Realm of the Fey (Dreamth & Poetic)

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The only reason why she thought of coming here was that he could at least rest peacefully in a home and bed with food in the morning. She would have been better off sleeping in her lodge she paid 600 for, outrageously priced for a one room but she had no choice at the time. Her luck has changed now though, she thought as she closed the door behind him and walked across the room which was the lobby to another door and put the key in and opened it and waited for him to walk in so she could close it behind her. As her eyes looked over the familiar room where she has stayed once or twice, memories of her past wanted to leak through as she felt vulnerable being around him. Tomorrow she thought, they would need to talk over their situation with a clear mind and how she could give him all her skills and wonder what sort of magic user he really is.

The guest room has a pallet of dark blue, softer shade of blue and smoky grey that gave the room a neutral calming appearance. The dark blue carpet lead five steps to the soft pillow top single queen bed and beside it a wooden small round night stand and a single chair along with a square window to look out of. Connected to the room across the bed is a door where a standup shower, toilet and pedestal sink is and that was it. The blankets and curtain décor were soft shades of blue and grey as she walked over to a painting on the wall that held a frame of a field of wildflowers next to the bathroom door and held up her hands and shrugged "I don't know how your living standards are but I hope this well do for tonight. There is something I must do though and I want you to watch since now we have come to an agreement…" Her eyes filled with secrecy as she took her staff and held it in both hands and closed her eyes.

Taking in a deep breath she let her right hand hold the staff and the other moved up and held the knot at the top as she whispered, out of his ear reach, to the crooked swerve branch as the runes begin to glow a soft bluest white light. Her eyes flickered open as they matched the same color as her hand that touched the top swirled around and a mist seeped out of the staff as she grinned as the demon spoke chillingly, "Yesssss…master…Tis past midnight, I didn't think you would call…" The echoes of the mist demon's words filled the room as it spoke to her. With a voice that overcame her with power, deep and commanding she responded promptly, "Have I ever missed a night since that night? No, I have not Achlys, now you know the routine but this shall now be tweaked. You WILL stand by and protect this man's life as well. His life comes before mine you will do what I say yes?" Her eyes narrowed to the demon as she waited for a response as she gripped the staff tighter and twisted the handle as the demon gave out a short shriek of pain and materialized into a misty figure of a female human form with hollow eyes as it laid curled by her feet. " Yesss, I shall do what you've requested…"The demon sunk into the ground and its essence vanished to take an outside perimeter of the cottage to protect them for the night. The glow in her eyes faded as she gasped taking in a deep breath and slowly breathing out as she glared at him despite what he may say, "I can't take any chances for it's quite possible the army is looking for me. I will take the first watch and you may rest. We have lots to talk of in the morning." Without waiting a respond from him, she turned her back away on him and opens and closed the door behind her and walked toward the window and knelt in the moonlight as it radiant her ivory soft skin and black raven hair that shined silver in the light. She had to get away from him as hot tears streamed down her face feeling accomplished toward her goal. She closed her eyes as she held the staff with both hands and concentrated to mediate her emotions as she silently fought to wept.

She let him rest in the room for the night as she stayed out in lobby still kneeling as dawn broke. The birds begin to sing as her eyes slowly fluttered open still holding her staff as she softly spoke to herself, "I love the sound of birds…" Shaking her head she rubbed her eyes to clean the sand away as the little old woman smiled to her with a tray of food. "Oh! I'm sorry Elder, I hope I didn't cause you to worry!" She stood up and took the tray from her as Elder went to the couch to sit and spoke quietly, "You should have slept with that handsome man you know…" A deep shade of red flushed her cheeks as the old woman kept an innocent grin on her face from Rei expression and she picked up her crotchet and begin to nit away. Her mind race now with thoughts of Gideon and how he might have acted toward her under difference circumstances. Biting her tongue to dismiss her fantasies, she kicked the door a few times a knock to wake him up feeling little irritated from Elder to bring up such thoughts, "I have food in my hands if you're ready to eat."
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Though he didn't feel magically drained now he still felt physically drained. Bringing a hand up to his face he rubbed his eyes with his thumb and an index finger as he stepped into the room. It was the sound of the door closing behind him that made him left out a sigh and look toward Rei only to see her walking in front of him. He didn't know what she was going to do but for the moment he was going to rest on the bed, hopefully it would wake him up a little more. Moving towards the only bed in the room had sat at the edge and tugged his hood off before running a hand through his messy hard hair. A moment later he dropped his hand and looked to his companion. Something was coming off her, some kind of feeling he couldn't place a finger on. Alone. If that was a feeling at all it's what was coming from her.

He'd have to get used to her emotions. Though, if they were going to work together it would come in handy. Especially when they couldn't communicate with each other verbally. Maybe he'd set up a better connect when he regained his magic in the morning. If he tired anything now but simple spells he'd surly hurt himself, "I have no standard when it comes to rest," his gaze swept around the room briefly, "I've been in worse places with nastier people," he'd look to her with amusement in his eyes though it faded quickly and he nodded, "Go on," he encouraged, wondering what she had to show him. He suddenly felt more awake as she took her staff though didn't comment but rather listened. He felt like she was going to use power it took some ages to master. At least, that's what he had seen when she let him see into her.

He barely caught her uttering words from her mouth much less what she said. His lip sealed together lightly as he watched her begin what he assumed was a summoning. What was to come out he didn't know. Did she have control of what came out and what didn't? He remained silent not wanting to interrupt something that seemed to sacred. His eyes stayed on the staff most of the time, at least until the mist began to pour out. His eyes went to it, trying to make out a form but couldn't see one. It was the voice that made him believe it was all real though. It send a wave through him that told him to protect himself somehow though of course he didn't needing to get used to this if they were going to work together. Plus, he didn't know what would attract the demons attention. For the moment he preferred if it wasn't on him.

Though the voice seemed to be everywhere around them at once his eyes stayed on what was in front of him. It was her tone that made him look to her for just a moment. She spoke so boldly to a demon yet she seemed too weak in front of him earlier before. He supposed it should be that way though. He wouldn't dare to show weakness in front of a demon either. Some part of him already knew this though and a fresh wave of adrenaline went through him. It was when the demon shrieked that his attention went to it and away from Rei. His eyes clouded lightly as it turned into a woman though he didn't speak. Finally when the woman dissolved did he look back to Rei just as the trance was over?

He only rose a brow, at her harsh tone but didn't question her about it. It probably took a lot out of her like what he did before took a lot out of him. He did agree completely to taking watches though he would have rather volunteered to such a task after what he just witnessed. His eyes followed her as she crossed the room, "Sleep well Rei," he said just loud enough for her to hear before she closed the door after her. He waited, listening to her footsteps slowly vanish before looking around the small room. He felt somewhat guilty about taking the bed for himself when she had paid for it. If anything he could have slept on the floor with a pillow if anything while she took the bed. With a shake of his head he let out a relaxed breath. At least she would wake him for second watch.

It was with that thought that he stripped off his jacket and his shoes and laid on the bed. A lot more than he expected went on tonight, more than he cared to bargain for but it seemed all worth it. Plus, when did a chance like this ever come? If he was lucky they would both come out of this alive and well. She seemed strong but had a lot to learn. Magic being one of them in case she couldn't get to that staff of hers. With those thoughts he drifted to sleep, casting one last spell around the room before truly falling into a much needed slumber.

Though the night didn't have very many hours in it he slept through them peacefully enough. He dreamt of Rei and her demon and everything that had happened. It was strange to wake up only to find out that it was all true. Slowly rising from bed he brought a hand to his head and rubbed his face. His magic was back. He felt rather relieved at that fact and would celebrate it with a shower. He felt like he smelt like that tavern he had gone to last night. With a glance out the window he saw dawn was just about to start and slowly rose from bed before walking towards the bathroom. He realized a few things in there. One, Rei never woke him for his shift and two, he'd need to actually waist his magic on making new clothes this time.

He walked out of the shower with a pair of pants on and a towel around his bare upper body. With a glance out the window he saw the sun rise and found himself memorized with it slightly. It was at the kick on the door that he felt a strange feeling wash over him. He should have felt her. It was then that he remembered what they did last night and he sighed. She would bypass his weaker spells, "Come in," was all responded with before relaxing lightly. She sounded irritated, at who or what he hadn't a clue. To think he thought they were having a breakthrough last night. No matter today would be full of talking and exchanging information anyways.
Quickly glancing at the door knob, to her staff, then the tray she stomped a foot in a pouting manner and sighed. Grumbling about wanting to eat the food all to herself now, she shifted the tray to her right hip and held the tray with her right arm so she could open the door with her left hand. When the door slowly opened she shifted her weight back and grabbed the tray with her left hand as the silverware rattled. As she entered the room, the scent of toast, boiled eggs, bananas, apples, lemon cakes, winter squash warm soup, pumpkin seeds and two cups of hot water with packages of tea beside it. This tray was obviously fairly huge to carry as she slowly took a few steps into the room watching her steps she irritably ranted to him, "You know, the least you could have done was open the damn-"Her eyes raised to give him a disapproval look and replaced with dazed as her words cut off as she walked half way across the room and stopped dead in her trail.

The unmistakably blood red tone of the lightning bolts that scattered across his chest filled her eyes with sudden astonishment. She wondered what had happened to him, to cause such distinction marks as she felt a burning pain within her own blood as she stared in marvel at him. Her cold hands felt an urge to touch his hands and to be rid of this painful burden mark. Pushing those thoughts aside remember well his warning,she gulped lightly as remorse filled her.
Dismissing her thoughts her eyes glanced up into his, hoping her wouldn't catch her gazing upon him as she became awkwardly silent and walked to the round table and placed the tray down. She walked back toward the door in a brisk stride and closed the door as she tried to regain her confident with a half naked man in front of her. She had many nights of lust for one -night stands, yet it usually consists on her terms and never twice did she go back to the same man. She found his capability of using magic appealing to her in many different ways yet she told herself not to mix pleasure with work. It always turned out bad in the end, experienced she didn't know but only assumed. When her mind is fixed on an idea she concentrated for only on that sole purpose and to keep forbidding thoughts to herself.

