Original poster
So let's just say I have been given a game with which I thoroughly enjoy. And because it is based off of audio entertainment value I thought I could let everyone else enjoy this as well. Thus, we are given Song of the Moment and Beat Hazard on Insane Difficulty in a harmonious collage of bullets, aestroids, and missiles. I can try to do a song a day as it doesn't require much besides me not dieing too much throughout the whole song. But now to give you what you all might have or might not have came for. The entertainment value.
If you would like a song featured on this, be sure to post in the Song of the Moment thread. I can try to breeze through as many as I can.
If you would like a song featured on this, be sure to post in the Song of the Moment thread. I can try to breeze through as many as I can.