Sakura's: A Day In Pictures (:

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I love photography, but I rarely have the time to take pictures unless its on special occasions!
So I decided! (: Now that I'm cruising past high school straight into college, I'll do this fun project && take certain "days in pictures" =D

(kind of stole it off Ororohic's month of photography, teehee <3)

♥ Enjoy (:

Sakura's A Day In Pictures :. Culture Shock & Last days of Sweet Seventeen
3.10.2011: it was spirit week : culture shock day (: "shock the hallways with your cultural clothes" :D & also the day before my birthday! This isn't really " a day " in pictures, but it's more of a photoshoot, haha! x) but I think the pictures came out nicely, despite the striking brightness (sunshine from the sunrise outside the window!)









Pretty bright blue. 5th picture looks like your having a lot of fun taking pictures :).
Sakura's so cute. XD <3
Hello lovely, you've grown up so much! I love your outfit, all the rich details of it, just gorgeous <3
Nice dress. What camera did you use?

If you're using a DSLR in that environment, switch to Manual mode, lower your ISO, and increase either your shutter speed or your F number (aperture/depth-of-field) to get rid of that glare when taking pictures on very bright days. Don't rely on auto too much - you'll get good results if you can control your camera to do as you desire.