Pursuers of Arcana (IC)

Reanimator Buns

Just some gal who's a necromancer
Original poster
Fantasy Romance, Scifi

The wind was salty as it picked up the brine of sea. From Port Justice, they had been traveling for the better part of the day. It wasn't long now until they dropped anchor on the docks of Fenring. The boat was filled with passengers staring off into the the horizon at the silhouette of massive statue that overlook the world. Most of the onlooker were in awe, having only heard tales of the land they were about to finally step foot on. At the call of the captain of this vessel, the sailors took up their duties, climbing the mast, tying sails signing songs and laughing. It was a lively affair.

The speed of the craft was impressive. Being the ferry to the greatest seat of learning that history has ever seen, many of the sailors were adept mages as well. Some filled the sails with wind, while others pushed the boat through the water. Everyone onboard knew a great journey was about to begin. What that meant to each individual might have differed, but one thing was the same for all of them: the secrets of the world would soon be revealed to them.

Below deck in the cabin of the ship, one particular mage was having a more difficult time. A mortifying sound came from below. Almost everyone had cleared out from the cabin quite a while ago due to this individual. Dressed in dirty cloths, with a somewhat beaten down wizard cap, an orange haired young man sat huttle over a chamber pot. He was muttering what sounded like nonsense, having lost most of his awareness from a mixture of pain, dehydration, and disorientation. Occasionally his mutterings were interrupted by the same gut retching sound of, well gut retching.

"Well now, I wonder how it was that the sorry bastard made it this far if a little bit of movement would make him deadly ill."

A voice came from atop the stairs. He was dressed in elegant robes of white and gold. His hair was a light brown, and his eyes a sky blue. His face was attractive, but not obviously so. It was more insidious in a way. The kind of face that would have you wanting staring deeply into his eyes as he spoke without you ever realizing. He was tall and lanky, built like a grasshopper, with his legs being even longer than his torso. He laughed, triggering an immediate reaction from the sea-sick wizard.

"Suck a dick Pan."

Almost immediately, the individual walked up to him and pressed his foot on his back. "I'd watch your tongue, 'Mess' You're hardly in a state to defend yourself."

"Ha, clever, changing one letter. As witty as-guah...ever I see." The tall one pushed his foot harder on his back, forcing him to the ground, forcing out a pained groan from him. "Harder! I love the pain!" He called out completely out of nowhere. It was enough to make his assailant pull back a bit in disgust. It took him a moment to try and find something to say in response. "Finally learning your place then Kess?" Kess, as he was named let out another pained grown knowing that something was about to come. He needed to act fast. "Nah, I was just imitating your dad when he came to visit.."

This pissed him off alright, as the tall one picked Kess off the ground and raised his face to his, cocking his fist, ready to strike him. "You tactless cur!" However, Kess only started laughing. The next words out of his mouth were simply, "I win."


Topside everyone heard a loud cry of disgust and anger, Turning toward the stairway to the lower deck, anyone could see the wealthy mage wiping his face with the only thing he had available. That being his beautifully pristine white cloak.

Kess now was nursing a shiner as well.

"Worth it."


"These winds, I know them. These waters, I know them. What I do not know, is this era's magic. I sail forward, my next destination within reach, ever diligent in my desire to learn. Myuaa~"

"Hehh? Is that you, King Markus Dezan of the fen? Myna~ As dramatic as ever, I see." Diastraea commented, standing up on deck, staring at the awesome silhouetted stone statue of the great founding magic king of this nation, as the gentle breeze caressed her dress-cloak, the lengthy twin-tail hem waving out behind her, exposing her milky legs. The breeze's cool air tickling her boldly exposed chest. This was her first life in this brand new era that the Great Sage King Markus Dezan designed. She had known the man before, while taking part in the Great Mage War herself as another by the name of Abraxas. A truly terrifying, and powerful wizard in his own right, feared for peerless power in spells. Even in that chaotic time of merciless magic-casting wizards.

She could still remember the power at her fingertips that she had displayed there. The memory of that power tickled her fingertips. Flexing her current fingers, she recalled a great fiery spell she unleashed during the war. A plume of fire the size of giants, superheated that it eradicated everyone it touched away in an instant. She wondered if some of what she had done then was reason for Markus's new magical laws. Truthfully, she could not recall much about that time, or the man. With pieces of her soul missing, large fragments of her memory was still gone. Though she was used to this phenomenon by now.

Unclenching her fist, she flipped open her current tome, as she quit reminiscing about distant memories.

Currently she did not have access to the Upanishavide, safely hidden away as it were. So she was busy writing her notes in another journal, to later record and transcribe what she had learned into the Upanishavide. Or any of the other vides currently out of her possession; which was most of them. Her pencil scratched along the paper at a dizzying pace. Despite lacking most of her memories, her ability to draw came naturally, ingrained into her very being from countless works in the past. Drawing came subconsciously now, so she had no need for past memories in this case. Before long, a faithful recreation of the magnificent statue of King Markus appeared on the page. Her drawing could not match its breathtaking nature, but she thought she was able to transcribe its striking nature well. If she so wished, she could definitely make a living on her art alone. Actually, she was certain many of her works, or even copies, had been sought after and bought covetously in the past. A few definitely were displayed in some of the most prestigious rooms across the world. She wondered if she'd see any in the college.

With a delighted grin on her lips, a small purr erupted from her throat, tapping her pencil to her lip. Then she scribbled a few notes, before snapping the book shut.

"The Arcana Scholae.." she murmured just imagining her destination, tapping her current held book with her pencil. They were nearly there at the newly established magic school that did not exist during her previous life. Her excitement could not be described. Dia, for what it was worth, was getting antsy, her leg twitching, tail snapping.

Then her ears flicked.

"Nyyaa~? A disturbance?"

There came a pretty loud cry from below. Others were gathering, murmuring amongst themselves about the situation.

Dia drew closer with a smug smirk. This would probably also be an interesting story to chronicle.
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Findel & Thalia
Aboard the ship were two new Elves, the only thing in common between them was the fact the both had brought more than a few pieces of luggage and had pointed ears, disposition, magic, height, even the goods they had brought with them were different.

Gazing upon the statue and the city, Thalia speaks her thoughts aloud;

"So many people, and structures so large..I had not thought such works possible."

