Rebirth For Salrtban

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Rrakkt blinked once or twice at her sudden talking, her insecure words not going unnoticed by the eating male. Slurping his noodles loudly he wiped his face with the back of his hand before shaking his head a bit. You could take the girl out of the suppressing environment but you couldn't take the suppression out of the girl...well, quickly anyway.

"Elekav, I like your company. I don't mind having another person around at all. You shouldn't be so worried about upsetting my normal routine, in all honestly, the change is great! I've gone months without talking to another person before and I'll tell you that is probably the loneliest time I have ever had. With her here...It feels just a little bit more like home."
He told her with a smile before looking back down at his food. "Anyway, Let's eat. We have to get you can to training on the radar and then get you some actual experience time.

With that said, Rrakkt returned to his food, smiling and showing that even with another her there now, he was as content as could be if not more so! However, they still had a lot more coming there way than just asteroids...

The planet of pick up was large and easily three times the size of their own home planet. It certainly left an impression when looked upon. It had taken them a few days, in which Rrakkt had Elekav working with the radar that whole time. Sitting in his captains chair, he was dressed in some rather snappy clothing, though it certainly was no tux. A tight black tang top was tight on his frame and high collared while his pants were fitting and had a bit more wiggle room. His boots were also black and he had a green coat of sorts resting on the back of his chair.

He was preparing to land on the planet at the sight of pick up, but he decided that it would be wise to relax a bit off of the ship for one night at least before flying back in space, for Elekav's sake anyway. Besides, last time he was on this planet the food was great, and he wasn't about to miss a chance on a delicious and cheap meal. At the moment, Elekav was not near him, or on the bridge for that matter, where ever she was though, he was sure that she was getting quite the lovely sight of the planet.
Everyday was an improvement, if by only small steps. As she became accustom to life on the ship, seeing Rrakkt every day and becoming knowledgable with the radar, Elekav seemed less serious. Her smiles were still nearly nonexistent, but Rrakkt had seen it more then once in those quiet moments when she was truly happy and content, without a care in the world.

Elekav also became very fond of bathing, sometimes showering twice a day. Since Rrakkt didn't seem to comment on her new habit, she didn't think much of it other then the fact that it felt good. Her room was a place for quiet contemplation, and while there was yet very little to add a personal touch, she was indeed at home with her room. While she did spend a good amount of time in there when Rrakkt was busy, she did not hide in there, but got to know many other parts of the ship as well.

Passing by one of the outer viewpoints, Elekav paused. She had known they were to be to the planet soon, but seeing it was startling. Knowing that surprises were not always a bad thing was still something she had to get use to and she had to will her heartbeat to slow down so she could enjoy the sight. Then figuring she wanted to be up there, Elekav sprinted to the bridge port so she could climb up.
Rrakkt was heading into the planets atmosphere when Elekav joined him on the bridge. Smiling at her out of the corner of his eye he continued to bring the ship around as the land grew closer and closer quickly. Before she would be able to respond the supply pick up was in plain sight. It was a large city basically, the land a bright and strange pink color. It seemed misty down there, but that could have been a trip of the light. As he brought it around to land, he pointed over to the radar chair for her to sit, after all, landing wasn't exactly a gentle process.

"Sit, it's gonna be shaky for a bit."
He explained simply just as a voice came on a call.

"Vessel, please relay you passage code and crew number." A thickly accented voice said.

"40-0876, crew number is 2" Rrakkt simply replied.

"Aaalright...You have permission to land, we'll be taking you into the control field in 3, 2, 1..."

The ship gave a rough shake, enough to knock anyone standing down to the floor. When that was done, Rrakky shut down his controls and let them do the rest of the work. Relaxing, he just sat back as the ground control did all the work.
Elekav nodded and headed for her seat, her eyes never leaving the view of the land before them. She was glad she had not dawdled, because when the ground control took over the landing the ship shook more then should would have expected. Looking over at Rrakkt to be sure everything was going normal, she finally relaxed. After all Rrakkt didn't seem to least bit concerned.