Yet he felt her pain, she poured her heart into him which left her to feel accessible and exposed to this man. Trying to put her pride aside if she wanted to make this business relationship work they would need to express themselves openly. Gideon felt her at her weakest and saddest points in her life yet there wasn't any sparks of affection love toward any spouse. It didn't bother much on the outside as she played with lust but hidden in heart was something more. To distracted her ongoing mind she softly asked, "How are you feeling this morning? Elder is a very good cook, you should find the soup to spruce up our energy to start the day." Trying not to met his gaze again as he stood in a towel she walked over to the bed and sat down with her back toward him and ripped open a English breakfast tea packet. The sun felt good on her face as an inescapable moan parted her lips as she shifted her body comfortably in the sunlight.

The sun radiate a warm glow upon her skin as a tint of purple highlighted throughout her raven black hair as she looked consummate under the morning sun. She knew the days would rapidly pass by, as hope begin to fill her heart with Gideon on her side and her heart seemed lessen with anger and guilt. She placed the teabag in one of the small tea cups and picked up her soup and began to slowly sip as she felt the warmth of the soup calm her nerves and hoped he would join her. She than spoke up again thoughtfully, "So now that we have come to an agreement on my proposal, you never did reward me with the product I've delivered to you." She took a few more sips of the soup as she felt more like herself and she added saucy, "I never forget an exchange Gideon, and I have rent due. We do need to comprehend one another's objection and what we both need from each other and if you're willing to come to my room in the Tavern, after were finished here, I can show you what you're up against." Her heart tingled suddenly of lust as she bite back her bottom lip to hid her true intentions as she put the empty bowl down and steep her tea three times then discarded the bag and picked up her cup of tea and hid a smirked regardless. Smelling the tea rejuvenated her senses as she sipped the hot liquid and softly let out a purr of enjoyment.
In the window a misty form filled the square as Rei's eyes flashed a second of light at the demon that stood guard throughout the night, and bowed respectively before dissipating into the air quickly as it serviced its purpose for the night.
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It was at the stomp that made him pull out of his thoughts and turn towards the door. He knew for a fact no one else was with her because he would have sensed them. He heard murmurs on the other side of the door which made him quite baffled as to what she was doing. She didn't sound like the type that would speak to herself much less put herself in harm's way. It was when the door slowly opened that he saw the massive tray in her hands and simply rose a brow. That was a lot of food. How she managed this balancing act was beyond him. His stomach growled then as if asking for the food on her tray and he rolled his eyes. It seemed he had skipped a meal last night now that he remembered correctly. His eyes went to the soup, despite everything else and they lingered there for a moment in wonder.

At her voice a smile found its way to his lips and he looked back up to her. No wonder she sounded irritated. If he would have known though he would have gotten his own food, "Here I thought you wanted to show off your strength," he muttered lowly though realized she wasn't exactly looking at him. Or she was just, not at something he preferred she looked at. He resisted the urge to move the towel over him more but let her see the scars that riddles his chest. He had to keep reminding himself they were going to spend quite a lot of time together. Taking down an army wasn't exactly something that was done within a week or month but took dedication. Something she had plenty of for the both of them.

He had to admit, she did look rather strange stopping in the middle of the room. Almost as if he had put a spell on her. When she finally looked up at him he matched her gaze waiting for any questioned that might arise at the sight of what was one his chest. When no questions came he just watched, following her with his gaze as she walked towards the table and set the food down. The moment she walked back to the door he went to the tray of food and took the soup. If the old woman had made this then it was almost guaranteed to be good. It seemed that the elderly developed a magic for food all on their own that not anyone could master. Though he was probably as old as the woman in the other room he had yet to master the art of fine cooking. Then again, it wasn't as if people came to him for his cooking skills but rather for his magic.

Going back to the still unmade bed he sat at the edge of it and looked to Rei to still have her back to the door. It must have been his lack of clothes that bothered her, which made sense. It wasn't as if she was walking around without a top on so he supposes he shouldn't either. The big question was what color he would wear to day. Getting up, he set the soup back down on the table before walking towards the bathroom again and disappearing inside of it. He emerged again a moment later with the towel off his shoulders and pulling a grey shirt over his head before letting it fall down to cover the rest of his upper body, "I wonder what time she had to wake up to get all of this started and finished," he said going back to the small table and taking the soup again before bringing it to his lips and drinking it straight from the bowl. He leaned against the wall, just out of the suns touch, and relaxed as the warm liquid spread through him.

It was at the soft moan that escaped her lips that he rose an amused brow to her. He wondered then if she had slept or if he should have let her sleep now. His dull gaze found hers as she began to speak, "No I haven't. I assume it was just a lure to get me to hear you out," truth be told if she had come to him with the proposition of fighting much less destroying an army he would have called her insane. He watched her carefully as she continued speaking though towards the end he felt himself let out a sigh and take another drink of the warm soup before answering, "I didn't enjoy the place last night I wouldn't enjoy it this morning either," even though it was probably empty right now it would still hold lots of things they could feed off of to help with teaching her, "We'll go after you've finished eating," he murmured with one last drink of the soup before setting down the empty bowl.

"For the mean time you can tell me what you'd like in exchange for what you given me," he looked to the site lightly and plucked a puck of bread before eating it. After he swallowed he continued, "Before we begin I'd like for you to have no debts with anyone else. Debts had a tendency to bite you in the ass when you least expect it," if it was money that she needed he had more than enough to give to her as long as that's all she would owe.
After finishing her tea, she sat it down and stood up as she picked up an apple. She wanted to show him the blue prints to the armies headquarters and to inform him everything she knew, as well of the information that she needed to find out. Since he didn't offer to stay at the Guild she only assume that he wouldn't like returning to the place but she nodded silently as he complied to her. In the corner of her eye, she realized he wore now a grey shirt as she turned toward him feeling comfortable enough to look him back into his eyes. Smirking when her eyes looked him over in his grey shirt, curiosity wondered into her eyes from a book she read. She took a slow bite out of her apple as she replied after swallowing, "My only debt is with you Gideon and I haven't had any complaints as of yet to leave anyone unsatisfied with my skills." She paused as she noticed the bed was unmade and sighed as she automatically begin to strip the sheets with force with one hand as the apple went to her staff hand and folded them into a basket by the door and folded the quilt nicely on top of the bed. Being disciplined her whole life she had to do this same routine mandatory since she was a little girl yet she respectfully was fond of helping the ones that aid her in return.

She took a couple more bites of her apple realizing how hungry she was too, and raised a brow to him as she finished her statement," I have rent due, Its the first week of October. I have no clue what your plans, if we'll be traveling or where we'll be staying and if it's somewhere else I'll need to pack my things. It's not much but it may help in aid us of my side of the bargain .Soooo…with that being said…" An idea just came across her as she finished her apple and tossed it into a waste bin next to her feet as she walked to the bathroom door and looked over her shoulder to look back up at him and quickly ended, "You can repay me by living with you and taking care of all my traveling expanses since you don't enjoying staying at the Guild. And No complaining!" She grinned and shut the door.

With a nod to herself she thought she did well as she turned the hot water full blast and being to undress. She doesn't see anything wrong with a man of his stature paying for food an lodge if they do need to travel. Then she started to wonder if he owned a huge mansion like the one she used to live in. Imagining how nice that would be to live in such luxury without a care in the world when you have power. She bit her bottom lip as she placed the staff next to the shower and stared at it pondering. After a few minutes of daydreaming her hand slowly released the middle of the staff and with a sigh she jumped into the shower. She moaned out loudly as the hot water trailed over her cold skin as she reminisce how a shower is so close of being better than sex. After a half hour of showering she jumped out to dry off as steam puffed out the doors and cracks. She dried off and placed her regular revealing clothing on thinking this was another reason why she wanted to go back to her one room; she needed to change out of these leather cut summer outfit. She tried drying her long thick wavy hair as best as she could as she brushed and braided a few strands back.

With damp hair she took the towel in her left and opened the door and took a hold of her staff with her right and walked out of the bathroom and walked to the basket and threw the towel in it. Feeling revealed she said,"Alright I'm ready to go." She walked over to tray again and grabbed half of the pumpkin seeds and pop them one at a time in her mouth as she headed to the door. Opening it and leaving it open, she walked passed Elder and whispered "He is a hunk with his shirt off"into her ear that made the old woman smiled innocently as her grey eyes flashed over to Gideon and the curly silver hair lady stood up and proclaimed, "I'm Elder you may call me. Come back anytime, I'm always here." Her tone held an familiar vibe as her eyes sparkled with an kindred spirit. Rei was already walking outside back toward the Guild as she was ready to move on and eager to see what this man has in store for her.
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"Well that's one thing out of the way," he said out loud, looking down to the food choices in front of him. Though he realized she was up and moving now he focused more of his attention on the lemon cake. It had been a while sense he had a proper meal. Plucking another piece off the cake, this one larger, he tossed it into his mouth before looking towards Rei. Amusement touched his eyes though he didn't speak, not when his mouth was full of sweetness. His eyes lingered on her long after he was done chewing though and he let out a breath. He didn't see her as the clean and tidy type but rather destructive and messy. This was defiantly something new. It was when she finally held still that he felt the need to comment, "I pictured you more destructive when it came to bedrooms," he said and with that an easy smile came to his lips.

"I'll pay your rent and whatever other fees you owe," he said dismissing and trying to cut short any long lists she may have, "As long as it could be paid in currency and not anything else," he didn't enjoy giving his magic away or his body for that matter. He treasured every hair on his head, "Traveling arrangements can be made when we get there. I don't reserve rooms ahead of time because that's how people track you," he looked up as he attempted to think of what he did when he was working, "I don't stay in the same room every night so we will be moving from hotel to motel quite often," his eyes went back to her only to see her apple fly into the trashcan. His eyes went back to her and remained on her as she walked towards the bathroom. He didn't enjoy the look she gave him and he didn't know why.

At least, he didn't know why until she opened her mouth. His eyes narrowed lightly at her rushed words and watched as she slammed the door shut a little too quickly. He had forgotten how women worked, sneaky little things. He had the urge to go in after her but thought better of it. He didn't know what she was doing in there. Though her clothes was revealing he knew she was covering main parts of her skin. He didn't want to see what was under those coverings, not because he wouldn't like it because he certainly would but because she would never look the same to him. With a shake of his head he looked back to the lemon cake. She would miss out on it and it was her own fault.

By the time she had come out the lemon cake was gone and he was leaning against head board on the bed. The moment she opened the door he looked towards her as a wave of mist pooled at her feet that had been trapped in the bathroom, "Though I will pay for living expenses I will not pay for unnecessary things like make up and the sort," meaning he wasn't going to pay for a shopping spree she might indulge herself in, "Food, a warm bed, and a shower should be enough," he watched her cross the room and put her towel in the laundry basket before looking to her directly, "As am I," he responded, glad to be moving again as he got up and began to walk after her, snatching his jacket from where he left it the night before and slipping it on.

