Song of the Moment 3.0

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L'Ame Immortelle, French for "The Immortal," is an industrial metal band from Austria. While they do perform most of their body of work in German, this group also performs music in English. While this isn't Diana's favorite song (Judgment), it is a song I particularly enjoy. This song is called "Calling".

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This man needs no introduction, nor does his music need an explanation. Trent Reznor is Nine Inch Nails, and has been a big part of my life since I was nine years old. 1989 was such an interesting year for music. This song, however, came out in 2002, and was written during a time where he was overcoming various demons that plagued his life up to that point.

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I enjoy rapping the girl part. - w- <3

I'm not sure why this came on in my head today.
It did. .__.'

There is profanity.~ Warning.
Obviously, if anyone remembers when this song came out, it's not the best of lyrics. ^^; pretty darn dirty now that I'm older and actually understand it..
but.. dat beat.. D:

So. I put the cleaner version in dere. c:

Dun judge me Iwaku. <3

you scared you scared. <3

Do not tell me this does not make you want to get up and move your hips.

Do not.

Annnd for those of you who hate on the beat,
this is pretty nifty. c:

^ this one does swear. 8D

I now have a theme tune.

I've just been in the Jason Mraz mood lately, it seems! ^^~
I forgot how amazing of a performer he is, I mean, honestly.
I former bff texted me yesterday after I gushed to her about a certain song, and she just said
"I don't really care for Jason Mraz."
I don't EVER want anyone to EVER say that again to me. Always give music a chance at least once. If you don't like, it then turn it off halfway through.
But respect the time and effort a musician put into their music. It is a part of them. It is their hobby. It could be their life.

There is obvious work put into the video,
and I like it. c: I appreciate the work I can see done by the filmography, and Jason Mraz for being creative.
so. Yay. <3
Front Line Assembly is an Electronic/Industrial band (sometimes referred to as Electro-Industrial or EBM) from the province of British Columbia. Their body of work spans nearly three decades, and they're almost always five years ahead of their time when it comes to rhythm and style. The song below features samples from the movie "Falling Down", and appeared on their 1994 album <i>Millennium</i>.

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Well, I am no knight in shining armor,
I'm no pair of dancing shoes.
This thread needs more balls. Therefore I present to you metal.....with a female singer:

Speaking of female singers (because I really love female vocalists in just about every genre of music), this is Within Temptation, a symphonic gothic metal band from The Netherlands.

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In honor of broken Hearts.... :/ Sorry

i can fuck you better and you know it
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