Qi de Yìshù - The Art of Qi

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Captain Jenno

Original poster
The Beginning

Over 6,000 years ago, when mankind was already old, but their spirits were young and lustrous, a great darkness set upon the world.
For in their naivety, they had looked to the stars in search of a divine being to guide them: And something infinitely wicked looked back.
For out there in the depths of the cold, black expanse, the purity of the human soul glared like a lantern… and was coveted for its power.
They found no God, for what came to them instead was a devil. The Devil.
He was Chomolungma, The Phoenix King, and an unrelenting tyrant.

He descended from above like a sharp arctic wind, and tore through the human race until it was barely the gristle of its once great number… and he drank their departing souls as though they were wine, and fed upon their energy.
And yet, The Phoenix King was not happy with his prize. For they were souls that knew not hardship, and so they were unrefined… he would fix that.
Many fled, but most were captured, and slowly the human race was locked in cold, unfeeling irons. Unable to oppose Chromolungma, humanity was forced to toil in his name, instead: As loyal servants, erecting great monuments in his honour, and being slowly destroyed through labour. And when their pain peaked, and their spirits were at their strongest… he broke them, and devoured them whole, from his mountainous throne in Zhangzhung.

He harnessed the raw energy of every human being, and every animal, that called the mortal plane their home. He worked them by day, and by night, in gelid dark and unrelenting daylight… slowly bringing them closer, and closer, to the edge of extinction.
Until he arrived.

If ever he had a name, it has long since been lost to history.
But his title resounds throughout it as though it were whispered in a great cavern: Always there, echoing with a serene humbleness.
He was the Qi Zhǔ, the first and most powerful. An ancient Bon monk, who had- from the moment Chromolungma had reared his hideous head, until the day it was severed from his neck- laid in waiting, meditating deep within what would, one day, be The Kunlun Mountains of Tibet.
But he was no ordinary monk. For, in his intense studies- which had spanned over a great many hundreds of years- he had tapped into the fundamental laws of the universe, and the essence of all life it bore: The ebbing and flowing power of the all-encompassing life force, Qi.
And with it, he descended upon Chromolungma like the storm, and after a lengthy battle, defeated him with all the brutality of the soft sea becoming the breaking wave.
In one battle, two thousand years of brutality were brought to their end.

But alas, even he could not truly kill The Phoenix King, lord of all demons. For he was a power more astronomical than any mere monk, no matter how blessed, could ever hope to overcome.
So instead, he severed Chromolungma's head from his body, and sealed both away beneath a layer of unerring, hoary stone: His body, folded upon itself, would become Mt. Chromolungma, and later, Mountain Everest… and his head and neck would flank it, as The Himalayas.
In doing this, The Qi Zhǔ bound himself eternally to the beast: His Qi would become The Phoenix King's prison, and the two would be destined to join one another again in an endless struggle when the ever-turning wheel of life and death finally came to claim him.
But until that day came, the Qi Zhǔ still had much to teach.

The Zhǔ would, with his Bon disciplines in tow, construct a mighty temple of a mysterious sapphire stone upon the seal that would forever bind The Phoenix King away, so that- even once the centuries had past- it would always be protected.
It was hidden among the newly formed Himalaya mountains, invisible to all but Qi Zhǔ's discplines, who would live there with him.

But soon, The Zhǔ's followers became many, and the temple became a monastery, that monastery a village, and that village, a city.
And he imparted unto each citizen of said sapphire city his knowledge of The Qi, and how to wield it against evil, so that- should the seal falter, and The Phoenix King ever return- their mightiest warriors might once again battle him back into an eternal imprisonment. These teachings would eventually form the basis for the martial art Qi de Yìshù, "The Art of Qi", and the city in which he taught them could become…

Eventually, The Zhǔ died, and slowly his students, and their art, faded into obscurity, hidden amongst The Himalayas…

And for a thousand years, humans grew and forgot.
The Legend of The Qi Zhǔ became a myth, a theistic story told by Bonists solely for didactic purposes.
But then, 3000 years ago, native Tibetans began to move higher into the mountains, bringing with them teachings that seemed abstracted from the ancient, shamanistic way of The Bon.

By the second millennium of peace brought about by The Phoenix King's defeat, the Bon faith had been almost totally absorbed by a new wave of enlightenment: The Buddhists.
The battle between The Qi Zhǔ and The Demon King was one of many stories they adopted, adjusted: And in time, the legend of the spiritual city of Shambhala, along with it.
Shambhala would still remain a lost relic for two thousand years more… but the same could not be said of the secrets it held.

Fearing that the Qi de Yìshù would die with them, the Bon monks who'd made their homes there ventured out into Tibet, to teach their art to likeminded folk, before their religion truly died.
But the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. They found that Buddhists were equally fascinated by their art, and the Bonists who undertook the study of it and later became a part of The Buddhist faith shared it with them, betraying a four thousand year oath of secrecy.
Foreigners who visited the land- explorers, or invaders like the Turks and Chinese- would sometimes learn of it, too. And slowly, but surely, their four-thousand year secret became a global phenomenon.

Qi is the life essence of all things, the previously intangible energy which flows through all like water, and- in the right hands- can become a potent tool… and a potent weapon.
When controlled by somebody who- through genetics, luck and spiritual practice- has a high enough quantity, it presents the ability to achieve fantastic superhuman feats: To fly as though almost weightless, to move at unfathomable speeds and punch as though made of granite.
And- if they truly embraced the martial artist's style of Qi- perhaps do even more.
Men have been known to turn their whole bodies to stone, and other peoples' to ice. Some have even been known to cause great storms with their own breath…
In legends, of course.

Since Qi's secret got out, two millennium have passed, and now Qi is no longer just a tool for a sect of monks, dedicated to skulduggery. If you are blessed with the Qi to use the Qi de Yìshù, you're now a star in the making.
Over a thousand years ago, knowledge of The Qi arrived in The West, and with it came a new genre of entertainment: Because whenever humans discover a talent, their immediate response is to decide who is best at it.
Eventually, glorified boxing matches would evolve into television shows and live arena events, broadcast around the world and promising Qi user duking it out to prove their mettle…
But nowhere was competition fiercer than the God Fighter Tournament.

