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It seems like every other day an account gets banned, and uuuuuusually it's just those annoying spambots.
But SOMEtimes it's your friend. Someone you enjoy talking to or roleplaying with. Suddenly they're banned and you have NO idea why, or they're bitching up a storm to you over skype about it.
The sad fact is, sometimes our friends get banned. It is ALMOST ALWAYS because they did something stupid and preventable. We don't like having to ban people, and when possible we try to find ANY alternative we can before we result to a ban. And because we try so hard for alternatives first: once someone does get banned, there is no going back as they already exhausted their chances.
This PSA is to help you understand HOW AND WHY a member gets banned and what to do if it's your buddy!
For reals. This is probably about 85% of all our bans. D: The majority of accounts banned are people who lied about their age to access the other age group, or they are people who ignore the age group rules and try to play sex scenes over PMs or invite people to do it on skype/other mediums, thinking that they won't get caught or that it won't count.
This is the one rule on Iwaku we enforce SUPER STRICTLY. We allow members A LOT of freedom when it comes to what you can write on Iwaku. But to get that much freedom, we have to have this rule and we have to enforce it. We make sure when new members signup, they know immediately about this rule. There are no excuses. So when we catch people - they are gone. You don't get a warning or a second chance, you get banned on the spot! Along with ALL of the people you broke the rule with too!
That makes a handful of people all banned at once, because of something stupid and easily avoided. SO DON'T BREAK THIS RULE AND DON'T LET FRIENDS BREAK THIS RULE.
This is those situations where people are doing something really WEIRD, DRAMATIC, or EXCESSIVE that has reached the point of becoming disruptive to the community. That includes things like using multiple accounts to pretend to be different people, posting up fake medical emergencies and death/suicide notes, creating mean-girl style dramastorms within friend groups, creepy member stalking, aggressive flirting to the point of looking like a sexual predator, becoming hysterical over every day situations. And not just ONCE, but MULTIPLE TIMES, despite interjections by friends and/or staff members who try to help resolve situations.
Bananas Bannings are the hardest for friends to take, because the person getting banned might really BE a nice person. Often the things they're doing might not TECHNICALLY be against site policies, but their behavior is too disruptive. The problem is that they just can't learn, and they can't face reality or consequences for how their behavior is causing the problems. Eventually we have to remove them from the site just to spare other members the entanglement.
As it turns out Iwaku is REALLY tolerant of assholes! Most asshole problems can be fixed simply by using your Ignore features. This is because "asshole problems" are pretty subjective. One person may think someone is a huge dick while someone else thinks they're just a flirt. So we don't tend to ban people just for being a dick, as long as they are still being a contributing member to Iwaku society and we can find alternative methods of keeping it under control. Eventually, though, we do finally run out of patient and your local asshole gets the boot. So if you think your buddy is starting to sound TOO much like a jerk, you might want to elbow them and tell them to simmer down.
So my friend got banned? What do I do now!
If you don't know what happened and want to know (or just want to hear the staff version of the story), just ask @Diana (that's meee!). I have full access to all the case logs, even when I am not involved in that case. I'll be able to explain things to you in a clear and polite way.
Second, DO NOT allow your friend access to your account, no matter what their reasons. EVER. NEVER EVER. (You shouldn't be doing this ANYWAY even for non-banned members.) If you do this, your account is going to get flagged as a multi-account login and as ban evasion. In extreme cases we may not be able to differentiate between you and the banned person. You will end up banned too, as we will no longer be able to trust that account OR you.
Third, pleading your friend's case and asking for extra chances WILL NOT WORK. :( They were not banned suddenly or out of no where. They were not banned out of spite or because we just don't like them. Before people get banned there is a long investigation. There are usually several warnings, so your friend knew they were headed in a bad direction. It usually takes us a couple weeks or a couple incidents before we decide to ban someone. Pleading for them to get unbanned just disappoints you and makes us really sad because we can't make it better. T___T
Finally, you CAN save content for your friend, get people's contact info for them, or send a message to others if they need it - AS LONG AS THEY WEREN'T BANNED FOR SOMETHING LIKE SEXUAL HARASSMENT and as long as they are not trying to send messages to someone they were in a fight with. Stay out of their fights, you don't wanna get mixed in to the middle of that.
