Sailing in the Sky

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"Right yet again, Jack. Should have taken that turn at Gjorlmund Junction."

Jack was talking to himself, as he often does. It helps keep everything flowing in his mind. Unfortunately, he misjudged where exactly he was supposed to go and had gotten himself lost.

"First time late to something in...oh, what? Three years now?"

Jack finally found himself standing in front of the Sun's Edge Bar, the location in which his (hopefully) future employer had set up a meeting point. He checked his chronogear and sighed at the fact that he was over twenty minutes late to the appointed time. He was here for a science-based position, hoping he could further his research but as a doctor, one would think he would be better dressed. Here he is wearing but a pair of jeans with black work shoes, a brown undershirt with a black overcoat; so, not only is he late but hes lacking proper professional attire.

He stepped into the bar and took a moment to take in his surroundings: examine the layout of the structure, take a mental tracking of all the patrons and to try to identify every race he knew of in the bar both by scent and sight. After a minute, he approached the center of the room where he was told to meet the prospecting captain.

Noticing the fact that there was already other applicants being interviewed, he silently sat down and waited for the others to finish their interview. When they finished, he finally speaks up, "Good afternoon. My name is Doctor Jack Nolan and I am here regarding a position as a research and medical specialist in Xenobiology and Human Anatomy. Here is my psychological evaluation, up to date by Doctor Nazeem Cloudrider as well as a brief synopsis of my thesis that lead to my doctorate, if you are not already familiar with it."

Jack reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out two data chips and sets them on the table.

"I hope that you find everything is in order in terms of my medical history as none of my mental ailments have caused any issue for myself nor any beings in contact with myself."

He takes a moment to catch his breath and order a glass of water from a passing waitress before continuing.

"There is one thing that I would like to point out, however, in regards to my desire to join your crew. Currently, I am working on a couple of theories that better mesh various anatomical strongsuits of other races into those that can apply to human standards and vice versa. Im looking for a ship that can take me places I cannot get to on my own and get me closer to reaching these goals. In return, I would be able to provide substantial knowledge of xenowildlife, possible treatments of xenopathogens, assuming the source is a creature, and I would be able to provide any medical treatment down to borderline surgical level of both xeno and terrestrial beings."

Jack finishes with all he has to say and waits for the captain to digest what he had said, what he may be bringing to the table and what he would like to see from this endeavor; all while drinking a glass of water.
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At the bar:

Mari 4 was enjoying her beer in silence and in observation of the others when the words of a few others caught her attention.

Crius' words, about her resume' being impressive, made her think. "Being in the military for a few years tends to make things seem grand," she admitted, "but as with many things it's not all about me being great, it's the situations. It's when you come through as a team, leader or not, that what makes me shiny." She thought back for a moment about the military, how she missed it. There was some irony in that thought, as she seemed to find comfort being one in a larger collective... yet her personality often tried to make herself stand out among the others.

She held out her hand to him. "I'm Mari 4."

But before the other person could complete the handshake, someone else called out to her. She didn't catch all of it but she made out the words "party" and animal". She quickly walked over, curiously, and looked at Nhills. "Calling me a party animal are you?" she playfully asked. "I bet you're quite the... animal in the sack, mate" with a wink.

She called out to the waitress, "another round on me for the Victory Table here!" and she gestured Crius over to join them.

"Sorry about that," Mari said apologetically to Crius, "what can I say? I must be a party animal and he called me out!"
By this time, Marcus' hands were beginning to get twitchy trying to sit there and avoid the conversations. He overheard Mari's comment about being an animal in the sack and his own cheeks heated up, though the comment was to the drunk one and not him. He began to tap on the table in a strange pattern, anyone who knew what it was would know it was the incredibly outdate form of communication known as morse code. His father had learned it when Marcus was a child and taught him early on. Memories of them using morse code in crowded areas made him smile a little and calm him down as he breathed a sigh and took another drink of his water.

Soon enough, a beer slid in front of him and he looked around surprised, realizing that Mari had called for a round on her for the group that had gotten hired. He looked over at Mari and Nhillis for a few seconds before taking the beer with hesitation. He had actually never drank before, so he took a tentative sip. He squinted a little at the flavor that met his tongue, bitter and strange, but with a rather satisfying bread-like aftertaste which made it a little more worth it. Feeling a bit braver, he took a larger drink, but coughed a little and set the bottle down. Small sips it would be for him.

