Rise from Destruction

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He made a good leader, level headed when he wanted to be and scouted out ahead to make sure things were safe. It was hard not to feel a level of safe security when within his reach. He led, she followed with a gentle tug at her lips.

Though coming to the store, there was a wide curiosity blossoming in her eyes almost as if she was disbelieving the very thing before her face. Such things still existed? With his nudge and release of her hand telling her to go get a cart, Kyrie blinked at him. It was real.

"Oh.... okay?" she nearly asked what she was suppose to do with the cart, but Kade did well to tell her that before she had too. Anything with a longer shelf life. Okay that was reasonable. But she paused considering the danger of the place. Again Kade seemed to read her mind, lifting her face up to look at him with the pale light proving a slight outline to him, she nodded. "You don't know that.... you don't know how... klutzy I can be." she murmured the last part tapping her index fingers together. But he left her to her own devices.

Watching him fade towards the back the woman looked around trying to absorb the scene slowly. This was real, there were still places that held things of worth. She'd never been able to make it here on her own, probably walk into a radiation pocket without Kade.

Smirking to herself at how he was leading her literally like a wounded lamb, Kyrie grabbed said cart and began her trek down the aisle. Looking left and right, humming and awing picking through when she knew something was okay and leaving the rest behind. It was quiet in here... too quiet...

Looking up to the ceiling, Kyrie giggled gently to herself. "Marco?"
Oh, he'd heard her, that soft little mumble she thought wouldn't reach his ears and Kade snorted in amusement to himself even as he started pulling water out and setting them into the carts he had, careful not to puncture the plastic with his claws. He could clearly hear Kyrie's cart moving around, but when it stopped he paid a bit more attention and the one word that came out of her mouth made him chuckle before he called back. "Pollo."

With a shake of his head, reminded of his mother in that moment, when she'd used to play with him as a young boy, he called out once more, this time in fuller sentences. "I have to go back to the shipment area. I'll be right back."

He wheeled both carts after him, knowing she'd be perfectly safe and he'd hear any sign of distress from her if something went wrong. It didn't take long to find the water as most shelves were labeled by merchandise and he stacked them in the cart by the case before once more heading out to the main part of the store. He joined Kyrie then as she was finishing up and gave her a smile at the things she'd gotten. He looked toward the register, tail swishing calmly, contently behind him. "So how do we want to pay for this?"

The smile spread to an impish grin, something that didn't grace his face often as it showed more teeth than he ever did unless snarling and Kade pulled his carts after them as if they weighed nothing and out the door. "Come on, Kyrie, we have a bath to take, clothes to get. I'll buy you anything you want." He said he last part with a wink.
As he returned back after stating he was going towards the back of the store to the shipment dock for whatever reason, while she was giggling privately to herself at him calling back Pollo; Kyrie continued along her way.

Once she figured the cart was filled to is capacity and him rejoining her to take a soft quip that made her look up at him with a bright grin to his teasing ways, Kyrie looked at the register thoughtfully. Debating on an answer before looking back up to him, "Think they will let us work off our expenses? I didn't bring a debit card."

Watching his impish grin with a quaint quality following after him with a gentle glee to swell in the bosom of her chest, impressed to see him taking along the carts with no worries.

A snort came up from her letting out a rumble of laughter as he stated he'd buy her anything she wanted, Kyrie's gaze was nothing less than delighted, sweet and adoring that was aimed directly to him. "Good thing I am not expensive then."
"Very good indeed. I wasn't rich before the Blackout happened and I am broke now."

It was probably a very good thing he didn't see the look she aimed to him as he was already struggling with the affectionate feelings he already held toward Kyrie. He didn't need encouragement. What he needed was self-control and Kade was determined to have it. How could one change their mindset about someone so quickly anyway? It wasn't natural! He couldn't just go from wanting to eat her to wanting to..to....gah, he didn't even know what he DID want to do, but it wasn't eat her and that is what confused him. He couldn't just change his mind that quickly...could he? What had prompted this change? Why was his feral mind so very quiet about it? Like it...didn't sense any reason to be fighting him for dominance, like it was almost...content?

No. Never. If there was ANYTHING he could expect from the bloodthirsty, lawless, demonic animal side of himself it was discontent. It was never calm, never willing to submit, never just....there without causing trouble.