Fenring was more than she expected, much of the world had proven this so far. In Shaambalak land was far more scarce, there were very few structures of such fine stone and only the granaries came so close to most of the buildings in scale. Not even what few temples that were constructed, nor the Lizardmen encampments were so large.. But the statue, it dwarfed even the largest and most old of trees. Writing home alone would not do this place.. Justice, the Irony in the name of the port they had left, she had assumed it to be some play on the concept itself rather than a nod to the grandeur before them. The idea of the Ferry port being a fortress in the last chain of defense was broken for her.

The sailors broke her observation for but a moment as she turned to gaze at them, hearing the singing and shouted commands, then of course the bellow of rage from below decks. It was remarkable how none of them seemed awestruck at all, though the later bit did turn a few heads. She wondered if it concerned the mage that had suffered sea sickness, there were medicines that could have helped him, but either there was none or the rest had seen fit not to help him. She herself had no problems at all with the crossing, in the swamp one had to spend a lot of time getting around by boats, plus all things considered this trip had been rather safe.

There were no snakes, no creatures lurking to kill you, well, at least none in easy striking distance.. One did not need perfume or lots of oils or flowers to block out the stench, no blood sucking leeches or mosquitos to fend off via various means.. Or at least not so many of them. Picking up her bags and a traveling pack, she pays little more thought to the human that was likely engaged in the conflict below, looking at some potted plants and her seed sack, it seemed living here for a bit, while different may not be so bad.. At the very least it did not smell so bad, the Temperatures seemed stable and the land around them would likely not run the risk of suddenly sinking beneath the waters or blinding them with fog.

Still one should not trust so easily.


For her part Findel gazes at the oncoming destination, whistling lowly, the scale was impressive, more so that massive Statue that she suspected was the King, the reason they all were here, be it by choice or choice, as seemed the case with her shorter kinsmen. She had little interest in that one however, about the only plants they had in the sands were various palm leaf trees and cacti that sprouted up around the Oasis. Filing away a note on that, she suspected that dates would sell very well here, so might coconuts, provided one could keep them from spoiling to bring them here.

She called a desert city that had a colosseum home, stone structures were not so odd, they had plenty of trade and through it one could learn much with small talk, but one thing did surprise her, just how green it all was, the breeze and the clear abundance of water that produced the former. She would not need to watch out for sandstorms and many of the more "exotic" goods that found their way to the markets would be more common here. Coin was to be made, knowledge to gain, stories to be told, and speaking of the first...

Laughing a bit, she stares up at some of the men working on the rigging, guiding the ship to port, a single man on a crows nest looked down at her with a soured expression to his face. "Told you! Haha! Pay up!" She says as the noble dressed mage starts to emerge, a cloth being used to clean himself up, the other had yet to come, but she doubted he was dead. While the Sea had upset her to start with, her body quickly adjusted to the new situation, though looking out at all of this water was still a bit frightening.

"Tch.. Very well Dark Elf! You seemed to have won this round!" Throwing a pouch down, she catches it before it hits the floor, counting out what was there, she had placed a bet that the smaller one would get the better of the later, just a friendly wager with the deckhands. Satisfied, she moves her own bags aside, placing the coin into her main pouch she twirls it around and tosses it up and down, before putting it away, for now she kept her gaze fixed to the stairs, wondering if the fellow was alright enough to walk out on his own.

Luce & Kyra
Interactions: Kess | @Reanimator Spuds


♫I haven seen

I haven heard

How beautiful it is

Take the lead

Be my guide

Shining through the night♫

Aboard the ship in a more secluded area of the ship near the dock entry, Luce was seated crisscrossed with a large wooden staff in his hands. He worked diligently to clean and polish his healing weapon as he softly sang his song to himself, unfamiliar to all who could hear it save for his sister. Kyra herself was leaning against the edge of the ship, crunching on one of the apples she had brought to snack on. When the red apple was nothing more than a core, she would toss it overboard into the ocean to never be seen again.

The unfamiliar travels had Kyra a bit on edge, if she were to be honest. Having grown up within the Volcanic Highlands, she'd known ore, rocks, the heat of magma and the chills of deep caverns. Standing in a swaying boat in the middle of an ocean surrounded by people she had no familiarity with... It was a huge difference to home. But, to grow stronger, to prove to the demon that she was worthy of the power he bestowed upon her, she would do her damn best.

Luce, on the other hand, seemed to be embracing these changes. He'd never seen any of these faces in his life, and he knew that once he left the ship, he would never see any of these sailors' faces again. A few of them, he was certain they would be happy to not see Luce again; especially after a particular incident that left those sailors red in the face.

Well, mistakes happened and the past was the past.

A disturbance interrupted Luce's song, making both twins turn their attention towards the direction of the source. Kyra could feel her blood pumping at what sounded like a fight happening. It made her want to unleash her magic and get a piece, but she held herself back. To her disappointment, one of the people involved stepped out victorious so quickly, nursing a black eye. She didn't have to look at Luce to know exactly what he wanted to do.

And there was no need to beat around the bush with the little scrapper, unless he wanted to deal with that shiner for the next week.

Kyra walked right up to Kess, "Hey, follow me real quick, would ya? My brother's a healer; he'll take care of that shiner." She offered him.

Either he said yes now, or Kyra could guarantee that Luce would bother the mage about it later.

While conflict and conversation flourished on the ship, a taller man laid on one of the bunks of the cabin. He was seated up slightly, using the tattered rucksack he had brought with him as a cushion. Somewhat disheveled hair could be seen poking out from under the cowl that draped his head. His gaze was concealed by a mask, the eyes of it holding a strange glint. Next to the bunk laid an armored gauntlet and leaning against the frame was a fairly-sized axe. The man was motionless, seemingly idly observing the exit to the cabin, and more notably the two bickering wizards as the situation escalated.

But then... he stirred.

The man jerked slightly with a sharp inhale. Glancing around as if confused, his sight settles on the upset noble, bruised carrot-top, and an admittedly attractive girl apparently trying to treat him. Regardless, Rurik was not amused.

Exhaling slowly, the mask amplified the breath as he rotated himself to sit. Rurik rotated his neck a bit before pushing himself off with an inconvenienced groan. He slipped the gauntlet onto his right arm and fastened the axe to his waist followed by the rucksack to his back.

"Nothing says I'm not compensating like a gaudy robe and short temper," He said, his voice altered somewhat the same as his breath. "But, nothing says winner like a black eye, either."

