Some new ideas! :D

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So I recently came up with a few more plot ideas that I thought would be fun to do. But first, a few 'rules' so to speak.

- Decent grammar. This means full sentences and periods and whatever else there is as needed. Also post several sentences. No one-liners.
- I prefer to play the female. I can play male side characters, but I just can't do them as main characters.

...and that's all I can think of at the moment :/ I may or may not add more.

So onto the plots! :D

1. The Impossible
Going through a rough time and coming from a very rich family, Character A is sent to live with her aunt in another town. But in that town, in the new school she goes to, she meets someone strange. Character B comes from lower end of life and has a secret. He's a vampire. When their paths cross, there's no ignoring the connection the two instantly feel. But they come from two totally different worlds and their friends try to discourage them from getting together. But one day, they run into each other. Literally. As they help each other back up, the finally decide to try going out. Before long, they're a couple and going steady. But B is still hesitant about getting too close since he knows people always freak out when he tells them he's a vampire. But at some point, he does tell her. She then wants him to turn her but he isn't sure that's such a good idea since he knows of all the down sides to being a vampire. Things take on a new twist however, when he gets pregnant. It's always been believed that a vampire could never get anyone pregnant, and yet, it happened. So now they have to figure out the new complications of this too.

2. Farm Life
Character A has been sent a family friend's ranch for the summer. She does't remember any of the people so for A, it's like going to a place with complete strangers. Doesn't help that she's been raised in the city and knows nothing about country life and doesn't care much for it either. When she gets there, she meets character B (he be a ranch hand or the owners son) and the two immediately collide. They're practically polar opposites and don't get along at all which is evident by their many arguments. It's after one of these arguments, A takes off on one of the horses into the woods to just get away for a while. Things take a twist though when she gets lost. When it starts getting dark and there's still no sign of A, B goes off in search of her since he's getting worried. It's dark out by the time he finds her. For a brief moment, they get along and things go well. But soon enough, another argument springs forth. As the two are distracted, they don't notice their horses getting spooked until they're thrown off. A bear was walking across the bath. A gets hurt from the fall and the two are left stranded as the horses take off. They're far enough that it'll take at least a whole day to walk home. But with A's injury, they're forced to find shelter for the night. The journey will also take twice as along the next day which means there's a chance it might take two days to get back instead of one. It's during these next few days that they start to realize that they actually have some pretty strong feelings for each other.
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