Sentience (Apocalyptic War Themed Android Roleplay)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Celestial Scorpio

K-Pop Addict
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Completely Random
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
I am fine with many genre's so lay it on me and we can decide if that genre will work.
Yes the title is a mouth full but I want people to know what the roleplay is about so they know what they are clicking on to.

IC Thread

The world on the brink of destruction must be saved or else all of humanity will come to an end. Humans already thinning out as the invaders take them and destroy nations. Going into hiding the humans use mass produced military androids to fight the invaders. Scientist trying their best to pump out as many units as they can and each nation having their own specialized units.

You will play one of the androids who fight the alien invaders. Though unlike other units your character will begin to grow sentient. Units from each nation banding together to fight and help one another, instead of being in groups of the same specialty, enabling them to devise strategies to win in combat. They begin to understand the meaning of life and death causing them to fight harder to save the human race.

Each special unit a different color and their clothing, hair, eye's ect will be a shade of the said color. Along with their combat specialty they have a hidden power but upon use equals death.

Red Units: These units specialize in explosives and the such. With basic weapon programming and hand to hand combat. Their hidden ability is Core Meltdown. Upon use they began to heat extremely fast and once at a high temperature they explode causing massive area damage. Used to get rid of mass hordes.
Grey Units: These units can also be colored black to a darker medium grey. Specializing in hand to hand combat they have minimal training in guns but know how to use melee weaponry efficiently. Their hidden ability is Acceleration. Upon use their core speeds up allowing them to move faster and hit harder. After awhile the core heats up too much and they either blow up or malfunction and drop to the ground as nothing but an empty shell.
Green Units: Engineering is their job so they know how to repair units, gear and can hack technology. They have minimal training in weapon use but can still use a gun if need be. Their hidden ability is Electrofield. Upon use a field of energy in a sphere leaves their body and travel up to 10 miles. Anything that isn't an android unit and is electrical malfunctions and the field lasts until the units core overheats. Either exploding or become a shell.
Blue Units: Sniping is easy for these units. They specialize in long range weaponry and have decent hand to hand defense. Their hidden ability is Plasma Lance. Upon use they use their core to store energy, once enough is stored they send out a beam of high level plasma that cuts through anything and can reach hundreds of miles, falling off in width the further it goes. Once used they explode.
Yellow Units: High fire rate is their natural talent. Most quick fire rate weapons have poor accuracy but these units make those bullets hit their mark. Their hidden ability is Gatling Gun. Upon use they create bullets of plasma energy and shoot them from their finger tips with a high fire rate. After their core heats up they explode or malfunction.
White Units: Can also be lighter shades of grey. These units specialize in quick thinking and tactical advantages. Along with that they can link their minds with other units to communicate their plans without them getting out to the enemy. They usually use pistols and other short range weapons for self defense. Their hidden ability is Space and Time Manipulation. Using their core they send out a field that alters space and time itself. Anything that isn't an android will move 50% slower and they can read enemies future movements and strategies. The field is only 500 feet centered around the unit who has to stay in place or the field breaks. After their core heats up they malfunction or explode.

Note that each unit will malfunction or explode upon using their ability but these explosions are not as big as the Red Units. Normal units use their abilities without thought but our sentient units will understand what death is and will only use their ability as a last resort option. As of now these are the units I have thought of but if there is a specialization you felt like I missed let me know. Units in order of expertise in case you need a quicker knowledge of what they do. Explosion Expert, Hand to Hand Expert, Tech Expert, Long Range Weapons Expert, Strategic and Short Range weapons Expert. Not too sure what else I could add but do let me know.

Leviathan: This manufacturer houses the Blue Units factory. It is a medium sized city and one of the few that have remained hidden from the aliens.
Salu: The small town is hidden from the aliens and many travel here to hide, though with growing numbers it will only stay hidden for so long.
Pernus: This large metropolitan city houses the Red Units manufacturer. It is in a constant state of chaos because of its size and many units have to fight off the aliens to keep the city functioning.
Helliard: A small metropolitan city that houses the Yellow Units factory. It has little chaos but every so often aliens come around to strike.
Deckard: Housing the White Units manufacturer this city is in ruins except for very little of the center. What is left is protected by the units and many leave to find a safer home while scientist stay to produce units.
Babalon: Grey units are produced in this medium sized city and is safe so far. Many humans fear the day the aliens come and try to destroy the city.
Estasia: This rural town houses the Green Units manufacturer. Low in population it remains off the radar and the only thing that would bring aliens is the factory.

