Rise from Destruction

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Focus and blank came into her mind with ease, fumbling and willing to find her way back to reality, Kyrie merely giggled like a wee child as Kade took charge of the situation.

Easily for the best, the less she remembered about this entire calamity, the better. The delusions of the old world floated in and out before her eyes making the scene, the place and the atmosphere seem charming. Like a family vacation that she was enjoying far too much to want to wake up from. It was peaceful there, not like it was in reality.

She could imagine life as she wanted and not have to worry about being the sorry fool she was so accustom to being. No being feverish, out of her mind was far better than where she had been. It worked in Kade's favour at least, she didn't squirm or protest to his methods or anything in general. The girl was in a world of pure fantasy induced by infection and heat. Not a choice plan of escape but enjoyed. It could have been far worse.

Every so often she understood his muttering, his calming words but it barely made an impact to stress the dire notion of herself. She'd often return a slurring of trivial juvenile glee to him, laden eyes open to look through him and nothing more.

Though with the drugs kicking in through the prick that had been in her flesh, where enjoyment of a hazy world was, sleep began to take over. Downiness ceased the fever of her mind, wanting nothing more than to push the girl back into a state of health.

Now where was the fun in that. Swirling wildly around her eyes, Kyrie's pupils dilated before she felt like a tv screen that had just suddenly been turned off. Where light was, darkness quickly took over.
He'd had time to treat his own injuries, something far less pleasant as his fever was mild at best and didn't give him the same crazy delusions of well-being and glee that Kyrie's had. That unpleasant task over, he soon moved to getting some scrubs, sponging a great deal of the dirt and blood from the small woman's skin and then dressing her in said scrubs. Sure, she'd be embarrassed when she woke, but it wasn't the first time they'd gone through this and on his part, he'd done it in 'doctor mode' same as last time. He was finally able to move her to another room in the hospital, getting out clean sheets and making the bed before he placed her in.

A saline bag had been added to her medication regiment, hydrating her faster than any oral intake could and he knew he would do the same to himself after he was done with other assigned tasks. Using paper from the nurse's station and a pen, he wrote a note in case she woke - though, he didn't actually see that happening with the drugs in her system - and then left the hospital, knowing she was safe. Some exploring of the streets had him noting where a grocery store was more likely located, several clothing stores and a sporty goods store. He stopped at a gas station first and simply grabbed a few bars of candy, some beef jerky, dried fruit and more bottles of water before returning back to the hospital.

Knowing where everything was would be helpful for when they had to get things and get out.

Kade dragged in a cot to the double-wide hospital room - it was meant to house two patients at a time - checked the IV bags for Kyrie and her temperature which seemed to be going down and then proceeded to get the supplies to insert an IV on his own arm. It didn't take long and soon he had saline dripping hydration into his body. He laid on the cot then, wings drooping on either side of his body, covered in multiple gauze pads and tape. The rest of his body was wrapped in bandages, but he hardly seemed to notice as his mind finally drifted into sleep.

With any luck it would be a peaceful one.
Fuzz and noise attacked her senses, squirming to wriggle forcing a cloudy mind to jerk violently awake. Comfort unusual around her seemed to coax her into the dark void of what appeared to be an enclosed area, her frantic thoughts trying to piece everything back together and where she was.

Yet nothing seemed to come willingly to her. Her head hurt for an entirely different reason than that of the fever, her body felt wore yet refreshed in ways she was certain it hadn't felt in years.

It was night out... she could tell that much with how dark everything was around her. And it seemed to bring back a certain fright that made her wonder what had happened all the more. Did they get attacked... was she drug off to some unknown location only to be an experiment to some sort of human madman?

Shifting in the bed listening to the crinkle of sterilized sheets, her hands lifting to feel her attire with a heated blush growing quick across her face to have her swiftly burrow deeper into the blankets around her. There was a metal rod on either side of the bed as she continued to probe as much as possible, fingers moving here to there and there to here. Alarmed to find an IV stuck in her arm before she wilted down and desperately tried again to recall anything.