So what the hell was it doing now?

He didn't like it and Kade kept a careful eye on that side of himself, ready to come up against it as soon as it stopped itself stalking or planning - or whatever it was doing - and attacked.

And in the meantime he led Kyrie toward the clothing store - but not before ducking into a small hardware store and retrieving a flashlight, batteries included. He wouldn't need it, but Kyrie would as the stores would not have windows and would be dark. They came upon the larger store they needed, leaving the shopping carts outside as there was no chance of anyone taking them. "Come on, Angel. No sense in bathing and getting back into dirty clothes." His tail held the door open for her as they went into the store and he handed in the flashlight, his nose already working to tell him that there was nothing here but the smell of dust and something underlying, something sterile. There was no life here, not even the moths and insects to disturb the silence and the complete abandonment here.

But at least there was no danger.

"Find whatever you'd like. I won't go out of earshot even if I am not in sight, all right?"
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Angel... she'd never get use to that name. It sounded so pretentious in her own mind, as if she thought herself high above the rest when in truth she was anything but. Yet her disputing his pet name for her never came tumbling past her lips. No if he was content calling her that then she might as well get used to it. At least it was a kind name, unlike some she had heard in her years.

Though hearing him talking about bathing and her clothing, it was near impossible not to think about the fact he had seen her in the buff again and the innocence that spread across her face came in a hurry to blush crimson. Fingers wiggled between themselves nervously before she gave him a soft side look. He seen her naked or close to it. She knew it was for reasons that held her to this life and this reality but she couldn't help but suddenly wonder.... what Kade looked like as a human.

Yes he had a human face but everything else was very intensely changed. Lizard-ish...

And how he behaved was animalistic.

Then came the image of him sitting at a formal dinner trying to curb his animal ways to use a human mind and well, she started to giggle privately to herself. Better to think that than being embarrassed in his company.

It was when the flashlight was given to her that Kyrie snapped to attention, looked at it put into her hands to lift her eyes to him allowing the swirl of childlike innocence spread and linger in the mismatched sights.

"Oh," Kyrie looked around realizing where they were before nodding enthusiastically, "Okay Kade." Then she stopped, eyes growing wide and brilliant looking for opinions without really putting a meaning behind them. "Is there something you think I should wear specifically?"
She was...asking his opinion on clothing?

That threw Kade a bit and he blinked down at Kyrie with wide eyes, scrambling for some kind of answer. Give him a problem that involved wounds or survival or even feralism and he'd answer immediately, intelligently. But clothes? "Uh...well, um....probably something good for traveling. I mean...jeans and um...shirts, a coat....uh..." Fangs bit at his bottom lip, drawing a small well of blood with no real pressure at all to initiate it and Kade licked it away absentmindedly. "Something...blue. Get something blue. I think...I mean... You would look nice in it."

And with those words, he flared as red as she'd been and quickly turned away, wings flaring a bit around him in the desire to curl in on himself, to escape the embarrassment. His tail did the same, curling closer to his frame even as he started to walk away. "I'll just be over here. Call if you need me."

Oh, stars, why had he said that?! Blue? Well...yeah, because of her eye, the one she always kept hidden. But...telling her to get something blue? Idiot! You are not supposed to get attached to her like this. It's a crush. Pull yourself together! Just...focus. Focus on what you need to get.


The hybrid folded his wings back again and shook his head, starting to look through the men's section for clothes. This...was not going to be easy. It never was anymore. Sure, he could get stuff that would technically fit, but then he had to make all these adjustments. Jeans were not too hard, but shirts? This one, all torn and stained and filthy and barely hanging on him anymore....it had been made by another hybrid, someone who had retained their mind. She'd been killed soon enough.

He didn't know how to do shirts so...maybe he just wouldn't bother with one. Coats, though...hmmm....if he could find one big enough....
He blushed! It was the first time she could see it or rather noticed it and it had Kyrie brightening up at it. She didn't think he was actually capable of such a thing, not with how intelligent and firm footed her appeared to be.

But before she could ask for anymore of an opinion, Kade was moving away to let her attend to the matters of her own attire. He was all flustered and honestly it make her feel less like a weirdo to know that he could be embarrassed.