The God Fighter Tournament

In the year 2035, Dutch Qi users on a pilgrimage to Tibet- the birthplace of Qi de Yìshù, and a spiritual cornucopia for its practitioners- stumbled across an amazing find: The crippled, collapsing remains of the legendary city of Shambhala, desolate and abandoned… save for a vast library, created to preserve documents detailing The Legend of The Phoenix King.
Obviously, they showed the place the deepest respect, sending word home to the Netherlands with the intention of launching a program to restore the city to her former glory…
… however, when the message was intercepted by a Chinese entrepreneur, The People's Republic of China hurriedly asserted a right of ownership over the territory, citing that Tibet was theirs.

Since then, the city has been disfigured, surrounded and engulfed by modern monstrosities of architecture: An Olympic city all of its own, which draws Qi users from around the world, some there to pay respects to the remains of Shambhala waiting within the city's centre, some to test their strength within its expansive stadium.
They called it…

Battle City
Battle City was the host of The God Fighter Tournament, the single most intense, brutal and conclusive assessment of strength in the modern world. There, the planet's finest Qi users duked it out for supremacy, fame and the chance to win the title of God Fighter – The Master of Qi, and strongest warrior there is…
Until disaster struck.

In 2042, the winners of the 2039, 2040 and 2041 God Fighter Tournaments were all killed in a highly dubious automotive accident during a tour of Battle City, and the tournament was resultantly put on an indefinite hiatus whilst Tibetan authorities investigated the event.

For ten long years, Qi Fighters were forced to test their strength in smaller venues, dreaming of the glory days…
Well. The year is now 2053, Battle City has just reopened her gates, and Qi is pulsating from Shambhala's ruins as if it were a signal drawing its disciples home.
Are you prepared to try and become God Fighter? Do you have what it takes to be the best? And if you do… will you avoid the grizzly fates of those before you?

The Laws of Qi – Rules of Combat

Qi Combat functions based around a series of consistencies. Everyone practices a different form of Qi de Yìshù, unique to their families or teachers, but there are universal similarities between each style, which are addressed as follows:

[You can sense Qi, and your Qi can be sensed]
The first thing to address is the fact that nobody has ever practiced a form of Qi de Yìshù that has been without a "signal."
Every Qi user has what is referred to as a Qi Quota, a level and quantity of expendable Qi that can be called upon in combat.
It's subject to fluctuation and change: Your Qi Quota is never set, it can increase and decrease dependent on the consistency and intensity of your training and spiritual wellbeing. Regardless of how low it is, however, you will always exude a signal: Even people who cannot use Qi (who often have a bare rating of about 80 QQ) can be sensed in close proximity.
The higher your Qi Quota, the greater a distance you can be sensed from and the more intense your presence shall be. You can often get a grasp of how strong an opponent is based just from how high you predict their QQ to be.

Qi is also physically visible to other practitioners of Qi de Yìshù, most often in the form of a potent energy field. The exact nature of said 'aura' differs from user to user, however.

[You have two pools of Qi, spiritual and physical]
The Qi you produce from training comes in two forms, spiritual and physical Qi, otherwise known as "internal" and "expendable" Qi, respectively.
Your Spiritual Qi is a constant supply, it never dwindles so long as you train regularly, and serves the focus of sustaining you. Spiritual Qi is what fuels rapid recovery, and what permits an extended lifespan to Qi users. Although the Qi Zhǔ is said to have lived for thousands of years, the average Qi user actually just lives to around 200, their aging slowing to a quarter of the usual rate after passing 30.
Spiritual Qi flows constantly through the body, but pools somewhere near the abdomen: Because of this circulation, a Qi user has flesh like stone compared to a none-Qi user.

Your physical Qi is a different affair. It will dwindle over time, and can only be regained through two methods: Transitional properties, and recuperation/meditation.
How it dwindles is your choice, however. When you "power up" at the beginning of a Qi de Yìshù match, you tap into your physical Qi. Any attack you launch with Qi behind it, ie a neutral Qi blast or else an elemental attack, for example an ice spike, will expend your physical Qi (of which there is a finite amount).
Alternatively, if you take flight either in or outside of battle, this also expends your physical Qi. Interestingly, it also intensifies your presence, making you easier to sense.
This is why most combatants only take flight outside of match days, and meditate often.

[The Three Stages & The Transitional Properties of Qi]
Herein lays the catch of Qi: Your QQ does have the potential to raise spontaneously and rapidly, but only on one condition… your physical wellbeing is in immense danger.
For whatever reason, whenever a Qi user has taken a substantial amount of physical damage specifically from another Qi user, they enter what are known as the Qi Er and Qi San states, or- internationally- as The Level Two and Three states.
During these states their powers will gain a massive power up in proportion to the damage they've taken. This has led to a group of fighters utilising something known as the "Bomb" strategy, in which they will refuse to fight and simply take their opponent's punishment so that they can reach Level Two as quickly as possible and begin dishing superior damage before their opponent reaches the same point.
Once you reach these levels, you'll often find that your physical QQ is actually much higher than it was at the match's start. This is because of The Transitional Properties of Qi.

A long time ago practitioners thought that the reason they grew stronger is because pain bred higher QQs, as though that pain was transformed into Qi somehow.
We now know, however, that this is not the case. The Qi is actually being given to you… by your opponent's attack.
See, Qi is interesting because it moves between living things like water: When one person expends Qi to hit another, half of the physical Qi they've burnt up will then transition into their opponent. This is what makes the Art of Qi so unique as a fighting style: Although the attacks performed can be immensely powerful amongst combatants with higher QQs, you often cannot hurt an opponent without also giving them some mild advantage over you. This is why many people bring weapons into the arena with them: Although those weapons will do meagre damage at best against the hardened skin of a Qi user, at least a weapon-based attack won't give them any of your Qi.

[Every Qi User possess certain abilities]
But how does somebody know they've inherited a talent for the Art of Qi? After all, not everybody can do it: Whilst the martial art has really gathered speed around the world, it doesn't promise an inherent ability to perform supernatural feats. The way to unlock that talent and potential within people was lost thousands of years ago, along with the original Bon faith: Now, we attribute much of it to genetics and luck, and thank spiritual cultivation for the growth of it.

