Boss Frost
Original poster
After a great long battle, the last bandit fell to the blade of the heroes. Their pincer attack failing, those who had appeared in the beginning end their attack, abandoning their siege weaponry, though taking their thunderwands as they escape into the darkness of the coming night.
The town of Renga Murai is in disrepair, stones and bricks strewn across the street. Bodies lay where they had fallen, and the fires had spread unchecked... though the light of the fire allowed a glint of light to reflect off of a small scroll that had fallen from the armor of the bandit's horseback leader.
Bound with an obsidian seal - obsidian known to be the corrupt, bloody form of the more holy material, jade - carved in the image of a spider. The note was written in a language that few could understand - a language that hurt the eyes of those who looked upon it.
However, the signature was clear as day, a name that - even if unknown to those in the group - sent a chill down each spine. A name that many dare not say, for fear of attracting his attention.
The signature was of "Fu Leng"... known better as the Fallen Kami.
In fact, this spider symbol is clear as tattoos or as designs on the armor of the fallen 'bandits'. What this means to those is unknown, but one thing is certain: No good will come of it.
Twelve hours has passed since the fall of the last bandit. Those warriors who fought against the 'bandits' have camped for the night with the survivors of Renga Murai... and now, must decide what to do.
The town of Renga Murai is in disrepair, stones and bricks strewn across the street. Bodies lay where they had fallen, and the fires had spread unchecked... though the light of the fire allowed a glint of light to reflect off of a small scroll that had fallen from the armor of the bandit's horseback leader.
Bound with an obsidian seal - obsidian known to be the corrupt, bloody form of the more holy material, jade - carved in the image of a spider. The note was written in a language that few could understand - a language that hurt the eyes of those who looked upon it.
However, the signature was clear as day, a name that - even if unknown to those in the group - sent a chill down each spine. A name that many dare not say, for fear of attracting his attention.
The signature was of "Fu Leng"... known better as the Fallen Kami.
In fact, this spider symbol is clear as tattoos or as designs on the armor of the fallen 'bandits'. What this means to those is unknown, but one thing is certain: No good will come of it.
Twelve hours has passed since the fall of the last bandit. Those warriors who fought against the 'bandits' have camped for the night with the survivors of Renga Murai... and now, must decide what to do.