Turning on the flashlight as Kade left her to the dark building, swallowing hard to take a deep breath in hopes to still her nerves, she began to work her way through the untouched racks. Jeans and shirts... probably more than one pair took knowing how difficult and nasty the climate could be. Maybe she could find a nice blanket to take with her too so she didn't have to impose herself on Kade for warmth. She could be helpful!

Gathering up a mission all on her own, Kyrie quickly forgot about the dark and went rushing forward with a pride in her chest.

Well she did before she caught herself on her own feet and went tumbling over herself with a squeak, an ow when she stopped practically on her face, the girl's klutzy nature was kicking in.
Kade had just started riffling through the coats when he heard the sound of a thud, the squeak and then the mumbled exclamation of mild pain. His first reaction was a flare of alarm, but it quickly passed when he realized what must have happened and a smile pulled at his mouth, a chuckle deep in his throat and soft when it sounded. He didn't bother calling out to see if she was all right, spotting her head come up from her position a moment later, the beam of the flashlight giving her away and the hybrid went back to his own searching.

He managed to find something big enough to go over his shoulders and his folded wings both and he chose that easily enough. Jeans...took a bit more time. He picked a few pairs, went to the changing room and promptly started to cut out a hole in the back of each one, knowing the size and places to cut from some experience now. Three that he tried on didn't fit right, but two others would work well enough and he went back to where he'd found the jeans, picking up another pair and cutting out a hole before moved over to underwear. He didn't mind taking his time, knowing for a fact that Kyrie would be taking longer. She had a lot more to look through with underwear, bras, shoes, socks, pants, shirts and anything else she might think she needed. He wasn't going to put restrictions. It wasn't like they had to pay for it or like they'd come across another place like this anytime soon.

If she could carry it, she could have it.

So after nearly an hour and a half, he finally wandered back over to her, nose leading him first and then eyes as the flashlight told him her location. His own stuff draped over his arm - a coat, the jeans and underwear in a package - it wasn't like he could do shirts or needed shoes - he leaned against a pillar and raised a brow beneath his dark hair and curved horns.

"How goes the hunt?"
Rolling the canvas sleeping bag into a tight coil, Kyrie jumped as he approached. She was deep in her thoughts so the suddenly noise was quick to pull her focus back with a screaming fury. Blinking up at him leaning against the pillar, the casting gleam of light painting him in shadows that complemented him in a hue, she found herself blushing in a unusual term. She had looked at Kade before but nothing like that. It was lingering and trailing before she realized what she was doing. It was hard not to notice the attractive charms of him, even if he was a peculiar. She only seen a very well.... Handsome human with a few unique pieces.

"Oh," she jerked her head back to look down at her little discovery. One she was proud of.

A hikers backpack and she was just finishing it. An extra set of two pairs of clothing with the extra few of the delicate items, a pillow folded in half with new shoes and blankets, Kyrie was no stranger to camping. She loved it back when the world wasn't in it's fallout.

She managed to find a pocket knife, sealed matches, paper and other bits and pieces that would come in handy. And she gave delicate care to pack it all making sure she could carry it. "Look!" she exclaimed with pride, "Now I can be useful!" she was happy with herself glowing with self worth before she strapped the sleeping bag to the very top. Standing up to wipe her brow, she stopped looked down to pick up the articles of clothing that she picked for new wear after cleaning up.

Hugging it all to her chest, Kyrie grinned widely, gently but happily. "I think I am all ready Kade."
He had seen that look many times over on the face of women; that appraising, admiring, shy look over. He'd just never really had it aimed at him - at least not that he'd noticed - as he'd always noted it when it was directed at one of his friends. But that had been before. He'd certainly never, ever thought that someone would look at him that way now, looking the way he did, and to be on the receiving end of it from Kyrie...well, that surprised the living daylights out of him even as there was something, deep, deep down, barely heard yet, that found overwhelming satisfaction, even happiness as a result of her lingering gaze.

For both their sakes, the hybrid didn't mention that he'd taken stock of such a thing, instead looking over some of what the human had found. He found a smile touching his mouth and nodded with a shake of his head, chuckling softly. "You haven't been useless, Kyrie, but I am glad you're happy." he chided lightly with a slight growl to his voice, starting to walk the way they'd come, trusting she'd follow. His tail swung smoothly, languidly back and forth behind him, nearly as long as he was. Kade was calm and his body reflected it.

