{Shelby} Dragon's Sacrifice {Chaotic Cello}

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Amara hadn't minded when Myla walked away while he worked. By not knowing how to do it herself, he had figured that she really hadn't been exposed to this before...and that it would be unpleasant for her to watch. It was unpleasant for him to do. Eating them whole was much preferable.

He was surprised when she thanked him. This whole time she had been angry, argumenative, defiant, or otherwise unhappy with him. To be thanked....it was nice. He hadn't had that happen in a long while, and he decided he wanted it to happen more often. He just wasn't just sure on how he could go about that.

He supposed he could start by showing that he aporeciated the thank you. Slowly, so he would not startle Myla, he lowered his head to her level and gently as he could manage he nuzzled the sude if his face into his side, and let out a short purr. He knew he didn't want to purr in front of her, but he just couldn't help it.
When she figured the meat, or what she hoped was all meat since some pieces didn't look quite right, had cooled a little, or at least cool enough for her to eat, she poked at it again, nervously almost but once she was able to keep her hand on the meat without getting burned she picked a piece up and tried to tear into it. It was definitely a lot tougher than she was normally used to, especially without the use of eating utensils, but the piece she had was small enough, and not as tough, enough for her to tare a piece off and eat it.

Maybe it was the hunger getting into her mind, but this was really good. Again, it had to be just because she was really hungry. Nevertheless, she was going to keep eating, and her stomach continued to thank her as she did so.

But, when she felt something rub against her side lightly, the light rumbling of what sounded like a purr tickling her body, Myls stiffened a bit before taking the meat that she was about to eat away from her mouth, her eyes traveling down to look at Amara he continued to nuzzle her. What...?

Oddly enough, the feeling wasn't completely unwelcome. It was just so... Weird to see him like this! A beast that terrorizes her village, who destroys things, was being so gentle, so nice. This wasn't how she ever pictured him, but maybe this was his way of taking her thank you, or maybe he just felt the need to do so? Her cheeks tinted into a red color, and though she tried to will it down, it wouldn't go away. "I uh..." She groaned a little before looking away. "Just... Don't expect me to thank you often. It is not something I do very often."
Amara backed away taking her looking away as discomfort. That feeling was soildified with her groan and then her words. The nuzzling was a bad move he guessed....and that made him feel bad. He wasn't sure why though. Why should he care what a human thought? It didn't make sense to him and he shouldn't. But he was starting to.

He was dejected as he turned around and walked towards the other oart of the ledge. He will let her eat in peace. Thoughts of going to his treasure room or going on a flight flitted through his mind, but ultimately he decided to sun bath. The only problem was the corpse of the cow being in his prime laying spot. He quickly solved it, though by simply swiping it over the edge with his tail. There now he was fine.

He took the spot and lied down on his belly and streched out his legs and wings. The sunlight was warm and pleasant. Not as pleasant as the thank you..but pleasant. Nice enough to close his golden eyes and not think about why he cares.
Sighing, Myla watched as Amara started walking away, a pang of guilt hitting through her as she watched. Should she have been so cold to him, even after just giving her a little nuzzle? He was only trying to be nice, and while she figured it was something he didn't normally do, it was nice. But, in a way, it had been out of her own nature to dismiss someone being 'nice' to her just to be because hardly anyone treated her with care in the village. She wasn't used to having things brought to her after she asked, such as he did with the meat, though he did bring copious amounts back. Still, he didn't have to do it.

Maybe she was just thinking about this too much. Yeah, she doubted if the dragon felt any ounce of emotion. Besides, he seemed to be taking it well anyway, what with him lying about in the sun, soaking in its rays. But still... Groaning, Myla rolled her eyes before she started eating again, finding herself full soon after and once she was finished she thought about how she could put the meat away. More than likely she would eat more of it later on, not the rest of it since there was still a lot, but Amara might take some as well. She didn't know.

