Rogue & Remy LeBeau: The Queen of Gambit's Heart

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Gambit had been rejected many times in the past, though to be fair to Rogue, he hadn't subjected many of them to the same thing that had happened to her tonight. Her reaction to his suggestion of a kiss wasn't unexpected, though he did save her life, after all. Before he could say anything, she was on her feet and walking towards Vinnie, who was still making a noise long after the others had stopped. The explosion had unsettled a lot of the dust that had accumulated in the basement over the years, and he scrubbed at his shoulders and arms to rid the coat of the layer of powder.

He watched curiously as the southern belle removed one of her gloves, and placed her delicate fingers on his face. What happened next raised an eyebrow on the Cajun, with Vinnie wriggling and struggling like a half-dead worm, almost as if his entire life was being sapped from his body. Looked like Remy was not the only mutant in the room.

Then she started on another rant, this time throwing one of the chips at him. He reached out to catch it, though it bounced off his hand—he put it down to her trying to hit him, rather than let him grab it—and after a mini-juggle, his fingers finally wrapped around it to hold it tight. Smooth, Gambit. When he looked back up, she was gone, having disappeared up the staircase and probably as far away from here as possible. He should have known that she wouldn't stick around after they had played cards—Gambit would have believed just about anything that came out of that perfect little mouth of hers.

"Great..." He muttered to himself, glancing down with a sigh. The chips were destroyed, the plastic melted, colours burned... they were worthless. The only one to survive was the one in his hand, and he'd be lucky if he could cash it in for fifty bucks. No money. No girl. Just another night for Gambit.
Mood: Ticked~Curious
Outfit:(Nothing) Sweet About Me❤️

"Why do you go out and get me another pack of beer....while you're at it, see if you can find that mutant we're here for he says. That overgrown puppy still thinks that he's the boss of me..." She mumbled to herself as the heel of her boots clicked against the concrete of the ground and the sun burned hot and bright over the New Orleans sky. If only that bright sun could brighten up her foggy mood. She had found herself in this slump ever since she met that rat basard a few days ago. The asshole didn't even apologize to her for pulling her into that mess but instead he actually had the nerve to ask for a kiss. A freaking kiss! Her mood fell six feet deeper underground as her mind went back to that night. That night that should have been filled with some drunk dancing and a little flirting here and there was instead plagued by a swamp rat and his egotistical ways.

The city had been extremely gorgeous though so she didn't have that much to complain about and it seemed to be more peaceful during the day than the night. She would rather be exploring than taking orders from a mutt with an attitude. The thousandth sigh had passed through her lips as she walked into the small gas station that seemed a bit broken down on the outside but actually looked pretty nice inside. She nodded politely at the cashier who gave a boyish smile right back and then she made her way to the fridges in the back that were filled to the brim with the sinful bottles. Rogue opened the cold door and picked up a pack of beer not caring for the brand on the taste, beer wasn't her drink.

"This all pretty lady?" He asked with half of a smirk as she placed the pack of beer onto the counter to be checked on. She just have him a small smile as she handed him the money he needed for the beer.

"Yes this is a- wait maybe some gum for the road..." Logan shouldnt mind that she spend an extra dollar for herself. This was her payment for doing this stupid task that he could have easily done himself. She placed some gum onto the counter and gave him her sweetest smile as he just slid it back over to her without ringing it up.
"It's on the house for a beautiful woman like yourself" she rolled her eyes at the comment and took a piece of gum out of the pack before sticking it in her back pocket and grabbing the pack of beer.
"Flattery won't get you anywhere sugah" she responded before walking out of the gas station swinging the pack of beer around as she began to make her way back to where she had been staying with the rest of the gang. Well this had been a waste of the beautiful say and her valuable time.
Their night together may have been brief, and spent under circumstances that neither would admit was ideal, but Rogue had definitely left an impression on Remy. She was different from the other women he had met, from the way her white locks framed her beautiful face to the way her sassy whispers melted in his ear during the card game. To have her lips hover inches from his face, teasing him in the cruelest of ways. Remy did not care that the things she said to him were hardly complimentary, or that she had lied about spending the night with him—she could call him swamp rat all day and he'd be weak at the knees. So it was no surprise that whenever the thug's fist crashed against his face and rippled against his stomach, he thought about her to take his mind away from the pain.