His thoughts drifted back to Mari. She had applied for engineer as well, but was also open to other positions on the ship due to her military background. The only other person he ever worked with was his father, because he normally worked on his own when it came to being at the mechanic shop, so it left him rather curious as to how well they would work together. He silently admitted she was pretty, but her straightforwardness came off as surprising to him, but to each their own he guessed. He wondered if he should say something, but rather decided to brave another sip of his beer.
"I'm telling you man, you'll regret it!" Feng said to Marcus as he moved away. Much to Feng's surprise he was called out, pretty boldly too. He sat silently mouth slightly open as the waitress brought him another drink, unblinkingly he picked it up and drank the entirety of it, and then finished his drink as quickly as he could, coughing more black mist as he finished. For the first time in probably his whole life he was at a loss for words for more than a few seconds. "She's a killer queeeenn~" Feng started to drunkenly sing aloud, breaking his silent streak. He didn't know how else to respond in this state, he didn't do well with women to begin with, buy as he got steadily more intoxicated he just got weird.

Feng looked at Mari and blinked rapidly for seemingly no reason, he leaned in slightly mid lyric and spoke in a hushed tone. " I nunnobadout yooo, but... Hees totly into you." Feng said, referring to Marcus while pointing at him rather conspicuously "Cuss, you know... I juswanna give 'm a shot if you." Feng slurred heavily his words making less sense, he put his head down on the table sideways slowly. "M'tired" Slalin have notoriously poor reactions to alcohol, as the entire bar came to find out.
Enjoying the cheerful, positive, and borderline wild atmosphere at the "Victory Table" as one of them called it, Mari 4 overheard someone referring to hear as a killer queen.

He turned to Feng. "Well, you may call me a queen if you wish, but I haven't quite gotten around to earning the 'killer' status just yet" she said with a wink. She was no stranger to this type of thing... her strategy usually was to respond with words that made the other person think. To get them a bit off guard so that she would have an advantage.

Then, she wasn't sure if he was really that way or wasn't taking the alcoholic drinks well. As she was the one who ordered another round for the table, she felt at least partially responsible. Mari 4 caught the waitresses attention, and lip-synced the words "coffee" to her and held up one finger. She turned back to Feng. "You okay, friend?" she asked.
Captain Auriana Belarus,
Still at the Sun's Edge Bar

"Ah! Fantastic, thank you very much," Dr. Derson said, reclaiming his datapad and making his way to the bar, likely to familiarize himself with his future comrades. His enthusiasm is admirable, hopefully he'll develop into an asset given time, the Captain thought, before turning to Dr. Octavia, who was pulling out…paper, lots of different papers. How quaint, given the rarity of paper transactions this far into space she hadn't thought there would be this much paper in private hands anywhere on the station, but it would be a pain to browse through.

"So I attended The University of Washington for my undergrad and premed degrees, tended medical school at Harvard University receiving my M.D in humanoid medicine and getting my Ph.D in Alien Studies with a specialty in Alien Anatomy." Those all sounded like Terran Universities, if she remembered correctly, another Earth-born? "As for past I really don't have much. I just graduated a month ago and all the field experience I had were from shadowing doctors and surgeons in my final year for my M.D. I worked in an alien research facility though, basically cutting into corpses donated to science for two years though, but it got a little morbid for me."

Hmmm, she was very inexperienced in the field, but her recommendations and educational background seemed stellar at first glance. "What about residency and internships? None? And if you're to squeamish to do surgical work what am I supposed to do with you?" she asked, handing back the papers she had evaluated in a slightly disorganized stack before moving on to Fheng.

"Sssss, Yeah I'll be at the bar for a minute. Uh... one question though, you got room on your ship for a little scout class? And also what will the lodgings be like? I may need some room for my things." He asked, before furrowing his brow in a human in a very human gesture of confusion. "I meant two questions."

"We have a shuttle bay, which has ample storage for light craft. As for the lodgings, you're in luck. Had you paid closer attention to the advertisement, one of my selling points was the luxury private cabins. While we do have crew quarters, given the nature of the Vixen, as a retrofitted luxury cruiser, I've seen fit to award private rooms to the majority of my staff, there will be space for your possessions," even as she finished it was clear that he was already becoming inebriated, apparently Slalin had an extremely low tolerance for liquor. That level of reaction had to be genetic, that or a biological abnormality.