(I will add more cities but for now I will just have these. I also will try to find a website where I can make a worldmap of the well world.)

Along with normal human technology most of theirs relies on an energy not available on the planet. Their ships far more advanced than the planes and shuttles of humans. Plasma is the most common ammo for their weapons along with teleportation and cloaking in camouflage. Electric charged melee weapons seem effective against the androids so caution is needed when dealing with such. The plasma still can pack a punch but it is more dense and physical thus not able to enter the circuits of the androids. Their armor is made of a metal unknown to the planet and many of their technology is analyzed by scientist in order to upgrade androids and weaponry.

The usual grunt wears basic armor and has basic weaponry but the higher the rank the tougher the armor is and the stronger the weapons hit. They also possess smaller ships which are used as means to transport them about the planet below, their larger ships in the atmosphere above out of site for the most part. Their native language can be understood by the androids but to humans it sounds like a jumbled mess.

Name: (Given by themselves), (Unit Number, first letter of color and U-numbers. Green will be GR, Grey just G)
Unit Color and Gender:
Appearance: (What shade is their hair, eye's, clothing, ect. Also can add height and wieght.)
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon: (can be a handgun, a knife, something they don't specialize in but know how to use.)
Age: (how long they have been manufactured, the war has been going on for several years but they also could have been made before)
Combat Experience/Background: (How experienced are they and have they been in action for awhile, ect.)
Level Of Sentience: (Not 100%, below 50% but they can still have some sentience going into the roleplay)

(If you use a pic that has different color features but want to use it as a reference to how they look, I am sure we all can imagine them with different eye colors or hair colors.)

Combat Experience: (If none put N/A)
Weapons: (If none put N/A)
Other: (Anything else you'd want us to know)

This will involve combat but at times it will focus on the units and their sentience. How they learn to feel and be human. It can also involve little events that help show how they are changing. An example would be saving a human and comforting the child, unlike other units who wouldn't care.

At the end of the roleplay all characters will sacrifice themselves in order to save the human race and defeating the aliens. Though that will be much later on, just warning you so you don't expect them to save the world and live. Heroes often die.

  1. Everyone says this but Iwaku rules apply.
  2. Be nice to the other players, any arguments should be taken to PM.
  3. Also I will mediate if needed but I won't just cut someone from the roleplay because you dislike them. Unless they are being extremely toxic I will tell you to suck it up or leave.
  4. I expect at least a paragraph for each post. At least 4-5 sentences because not many can work off one liners and if you need help with ideas feel free to ask for help.
  5. There will be no posting order but I do expect people to be patient. Do not post back and forth making 10 pages worth of content that everyone has to read and catch up with. Rule of thumb, wait for one person to post between you or wait until everyone who would be active in the scenario has replied.
  6. Well all make mistakes but do not use text speech. I can stand errors, I cannot stand laziness.
  7. Have fun, if you aren't, talk to us so we can try to make it fun for you before you decide to leave.
  8. I expect a reply once a week, I know life happens so if you will be gone for longer than a week please let us know.
  9. You can have multiple characters but I ask there to be an evenish amount of units. Not 10 red units and 1 blue unit.
  10. Rules can be broken by accident but if you continually break them I will have to ask you to leave the roleplay.

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Gonna get the IC up tonight. Currently running on 36 hours of no sleep and gonna try to get it out before I crash and burn.
Ack, don't burn yourself out too much, your health is important. O_O;;;
Ack, don't burn yourself out too much, your health is important. O_O;;;
Oh I am not tired and I would sleep if I could but for some reason I haven't been able to. Thank you for the concern though. :)
OPEN SIGNUPS - Sentience

Got the IC up, something basic but I gave the current situation of each city to help anyone with their starting post. Though you don't have to add anything at the bottom like I did, I will do that for each day that passes in the world though. A small recap kind of.
[fieldbox="Ryan, Grey, Dotted"]
Name: GU-0223 Ryan Conway.


Unit Color and Gender: Grey, Male.

Appearance: Stands to be 5'11, gauged ears and jet black hair. He has a rather slender build, which can throw people off with the size of the sword he has. Normally seen wearing combat armor that is a bit war torn, with bullet dents and rips to the leather and cloth. Scars across his face, and one of his eyes is damaged. Barely works even.

