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0/10 because the img isn't loading. sour about that. it probably would be 10/10 buecause its probably a saber.

Because Vice Versa!
8/10 I should really buy SSB for 3DS.
7/10 just because Fire Emblem If are already out in Japan
7.8/10 because Robin is always relevant.

And it's is already available in Japan.

Not my style, but I can appreciate it all the same.
I have no idea...
11/10 Because Saber <3
And it's a bad ass picture on top of that.

Its a mother freaking whooper.

Why not.

Plus Sun Chips are delicious.
7/10 Because facepalms are often fitting on the Internet.

Yay for army people~ And then just... Everything else gives me life.
I have no idea...
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