Eyes adjusted very slowly to the pitch around, she felt nervous and afraid like a child unsure of what the future would hold, Kyrie swallowed hard. Was it terrible that she was already desperately wanting to go clinging to the peculiar man? "Kade?"
He instantly jerked awake at the sound in the room. It was so quiet, no beeping noises, no footsteps, no talking, no intercom, no birds or animals or traffic. Nothing. Just the silence and so his body, while relaxed in sleep, was highly alert to sounds, especially his own name. So he woke quickly and then was a bit more groggy getting up, but get up he did, wings barely folding, dragging the ground before he stopped, realizing the IV was still in. He pulled it out and ignored the bleeding as the wound closed up in a matter of moments. He half-stumbled his way to Kyrie's bedside, yawning widely as he took a half-seat on the edge of the hospital mattress.

The hybrid gave her a sleepy kind of smile and without any thought at all, reached and brushed her hair back from her face, careful of his claws so as not to harm her. "Hey, Angel. How you feeling? You had a nasty fever."

As he spoke, he looked to the IV bags, noting they were all empty and he gently uncovered the small woman's arm, pulling it out in a very sure manner so he could slip the IV out. Reaching for the cotton ball he'd put on the nightstand for this purpose, he placed it on the slightly bleeding area and bent her arm to apply some pressure. "There. All better." Kade gave her another smile, this one a bit more conscious even as he yawned once more. His wings shifted and folded a bit more against his body, sore as his entire body was, but the headache was gone for the most part and he once more looked over Kyrie.

"Do you have a headache?"
The sudden sound of shuffle brought her wandering eyes all over the place, she honestly hated being human for that aspect. Every other creature could see well in the dark, humans... not so much.

But she was thankful when it was Kade and she damn near went scurrying right too him for the fear of the dark about to bite into her, but didn't. Well mostly because he stopped her when he began to remove her own IV. How was she feeling? Normal, afraid, useless... stupid.

The tender care given to her, Kyrie felt a soft smile touch her lips before she looked up in his direction - his features faded due to the umbra around them- a pull of her bottom lip into her mouth and the woman did exactly what she thought about before. The less thought she gave it, the better too. Pulling the covers with her as she skittered across the bed to his side, nuzzling in to him with a slight tremble, Kyrie pulled the blanket to her nose. "A bit." she mumbled, "Where are we?" And she wanted to ask how he knew what he was doing with all IV's and such.
He was surprised when she moved and even more so when she moved into his side, and Kade looked down at her with eyes that saw clearly and were now a bit wide in startled amazement. But he didn't push her away or move, and in fact his body seemed to have a mind of its own as his arm came around her lightly shaking shoulders, pulling her a bit closer in a comforting way and letting her rest there as his wing moved to drape slightly over her small form in a protective gesture that he didn't really think twice about but would later. He'd definitely question it later.

"A hospital. I knew we'd find what was needed to treat you here. This whole city is covered in radiation, so we can't stay here long, but I can help us avoid the dangerous pockets of it. We'll be able to get the supplies we need here. Most people are too uncertain and scared about the radiation to come in and Changers don't have a reason to." he answered.

Kade looked back down at her then, grimacing as he had to acknowledge his blunder and it might not matter to her, but as a doctor, it bothered him that he'd not done everything as right as he could have. "I'm sorry about the headache. I wasn't able to accurately judge your weight or tolerance level to the Motrin, so I guessed as I could. But I might have overdosed you a bit and it probably dripped in too fast without a pump. It can cause headaches if you get too much. Bactrim can too, but it should help with any infection already in your body." he explained to her, running his fingers through his hair and looking around the room, instinctively sniffing at the air, listening for any danger and knowing it wouldn't come.

"It won't effect you for long, though, promise."
A hospital?

Body moved somewhat to lean forward as if she'd be able to pinpoint the details further away from her than the end of her nose. Radiation too boot, it sounded like this place was perfectly protected but dangerous beyond the worth of most men and beasts.

Slender digits came up to twine nervously into a small ball on his shirt, Kyrie swallowing a bit harder than she meant too while she listened to his explanation and medicine names. He was so smart, so brilliant that she was surprised actually. It warmed her in her chest to know he did know things such as that, but it only made her question further why he had been forced into the unusual change of his body.

