of those details he sees no need to enlighten you if you were kept in the dark and that the price for your droid is now 450'000 credits due to some added costs he had forgotten to calculate."

"Why would Kalen tell me everything, he knows I am ambitious and while he's been able to use my ambition to further his own so far he knows I still seek to climb higher, if he were to tell me everything it would risk his own position. Thats just good business sense." Kuryi replied calmly. "I simply wished to know why a single droid would cost as much as a leigon of what are considered one of the best droid models the Colicoid Creation Nest has manufactured." Kuryi said before pausing breifly and continuing. "I understand custom jobs are always more than a base model, particularly when it needs to be scratch designed and built, I also understand secrecy has its cost, both for you and your clients. it is still however an exceptionally high cost and I have not seen the quality of your work for myself yet aside from a visual look at the items on display here. Simply put, I like to know where my money is going, I imagine you are much the same in that regard."

The jawa seemed unimpressed and let out a cry, "Uttini!" At which the droid behind the counter, which seemed like a regular, if rusted, protocol droid literally sprang into action as it jumped on the counter with surprising agility, it's chest opened revealing a rather odd, but dangerous looking exotic weapon. Plates of it armour slipped away revealing blaster barrels as it pointed the arms at Iella and Cujo while the odd exotic weapon was aimed at Kuryi. Then the droid spoke in a most exact replica of Kuryi's voice. "Sit boy." At which Cujo without thinking sat down at once, looking oddly between his master and the droid.

The jawa spoke again and the droid translated, still in a exact copy of Kuryi's voice. "My master informs you he delivers quality work up to the high standards he demands of himself and that I am to be a example of one of his finest pieces of work. And that his final offer to build your droid is now 500'000 credits, take it or leave the shop at once and never return."

"Well said." Kuryi replied with a soft chuckle. "I shall pry no further and let your work speak for itself on delivery." Kuryi pulled out a small pocket computer and a couple of high capacity credit chits and loaded the requisite funds onto them. "Expected completion time?" He asked before handing over the credit chits.

The jawa waited, making sure to check the chits before replying, the droids still pointing its weapons at the trio then started translating once more. "My master has some other tasks that he needs to address but he believes it can be done within a months time." The jawa let out a whistle and the droid stepped back, dropping from the counter as its armour plates were shoved back in place and it returned to its rusty look. While the various displays vanished and were once again restored to their more junkyard version when Kuryi and company walked inside. "My master thanks you for your patronage and will see you again in a month." The door opened and with the sound of the active repulsor the Jawa turned his mobile chassis around and retreated back into the back room without a further word.

"Taa baa, Ubanya" Kuryi said with a slight bow to the retreating Jawa before he too turned and walked from the store, making a mental note not to darken its door again before the month was up. Trying to figure out just how much he had cocked that up he almost missed the grey skinned alien Lena had told him to keep an eye out for, even standing in the open as it was across the street from the Jawas shop.

The Noghri grinned, showing its teeth as it mutely gestured for Kuryi and his company to follow him, deeper into the station.

A short walk later they were at the Quiet Womprat and he had guided them to a backroom alcove away from the main crowd where Lena was waiting, flanked by a woman in black armour that would look familiar to her guests. Lena gestured to the other side of the booth, indicating a spot that was marked by a blaster impact low to the wall. "Welcome, please sit down. We have much to discuss."

Kuryi looked somewhat dubiously at the blaster impact for a moment before taking a double take on Lena's companion. He raised an eyebrow slightly in recognition and discretely tapped Iella on the arm twice before sliding into a seat in the booth. Iella showed no reaction to the taps and sat next to Kuryi, her eyes scanning the booth with her eyes, both normally and with her implants.

"I had not expected you to get in touch again so soon m'Lady. Your message mentioned you believe your information to be worth a high price?" Kuryi said as he felt Cujo brush his legs under the booths small table, the beast was still concealing itself.