One might think we recognise it because of the intensity of a child's presence, a particularly high QQ: But it's been observed that none-users can have surprisingly high levels, particularly if they share common ancestors with those who've shown a capacity for Qi de Yìshù. These people exhibit a natural finesse for fighting, but little more.
No, children with Qi-related powers are usually recognised because everyone who uses Qi can do a number of things regardless of style, such as:
- Take flight, hover and levitate
- Endure great physical damage from every day attacks with skin as hard as granite
- Develop and train muscle with only spiritual training
- Move and leap at great speed, almost thrice as fast as an average person before training
- Sense others with high Qi Quotas
- Fire Qi Bolts, neutral blasts of energy that stun but cannot kill

Children who exhibit these abilities are usually trained by a relative, or else can seek training elsewhere if so inclined. It's because of these natural abilities that, often, the battles that take place in Battle City are filmed in slow motion so that viewers at home can actually see what's happening, and usually the cameras are fitted with filtered lenses to make Qi fields and Quotas visible to the audience, as well.

[Powering Down/Up and Weighted Clothing]
Fighters who are prone to using deceptive forms of Qi de Yìshù often ask the same question: If my opponent can sense my QQ, how do I fight them?
The answer is fairly simple: You lower your QQ.
The arena of Battle City changes dependent on the combatants of the day, but one thing is always consistent: You will always have an audience, and most of them will be your fellow combatants, meaning they'll have admirable QQs of their own.

So how do you mask yourself, and render yourself unreadable? Well, powering down is the most popular choice.
In this scenario, you temporarily forfeit some of your Qi, exhaling it and making your movements laxer. Cooling down, instead of warming up… don't worry, your opponent can't steal it!
By doing this, you are also forfeiting much of your destructive power: The further you lower your QQ, the harder you'll be to sense, but you'll also be making yourself physically weaker, slower and opening yourself up to take more damage by exchange.

When you want to raise yourself back to full power, however, you'll need to somehow evade your opponent long enough to stand still and gather your energy back from the air around you. This is called "powering up", and requires intense concentration and immense psychic energy. The process involves staying rooted to the spot as you drag your Qi back into you.
It's taxing, and your power will return slowly: But soon you'll be back to functioning at full capacity.

Although powering down certainly doesn't give you the combat edge, and having a low QQ doesn't necessarily mean you're invisible, it's important to remember that- unlike weighted clothing- this choice is temporary and if used in conjunction with more tactical styles of Qi de Yìshù it could prove quite potent.

Weighted Clothing is an alternative, but an unpopular one. Many Qi de Yìshù practitioners use weighted clothing in their day to day lives, because it supresses your QQ and means you can make yourself stronger whilst doing every day activities. It also creates a new level of difficulty when training is involved, as moving quickly and performing combat action becomes incredibly physically taxing. Learning to adapt to these situations facilitates strength growth… over time. But nonetheless, in actual combat all weighted clothing can do is hinder you. Whilst it does mask your QQ, this is because- for as long as you're wearing it- you're being actively weakened by it. Weighted clothing will make you slower, and your attacks will do less damage. Furthermore, you will be unable to power up or down whilst wearing weights, and cannot remove them yourself: An opponent must damage them, or else you'll have to carry them for the whole match.

This said, the QQ-supressing nature of weighted clothing is prized by some "bomb" fighters for its ability to absorb impacts and Qi-related attacks, meaning it does provide some meagre defensive bonuses.

[Qi can be used to fight, but never to kill… unless you're fighting demons]
Qi is the all giving life force, an energy which penetrates and leaves everything in due time. Because of this, it is regarded as the great equaliser.
Undoubtedly, The God Fighter Tournament is some form of blood sport, violent and brutal… but never fatal.
Because of Qi's life-giving nature, it can never be used to take the life of another. Surely you can injure them to the point of death, but no Qi blast will ever kill another human being: Only seriously harm, and rarely ever permanently.
This is permitted because of Qi's infinite healing capacity, too. Given time, a Qi user can recover from any Qi attack… so the only way to kill a Qi user is by conventional means, which is very hard given their strength.

Of course, this rule only applies to living things, to things that Qi has blessed with its presence.
Demons are the exception.
The Phoenix King was undoubtedly the strongest of the demons, but he was not the only one.
All about the world there are malevolent entities made of a different stuff, an energy that serves as Qi's antonym, designed only to wreak destruction: Dark Ether.
They are few and far between, but immensely powerful: Most Qi users will never meet one, for they survive in distant planes, feeding on the Qi of the weak and dying… but if ever they do, they're in for a real fight.
Fortunately, demons, and any other child of Dark Ether, including Qi users corrupted by its influence, are susceptible to mortal damage from Qi blasts.


And, well… that's all there is to it. This is a sort of mixed roleplay, half combat and half slice of life, as we follow a group of fighters assigned to the same team in the God Fighter tournament. Sharing a team doesn't mean you'll never fight one another, it just means you live in a particular region of Battle City, and represent it. Like being dorm mates.
The combat will be roleplayed out on Pirate Pad on a turn-by-turn basis, preferably with me reffing. The winner is whoever roleplays best outcome, I suppose. I look forwards to some good fights! Your CS follows.

Fighter's Name:
Fighter's Gender:
Fighter's Age: (no younger than 20, no older than 180)
Fighter's Nationality:
Fighter's Technique: [You will need to name your Qi de Yìshù technique in your native tongue, and describe its origins, how it works and whether it focuses on attack, defense, speed etc. This is your personal style, and within reason it can be anything you want, from an elemental fighting style to something of immense speed but poor strength, something that plays on light, or sound. Be creative!]
Fighter's Move Pallet: [Due to the rules of The God Fighter Tournament, you must exclaim the names of your more powerful attacks before using them. You can have a max of four of these at the moment. You do not need to cite basic elemental attacks ie ice bolt, but if you have a particularly powerful one (eg Blizzard), that goes here.]
NOTE: Using these moves will severely drain your Qi, and whoever is reffing the match will be sure to monitor this.
Fighter Levels:
[Name of Level Two]: [What level two does. You may pick one stat from attack/speed/defense to double at this stage, and combine it with your technique of Qi de Yìshù.]
[Name of Level Three]:[At this stage every stat is doubled, except your original selected stat which is now quadrupled. At this point your 'super moves' listed in our fighter's pallet can be used liberally. Keep in mind that when the opponent reaches Level Three, both of your super moves will do half of their original damage, and possibly less if their secondary stat was defense.]