As Marcus, then Mari approached, Auriana struggled not to point out that this was an interview table, where she was still attending to applicants.

"I was trained from birth to fight beasts the size of this bar by my rather ambitious father. My tool of trade," he brought his blade out of under his cloak and laid it on the table. "Is this. It is made from pure Nitor and, as far as I've used it, can slice though anything. I have been hired for countless jobs. Some of my more notable being the assassination of Gunci Brinca, former tyrant of Mercan, aiding the Loiten resolution and dueling Wardo 'The King of The Space Pirates'." A name that Auriana was unfortunately familiar with. "As far as my skills go, stealth and speed are my strong suit. But I digress, weak is my grasp of modern technology and firearms." The Minga, to the extent of her knowledge, were an obscure warrior culture. Not intimidating to look at, but like mythological dwarves they made up for their size with skill and ferocity. If she could teach this one how to use weapons, he would become a devastating force. "By the way, people tend to get this wrong, but my first name is King, not a title."

"I hoped you permanently carved that smug smile into Wardo's face, that idiot could have used some humbling, you're accepted. You can join the debacle forming here, or head to the ship now," she finished, turning to a new and hopefully final applicant for now.

"Good afternoon. My name is Doctor Jack Nolan and I am here regarding a position as a research and medical specialist in Xenobiology and Human Anatomy. Here is my psychological evaluation, up to date by Doctor Nazeem Cloudrider as well as a brief synopsis of my thesis that lead to my doctorate, if you are not already familiar with it." More paper, she supposed Doctors would never change. "I hope that you find everything is in order in terms of my medical history as none of my mental ailments have caused any issue for myself nor any beings in contact with myself."

"There is one thing that I would like to point out, however, in regards to my desire to join your crew. Currently, I am working on a couple of theories that better mesh various anatomical strong suits of other races into those that can apply to human standards and vice versa. I'm looking for a ship that can take me places I cannot get to on my own and get me closer to reaching these goals. In return, I would be able to provide substantial knowledge of xenowildlife, possible treatments of xenopathogens, assuming the source is a creature, and I would be able to provide any medical treatment down to borderline surgical level of both xeno and terrestrial beings."

He seemed polite and reserved, despite the psychological ailments listed on these papers. And, according to the questionably legitimate forms, he was being honest about the results of his medical history. That said, she did have some issues. "The Vixen is a private craft and I'm an employer, the services you're offering would be provided under my employ in exchange for units of currency, room and board, and access to my ship's medical facilities. Nothing else. I do not intend to make a habit of allowing my employee's preferences to direct my course, so that is a request that I will be forced to decline," she stated bluntly, her expression severe. "However, if you were a recurring passenger, then as a paying customer I would be more inclined to make allowances in delivering you to your destinations as long as they coincided with the course charted for my vessel," as she finished, Feng slumped to the table. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Dr. Derson, and or Mari, could you please assist Mr. Feng in reaching his quarters. XO Arvid will direct you to your quarters."
"Ma'am, I do believe you misinterpreted what I was going towards in terms of the things I was looking for. What I had meant by that is that I wished to use the opportunity working on your ship provided to further my goals as a scientist. What that means is that regardless of where your plans lay, I'm sure that I would be able to get something out of it to further that cause."

Jack sighed and took another drink of his water, catching his breath.

"However, if that still bars me from participating in the venture, would I perhaps be able to rent room on your ship that would allow me access to medical tools? in that regards, I would be but a long term passenger who conducts safe research. The perks to that is that you will be getting paid and as added bonus, I will provide my knowledge when needed free of charge as well as access to any prototype products to your crew."

He reaches into an inner coat pocket and pulls out a datapad and opens his bank statements.

"Due to my research on the R'yleh species and the synthesis I made from it, I receive money on a monthly basis that I use to pay my expenses in life. All I'm asking for, Captain, is a place to sleep and do some work. Whether as a passenger or an employee is of no consequence for me, and seeing as a private vessel goes to strange places one is bound to find strange things there and that is what I am most interested in. So, what do you say, Captain?"
"Yes Captain," Mari 4 responded sharply as the Captain directed assistance for Feng to get to his quarters.