"I trust you Kade," Kyrie made no notion to move away from his soothing comfort or his warmth, "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without your help." she tilted her eyes up to him looking at him with pure admiration that didn't actually come naturally to her. "Are we actually safe here?" she had to ask even if he reassured her already, "I can't help but feel anxious... and sticky... Kade," Now Kyrie turned bashful, "Where are my clothes... again." that was the second time he just did what he needed and honestly it made her in a way feel violated. She knew he meant well and she was alive but... it was something of a private treasure a woman would only let someone she devoted herself to see. She was easily over thinking it but she couldn't help it.
I trust you, Kade.

Those words caused a skip in his heart and he looked down at her in surprise, catching the look of admiration on her face. It caused a heated blush to his face that was not visible in the dark and he was grateful for the night in that moment. He was glad for the question as it gave him something to focus on other than the warmth that had settled in his chest, such a confusing warmth, and he nodded. "We're safe, Kyrie." he assured her again and then raised his brows, body shifting slightly, but not retreating from her grip. He was still amazed she wanted to be near him at all. When had that happened?

"Your...oh, I...uh, I threw them away. Well, not your scarf. I know you like that." He cleared his throat and flexed the clawed fingers on the hand not around her shoulder, nervous and uncomfortable at the mention of what he'd done without even hesitating about it. "I...um...I'm sorry. I didn't look...well, I did, but it was for injuries! I...it meant nothing...not that you aren't attrac-" He cut himself off and cleared his throat again, tail curling into several loops and pressing against his legs and partially under the bed, wings twitching as he looked away, blushing completely now.

Heaven's above, he was grateful she couldn't see him right now!

"I'll get you some new clothes." he finally mumbled.
"You... threw them away." the very words repeated sounded extremely unbelievable. Yet he stuttered it all out which had her staring up at him with a delayed reaction. Gaining momentum as he began to fumble awkwardly over himself, Kyrie turned beet red listening.

Kyrie pulled away to hug her own arms around her chest, "I'm sorry, I made you uncomfortable." honest press of her mouth stating her emotions openly, "I know you meant well, thank you." it took a bit of a bravery to say such a thing even if she wanted to shriek at him looking at her again. Suppose she should be flattered, it wasn't like she was ever going to be seen in a way ever by another human.

Clearing her throat ignoring his fidgeting so he could make himself at ease again, Kyrie pulled her knees up into her chest to huddle into herself. "Kade... is there anywhere that I can clean up and get out of your hair?"
Made him-?

"Kyrie-" he started, but she cleared her throat and he went quiet again, listening to what she had to say. He already felt the absence of her form beside him keenly, in a way he'd not thought he would and he wasn't sure why it bothered him that she'd suddenly moved away. He'd done something wrong, but was it above undressing and cleaning her up or had he done something on top of that? He was almost scared to ask and when she spoke, he flinched.

He didn't know why. The hybrid's body reacted before his mind could - or was it that instinct reacted? - and he looked down and shook his head slowly. "Not here." he confided quietly, the hint of a growl back in his voice as he stood up and folded his sore wings against his back. "We have to go out into the city for that. There is a pet store with metal tubs for watering horses. If we can gather enough water bottles, we can bathe. There are plenty of resources here, we just have to find them."

Kade had proceeded to pull his shoes on while he spoke and then he handed Kyrie her shoes as well and then her scarf, neatly folded with her mother's wedding ring on the chain on top. He didn't look up at her, some of his behavior much more animal-like going into this third day as he almost seemed like a skittish dog, having been kicked and now wary about further abuse. And he worst part was that he had absolutely no freaking idea WHY he felt that way.

It was bloody annoying. Just a few days ago he'd wanted to eat her. Now all he felt was the overwhelming desire to see her safe, see her happy. But he just kept getting it wrong.

"I know you're not fully recovered, but we can't stay here long. We should get moving. I'm sorry."
"Oh,' she looked to him watching or rather staring in perhaps his direction hopefully as he rose up. "Pet store... how long were you looking around?" she asked though should she feel insulted that he was sort of referring to her as a horse or a pet in some fashion. Wait... was that what she was? A pet!

