Original poster
The entire city was a mess. Much of the major destruction came from various crashes, people knocked unconscious at the wheel, and every chain reaction that had resulted from that. There were fires all over the place, and nobody to put them out; a decent building code was all that kept Gateway city from turning into a literal inferno.
Raerin had no idea why he was thinking about fire. There was something much more important to be thinking about right now.
He had been turned into a wolf, and it was a miracle he could even walk in his new form. He had seen reflections...he didn't look like a normal wolf, not any picture he had seen. His eyes were still the same color they had been before, and his coat of fur was red, hardly suited for camouflage in any biome he was aware of. There were still some fresh scars on him, one on his face (muzzle?) and a few on his sides. When attacked by some other animals...some people, insane people, who he knew somehow to be feral, he'd run away, unwilling to hurt them back despite how much his body seemed to scream it wanted to.
He couldn't eat anything that wasn't meat. He'd tried, there was still some food left in the hotel's kitchen, but he'd just hacked it up. He still managed to scavenge a little bit, but it felt like he was always hungry. Every little bit of meat he found only served to whet his appetite. That was worrying. When he had seen a rabbit, he'd started drooling, and had to remind himself that that had probably been a person before. That might still be a person. But when he had tried saying hello, it just ran away.
He knew he'd eaten enough to survive for a little while. He knew that what he needed, more than anything, was water. His throat was parched, and he hadn't had anything to drink in several hours. He had no idea how long it had been...he looked up into the sky, and saw the sun burning almost directly overhead. It had been around noon, hadn't it? So, that would make it noon again...he had officially been a wolf for a day, even if some of that time he had been unconscious. It wasn't going to be much longer if he died of thirst.
Fortunately, as he turned a corner on the sidewalk, Raerin came upon what looked like a pool of water on the corner. On closer investigation, it was a result of a fire hydrant that had been knocked over by a car. That was good, it meant the water was probably relatively clean. Raerin drew close, looking around and seeing nobody else around, and then bent his head over the puddle and started drinking. Using his tongue was unfamiliar and weird, but he was far too thirsty to care right now.
((OOC here))
Raerin had no idea why he was thinking about fire. There was something much more important to be thinking about right now.
He had been turned into a wolf, and it was a miracle he could even walk in his new form. He had seen reflections...he didn't look like a normal wolf, not any picture he had seen. His eyes were still the same color they had been before, and his coat of fur was red, hardly suited for camouflage in any biome he was aware of. There were still some fresh scars on him, one on his face (muzzle?) and a few on his sides. When attacked by some other animals...some people, insane people, who he knew somehow to be feral, he'd run away, unwilling to hurt them back despite how much his body seemed to scream it wanted to.
He couldn't eat anything that wasn't meat. He'd tried, there was still some food left in the hotel's kitchen, but he'd just hacked it up. He still managed to scavenge a little bit, but it felt like he was always hungry. Every little bit of meat he found only served to whet his appetite. That was worrying. When he had seen a rabbit, he'd started drooling, and had to remind himself that that had probably been a person before. That might still be a person. But when he had tried saying hello, it just ran away.
He knew he'd eaten enough to survive for a little while. He knew that what he needed, more than anything, was water. His throat was parched, and he hadn't had anything to drink in several hours. He had no idea how long it had been...he looked up into the sky, and saw the sun burning almost directly overhead. It had been around noon, hadn't it? So, that would make it noon again...he had officially been a wolf for a day, even if some of that time he had been unconscious. It wasn't going to be much longer if he died of thirst.
Fortunately, as he turned a corner on the sidewalk, Raerin came upon what looked like a pool of water on the corner. On closer investigation, it was a result of a fire hydrant that had been knocked over by a car. That was good, it meant the water was probably relatively clean. Raerin drew close, looking around and seeing nobody else around, and then bent his head over the puddle and started drinking. Using his tongue was unfamiliar and weird, but he was far too thirsty to care right now.
((OOC here))