If she noticed the raised eyebrow or anything she did not show it, merely smiling as the entrance to the booth was now flanked by Kuryi's Noghri escort and Ko'Chul the two of them making sure that their conversation would not be disturbed or listened to. She did not introduce her new companion who simply watched Lena and the two Echani she had invited for a meeting. The sith nodded, "I believe it does, I have some contacts among the bounty hunters guild and they were rather happy to provide me with information of the thorn in your side. I can provide you a name, former planet of origin, current whereabouts, security plans, the name and location of his preferred mistress and the location of some of his business ventures." She then paused, waiting for Kuryi to reply.

"That's quite the list." Kuryi replied, "I take it he's annoyed more than just myself then. You consider your hunter contacts reliable I trust?" he then asked.

"Since they gave me their official file on the man, yes I would think so." She smiled, "I am however reluctant to part with it for free, business after all and I do need a plenty amount of credits, if you are willing to pay for it."

"Of course." Kuryi replied. "And just how much were you expecting?"

"Well... seeing the amount of information I have secured and it's quality, my asking price is five million credits I am afraid."

"Five million is quite the asking price for unverified intel." Kuryi answered after a few moments thought. "I can offer you two million now and another two million once I have had the chance to confirm its veracity."

She smiled softly, "I'm afraid in this case I have to stay adamant on my asking price, but I'm willing to get two and a half million now and the other half later once you have verified, but I assure you it's true. I believe you could make yourself quite wealthy with this information, including a little tidbit I will share if you agree to pay me the full price I ask, even with the half now and half later deal."

"Holding out on me were you." Kuryi said in a deadpan tone. He leaned forward a little with a slight grin and a glint in his eye as he spoke again. "Three million now, two upon confirmation. All your intel up front." Kuryi said before once again leaning back. "You mentioned his business ventures, in addition to the split five million payments I am prepared to offer you bonuses to a maximum sum of two million more dependant on what profits I may make by utilising the information."

She took a moment of thought while the woman beside her just raised eyebrows her eyes tracking back and forth between Lena and this Echani. Lena snapped her fingers and Ko'Chul turned around and gave her a small handheld device which she in turn placed on the middle of the table, keeping her hand on it as she spoke. "The only copy I have, still in its official bounty hunter format." She then snickered, "I assume you have a case with unmarked credit chits or some such? This feels like a bad criminal holo drama all of a sudden."

"Hardly anything criminal about this. Its simple business." Kuryi replied as he retrieved the device and unused chits from his duster as he had with the jawa earlier. He began filling the chits data modules with amounts of two hundred and fifty thousand each, doing so almost by rote while watching Lena's companion a little more closely. "You didn't happen to work for a group that operated out of Anaxes a few years ago before coming into the Ladies employment did you?" he asked.

Jahzeera turned to Kuryi, Lena did not seem to stop her so she shrugged. "I was yeah, guess you recognized the armour." She then turned to the female Echani, "Wonder if she recognizes me, I am the one who was in charge of the squad who boarded her vessel and put her in our prison facility at Annaxes for force artefact smuggling." She said calmly, "Guess during the chaos the prisoners broke out."

"They were broken out actually." Kuryi replied. That certainly explained why Iella had been paying particular attention to the black armoured woman during his discussion with Lena. "Myself and a small team infiltrated the Anaxes facility. I recovered a number of things from the Vaults on that ship actually, though that had not been the reason I was there in the first place. My team and I came across Iella while a group of your former?' comrades were transferring her and several other prisoners, I believe one of them went by the name Kursk."

Jahzeera leaned back against the wall her arms under the table. "I see, name doesn't mean anything to me I hardly knew everyone in the various units." She glanced at the female Echani, "No hard feelings then? Was just doing my job at the time, if you do have a grudge, get in line. Got plenty of people hunting me still." She nodded her head to Lena, "She promised to help me deal with those problems and seeing as our 'bosses' are making a deal at the moment I doubt they want to see us kill each other or anything."

Lena remained quiet, her hand still on the handheld device with the file, watching at the two women and at Kuryi.

"Settle it with a mud wrestle then." Kuryi replied in a dour tone as the last credit chit was filled and he passed them across the table to Lena. "Three million now, as agreed." he said to Lena. He could tell by the rigidity of Iella's shoulders that she wanted little more than to at least beat a few bruises into the other woman. "Frankly I'm of the opinion you did Iella favour, from artefact smuggler to an influential position in a rising business empire, there are worse ways to move up in the galaxy." He then said in a rather relaxed tone.