Mari 4 was fit, as she kept a relatively healthy diet and exercised aerobically on a regular basis. But helping a larger person walk, though not carrying him, was always a challenge to her, sober person or not. Even with help from the Doctor, it was a test of her strength. But of course, she would never shy away from any challenge. Especially in front of her potential ship mates and the Captain.

She playfully said "carry on!" to the rest of the Victory Table as she and the Doctor helped Feng to his feet. She put his left arm around her left shoulder and grabbed his upper body with her right hand and arm. The Doctor did a similar support for Feng on the other side. They then both helped him with his intoxicated march to his quarters.

"I hope we find the XO soon", Mari 4 thought to herself as they made their way to the ship. "Because I don't know how much farther I can walk this guy, and I have no idea where the quarters would be."

She turned to chat with Feng a little as she walked him. "Man, how heavy are you?". She looked toward the Doctor and smiled, as if to say she wondered what the answer might be.
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As the captain told the two to help the intoxicated Feng, he couldnt help but feel a flutter in his chest thinking that they were finally making their way to the ship. Finishing his water, and leaving his beer half full, he got up and walked over to the captain.

"So are we all heading to the ship now, captain? Do you need my help with anything?" he asked, his eyes giving away his built excitement at seeing this ship. Being a luxury cruiser before she got a hold of it, the Vixen was bound to have some top notch machinery, and he was getting an itchy finger to get to work on one as soon as the chance arrived.

Mari 4's outburst of "carry on!" caused him to look over. The thought of her working alongside him made him wonder again how it'll turn out. He was already nervous around people in general, but someone as pretty as her? He tried to clear his mind of the thought, there was enough engine for the both of them, who knows, she might actually be someone he can actually converse with.
Feng had fallen asleep pretty quickly, almost instantly actually after he had announced he was tired. He slept through Mari asking if he was alright but jolted awake at the sound of the coffee mug clinking on the table infront of him. "I'LL SLEep when 'm dead..." Feng had a song in his head while sleeping apparently, he started to slump back down but was suddenly hosited up by Mari. She seemed eager to get him out of there either she wanted to please the captain by showing initiative or she wanted to please him. "'Ayyy, good choice caap'" Feng said sloppily trying to motion to Auriana, he wasn't sure if he was referring to Mari or himself jokingly.

As Mari and Feng made their way out of the bar, Feng doing little to help alleviate the task at hand besides taking blunt, heavy steps. In fact he was staring at Mari's chest from the corner of his eye. "Freal though, Mirkus... er whuever was loookin't at yooo, hil be mad 'f you sleeb with meeee~" Feng sung the last part crudely, then he laughed a throaty sounding 'eheheh' as his head lolled from side to side.
Mari 4 wasn't sure of what exactly the reptile-like Feng was saying, but she took a deep breath of relief once they finally got him to his quarters and put him in bed. Whether he was going to stay there for any period of time, that was another matter.

She did catch onto the "sleep with meeee" part of his dialogue, and she smiled. "Maybe next time, mate". She thought back to the few times she had to get fellow cadets, enlisted members, and even fellow officers from the joys of the bar all the way to their quarters. Usually it was with the help of a taxi and a few others, so this was a new level of accomplishment for Mari 4.

She walked out of his quarters and looked at the Doctor. "Thanks Doc," she said, "I wouldn't have managed that alone." It was her first time on the ship, and the first time she could take a look at it without dragging a crew mate with her. "I'll have a look around," she said, "want to come along? Maybe we'll run into the XO in the process."
"You certainly know how to make a good first impression with your new boss don't you." Crius shook his head at Feng as he put the fellow's arm around his own shoulders and, with Mari 4's help, began to walk him out of the bar. "A good choice indeed." Once outside his face scrunched up as the light hit his eyes, it had been quite dim inside the bar and the sudden shock of daylight hurt his eyes. The doctor was used to the sudden blindness he experience when faced with brighter areas, as his eyes were much better adapted to dim lighting, and darker spaces.

He was glad when they got to the ship, the lights there were not as harsh, indoor lighting was always a bit easier on his eyes. Also he finally got to put the heavy, drunk lizard down which was a relief. He didn't want to cast judgement on someone he had just met but if Feng was always like this, Dr. Derson wasn't sure he would end up liking him very much. Hopefully he was more sensible when he was sober.