Deciding that it would be best to not leave the meat just lying out in the sun, Myla took one of the pelts that stayed at the top of the pile of pelts, hoping that the dragon wouldn't be too upset about losing one piece, and laid it over the top of the meat, just trying to keep some of the heat off it, as well as the sun. More than likely the meat wouldn't last but a day without going bad, but perhaps just covering it would delay the process a little? Might even keep bugs off of it as well.

Once she finished, she clapped her hands together to wipe them off, smiling a bit to herself as she found herself a little proud of what she had done. Her eyes traveled to outside of the cave, seeing that Amara was still there, but she decided not the disturb him. So she went back deeper into the cave and leaned against the pelts, her eyes growing heavy as she looked at the sheep, watching as the two huddled around each other, baaing and looking lost. Well, they didn't seem to bother anything... Myla then found herself drifting off to sleep, her appetite sated, and her body just overall being tires since she didn't get much sleep. She could just take... A little nap. No harm done, right?
Amara payed no mind to Myla while enjoying the sun and in fact drifted off into a slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep. It was so much better sleeping spread out in his true form. He didn't even knew he managed to get a wink of sleep last night all curled up and human-like. Dragons were simply not meant to do that.

He slept for about an hour before an adventurous bird woke him by perching on his snout and pecking at his face. The poor bird only got three pecks in before Amara's shook his head and snapped at the bird before engulfing it in flames. He breifly considered eating it, but decided against it. It was too burnt and cooked for his palate.

He stared at it for a couple of moments before just deciding to leave it there. With a burst of white light he shifted to his human form. He was oddly not any tanner despite having spent a good amount of time sunbathing and if he wanted to become so he would have to spend his time in the light in this form. And Amara didn't want to do that. He has had his fill of the sun today.

Slowly the he walked towards the cave's entrance, but halted infront of the fur covered pile of meats. He liked that particular pelt. That was why it was on top of the pile--where it was easiest to snuggle into and otherwise enjoy it. He couldn't complain much though.The fur did protect the meat from the sun and kept it a little cooler. Sure, being inside his cave would probably make it last even longer, but he really didn't want the smell of it in his home. So he appreciated Myla leaving it outside, and wasn't about to bring it inside himself.

Without anymore thought on the matter, he journeyed deep into the cave to his den. He frowned the smell of sheep was everywhere and just simply didn't belong. His eyes scanned around for the animals who he found sleeping on his pelts near Myla. The frown softened to a small smile as he approached quietly and slowly, so that he wouldn't wake up his human...or the annoying sheep.

She was sleeping more towards the edge of the pelts and nowhere near the most comfortable part in the center. He considered picking her up and moving her there and figured what did he have to lose? He knelt next to her and carefully scooped his arms around her to cradle her to his chest. Unfortunately, as he did so he also nudged a sheep that let out a shrill baa that awoke the other sheep. And now they were both running a baaing around in a panic. Well, if trying to pick her up didn't wake her the sheep definetly did. All he could do was smile wryly. That is what he gets for trying to be nice.
Despite what she had thought before she had went to sleep, Myla was actually able to sleep for a while, or at least what felt like a while to her. In all honesty she had suspected to be woken earlier from her own self, something that she did often, mostly out of habit, especially when she found herself sleeping through the day, something that she didn't do very often. It was a bit weird, in her mind, to be sleeping during the day as it called for her not doing much throughout the day, as well as her being more restless during the night. But, even if she had wanted to stop herself from taking this much needed nap, she couldn't do anything about it.

This was by no means her home or bed, and as she drifted off into her own little 'dream land' she found herself dreaming of home, as odd as that sounded. Not the people so much as just the place in general, kind of like what she had said to Amara about it. How she liked the village itself rather than the people in it. Still, she wondered if the villagers were worried, not about her because that thought was very doubtful but about how they were supposed to get all that gold for the end of the year. Were they panicking? Were they calm?