Remarking that toward the two that disrupted his slumber. Rurik wasted little time passing and making his way up the stairs and pushing past the onlookers. Once through the small mob and above deck, Rurik lifted the mask up by the chin, breathing in the fresh air as he looked upon the large crafts that marked how close they were. He wanted to get started as soon as possible. The school would give him access to so many resources and ideas, but for now he more so wanted to get a room. His companions on the boat ranged from irritating to--admittedly captivating.

His eyes settled on another looker, though this one certainly had a couple gawks coming. She had feline features and certainly wasn't a prude given how much she was showing off. At least there was something good about this voyage that he could enjoy immediately. There were a couple other nice-looking elves, but they didn't provide the same spectacle.

Leaving his engagement at that lengthy gaze, the girl seemed interested with the fight--if you could call it a fight--below. Pulling the mask back down, he made his way over to the railing and leaned against it, taking some time to people watch. It wasn't incredibly accurate, but the mask did react to mana, so he should be able to gauge somewhat the mana reservoir of his colleagues.
Khalid Abbar

Location: Transport Ship - En Route to Arcana Scholae
Date: Unknown


Near the back of the vessel, Khalid could hardly contain his excitement. Although his face didn't show it, a careful observer might notice that the surface of his skin was very subtly, but energetically swirling. He'd never been aboard any form of ship before. Not in this life or the previous. While he was a little disappointed that he was no longer able to actually see the sea he was currently gliding over, his new sight provided a much more stimulating set of sensations. He could vaguely make out fish darting about below the ship every so often, and he swore that he'd sensed something much more massive below for a brief period. He'd heard whispering about a statue, but his sight didn't extend far enough to see it. Perhaps a location to visit later? Or maybe he could get someone to show him a picture of it? He could still somewhat make those out.

He was so focused on the waters outside that he nearly missed the entire commotion in the compartment below, only catching people starting to move closer together and some indistinguishable voices talking. He'd have to go check that out! Maybe they were playing some sort of game he could get in on? Or something else interesting was happening?

Khalid began making his way across the ship, stepping gingerly. He was made mostly of stone and sand, and they were both really heavy. The last thing he wanted to do was accidentally step through a plank, or accidentally hit somebody. He'd learned the hard way that his body didn't squish in the right way to make that anything less than incredibly unpleasant for anyone he hit.

That said, there were so many interesting people up here that he nearly forgot about his original destination! He'd been so absorbed by the sea and the journey that he'd not noticed the rest of the passengers during the trip. One of the perks (and downsides) of not really needing to sleep or eat. It was really easy to get absorbed in something, but it also made it much harder to step back and watch what was going on around him!
As the scenario of arrogant ruckus ended between the young noble, and the youthful wizard the noise it caused caught the attention of not only the grumpy noble like youth who had headed up complaining about Kess's situation, but a young girl who was aiming to drag him up to the deck so that her brother could treat him. With all the commotion another such person had noted the unnecessary scenario that had played out in the bunks. Whether or not this series of events had been how a newer face had sneaked in impressively close with little to no sound was to be a added question as a massive wave bumped the ship. Easily aiming to upset the senses to send the clearly motion sick boy into another bout it was thankfully not the same end result. Kess's sense of smell would be overwhelmed by a powerful scent from a vial brought straight to his lips emitting upwards killing off the motion sickness that would have probably made the poor boy throw up all over the girl aiming to help him.

The source of the vial appearing almost kneeling down to the shorter occupant was a man dress up completely in black medical attire clasped with numerous vials on his person as well as... bullet shells? Kneeling down holding the vial to Kess's nose the plaque mask wearing individual seemed to just stare at Kess before capping the vial with a cork top and placing it in the boys robe pocket. Standing up the rather taller, and now more intimidating figure nodded his hat to both Kess, and Kyra. After a moment of strange silence a monotone voice finally spoke to answer what had occurred.

"I assess you probably rarely travel via other methods then foot meaning your body has no immunity to the effect of uncontrolled movement. If you feel the urge to regurgitate again just take a whiff of those salts it will distract your mind, and ease your senses," with that the male grabbed his Medical bag temporarily revealing a flintlock like pistol strapped to his side hidden by his garb. With the patient handled the man clearly felt no reason to stay nor spoke about any regards of payment. With that he headed for the stairwell leading back to the deck.

"You should let the bruise heal naturally. Better for your body to build rougher skin unless look are important," he added neither in a tone contradicting Kyra's offer but more so delivering it as something for Kess to consider. With that the doctor headed out to the docks motioning his head towards there slowly approaching destination docking would soon be made. The good doctors goal first and foremost goal would need to be some ingredients unique to this area after that he would do his rounds seeing if anyone needed medical assistance that they could normally not attain. However his thoughts were momentarily distracted by a elf girl surrounded by foreign plants holding... a seed sack. Without much else going on the doctor passed by that somewhat noble eyeing a cat girl across the way making a bee line straight for the elf.

"Excuse me Madame would you happen to reign from Shaambalak? If so may I inquire the purchase of any medicinal plants, or material you may have brought from their,"
the ominous doctor asked rather politely though empty of emotion clearly signaling that all he was after was some trading.

Mentions: @Thaleko @Reanimator Spuds @Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun @EmperorsChosen
It was certainly an awe inspiring landscape. The colossal monument overlooking the Arcana Scholae appeared to be at first glance, splintering from the cliff face to confront all who approached the magical sanctuary amid a lavish Eden. The only sign to suggest otherwise was the mass of green shrubbery and moss that clung to its rock face. Allowing you to know that the behemoth of a man with stern gaze and might to tear away the mountains, had been there motionless for decades. Still, his presence would forever be a reminder to those who inhabited the land of his towering and watchful gaze.

As the memorial grew closer in view and thus larger, Yanagi couldn't help but to forcefully swallow the anxiety rising in his throat. It had been sometime since he had been reminded of this sensation, starting out on his journey it had been a constant condition. With little notion as to his objective, the surroundings, or to how those around him would receive his presence. The beginnings of his quest had been anxiety ridden comparable to incessant acupuncture. Naturally with time and experience he had grown to manage this anxiety much better and hold to the confidence in himself that waved as flimsily as flags atop a mast.

Scholae Exequir

The title for the official organization of rogue mage hunters kept returning to his mind. With it the image of its members he had met in the past, and soon after never again encountered. The Architect had managed their confrontations time and time again. The details of which were unknown to Yanagi. This fact itself slowly put his nerves at ease as he reminded himself, yet once more, that if he couldn't solve it. The Architect would. Distracting his mind from the worrisome "what ifs", he began pondering how the tremendous statue may have been crafted. By magic? Surely. However, how would artificers and craftsman accomplish the same feat? How long would it take them? How long would their craftsmanship stand against the harsh beatings of time and nature?