And as always, if you have any question, you can aaaaask!
But SOMEtimes it's your friend. Someone you enjoy talking to or roleplaying with. Suddenly they're banned and you have NO idea why, or they're bitching up a storm to you over skype about it.
The sad fact is, sometimes our friends get banned. It is ALMOST ALWAYS because they did something stupid and preventable. We don't like having to ban people, and when possible we try to find ANY alternative we can before we result to a ban. And because we try so hard for alternatives first: once someone does get banned, there is no going back as they already exhausted their chances.
This PSA is to help you understand HOW AND WHY a member gets banned and what to do if it's your buddy!
For reals. This is probably about 85% of all our bans. D: The majority of accounts banned are people who lied about their age to access the other age group, or they are people who ignore the age group rules and try to play sex scenes over PMs or invite people to do it on skype/other mediums, thinking that they won't get caught or that it won't count.
This is the one rule on Iwaku we enforce SUPER STRICTLY. We allow members A LOT of freedom when it comes to what you can write on Iwaku. But to get that much freedom, we have to have this rule and we have to enforce it. We make sure when new members signup, they know immediately about this rule. There are no excuses. So when we catch people - they are gone. You don't get a warning or a second chance, you get banned on the spot! Along with ALL of the people you broke the rule with too!
That makes a handful of people all banned at once, because of something stupid and easily avoided. SO DON'T BREAK THIS RULE AND DON'T LET FRIENDS BREAK THIS RULE.
This is those situations where people are doing something really WEIRD, DRAMATIC, or EXCESSIVE that has reached the point of becoming disruptive to the community. That includes things like using multiple accounts to pretend to be different people, posting up fake medical emergencies and death/suicide notes, creating mean-girl style dramastorms within friend groups, creepy member stalking, aggressive flirting to the point of looking like a sexual predator, becoming hysterical over every day situations. And not just ONCE, but MULTIPLE TIMES, despite interjections by friends and/or staff members who try to help resolve situations.
Bananas Bannings are the hardest for friends to take, because the person getting banned might really BE a nice person. Often the things they're doing might not TECHNICALLY be against site policies, but their behavior is too disruptive. The problem is that they just can't learn, and they can't face reality or consequences for how their behavior is causing the problems. Eventually we have to remove them from the site just to spare other members the entanglement.
As it turns out Iwaku is REALLY tolerant of assholes! Most asshole problems can be fixed simply by using your Ignore features. This is because "asshole problems" are pretty subjective. One person may think someone is a huge dick while someone else thinks they're just a flirt. So we don't tend to ban people just for being a dick, as long as they are still being a contributing member to Iwaku society and we can find alternative methods of keeping it under control. Eventually, though, we do finally run out of patient and your local asshole gets the boot. So if you think your buddy is starting to sound TOO much like a jerk, you might want to elbow them and tell them to simmer down.
So my friend got banned? What do I do now!
If you don't know what happened and want to know (or just want to hear the staff version of the story), just ask @Diana (that's meee!). I have full access to all the case logs, even when I am not involved in that case. I'll be able to explain things to you in a clear and polite way.
Second, DO NOT allow your friend access to your account, no matter what their reasons. EVER. NEVER EVER. (You shouldn't be doing this ANYWAY even for non-banned members.) If you do this, your account is going to get flagged as a multi-account login and as ban evasion. In extreme cases we may not be able to differentiate between you and the banned person. You will end up banned too, as we will no longer be able to trust that account OR you.
Third, pleading your friend's case and asking for extra chances WILL NOT WORK. :( They were not banned suddenly or out of no where. They were not banned out of spite or because we just don't like them. Before people get banned there is a long investigation. There are usually several warnings, so your friend knew they were headed in a bad direction. It usually takes us a couple weeks or a couple incidents before we decide to ban someone. Pleading for them to get unbanned just disappoints you and makes us really sad because we can't make it better. T___T
Finally, you CAN save content for your friend, get people's contact info for them, or send a message to others if they need it - AS LONG AS THEY WEREN'T BANNED FOR SOMETHING LIKE SEXUAL HARASSMENT and as long as they are not trying to send messages to someone they were in a fight with. Stay out of their fights, you don't wanna get mixed in to the middle of that.
And as always, if you have any question, you can aaaaask!