His eyes went to the two women as he approached her wondering what on earth they could be chatting about. It was the look the older woman gave him that made him think they were up to no good. "I will," he said, knowing one day he would be back here though maybe not in her lifetime. He tipped his head in farewell before walking after Rei. He wouldn't ask what she told the woman only because it wasn't necessary and he probably wouldn't get an answer, "What exactly must you retrieve from the Guild?" he asked as he walked alongside her now. He hoped she packed light.
The morning air felt wonderfully on her face as she smiled to welcome the new day. She felt alive as she took the time to look around the world around her and listen to the birds sing as they approached a small forest that inclined up the mountain to the Guild. Pondering to herself, she couldn't even remember the last time she felt like an human. To embrace the clean air threw her hair, the warmth of the sun as it reached noon, the sight of the leaves colors turning flaming red and fiery orange that excited her within. Damn! She thought, snapping her fingers as the taste of lemon cake watered her glands forgetting to have a couple, she glared at Gideon as he approached her blaming him.
With Gideon now on her mind she thought back to the conversations they had and thought to herself as her eyes became soften once more. Living as an wandering, she knew how it was to live from place to place, at least the last 6 months she knew. She kept silent as he asked her the question of what she needed ,until they reached the top. Once they began walking to the Guild she whispered, "Ask for Van, He'll be the skinny ragged hair wizard behind the bar. He takes care of the lodging and orders the servants around. Don't ask questions my dear friend when there's no need for asking. If you know what's good for you. Quickly come up the steps and I'll wait for you there. It gets tricky after the first floor." Her eyes met his to reassure that he understood and with a approval nod she headed first to the Guild.

She opens the wooden door with her Staff as no one seemed to occupy the entrance as last night, and holds it out for Gideon. The round tables and booths were being wiped down as a couple people sat at the bar eating breakfast it seemed."Hey Re- or um Fireball Get your ass over here and pay me my rent!" Couple glances in their direction, she narrowed her eyes at Van and stomped over their to him. She whispered with a bang of a fist on the counter, "Don't ever beckon me over like that Van. How dare you? Don't be jealous because I have my eyes on a more powerful wizard than you. You'll get your money." Van looked surprised as he became speechless from her actions. He knew who and what she is and kept to himself. He didn't want anything to do with bullshit army or her problems, yet he was quite of aware of her powers. He felt sorrow for her family and let her board room and felt having a powerful Conjurer could be good for protection. His eyes darted at the man she walked in with and looked away toward the mug he was cleaning and shooed her away. With a satisfied nod she walked pass the bar to the right where a spiral staircase awaited. Before going up to the steps her topaz eyes were transfix on Gideon curious on what the conversation would be about between the two wizards, as she slowly walked up the steps.

She waited at the second floor for Gideon as she looked downstairs watching him ascend the staircase."I hope all went well?" She inquired as she went to grab his hand and stopped dead in mid motion almost horrified remember not to do it. She took in a deep breath as her heart begins to beat once again and carefully she held onto his arm as they walked down the hall. As they walked, they both watched the hall become longer with larger door frames then before. Bewitched to hold at least 50 more rooms they stopped at room 17.She took the key out and unlocked it and quickly stepping into her room as she pulled him to come inside and she closed the door. She spoke up to answer his thoughts of why she might have touched him and guilt of her stupidest of what could have happened. "Look Gideon, I apologizes I didn't mean for that scare I had to though. If you don't have a key and enter the Second floor, messy things could happen. A spell they enchanted for security purposes I heard from Orin." She walked away from him feeling ashamed she could have let herself screw up like that as she went to the writer's desk.

Her room contained of dark blue floors and amber yellow walls with a single queen size bed with two night stands on either side with drawers, a walk in closest, a sitting area with two chairs and a square table, a kitchen area with a fridge and stove and full bathroom with a tub. Everything seemed to be folded promptly and straight edge as if no one was living here. The 7 pillows décor on the bed lay perfectly on the made bed as if she never slept in or made it every morning perfectly like that. Everything was meant to be in its own place except the writer's desk that is on the far corner of the room. Newspapers pages are scattered around the desk and pins and writing paper scattered across the desk as a few books with old bindings lay on top. Her free hand touched the clippings of her parent's mansion as headlines read her parent's unsolved murder. She called out as her mind trailed off into another world, "Gideon…."

Her soul begun ripping with torment as her free hand tighten with a fist of anger. The beat of her heart begun to race as she gave him the paper clipping and then walked over to her bed, laying her staff on the bed, and bent underneath it to pull out a long tube. She popped the top open and took out a long blue print and opened it across the bed. "Yes Gideon, You cannot back down now. I've been honest of who I'm to you. This is it." The tone of her voice changed from the once free caring light hearten Rei to the old cold hearten stern with determination. "My parents were murder from what I believe is because I declined their demand to join them. Sure I was in their training vicinity since I've been born, yet the training became harsher and the army pushed my parents for retirement. I do NOT like to be told what to do like some slave without a choice or reason. I refused all over their "offers" as if they could pay me with anything for my soul. I have seen an increase of demons and wizards within Japan and I have no idea what is going on." She took a breath as she sighed trying to hold back her tears of hatred and continued. " Whether they want more power or preparing to start a war is beyond me…I want my revenge Gideon…I have nothing left…You have felt me…"Her watery eyes now went to him as her heart felt like an open doorway to him as she yearned to hear affection. Her hands are strong with callus yet trembled as they touched his chest where his heart lied and in her eyes they reflected pure sincere as she spoke, "As my word of an Conjurer, I will help you as I've promised. But my ending might be my life…I'm fully aware that you're life is at stake and to leave me when or if this shall become dire." She walked away from him sadly with her head down as she bite back her bottom lip and walked to the desk as her hands rested on the newspapers. "This is it my friend, my ambitions to strive on learning as much magic as one can in my stature. I need your help to teach me what all that you can. I need Intel within the army and find who and why killed off my family. And I will do whatever it takes to kill these bastards." She slammed a fist down as her teeth gritted as and she turned back to him. "But in order for me to get what I want, I need to help you. You know now my intentions I think it's time you share me yours." She went to the closest and took off a couple outfits on the hangers and placed them on the bed as she begun to pack.
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A sigh escaped his lips when she didn't answer his question though nevertheless he continued to walk alongside her. His mind drifted, though all the while he was aware of his surroundings and the people they passed. It was when he finally heard her voice that he pulled out of his thoughts, looking away from a woman and her younger child and in front of them. His eyes went to the building where he had first met Rei as she spoke. He would be lying if he told her he didn't plan to ask questions. Questioning everything was his nature, whether the other person cared to answer or not wasn't his concern. Of course, now that he had her warning he couldn't help but let out a breath, "As you wish," he murmured lowly sliding on his hood and keeping his gaze in front of him the closer they approached.

He allowed her to enter the building first before following after her moments later. The place seemed as dimly lit as the night before. He wondered if the occupants here enjoyed the place void of so much light because of their hangovers or because of what they were. His eyes adjusted quickly just in time to see the man who had shouted at Rei and the woman herself stomping over. His eyes stayed their normal dull hues and he didn't move, not wishing to get in the middle of a small confrontation. The patrons that happened to look his was say nothing but a blur they couldn't focus on when they looked to him. It was all part of the glamor of the jacket so he wasn't too paranoid about drawing attention to himself. He took a couple steps forward, wishing to pay the man and get it over with when Rei's words reached his ears.

He locked eyes with the man across the counter as he looked at him and in that moment saw all he needed to. This man was no threat. When Rei pulled away from the other wizard and finally passed him he took the liberty of closing the few steps between him and the man, "I will settle and pay whatever money she owes with whatever currency you would like," he would have asked for Van though he was almost sure this was the man he was supposed to speak to. Once the wizard named his price and currency he produced it easily from his coat pocket and gave it to him. Even if he could he wouldn't want to stay and chat with this man. His eyes went to the stairs Rei disappeared through before nodding once to the wizard and following after her. It took another few second for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before he saw her then heard her, "I do not see why it wouldn't have," he murmured with once last glance at the man looking over what he gave him before disappearing beside Rei.

Her hesitation made him look to her hand and see where she was reaching for, "You may take my hand when you wish, it's others that may not," he said and just to prove his words he moved his hand into hers and allowed her to guide him. He felt a slight buzz between their interlocked hands before it faded and vanished. He supposed it would take a while to get used to her completely. He followed her down the seemingly endless hallway realizing quickly it was enchanted. He would expect no less from a wizard that owned a piece of land. By the time they stopped his eyes went to the number above the door before they stepped through the threshold.

His eyes found hers as she spoke and when she turned followed her across the room. He didn't move from his spot by the door but rather casted a simple spell as he listened, "No need to apologize. What I saw here is nothing new or something I haven't done myself," his eyes trailed around her room, hoping it would tell something about her but once again he found it neat. When his eyes finally fell on the messy desk he heard his name being called. Moving off the wall he walked towards her and took the newspaper clipping from her before looking it over. This article, though old, seemed only half true. Nothing magical was mentioned and he didn't expect there to be. Human couldn't know of their worlds and the ones that did he assumed knew the true story of what happened to Rei already.

Looking up from the clipping he watched as she produced and unrolled what looked like blueprints across the bed. The lay out was complicated though manageable. Questions arose though he didn't voice them but rather kept them to himself for the time being, "So it's possible you know some people in this army?" he asked setting the clipping down on the desk and walking to stand beside her. His eyes went over the blueprints, "Can I trust you will not hesitate a single moment during all of this? That no matter what you see or hear you will stay by my side and bid my orders?" the real questioned seemed to force its way out of his mouth. It was something he needed to know, "Do you have any attachments to anything or anyone?" he wanted to know if she could or would be stopped. If her parents were all she cared about and were now gone then it would make it all the more easier. He would hate to have gone so far just for her to change her mind.

"Despite killing your parents I see no need to attack such a force," he said lowly though more to himself, "What exactly is this army for and why did your parents feel the need to join it?" he saw this all like the Mexican cartel. Though, unlike this army they had a purpose, drugs. This army? He still hadn't heard of them until now. "I must know their goals both long term and short term. I must know who is in charge and how their ranks work. What are their views on supernatruals? What weapon advancements have they been using? Are their soldiers controlled by fear or pleasure," he began to get irritated at the lack of information. Moving a hand over the paper he caused it to roll up again before seating himself on the bed and rubbing his young face. Sometimes he felt his true age and other times like now he wanted to let his feelings control him.

