Song of the Moment 3.0

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Give yourself a soft slap to the face if I need to introduce you to this artist :P

I just like this mashup a lot. - w- <3
Love the song and the crazy people xD
Eluveitie is epicness :D
If I could like your post more than once, Celesty, I would do so in a heartbeat. Such a beautiful song!

WindchILL was a member of a seemingly now defunct hip-hop group called Artists Over Industry from Harrisburg, PA. His music tends to be deeply emotional, over unique beats that are typically laced with live instruments. This song is originally called "Bury The Hatchet" (for good reason), but is often listed as "Buryn" for some reason. Even if you're not particularly a fan of the genre, I encourage everyone to give this song a shot.

<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="480" width="640"></iframe>

and i also present you with my theme song...wait im good with both as being my theme song...take your pick

I just love this song.

So underrated. I am surprised it has so few views. It really DOES go with everything.
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