Arsenal XA4
Original poster
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Survival of the Fittest
It is 2014. The Zone has become quiet again, Stalkers returning to their regularly scheduled fight to survive in the Man Made Hell. They continue dredging about for riches among the various anomalies and irradiated zones of the thirty... no, it's thirty five kilometers now... expanse that is the Zone. The Military, under a new chain of command, has turned a blind eye to the Stalkers, only enforcing the set border, monitoring the Chernobyl NPP, and dealing with booms in mutant populations that have occured with greater frequency since 2012.
Despite the expansion of the Zone the Zone Commission has agreed to allow official overflights above the zone, so long as the aircraft maintain a stead 30,000 feet of altitude. The decision was made just in time for the 2014 G-10 summit being held this year in Moscow, Russia. Despite the opening of the airspace most nations have seen fit to avoid flying over the Zone. The United Kingdom, however, has taken the Ukrainian government's word to heart. They have a British Airways flight full of economists, government officials, and a handful of Ministry of Defense personnel registered to fly over the Zone. The Military, however, has not had a chance to study whether or not 30,000 feet is safe for overflights.
Despite this, the British are pressing on.
Somewhere a man named Murphy is preparing to throw a wrench into the works.
Character Sheet:
Reason for being in the Zone:
Physical Description: (NO ANIME HAIR!!!)
Name: Feydorov (He never gives his last name.)
Age: 40
Race: Eastern Slav
Sex: Male
Origin: Belarus
Reason for being in the Zone: Feydorov was framed for murder. He had no place else to go so the Zone seemed to be the best choice.
-Vintorez: 9X39mm silent sniper rifle, the Vintorez is used by Spetsnaz and uses the PAB-9 9X39mm cartridge which can penetrate body armor at 300 meters. It has an integrated silencer making it ideal for stealth operations.
-PPsh-41: Stockepiled in Ukrainian Army depots with conversion kits for the 9X19 PB, this submachine gun was made in mass quantities during WWII, becoming an iconic submachine gun next to the American Thompson M-1 and the German MP-41.
-KA-Bar: An American made knife and standard issue for the US Army and Marine Corps. Comes with a compass built into the pommel.
Equipment: American made MCU-2P gas mask, IBA flak jacket (purchased from Barkeep), Camelbak Demon backpack (purchased through Sidorovich), PDA, Anomaly/Geiger detector.
Physical Description:
Feydorov has a receding hairline, a feature he says makes him distinguished as a veteran. He is also lean due to the 'Stalker Diet' which typically consists of vodka, 'Tourist's Delight,' and the occasional diet sausage.
History: A former automotive mechanic from Belarus, Feydorov's life was interrupted when the blame for a murder was placed on his head. He rid the only thing he could do and ran for the Zone. He was smuggled into Ukraine and into the Zone where he became a worker for the trader Sidorovich. He makes a little extra cash acting as a tour guide for foreigners. Most customers never ask for a return tour. Rumor has it that he has been to the Chernobyl NPP and seen the Wish Granter. He won't say if he has or not.
Now, there are a few must have characters.
Flight crew
British diplomats
British military officers
These people are very important to the plot. I cannot stress that.

It is 2014. The Zone has become quiet again, Stalkers returning to their regularly scheduled fight to survive in the Man Made Hell. They continue dredging about for riches among the various anomalies and irradiated zones of the thirty... no, it's thirty five kilometers now... expanse that is the Zone. The Military, under a new chain of command, has turned a blind eye to the Stalkers, only enforcing the set border, monitoring the Chernobyl NPP, and dealing with booms in mutant populations that have occured with greater frequency since 2012.
Despite the expansion of the Zone the Zone Commission has agreed to allow official overflights above the zone, so long as the aircraft maintain a stead 30,000 feet of altitude. The decision was made just in time for the 2014 G-10 summit being held this year in Moscow, Russia. Despite the opening of the airspace most nations have seen fit to avoid flying over the Zone. The United Kingdom, however, has taken the Ukrainian government's word to heart. They have a British Airways flight full of economists, government officials, and a handful of Ministry of Defense personnel registered to fly over the Zone. The Military, however, has not had a chance to study whether or not 30,000 feet is safe for overflights.
Despite this, the British are pressing on.
Somewhere a man named Murphy is preparing to throw a wrench into the works.
Character Sheet:
Reason for being in the Zone:
Physical Description: (NO ANIME HAIR!!!)
Name: Feydorov (He never gives his last name.)
Age: 40
Race: Eastern Slav
Sex: Male
Origin: Belarus
Reason for being in the Zone: Feydorov was framed for murder. He had no place else to go so the Zone seemed to be the best choice.
-Vintorez: 9X39mm silent sniper rifle, the Vintorez is used by Spetsnaz and uses the PAB-9 9X39mm cartridge which can penetrate body armor at 300 meters. It has an integrated silencer making it ideal for stealth operations.
-PPsh-41: Stockepiled in Ukrainian Army depots with conversion kits for the 9X19 PB, this submachine gun was made in mass quantities during WWII, becoming an iconic submachine gun next to the American Thompson M-1 and the German MP-41.
-KA-Bar: An American made knife and standard issue for the US Army and Marine Corps. Comes with a compass built into the pommel.
Equipment: American made MCU-2P gas mask, IBA flak jacket (purchased from Barkeep), Camelbak Demon backpack (purchased through Sidorovich), PDA, Anomaly/Geiger detector.
Physical Description:

Feydorov has a receding hairline, a feature he says makes him distinguished as a veteran. He is also lean due to the 'Stalker Diet' which typically consists of vodka, 'Tourist's Delight,' and the occasional diet sausage.
History: A former automotive mechanic from Belarus, Feydorov's life was interrupted when the blame for a murder was placed on his head. He rid the only thing he could do and ran for the Zone. He was smuggled into Ukraine and into the Zone where he became a worker for the trader Sidorovich. He makes a little extra cash acting as a tour guide for foreigners. Most customers never ask for a return tour. Rumor has it that he has been to the Chernobyl NPP and seen the Wish Granter. He won't say if he has or not.
Now, there are a few must have characters.
Flight crew
British diplomats
British military officers
These people are very important to the plot. I cannot stress that.