"I can feel you all I want but your point of view is very one sided," he moved his head out of his hands and looked in front of him, calming slightly, "I'm going to need the mind of one of their top ranking. I need to feel someone very high in order to get an idea as to what's going on," if they were after the same goal as him. If that was the case he wouldn't mind destroying them. A light smile made its way to his lips as he realized how big this might be. How wonderful it was for rei to fall onto his lap so easily and bringing to much to light. His eyes went to hers though when he felt her warm touch through his sweater. Without the staff he could feel no power coming from her but only spirit. It was a warm sensation he hadn't felt in a very long time.

Her words seemed to seep into him and he looked away almost feeling intimate with her with the way she spoke, "I will not let you die," he responded lowly as if making a promise. He would need her and her skills if he was ever to succeed in his own goals. The moment she walked away he took in a breath before shaking his head to clear his thoughts. Though her touch relaxed him it was the last thing he wanted to be, "Magic is more draining than anything physical you can do," he murmured looking to her hoping she understood that, "The more you practice the easier it will become but in the beginning it will be hard. Any spell to big will kill a beginner. Any spell made in dead will last forever," which he hated the most, "what do you propose we do about gathering information?" besides his earlier though which would go to crap if she didn't know at least someone that was high ranking.

It was at the pound on the table that he rose a brow though at her words his expression became void of emotion, "This quest is yours, when it becomes mine then you will know my true intentions but for now there is no need to worry. The more focused we are on one task the better and faster it can be completed," he turned his head to watch her pack before looking forward again and slowly sinking down onto the bed until he was laid across it. There was still enough room for her clothes on the bed, "I ask that you do change clothes though," he commented watching her pluck more clothes out of the closet, "If I don't get to strut around half naked then you don't either."
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Spurting out a laugh she responded, "I wouldn't be stopping you Gideon. You may walk around half-naked as much as you wish." She took a bow and giving him a mischievously grin to his comment. She then went back and picked out an outfit she would wear and took the rest of the clothes to the square table and begun to fold them neatly as his words raced through her mind. Her face graved and became seriously as she opened her hand to stare as her palm that he held, when he said it was alright for her to hold and the sensation tingled and tugged still at her heart ; she closed her hand as if to hold that feeling. She responded seriously, "You can trust me Gideon. I will stand by your side without hesitating and bid any order you will give me." It felt good to know that he is just as serious as she is about their relationship. She looked up to him already with integrity and faith, her spirit now belonged to him too.

When he asked her if she knew anyone in the army one name triggered her mind. "Cye…"A fog of darkness uplifted within her mind and she remember now the memory of Cye. The connection between her and Cye though fate may have tried to clip that weave destiny would twine a different thread. He helped her gain confidence to understand her spirit and to trust her inner self. Flash backs of her and Cye training endlessly in the arena had her realize they never had the chance to live a normal life as friends. She would consider him an ally, no doubt in her mind yet worry seemed to soak in as she wonder what happen to the people who worked for the army? Memories that would have made sense to her are faded as if they were buried deep within her mind, yet her spirit called out to them knowingly they exist. As Gideon raised more questions her mind searched for the answers that seemed blacked out from her memory. She placed a hand to her head and slowly sat next to him on the bed as she felt lightheaded. "My memories…it's like a movie. I can't believe I forgot them…"Her bewilder expression searched into eyes for an explanation as she remembered. "As soon as you asked me if I knew anyone it was like flashes of images in my mind of Cye. We trained at the army…wait I'm sure there was a name for who we worked for but..I can't remember…What the hell, did they do this to me?"She was becoming overwhelmed over the fact that she now realized someone tampered her memories. Her hand instantly dropped to his and her fingers cupped his fingers as the comfort eased her pain.
Feeling confused from what just happened she needed him to make her feel secure and decided to explain more to him and maybe he could make sense of all it, "We were told that the Head of Mortal Monarchy knows of Wizards training to serve their country but now I'm not so sure. As far as I've been told my whole life, our family dynasty has served this army as long as anyone can remember. There was a certain name we went by…I-" she shook her head as her mind begin feel numb as her ears rang. "I'm sorry I can't remember…But my family's blood has been gifted of this Conjuring trait and these people say only they can help us control and train our abilities. I never questioned it but it now it seems all too… suspicious." Looking down at their hands as her mind begins to drift off and wander, what was it that her heart tried to tell, as she felt comfort in holding his hand. She sighed not finding the answer and glance back up into his eyes to become focus of answering his questions.

She lies down on her back and gently leans over him and takes the blue print and holds it above their heads. "Here take that side" she mumbled as she let go of his hand and pointed to each sector and explained, "Japanese Imperial Army HQ is located by the Hokoku Shrine across the river. The Training vicinity is right next to HQ and this is where I lived." Pointing to a mansion next to the training vicinity. She continued, "It's all surrounded by water and guarded heavily the last time I've seen it. Right here in the entrance before you walk in, Two demons Gozu and Mezu forbid anyone to enter now. It was never like this, you could walk into the HQ with no problem. Anyways, there are roughly 540 windows not including the middle section of this building. There are three levels to this place as the center of this building is enchanted. Once you enter the building theirs a staircase that leads two separate staircases. Now there is a portrait hanging in the middle between the two. Only certain admits may port through the threshold. "She paused as her eyes scanned over the blue prints again to regain thought of the layout. "I have only been to the Third floor once, and that was when they "Summoned me" and told me I was ready to join them. Last time I stepped foot in that place too." She said sarcastically and gritted her teeth as she remembered the look of disapproval on Master Sin face. Her eyes became dark as she sat up now becoming lost in the memory of her past as she chilling whispered, "Master Sin is the one who we're looking for. He is the leader and highly skilled in arts that no one even knows of. Once you're in his presents it's as though he lures you in with a blanket of fog…"Goosebumps rose throughout her skin as she wanted to shake off the chill by distracting herself by grabbing the clothes off the bed and headed into the bathroom. "Excuse me.." she numbly said and closed the door behind her.

She wanted to hide the pain from him that stabbed her heart of how corrupted of a life she had lived. Blaming her parents for dying and not informer her, dismissing her demon guardian and selfishly leaving her alone with no knowledge about anything and not giving her a choice to live another life. She covered her loss of missing her parents with blind hate as hot tears begin to stream down her cheeks. She looked up from the ground and forced herself to look into the mirror at herself. A beautiful woman with strength and love filled her eyes as she smiled weakly as her eyes are the same as her mother's yellow topaz ones. Her father's features of a gentle smile and hard working hands reminisce her thoughts as she look down at her hands. She felt their courage rising in her as her blood pumped with their life in them. Their spirits live on within hers and with that thought she pulled herself together gained her confidence back as she undressed.
She wonders if Gideon was starting to realize how she worked, when she would become overwhelmed she would hide. Slightly feeling embarrassed, she thought he would need to understand her reactions and hoped he wouldn't consider herself weak. With nod to herself she opened the door holding a ball of clothes and walked over to the side table and folded the rest on top. She wore black fitted bootlegged dickey jeans with a silver holed belt that a strap hung from her belt looped to a wallet that hung from her back pocket. Pitch black tie up cut off sleeveless and shoulder less satin blouse that also tied on her sides of her waist. She bent down to get her military boots out from under the bed that was also black and begins to put them on. She watched Gideon as she laced her boots up and sighed knowing he needed more information as she took in a deep long breath, "Alright, alright. Back to the blue print."

Acting as if nothing happen, she quickly got to her feet and sat next to him and pulled the print on their laps. "The rest of the building is fairly simple to understand. The First floor is the Minister of Affairs (Sectary State) for humans and the second floor is the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Magical creatures) then the third floor is where the Chancellor/Chancy and Commanders quarters are located.That's pretty much all I know from here on out. Theirs the basement floor which is forbidding to us." She paused as she consider his question and responded in a matter of factually,"What I think what we should do with the information once we attain it depends on what information we shall receive my friend. The way I see it, is that the army is heavily guarding there entrance and killed my parents. Deep down I know this conspiracy is hand in hand. The question is where do we go from here?" The picture of her friend's warm smile popped in her mind again and she spoke more softly, " I do know a friend named Cye, but who knows if he's even still working for them. Last I knew we were training right here" points to the training area, "and he lived at the HQ. He specialized in weapon magic. He tried to teach me water magic but I haven't mastered the skill yet." She sighed, thinking of her lost friend as she rolled up the blue print and placed it carefully inside the tube and laid it on the bed and went to the closest and grabbed her backpack and her black leather fur insulated short jacket.

Putting the backpack on the writing desk she threw on her jacket and unzips the pack and placed her clothes inside, along with a few books and her newspaper clippings. As she picked up the sheets of blank paper on the floor she nodded to him, understanding the concept of magic using. She complied, "Using magic seems just like Conjuring in a way. Concentrating your inner spirit and energy is the key to any spell casting. I've been conjurer demons since the age of 16.I know my risks. What I would like to know is, what do you specialize in? You've read my inner emotions yet I sense allot more from you that I can't just grasp…" She folded her arms now and raised a brow and wondered how he would answer.
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Aeolus is docked at Santa Maria, California with 20 men running around the enchanted ship hauling crates that certain "products" and of course, kegs of different kinds of liquors. Her azure eyes flashed a bright light toward the crew and instantly their bodies became stiff and slowly did they turn toward her and bowed. Walking down the steps from the upper deck to the main deck grinning mischievously her radiant glamour powerfully allured the men under her control as her voice held an enchanting tone and spoke out, "All of you have showed me your upmost loyalty to me and in return I have granted you, your most deepest desires you've ever thought and dreamed…" Tugging at the minds and hearts of the men, she commanded their will to appear before them, individuality as an illusion of their own fantasy. Snickering with glee at the men as their energy bursts out around her, she licked her lips tasting their sweet desires and carried on. "As you all know, I will be heading out to LA to obtain more clients and hopefully more product. In the meantime, I expect you all…"Her voiced deepened as her eyes flashed another bright light toward them as they stared at her hypnotically as she pressed on, "Each one of you have your special jobs to me and a contract you shall up hold. Don't make me upset or backstab me be-" Her tone becomes innocently childlike, "caaause… I… won't …for…give yooooou" Her sweet shivering laughter echoes as she winks to her slave of men and they saluted her instantly with a monotone of 20 voices, " Yes, Captain Poe. Our spirits are yours to command…" With a satisfied smile she lifted the force that controlled them. Snapping out of her enchantment the men looked startled with each other and starting cursing and pushing one another as they went back to work like nothing happened.