She dreamed of their reactions, some calm, most in a frenzy. But she was quickly brought from that dream as the sound of panicked sheep rang through her ears, causing her to open her eyes, almost instantly, though the foggy feeling of having just woke up from a good sleep prevented her from not taking in her surroundings in that moment. "Mmm..." She blinked, a weightless feeling taking over her, startling her a bit before she finally woke herself up, her eyes looking over at the sheep as they continued to run back and forth, baaing to each other as if trying to communicate about something. Oh, how annoying they were, though she held great sympathy for the both of them

How ever, her attention was brought away from the sheep when she turned her head, the back of it touching something, something rather firm, though not completely hard. Stiffening a bit, she tilted her head to look up, Amara's skin and body coming into her vision, as well as the smile he shot down at her. "What are you... Doing?" She blinked, another blush tinting her cheeks as she looked up at him.
Amara blinked. He could hardly tell her the truth. It didn't matter that she would have figured he had moved her when she woke up. It was embarassing for him to actually admit it and say the words. No he couldn't tell her.

But as she stared up at him....he was still holding her....with the adorable red tint on her cheeks he realized he just couldn't tell say nothing. What to say and he blurted the first thing that wasn't the truth that came to his mind. "I was taking going to tie your ankle with imaginary rope and dangle you upside down from the cliff."

He immediately regretted that one. Why would he say that of all things---how did he even come up with that one!? Now she was gonna be frightened of him again and he certainly won't be getting anymore thank yous. Maybe he could play it off as a joke. Well, it couldn't get any worse. He forced a chuckle. "Just kidding. I'm obviously holding you in my arms," he paused, thinking, "for no reason other than I can." There that was good enough.

He then realized he was still holding her. "And I should probably put you down now." And he finally set Myla down and got up and awkwardly took a step back, where one of the sheep---probably the suicidal one--head butted him in the back of his leg. This resulted in a low growl that sent the poor creature scampering away.
Now she was confused, and she had no idea how to handle the situation, or even how to think of it. When he mentioned something about dangling her from the edge of the cliff, Myla couldn't help but feel her muscle tense up, even more so than they already were. See, this is exactly why she didn't take naps throughout the day! Things that weren't suppose to happen happened, and her life seemed to be threatened too, especially while she was here. Well, she learned her lesson.

And yes, she heard the imaginary part of that statement, and while it did nothing to ease her mind, it just served to confuse her all the more. What, was this imaginary rope going to be his tail or something? Would he change into his dragon form and hang her upside down until she begged and pleaded for him not to do anything? Now that thought just served to anger her, but what made her even angrier was when he took back that statement and came up with something even more stupid. As she thought about it, it all seemed to be a rouge or something, not that she could prove it. Maybe this dragon really was just a fool...

To hold her for no reason? For some reason she doubted that, especially since his first statement seemed more believable (though the one she wanted to believe least), but either way she didn't like behind held in the first place. She hadn't been held since she young, but it made her feel as if he thought of her to be some type of child, someone that needed to be taken care of. She hated that thought, but what had she done here that didn't prove otherwise? After all he had done everything...

Still it wasn't right for him to just hold her! She was not a child, and as those thoughts swept through her mind, and as he finally set her down, she couldn't help but let a deep frown settle across her face her arms crossing over her chest. "I do not need you to coddle me as if I am some child," she pronounced, turning her gaze from him to look at the two sheep. One of them, the one who hadn't tried to attack Amara, had fled over to Myla, hiding behind her as if she was some type of protective barrier. Now the baaing only increased since it was closer to her. "And could you stop startling the sheep; they are quite annoying, and the only reason they are running around is because of you." The relatively good mood she had been in before her nap had dissipated now, turning now into a more irritated one.
Amara groaned. Why did he have to open his mouth in the first place? Why had he even try to be nice? If he had simply left Myla alone, he wouldn't have an angry human on his hands and two noisy, smelly, panicking sheep.