A black van had been following Rogue since the moment she emerged from the hotel. New Orleans was a city where no one could hide, and there was always someone with their ear on the ground and an eye on every street corner. Step on the toes of the wrong people, and even with a head start, it wouldn't be long before you were on your knees kissing them. Remy LeBeau had found out that their little stunt in the basement had came with consequences—it had started with a couple of simple questions but it quickly became obvious that the henchman was more interested in asking questions with his fists than with his mouth. They wanted to know who the woman was—for once, Gambit told him the truth and the goon just laughed and hit him some more.

The vehicle kept it's distance, tracing her steps with practiced patience. When she disappeared in to the gas station, the vehicle continued on for a short distance before turning around and pulling in to a space across the road. With the engine paused, the driver watched quietly through a darkened tint, his teeth clicking against cracked nails as he waited for her to come out. After a few minutes, she appeared and the engine came back to life. The van swung out of the parking space, the erratic move sending it's cargo tumbling around the back. Remy, his hands bound behind him, was thrown against the side, the impact cushioned by the purple and blue wounds that shot a sharp pain through his unclothed torso. The three men remained rooted to their seats, preparing themselves for another passenger.

As rubber shrieked against asphalt, the van stopped a few feet from Rogue and the doors squeaked open, slapping the open wounds on Remy's face with a whistle of fresh air. Out of the van leapt three men who nearly fell over one another, pairs of hands grabbing hold of whatever they could while another one pulled a black bag over her head. The woman was bundled on to the cold, hard floor of the van decorated with cigarette stubs and dried muck with little care, as the doors were slammed shut and the wheels spun wildly once more.

"Tie her wrists. . ." One of them grunted as the nose of a handgun was pressed against the hood. ". . .You know what this is? You gonna be a good girl or are we gonna end this nice and quick?"
Darkness was the only thing she had seen as she felt hands grabbing into her waist and her arms. She thrashed against her attackers and felt someone groan when her foot connected to the softness of someone's stomach. "Let me go you no good, son of a bitch, cowards!" She shouted as she was thrown onto the cold floor of whatever she landed in. A hiss passed between her teeth as someone grabbed her wrists bounding them with some kind of rope and she felt the nose of a gun pressed against the side of her head. Jesus what had she done now?! Ever since she had met that rat bastard a couple days ago she hadn't even bothered anyone else, she kept her head down and stayed a good girl. "Shut the hell up and just tell me what is goin' on....ah haven't bothered anyone so ah would love to know why there's a bag over my head" she said pulling against the restraints on her wrists. This had been that dog's fault....all he had to do was get his lazy ass of the couch.

Apparently that wasn't what he wanted to hear, like at all. It hadn't taken long after she said that for the butt of the gun to make contact with the side of her head. Her vision went white as her body fell limp against the floor of the van again and a loud groan passed through her lips. Why did all the bad things happen to her? She couldn't even figure out what was going on unless this had to do with the other night, and of it did then that meant either Blondie hadn't woken up yet and they followed her since that day, or Blondie hadn't woken up and Remy gave her up. That son of a bitch! She didn't believe that he would do something like that but at this point you couldn't out anything past that swamp rat.

" this because of Remy....because ah swear to god that ah had nothing to do with that card game fiasco....You can pin the whole Blondie not waking up thing on me...but it was that swamp rat who won the game and pulled me into it ah s-" her words were cut off as soon as a swiff foot connected with her stomach causing her to gasp, rather loudly, and break out into a fir of coughs. Brutal was one word, but these men were sick. She couldn't even believe that they would drag her onto this bullshit with the card game and the short blonde with two big guard dogs. No, more like she couldn't believe that Remy pulled herself into his twisted world of lies and money.

"Shut the hell up! I'm trying to make this easy love but that pretty little mouth of yours is making it hard for me" she said as she felt his presence moving closer to her as a hand was brought down her cheeks causing her to her backwards and gag inwardly. Dammit Remy, how did that one night bring her into all of this.

"Can ah just know where we're going....ah'm at least entitled to that right?" She asked still trying to suck up some breath that she felt she wasn't getting enough of at the moment. With the bruise forming on her head and pale stomach she really wished that she could see Remy again so that she could hold him in her arms....and wrap her bare hands around his throat.
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