"That's right Brother…Winter is coming and I rule the humans.. I have lots of plans to work out before we will meet again someday..."She whispered to herself as she took a palm size shiny obsidian stone out from her corset and looked out toward the horizon toward LA and leaned her arms on the banisters and held onto the ropes. Closing her eyes and gripping the Shadow Stone as she inhaled the salty crisp air as she licked her lips tasting her sweet salvation as of freedom. "Yet I wonder how you are doing with Mother…"a small snicker escaped her lips as she felt someone walking toward her from the distance.

A man dressed in black jeans and matching shirt approached her, as for all of her men look the part of pirates for her own leisure, saluted her and reported, "We have finished the last load of shipment to the new warehouse in LA Captain. Brad called me and confirmed all of the preparations are in order for you to head out. The warehouse is located 4011-4013 West Jefferson Boulevard. Would you like some assistance getting their My Captain?" The human stood tall and handsome for his kind as she smiled sweetly to her assistant and her glamour effect shimmered her features to his desire as her teal bioluminescent markings on her body glowed. Rubbing his upper arm she felt fire of emotion through his blood pumping as he ached for her, as she looked over his muscular strong body as her other hand gripped his other arm and she felt his body temperature increase as she walked behind him and whispered, "You have done well Aaron. Make sure all the men have transportation to get to the warehouse. Arrange a nearby apartment for them to stay and…hurry…I'll be waiting for you…" His eyes rolled in the back of his head wanting to bust out of his clothes for her as her sweet tone arousal him in his wildest dreams as he nodded dumbly and went straight to his cell to make some calls.

Feeding off the lust for her, she felt rejuvenated with motivation to hit the big city. She controlled her workers very well and easily done as they knew how to take care of business and never ask questions. Taking over human's desire was too easy for her and she lusted for that attention as she waited and watched Aaron walked off the ship. She stuffed the stone back into her corset and patted the railings as she spoke up to her companion, "This is it my friend…We move on to bigger and better fish the humans would say." In her mind she felt the presents of a loyal comfort essences and a rich voice enter her mind, Queen Mab will hear of your doings, if you don't watch yourself my princess..Let's make sure we keep this new location under the radar yes? Sighing to the voice of his worrying, she shook her head and waved the negative thoughts away as she walked down the steps and off the ship and thought back to him, Don't call me princess and everything will be fine. I haven't found anyone who has giving me trouble. No one can bypass my glamour Aeolus. Now stop worrying and let's have some fun!

As evening turned to night, shadows casted on the ship as the shape of it shrunk and slowly did it transform into four long legs with hooves and abroad thick muscular chest as a horse's cry was let out as her white stallion appeared next to her and the ship to have vanished from sight. She patted his mane and petted his nose as he responded nuzzling against her cold hands. "Aye my friend, Let's ride out into the night together."She mounted the horse and held onto his neck as he neighed out rearing on two legs and took off into a gallop.
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He rose a brow at her laughter, not expecting it in the least though found that he enjoyed it. It was the little things she did that made her seem more human and not like an animal trying to hide in its shell made of thorns and poison. Of course, it was her comment that made him roll his eyes and look towards the ceiling, "I fear that you might enjoy that too much," he murmured, not enjoying where the conversation was heading to. Why must the opposite sex make things so strange? Well, he assumed it had less to do with her and more with her beauty that seemed hard to find these days. It didn't help that he had been alone for a very long time or if he did have company they were usually not as nice looking. He couldn't remember the countless amounts of times he had been aiding a troll or a creature of nature.

Despite his thoughts he shook his head at her bow. It seemed he stumbled upon a comedian. He waited as she continued to dig through clothes, ignoring the gusts of air that blew stray strand of his hair into his face as the clothes landed by him. He waited until she went to her desk to fold the clothes to look towards her. He took this time to attempt to tap into her thoughts. They had touched and he had been let into her mind it shouldn't be too hard. Then again he never let her into his and that's where the trouble might lie in this. Though he didn't hit a brick wall the passages to her inner thoughts were still blocked by a thin almost jelly like substance. He was able to get in just not all the way in; it would take time to get that jelly to turn into water then mist. Something that would be way easier if they were holding hands again.

"I've very glad to hear that Rei," he said and meant it when she swore her alliance with him. He didn't think she would be a problem, though he could be wrong. A debt like the one she had with him was not easily paid. Lots of lives would be lost, lives that would haunt him and make his decent to where ever he's supposed to go when he dies even worse. It was at the name she gave that his face grew rather serious. So she did know someone. This would make this easier but not by much, they still needed to figure out so much more after they got even the simplest of information. His eyes went to hers as a silence passed between them though he didn't look worried in the least not until she touched her head almost looking dazed. A feeling went over him then one that was more irritating, "They prodded at your mind,"

Well that would make this even harder than he imagined if they had people that could take and mess up thoughts so easily. From what she showed him she didn't even notice and not a day went by unaccounted for, of course it's what they would have programed her to think. His eyes turned sympathetic for he had done the same to others. It wasn't until now that he saw the effects of what he did, "You won't be able to remember, if they locked them away you would feel a tickle but if they're gone you feel a part of you missing," he watched for her reaction, only knowing from his own little experiments he did with people what happened and what things felt like. He never tested something on himself, "Rei, you must calm yourself before you lose the chance of getting any of those memories back," stress also seemed like a pain in the ass when it came to regaining memory.

With a glance down at his hand when she took it he realized the shock was less intense. He only felt a light buzz now of life coming from Rei. He supposed it must have been her staff before that amplified how she felt. Without a word he closed his hand around hers and held it, enjoying the strange feeling while it lasted. He couldn't explain it though once again he felt comforted by her closeness, her touch. It was when she began to speak again that a sigh escaped his lips and he nodded, "If your family was in this for a while they might have documents, something that should tell us more about this ruler. Either your family or a demon that served them seeing as how the staff was passed down," he glanced to her staff on the wall, wondering how old it truly was before looking back to her. He didn't know how demon summoning's worked but usually they entitled an exchange for information.

His thumb stroked the back of her palm lightly, noticing how soft it was compared to the inside of her hand, "No one in your family has ever tried to conjure without these peoples help?" he asked, moving his fingers inside of her palm and tickling her lightly, just wanting to know if she had feeling in them still or if her skin was to rough. It was at her silence he looked up from her hand and to her, matching her gaze with his. At least, he was until she began to move herself over him. He closed his eyes at the sudden closeness and her weight on top of him before it disappeared and she was beside him again. That was way to comforting. Opening his eyes again he took the end of the blueprint that was handed to him before looking up to it. When she finally let go of his hand that sudden warmth he felt disappeared and he felt better able to concentrate more on what was happening and less on her.

He didn't interrupt as she spoke, listening and trying to get a better picture of all of this in his head. It all seemed beyond confusing not to mention still blurry. Closing his eyes he went over what she said once again, place by place and nodded lightly. He would have rather heard her describe it from the beginning than looking at the mess of the layout she had provided for him. Opening his eyes he watched as she sat up abruptly and moved away from him. He took the end of the blueprint she had and rolled it up before tossing it to the side, "If he is as powerful as you say he is we might need a little more help," he was not ashamed to admit his weakness. He would rather admit them then die before learning how to overcome them. He wondering for the briefest of moments if he could somehow harness this power the man carried.

It was at her words that he looked at her, focusing on her as she got up and walked away into the bathroom. He watched the door for a couple of moments before closing his eyes and thinking of the layout again and what he would need to do. What favors he would need to call in. He brought a hand to his head and rubbed, not imagining this being so difficult. Not difficult, no, but it would take time. Finally he sat up in the bed, feeling lazy lying down and looked down at his lap before dropping his hand. No matter, she was worth it all. Where else would he find a conjurer so willing to help him? Of course the price wasn't an easy one to pay but still okay. People would die, it was a given though death never bothered him.

When the door opened and she walked out again he waited, not looking to her until she sat by him on the bed. Her clothes were remarkably more concealing than what she had on before. With a small sigh he handed her the blue prints, something was bugging her and one day very soon he would confront her about it. "You said it yourself, we're going to need information and you don't seem to have it," he paused going over a few things in his head, "If your friend Cye isn't dead yet then we could use him to draw out others. If everything goes as plan we could use him to draw out someone important to Sin," He watched as she got up once again, "Do you know how to summon him?" she wouldn't need to now but eventually when the time came she would need to be able contact him.

His eyes went to her, watching as she was finishing though it was her words that hung in the air between them. He was silent, not wanting to answer though knowing it would only cause trouble he thought of what to say, "In time you will know me more though I fear if I tell you to much now you might not enjoy my company," he tilted his head lightly to watch her, "The longer you stick around the more you will know my goals and my abilities but for now, as I have said before let's focus on you."
She zipped up the backpack after cleaning off the desk of her things and cleaning out the closet; she put her arms through it and adjusted the straps. She rolled her eyes from the lack of enthusiasm in his voice from her comment and shook her head, "Hey lighting up would you? It's not every day we cross pass with company worth the time to chat with let alone laugh along with." She didn't realize what she was saying until she spoke the words feeling embarrassed she turned away. What the hell am I saying? I haven't lighting up in who knows when… She thought as she glanced over to Gideon. Until recently that is…

The pack was very light and she didn't mind carrying it as she walked back over to the bed with her head down and lied back down on the bed with her eyes on the ceiling. She contemplated about her parents and one place she could almost call home. Her Father and Mother stayed busy and worked many hours dedicated to Master Sin, her father teaching the younger children and her mother worked in first aid healing. She remembers her mother also dabbing with magical trinkets but not much detailed did she know about her parent's life.Her father and mother both could conjurer demons to their will and created Rei's staff from both of their staffs combined. How strange it felt thinking back the questions now, she wished she could have asked about their life and what their reasons was for staying in the army. Sighing she answered, "No Gideon, as far as I was told, the army provides us a home and schools for us to survive the real world in. We don't ask questions and just do what we're told. That's it. I don't know what else you want from me."