"You don't got be so mad." He grumbled, and crossed his arms. How did he end up always making Myla irritated and arguing with her. "I wasn't coddling you. I was just going to move you over a bit. Holding you for no reason or dangling you from a cliff just sounded better!" He huffed and turned on his heel. He did not just actually tell her that. He decided he wasn't going to tell her that, but the angry words just came out.

He didn't even know how to address the sheep, but his mood had gone foul, so it was cruel words he chose. "And if the sheep are so annoying just go push them off the cliff. They are yours now, anyway."

He needed to stop before he dug himself into a hole (or a deeper one, seeing he probably was already in one). So he did the only thing he could think of. He stomped--further frightening the ever so annoying sheep--- to his treasure room.

Immediately, he grabbed his hand mirror and sat at the waters edge, eyes already dancing from glimmer to sparkle as his let his bad mood fade away as the gold cast a pleasant numbing cloud over his mind.
"I don't have a reason to be upset? You threatened that you were going to hang me from the cliff, and then say that you were just holding me for no reason? You think that, that sounded better than just trying to move me over?" Myla furrowed her brows, taken aback when he announced that he really had only been doing that to move her, to probably more her into a more comfortable position, but that fact that he covered it up confused her. Why hadn't he just said that? Maybe then she wouldn't have been that irritated.

This dragon really was frustrating.

And now she felt bad for getting upset towards him, since, after thinking about it, he had only been trying to do something helpful. Again, and yet she continued to be rude. Maybe if she just killed him now, she wouldn't have to deal with that... She sighed as she watched Amara stomp off towards where his treasures were, wondering if she should go after him an apologize, though in her mind she knew that she really had nothing to apologize for, yet she knew that she did owe him an apology. But she waited for the sheep to calm down before she headed towards the hole, which actually took a little while seeing how riled up the two were. But once the two situate themselves into a corner she ducked her way into the hole and stood behind him, watching as the dragon held onto the same mirror that she always found herself transfixed with.

"Hey," she said, basically announcing that she was in there. No need in startling him, but even so she braced herself and took a few steps back, her eyes fixated on his body, waiting for him to react.
Amara was deep in an hypnotic daze when Myla entered the room, and it too, a long moment for her words--well word--to even register in his ears and even longer for his mind to comprehend it. Hay? Why is she talking about hay? Is it for the annoying sheep? His mind flitted around ideas before it went back to his shiny treasures. Then he realized it wasn't talking about gay, but was rather a greeting. It pulled him away from his trance for a moment and he mumbled a "Human" in return.

He was still mad at her after all. Or he thought he was. He actually wasn't too sure at the moment and he decided he didn't want to think about it. So he lied down on his back with part of his ridiculously long and tangled hair trailing into the water. He held the hand mirror up and put his attention on the object. If Myla wanted to stay she could. If she wanted to talk...well he might hear it in this mind-numbed calm state. As long as it wasn't too serious or requiring too much thought he might even be able to reply.
Only hearing the low rumble that sounded like he said something along the lines of 'human', Myla stepped closer to the dragon, tilting her head to the side as she assessed him. These treasures really did put him into some type of trance, and if his lack of attention towards what she had said was any indication of that, the way he continued to stare into the mirror was enough to justify it. Unless he just liked looking at himself, but as she got a closer look into his eyes, seeing that they were glazed over as if he wasn't really there, she knew that he wasn't paying attention to anything.

He seemed so much calmer too, and while that was almost a satisfying to see him like this, it was almost scary. But, this just made her realize all the more that if she wanted to kill him, she was going to have to bring him in here, to where he would be less aware of everything around him. It would probably be the easiest way. However, there was something she wanted to test out. How would he react if she tried to take away that mirror from him?