"I agree." Lena added as she took a brief moment to check the credits and appearing satisfied released her hold on the device, sliding it over to Kuryi. "If the two of you wish to settle it with non-lethal means. I won't stop either of you." She then addressed Kuryi, "Fel free to peruse the file, now for that tidbit I mentioned. It relates to the fact that this is a official bounty hunter file, the contact I have who informed me was more than happy to share this file with me because your rival, Elvarston, apparently refused to pay the agreed upon bounty fees on past bounties he issued. So I imagine that perhaps, with his death, or capture and then handed over to the bounty hunters league for their own brand of justice or debt collection you might get something worthwhile out of that?"

"I may indeed be able to do something with that." Kuryi replied as Iella stood up.

"Both our employers seem to think a match is in order. I am willing to set aside any grudge I may hold if you will agree to a trial by combat." Iella said to Jehzeera. "Unarmed, one on one, first to yield loses since our employers want a non lethal fight."

She grinned and reaised her arms above the table and stood up herself, cracking her knuckles. "Sounds fine to me."

Lena shook her head but looked amused. "Well then, I think we need to find a better surrounding for something like that, wouldn't want to draw a unwanted crowd."

"My vessel is in the outer mooring points." Kuryi stated. "The training rooms aboard should make for a suitable location. The medical bay should be handy in close proximity also." He added. "It will also give me a chance to look this file over and see if there is anything I can verify quickly. If one piece checks out the rest should be mostly accurate baring any out of date information since you received it."

Lena nodded in agrement, "I shall have the vessel that carried me here dock at your ship, with your permission of course. So that these two can settle any grievances they might have."

Kuryi simply nodded his agreement and clicked his fingers once for Cujo to follow as they left the Cantina. "I shall meet you aboard The Art of Battle then." he said to Lena as they left the Cantina proper, "It should be an enlightening event."

She turned and looked at the woman she had recently recruited but had not seen fight yet. "So I imagine it will be." She murmured as she and her people left following in Kuryi's wake to their own vessel and dock with their hosts capital ship.

Kuryi was waiting when Lena's small vessel touched down on the flight deck of The Art of Battle, he had to admire the craftsmanship that had gone into the vessel, he imagined it would be quite effective in the role it appeared to fill. He waited for the boarding ramp in its left side to open. Adia and Iella stood beside and a little behind him, Cujo sat patiently at his feet, watching the vessel with its neck low and head out straight as its passengers disembarked.

Lena was only accompanied by Ko'Chul and Jahzeera as they disembarked from the Night Owl, spotting Kuryi they walked towards them. Jahzeera taking the word as she looked at the Echani woman and addressed her. "Right then, where do we do this?"

"The training rooms," Kuryi said as he gestured for Adia and Iella to take the lead. "I always keep a combat circle set up in one of them, my people and the Mandalorians my disagree on many things but the battle circle is a concept I can easily embrace."

As the door to the training rooms opened the distinctive hum of a lightsabre filled the air even before Lena could see its user. Myra was facing off against Ahmbra in the battle circle already, the smaller Dug holding his own with his electrostaff against Myra's blue blade. Aside from Kuryi and Iella Ahmbra was the only other member of Kuryis crew that could give the former jedi a decent fight in melee combat. Kuryi had not realised they were in the training rooms when he had greeted Lena, but he was interested to see what may become of the discovery.

Lena stopped in her tracks, watching the blue lightsaber blade and its wielder for a moment but made no comment as she simply looked back at Kuryi and then at their two subordinates who were ready to fight. She would note this impromptu discovery though, of course.

Jahzeera frowned at the sight and muttered under her breath before looking squarely at the Echani woman. "Well?"

"You would interrupt a duel in progress?" Iella remarked as if such a thing was the hight of rudeness, of course considering how Echani viewed combat it likely was to her. It appeared they would not be waiting long however as Myra launched into a force enhanced offensive against Ahbra, who was quickly losing ground and barely able to keep his defence up. As Ahmbra rapidly neared the edge of the battle circle Myra thrust out her arm and pushed him with a blast of force energy, causing him to fall over the raised edge of the circle and lose his grip on the electrostaff which caught by the force energy went sailing through the air to the other side of the room.