"Will we have to be here long to receive your cargo?" She had very little idea what was to go on with the pick up, much of the last few days the conversations had either been about what she was learning, even conversations about their childhood had been rare. There was a part of her that wished they could walk around and explore the alien world, but Elekav was sure that once Rrakkt had his cargo he would want to be on his way. He needed to recoup the money he lost buying her freedom.
"Well, we don't have to be, but I was thinking that some time on land could do us some good. We've been stuck on ship for awhile so it certainly wouldn't hurt us. So I think we should spend a day on the planet, explore a bit before we gather supplies and head out." He explained simply.

Rrakkt also wanted a break from space, a man could only stay on a ship for only so long. As the ship was pulled into dock, Rrakkt started to prepare to shut down the ship and land officially. After all the control station couldn't do everything from there. Hitting a few switches here and there as the ship was brought closer to the ground, The control team finally let go of the ship and allow Rrakkt to finish the landing. It was a loud thunk of sort but then again, the ship was rather large and in such a tiny space, it was better just to let things fall into place then get all twitch with the controls.

Smiling as they were locked into the dock, Rrakkt finally undid his belts and stood, stretching and yawning before looking over to Elekav and motioning for her to follow.
There was interest in Elekav's serious expression. She could not, or would not be overly excited, but Rrakkt's idea was right in line with her own desires. Yet, despite only the faintest hint of happiness, she was, and she followed Rrakkt down out of the bridge and along the corridor to leave the ship.

"Have you been to this planet before?"
She wondered if he already knew places to go, or if they would both be in the unknown. Either was fine as far as she was concern. It was new for her no matter what, and Rrakkt's company would be wonderful as they looked around the strange planet. She had no idea what to expect on the planet, but she was sure she would enjoy their day on the planet. When they exited the ship she was a bit nervous, but everything new seemed to cause her anxiety, it was the fact that she kept pushing herself that kept her from being crippled by her fear of the unknown.
As Rrakkt walked through the halls, he only patted it pockets to make sure that he had everything that he could possibly need on the planet. Once he was happy to find he had his wallet and such, he made his way out of the open ship platform and entered the large docking bay. He paused as he waited for Elekav, letting her get used to the new environment as he spoke.

"Only once or twice. I've picked up shipments here before and stocked up on supplies on occasion. However, I've never really stayed long enough to get to know the place well...It will be an adventure then, won't it? We can explore and see what we find in the city." He said with a grin.

As they stood there, a tall and lanky alien approached them. It was in a flowing garment of sorts and it's appearance was feminine in build. With deep black eyes it looked down at them, forming something similar to a smile, though without a noticeable nose it seemed a little on the strange side. It pulled out a pad like device and held it out in silence, let out only a distinct purr like sound. Rrakkt looked to the alien and smiled before taking the pad and signing it simply. The aline let out another more happy purr before machines started to appear and lock the ship right own into the docking bay floor.
"An adventure," she said softly, remember a time when life was always an adventure. In her youth, during those golden days, playing, laughing and everything in life was new and fascinating. Without comment she placed her hand in his. "I think my favorite adventures are with you."

As she waited, she tried to deciefer what everything was and how they operated. To just observe and figure things out, even if she had no need to know or understand, was enjoyable. The lack of constant pressure to do something or pretend not to be interested in life around her. Her eyes were still mostly down cast, and she wasn't about to look any of the aliens in the eyes, but she was more observant then she appeared.
Rrakkt smiled and chuckled a bit as she took his hand. He let her hold it, not minding the feel of his fingers intertwining with her for that moment. Once the ship was locked into place and the large alien had left them to stand there, he started to tug her along towards teh Dock exit. After all, they wouldn't be having much of an adventure if they just stood there they whole time they were on the surface of the planet. Heading through the Dock exit, they walked down a long hallway that seemed to be made of glass, allowing them to look over the planet surface without needing any special pressure suits of any kind.

"Come on, Let's get going on our adventure."
He joked a bit as he walked, taking his time as they took the path between the docks and the city.