This might result in her getting hurt, Myla knew, maybe even attacked, but she had to know whether he would continue to stay transfixed by the wonders of the cave, or if he would come back to reality. So almost hesitantly, Myla got herself closer to the dragon before she used both of her hands to grab onto the top of the mirror, pulling it down only so that he wasn't looking at it any more and out of his line of vision. While she didn't want to completely take it away from him, yet, she wanted to see if him not seeing the object would change anything.
Amara was barely aware if Myla approaching. Really, all he could sense was some movement in the room that interupted the pattern of the hypnotic glimmer his treasures put off. And he didn't care about the movement all he could care about, think about, pay attention to in his daze was the glimmer. He wasn't even paying attention to her as she stood right infrint of him.

But the second her hands touched the mirror his golden eyes snapped out of the daze. When she moved the mirror down out of his line of vision his eyes only held fear before he snarled and an expression of fury crossed his face---except for his eyes which still only held fear.

She was touching his mirror. She moved the mirror. It didn't look like she was trying to take or destroy the object but he couldn't chance it. It was too important. Too precious. It was ...he just couldn't lose it. Or risk losing it. The gold was still trying to pull him back under its lull, and his eyes flickered a couple of times,nbut he resisted. He had to protect the mirror.

Ordinarily, he would have attacked, but he wasn't going to risk the slightest danage. So Amara continued to growl, snarl and bare his teeth as he pulled the mirtor close to his body and cradled it to his chest and slowly crouched as if he would pounce. He wouldn't though. It was too dangerous.

Finally he was able to force himself to speak. "Get out! And don't even so much think about touching this mirror again!"
She was confused yes. Confused of how quickly his was able to snap out of his gaze when any of his possessions were touched, confused on how he wouldn't attack her, confused on the way his eyes looked, the feat that was held within them as she grabbed onto the mirror. Why was he afraid? Did he think she would take it? Was he afraid of it being taken away from him? If that was the case, the Myla figured this dragon was more unstable than she had previously thought, either that or he was fiercely protective over his things. But why that mirror?

And while she was confused about this entire situation, she was more scared than anything, and it was mostly because he didn't attack her. He merely yelled at her, yanked the thing away and protected it as if his life depended on it. This suddenly made her realize why none of those men were able to get close to his treasures; he would kill them for harming it. These things... Were his life, or at least that's the impression that Myla got.

Her body trembled as she stood, stock still, watching him, having only barely kept her balance when he had yanked it away. To be paralyzed with fear, she didn't know what to do. "I don't..." She spoke, her voice trembling greatly. "Why is that so important to you?" An almost desperate tone came to her voice, but for why she didn't know. She didn't eve know why she was still in there, other than the fact that her feet wouldn't listen to her. It was dangerous, staying in here, yet she didn't leave.

Maybe she really was crazy, or she just had a death wish, or she was just too stubborn to listen to reason.
Amara growled as she simply stood there. He thought she was simply paralyzed in fear, and that should be good for him. If she was frightened enough she won't come near the mirror again.

But then she questioned him. He didn't like that all. It was none of her bussiness other than it isn't hers. Instead of answering he slowly stood up and his eyes flickered around. There was nowhere good, nowhere safe enough for the mirror that he felt had been threatened.

He slowly took a deep breath and seeing that Myla was not about to leave he stared her into her eyes. "It is imporant to me. Like your village is important to you. It is all I have left..." He trailed off. "I'm 3000. Just because I'm alone now doesn't mean I always have." He took a breath he shouldn't be talking about this to the threat to the mirror. He took a step back. "If destoryed your village, your loved ones, your memories you would try to kill me. You try to touch, harm, or take this I will kill you. It's the same. This mirror, it is my village. That is all you need to know about it." He clutched the mirror closer to his chest and let out another protective growl as if to re-enforce the threat.
She flinched when he growled again, finally taking a step back only when he stood. Still, she refused to leave, well her legs refused to leave that is. She couldn't help but think about the way his eyes looked when she touched the mirror. It was as if she had just touched his soul, and if his words weren't any indication to that, Myla didn't know what was.