Feeling helpless and defensive she stood up and started to pace the room as thoughts races threw her mind she explained, " The army has already raided my home and Its only logic they are awaiting for me to arrive their for my first destination and capture me. THAT'S not going to happen. " She looked over to her staff and admire its beauty. The runes that laid engraved within the wood and metal that intertwined each other admirably from the two separate staffs combining as one. "I do know a demon that may help us but…theirs a price to pay of course. " She gritted her teeth as she looked back up toward the ceiling as regret flooded her heart wishing she could take back the past. She held back her tears gulping them down, " It's too risky to summon him though. The army has it's own Conjuror who may have used the demon that served our family to plot against me…I can't even bare to think that though…" She started to bite her finger nails as she thought of Cye. "Cye tried to teach me water magic though he uses objects to help him or amp the power I think he would say, he did give me this. "She went threw her tan knapsack and pulled out a small crystal ball that would nestle fit with the size of a palm. She handed it to him slowly with two hands gently. " I have no clue how or what this thing does. After my parents death I haven't seen or spoke to him when I arrived on this side of the world which is a mystery to me all in its self." She didn't comment out loud yet thought it into a prayer Please Cye, be alive for me. I need you…

Afternoon approached as the four walls seemed to have closed in on her as she stopped pacing and pulled out the chair in the sitting area and sat down at the square table. No window in the room made her feel claustrophobia, another reason why she never slept well in this room but it was the safest place to stay for the time she thought. Sitting there in silence contemplating all their options and different angles of their situation of how they could get Intel of any updates of the army, she would be in anyone else's shoes right by now to get close to Master Sin.

Bolting out of the chair she almost yelled, "That's it! I have an idea Gideon, and it might just work." Realizing her altitude of her voice she lowered it and flopped down on the bed with a new light in her eyes as her heart pounded with excitement. "Alright bare with me. The troops have four ranks. If I can go under disguise and mask my powers we can join the army! I wasn't exaggerating earlier ether; you must prove yourself worthy for Sin to have use of you. Each rank that you achieve gets tougher and harder to prove yourself worthy. It's a survival for the fittest but it may be our only way to get close enough inside without being detected. We still start off as Private and then it gets tougher with each higher rank, Corporal, Sergeant, and then Major. I'm not sure how high we need to climb the ladder to have an audience with Sin, I suppose it matters how powerfully useful you can be to him. The question is though, how will I disguise myself?" She cringed at the images of cutting her long beautiful hair that she adored and subconsciously startled to twirl her silky hair within her fingertips.

Shaking her head from the horrid images of her being a blond she added, "There are also three Lieutenants we will need to get by. They each are trained for their specific areas and highly qualified in Master rank. Vesper the Elemental Conjuror, Seth the Fae, and Raz the Wizard. I've wanted to kick Vesper ass for a long time but Privates don't get that luxury. I'm not sure on Seth abilities but he has some sort of choker he always wears around his neck. Raz is the one we need to convince and bypass. So what do you think?" She felt confident in her plan yet his thoughts matter a lot to her for his wisdom would be greatly needed in the areas she lacked.
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He hadn't a clue who this Rei person was or if they were still around. In any case he figured getting out of her sooner rather than later would be better. He truly didn't want to bump into another thing until he could put this girl somewhere safe or rather, back into this fey place she was from. Just to be sure he looked around them briefly though when nothing moved or stirred his eyes went back to the limp female in his arms. His eyebrows shot up a moment later though and he gave her a questioning concerned look, "I don't think now's the time to start playing music," he warned lightly, still well aware of the beast that lurked in these woods. His eyes went to her hands though, not interrupting as she unties her scarf and a flute seemed to appear out of nowhere. He watched the thing with only a look of concern.

The moment she began playing he let out a sigh and held her a bit closer. She seemed like she could hardly speak yet here she wanted to listen to her own music. He supposed if she was passing then it was a great way to do it. It wasn't as if she was bad. Her music sounded beyond beautiful and he could get used to hearing it. It was when she finally stopped that he realized he was looking down at her and much to his relief she still looked well, not better but well. The moment something started to come from the flute, a sort of golden mist his eyes went from her and to the trail it left. He didn't know how far it went but it seemed to weave through the forest, "Pretty cool," he murmured, more to himself before looking down to her once again as she spoke. Ah, that's what she was doing.

It seemed to all make sense now. He gave a small nod and patted the horse's side with his boot before the animal started forward slowly. He would have run to the portal though he didn't think he would be able to both guild the horse and hold both of them in place. At the sudden weight on his chest he looked down to see her slumped and asleep, her flute held tightly against her. That was one special flute if it did all of that. Resting his chin on her head lightly he continued forward. It was easier now that she was asleep and with that in mind he willed the horse to go faster. To think he didn't even know her name yet.

Almost twenty minutes passed by the time they made it to the end of the golden mist. The sounds of the river were very close and the air around them seemed to grow more humid. He looked around them, enjoy the peacefulness. He would have enjoyed it much more if it wasn't for the fey girl being asleep. Boy, did he have questions for her when she woke up. The first thing being where she learned to play the flute like that. It was about ten more yards where the mist abruptly ended now. Ten more yards until she could get home. It was then that he heard something snap behind them. Something large. His senses went wild and he quickly pulled out of the horses mind and went back into his own. The animal under them suddenly paused and began backing up, away from where the mist ended.

With a sympathetic nudge he urged the horse forward only for the animal to rear up suddenly. He only kept his balance for so long before he began to fall backwards, taking the fey girl with him. He landed on his back and for a moment the air rushed out of his lungs and he coughed lightly before rolling the female off him lightly. Once she was settled on the ground he sat up and looked around. Once again the noise of snapping undergrowth sounded behind them and he felt waves of madness aimed towards him. It was a strange feeling, one he only found and got with intellectual beings. The horse in front of them went wild, rearing up and trotting around them in a rather protective circle. His eyes went to the horse's only to see panic coming from them and he frowned, well it took a lot to freak the horse out.

It was then that a loud roar seemed to shake the forest around them. He took a step back, wanting to guard the fey girl under him. His eyes went to the horses and throwing a ball from his pocket at it, it disappeared in a ray of light. Whatever was out there he didn't need his favorite steed getting hurt. Walking over to where the horse once was he picked up the warm ball of twigs and attacked it to the place it was before. It was then that a rather mad looking white bear lumbered towards them. Its claws seemed too big for its body and its eyes were bloodshot red. Alec's eyes narrowed lightly at the sight of red on the animals paws. Ah, so this was the bear that was causing all the chaos.
Her eyes shot open from the loud roar as she panicked, "Hey I'm up! I'm up! "Standing on her own now, for she regained some of her strength back . She took a few steps blinking around for the creature that awoke her and their it came. Looking hideous with its abnormalities through the forest brush, she sensed the bear's pain and confusion as her spirit screamed to warned her of being cautious. Speaking nervously and scared, she took a few steps back very slowly, "Now isn't a good time for introductions or never. I'm Hazel and we need to reach that portal now. Come with me." An image of the thick fallen tree flashed in her mind where the portal to Nevernever would be. She begin to miss the safety of her home as she thought about how carefree her life used to be until once again , Winter and Summer courts were fighting among one another. In uncountable amount of centuries, Winter kept to themselves as Summer did the same. They were forbid to mingle among one another until recently… She wasn't sure what was going on behind the walls of her home yet as far as history goes, the Courts never forced a marriage between the two unless something dire had to be evolving." Maybe this beast came from the portal…but what can this mean?" Speaking more to herself the bear would cease her of that.

With another roar the beast reared up on its hind legs and begins to thrash its huge claws at the guy who saved her. "Look out!!" She screamed as she spun around toward the falling tree. Half way there, she stopped to turn around and watched the deranged bear tear down and claw at the trees destructively everything insight. Still holding onto her flute , her grip tighten as she pushed back her fears and found courage as she thought of her father who gave her this flute. She quickly thought there would be enough time to use it and calm the beast if he distracts it. She called out, "Listen! I'm not leaving this realm with you or others that may be in danger! I'll stay until I can help you tame this beast! You have and are still, saving my life so tis now that I will save yours, my Knight." She looks up toward the trees as she calculates how to climb the branches as she ties her flute onto her silky lilac scarf and wraps it around her waist. Being an excellent climber of the trees and knowing her way naturally through any woodland, she jumped up toward the lowest branch and caught it. She swings herself two times and on the third she gave herself enough thrust to front flip toward another higher branch and she catches that one. Feeling slightly out of breath she thought to herself this was high enough and pulled herself up onto the tree. She balanced herself with ease as she looked below toward the two.

The autumn sun slowly begins to descend as late afternoon approached, as the days began to shorting with each passing day. Just in a few more hours, those creatures that only hunt at night could awake and run the lands of the day walkers. The forest was all but still as the branches rustled through the chilly wind as birds flew out of their nests with distraught because in the distance, hunters approached. A group of four armed local hunters wanted the reward for the beast as they marched thru the forest about a couple miles away. Once they heard the bear roared the second time the hunters heard it from the distance and began to run toward them.
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An hour later she and Aeolus trotted down the side streets of Cali in the middle of the night. She looked up to the street signs recalling the numbers she needed to find. Not long after walking she noticed Brad in the distance who walked toward her and waved. She didn't wave back as she became famish and yearned for power as she became hungry. A wave of lustful glamour washed over Brad as he abruptly stopped and was pushed back from her glamour. He desired to make love to her and yearned to please her as she approached him. Sternly she said, "Quickly. Tell me how far it is the warehouse?" He responded promptly, " Just down the street. It's called Fantasy Desires a love store for adults and we decorated the front and set up the inside. You'll be pleased I'm sure of it." He stepped closer to kiss her after he was done reporting and she placed two fingers on his lips and parted them as she brought her lips to his and she sucked out a vermillion lust of energy. She let out a soft moan that escaped her lips as she fed on him until he was weak in the knees. Her once weakened body that fought off the mortal realm faded as lust of power took over and she let out a laugh as Brad stood before her helpless and dazed. "Mmmm…Sounds perfect. Let's go than shall we?" They trotted down the road cheerfully as Brad followed as they reached the store front.