He seemed to not yet understand just how calm he was, how at peace his entire body and mind was with itself right now, even with more animal-like tendencies emerging again.

The hybrid led them back outside and to the carts, placing his own things there before they started to pick their way through the rubble of the city and toward their next destination. Stopping by another store Kade had scouted out, he ran in and grabbed what they needed; a backpack for him - something bigger than Kyrie's - sunscreen, batteries, water tablets, soap, two towels, a brush - admittedly for both of them - gum, a handgun that he truly debated actually taking but in the end decided was necessary, the right ammunition, two toothbrushes, toothpaste, some deodorant and after a moment's hesitation, face wipes for Kyrie's benefit. He came out with another cart and placed everything from that one into another cart they already had loaded.

They started off again then to the pet store where, true to his word, there were great tubs. He set one up in the back from and the other in the main part of the store. It took some time and teamwork to fill both of them and Kade had to make another run to the grocery store for more water before their task was done, but when they were, there was a bath for both of them. Kade warned that if he got done first - and he probably would - that he was going to make another run to the hospital and that Kyrie was to stay in the pet shop and perhaps start packing the backpacks. He'd meet her back here.

And then they'd get going.
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Waiting until she was certain of some seclusion before she would jump into the cold water and scrub down among the squeaks and distaste to the chill but grateful for the fresh clean feeling. She took careful consideration to all of her, making sure to enjoy the brisk clean that was upon her flesh before she came out to dress in new attire that honestly made her feel as if the day had been nothing less than winning the lottery.

It wasn't until she was fully cleaned up, her hair unpinned and naturally curling into thick ringlets as she came out from the screen she set up to protect her innocence from being seen as if that really mattered, fingers drew back the makeshift curtain.

He said if he finished before her that he would go back to the hospital, so she wasn't sure if he had or not.

Looking around not seeing Kade within sight, the young scrubbed woman tugged the zipper to the deep blue/black Fox hoodie up to sit midsection before tucking her hands into the pockets. Deep chocolate hair fell forward over her shoulder as she tapped the toe of her converse high tops to adjust the feel of the soles around her feet. Having picked up dark wash denim skinny jeans, she might had been able to pass off maybe as a young college student back when there was life around. Right now, it was comfortable, close to keep from catching on everything and honestly it was nice just to wear something new.

Curling back the ringlet behind her ear, Kyrie looked around the dimly light store from the sun with a mild wonder. "Kade?"
His bath had been nothing less than practical and swift. The water and soap stung his injuries, but at least he knew they were clean now and Kade had gotten out quickly, dried and dressed before he'd left. Without the hindrance of a cart or the slower pace of his human companion, he'd been able to fly to the hospital in less than half the time it had taken to leave it and find the stores. Knowing what he needed and where to find it without the stress of having to care for a very sick patient, he moved about as calmly and confidently as any residential doctor might have before the Blackout started. He gathered what he needed, putting it all in the bag he'd found abandoned by someone from who knew how long ago.

Before he left, though, he took the time to really look over his own injuries and treated a few of them. He noted some infection in one and gave himself an appropriate dose of medication for it, praying to the gods above that it didn't react negatively to anything new about his system. That was the last thing he needed.

Kade made his way back to the pet store shortly after his task was done, walking in with the bag hanging from his claws and his wings folding back against his back, slightly flared still, but not enough to knock anything over. He was shirtless and without the jacket at this time, his impressive physique showing old injuries, numerous ones that were scarred over and newer ones that were either open to the air as they were minor or lightly bandaged over. His hair was dry now, but windblown and sleek like a raven's wing without the dirt and blood now. Clean claws and feet, even his wings having been wiped down - sort of; he couldn't really reach all the areas on the back - and his horns and tail gleaming with bright color, he looked as nice as he ever would. The jeans he wore hung comfortably on his hips, the hole for his tail guaranteeing they wouldn't fall off, though, they weren't that dangerously low anyway. The legs went all the way down, unlike the way his previous jeans had, the legs wide as they were cargo jeans, able to fit his odd feet through now. They'd tear near his feet eventually, but for now, his clothing was whole.