Yanagi allowed himself to be lost in idle thought. It put him at ease and made the world appear more a thing of wonder than the terrifying harshness that the swamp had been. Hearing the mention of Shaambalak among the numerous conversations being held at once on deck. He followed the source to a peculiar looking man. It was a man, right? He couldn't tell with how dark and cumbersome the dress was. However, the tone suggested as much. Looking to the elf he was speaking too, Yanagi could tell by appearance and demeanor that she was certainly from the swamp. She was in hard contrast to the rest on board, with their well tailored garbs and at times, noble appearances.

As they neared Fenring, Yanagi watched the exchange between the two from afar. Momentarily shifting his attention to the other strange occupants of the vessel. Letting his mind wander until they would eventually make anchor.

Mentions: @Azurian Dream @RedArmyShogun
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Mentions: @Astros Interaction: @Azurian Dream

Gazing back to her immediate surroundings, a figure calling out to her had disrupted her study of plants and seed, her head turning partially to focus in on the sound. Glaring at the man, her green eyes seemed hostile, akin to a hawk, which was at odds with the casual manner her body behaved. An inherited trait perhaps? However as she studied the man, her stance seems to shift a bit, guarded as it were.

"I am no merchant and I do come from the great swamp of Shaambalak... Doctor." Studying the man, he had on largely black clothing, with a peaked mask, wide brim hat, satchels with scrolls, bottles, casings, birds skulls and flasks. Even his eyes were hard to make out beneath the glass. There was also something a little, well, off about the man. It was an air that reminded her of dark things and times.. Even if his sort, or those that dressed as him were doctors, situations that called for them were always troublesome.. Was he another Student or something else? Either way there was no harm in confirming where she was from, she did not attempt to actively hide it.

"That being said one should not just casually speak to strangers to purchase their possessions, I am Thalia Daephyra, a Swamp Witch.. And you are?" She says in way of introduction, looking at the other as she narrows her gaze at the other, speaking once more;

"Though I suppose I'm not against allowing some of my trimmings or root splits into your hands.. The seeds however are not for trade or sale, at least not this initial batch. You may wish to speak to the Dark Elf if coin is what you wish to deal in. But I will not prune my plants aboard this ship, that would likely be bad for them."

Tracing her eyes across the crowd another masked man seemed to be watching her exchange with the other, before he too shifted his attention elsewhere. What was it with the male travelers on this ship and having a mask? With exception of the one human that was still missing from up here.
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Ena Lavenderdew

Port Justice → Arcana Scholae Ferry

A half dozen stack of cargo boxes was floating around the port, it was a tad bit unusual, but the bustling location near a school for magic had made the people more or less used to this kind of sight. Using magic to move heavy items around wasn't a big deal anymore, since there would usually be an identifiable caster nearby...except when they're not. A few heads turned at the pile of levitating boxes, and watched it bobble up and down, titer around, wobble a bit dangerously, before being plopped down near a ship. From behind the boxes fluttered out a tiny humanoid figure, its wings beating with a light humming sound.

"...Woah, thanks there lil'guy." The ship hand that stood near the cargo ship's loading bridge shook his head in disbelief, before handing a few shiny coins to the tiny figure. "I would warn you that those were heavy, but you clearly have it handled." He added as he watched the fae plop the coins in her equally small knapsack, filling up the bag almost entirely. The bag had a small name stitched to it, almost too small to see for regular-sized, "Ena", along with a lavender petal pressed into the fabric.

"Thanks mister!" The fairy's wings sparkled in the sunlight as she replied to the still miffed sailor with a small salute, "I'm going on a flight, the scholae is almost in session, I gotta try to keep up!". After shouting the works at the dock worker, Ena fluttered towards an open dock. She landed gently on the stone-paved ground and tapped her foot lightly on it, before kneeling down and charging up her mythril boots. A shockwave rang out of the area, alarming a few passersby, as a pink stream launched from the empty dock into the sky, out towards the ocean's horizon. The stone that Ena was previously standing on cracked open a few moments after she launched.

"Wheeeeeeee———" The slightly salty sea breeze brushed at the small fairy as her blitzing speeds allowed her wings to carved out two streams of air. She accelerated and raised her altitude, making an airy spiral above the calmly waving ocean. The horizon was washed in a vast, limitless blue...until when it's not. The shape of a vessel could be seen, but it was nothing Ena haven't encounter before as she raised her altitude once more. The ship grew closer as Ena squinted her eyes a bit, slowly realizing that this ship was much larger than the ones she use to encounter. Oh right...wasn't that today. The ship grew closer as Ena remembered that the great ferry to the Scholae was supposed to arrive soon.

"Ughhh-" Upon realizing that it was too late to pull up more into the air, Ena fortified her arms and torso, and took aim at a cabin layer wall.


Thanks to her small size, the hole made on the wall were small enough and high up enough for water to not invade the interior. Ena was no stranger to crashing through materials with her magic, but this was on short notice, as she (predictably) crashed into another person. The pierced wall made the impact mild enough, or else this poor soul might have cracked a bone, or organ, or more. The fairy herself tumbled in the air a few times, she quickly stabilized herself, landing on a nearby railing. The air was a bit awkward as she fidgeted around, "...um, oops," the fae mustered up before eventually pulling out a shiny coin wrapped in a flower petal, "you can take this, sorry I crashed into you."
Kess sat there quite please with himself as his eye swelled shut slightly. Not too long after though, someone seemed to come and check on him. And much to his appreciation it was a girl who expressed some level of concern. "Well it does my poor heart good to know someone like you cares about me. But the pain has taken my mind from the sickness, at least for now, so I think I'll keep it" Then he jumped as the almost entirely motionless figure in the corner spoke.

"Guah! Its alive!..." He had thought it was a golem or a doll or something this whole time! Furthermore the mask he wore was incredibly creepy looking. Who in their right mind would wear something like that? "Hey anything that upsets an asshat like that guy is a victory in my book. Nothing pisses me off more than Nobility who acts like they're better just cause they have money. I know what they spend it on!" Kess was, of course, completely unaware of the fact that this man was also a noble. He was dressed in such plain clothes that he would never have guessed.

