Read Comics in Public Day

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
To quote from their official instructions:

"1. Visit your local comics shoppe.
2. Browse the selection of comic bookery.
3. Choose a title from their selection. Pro tip: Be adventurous!
3A. If you cannot choose between two or more titles, do not fret! You may purchase multiple books for consumption now or at a later date.
3B. If you are new to comic bookery and are having difficulty selecting a title, consult with an employee. They are here to help.
4. Purchase your selection from the cashier.
5. Place books in a regulation comics storage receptacle. Exit shoppe.
6. Find a suitable reading location.
7. Commence comics reading.
8. Have a friend or loved one document your participation with a photograph.
9. Show your comics-literacy pride by sending your photo to the Read Comics In Public Day sponsors at [email protected] ."

Apparently their main website is down, but there's the FB page:
wait you need a day for that....i do that way to much as is
I agree with most of this, and it also seems like a lot of fun ^^>
That's a great idea. De-stigmatizing certain forms of entertainment is a noble goal. I wish I'd known about this before today, which is apparently the event day.Well, next time.