Reborn in a world with a broken moon (rwby/multifandom crossover) sign ups open

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Fluff lord
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences


Theme Music

Despite the outcomes of their struggles, heroes will always die in the end. Be it time or injury, death is guaranteed to follow the heroes of every world. However, some of these heroes will wake up in the world of Remnant, picked out of their worlds upon their death in order to help save it.

They've been reborn in this new world being granted gifts and abilities they had from their previous lives. With these they'll have to try to blend in with the world and integrate into it. These heroes will encounter others summoned here and the inhabitants of this world as they go to the huntsman school of Beacon Academy.

They will have to adapt to the new world, its customs and people. Some will have difficulty but with help from each other and their other teammates they'll learn to deal with the difficulty.

It's time Remnant met the heroes of other stories, both mythical and tragic.

Hi anyone looking at this, this RP is simply about a various characters from various fandoms reviving in the RWBY world, both OCs and canon. They will go through Beacon at first normally until people and creatures from their home worlds arrive and start causing mayhem alongside Salem's plot. Along the way they will bond with each other and with their help they'll learn to come over their personal difficulties and the threats they face. I apologize for the simplicity and oddness, I wanted to get this out of my head and it could be potentially fun.

Character Index
The Chosen Undead/Astora - Dark Souls (@Cyberelite2k)
Hawkeye/Clint Barton - Marvel Hawkeye Comics (@AshenAngel)
Samantha Maxis - Cold War Zombies ( @Hahli Nuva )
The Bearer Of The Curse/Ferossa - Dark Souls (@Cyberelite2k )

Teams (will be formed and decided when characters start popping up)

Basically just have fun and try to include everyone if possible.


Voice ref:


Weapon name:
Weapon description:

Semblance/Power name:
Semblance/Power info:



Physical and Mental Troubles:



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Name: he doesn't remember it, often goes by Chosen or by some Astora due to remember that name for something
Title: The Chosen Undead
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Age: Currently around 18 after rebirth....he doesn't remember how old he was before hollowing
Race: Human/Darksign Undead

Weapon name: The Bottomless Box
Weapon description:
Despite looking like a wooden box attached to his belt it is as it's name suggests bottomless and contains all the weapons he found along the various cycles he went through.
these range from simple swords and shields to magic catalysts to even weapons made from powerful souls.
He's skilled with these weapons and is strong enough to wield most one handed but a few need both hands to wield.
He also has access to a variety of spells, miracles and pyromancies but they seem to drain his aura with use.
Interestingly certain weapons have odd inscriptions on them, apparently names

Semblance/Power name: The Darksign
Semblance/Power info:
This is the source of his undeath. He has the ability to return from death at a 'bonfire' which in this world he has to either make on the fly or with risk to himself (despite how often he does it) make his own body the bonfire.
While he returns from the dead mostly ok he suffers the massive side effect of slowly losing his memories and mind if he doesn't get access to a substance known as humanity which he can occasionally find during fights...or drain the substance from certain people which he only ever does as a last resort.
This means despite its potential power it's a massive threat to himself due to the damage to his mind and as he puts it "i just want to be able to die and stay dead"

Color: A dull orange
Logo: A coiled sword ignited
Fandom: Dark souls

Voice ref: Greg Chun as Yu Nanba (Yakuza 7)

Physical and Mental Troubles:
He has massive gaps in his memory of his past, he doesn't even remember his name or what he was before the undead asylum. To him they're either extremely fuzzy or blank spaces.
He's terrified of losing more memories and as such has a almost obsession with keeping a journal on him of who people are and general information.


Sexuality: Asexual Biromantic
Crush/Relationship: Open

I'm interested. Which characters can I use?
Basically any character you'd like, this is purely for fun
Can I see a list of characters?

Name: Clinton Francis Barton | Title: Hawkeye | Gender: Male | Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18 | Race: Human | Sexuality: Pansexual | Crush/Relationship: Open
Voice ref: Troy Baker as Hawkeye in Avengers Assemble

Hawkeye Soulstring.jpg
Weapon name: Soulstring | Weapon description: A crossbow capable of firing dust cartridge infused bolts and transforming into a bladed shovel for close combat and encampment needs.

Semblance/Power name: Target Acquired
Semblance/Power info: Enables Clint to mark a target and track it once it's well out of sight. He is able to see from longer distances, 'see' his target through walls, as well as their internal organs while his semblance is active. He can also use it to give his crossbow bolts a homing effect.
Color: Purple
Logo: Purple bullseye
Fandom: Hawkeye Comics by Matt Fraction, Marvel

Clint has straw blond hair in some typical unkept state, and sharp sky blue eyes. His usual style can be described in one word- lazy. He usually doesn't put too much effort into his appearance and generally settles for whatever's quick and easy to put on, resulting in a typical look of wrinkled tshirts and a mix of sweatpants and beat up jeans. He frequently has bandages on him. His most notable items, aside from his weapon Soulstring and a coffee thermos, are a pair of purple hearing aids.

Physical and Mental Troubles:

Clint is hearing impaired and he wears hearing aids to make up for this. He's self-depreciating, prone to addictive behaviors, and has a tendency of practicing to the point of breaking. He doesn't have a lot of faith in people or plans. He's given up before and it could happen again.

Clint is a fairly quiet guy with a sharp sense of humor when he feels like showing it. He often plays the fool, and sometimes has bouts of clumsiness that serve to either endear him or at least make others aware that he is a disaster of a human being operating under the guise of a functional one. He's intelligent and logical, with a very niche interest in fashioning dust infused trick bolts for his crossbow. He doesn't forget the people that end up doing him wrong and can hold a grudge like nobody's business. He can also be a bit cocky, often doing things to show off and prove a point, following the Rule of Cool whenever he can. What people don't see is the probably way too high number of hours he puts in honing his skills in order to pull off everything he does, or his struggles with not being good enough.

