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8/10 for that eyeball stabbing ;_; it's pretty horrifying at first sight but it grows on you. And I like the first gif, so colorful
9/10- Because he's who I'm calling when the zombie apocalypse happens.
7/10 I like the gif, but I'm a little sad that it cuts off partway and that I need to scroll to see the bottom bit.
9/10, NOT ENOUGH ADVERTISMENT. also candy.
0/10 because I almost assumed you lacked a signature.

10/10 because yes, I do have a comrade.
9/10 for being delightfully simple, though I would much prefer it to be on the left side and not the right.

Still 9/10, it's a nice little gif and it made me laugh when I scrolled down.
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Reactions: Queenslayer
7/10 truer words never spoken

it'd be 10/10 if somehow threesomes were involved

Wolves are kickass but you need to learn2crop, hun D:
9/10 I love everything about it, the only I don't like is having to scroll, but that's only a minor complaint.
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11/10, I want one as a pet, with the exact same eyes and outstanding tooth.

I don't recognize the anime, but it looks well-designed.
5/10 I like moving anime, don't recognise it, but the quality seems old.
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