When Mari 4 thanked him for his help, he smiled and was drawn out of his thoughts. "Oh, you're quite welcome! I can't imagine I could have done it by myself either." he paused for a moment, debating if he should take her up on his offer or not. "Yes," he said at last, "I'd like a look around too, perhaps we can find the medical bay on our little adventure, I would like to see where I will be working. The XO can probably point us in the right direction if we bump into him again."
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"Thank you Miss Belarus. I would like to see my quarters but I haven't had anything properly strong in a while." King gave a small smile as he took his blade and sheathed it underneath his cloak. He stared at lightweight Feng being carried off to the ship and shook his head. King then hopped off the chair and went to a nearby barstool, asking the bartender for the strongest drink they had. He received a glass of Old Jacob's Spirit, a sinful liquid of a sky blue color. He sipped his drink feeling the acidic burn of alcohol run though his entire system, a feeling he loved and rarely got anymore.
Comms Officer Arvid
Aboard the Vixen

@Mari and @egglegg

The Vixen was initially designed solely for civilian entertainment, not military use. This difference in purpose manifested itself in a variety of ways. While military vessels were typically streamlined and efficient, with consideration taken for the dynamics of combat regarding both the exterior and interior of the ship, the Vixen was not. The areas of the ship which were meant to be publically accessible were characterized by broad and ornate corridors, and there were entertainment facilities near the central cavity of the ship which included casinos, bars, restaurants and even shopping facilities. Of course, being retrofitted by pirates had caused some facilities to be damage or replaced, but Captain Belarus' crew had managed to clean the ship up since it had come into her possession.

At the moment, minor crewmen wandered the ship in uniform while seeing to maintenance and repairs, but some civilians had booked passage out of the system and now milled about the ship to admire its facilities. Cruise ships rarely travelled this far out, and never between galactic arms, so the Vixen was somewhat of an oddity, which made the prices for cabins quite profitable. Arvid had led the inebriated idiot and the other new recruits who were assisting him to the Center Line, a sort of magnetic rail which ran down the length of the ship and passed through all of its most notable facilities. The crew quarters for the new members were in a wing of cabins which had been reserved and sealed off from the civilian cabins, but while they were nice they weren't the largest or most expensive cabins aboard and were located on the lower decks of the ship, directly beneath the command bridge. So, after getting off of the Center Line, Arvid guided the trio to an elevator which brought them down to the crew quarters and shoed them to his room, pointing out their rooms which would be adjacent to his.

"I believe you are the Engineer and the Doctor? Yes, if you would like I can take you by the Medical Bay and the Engineering Deck, if you're both interested," Arvid said, once they had stepped out of the drunk Slalin's room.
Feng barely paid any attention to what was going on, all of a sudden he was on the ship, with an alcohol hazed glance around he spotted another Slalin, not an uncommon species by any means he just didn't expect to see one. "Brothheerrr" Feng managed to get out in a raspy voice before seconds later he was dumped on a bed in a cushy looking room, nothing amazing but it had more space than his little scout ship. And then promptly denied by Mari. "S'kay may-be ness time." His voice muffled by a pillow. By then though no one was in the room to hear him. Feng tossed and turned to get comfortable on the bed for a few seconds when a random thought found its way to him.

Feng rolled over on his back and brought his left wrist over his face, a pale, green, holographic screen appeared and he tapped a few buttons to have his ship's auto-pilot dock on the Vixen. Miraculously it went off with out a hitch, Feng received a confirmation that the skiff was safely aboard about a minute or so later. Content with himself he stretched and got comfortable, He'd move his stuff in here some other time and probably make something of an apology to everyone... Well at least the captain.
"I believe your interests would be best served as a passenger, Doctor, and I would not be averse to your using of our facilities for research purposes," the Captain stated. "However, I may reconsider your position during our voyage."

"So are we all heading to the ship now, captain? Do you need my help with anything?" the young engineer asked eagerly, to which the Captain quickly responded.

"The Vixen will be embarking on her maiden voyage in just over an hour," she began. "You can board the ship at your leisure between then and now, but if you are late you will be left behind."

"Thank you Miss Belarus. I would like to see my quarters but I haven't had anything properly strong in a while," the Minga said, hopping off of his chair and heading to the bar.