Well... Then another masked man approached him. This one offering him smelling salts. It seemed that the occurrence down here had caught some attention. People must be bored then he assumed. And just as suddenly as this masked man appeared, he disappeared up to the top of the deck. Kess was honestly caught off guard by how quick that interaction was. There sure were a lot of strange people on their way to the Arcana Scholae... He took a quick sniff of the salts and immediately recoiled by just how strong the scent was.

But it definitely seemed to work. Well, small price to pay it seemed. Only now he could focus entirely on the bruise swelling. Jeez, who thought such a scrawny guy could hit so hard. His arms must be so long they act like a whip.

"On second thought, I think I will hit up your brother." His eye really hurt actually, but he tried his best to keep a cool façade going. Couldn't let anybody know about that.


"Unique specimen one, unique specimen two, unique specimen three -- I've been in this scenario countless times. I want to know them all, but a choice must be made. Pick and seize one, lest you lose all. Even if it seems lost now, you may yet find it after. mrreww~"


Even amongst the boisterous crowd of would-be sailors, Dia's ears picked up the lovely voice of a gentle male in song. It was quite soothing to her ears. However as the commotion ramped up, he ceased singing, seemingly disturbed as most had been by said commotion. Puh, a shame, she would've liked to listen a bit longer. Certainly this squabble wasn't as interesting as it had initially let on. As soon as it began it had ended. That spelled the end of her needed attention, as well.

Up from below came a masked man, who ascended the steps before the group. Dia's eyes watched him closely. He must've seen or heard the squabble up close and personal. If there was any unique details about it, then he would be sure to know them. Though it was what was on his face that was of interest to her.

The feline female made her way calmly over to the man, tail raised up behind her, waving back and forth with each deliberate step made. She stopped briefly, as someone else unique was spotted in the corner of her excellent vision. A man with a curved beak-like mask. "Huennh?" she breathed out in interest. Could that be? The mysterious one known as the 'Plague Doctor'? She hadn't seen him before, but this one's appearance certainly matched the rumors. His medical knowledge was of interest to her. She wished to write it down in her Yajurvide. Not to mention have a solid chat with him, as he seemed to be a unique individual of note of this era. Not that she had the Yajurvide on hand.. Now, where was that thing hidden anyway? She couldn't quite remember. Oh well, Vein 2 of her soul had an innate connection with all magical aspects of herself. She'd find it.. eventually. Perhaps.

But not possessing the Yajurvide didn't preclude her from learning about the Plague Doctor and writing down what he knew. Actually, there were a few unique individuals on board this ferry that were worthy of being transcribed into the annals of history. So much to learn, to write, but so little time. As of right now, she had picked her choice, and calmly made her way over.

"Why do you wear such an off-putting mask?" she asked the man. "Is it because you're shy? Or are you dangerous? Are you giving out a warning, 'don't mess with me,' nya~?" If that was it, this cat girl certainly didn't seem to heed such a warning. Then again, her curiosity always ignored warning signs, so that was nothing abnormal for her. "Oh, it isn't off-putting to me, nya, I just assumed that was what it was for due to its appearance, and how others aboard seemed to steer clear of you when you walked up here. mnya~"

The masked-man was at least a foot taller than her, causing the cat girl to strain back a bit to look up at him. Near to him now, he'd almost certainly be able to pick out her scent even among the sea, and the other sweaty sailors. If he was perceptive enough anyway. It was a pretty overpowering rosy perfumey scent. With a natural conflicting spice that would irritate the nose. She took to wearing overpowering perfumes often, due to the nature of her mana. That mana which had its own spicy mystic 'scent', and drew unwanted attention from more perceptive types.
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Luce & Kyra
Interactions: Kess | @Reanimator Spuds
Mentions: Zach |

Devil and Angel



Kyra momentarily paused, catching sight of the plague mask and the thick robes that the man wore. Covered head to toe, she had no idea what to expect of him, and she had the feeling that this wouldn't be the last time she saw him. Him and the scrapper. Taking a brief look around, she could see that the commotion seemed to stir a little more conversation on this damn ship. Good. It was about time more interesting stuff happened...

Now that she thought about it, she should be making friends. Kyra didn't exactly want to spend all her time hip to hip with her brother. At least getting to know the scrapper would be a start. Especially since he accepted the offer of healing.

Kyra grinned, "Yeah, didn't think you'd want to put up with that for an entire week. Come on."

She led Kess over to Luce, who was already standing up with staff in hand waiting for them to return. Concern laced his features, but seeing that the black eye was all Kess seemed to have, he relaxed.

"Thank you. I worried it might have been something worse with all that commotion." He spoke gently with a smile.

Directing the white magic that glowed around his staff to Kess, the affects would feel the equivalent of a mist brushing over the wounded area. The pain quickly tingled like the sensation of pins and needles before it settled down until soon enough, Kess's eye was back to normal.

"Looks like it's all clear now. Doesn't hurt anymore, right?" Kyra asked him.


The kid had remarked something back. Well, he wasn't much younger than Rurik, but the youthful appearance said otherwise. He had a charcoal lit for nobility, not that that was unreasonable or uncommon, though it was ironic. If only he knew who he spoke to. Rurik was a blue-blood after all, or half of it at least. Something told him that wouldn't make a difference for prejudices rather than just give more ammunition to fire with. Not that he cared though. The Artificer wasn't out to make friends. He wasn't out to make enemies either, but he could do with a few people disliking him.

As he perused the rest of the vessel, many had begun to move around. Rurik centered his gaze on each, seeing the glowing outline of aura for most. Some had glints more dense than others. Perhaps there was a way to refine the mask for a more accurate reading. He created it to see in the dark and pick out magical-imbued resources easier, though if he could raise the precision, maybe there would be more to gauge. The man wasn't sure where to start with that though. Hopefully attending the academy would give him a greater venue for magical materials.


Being pulled from his thoughts, Rurik glanced down at the voice that seemed to address him. The glowing orbs of the mask's eyes stared down at the beastkin. It seemed he had caught her interest as well, though it was doubtful for the same reasons. The "show" she put on was far more amusing close up like this, though the mana view obstructed it somewhat.

"Hah. No... Shy I am not. Dangerous? Perhaps to some," Rurik replied with a half of a chuckle, raising the mask up so his face could be viewed. "I'm not trying to send out a warning either--Well, maybe. I can't say I'm too happy to have been woken up by arrogant bickering."