Well that would make sense wouldn't it. He has been taking care of her in such a fond way that now it seemed to make sense. She... was a pet.

Standing up slowly pulling the scrubs tighter around her frame, before reaching back and grabbing the blankets to wrap them around like a dress, Kyrie pressed her lips together. "Kade?" she asked softly, "Is it weird... that we travel together? Or the fact that you're keeping me around?"

She entirely missed him apologizing proving how deep in thought she was.
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"An hour or so. I knew you were safe here, so I figured that finding where we could get food and clothes, and a way of bathing and such would be a good idea." he answered absently, looking down at the bandages on his arm, noting they were seeping just a bit, but not badly so. He would have to change it soon, but they'd come back to the hospital for supplies once they had something to carry it in.

He looked up, silver eyes slitted and able to see Kyrie clearly as she stood from the bed. He was ready to steady her should she stumble, his tail twitching at the thought, reading to move, but she remained upright and he relaxed again until she spoke. It made him turn to face her more fully and he frowned to himself in the darkness. How was he to answer that? Was it weird? Yes. It was. He should have killed her by now. She should be with her own kind, not constantly in danger with him. It was strange. There was no denying that, but...the real question was one she'd not asked.

Was it wrong?

Kade wanted to ask her if she was only asking because of what he was. Would she ask the same question had he been human? But he knew that question was unfair. He knew exactly what he was and she had every right to wonder, to worry. So the hybrid finally sighed and he ran his hand back nervously through dirty ebony hair. "It...is, yes, but...I don't think it is bad. I don't think it's wrong." he said quietly and finally looked up at her, silver eyes catching the beginning of the crescent moon.

"Do you...are you unhappy with me?"
He really was one to be constantly prepared, wasn't he. Checking the surroundings for supplies so he could find his way around without worry. It made her a bit envious honestly.

But that was hardly the focal point of her attention. No it was the question that she had asked with a gentle grace and a natural wonder that was where her attention was. The silence stretched between them to make her shift from one foot to the other waiting for something to be said. Anything really, something that she could close her mind around and digest to get a basic understanding. She was by far and nowhere near as brilliant as Kade was, so she had to ask stupid questions like that. Otherwise, she'd be ignorantly unaware for the rest of her life.

Then it came.

Admittance to how strange their interactions were and how they traveled with the other was really odd. But he said he didn't think it was wrong or bad. But that didn't mean he was sure on that either.

The pale glimmer of light reflected to his eyes finally giving her something to look at without thinking she might be looking in the wrong direction, Kyrie's own eyes grew wide.

He asked her if she was unhappy?

Her... she had an opinion? How strange.

"I'm not unhappy... well..." Kyrie combed her hair back over her face trying to get back into habit of hiding the cursed gleam away, "I am a bit. But it's not because of you. It's because I feel guilty for everything I put you through. Like a bitter black ball in my stomach. I feel like dead weight and I have no... no interactions with anyone in my life. I am inexperience and dumb, and I hate being stupid. But that's just me." a shrug and Kyrie felt a slow smile touch her lips tore with her own self loathing and a false joy to be allowed to stay. "I'm selfish you know. I want to stay but it's greedy thought of a human that thinks like that. And I can't shake the feeling that no matter what I do, I am hindrance. But that's because I shouldn't honestly exist, humans don't like what they don't understand. And I am a reminder of that. I'm different and it's horrible to put anyone through that."
He stared at her for a long moment. Simply stared in a way she'd not be able to see.

What in the world was she talking about? Was THIS why she was so timid around him? Why she kept trying to insist she leave him? She was guilty for staying, for wanting to stay? She thought that she'd caused his problems? Forced herself on him? What the hell had those humans done to her that she felt herself so worthless and such a burden? A growl built in his chest, tickling at his throat and his fangs grit, but he didn't give voice to the sound, not wanting to frighten her as he finally moved forward. His eyes caught the light again as his fingers moved under her chin, his bent second knuckle lifting her chin up so there was no chance he'd cut her.

She wouldn't be able to see him, but he could see her and that was what he wanted, what he needed.

