Prinxiety Rp

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He hesitates "mmn- i'll see you at the end of the day I guess- try and at least drink something during class since you didn't get to eat.."
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"...o-okay...." He mumbled, still trembling as he tried to take deep breaths. He managed a weak smile at Roman, "...sorry I took your lunch period-..."
He puts a hand on Virgils shoulder "No- you don't have to say sorry- I chose to come after you after I made you upset in the first place- it's not your fault-" ((somehow my fan is making my room hotter- i've been lied to))
((XD)) His nose scrunched up and his brow furrowed "'s not you who m-made me upset though?- It's your friends-"
"hmm.. yeah you're right- still not your fault- it's fair th-" The bell rung again and he made a startled noise, glaring at the ceiling where the speakers were "yeah yeah hush you- c'mon we gotta go to class" ((a lot of my old elementary schools had bells and let me tell you they were the most annoying pieces of shit ever they rung so loud and at the most inconvenient of times oh my god i hate them I dread high school when there's bells again))
He wiped at his eyes "...Kay-"
"...jus' I look like i've been crying?..."
He chuckles "No more than you normally do- your eyeshadow is a bit smudged though-"
"...O-oh-..thats fine-...It's fine-..Um- Bye I guess?" Fuck- He really didn't want to go back to class, he had a test too that he had to do
"mmn.. bye-" His gaze lingers on Virgil for a couple seconds before sighing and leaving the room, heading to his world lit class
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He deflates, Roman was obviously upset now and he was the cause of it- Stupid, he really should've just shut his mouth and have stayed and eaten lunch with Roman instead of freaking out and causing a scene. He sighed to himself, just wiping at his eyes a bit more before going to his Algebra class. At least after that he had a class together with Roman, maybe he could cheer Roman up? Secretly play Disney movies on his phone or something?...Yeah, that would work. He got into his math class, his head starting to ache as the teacher explained the test, making one student hand it out. Once he got it all he could do was stare at it, everything looked jumbled and his head hurt far too much to care. He just spent the whole period staring at the paper and thinking of ways he could fix this.
((Lol- Oliver finally writes shit-))
no oliver writes good paragraph not shit)) Roman wasn't really upset, more tired. He spent his world lit class half assing an assignment about a poem or something. By the time that the next period rolled around, he sat in the back corner of the room and watched the stream of people come through the door, resting his chin on his arm on the desk
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XD)) Virgil came into the room, plopping down on the seat next to Roman, forgetting Roman was even in this class and just wanting to sleep. Trying to understand the Algebra test made his migraine even worse, and he didn't feel like trying any more today
"oh- hi virge-" He tried to sound enthusiastic but was put off by the fact that Virgil seemed.. tired? upset? he pinned it on the breakdown from earlier since he couldn't really tell what exactly was wrong
His head snapped up as he frantically looked around, noticing him after a few seconds "O-oh- Shit sorry, I forgot you were in this class- um-...Do you wanna maybe secretly watch Disney? I don't think we have anything we need to do..."
He made a quiet happy noise at the sound of disney, nodding "if you want to then yes- disney-"
He grinned weakly, oh thank god-...Roman wasn't as upset as he thought. He pulled up Disney+ on his phone "...Do you have anything in mind on what you wanna watch?"
He thinks for a second "Coco-" ((i found sanders sides emojis on the wiki that were their symbols and I am so sad because you can't paste them- sobbing crying throwing up-))
((Sobbing, crying, and throwing up with you :( )) He nodded, yawning as he turned it on, putting one of the earbuds in Roman's ears and one in his, leaning his head on Roman's shoulder