Approaching Fantasy Desires her heart begins to flutter with excitement as she dismounted and stepped closer to the shop. On the outside it was decorated to be an Adult store and as she stepped through the forget-me-knots that would cause any other humans to forget this place if they weren't under her glamour or didn't have an appointment and would walk away discombobulated. Aeolus stayed behind as she walked inside with Brad as he explained to her, "As you see, everything is arranged as a Love Shop but through these doors," He gestured her to walk ahead to the back doors. As she did she watched what should have been the exit of the shop,turn into a huge hall way of high shelves reaching toward the ceiling of blue containers filling the hallway. Brad explained, "This is where all your magical trinkets and products will be stored." She felt amazed at how well her crew had managed to pull themselves together for her. Even though she used her glamour, she was very impressive but one thing still irked her. "How will I protect this hallway? Did you find a wizard who would enchant a spell for protection?" Brad walked out of the hallway and stood at the threshold and on the outside attached to the wall is a fingerprint mechanized. "I knew you would ask this my Captain. Once you place your blood fingerprint here, no one without you can enter here unless they want to be electrified to death." With a smile of satisfaction this was her life's work. She looked over the thousand blue storage bins waiting to be filled as she hoped one day her family would be proud of her. Before leaving she bit her finger with one of her small fangs and blood seeped out as she placed it on the button. Instantly it lit up blue an only with her eyes did she see the flashes of blue lighting emit from the hallway buzzing with life.

She closed the doors and walked back outside to meet up with Aeolus. "Thank you Brad, you did excellent work here and I'm proud of you." He saluted her and she gave out a sweet laugh and continued, "Now Brad, can I trust you and Aaron to hold the fort down for me while I go to LA and make some new clients?" She mounted her white steed once more as Brad nodded sternly. " Aye, aye Captain. I will do anything for you. How long will you be away?" She circled Brad as she looked up into the night sky. "I'm not sure just take care of everything on this end. Don't worry about me. Just get those shipments into the store front and once I'm back we'll start business." Brad nodded as he watched her take off in a blur.

Swiftly galloping threw the land Poetic felt rejuvenated as she laughed from the cooling of the wind against her face as her arms spread wide to capture the moment of flying. Aeolus always enjoyed her innocent laughter yet a wave of dark present washed over him as he slowed down to a halt. "Hey Aeolus, what's the big idea? I would like to reach LA so I can extend my services to those in need you know." Snickering, she patted him on his neck as he responded intensely serious, "Princess…a demon horse once ran through here a few days ago at least. I can sense another present as well… magical and powerful. You need to be very cautious being here Princess Poetic and I mean it." She felt fear in Aeolus words as her heart flutter with fear as well. She never thought he could ever possess such an emotion yet this demon worried him. She looked around the forest as the trees moved lively within the night as she patted his neck to reassure him. "Let's just get out of here before we become someone's dinner."Aeolus nodded his head agreeing as he bolted up and begun to gallop once more through the forest.

The golden sun's rays broke through the night skies as the forest finally came to an end and reached civilization. She brought her steed to a slow halt and swung a leg over to dismount and taken a few paces back she turns around to face Aeolus. Her blue eyes were transfixed upon him as her lips curved into a sweet grin as she watched him shake his mane and begun to transform. Rearing up on his hind legs with a cry, his legs became human shaped with armor and the front legs became arms with armor . His horse skin becomes white armor with armored wings coming out from his left chest plate and armlet. His white cloak wraps around him as he holds his helm under his left arm and a rapier sword became sheathed to his left side. His feminine features allured any creatures with his charm as he stood their beautifully tall. His long eye lashes flutter his icy blue hues at Poetic as he smiles wickedly to her as he runs a armored hand through his long white silvery waist- length hair as he stood before her as her Unseelie Knight.

Poetic was hypnotic to Aeolus as heat rose her own blood and begin to rise as she felt arouse just by staring at him. Once of Aeolus many talents is to seductive anyone who looks upon him, which is her attribute too was a reason why they made such a good duo. She slaps him on his shoulder as he stands their without a budge. "That's not fair Aeolus I don't do it to you. Do you always need to make such a dramatic introduction when you do that?" She felt bother as she adjusted her pirate skirt and her blouse to boost her breast up just slightly. Still grinning he bowed to her, "My apologies sweet Princess, It's just who I am." With a light laugh he stands up and walks over to her and hugs her tightly. "I miss holding you though Princess. I'm sorry that I must depart but you know I'll return as soon as I can." She sighed feeling the sadness of her knight needing to return to the Realm of the Fey, for he wasn't as powerful as she who can live in the mortal realm longer. " I know my Knight, You are the only connection that Queen Mab has of me and you can only sustain this realm for only so long. Please be careful what you say and do in the Realm of the Fey and come back to me as soon as you can. I'll miss you so much." She kissed his cheek as he went to one knee and kissed her hand and smiled into her eyes. "You know I will." He stands up and walks over to an old blue mail box with a smile never leaving his lips and bowed to her once more, "Until we meet again my Princess" and he fell through the portal and disappeared from her sight.

Emptiness engulfs her heart as she felt a piece of herself was missing, for once again she was left alone. She stood their holding herself as she watched the clouds become shaded with colors of pink and purple as morning came. The howling of the wind and the cold breeze reminded her that the Scepter of the Seasons is in Queen Mab hands and Winter was coming soon. Sighing to herself for this time of the year worried her the most but she wouldn't let that stop her living in the mortal realm. People started to wake up and begin their day as she walked to the nearest hotel which was called Hotel Erwin. Walking into the place and approaching the desk she placed a finger tip upon the woman's lips that gawked at her as Poetic seductively whispered, "I want a room with a suite with the ocean front and it's just me who will be staying…" licking her lips she studied the young woman who stared into her mesmerized eyes. She wore a tight sailors uniform with a mini skirt and a hat.Underneath the hat Poetic could see something twitching , as she raised an brow and her eyes widen realizing what this young lady was. " You're a phouka! " The glamour dissipated as the phouka shook her head and narrowed her eyes toward Poetic and swatted her fingers away. "Yeah! And you're the daughter of Queen Mab, I wonder what she'll give me for finding you." She casted a mischievously grinned at Poetic as the misfit but her hands on her hips.

Not appreciating the threat Poetic eyes begin to glow a light blue as her hand shot up with a blurr and gripped the half breed by her throat as an piercing pain of ice begin to wrap around her neck. "Let me try this again, I would like to book a room with a ocean view. I have no problem killing you half breed, or you can serve me instead. What's it going to be?" Her voice sounded diabolic and promising as the phouka couldn't move or speak as she hung from Poetic's grip. A voice interrupted their conversation, "Let her go Princess, we can all get along now. Please put her down…" Poetic knew the voice well as she drop the phouka and dusted off her hands as she turned to the man who spoke up.

He was a tall hansom man who dressed in a captain's uniform yet through his glamour she saw a black long haired horned satyr which was almost the same man yet with a crew cut and a captains uniform on."Well hello their Erwin. I might have guessed this establishment was yours but... I didn't." Being sarcastic she narrowed her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips. Erwin crossed his arms behind him in a gentlemen manner and respond calmly,"Look Poetic, I know what you're searching for and let me tell you where to go. Head to Austin, Nevada. There you will find a wizard army named Black Lotus. But you won't be able to waltz right in demanding an audience with Master Sin. Stay at Blazes Guild. No harm will come to you I swear it. Wait there until I can grant you a meeting and you'll hear from me in two days.I promise you, you wont regret it." Erwin put a hand to his ear as he waited for praise.

"Alright, alright you win damn it." She walked over to him and leaned in and kissed his cheek and placed her hand under his chin and lifted it up to look into his mystified eyes. "If you try to trap me, I will hunt you down and strip you from your fur I swear it." Erwin didn't look freighting yet he gulped and shifted his head away and straightens his vest and hat. "I know who to trust and who not when you're in the mortal realm. You name is starting to reach out this way. I would love to be more service of you but I must be leaving." Poetic grabbed his arm before he walked away. "I still need a room when I get back and how the hell am I suppose to get their?"

She crossed her arms as she looked over to the phouka who was jotting down a room for Poetic and noticed the name on her tag that says, Kitty. She rolled her eyes as she looked back to Erwin when he spoke. " Ah, so you want a favor for me?" Poetic almost jumped back from his question as she knew there was some catch to play. She threw her hands up, " Alright Erwin, if you need me only ONCE shall you summon me. Is that cool?" With a wicked grin he nodded and clapped his hands and a airline ticked appeared in his hands. "I agree to this deal. You fly out in ten minutes. Don't be late!"
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He turned only slightly to watch as she finally finished packing, glad that she was finally done collecting all her belongings. It didn't surprise him how little she had considering her position. He turned back to the blueprints in front of him though before rolling them up and setting them aside. She could point and prod all she wished it still seemed like a blur of lines to him. He didn't know if it was his stubborn mind that was refusing to grasp it or if he was truly losing touch with the old world. Maybe he had grown accustomed to technology and magic without realizing it. If anything her description helped way more than what she had physically given him, "You didn't cross me as the type that enjoyed laughing much less relaxing," he responded as he turned to look to her and saw she was looking away in embarrassment.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't lonely at times and being here with Rei did wonders to remind him of how secluded he was from the world. He didn't imagine enjoying the woman's company but yet here he was trying to get to know her in more ways than one. He could always blame it on the mission at hand but truth be told he wanted to know another person. He wanted to talk and even laugh with someone other than himself in times of loneliness and despair. At her glance back towards him he merely stared, wondering if he should apologize but not seeing the need to he didn't. His eyes followed her as she approached and lay on the bed once more. Though she looked uncomfortable with a pack on and laying down he didn't comment. It seemed almost impossible for her to stay in one place at a time.

Since he had entered this room he could honestly say she had walked all around it at least twice. At her silence his eyes went to hers only to find that she looked as distant as ever. Even at her words he had nothing to say, nothing to say that wouldn't come out to snappy at least. She seemed rather content in her past life. He still couldn't help but wonder if not once did she ever question what she was fighting and being trained for. He couldn't say what he would have done in her position though it would have been more than just obey like a good little puppy dog. Then again, they were brought up differently. Maybe this was why he chose not to speak to the world. He couldn't remember the last time he was so agitated with something much less someone. It didn't surprise him in the least when she got up again and began to pace around the room.

She squirmed under pressure it seemed. A habit they'd have to break if they were going to work together. He didn't need her walking off in the middle of anything important. He was rather glad her next words weren't completely useless but carried some kind of information they could use to help them, "So can I assume the demon you have guarding us currently won't go tell our location to others?" he asked, suddenly realizing why he never got into the habit of summoning demons. It wasn't only because of how steep of a price they asked but also because of their reasoning and selling what they knew to the highest bidder. They loved destruction and most of the time used what they could to cause it. He didn't look towards her, not until she mentioned the man she knew. He didn't seem as strong if he still used objects to help his casting.