Taking the mask clean off, Rurik took note of another aspect about her. The smell was overbearing, but a welcome difference from the cabins as well as the sea. Perfume wasn't too common, and it was usually obscenely expensive. Was this girl perhaps a noble of some kind? Better not tell the carrot-top.

Regardless, Rurik pinched the chin of the mask between his index finger and thumb before hovering it in front of the girl's face, opting to show her rather than simply explain. There wouldn't be much of a glow around him given his own inadequacies, but there would be one. Everyone had mana, his was just miniscule, and if she opted to look around, she would see a whole lot more of it.

"Little something I made. Picks out mana in the environment regardless of the current status of light," He explained. "I was just people-watching; thinking what I could do to make it more precise."
Kess felt his cheek a little as a cooling sensation washed over him. It wasn't long, as his vision in his eye began clearing up as the swelling went down, and the pain dulled away into nothing. He pressed his hand against his face. It definitely felt much better. He smirked, and patted Luce on the shoulder a few times. "Wow thanks buddy, that's really something. You've got quite the knack for healing." In the end, this was an overwhelming victory over that asshat.

"Well, I know who to hit up whenever I've been caught" This Luce and Kyra duo, they seemed pretty cool. Maybe he'd give them a free pass on his little 'schemes' hell, maybe even let them in on it! But that would have to wait, as the captain of the boat called out from the helm.

"Prepare to drop anchor!"

All the crew scurried around the deck, raising the sails, grabbing hold of the gangplank, slowing the flow of the currents and the rushing of air with their magic. It was an easy and smooth docking. All the prospective students as well as a few returning mages moved to the dock. The scene on the dockside might not have been quite what most would have expected. It was littered with sales men selling fish, jewelry, spellcasting components, tomes, staves, wands and much more.

There were stages set up where artificers stood gave demonstrations of their new inventions, and scholars with quills and pens listening intently a wizard giving a lecture right out in the open. But perhaps most interestingly was a scrawny man who looked to be in his late 30s. He wore khaki clothes and a pith helmet, with a monocle over his left eye.

"Salutations my good students! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Professor Percival McGuffin. Please accompany me and I shall give you a quick tour of the Portside Market."

He took them around the town, pointing out several buildings ranging from taverns, restaurants, to even individual workshops or smithies. The town seemed to have any business that a mage would desire, with a healthy amount of competition to keep things interesting. The plaza itself was immaculate, with fine cobblestone roads with each stone specifically being picked out to ensure the road was smooth and easy to navigate, as well as fountains sporting intricate statue work, and gardens with vividly colored plants from across the world. It was apparent that the Scholae cared just as much about appearance as they did education.

As the tour came to a close, Kess was beginning to wonder why they hadn't been shown something very important. Before he could raise his hand McGuffin spun around on his heel and leaned in close to the orange haired young mage. "You bring up an excelent point young child." "I-I hadn't said anything ye-" "And there is a good reason why I have yet to show you the Scholae proper. There is no Scholae proper. The entirety of the Isle of Fenring is the Arcana Scholae. You will find potential educators, trainers and more market plazas much like this all across the Isle. While we do include a massive library stationed in the center of the Isle and while it does possess a few classrooms for lectures, you will find ways to learn in any place. However, as you are first years you will be assigned several classes. You will find more about that later however as for now it is time for the McGuffin Aptitude Test!"

He produced a pile of papers from almost out of nowhere and threw them in the air. The floated and scattered amongst the students, in a way that appeared natural, yet each paper easily found its way into a students hand. McGuffin cleared his throat. "That paper addresses some of the specifics of this assignment, however, the basics are that you will be split into groups of 3 or 4, given as how there is a frustratingly odd amount of you all. You will need to find an item of magic importance. This could range from a rare magical beetle, to a precious metal used in artifice, to even a few enchanted objects that a few professors, myself included, hid around the isle. You will be graded on the difficulty it was to find and obtain."

Another student in the back asked what would happen if they couldn't find an item. To which McGuffin smirked in an almost sinister fashion. "If you don't find anything then you fail." At face value, the words did not seem to be all that bad. At least that was what Kess thought, but more than a few faces in the crowd grew nervous at the thought.

"Now then. I shall use my divining powers to assign each of you a team. Do not worry about giving me your name, I knew it before the day had broke." He produced a piece of paper and a strange platform with a piece of charcoal attached to the bottom. He closed his eyes and his hand began to move, writing names of students. Most of those teams would amount to very little, but a few stood out to Percival as he communed with the world and looked vaguely into the future. They were:

Kess, Dia, and Findel

Rurik, Ena, and Khalid

Luce, Rei, and Yanagi

Kyra, Zach, Thalia, and Rhea

He then flinched, realizing one of these groups was the accursed four numbered crew. How miserable... He cleared his throat and posted the teams on a nearby wall. "Now then. You have your teams and 24 hours to uncover an item for this assingment." He pointed to a sundial in the center of the plaza. "You have until that dial reached 6 tomorrow. Another minute later and you will fail." He gave a firm salute to his students before giving them one final parting. "Farewell my students. May the spirit of curiosity lead you to the secrets of Mana."


"Tests are a part of life. You should embrace tests, as they are something good. They measure your quality as a person. Still, tests have a bad rap, as they usually come without warning. Even so, you should always be prepared to be tested. If you are not, then you've most likely already failed. Nya, believe me, I speak from experience."

@Reanimator Spuds

"Ah! People-watching! I'm a fan of that, too! You could say it's one of my many hobbies. A favorite even. Nyah~" She leaned over and looked through the mask, seeing little glows through it. A glowing outline around him indicated just as he said. His mana reservoir seemed to be rather low. "Mmm! This is a most curious work! I would very much like to know how you went about its construction! Myynyaa~" Dia exclaimed, tail flicking rapidly, looking up at him.

So, it was capable of revealing mana, huh? Dia was capable of suppressing aspects of herself that she did not prefer others to know. That included her ocean-like mana pool. Still, she wondered if this mask could detect it anyway. Her overpowering perfume was meant as a deterrent for scrutinizing sorts to "sniff out" her mana. But this mask used a visual medium. She wondered what her mana looked like through it. What this man saw of her when he viewed her through the mask's lens.

"What do I look like through the mask?" She came outright and asked the question. Only for her ear to flick. "Ah, we've arrived," she mused with delighted eagerness. "A tour seems to be in order.. nia~ We shall pick up this conversation later."