Fighter's QQ: (Having a high QQ does not guarantee victory. As starting combatants your QQ will be around 1000, no greater than 1100 and no lower than 950. This will change as combat goes on, for every victory will add a quart of your opponents QQ onto your own. A loss will result in an equal loss of QQ.)

Fighter's physical description (include frequent outfit for identification purposes):
Summary of personality:
Fighter's Bio:
Fighter's Goal:

You may not be related to the Qi Zhǔ or any prior victors of the God Fighter Tournament, but you can be a returning participant. So have fun, think up some interesting characters! Remember that not everything will be about fighting, though, be prepared for long stretches of social interaction and/or training.

If you've got questions, feel free to ask 'em!
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This seems fun, going to think up a char then put one up^^.
Fighter's Name: Diego Kapule-Infuega ("Diego Infuega")
Fighter's Gender: Male
Fighter's Age: 25
Fighter's Nationality: Spanish-Hawaiian
Fighter's Technique: El Infuego Azul - A fire-orientated style of Qi De Yìshù that expends internal thermic energies alongside Qi to produce jets of flame.
The technique was originally Tibetan, having been honed by a distant ancestor of Diego's during the early 13th century: Tenzin Ihamo, a buddhist farmer. Its purpose was to help defrost the land at the base of the Kunlun mountains during winter, where the ground was otherwise too hard to till or farm.
Over time, however, Tenzin's proficiency with the manipulation of fire was passed down through the familial line, until his great grandson- a Tibetan monk living in a Himalayan monastery- finally turned it into a form of Qi De Yìshù called the Kasai sutairu for the purposes of meditation, as many monks who wanted to strengthen their connection to the Qi flow did.

Eventually that technique would grow as the family's genealogy slowly moved across the country. It didn't stop until the early 19th century, when the last of the Ihamo line, a non-QI using vagrant known as Sangyal Ihamo, heard word of a more profitable existence on the plantations of the distant British territory of Hawaii, and journeyed to China before stowing away on a tea-ship and making his way to Honolulu.

When he got there, he took a new name, Kalani Kapule, derived from the name of the Hawaiian king at the time, King Kamehameha I (whose first name was Kalani), and the Hawaiian word for prayer and magic.
Although he lived a fairly fruitless life working the plantations under the British, he did find a bride, and so the Kapule family tree was born, and the chain of Qi continued.
His descendants would grow into the role of fire spitters and entertainers, refining their techniques throughout all of the islands for generations to come.

Diego is the latest in the Kapule lineage, son of Alana Kapule and a retired Spanish kickboxer known as Johnny Infuega. Although his mother isn't a Qi-user, Diego's potential was picked up by his grandfather, also named Kalani Kapule, an aging Qi-user who agreed to teach him in the ways of Ahi Hakaka (fire fighting). But despite his Hawaiian heritage, Diego has and always will identify as a Spaniard: As such, the slow, patient art of Qi De Yìshù his grandfather tried to teach him has been diluted by the fieriness of his personality, giving birth to a style that embraces his father's kickboxing as well as his grandfather's techniques: The Infuego Azul.

El Infuego Azul is a fighting style that depends heavily on strength and damage, because- of course- it's centralised around the element of fire. It's done mostly through using the body in its entirety as a medium. Poses need to be struck and gestures made for it to work, making it comparably slow to other styles to compensate for the damage it does. It's performed with the bare hands, no weapons involved.

Fighter's Move Pallet: [Ahi Kuka - The Fire Coat] The Fire Coat is a move in which Diego envelops himself in a twirling aura of flames, almost making himself the wick in a candle. The flames offer no ostensive damage, but work more as a shield: Whenever Diego takes a direct attack, he deals meager damage in return. At any time he can force this aura to expand and self destruct, dealing a little more damage but costing him his shield.

[Infuego Estrella - Star Burn] Not dissimilar to the Ahi Kuka, Diego engulfs himself in a wreathe of flames. However, he's required to be flying for this move to work, because after doing so he increases his weight tenfold and comes down on his opponent like a comet. He suffers minor damage as a consequence.

[`Ena `ena Pinao Ho'oma'ama'a - Red Dragonfly Drill] is one of Diego's grandfather's techniques: Diego suddenly hurls himself forwards at top speed, and begins charging a blast of pyrokinetic energy in each hand. But before reaching his opponent, he will suddenly strafe to either the left or right (this aspect is random), before using the energy in his palms to blast himself rapidly into the air. Once there, he will rain down a veritable storm of flaming needles upon the opponent, following through from above with a spinning drill-kick, before kicking off and distancing himself again. This is the ability that requires the most Qi to use.

[El Hermano Bomba - The Brother Bomb] Potentially one of Diego's most potent moves, El Hermano Bomba requires Diego to grapple his opponent- or perhaps even just hug them- before initiating a contained explosion between the two of them. Being a user of the fire element, Diego will garner no damage from this: However, his opponent will face the full brunt of the explosion at point blank range. It's been named 'The Brother Bomb' because it's been known to knock rival fighters down to level two if their QQ is bellow 700, almost as though they were bomb fighters waiting for the strike.

Fighter Levels:
[Pu'uwai i Ahi - Heart on Fire]:
At this point, the power of the Infuego Azul is now doubled, and Diego's aura becomes visible to the untrained eye in the form of twirling, writhing flames, switching intermittently between brick red and violet depending on whether he is idle or attacking. This aura is still intangible, but Diego's presence seems to increase.

[El Infuego Azul - The Blaze Blue]: Diego is engulfed by a virulent blue aura of fire, which pulsates with his new-found temporary power. This is his Ahi Kuka at stage three, maintained constantly with the extra Qi that comes with these stages. He is now constantly a few inches from the ground.