"You are the strangest and most wonderful human I have ever met, and I can not believe you just said all those things about yourself." he started quietly, but the growl came in with his next words, not aggressive in an angry way, but definitely commanding that she pay attention. "I am going to say something to you and you're going to listen because I won't say it twice; You are special and you will never be a hindrance to me."

The words were true as he spoke them, but even as he did, Kade wasn't sure why they flowed so adamantly, why they seared through him on the way as if there was fire on his tongue. "You are not stupid, Kyrie and you are hardly selfish. You are caring and smart, brave and the most compassionate person, so much so that I can hardly understand it. You can't do what I can, but that does not make you useless. You've...you've done more for me than anyone has ever dared to even try and I can't ever...I can't explain how much that means to me." he admitted and then moved his hand to brush her hair back from her eyes. It didn't need to be there. He didn't want it there even if it was just for this moment.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Kyrie. You are different, but you are not less for that. You deserve just as much life, just as much happiness as anyone else and I am sorry that anyone has ever made you feel like your very existence is wrong. They were the horrible ones for having done so."
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"Huh?" came out as she heard him moving forward, reaching out to coil a knuckle beneath her chin making her lift it up so she could probably look at him face to face though he certainly had the advantage to that. Her face lit up quick like a Christmas tree as he spoke. A voice losing its own meek strength while a brain tried to come upon understanding to express her truth. What she knew, what she had been taught and what had been instilled upon her from so many others.

She couldn't dispute him even with the power and truth behind all he said. She could hear it and knew that he meant it. Kade didn't seem like the sort who would just throw out something to make someone else feel better, he said what he meant. And that was that.

Didn't mean she didn't get embarrassed for it.

Even more so when he pushed back her bangs that had her flinching away, purely from habit.

Her voice remained caught in her throat, the two discs of odd colours looking away uncertain if she could hold his gaze with the utmost bravery. All he said was so strange... it felt like it was coming more from a story book than real life. She couldn't comprehend the gentle power there, it was an interaction that she was uncommon with. But... but she liked hearing it. Was that selfish now? That she nearly straightened herself out under the praise, soaking it up greedily only to draw an eye back slowly to him for a quick flicking movement.

She nearly thanked him but with her voice not working, Kyrie slowly nodded her head to him. Licking her lips, Kyrie gave another stronger - not by much- nod to him, lifting up her hand to his under her chin to coil her fingers over at least his index finger, giving it a tender squeeze as she darted her nervous eyes away again. "Okay."
He could see the change, sense it in her and something inside Kade sparked with pleasure that he'd had something to do with that positive difference. A smile pulled at his lips at her answer, so very shy, but different than it had been before, not meek and accepting because she felt she had to but rather truly hearing the truth in his words and absorbing it. It pleased him and her touch caused something foreign to rise within his chest. He couldn't tell if it was a feeling or a noise or both, but he kept it from rising further, unsure about it.

The hybrid wasn't unsure about his words, though, and the smile grew a little, hidden in the shadows, but there and partially apparent in his voice. "Kyrie, you put me through nothing that I did not choose to get involved in. We both know I have had many opportunities to leave you and I didn't. That was my choice, not yours and you can't take blame for my choices. They're not yours to carry and I don't regret mine, not concerning you."

He gave her a slight growl, finding that sometimes it was easier to communicate that way than talking, especially when he couldn't find the words or the tone to use. "No more guilt." was all he said, his opposite hand reaching up to brush her hair back again before he seemed to have to force himself to move back. Kade cleared his throat then, a bit unsure after saying all that, meaning it, but surprising himself and he looked to the door.

"Um...we should...uh...get going. It will be light soon so you'll be able to see better then."

Nice, Kade. Go from confident to a bumbling buffoon in less than two minutes. New record!
Not hers to carry. His choices were not hers to shoulder. Such... no he was right. But it was certainly easier said than done a lot of times. Innocence and gentle acceptance to take things that weren't hers to that of her own shoulders was something that came to her with great ease.

A teeter of a laugh came in response to his growl, Kyrie closed her blue eye when he pushed back her hair again making it very aware he didn't like her hiding away. Though that was equally unexpected. "No more guilt." she repeated so he knew that she had heard him, was hearing him. But she could and would try to do just that. It would take time and patience. She was built with years and changes would take time.