"Oh, this one is called Diastraea, mrrreow~"
She gave the man a bow, "Good day." Then walked away towards the growing tour.

The tour was pretty stock as far as tours went. Not to say it was bad. Oh no, not by any means. It was in-depth as it could be, which Dia greatly appreciated. She happily followed close behind the teacher, tail waving with each step, only to flick as her curiosity piqued at certain intervals. There was an open journal in her hand. She took in all the sights, and made sure to jot down notes about potentially intriguing places. As well as, make quick sketches of various buildings, store stalls, or any particular bit of craftsmanship that was 'picturesque'.

Near the end, the tour guide began speaking of the Scholae proper. "Hehhh??? Nya." The cat girl exclaimed in surprise. Her eyes lit up and her cat-like lips curled into a cat-like grin. "I'm impressed," she announced. She wondered if she rubbed off on that mage king, or if it was his open nature to magical education that resulted in this Scholae. "Very true! Knowledge and proper study can come from all places! Such a wise outlook for a school. mneow."

With one hand clutching her journal at her side, she calmly reached out and caught the paper detailing the entrance test by its end, holding it up just like that. Her eyes scanned its contents.

She looked back up at the professor who went on about the nature of the mission. Huh, was that so? He could divine names? She wondered what this man saw when he divined her name. Her true name was a list of impressive names of powerful beings that were lost to history that was ever-growing. Almost akin to a magic spell. However, each particular life had its own name, due to the familial binds with which she was born. Which did he see? She assumed the latter. But if the former, then this professor was a man of remarkable skill who definitely deserved her attention. Certainly he would be able to teach her a thing or two, which at this point, Dia considered a miracle in of itself. It wasn't often she found a mage, sage, or professor who was capable of teaching her things she didn't already know in some capacity. That wasn't to say she looked down on them; their wealth of knowledge simply paled against hers usually. But a learned professor who was dedicated to knowledge and its distribution was always worthy of respect, even if their knowledge was ultimately eclipsed by hers.

However, that was different if someone could gleam her hidden names. In fact, it was a bit unsettling. She wasn't entirely sure why, but she liked to keep that aspect of her a secret.

Yet, he called out 'Dia'. Did that mean it was the latter, then? Or?

"Um, excuse me, myaa." She began, raising her hand. "Is that short for 'Diastraea'?" This name was only 18 years lived in. She was still getting used to 'wearing' it. It wasn't unheard of for people to refer to her merely as 'Dia', though. In fact, it seemed to be the preferred way of referring to her.

After acknowledgement, she made her way casually over to her compatriots, Kess and Findel.
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"Ah my apologizes I forget my manners for a moment. I am Zachariah Arstfall a traveling doctor," he answered with a apology added in for friendly communication. Given the situation he didn't go with his title Dr. Arstfall nor even gave any mention to the nickname he had earned over the years. The elf then went on to direct him to another elf woman if coin was to be the trading hand. he motioned to her direction for a moment before coming back to Thalia. So once was the botanist, and the other help exchanges lead him to believe Thalia had no real experiencing in the market industry outside her home though seeing how he was not one to take advantage of people that info was more of a observation then anything else.

"Albeit normally you would be correct. Yet in my profession stronger material like yours is hard to come by when traveling, and it would be a negligence on my part to not have better stock for future patients," he responded explaining why he had asked her so out of the blue. Respecting her words though he did understand her worry of the plants while aboard the ship for extracting materials.

"No worries I will address you when you are better situated for trade, and get with your friend for proper transaction or if you like I have potions, salves, and equally unique materials foreign to this and your own land," he offered her both the option of coin or proper trade willing to do either in case another suited her own needs. With that he started to head to the dark elf for information until a sailor yelled out about something coming fast causing him to turn to the head of the ship catching a glimpse of a pink/white speeding entity crashing into the ship shaking it quite a bit. With impressive speed the doctor headed straight for the chaos as dark elf would have to wait literally jumping down the stairs with a impressive landing with cane, and bag in hand. Making for the main commotion he found a fairy, and the poor soul the fairy crashed into that she was offering money to. Quickly attending to the sailor it was lucky to say the least how little to no damage past bruising was made. However to be safe he felt out the mans chest area to feel for any broken ribs before guiding the man through a quick few limb function checks for after a minute though nothing came from it.

"It seems your well but make sure to check in with a medical staff to do further checking by the end of the day. Wounds have a way of popping up later out of the blue," Zachariah explained earning a nod of understanding from the sailor before they took the coin the fairy offered a bit confused why it was wrapped in a flower. Luckily for the fairy it seemed the sailor was use to weird stuff happening. However once the man was gone the Plague Doctor turned his attention to the fairy.

"And how about you?" The exchange would be short lived as the boat made dock requiring all aboard to get off right into their first meeting with the lead Professor giving them the rather big reveal that the whole isle was the school allowing for numerous way to learn. Though a few classes were mandated it meant Zachariah could take some time at the Isle's medical facilities along with potions/salves even learning some new fundamental's for his flintlock, medical bag set, and mask. As the first assignment made its way to the students it seemed Zachariah had the honor of being in the only four manned team. Two of which he had ironically already made contact with Thalia, and the improperly dressed girl who had given a lending hand to the motion sick struck patient. The newest to his eyes was the last member Rhea he believed making the other girl Kyra. As the group formed he read the assignment.

"Ah so rare hunting it seems is our task," he spoke allowed mulling over the birds name.

"Anyone ever heard of this creature before?

Mentions: @RedArmyShogun @Jessica2477 @Monbon @Cresion Breezes
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Watching the strange man depart from the rear of the group. The task he had left them all, while grand in scale and very puzzling, was more so strange to Yanagi.

"You will be graded on the difficulty it was to find and obtain." ... "You have your teams and 24 hours to uncover an item for this assignment." ... "If you don't find anything then you fail."

This was unlike any test Yanagi could recall from his days in the orphanage. Those tests had all been timed, and the questions written out. If you didn't circle the right answers, then you failed. Something Yanagi had done numerous times. Looking at the papers that had been passed out earlier once more, the lines printed on it were not questions of knowledge. Instead, riddles stylized in poetry stained its surface. Reading over them a few times, the words that he recognized and their meaning appeared in his head but briefly. A few times more he ran them through his mind, but little sense did they make. Only as his stomached churned and pain wrenched his insides did he remember, he hadn't eaten. When was the last time? He couldn't remember that either.

