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*Gives TK puppy dog eyes, while nodding towards the kitchen*
*Goes to the kitchen and makes October S'mores, cupcakes, and pasta*
*tosses Ike a few cupcakes and a slice of cake*
*noms on the food given and heads out side and lays down on the front lawn in the sun*
*Seeing as the food has already been eaten the October Knight goes on a mission to the taco stand*
*Goes along on the mission for tacos*
*looks up and sees the three leave* *Gets up and follows them just for the joy of going somewhere*
*Stumbles in drunk beyond knowing his own name and passes out on the dining room table*
*deftly pulls the table cloth out from under Karsi, goes to wash it*
*stares at Ocha from the washing machine, and bangs on the inside of the hatch to get her attention*
*Breaks the washing machine hatch open with a baseball bat, then walks way, grimacing*
*walks back after half way to the taco stand, back to the house*
*ChompChomps 99 tacos*
*Growls at Tux menacingly between bites*
*gets back to the house walks in, goes up stairs and onto a bed to sleep*
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