Run, Run, As Fast As You Can...

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Dáire bit his lip in worry as the flying furry above him didn't seem to be able to answer. He leaned his head against the trunk of the oak in indecision. The cold bark contrasted with the heated pain that had begun to crawl up his wrist to pound in the rest of his arm. The fox furry knew that he wouldn't be able to survive in whatever place he'd been dumped. At least not without an ally.

Mind made up he grasped the next branch carefully and attempted to pull himself up. He gave a yelp of surprise when his wrist gave out and he nearly fell out of the tree. He gripped the branch in fright and pulled himself up once more. He panted with fear as he sat on the higher branch. That had been a bad idea.

"I-" he started. "-I'll try to get to you, to help," he finally said.
Jake heard the voice again and opened his eyes once more. He looked down to see the boy start climbing up. Foxes weren't the ones to climb trees, being that they never had to fly or nest. He shook his head and swung his legs to the side of the branch he was on. He gritted his teeth and winced a little, but he was going to deal with it. He looked down at the boy.

"I wouldn't suggest coming up here, mate." he spoke softly down to the boy. Only a little screeching with his voice. Not bad. "Your kind isn't meant for the trees."

He carefully stepped down onto a lower branch, making the descend down to the fox furry. Jake made it down within five feet of the boy and sat down on the sturdy branch. His light brown eyes were curious, but disoriented. He tucked his wings close to his back and waited for the boy to climb up to where he was.
The fox blinked in surprise as the other furry flew down to him. He was impressed by how easily the other moved around the branches even while hurt. Though it shouldn't have been a surprise because of the other's wings. He hesitated a few seconds before climbing up onto the branch that the other was seated against.

Dáire looked into the other's eyes and recognized that he must have a concussion or something similar. He was disoriented. The fox gave a slight whine of worry and clutched his own wrist against his chest. "I'm Dáire," he whispered. "Do you know where we are?"
Lou Castille
The 30 year-old wolf-furry was in his house, one moment minding his own business-doing the usual of drinking and looking at expensive things he can never get-, the next moment he fell into a forest! It was like, he just FELL through a hole into another this forest was IN HIS BASEMENT!?!? He hit the ground with a 'THUNK' and looked up to see an amazing forest, with tall grasses, pretty flowers, nice trees, weird creatures, the Moon, and it all seemed to last forever, with the landscape stretching out as far as the eye can see.
There was a weird creature?!?! It seemed to not be interested in Lou for now, seeming to look for something...someone else, someone who provoked it, oh well, bad luck for them, alls a good time to start sneaking by now.......'CRACK'
Apparently, he stepped on an inconspicuous stick, how ironic.
He let out a small "Fuck." as the creature stopped in his search and looked straight at Lou, and slowly crept up toward him. He backed away from it until he bumped into a tree and could not back away any more, fear swelled up all inside him, so he fumbled inside his pockets in search of a weapon he could find; "keys? No... Cash? He's not capitalist! hmm....where is it damnit...WHERE IS I- OH!!! Found it!" He pulls out the weapon, and points it at the creature "Alright, you stay right there...I am not afraid to use thi-wait a second...this isn't a gun...this is a FUCKING BANANA! How the hell did i fall for that?"
the creature came closer, sooner or later...he was screwed.
Jake looked over at the fox furry and frowned. That wasn't very good, the way he held his wrist. The question out of his mouth were what he was thinking as well. Where were they? The owl hybrid shook his head, unsure of the answer himself.
"I have no idea, mate. Have you seen a blonde boy with blue eyes and a Irish accent? He has wings too." he said and then shook his head. "Never mind. I'm Jake. I hope we can get out of here."

Aleks looked down and saw the creature going towards another person. Someone who looked like a guy. And... what Aleks defined as a "prissy" guy at that. He laughed a little, climbing down the tree quietly. With his ocean blue eyes trained on the other guy, he looked down at the rock.
"We should probably help him, shouldn't we?" he asked the rock. When the guy pulled out a banna as if it were a gun, a smile appered on Aleks' face. He shook his head and looked down at the rock. "Well there's our answer."
He crossed his arms over his chest, a almost smugly bored facial expression with him.
"I haven't seen anyone except for you and a creepy bloody ghost girl," Dáire said. His tail flicked back and forth nervously. This wasn't good, he wondered if everyone in this forest had no knowledge of ending up in this place. "If you're feeling better," said the fox slowly. "Perhaps we should go looking for your friend and others who might have a better idea of what's going on."
TO HELL WITH HELP!! I'll fix this crap myself!! Like I always do... With thought in mind, he squeezed that banana, really really hard. Until the peel went open and that banana went spiraling like a bullet into the creature's face, splattering it and blinding it temporarily with banana stuff, he threw the peel in front of it for good measure, and kicked off the tree onto the creature's back, and tumbled off the creatures back due to unbalance, and crashed to the ground, oh well, so close. In a last ditch effort, he piffled through his pockets and pulled out, his gun, A REAL gun this time (he still doesn't know how the banana got in there) and fired it at the seriously angry creature and fired the crap outta it.
Four shots and it was gone "POOF" gone, just like that, he didn't know if he killed the thing, or it just left. But he was alive...for now, in this crazy-and beautiful forest.
And actually got lucky, for once.
he got himself up, held his gun closely in hand, and listened intently for any more scary things...
like a rustle in that tree nearby. He went over to it and pointed it at the tree
"Please tell me that your a farking BIRD...please?"
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Elissa heard a commotion so she avoided it. "Hell, no, not going that way." She gathered there'd be monsters and some guy fighting them, and she walked the other way, but saw nothing, so she turned around.

She saw a guy talking to a tree. She knew some people went crazy, well, at least, that's what she thought since she's never seen anyone else, just heard them.

Elissa watched this guy but didn't walk into viewing radius. In fact, she used her inner lizard to change colour so she was the colour of the grass. She didn't want to get hurt, and she didn't want to be seen as a threat, so she shouldn't get seen at all.