Closely she listened to his words, a sudden pang of... Sadness, was it, washing over her as the word 'alone' rang through her mind. Really that was the only thing she registered, his other words a mere whisper against the wind, despite how much of a threat they held behind him. She faintly recognized that he mentioned to kill her if she ever touched the mirror again, but her mine was stuck on his first phrase, and even after he had given another protective growl to what he said, possibly ending the conversation at that point, telling her to leave as well, she didn't.

While the villagers didn't care for her, she was never alone, yet she was all at the same time. Maybe lonely in the sense that she really had no one that cared for her much, except maybe her mother, but she wasn't lonely in the sense that there was no one around. Same thing, right? She swallowed, her heart beating against her chest as she continued to stand there, knowing that she was about to go completely off topic, but again she let her mouth take control without her thinking about it. "You had others here, before, did you not? Before you mention two other dragons... Who were they?"
His eyes narrowed when she mentioned the two other dragons. How had she known that? When did he mention them? He couldn't remember before he realized he told her in here. When he was in the hypnotic trance that was trying to pull him back into its grasp as he stood there. What had he been thinking!?

The lull was so appealing at the moment and he wanted to take his mirror, curl up and hide in the enchanting cloud that gold brought to his mind. Thinking about it hurt. Bringing it up vaguely hurt even more. Actually talking about it...it would be unbearable. A thousand years had not made the hurt less and to talk with the human that attempted to take his mirror away. No he didn't want to do it.

But she didn't look like she was going to leave, and he had already tried to scare her away with viscous sounds. It wasn't going to work. He took a deep breath and ignored that he was trembling ever so slightly. "What do you think? My mate and hatchling." His voice he forced it too be cold, but it didn't work and he felt it crack on the word hatchling.

And he was done. This human would not get anymore from him. He won't say another word. So he turned his back to her and sat down, continued his protective hold on the mirror and forced his mind back into the gold's tramce state.
She felt her breath hitch when he said that it had been his mate and his hatchling, which she knew was the human equivalent to spouse and child. So he had lost his family, probably the closest thing to him? Had they died? Been killed? While she herself didn't particularly like the dragons, though that might be more so because she was afraid of them, she couldn't deny that what ever happened to them had been terrible. No one should have to live without their loved ones, especially their... Mates.

Honestly, she had no idea what to say to him. What could she say to him? It's not like she could change anything, ans he doubted if he would feel any better about this. What a shame. "I-I am sorry. For your loss, I mean." She took no steps back or towards him, but she raised her voice, wondering if he would even be paying attention.
Her words reached him through his trance. It broke him free yet again from it. She was sorry? He didn't understand that. Humans are not sorry for the death of dragons and he knew she had nothing to do with it. Her parent's parent's parent's parents hadn't even been close to being born yet. Then he realized it might be pity and he didn't want that. Being pitied by a human was degrading. Insulting.

He slowly turned his head. "It has nothing to do with you...it has been a thousand years. Just...just please leave the mirror alone." This time his voice just simply sound tired and he wanted nothing more than to be off the topic. Get away from it, make the human forget her pity.

He turned back away from her and payed attention to the mirror again. He was no longer clutching it to his chest and instead began polishing it with the hem of his pants.
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A thousand years? So long to be alone, so long to have to live with the fact that he didn't have his mate and hatchling anymore. She frowned, a sense of sympathy surging through her, yet she didn't know why. Why did she feel like she had to be sorry for him, for his loss, especially after he said that she had nothing to do with it, which she knew all along. But still..

Nevertheless, though she wanted to press the subject on a little further, she decided to drop it, pushing that curiousness down into the back of her mind. She kept her mouth shut then and decided to finally leave the little treasure cove and head back over to the pile of furs, watching the sheep as they continued to mill about, finally calm an unafraid now, though she couldn't deny that they looked as if they were ready to flee at any second. She sat down and leaned against the pelts, sighing as she ran a hand through her hair.
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