Fighter's QQ: 1017

Fighter's physical description (include frequent outfit for identification purposes): Standing at 5'10, and boasting broad pair of shoulders, Diego was always destined to be a fighter.
His skin is a Polynesian beige, and his hair is a thick black, worn at shoulder length and layered. His eyes are also a complimentary deep brown, suggesting that most of his aesthetic genetics were inherited from his mother. This said, he's inherited his father's high cheek bones, and strong jaw. He keeps his face clean shaven.

In terms of outfits, Diego often wears a tanned leather jacket with tawny fur around the collar: This is because, despite his style Qi De Yìshù being based around heat, performing it actually requires him to expel heat from his body, meaning he's often very cold afterwards. He doesn't wear this jacket into the arena.
Beneath that he wears a weighted white vest shirt over a silky, black button-up. He wears standard white gi-pants from the waist down.

When entering the arena, he wears a full white gi, on the left breast of which is the silhouette of a Nene. On his right shoulder is the silhouette of a Spanish, Imperial Eagle. He sheds his weighted gear pre-match.

Summary of personality: Despite having been raised in what most thing to be a cool, tropical paradise, Diego is a man with a short fuse and volatile temper. Although unprovoked he's perfectly sociable, he's easy to anger and even easier to get literally fired up. On top of this he's reckless and passionate, and no stranger to displaying strong emotion.

Fighter's Bio: Born March 14th, 2028 on the island of Kauai, Diego was practically born a Qi-user. He wouldn't perform any superhuman acts until he was ten, but mere hours after his birth, his grandfather had sensed a high QQ in him, at least 100, surpassing the average non-user adults count. And whilst it was possible he- like his mother- was merely exhibiting a high QQ because of his ancestry, his aura just seemed far too intense for that to be the case. He'd seen Qi-users born before: And they'd felt the same way.

Because of this, his grandfather had asked his father- Johnny Infuega- to raise him a kickboxer, hoping to see his Qi cultivated through hard work and dedication.
And- starting at seven- he seemed like a natural. He flowed like water and sparred tenaciously.
The only problem was, he didn't seem... superhuman.

This was worrying. Children as young as five can be spotted as Qi-users, but Diego seemed unremarkable. A talented fighter, perhaps, but nothing extraordinary.
Yes, Diego's powers wouldn't begin to shine through until half way through his tenth year of life, where- Upon coming across a cane spider in his bedroom, and panicking- he lit it on fire.
One moment of being startled had unlocked within him his capacity for Qi, and his QQ escalated accordingly. So much so that his grandfather sensed it from across the street.

From that day on, the training was intense. They trained in the forests, on the beaches, on the mountaintops and in the ocean. Relentless, unwavering. Kalani taught him his Qi De Yìshù, Ahi Hakaka, fervently, for- having had two Qi-less children- Diego represented one last chance to pass on the familial art before he himself was too old to train them.
Eventually, Diego took to it: He grew faster, stronger, braver. The two would have fierce battles on the mountain tops, and shred the beaches until they were covered in smooth layers of glass.

But as they grew older, Diego also grew impatient. He'd inherited his father's fiery attitude, typical of professional fighters, and so the old way of fighting didn't please him. Ahi Hakaka was certainly powerful, but required much precision and was all about pushing the heat away. But Diego had heat inside of him, and in time all his father had taught him became evident, when he weaved Ahi Hakaka and kickboxing together during one sparring session he was losing, and gave birth to a whole new art: The Infuego Azul.
He honed this new technique in the process of forming a strong friendship and friendly rivalry with his fellow islander Kalea Kealoha, whose Qi De Yishù mirrored his: Training in the volcanic territory of the Hawaiian national parks, the two sharpened their deadly new skills together.

Fierce and cocky, Kalani worried for him. But Diego proved to be strong, and soon he relented and accepted that his grandson had learnt all he could be taught.
With that, the two went their separate ways, as Diego set out on a pilgrimage to hone himself further. Whenever he visits home, however, the two are certain to have a battle.

Fighter's Goal: To train to the peak of physical fitness, and create the perfect attacking form of Qi De Yìshù.
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Going to have my char up tomorrow. His powers come from Air ( my favorite element lol). cool calm and collected, with force rofl.
Just curious whats the posting level expectation for this RP?
, white

Fighter's Name:

Juliano Joey Gorga

Fighter's Gender:


Fighter's Age:


Fighter's Nationality:

Full Blooded Italian-American

Fighter's Technique:

La Danza dell'aria- A Qi De Yìshù fighting technique centered around air, and the properties of air. This technique relies on speed and evasion, more then strength and brute force. Just like air it's cool calm and collected...but with force. This fighting technique as been taught for generations in Juilano's family. It was created by his Great-Great-Great-Great Nonno (Grandpa). Juliano's Nonno was friends with a Tibetan monk, he learned that he had the Qi gift in him, from a long family line. The Tibetan monk taught him how to use meditation so he could control the air around him. Since air was the breath of The Qi Zhǔ, being in tune with his spirit gave them peace of mind and strength.

Bringing the technique back to Italy Juliano's Nonno showed his family how to use it. They became entertainer's making enough money to finally get a better house. Not having a name for it yet, Juliano's Great-Great-Great Zio (Uncle), gave it a name. He called it La Danza dell'aria (The Dancing Air); since when they used it the air seemed to dance and move when they called to it.

Later on when the 3rd generations of Gorga's moved to America, Juliano's Nonno (His father's father); kept the La Danza dell'aria teaching technique in the family. Once Juliano was born his padre (father) knew that he would be a natural at La Danza dell'aria. It was something about the way the air moved when Juliano took his first step, and the way Juliano was never scared when a windstorm would happen; he would just sit down and close his eyes peaceful and calm. Although the technique was meant to be used for peace and inner strength, Juliano's Nonno taught his father how to used it for protection and fighting; who then taught Juliano the same techniques.

La Danza dell'aria is a style of fighting that is all about speed and connecting with the inner self to control the outer world. To use this fighting style you have to be relaxed and centered, since it does come from meditation and air is a calm peaceful force. If your inner self is not complete then you can never hope to control the air of the outer world for your benefit. Air can be fast but graceful, Qi users of this style are known to fight a tough and long battle and to come out looking even better then when they started.