Primary Weapon: Slug Blade


A rather large blade. It's almost as tall as he is, 5 feet in length, and has quite the power behind each swing. It has the capability to shoot specialized shotgun slugs for up close killing blows from the top of the blade, or it can use the blast of the slugs as propulsion incase the weapon gets stuck, or to add more punch to the swing.

Secondary Weapon: revolver


Age: 14, he was made before the war and was used as a hostage retriever.

Combat Experience/Background: Very experienced in taking out of the Alien threat, adapting to the new threat and having experience with dealing with them face to face, literally. He has a few cuts and marks that is proof of his experience. He has helped as many humans and androids as possible in his travels, mainly roaming around as a nomad helping out who he can. Though when it comes to working together, he lacks in cooperation.

Level Of Sentience: 47.34%

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Well there's my Cs Right on time lol
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Accepted. I will add him to the Character list once I am on my PC.
Name: Eva Ming
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'4" 127 lbs, slender frame.

Birthplace: Yugen, small town north of Helliard

Personality: Eva is very outspoken and will say what is on her mind. She can come across as blunt but still tries to remain nice. She prefers to see the real in every situation and not fool herself with false hope or misguided judgement due to emotions. This however doesn't mean she lacks emotions but rather only expresses them when necessary. Her most notable emotion is bravery even when she is full of fear.

Background: Being born in a small farming town meant she didn't get to see the world. She was raised to farm and live a quiet life but as she grew older she would speak her mind often hurting those around her. Once the alien attacks began she and her family moved to Helliard for protection. Yugen had little to no defenses against war and her parents feared the children would get hurt. She was young when the aliens came, only being around the age of 11. Due to her parents fear and her siblings being scared she stepped up and braved the hardships.

She remained hopeful one day the aliens would leave but she also accepted that they may never go away. Wanting to find the truth and find a solution she ran away from Helliard during an assault by a group of aliens. Though she has been on her on for weeks now she has the capability to survive and take care of herself. After all it is up to her to bring peace to her family. She didn't want to depend on the units who fought and often found herself questioning their existence.

Combat Experience: Minimal experience with weapons such as gun but growing up working at the farms gave her strength and she knows how to swing anything in hand.

Weapons: Whatever is at her disposal around the environment. She also has a dagger that was a family heirloom she uses often, the sharp blade only several inches long but can slice most things.

Other: She is the eldest of 4, her youngest sister only being 5. Despite having little experience in the world she is not naive and uses logic more than anything. After leaving her family she trained her mind and body for any combat that may come from snooping around. She has little interactions with the aliens but has had to sneak around a few while roaming about the land. So far she has little clues on why the aliens came and what their plans are but she was able to snag a communicator that still works. Often she can hear their gibberish and tries to translate it.
Omg. I didn't get any notifications.

I'll work on my post ASAP.
You're fine. I figured people were busy for the holidays.
Sorry, finals week is hectic, holidays start tomorrow I'll probably get out a post by then.
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Sorry, I've been frantically panicking about assessments, the most joyous way to spend the holiday. I'll try to post soon!
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It is fine. I know this is a busy time of the year for people. No worries.
Has Ryan been added into the character count yet? Also, our first human! Cool!

Another also, maybe you should add the IC link into the first post for easier access? Not everyone might have seen it in the comments.
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I still have to add him, thank you for reminding me. And thank you for the advice on adding the IC link to the top post. Will get on that once my day gets started.
Added him to the roster and my human and added a link to the IC at the top
Update in case you haven't seen my profile: I was out of the count on illness, and now exams! Such good luck, I know. I'm going to try my best to catch up soon if things are still happening, sorry I'm a butt.
Update in case you haven't seen my profile: I was out of the count on illness, and now exams! Such good luck, I know. I'm going to try my best to catch up soon if things are still happening, sorry I'm a butt.
No worries I have been pretty much off of Iwaku for about 3 weeks due to life but I am back for now lol so don't feel bad, glad you are still with us.
@Daz @Cresion Breezes @~\The Talentless/~

The IC is up, I know everyone has been busy but I am trying to keep this somewhat alive. Once you post a first post I can make a post that could bring the characters together.


Not sure if you're still interest or not.

Also I noticed chaos hasn't been active in weeks so I am not sure if they will be back or not. As for everyone else I am not sure about activity and whatnot but I will try to keep this ball rolling.
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