s-CRY-ed Civil War

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Also, Angel, just so you know, the things that Alter Users use to materialize their alters are gone permanently, so having your hair ribbon be used every time might not be cost effective.
yeah i know lol but she's not worried too much about it :p she only uses her alter abilities when absoluetly necessary...
KK Angel. Just wanted to be sure you knew. BTW, I love your sig. Soooo adorable. ^^
@mabu-kun: I know right!! *squees* you can thank Woody for it hehe he supplies me with a sort of weekly dose of kitten cuteness when I see him on skype hehe
Really hoping Char sheet is ok this time.
Woot! I Won't be the only one posting today!
Name: Jennifer Johnson
Age: 10
Alter 1: Fire Element. She can literally control this element without any problem, bending it to her will. There's a problem though, seems that whenever she uses too much fire, she gets a soaring fever very quickly, and the fever won't go away for two weeks.
Alter 2: Ice Element. Like fire, she can freeze anything solid, create ice weapons, create snow-ice storms whenever she wants, even call up a mist of icy vapors that could hide her if she thought there was danger nearby. The Downside of this, is she will catch hypothermia quickly, and has come close to death from both elements' downsides many times. Needless to say, her health is frail.

personality: Jennifer is a lost girl, her family's dead, and having been an only child, there's literally no one to take care of her. She's little, very- little, so its easy for her to take what she needs from markets and not even get caught. Though she only steals when she absolutely has to. Quiet, withdrawn, Jennifer has no one to talk to at all. She's a kind girl really, but very hard to get to know because she's a mute by choice. The trauma of losing her family and dealing with such intense powers, trying to tame them on her own, has made her a little more than completely isolated.

Loyalty: Willow. Since there's at least a village for her to hide in.

Appearance: Scrawny, thin, half-starved girl with long pale blond hair to her waist, usually tied in a braid to keep out of her way. She has an oval shaped face with two bright eyes, one colored red, the other a bright icy blue. She doesn't like them, so she usually is keeping her eyelashes low to hide them. Because she's so small, she looks only 7, but there's plenty of quick intelligence to the girl, don't underestimate her. She only keeps going because she's wondering if things will get better.~
Character Name: Kozuku Yashiro

Gender: Male

Age: 35

General Appearance:

Current Goal/Purpose: Help to preserve the fragile peace. He would like nothing more than to see Howards' rule brought to an end.
General Personality: While slow to anger, Kozuku passionately upholds his grudges, none more so than the one he has against Howards and his forces. Senseless violence and hatred really get under his skin, and he prefers to keep a level head at all times. Not terribly talkative, but generally pleasant to people who have not made themselves into his enemies. Peace and solitude are two things he craves, but unfortunately, are all too rare in his world. This is the reason he continues to fight, in the hopes that one day the fighting will come to an end and the Alters can lead normal lives.

General History: Originally a combatant in Howards' arena, Kozuku eventually grew tired of having to constantly fight just to prove himself worthy. He managed to escape to James' territory, where he offered his services to its leader, hoping that by supporting James lasting stability could somehow be crafted out of chaos and war.

Current Loyalty: James

Alter: Steel Maw: Kozuku's Alter takes the form of an identical pair of large contraptions resembling giant beartraps. The jaws of these two vice-like devices are lined with jagged metal shards, making them resemble the mouths of sharks or some other predatory beast. The traps are suspended from chains that wrap around Kozuku's arms, and most of the time they are animated under their own power, twisting through the air like serpents


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okay, made a post for who I thought needed it, if you want to run into an NPC, let me know and I'll set it up.
Okami, Michel is attacking the town that Kiera and Youko are in. Not a deserted town.
forgive my lack of posting TC. I have had computer difficulties this week. Should be taken care of by tomorrow though
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