The hybrid wasn't aware of himself right now, though. No, his eyes were glued to Kyrie and the words on his tongue that he'd started: "Hey, I found the medical supplies we nee-", had cut off completely as he took her in. She might have looked ordinary to anyone else, but something about her in that moment struck Kade as...well, breathtaking. He couldn't have explained it, scratch that, COULDN'T explain it, but the feeling, the thought stayed with him.

He opened his mouth a bit to speak and shut it again, his silver eyes lingering over her from head to feet and then back up to her strange, enchanting eyes. Such colors; the sky and the earth, in one face. He felt drawn to it and only realized that feeling was not merely in his imagination when he took a step forward and the edge of his wing hit a shelf. The flare of mild pain jolted him back to the present and the hybrid jerked his eyes away from the human, clearing his throat, nervous now and not understanding why. Nor why the feral side of himself was growling with displeasure. He didn't much care what that side wanted, though, and he ignored it.

"I...um...I got medication and bandages. We'll have to pack that, too."
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Tapping the glass of a old aquarium for what reason was beyond her. Perhaps it was basic reaction to do so, or maybe she was hoping that somehow a fish would suddenly appear with fresh water. Giving rebirth to the world that didn't seem like a hazy memory that had her often questioning whether it was real or not.

Putting the flat of her palm to the glass turning to bring her gaze around to consider Kade carefully growing a bright red as she felt the actual want to literally check him out and she promptly averted her gaze from doing so. Didn't mean she didn't get a good look and was playing it evidently through her mind's eye. She had never really had a crush on anyone before, nor really took the time to be expressive in the manners of such either.

Popping a curious eye up from under her brow to slowly take a leisure look over the clean appearance surprised a little that he could actually appear as such. Though she felt a vague sorrow for all the injuries he had been littered with - new and old- as she cleared her throat.

Damnit... what a time to find someone attractive. Leave it to her to be inherently crushing on the first nice guy she ever met not to mention the fact they were in a dry apocalyptic wasteland! Damn straight, that was Kyrie for you. Weird as all could be.

Jerking her head up hearing him bump into something, Kyrie quickly forgot about her trailing gaze and popped a step or three forward to close the distance quickly. "Kade," she uttered softly mingled with gentle discontent to him bumping into the shelf, hands reached forward without really taking into consideration her action to trail her hand along the very leather flight lifting appendage that had decided to be a bother at the moment, she nodded lifting the two eyes up to him. "That shouldn't be a problem." Fingers smoothed tenderly over the red thin leather of the wing before she released. "You alright? Did I startle you by accident?" leave it to her to be obvious to the reason even if she was feeling a spark of something unfamiliar yet exciting in her own belly, Kyrie looked around the pet store again. "Thank you Kade for everything. Can't say when the last time I had the pleasure of being clean. I think I had enough dirt on me for an ant farm." she chuckled gently, easily coming forth her lips as her hands came to tuck behind her back and her rocking forward on her heels. "Kade, what did you do back when you were human?" she finally asked merely wanting to know more about him. If she was going to travel with him, she wanted to know him.

Though that would only encourage her to like him more than she already did. Okay, she'd be silently greedy with such a thing, enjoying even for the shortest of time that she might be crushing on a peculiar. At least he was more human than humans were.
His name on her tongue, said like that, it made him still instantly and his eyes took her in even as she reached for him. He didn't move. He didn't understand why he didn't and when she touched his wing, Kade nearly hissed at the jolting sensation that ran through him like a concussive ripple. It wasn't pain. He would have actually expected that - granted, not from Kyrie, but just in general - but this was something very different. It felt like the moon had, the power that had gone into him then....but different from that still more. Like when someone scratched an itch? No...like that, but not....pleasure?

That...seemed more likely, but...such a simple pleasure, such a content kind of pleasure that a simple touch of acknowledgement could bring. It was strange, so very strange. He had never allowed anyone to do what she was doing. He'd had claws and teeth and spikes rip into his wings before. He'd brushed up against objects, had bumped into things, even people with his wings, but he'd never allowed someone to purposely touch them, to feel them so freely. He'd never trusted anyone to do so.