La Danza dell'aria is all about grace, speed, inner self completion, meditation, and peace of mind. Some people might confuse this fighting style with the supernatural power of Telekinesis. This style uses air movements, which can knock down someone standing a few feet away from the user. It would look like to someone in the audience as if the opponent fell over something.

Fighter's Move Pallet:

~+Aria Di Confusione: Air Of Confusion+~
Juliano calls upon the air (meditates) to increase his speed. Once he is at maximum speed, Juliano flies in the air and knocks back his opponent into a wall.

~+Danza Delle Tempeste: Dance Of Storms+~
Juliano embraces the surrounding air, he literally sucks up the air into his body. Once he's at a dangerous point of explosion, Juliano lets the air out causing multiple storms that attack anyone in Juliano's opposite direction (most likely his opponent).

~+Danza Su Aria: Dancing On Air+~
A skill passed down from Juliano's family beginnings, Juliano slows down his mind to calm it; when it's at the "Peace of Mind" state Juliano gets more speed then even he knew he could have. He moves around the arena as if he is dancing or floating on air. While he jumps around his opponent starts to get tired, and Juliano uses the air to create an air tide of sorts. Which then knocks his opponent to the ground.

~+Mani Che Schiacciano Le Terre: The Hands That Crush The Lands+~
Juliano's most deadliest and strongest attack. It does take a long time to conjure (Most people in Juliano's family only used that skill when they know they have the advantage). Juliano goes into a deep mediation and calls forth the fastest winds of the world, he uses the wind as his feet. He controls it, he becomes so fast that it's like he knows when someone is going to attack him and he dodges all their attacks. It takes a lot of Qi to use it, that's why Juliano only uses it at the end of a long fought match.


Using these moves will severely drain your Qi, and whoever is reffing the match will be sure to monitor this.

Fighter Levels:

-+Gelo Di Senza Fine: Frost Of No End+-
When in this state Juliano is cold to the touch. The air around him turns into an frosty shield of sorts, his aura is more felt then seen in this state. Juliano may look like he wouldn't be able to move in this state, but the air being frozen; when it bursts gives Juliano more speed then you could imagine. It's as if the time around him slows down, to him it looks as if the world is moving by years not hours or minutes. To everyone around him they can't tell where he's going or even where he is, all they can feel is a chill surrounding them.

-+Finale Tempesta Chimata: Final Storm Call+-
Juliano is a human hurricane, in this state Juliano can be seen, felt, and heard. Juliano can engulf his opponent as if they were a piece of paper, he starts to punch and kick them back and forth. The opponent is being used as a punching bag in the eye of the Juliano storm.

Fighter's QQ:


Fighter's physical description (include frequent outfit for identification purposes):

Regular Attire

Juliano has his mother's blonde hair, but he has his father's eyes and smile. Juliano doesn't look like your stereotypical Italian-American Gym Rat. He has a slim yet athletic build, he is 5'8". Since his powers come from the wind and cold air, Juliano usually wears a snow coat all year round; so nobody noticed how it gets super cold when they're around him (even though in hindsight people look at him weirdly when he is the only one in summer wearing a winter type coat).

Arena Attire

Something of this effect. He wears light metal because it gives him some protection but at the same time it's flexible enough for Juliano to move around and use his skills.

Summary Of Personality:

Juliano is just like air, at times he is cool and calm but when he is forced to be mean he is like a giant hurricane; destroying the person who's he is angry at and settling down when he feels like it. Juliano likes to the keep the peace and he is not a troublemaker. The only time you have to watch out for Hurricane Juliano is when you messed with him or his family/friends.

Fighter's Bio:

Juliano's father knew from Juliano's birth that he would be a pro at La Danza dell'aria. Juliano was born on April 20th, 2030; a warm windy spring day. His mother and father was joyful, he was their first and only child. His father recalled the day, he remembered how the wind would move every time Juliano laughed or how the wind would become violent when he cried. From that day on Juliano knew that he would be the next generation to bring La Danza dell'aria to the for front again.

Juliano would learned from his father until his 21st birthday, he started to grow more knowledgeable then his own father. His father taught him all he could, now Juliano is learning and making his own unique style of La Danza dell'aria. He always keeps to his families' roots but he brings his own flavor to it.

Fighter's Goal:

Juliano wants to become one with the universe, he wants to learn how to communicate with air not only control it but to live with it and learn from it. Juliano believes that if everyone learns how to meditate with the gracious air, then everyone's life would be clam and peaceful; like his. He also wouldn't mind becoming the next God Fighter Tournament Winner.
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Problem: Juliano's moveset is not okay.

, white

Fighter's Name:

Juliano Joey Gorga

Fighter's Gender:


Fighter's Age:


Fighter's Nationality:

Full Blooded Italian-American

Fighter's Technique:

La Danza dell'aria- A Qi De Yìshù fighting technique centered around air, and the properties of air. This technique relies on speed and evasion, more then strength and brute force. Just like air it's cool calm and collected...but with force. This fighting technique as been taught for generations in Juilano's family. It was created by his Great-Great-Great-Great Nonno (Grandpa). Juliano's Nonno was friends with a Tibetan monk, he learned that he had the Qi gift in him, from a long family line. The Tibetan monk taught him how to use meditation so he could control the air around him. Since air was the breath of The Qi Zhǔ, being in tune with his spirit gave them peace of mind and strength.

Bringing the technique back to Italy Juliano's Nonno showed his family how to use it. They became entertainer's making enough money to finally get a better house. Not having a name for it yet, Juliano's Great-Great-Great Zio (Uncle), gave it a name. He called it La Danza dell'aria (The Dancing Air); since when they used it the air seemed to dance and move when they called to it.

Later on when the 3rd generations of Gorga's moved to America, Juliano's Nonno (His father's father); kept the La Danza dell'aria teaching technique in the family. Once Juliano was born his padre (father) knew that he would be a natural at La Danza dell'aria. It was something about the way the air moved when Juliano took his first step, and the way Juliano was never scared when a windstorm would happen; he would just sit down and close his eyes peaceful and calm. Although the technique was meant to be used for peace and inner strength, Juliano's Nonno taught his father how to used it for protection and fighting; who then taught Juliano the same techniques.