Clint Barton grew up in an abusive household with his older brother. He was hit hard enough that his hearing became impaired, though not totally lost. His father and mother died in a car crash after his father chose to drive after drinking. Barney and him spent six years in an orphanage before they ran away and joined the circus. He was trained to do archery tricks and pickpocket on the side in order to keep some food in his belly. When he found that his archery mentor was embezzling money from the circus, he made a plan to turn him in to the authorities, but was discovered and beaten within an inch of his life. He grew up into becoming a SHIELD Asset under Special Agent Phil Coulson, proving his worth and earning his keep with a bow while fighting alongside the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes. He doesn't remember exactly how he died, but coming back to life in Remnant might be The Amazing Hawkeye's best shot at a better life.
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List of characters?..i um dunno how due to the thing is you pick any character from media then play them after having been reborn
I'm curious about how things are going to start off. Would our older characters be a part of an established team, or would they be acting moreso as student mentors to a younger team? Or would they be late transfers into Beacon?
I'm between mentors or late arrivals
Or if any new members make older characters too it could work as having an already established team, if that would work for your plans?
yeah that would work
Name: Samantha Maxis

Title: Sam, Maxis.

Gender: Female.

Pronouns: She/Her.

Age: 30

Race: Human

Voice ref: Julie Nathanson

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush/Relationship: Has a strong friendship with fellow CIA agent Grigori Weaver.

Weapon name: Z74-U SMG, Neutralizer Shotgun.

Weapon description:



Semblance/Power name: Aether Shroud


Semblance/Power info: Samantha has access to the Dark Aether, an alternate dimension that renders her invisible and invincible to all enemies. This allows her to slip past hordes of Grimm and help or rescue allies lost in the thick of combat.


Color: Purple





Physical and Mental Troubles:

Samantha has spent an unknown amount of time in the Dark Aether, a negative, depressing alternate dimension filled with cosmic horrors. Only time will tell what adverse effect this has had on her body and mind, although when she emerged from the portal to Remnant she was clearly prepared to defend herself. Her eyes have become purple and she has taken on a more cynical personality, although this could also be the heartbreaking agony of her past life weighing down upon her.


Samantha Maxis is a very complex woman with a very complex past. As such, she is constantly on edge, looking over her shoulder and always planning to be one step ahead. She has rarely known times of peace and has constantly been chased by her enemies with little time to rest, making her rather paranoid and distrustful of those she has not built a personal relationship with.


Samantha Maxis grew up in West Germany before joining the Western Federal Intelligence Service in 1976. As an agent of the BND, she was in Iran during the Islamic Revolution of 1979 when the Shah was overthrown. As the CIA and Western intelligence agencies worked together to ensure the Shah's safe extraction to the United States, many diplomats and Western citizens were being left behind. Samantha was saved by the intervention of CIA officer Grigori Weaver who was willing to go off the books to extract her out of the country. This marked the beginning of a strong (and potentially romantic on Weaver's half) friendship between the two spies.

In 1983, Samantha noticed something was wrong within the BND with one of her colleagues, Dieter, warning her that the agency was pulling a list of all foreign nationals and defectors who worked for the BND in the five years prior. Soon after, she received a message from her contact within the KGB, Tatyana, talking about something from World War II they dug up from their archives called "Endstation" with a ground operation taking place in Poland. She warned Weaver about the matter but feared their conversations were spied on. She soon received a VHS tape with war footage of Endstation from Tatyana with the help of other contacts who were killed by the KGB shortly after. Samantha tasked Dieter to send the tape to Weaver and the CIA.

By early November 1983, several Outbreak Zones started to appear around the world. Samantha contacted Weaver and urged him to watch the tape while explaining to him that Endstation was the cause of the outbreaks and that Omega Group was behind all of it. This lead to the creation of Requiem with Weaver being one of its leaders. While Weaver offered his help to protect Samantha, she refused; arguing she must stay in the field. Believing the BND was compromised by Omega Group, she was now operating without authorization or oversight. Weaver sent men to retrieve Samantha, but she managed to fend them off and left Germany to meet a new contact within Omega Group, Sergei Ravenov, who she believed could be turned. After a stop in Romania, she traveled to Vietnam where an Omega base, Outpost 25, was located under the leadership of William Peck.

With the information provided by Ravenov, Samantha realized the full extent of Omega Group's plans: controlling the bridges between their world and the Dark Aether to harness and weaponize Aetherium to win the Cold War. Between May and June 1984, Samantha was captured while infiltrating Outpost 25. Interrogated by Peck, she was soon thrown in the Dark Aether after refusing to disclose information and withstanding torture, where she stayed trapped far longer than what it seemed from the real world as time flowed differently within the Dark Aether. Samantha survived the shadowy hellscape long enough to reflect on herself and her path. Ultimately, she was rescued by Requiem who, with the help of Ravenov, infiltrated the overrun facility and opened a portal for her to escape. After battling an Orda, she followed Requiem as they were leaving the area while Ravenov rejoined Omega Group as a large operation was taking place in the Ural Mountains....
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Ooo accepted!!
So, how many players are we aiming for?
four i guess including us three, then we can start and just have people pop in over time potentially
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Hell, I'm ready when you guys are.
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So, shall we play a game?
Sure, also im giving it another day and then if no ones there ill just make a second dude, had a couple ideas tho theyll be simialr to astora
Can I edit my character? She's been given her own special bundle in the game and I want to be as accurate as possible.

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