POTW: Power Song

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Do you have a power song or personal anthem?

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Currently, it's this song: A mix of several cuts from the PotC soundtrack =)

Never thought about it before, and to be honest, I had trouble thinking of and deciding one. I landed on two, in the end. XD The first one I thought of was "Perdu" by Plexus Solaire (unfortunately I couldn't find a video for that one). But then I had my hipster moment and thought, "Y'know, I've been using Dvorak's "Slavic Dances" as a good pick-me-up lately."
When I'm tired, unmotivated, or have to complete a project that I'm really not looking forward to, I need something to get me going. This usually does the trick: (It's a few minutes long, but it's worth it to listen till the end)

My power song is Monster by Skillet. I don't know how to describe it...