Siblings? [Not Incest]

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I personally like the espionage, getting hands on expiremental weapons and confidential data,the most.
So is the conspiracy that the government is using experimental weapons? Maybe they can hurt innocents or their own men or something?
Something like that. Maybe my gov't is working on some sort of mech or experimental weaponry that could be hazardous. Your character might have some kind of hatred toward that country, or just maybe toward the head of the project, so you would go inside and steal, sabotage, and expose the harmfulness of the project to slander the project/government. Something along those lines.

So my character would be head of security, maybe someone the Government put in charge to make sure things like that don't happen, like my first big job. But when mishaps around the place start happening, my character is the first to be blamed and held responsible so I might have to clear that up.
Alright. Where do you want me to start at, then?
I guess we'd start from when your char infiltrate the prject area
sorry for not posting, things have been hectic lately, with my finals coming up. I'll post soon, and I'll be able to post more frequently next week. I'll still do my best to try and post