Tugging the blanket tighter around herself and her scrubs of a attire, Kyrie looked up in his direction before looking around with the dark lurking all around. She like the light far more.

"Kade," she came forward looking down, "Can I... Can I hold your hand?" there was that pure inexperience, "I don't... I don't want to get lost and I don't like the dark." He had offered her warmth in which she had never really seen, like a moth to a flame. Kyrie was drawn to him with no question. She didn't deny it, she enjoyed the safety Kade extruded so easily.
Huh. Maybe bumbling idiot was a good thing?

Wait. What the hell was he thinking? He wasn't sixteen. This wasn't high-school or a date. He didn't have a crush. He didn't. Right? Silver eyes looked down at those mismatched eyes that were working to not look directly at him but failed to see exactly where his own face was. That was all it took for him to realize that he was screwed. How had that happened? When had he gone from looking at her like a meal to looking at her as a boy looks at a girl? Would that change when he became more feral again? Was this happening because he was thinking exclusively like a human? Because he knew that wouldn't last. That never lasted. It would start to change tomorrow.

But he had a crush. There was no denying that and Kade....had absolutely no clue what to do with it.

She was asking something of him, though, and the hybrid found himself reaching for her hand before he could completely make up his mind about it. And then he didn't need to as his palm connected with hers and the world seemed to steady. It was the oddest and yet most welcome feeling and Kade smiled to himself, knowing she couldn't see as he moved toward the door and gave Kyrie a light pull.

"Come on. I'll keep you safe."

And that's all you'll do. She's too good for you. You're too dangerous for her and you'll get her killed. You know what you want doesn't matter. She needs to be safe. That's all you get to do, all you get to remember. Keep her safe. Get her to safety and then let her stay that way. You can't afford to do anything more.
Finding the pull and twine of his hand over hers, Kyrie nodded eagerly following along to his pull as she gave his hand a soft squeeze. "I know you will Kade." she responded, turning her mismatched eyes up to him. "I don't doubt that."


Stepping outside into the large open world, the woman inched herself closer to his side keeping a tender grip to his larger hand, aware that he said there were pockets of radiation everywhere that they had to be careful of. She couldn't see it, nor smell it like Kade could and that alone had her staying close as close could be.

It was nice to be outside, to see the rise of crumbling skyscrapers on the skyline even at the slowly rising dark. It was unfamiliar and familiar all at once. The place was entirely untouched by human hands greedy for supplies and she felt a bit of good fortune falling into their laps.

Then came a sound she instantly started to giggle nervously under her breath and was tempted to hide away purely because she didn't want to let it sound out. A stomach protested angrily, as she gave a soft sigh. "It has a mind of its own." Kyrie mused quietly.
He was oddly glad for her nearness, to feel the trust she placed in him and Kade was sure it was that right there, that quality that he could not accurately explain to Kyrie. She made him feel....worth something. Like....like he could be better or was better than what he actually was. It had been so very long since someone had any faith in him at all. It was a powerful thing, compelling and made him want to protect her all the more. Right now it was rather easy and of that he was grateful, and relaxed. It was nice.

The sound of her stomach caused an instant chuckle from him, joining in with her uncertain giggling and Kade looked down as it started to lighten up enough so she could see - but he didn't release her hand - and smiled. "We should do as it says then." he suggested in an almost playful manner before pulling her to the grocery store he'd found. Only when they were inside, the sun now peeking over the horizon, did he let her hands go, pointing to a cart. "Get one."

He grabbed two of his own before starting to push them down the aisles, his nose and ears telling him clearly that the entire store was safe. "Get things like jerky, hard candies, dried fruit, fiber and granola bars. We can take a few cans if something isn't outdated and will provide protein, but they're heavy so we have to choose wisely." he informed her, heading straight back for the water bottles in the freezers that no longer worked. He'd go back into the shipment rooms, too, if he had to.

The hybrid looked over his shoulder at Kyrie, calling out. "Don't worry, the entire store is safe and I will be able to hear you the whole time. You'll be fine."
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