La Danza dell'aria is a style of fighting that is all about speed and connecting with the inner self to control the outer world. To use this fighting style you have to be relaxed and centered, since it does come from meditation and air is a calm peaceful force. If your inner self is not complete then you can never hope to control the air of the outer world for your benefit. Air can be fast but graceful, Qi users of this style are known to fight a tough and long battle and to come out looking even better then when they started.

La Danza dell'aria is all about grace, speed, inner self completion, meditation, and peace of mind. Some people might confuse this fighting style with the supernatural power of Telekinesis. This style uses air movements, which can knock down someone standing a few feet away from the user. It would look like to someone in the audience as if the opponent fell over something.

Fighter's Move Pallet:

~+Aria Di Confusione: Air Of Confusion+~
Juliano calls upon the air (meditates) to consume his opponent. Once the opponent is in a hurricane like cocoon, Juliano flies in the air and knocks back his opponent into a wall.

~+Danza Delle Tempeste: Dance Of Storms+~
Juliano embraces the surrounding air, he literally sucks up the air into his body. Once he's at a dangerous point of explosion, Juliano lets the air out causing multiple storms that attack anyone in Juliano's opposite direction (most likely his opponent); causing immeasurable amounts of damage.

~+Danza Su Aria: Dancing On Air+~
A skill passed down from Juliano's family beginnings, Juliano slows down his mind to calm it; when it's at the "Peace of Mind" state Juliano gets more speed then even the greatest Qi users. He moves around the arena as if he is dancing or floating on air. While he jumps around his opponent starts to get tired, and Juliano uses the air to create an air tide of sorts. Which then knocks his opponent to the ground.

~+Mani Che Schiacciano Le Terre: The Hands That Crush The Lands+~
Juliano's most deadliest and strongest attack. It does take a long time to conjure (Most people in Juliano's family only used that skill when they know they have the advantage). Juliano goes into a deep mediation and calls force the strongest winds of the world, he used the wind as his body. He controls it crushing anything in his way, it's Juliano's signature final knockout move. It takes a lot of Qi to use it, that's why Juliano only uses it at the end of a long fought match.


Using these moves will severely drain your Qi, and whoever is reffing the match will be sure to monitor this.

Fighter Levels:

-+Gelo Di Senza Fine: Frost Of No End+-
When in this state Juliano is cold to the touch. The air around him turns into an frosty shield of sorts, his aura is more felt then seen in this state. Juliano may look like he wouldn't be able to move in this state, but the air being frozen; when it bursts gives Juliano more speed then you could imagine. It's as if the time around him slows down, to him it looks as if the world is moving by years not hours or minutes. To everyone around him they can't tell where he's going or even where he is, all they can feel is a chill surrounding them.

-+Finale Tempesta Chimata: Final Storm Call+-
Juliano is a human hurricane, in this state Juliano can be seen, felt, and heard. Every attack from an opponent is knock back, like a boomerang. Juliano can engulf his opponent as it they were a piece of paper, he starts to punch and kick them back and forth. The opponent is being used as a punching bag in the eye of the Juliano storm.

Fighter's QQ:

, white

These highlighted things are cause for concern. I may've failed to mention this and so it's probably in part my fault, but A QQ of 1000 is not a lot. An untrained newborn can have a QQ of 100 or higher, having a QQ of 1000 makes you an intermediate fighter at best. You are middle tier, you couldn't possibly hope to move with more speed than "even the greatest Qi users" because they are working on a whole 'nother level. Maybe later on after your QQ is bolstered up you can add moves like this (there will be opportunities), but as it is you frankly seem just a little too overpowered, especially considering that your technique is meant to be speed orientated. There's a lot of brute force behind your Qi De Yìshù which doesn't really mesh with your element or your style.

Also, keep in mind you're fighting people at your power level: If you're going to be dealing a lot of damage, at least account for the fact you will likely take damage in exchange.
OK I can take those parts out and fix them around later today.
I'm in school so I got a lot of time to make my character
Fighter's Name: Andrew Lucky O'Rourke
Fighter's Gender: Male
Fighter's Age: 23
Fighter's Nationality: American, Irish heritage.
Fighter's Technique: Modern American Qi de Yìshù, Swarmer style- The most recent version of Qi de Yìshù, it has only been around for a decade and a half. Developed by John "Big Boss" Polson as a counter to all old styles of Qi de Yìshù, its highly adaptive and physical style.
MA Qi de Yìshù usually starts with strikes, first with Qi bolts, followed by physical strikes. Then, the user tries to work his way closer and closer until he can get a hold of you. Usually a strong grapple is used here, a technique that blasts your opponent away usually towards a hard surface. If the opponent isn't finished the cycle begins again. Numerous sub-styles of MA Qi de Yìshù have sprung up to fit different fighters techniques such as the Swarmer style.
The Swarmer is an aggressive style, designed around hard and fast attacks at a constant rate but sacrifices defense to do so. This style is high risk, forcing its users to finish their opponents quickly or face low QQ.

Fighter's Move Pallet:

[One Thousand Jabs]- His most basic named move, Lucky launches high energy Qi bolts at a rapid rate. Its inaccurate but makes up its for it in its rate of fire but also forces Andrew to stay in one spot.

[Heavy Hit]- A technique using stored Qi in his fist, knees, and feet, it's a simple but effective strike releasing energy upon its impact.

[Downward Spiral]- Lucky's grappling technique that proves his middle name fits. Once he has a hold on his opponent, he launches both of them towards the ground with all he has at a high speed. This is a risky technique used as only as a last ditch effort.

Fighter Levels:

[Round four change-up]: If his first three grapples don't manage to finish of his opponent, Andrew switches his style to using raw power. Every punch, every throw is hoping for a knockout.

[Second Wind]: It's a moment of revitalization for Lucky when he is on his last leg. All he has is put in one more cycle. If he is unable to finish it off with this final level, he might as well just forfeit.