But he didn't move away from Kyrie and that more than anything, startled the hybrid and he watched her with a confused, studying kind of look until she let the appendage go and her words registered. He folded his wings back close to him slowly, carefully until they were as close to his back as they could get and then he answered. "I'm fine." The strangest part was...he meant it and as his silver eyes watched her, Kade began to once again wonder how it was she was alive after the full moon. Why would he have fought a pack of Canis to keep her alive when he'd wanted to eat her himself? It didn't make sense to him.

What was she? He called her Angel, yes, but perhaps that was more accurate than he'd thought. Maybe she was something different.

She was thanking him again, and all he could do was nod until the next question passed her lips. His brows came up, surprised and he forgot to flinch at the reminder that he wasn't what he used to be, not human anymore much as he wanted to convince himself he was sometimes....even as he never let himself forget what he actually was. His mind was really messed up on that topic and had been for a long time. But what had he been before all this?

Kade smiled just a bit and while he started to pack the backpack in an efficient, quick manner, he answered her question. "I was an Army Medic. A doctor. I was...just about to graduate from the Army's Medical Program when the Blackout happened. After that, it didn't matter. I was deployed along with everyone else."

A bit ironic. A doctor who couldn't even figure out what was wrong with himself or how to cure it.
He was staring at her again. Seemed to be a pass time for him that was quickly becoming more and more noticeable even though it wasn't exactly subtle the first time, Kyrie lifted her shoulders with nothing less than a harmonious giggle. She did nothing more than simply give him a grin to accompany the quaint noise of mirth from her throat. "As long as you are alright. You're still healing as much as I am, and your wings did take an awful lot of damage from those dogs." No effort in trying to be sincere, it came out in a flowing wisp.

Lips parted to speak more freely though stopped once he began to lean down to pack the backpack about to answer her question that had her putting her hands to her knees and watching like a child terribly interested in what he was doing. Although it was more aimed in the answer he was giving her.

An army doctor. She knew Kade was smart, but that was remarkable! And it showed on her animated face. Eyes grew in size, pure awe shimmered among them. "That's really amazing." she uttered firstly, "I knew you were brilliant but that's really, just... wow." Kyrie giggled again more willingly, "Well now I really know I am in good hands." A spark of life that had been close to death numerous times over came to a rising life. "Did you go to like Harvard or Yale or one of those really big schools, or just went into the army?" Kyrie straightened her back out, "You're really something Kade, I'm lucky to know you." A grin to compliment her statement and there was never a stutter in her words. She meant every word.
She gave out compliments to him far too freely, especially to one such as him. For all the meager good he'd done before the Blackout, he'd done an unfathomable amount of evil afterward. Such crimes could not be atoned for by completing a few simple deeds like caring for her wounds - which reminded him that he needed to re-wrap her side - making sure she was protected. He didn't feel he could make up for those sins, not in a hundred years...and who knew how long he'd live now. He didn't deserve her praise or admiration, but it seemed he would commit a far greater crime if he spoiled her happiness, the wonder in her eyes. He didn't want it for himself, but for her sake, to keep that smile on her face and her countenance easy, relaxed...he'd pretend to accept it.

Her questions, though, those were something he was bit more reserved about, but not for the reason she might think. He simply...didn't remember all that clearly. The hybrid slowed his packing a bit, both because the bags was getting a bit full and finding appropriate space for some things was more of a thoughtful process, needing attention, but the other reason was because he was truly thinking about the questions.

"I...I don't think I ever went to a school like that, no. I....traveled a lot, I think...always did. With my...father. My mother?" He frowned into the distance. "Maybe both. My father was a doctor, too. I remember that. Dr. Williams. Marcus." He said it as if to reassure himself that he still knew it and Kade cleared his throat again after that, focusing back on his packing again, steadier once more. "I'm pretty sure I just joined the army. I was eighteen."

The hybrid was nearly finished now and he tested the weight of Kyrie's pack before becoming satisfied with it and grabbing the medical supplies he'd left out, giving her a look that was VERY doctor-ish. "Your side needs to be bandaged again."
There was that strained sort of constipated look she noticed once before registering across his face. Searching his own thoughts in hopes to discover some hidden treasure that he hid on himself with very little avail. A tempted hand wanted to reach out and put a comforting palm to him but she wasn't sure she should.

