Random Fun Facts About You

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And you... never at any point realized that, if you look only through your left eye, that you can hardly see anything at all, even though your vision in your right eye is much better, which suggests that there's something wrong with your left eye in particular?

Did you grow up assuming that everyone can only see out of their right eye? And that it's normal to not see anything out of the left? o_o"" (Did you assume it was just a dominant-eye thing? Like, "I'm right handed and my right hand can do everything while my left hand can barely hold a fork, so my eyes must work the same way"?)

And how did this not come up during any other eye exam as a child? At every regular physical, my doctor has me do the thing where I read the eye chart with one eye covered and then do the same with the other eye covered. And if you were already wearing glasses at that point, then that implies that you regularly visit an eye doctor, as well -- and the more thorough eye exams that an eye doctor does also involve doing a lot of checks with one eye covered. Did your eye doctor never say anything about the fact that you couldn't read the eye chart with your left eye? O_o""

(Sorry if any of this is coming off as rude, by the way. I don't doubt your story or anything. I'm just... really genuinely curious as to how you could've gone so long without knowing. XD )

No offense taken, I am generally super slow about some things so I'm not surprised that others might find it...obvious/shocking that I couldn't tell.

My eyes have always been super shitty (my "good" eye is currently -12). So it was never really occurred to me that my other eye was that much worse. Both have been steadily getting worse as time goes by, so I probably wasn't legally blind in the left eye until recently. With my current glasses, I can see a lot better than before with my left eye (I think?), and could probably pass the test without a note. Maybe. Things have defined shape, color, etc for me, and I can read super huge print or regular stuff when I hold it really close to my face- it's not like it's completely dark. My right eye is still a lot better with glasses, and I can see medium-ish print from across a room. But without glasses on, my vision is so bad I can't tell the difference between which eye is worse. I also just generally look out of my right eye most of the time. I have to close it if I want to see what things look like out of my left.

My dad has retinal detachment, which I'm also in danger of, so a lot of the time everyone is more worried about monitoring that (I think he might also be legally blind, cuz he is def not allowed to drive anymore...but he still works with computers and stuff and can 'see') and I've probably had some shitty eye doctors, because for quite a while they usually have just gone 'oh well, your left eye is a lot worse than your right, but we're leaving the left eye prescription similar even though it won't help much, just so it matches'. I literally had one eye doctor not want to give me a stronger rx because then one lens would be super thick and that might make me look bad (appearance-wise). Like, fuck looking pretty to other people, I want to be able to *see* >:T
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