Still, if she had already dabbled in some kind of magic it was far better than nothing at all. Turning towards her as she approached he took the small crystal ball she gave him in one hand. Though he noticed how she handled it he knew this small object was far more stronger than one might think, "Keep treating this thing like it's delicate and I guarantee you it'll break," he murmured, looking over the object, "You still haven't answered my question. Will or will you not be able to summon your friend if needed?" he asked, handing the ball back to her though didn't get the answer he wanted as she began to pace the room again. He would have said or done something but he felt like his words would be wasted. Resorting to lying back on the bed he closed his eyes, having the feeling this train of thought she was on would take a while. At least now in the silence that passed between them he could think as well.

He had learned to zone Rei out a few minutes after he drifted off into his own thought. It was only at her sudden voice that he finally took note of where it came from and listened, "I'm all ears," he murmured, still trying to get his own thoughts in order. By the sound of it she seemed like she was rather excited about what she had taken hours to discover. It wasn't until he felt a weight on the bed beside him that he let out a breath and opened his eyes, only to look up at the ceiling, "You have no powers to mask though I can guarantee your staff will be more of a problem to hide. You in yourself are a human, nothing more nothing less so hiding you will be fairly easy. I imagine though that you wouldn't want to be far from your staff," he said and let out a breath. His mind went through spells he knew though he doubted any of them would work on something as powerful as what she had.

"You might have trouble disguising the power of the staff but turning the staff into something else wouldn't be as difficult. Still without hiding the power it would be useless to change the appearance of your staff. It would be like turning a rotten egg into a rock; the moment someone gets close enough they would smell the egg and know it was all a front. The last thing we need it to get caught inside a mad man's lair," he brought his hand to his head and rubbed it lightly, "Getting it won't be a problem I imagine," he let the idea mull over and decided it would be their best option, "Your appearance will be fairly simple to change. I have a couple spells that work far better than any hair dye or stylist," he responded, brushing those minor worries away. "Raz might be an easier choice only because I would be well aware of what we're dealing with."

His mind went over the names a couple of times, "Are you sure Raz is the man's true name?" he asked, feeling as if he should know anyone who claimed to be stronger than him. "Will your friend be able to get us an audience with this Raz character?" he asked, turning his head towards her on the bed.
Her hair looked a mess and she was bent over hurling into a garbage bin. People quickly walked by her trying not to touch her as she stood on the outskirts of the Guild. It wasn't far from the airport but when she finally could stand on her two feet she sluggishly went to the women's lab. Looking into the mirror her eyes widen from her appearance. She quickly turned the sink on and washed her mouth out and speaking out loud to herself, "Never..Never again will I…fly in this realm!" Thoughts of Erwin and the Hotel desk worker named Kitty was probably laughing at her knowing this situation would happen. She snapped her fingers loudly as her hair became straight with a sheen of blue and her clean new captain's attire with added black leather pants. Regaining her composure she nodded with satisfaction as she winked to herself in the mirror.

Walking out of the airport and to be far away from it as possible she felt quite relieved as she noticed a blank wooden sign, yet she looked harder as gold lettering's of Blaze's Guild appeared engraved on the sign. Feeling excited she walked up the path of the mountain toward the guild.After an hour went by she finally arrived to the building.Standing outside Blaze's Guild she crossed her arms over her chest with narrowed eyes contemplating. Feeling the present of mostly magic inhabited this area, she wanted to just walk away from it all. She felt uneasy when approaching the present of magic for anyone could be a spy for the Unseelie. Knowing Queen Mab, she would do anything to bring back the Princess and Poetic was quite known to keep herself hidden. She wanted to be known throughout the mortal realm as much as Nevernever and she felt what she did for a living was justified on keeping the Realm of the Fey existing. Not to mention, having power in both realms is useful and she wondered then, if her mother could have been jealous. If so, then there might have been a reward out for her return and then she would be pissed off.

As if reading her thoughts, eyes poked out of the picket wooden sign that stood in the ground covered in red marking of the name of Blaze's Guild. The square shape sign shifted slowly and it became a head of wolf and started to howl at her. "Woooooot! Woooo!" The sign looked at her from head to toe with googol eyes and greeted her, "Why hello their Princess Poetic! We knew you'd be arriving sooner or later! Don't you worry your pretty highness head, these are neutral grounds. Anyone who even thinks about harming another will be thrown out automatically!" Poetic raised a brow curiously as she watched the sign wiggled up and down in delight as it blinked its large eyes at her. She talked babyish to the sign as she pinched it. "Well, now aren't you just the cutest sign in the world. Call me Princess one more time and your fire wood okay?" She grinned from ear to ear, as the signs' eyes widen in horror then it raspberry her. In a low tone it responded, "Go on ahead. Blaze's is waiting for you Princess Brat" She pretended she held out a dress and formally curtseys to the sign and then walked past it blowing a chilly kiss at it. The sign's edges begin to freeze as it shook itself violent to shatter the ice forming from her breath. Its face shifted back to its original form and grateful that's all the Princess did. Speaking to itself in relief, "Gotta love royalty…"

She approached the doors and knocked three times as she stood in her black cuff boots and straightened her cute pirate hat and blue vest as Pyro looked through the peep hole and his own eyes widen. Anyone who is part of the Fey realm recognizes her just by her present and anyone in the Mortal realm knows her by reputations and rumors of her collections. Serious about her life's work, she kept herself hidden from even her Mother's radar and wanted her name to flourish throughout both realms. She wasn't afraid after she went rouge from the Winter court, but she conducted business through humans under her glamour for safety cautions. Not even her brother has been able to track her down in 20-50 human years if not more. She wasn't counting but she knew she needed the new generation of clients and she wanted to make a dramatic approach.

It was impossible not to recognize her as she walked through the opened doors and stepped pass the threshold as the temperature in the entire lobby dropped severely. Her icy blue eyes shined with delight as her heart pounded with nervousness and excitement as the room became very still and quite as all eyes were on her. She brought her hand to her throat and when she spoke, her voice amplified for all to hear, "Hello there everyone!" Everyone jumped in their seats and was dumbfounded from her present. The whole lobby shifted uncomfortably as everyone made their way to stand and bow to her with scatter apologies. She raised a hand for them to be silent as her voice became serious and sincere, "I'm not here because of my mother or my brother. I'm here for myself. Call me Poetic alright? I'm here to conduct business and in the trade of business and collections of sorts. This is my first time coming to public since half a century human time. Who knows how long I haven't visited my own realm. Needless to say, you can trust me. Ask Erwin the Matchmaker. If you ever shall find yourself in need of magic or trade come to me. I may be of services to you…" sounding more like her mother without intending she curtsy and smiled up at the crowd.

The room bowed instantly when she was finished and reluctantly turned away and went back to their chattering which seemed to lower in decimals then before. She felt the morale of the room become slightly on edge as eyes still pried on her. Glancing person to person as she walked up to the bar seeing the tender and sat herself down at a stool. "Well, that went well…"She sighed and rubbed the side of her corset with her palm to reassure the Shadow Stone was still there. The bar tender who was fixing another magician a drink came over after and put a wine glass in front of her. Van took out a wine bottle from under the counter and popped the corked. He watched her expression as he poured her a drink and he slid a key to her. "This will cheer you up. No mind them" His eyebrow arched as he tilted his head to the crowed yet he kept his eyes on her."They'll come around soon enough. Drink up and relax. I'm Van the owner." His voice lowered to a whisper as he leaned to her ear. "Erwin has asked me to protect you until someone from the Black lotus will arrival for you. I will let you know when they've arrived." He ended the conversation with a quick nod and went off to the other side of the table to a lady gesture Van over. Before she could utter a thank you he walked off as she rolled her eyes in boredom now, as she took the key and examined it with a sip of luscious berry wine.
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She took the crystal and touched only the ball and placed it back in the knapsack ignoring his comment. She could never sit still even when she was a child as she twirled herself around in the room listening to his plans to disguise her staff and alter her appearance. Nodding silently as he spoke, agreeing with him that the powers that lied in her staff would be troublesome to cloak and would need to find a way to do so. Changing the look of the staff also was a good idea she thought but it didn't help to cloak the energy that radiant from it. As soon as she thought that, he spoke her mind, as she hid a small smirk finding humor in their connection. It was when he asked her if Raz was the true name of the Wizard she dead stopped in her step and became oddly still. Why in all the demons would he ask her such a question? Why didn't he just trust her? She felt insulted from his question of faith in her as she crossed her arms and deadly stared into his eyes as her tone became harsh with a serious tone, "I bargained with a demon to find out the True Names of all three lieutenants. She called herself Pandora… and she requested my True Name in exchange. I haven't laughed, cried, or felt sorrow in six months yet it feels longer than that. A piece of me is missing, a hole in my heart that I learned to just deal with…" She paused as her heart raced with the thoughts she wanted to tell him. "Until you touched my hand and shared my pain."She took in a deep breath as she looked away to gather her thoughts.

Being around him lifted her spirits with new hope of finally taking a step forward toward her parent's murders and to find peace within herself. Despite his lack of excitement and being in control of the situation with his seriousness, she wasn't offended at all from his rude comments. His motive was clear to her, to accomplish this mission and to start on his, using her to his advantage as she had vowed. She felt a fire growing within her when it almost was snuffed out when they first met and she would be damned to let anyone stop her now. Maybe someday she could crack him from his glacial wall of emotions and see him smile and become alive more often.
Pandora assured Rei that she would hear from her again sooner or later. With the debt to pay Gideon she didn't want him to end up in the way of Pandora when she would summon her. Sighing, she knew she needed to just concentrate at the task first at hand then quicker the better he could be on his merrier way, without the burden of what was to come.

Her voice softened as she confessed, "I know how irresponsible it was for me to offer such a price, but it had to be done. I've seen what can be done to someone when you find out their true names and I needed them desperately. So the answer to your questions, Yes Raz is his true name." She gestured to her staff and added, "You mid as well go head and transform the staff into something reasonable decent size to carry and maybe we can ask Van if he knows anyone who can help us with to cloak it." She paused as the temperature in the room became cooler as she pulled her jacket tighter and continued, "I also wouldn't know if Cye is still alive but what I do know is, if we pass each test the lieutenants give us to move up in ranks you are guarantee an audience with Raz and Master Sin. Only then will they ask you as they did to me, what your intentions are and they'll want your skills in their army. Everyone who is accepted leaves overseas to come to the states." Her eyes widen suddenly as the ocean came across her mind and her thoughts went to airline tickets. "Another speed bump I've just overlooked, we are going to need passage across the ocean. I'm sure you could figure something out for us though I'd imaging. "
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