"Understandable, Fenian, just be at the ship before it leaves port," and with that, the Captain stood and gathered what materials she had brought before heading towards the ship.
Jack nodded and stands up, following the Captain out the door.

"Fair enough, Captain. I'll go gather my supplies and be at the ship shortly. If you could forward me the port that'd be fantastic."

He checked his bank statement before making his turn towards his hotel room.

"Will we be discussing fees upon boarding the ship, Captain? I ask because if you want hard currency I will have to retrieve that before boarding the ship."

Jack waits for the captain to answer before nodding, saying: "Alright. I'll see you at the ship then.", and making his way back to his bunk to gather his supplies.
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"Yes sir!" Mari 4 snapped alertly to the XO, when he offered to take her to engineering. Hauling drunk peers to their rooms was something she was familiar with, but the opportunity to get familiar with the heart of the ship was too good to pass up. She thought, maybe she would pass it up in favor of a date with male supermodel Xenon Xenon. Or a shot of Regulus Ale.

As she followed the XO, she tried to take in all the sights of the ship interior along the way. She had traveled on, but never served on a space craft this large. This was going to be a challenge, but she wasn't about to back down now. She hoped to get to know the more tenured engineering personnel right away, to start learning their knowledge and to assess the team structure.

"Sir, how many crew members will be aboard when we leave port?", she asked the XO as she was led to engineering.
Marcus, having nothing else really to do, was ready to board the ship. His things were already gathered with him, so as the captain began to make her way there he followed alongside her. His excitement built up within him, his first time actually getting to be part of a crew! It was exciting and borderline unnerving at the same time, considering he never went into deep space before, but it was his dream to do so! He remembered the stories that his father told him about all the places he went as a civilian working with the military, researching with fellow engineers as they went from system to system.

His eyes shot open a little as he suddenly remembered something. Dad! he yelled mentally, quickly pulling out his holo-mobile and quickly dialing his father's number. After a few seconds, the call was connected, and the holographic image of an older man appeared in front of Marcus. The man had curly hair, which would have been white if the hologram had shown any other color aside from it's light blue hue, and was sitting in a wheel chair. His eyes had the same shine as Marcus' did, and though he was much older, still seemed that he had energy to spare.

"Dad! I made it! I'm gonna be an engineer aboard the Vixen!" Marcus said happily to the image of his father. In response, his father made a fist pump and clapped a few times, his smile showing his own excitement and pride.

"That's incredible! I knew you could do it, son. You're gonna do all of us proud, I just know it!" his father said encouragingly as he wheeled a little closer to his holo-device, causing some of his wheelchair to come out of view. Then, with a mischievous and sarcastic grin, he said to his son; "Now you need to be careful, young chap like yourself, you may have women pining after you, might even fight over you."

Marcus couldn't help but let his face turn a dark shade of red, looking side to side and glancing quickly at the captain unsure if she had heard that. "Daaad" he said in a hushed tone, "I'm right next to the captain, couldn't you embarrass me another time?"

His father chuckled and replied, "Alright then, I'll do it another time. But I mean it, stay safe alright? I have to go now, call me again with another update when you can."

"I will dad, promise.'

The two exchanged their goodbyes and soon enough, Marcus pocketed his device once more. "I promised my dad I'd call him if I got the job, I'm just happy he didn't ask to speak with you... no telling how he would've embarrassed me." he said with a small chuckle.
"Yes, that's right," said Dr. Derson "A trip to the medical bay would be wonderful, I'd like to see where I will be working." a serious look was on his face. He always took pride in keeping his work space in order, so knowing how much he'd need to do to get it up to his standards would be beneficial. It would give him something to think about as he tried to get to sleep that evening other than the fact that his life was about to change entirely.

When he first decided to reply, Crius hadn't really thought about it much, only that he knew he would have to quit his old job and move on if he did get this one. Suddenly he realized that he needed to message the office he'd worked at to tell them that he had in fact gotten the job and wouldn't be coming back to work anytime soon. It had all been arranged previously, he just had forgotten to hold up his end of the deal. Dr. Derson pulled out his holo-device and sent off a message to the office's manager to let her know what was going on. It was short but said all that it needed to, and he was quick to put his device away again when he was done with it.

"What's it like working on the ship, sir?" Crius said to the XO with a casual tone of voice, "Oh, and, by the way, thank you for helping us find our rooms and everything."
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