The commotion of the students and groups forming were thankfully far louder than the growls of his small gut. Vaguely calling to mind the images of the Herbology shops they had passed, Yanagi decided on taking care of his body before messing with this wild goose chase. There had been plenty of those had at the orphanage. The older kids would dare the younger ones to bring back something they hadn't seen before. Most of the time everyone brought back what was closest or didn't bite. If not, and you went deeper than was cautioned. You often weren't seen again.

Settling on a corner of the page that was mostly blank, Yanagi folded and tore it off. Pulling from his pocket a small weathered piece of charcoal, in his unsteady and sloppy handwriting he wrote. "Be back at evening. Yanagi." Gathering a few pebbles from the ground, he used them as weights and left the note on the sundial. Retracing the groups path from there, he would ask the Herbologist if they were low on anything local. Often this was the case for something or other, and usually meant Yanagi could earn enough gold for supper by the afternoon. He had often been the one to collect the dangerous plants after all.

Mentions: @Reanimator Spuds
As the ship docks at the harbor, Findel gathers her things, having no one to interact with all that much, she largely keeps to herself or talks to the deckhands and crewmen. It was via them she learned of a reputable warehouse to store her luggage in for the time being, given they were going straight with a few others to the City square, if it could be called that. Given what she had seen of the place on first glance she doubted this place was too important in the grander terms of the island, it was however a fitting reception area. All around various individuals were on about tasks from teaching to hawking wares.

This was a place of some opportunity, that was for sure, one that was rather lovely, a true city by any measure. What was to come however was not so welcomed. It seemed just being invited here was not good enough, that they had to prove themselves with some little test. It sounded simple enough given all of the options, however she did cringe a bit as the names of who was who and with who was revealed.

She was tasked in partnering up with the know-it-all cat that was a half turn away from spilling her assets out of her top all of the time. With her annoying cat like antics, Findel did not find it endearing so much aggravating, the other partner was a partial improvement, being the lad that got into the rumble before. With a brief pained expression, she hides it rather quickly and skillfully, addressing the other two as she waved them closer for an almost conspiratorial talk.

"So.. What keeps us from just buying something off of an overachiever group? You'll always have some little class pets attempting to show the others up with two items. Name's Findel Bheestruzein , but I'm sure you both got that. I use rune magic you could say. Not sure I would be of much use solving a puzzle. Mercantile and combat skills is what I have. I guess the pale skin, eyes and ears let you know what I am."

Studying the area as they made landfall, it seemed it would be rather short order for the Doctor to find his own plants, while not everything she had may be found here, it was rather clear that they were not hurting in options. If not for the plants she might have been afraid of this place, though even so it slightly unnerved her.

The roads were perfect, statues and buildings made more of stone than wood dominated the rows. People were blissfully going about their day or hawking wares. It was much like the clueless visitors to the deep parts of the Swamp.. Living such carefree lives made her envious, her hostile gaze maybe having meaning behind it for a change, however all of the plants and flowers seemed to draw her attention. Much was here she had not seen before and the unknown could be exciting just as much as it were frightening.

However what was come to next would draw her ire a bit once more. Carrying her things, it seemed being dragged here was not enough, one also had to prove it, and even still they had not gained a place to stay. How was that decided? Huffing a bit she steadies her load and listens to the man who reminded her of an eccentric too many of explores whos whims she had to oblige.

"Tch." Clicking her tongue it seemed they had the unfortunate task of being the ones given bad luck for having the most members. Twenty-three other groups were being included in on this as well, paying close attention to what a few of them said, her attention is soon turned back to the bird mask wearing fellow.. Something she found ironic.

Reviewing the sheet, she quickly finds what he was talking about, but rather than giving a straight out answer or opinion, she walks off from the group and talks for awhile with what seemed to be a groundskeeper, a woman one could assume at this distance. Returning a bit later, she leaves her plants and items with the woman who waves back, looking at the three in her group she speaks up;

"The bird in question is called the Rainbow-Tailed Weather Gobbler. There aren't all that many of them, but they are native to these lands, they seem to eat clouds and as a defense, the wings reflect light and can cause illusions.. About the size of any large bird, when they come down it's often in hard to reach spots like the cliff faces and woods toward the central parts of the Island and towards the edges... No one else seems to be interested in it.

Scouting the thick forests and climbing up if need be, my magic can help with, but we would need one to draw it from it's nests into the open and one or two of us to capture it. Whoever chases it out must have a means to attract it and to withstand its illusions. If we go after it, I would rather it be unharmed and alive.. Seemingly it's tail fathers may be of value, along with the rare chance to study it up close.. Though it is a hard prize to reach."

With a shrug at that, she looks at the other two newcomers with a hard gaze to her eyes, nodding to them a tiny bit, she speaks up once more as means of introduction; "Thalia Daephyra.. And you two are?"
Khalid Abbar

Location: Transport Ship - En Route to Arcana Scholae
Date: Unknown


Just as Khalid was reaching the stairwell down, he felt something small approaching the ship at extreme speeds. Fortunately it seemed that it was going to strike the back of the ship, so he relaxed, starting down the stairs… just in time for it to crash through the back of the ship, leaving him just enough time to part his body to allow the tiny, winged humanoid pass through him. From behind, he could hear an impact, followed by an apology from the fairy. Not that it was his business, as he continued down the stairs.

Unfortunately for his plans, this happened to be the moment they arrived, cutting his plans short. He started back up the stairs, still careful to avoid hitting anyone as people began to surge up. How exactly did the academy handle this many students anyways? There was no way they could be letting all of them in.

Disembarking the stopped vessel, Khalid found himself in the middle of a whirlwind of motion. There were people everywhere, doing everything he could imagine. Shopkeepers hawking wares, inventors showing inventions, wizards teaching classes, and… had that guy just stolen that wallet!? Khalid started forwards, only to lose track of the man in the shifting of the crowd. Being able to see in an unconventional way was incredibly inconvenient in this case. And he could barely make out what anyone was saying over all the other various conversations going on around him.

Just as he was beginning to get used to the constant noise, he spotted a scrawny man in khakis and a pith helmet who all the others on the ship were starting to converge on. So Khalid joined them, and started the tour. The town was absolutely marvelous to his sight, removing any thoughts from his mind about entering a conversation, so busy was he taking in the sights. The city was immaculate, with wide, open plazas, gardens with flowers of every shape he could imagine (and some he couldn't), and shops of every kind he could imagine lining the streets.
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