"You cheated!" Ahmbra said as he picked himself up off the deck. "You never said anything about using that mystical crap." He accused.
"I never said anything about not using it either." Myra replied, "Never underestimate your opponent." She said as she turned to face Kuryi from where she stood. "Is that not right Mr Saros."

Kuryi smiled and nodded, "Of course, now if you are finished with the circle for the time being we have a need for it." he replied before gesturing for Iella and Jehzeera to take positions. Iella had already removed her armour upon returning to the ship, she was down to simply a plain, light, shirt and shorts now, ready to fight in the Echani fashion as she took her place within the circle.

Jahzeera proceeded to remove her blaster holster and placed it to the ground before she began removing her armour, revealing a simply combat undercloth underneath that showed some wear and tear in places but was still serviceable to her. Once that was done the former Black Watch soldier entered the ring, facing her opponent, "Jahzeera Natallis." She suddenly said as she loosened her limbs with a light workout and stretch, her eyes never leaving her opponent. "Never got introduced before I threw you in a cell. That's my name." She offered per explanation and stood ready once she felt she had done enough of a warmup.

"If you remember throwing me in a cell I imagine you remember mine." Iella said as she looked to Kuryi and nodded. Kuryi turned to a wall panel and entered a short code. There was a low hum from the raised edge of the circle for a moment before ray shields snapped up around its circumference.

She glanced at the sudden appearance of shields around the ring, having a feeling it was best not to touch those. "Prisoner M02089-4." She shrugged and smirked, "You were numbers on a report, nothing more."

Iella shook her head slightly at the callousness of her opponent. Then she launched into a low kick feint to be followed by a jab to the arm. She needed to sound out her capabilities after all, throwing everything you had into a frontal strike was usually a mistake if you knew little of the opponent.

The punched landed at her arm and she winced, giving away a opening as she fell for the feint, she had almost forgotten she was facing an Echani, but she had received the same type of training. Deciding to follow with two quick strikes a punch to the stomach and a kick to the knee.

Iella barely saw the blows coming, certainly not before it was too late to get out of the way. Clearly Jehzeera was cyborg boosted and she recognised the technique as the Echani arts as the blows hit her knee and stomach, the latter enough to temporarily knock the wind from her. She activated her pain suppression implant and moved to strike back at Jehzeera, a punch the the head intended to make her raise her guard even if it did not connect followed by a sweep to put her on her back.

Bringing her arms up she blocked the strike to her head but did not see the sweep for her legs coming, with a yelp she fell on her back before her opponent. She made a wild kick intending to make the Echani stagger back before getting back on her feet to deliver a quick strike to her arm.

Iella needed to move quick to get out of the way of the kick, barely avoiding the wild and un-aimed strike. It did however give Jehzeera the time she needed to regain her feet but Iella was already moving as her opponent went to strike again and easily avoided the hasty blow while moving in for a close strike of her own with a knee to the plexes and an elbow to the face.

Jahzeera coughed as she got the wind knocked out of her, making her bend over so the elbow to her face struck her hard, making her stagger back. Blinking rapidly and panting to catch her lost breath she shook her head to quickly clear it before looking grimly at her opponent and went for a high kick to her side along with a two-handed strike to her head.

Iella caught the kick but the impact staggered her a moment and she missed the two handed strike which left her senses reeling for a moment before her implants compensated. Knowing things were rapidly coming to a close Iella sent the signal through her implants to kick them into overdrive, flooding her system with adrenals and pushing herself to the limit to make her next strikes as fast and strong as possible, she didn't like her chances of keeping her defences up for much longer so she put all she had into a double jump kick at jehzeera hoping to end it before she succumbed.

She jumped to the side, watching her opponent careen past her and then took a few steps back, holding a defensive stance. Breathing hard noticing that both herself and her opponent were almost at the end of their ropes. "Draw?" She said between breaths looking at what her opponent would do next.