Fighter's QQ: 1050
Fighter's physical description: Lucky is big and bulky standing at 5'11 and 200lbs. With that he also has the most stereotypical Irish look. He has broad shoulders and long arms and thick legs to match. He has a pale complexion offset by his fiery red hair and stubble. His most striking feature is his bright green eyes.

In terms of clothing he usually wears simple, comfortable clothes. He always wears black sweat pants with hoodie, usually with a sleeveless shirt under it. Being a fan of weights, Lucky wears both heavy ankle and wrist weights as well as a weighted belt. His arena gear is also quiet simple, showing up in a comfortable hooded robe which he removes to reveal nothing but a pair of solid color of gym shorts and matching hand and foot wraps.

Summary of personality: Usually cheerful and optimistic, Lucky is a easy person to like. He is easygoing and not serious even during fights. He loves nothing more than a good scrap, whether or not its a true Qi user battle.

Fighter's Bio: Born on August 11, 2030 during the dog days of summer, Andrew Lucky O'Rourke was born to be the oldest of three brothers. Even at a young age, Lucky was fascinated with Professional Qi fighting and aspired to join their ranks. Lucky for him (See what I did there) he was in fact a Qi-user and began training at legendary fighter John "Big Boss" Polson's gym. Polson quickly recognized Lucky's talent and began to tutor him personally.

For thirteen years Lucky has honed his skills becoming a formidable fighter, and winning numerous amateur competitions. He now believes himself ready to join the God FIghter Tournament and will become one of its most famous combatants

Fighter's Goal: To enjoy his time by putting on spectacular matches and to have an amazing story to tell as he climbs the ranks to God Fighter.
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Ah, glad to see both of these! Looking forwards to their completion!
Ok Jenno now look at Juliano^^.
So I think i'm done, mind giving me some feedback Jenno?
Hey, sorry all! I burned my leg something nasty the other day so I took yesterday as an R&R day. I'll start reading and evaluating now.
I really like Andrew's style of Qi De Yìshù (by the way this can be substituted for 'The Art of Qi' if anyone has trouble writing it), but wanna make some minor mentions. Mainly, his QQ can't surpass 1100, because by doing that he's moving into the next tier of fighters (right now he's ranking amongst the mediocre, in time that'll change.)

Also, as a small warning, Qi bolts are something even children can muster, so they aren't super powerful. This said, you are launching a thousand of them (that'd be immensely draining), so I suppose attrition is definitely an aspect of the style!
Fighter's Name: Andrew Lucky O'Rourke
Fighter's Gender: Male
Fighter's Age: 23
Fighter's Nationality: American, Irish heritage.
Fighter's Technique: Modern American Qi de Yìshù, Swarmer style- The most recent version of Qi de Yìshù, it has only been around for a decade and a half. Developed by John "Big Boss" Polson as a counter to all old styles of Qi de Yìshù, its highly adaptive and physical style.
MA Qi de Yìshù usually starts with strikes, first with Qi bolts, followed by physical strikes. Then, the user tries to work his way closer and closer until he can get a hold of you. Usually a strong grapple is used here, a technique that blasts your opponent away usually towards a hard surface. If the opponent isn't finished the cycle begins again. Numerous sub-styles of MA Qi de Yìshù have sprung up to fit different fighters techniques such as the Swarmer style.
The Swarmer is an aggressive style, designed around hard and fast attacks at a constant rate but sacrifices defense to do so. This style is high risk, forcing its users to finish their opponents quickly or face low QQ.

Fighter's Move Pallet:

[One Thousand Jabs]- His most basic named move, Lucky launches high energy Qi bolts at a rapid rate. Its inaccurate but makes up its for it in its rate of fire but also forces Andrew to stay in one spot.

[Heavy Hit]- A technique using stored Qi in his fist, knees, and feet, it's a simple but effective strike releasing energy upon its impact.

[Downward Spiral]- Lucky's grappling technique that proves his middle name fits. Once he has a hold on his opponent, he launches both of them towards the ground with all he has at a high speed. This is a risky technique used as only as a last ditch effort.

Fighter Levels:

[Round four change-up]: If his first three grapples don't manage to finish of his opponent, Andrew switches his style to using raw power. Every punch, every throw is hoping for a knockout.

[Second Wind]: It's a moment of revitalization for Lucky when he is on his last leg. All he has is put in one more cycle. If he is unable to finish it off with this final level, he might as well just forfeit.

Fighter's QQ: 1150
Fighter's physical description: Lucky is big and bulky standing at 5'11 and 200lbs. With that he also has the most stereotypical Irish look. He has broad shoulders and long arms and thick legs to match. He has a pale complexion offset by his fiery red hair and stubble. His most striking feature is his bright green eyes.

In terms of clothing he usually wears simple, comfortable clothes. He always wears black sweat pants with hoodie, usually with a sleeveless shirt under it. Being a fan of weights, Lucky wears both heavy ankle and wrist weights as well as a weighted belt. His arena gear is also quiet simple, showing up in a comfortable hooded robe which he removes to reveal nothing but a pair of solid color of gym shorts and matching hand and foot wraps.

Summary of personality: Usually cheerful and optimistic, Lucky is a easy person to like. He is easygoing and not serious even during fights. He loves nothing more than a good scrap, whether or not its a true Qi user battle.

Fighter's Bio: Born on August 11, 2030 during the dog days of summer, Andrew Lucky O'Rourke was born to be the oldest of three brothers. Even at a young age, Lucky was fascinated with Professional Qi fighting and aspired to join their ranks. Lucky for him (See what I did there) he was in fact a Qi-user and began training at legendary fighter John "Big Boss" Polson's gym. Polson quickly recognized Lucky's talent and began to tutor him personally.

For thirteen years Lucky has honed his skills becoming a formidable fighter, and winning numerous amateur competitions. He now believes himself ready to join the God FIghter Tournament and will become one of its most famous combatants

Fighter's Goal: To enjoy his time by putting on spectacular matches and to have an amazing story to tell as he climbs the ranks to God Fighter.
I apologize about getting my QQ wrong, before I posted I looked at it then went "Well that's wrong, I should fix that." then never did.
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