Rather she listened like rapt student. Her head tilted right and left like a metronome to no rhythm. She still thought it was utterly fascinating either way that he was a doctor. It was like a little tidbit of information that she wanted to hide away for her own enjoyment, perhaps bragging to friends she never really had about this if this had been the real world it once was.

A soft shake of her own inner day dreams, Kyrie lifted her head up to look at that professional look with one all her one. Not professional but defiant. Like a child resisting the doctor's orders with a scowl suiting to fit. "I'm fine." she gave a very standard response going to take a long step backwards, hands wrapping protectively around her side. "I'm okay, it's all tended too. You don't need to fret anymore." Another step backwards getting ready to take off in clear protest if need be. He might have been the doctor, but she was a patient who didn't like doctors originally. Even if they were adorable and rugged in ways she never thought about before.
Really? She was going to be difficult after all this? Really?

Strangely he wasn't upset about it in the least, rather amused actually, even as he was bemused as well. He raised a brow at her physical retreat and a smile started to spread across his face, that expression anything but professional. No, it was rather devious and, of course on someone like him it looked rather predatory as well, but he couldn't help that. Most of his smiles would contain something of that nature even if he didn't want it to. But this...she was providing him with a game whether she wanted to acknowledge it or not for if she ran, he'd chase her. It was something he didn't even question in his human thinking and didn't need to question in his feral way of looking at the world.

If something, someone ran, you chased them.


Now, what you did once you had them...that was up to his feral mind or his human one to battle out and they often did. Right now, though, there was no hunger, no desire to kill. Just to meet a challenge and it shone in his silver eyes in a human playfulness but in equal part with an animal intensity.

"I'm not a hen. I don't fret. I do, however, intend to wrap your side so that I won't have to 'fret' later. You took a bath, it's not fine or tended to." His body had coiled, ready to take off after her if she chose to make it a game for him, but he offered a chance, tilting his head, a patience flickering in his eyes that was purely human, purely a remnant of his pre-Blackout self. "You going to let me wrap it or not?"
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She knew next to nothing about Kade and his feral tenacity, though she seen the smirk and the coiling of his body that had her inching further away keeping her hands wrapped around her ribs. Not once did she realize that she was giving him a challenge, but she was firm in her resolve.

"No." she put flatly, "I can tend to myself." the girl nodded short and sweet taking another long stretch back of a step to put distance between him and her. "And I cleaned it out in the bath, a little air will not do it harm." Sure that sounded reasonable, not!

Watching him carefully narrowing her gaze upon him, Kyrie turned right around to take a step and another forward before she glanced back and nodded again. "So no, I will not let you wrap it." It was right there that she seen it all glimmering in those brilliant silver eyes that had her reacting. Merely reacting as the girl took one final step forward, grinned sincerely and bucked her hips towards the left to go sprinting down one of the many aisle in the pet store.

He was playing... damnit! He was going to give her a cuteness overload at this rate!
It had taken all of Kade's self control to not smile at her words, watching as she kept getting further and further away. Even if her conscious mind had not realized what was going to happen, her subconscious mind did and it was making her body react. It amused him to no end because they both knew she wasn't going to escape. Depending on how fast, determined and smart she was, she might avoid him for a time, give him a true challenge, but he'd win the game. He had some unfair advantages after all.

Still, challenge or not, fast or short game, he was enjoying it and the hybrid knew the moment that Kyrie realized what was going on. He saw it in her face even before she gave him that smile of pure, childish glee and darted away. His grin answered then, probably better unseen until she knew him better for it looked rather frightful to be honest with his fangs and the glimmer in his silver eyes, but it was meant as nothing more than playful, laughing even as he leaped after her.

He could have jumped on the shelves, made this easier by knowing where she was going, but he decided to even out the odds just a little and stayed to ground. He kept his wings close, his tail poised for balance and his nose was already working to tell him where she'd gone, ears attuned to the sound of her feet and the very pattern of her breath. Kade chuckled. "You do realize that I have dealt with many a toddler who didn't want to be treated either and THEY didn't speak English to be reasoned with. Do you really think you stand a chance?"
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