Iella caught herself before striking out again, this was not something she had anticipated by observing Jehzeera, She came to rest in a light stance on the balls of her feet, ready to move at a moments notice if it was necessary. Then she asked a question. "What do you see?"

She kept up her defensive stance, looking at her opponent and showed a wry smile. "A mistake... on my part for imprisoning you two years ago, because I see someone I'd rather fight beside than against honestly." She rubbed her jaw where the Echani had hit her earlier, she'd be bruising there for sure. "What do you see?"

"Someone who has clearly been taught more of my peoples Arts than just the martial techniques." Iella replied. "Iella Akura. Not M02089-4." She ssaid a moment later after catching her breath, the adrenals were starting to run their course, she knew she was headed for a crash soon and so she signalled Kuryi to drop the shield.

"She's been trained well in the Echani Arts," Kuryi said to Lena as he input the code to drop the shield. "That will serve you well I imagine."

Jehzeera approached, extending her hand for a handshake, chuckling. "Despite the initial circumstances of our first meeting, nice to meet you, you got a good arm there."

Lena nodded, she had watched the fight with keen interest, "I am certain she will, and I imagine your Iella will be most useful when you go and face your rival with the information I have provided. But now we must be off, assuming those two have their matters settled?" She looked at the two women still inside the ring.

Iella shook Jehzeera's hand, a little more unsteady on her feet than she had expected, pumping more adrenals now though just to stave off the crash would risk doing damage that would take longer to heal. The impact points from Jehzeera's strikes were starting to ache as well now that her suppressant system has been switched off. "Myra, a hand if you would." Iella beaconed for the former jedi. "Perhaps we will get a chance to fight together in the future. Our employers seem to be getting along after all." she said to Jehzeera as Myra came up beside her and laid her hands on Iella's shoulder for a moment, using the force to 'read' Iella's condition.
"I can prevent any damage you've done to yourself by pushing you implants but it will drain you completely. You'll need to rest for at least half a day to recover your strength." Myra said to Iella.
"I'll be in my quarters then." Iella said as she started moving for the training rooms door.

"It seems they are." Kuryi replied as he turned for the exit to the training rooms himself. "Would you like to nominate an account for the two million once I verify the intel or shall I dispatch it via one of my couriers?"

Jahzeera watched the women go, she had twitched a little when the lightsaber wielding one had gotten closer but she had otherwise not reacted. She winced as she rubbed over her new bruises, but they would heal in time as she went for the pile of her belongings and put her armour and holster back on.

Lena watched Jahzeera put her armour back on and then turned to Kuryi, "I'd prefer it if you send a courier to my facilities at Phindar with the two million, along with any further funds you might wish to add if you deem appropriate." She said after a moment of consideration.

Kuryi nodded slightly "Very well then." Kuryi answered before stepping form the room and beginning to lead the way back to the hanger deck. "Is there anything other than information on suspicious moves Andrea makes that you might like me to keep an eye out for by chance. You've certainly held up your end of that deal so far afterall."

She shook her head, "Nothing for now. Do let me know how things go against your rival, I admit to being curious to the outcome." She replied as they followed Kuryi back to the hangar and their docked vessel.

"We'll see how things progress." Kuryi answered as they reached the hanger. "Safe travels then, and how is it your people put it. May the Force be with you?"

She couldn't help it, she laughed as they walked to the boarding ramp. "Not exactly, but close enough. I wish you safe travels and fruitful business ventures Kuryi Gabriel Saros." She said respectfully before following the others aboard the Night Owl

Kuryi watched the ship lift off and exit the hanger. He had work to do. A quick glance at the file earlier had shown Elvarston had a fence on The Wheel and his mistress resided on bothwui, those would be the quickest to verify the data with. He tapped the commlink and contacted Myra and Ahmbra. "The two of you grab your gear, we're going back over to The Wheel shortly." he told them before closing the connection and heading for his quarters to collect his own equipment and to contact Kalen Marci. Kuryi had questions for his superior in the Black Sun about that Jawa after all.
Kuryi accidentally buys a very expensive droid.
Kuryi then meets with Lena, the intended purpose for the entire trip to the Wheel
Cage Match!
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